Monsterous (Avengers/Loki fan...

By CheshireKitty123

76.9K 1.8K 377

I am I monster, a freak. No-one could ever love something such as I. Words that had been drilled into the min... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Note Again
Note Again Again
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Very Important Note

Chapter 4

6.7K 210 69
By CheshireKitty123

Per kind request of a fellow whovian syfygirl99, I have decided that I need to update more. This does not mean that I will update for whomever asks, this is a one time thing. This chapter is mainly gonna be a conversation between Loki and Lila, sorry but it is an essentail part of the story. Also, at the end of the chapter, a major twist/plot development occurs. Spoilers! Thank you to those who are reading this, it really means a lot to me, so thanks. Anywho.... on with the story!


Lila and Loki sat for hours, talking and getting to know each other.

She found out that he was in fact, not from this world, but from a place in the stars called Asgard. Lila and Loki both seemed to have bad patches in their past so they avoided topics that would bring them up.

"How about we play twenty questions?" Lila asked.

"What is 'Twenty Questions'?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's a game where two people take turns asking each other twenty questions to get to know them better." She explained.

"Alright. Um... what is your favourite colour?"



"Because, while blue can be a colour to represent saddness, it's also the colour of the sky and the seas, the colour in the bedrooms of sweet and innocent little baby boys, and of royalty. Blue can mean many different things." She was passionate in her answer and Loki secretly admired her for it.

"What's your favourite colour?" Lila asked.


She nodded her head. "I guessed as much."

"How so?" Loki asked curiously.

She wordlessly gestured to his green and gold attire. "Oh."

"Favourite book?" She wondered if he had read any earth books.

"In the sort time I have been on earth, I have not read many books but out of the few I have I would say.... Emma by Jane Austen. She is witty, intelligent and charismatic, but at the same time arrogant and naive. What is yours?"

"The Adventures of the Great Detective Sherlock Holmes."

"Best childhood memory." He asked softly.

It took a few moments of thought as she did not have much of a childhood, but then she remembered her brother.

"When my brother and I were little, he would sit for hours while I did him up like a doll, his hair, his nails, I even stole some of mum's makeup. He was such a good sport, always playing forts with me, and blocks, he even read me bed time stories and tucked me in at night." She sighed at one of the few happy memories that she had. "What about you?"

Loki also took a moment to think, before his eyes lit up and he smiled.

"When I was very young, my brother had gone out to play with his friends, but I had to stay home because I was too little. I got angry and decided that I could make my own fun, so I snuck out of the palace and went into the forest. I walked until I came across a small lake. I can still picture the sparkling crystal waters. I sat by the lake, relaxing in the sunlight until I heard a splash. I looked up and came face to face with a beautiful woman with blue hair, pale skin and a long flowing dress that almost looked like it dissolved into water at the bottom. She was a water nymph. I was deighted because I had read in my books that nymphs were very shy and only showed themselves to people with pure hearts. Her name was Dareya. She used her special water magic and made it so that I could breath under water. We swam for hours, playing, laughing and talking. I felt like I could tell her anything." Loki paused and his face dropped. "When the sun was setting I said goodbye, promising that I'd be back tomorrow, and went home. I ran to father and told him about Dareya but he was furious that I had snuck out. He told me to stop lying about seeing things that weren't there and that I was no longer allowed to leave the palace without an escort and that I was to never go into the forest again. He made me break my promise to Dareya. I went back years later to see her and apologise, but she never came up. I had broken my promise. In her eyes, I was no longer pure of heart." He finished his tale with a saddened sigh. A wondrful happy story had turned into a sad one.

Lila felt like she had to make him feel better somehow. She surprised both herself and Loki when she leaned foward and hugged him. He stiffened at first, as if he was not used to affectionate physical contact, but then relaxed and hugged her back. "Why did you do that?" He asked quietly. "Because you look like you needed it." The answer was simple and true, but nothing had ever hit closer to home for Loki than those words did.

~Meanwhile... elsewhere on the helicarrier~

The Avengers watched with awe as the unkown girl leaned foward and hugged Loki. They were even more surprised when Loki hugged her back. "Why did you do that?" He said it quietly, surprised that anyone would want to touch him. She smiled at him, nothing but genuine and sincere. "Because you look like you needed it."

"What's happened to reindeer games? Why'd he go all soft? Does that chick have mind powers too?" Tony was flabbergasted at Loki's complete 180 personality change. Professor Xiavier, who was still with them, shook his head. "I believe that we have already seen the extent of her powers, though she does have extremely strong mental barriers. I cannot read her mind." This shocked everyone as the Professor was a very powerful mutant. "That is the brother that I have not seen for a very long time. She is a new comer, and yet, she brings out the best in Loki." Thor tried to be happy, that if he couldn't bring back his brother, at least someone could. Xiavier, some ofthe remaining X-men and the Avengers sat for hours, nothing better to do than watch Loki and the girl they had captured talk and get to know each other. They told each other riddles, tall tales and even jokes. They were amazed when she managed to get Loki laughing so hard that he had tears streaming down his face. They had never seen his side of Loki and they liked it.Thor laughed a hearty, booming laugh as he watched Loki try to keep up with the girl in Pattycake and failing miserably.

~Back in the cell~

"Come on Loki, you can do it just keep trying!" She laughed as Loki got more and more frustrated. "I can not even play a simple childs game! This is ridiculous, I do not want to play anymore!" He huffed. Lila grinned. "Aww is wittle Loki sulking?" She cooed in a baby voice, pinching his cheeks. His cheeks went pink and he slapped her hands away, trying not to smile. Eventually they lapsed into a comfortable silence, both wrapped in their own thoughts. "Madeline, when are you going to tell me what is bothering you. Do not pretend you don't know what I mean, you've been sittng there, too busying thinking to realise that you were unconciously frowning to yourself." (A/N Remember Madeline is her alius, no-one knows her real name yet) Lila considered this for a moment. Did she want to tell him? How would he react? What it if he didn't care? She decided, with a little urging from Venus, that she should tell him. "Loki, you know I consider you a friend now, right?" He looked surprised. "Really?" He looked so hopeful and yet so fragile, it broke her heart. "Yes. And as your friend, you wouldn't get mad at me if I told you something you probably don't want to hear, right?" Now he looked confused, but he nodded anyway.

There was a long pause as Lila built up the courage to say what had been gnawing at her insides for quite a while now.

"Loki....... I'm dying."


Dun dun dun!!!! Talk about cliff hanger! Aren't I mean? *grins mischieviosly* Sorry I had to finish with that but obviously, when you have something like this in a story, you just have to make it a cliff hanger! Sorry for the long wait; promise I'll be faster updating from now on.....I hope.   :D

Draw a pink dot

Hide a flower pot

Buy a parking lot

Build a baby's cot

Goodbye and farewell from The Doctor's Companion

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