Lustful Wars | p•jm ✓

By UrMyHopee

1.5M 72.1K 71.7K

"Trust me, babygirl. You don't want to start a war with me." ___________ Park Jimin = biggest fuckboy on the... More

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Spin off: Hearthrob

•thirty eight•

18.6K 879 697
By UrMyHopee

*WARNING: lil bit of sexual content ahead*

"I'm just saying, a little heads up would have been great." You snap at Hoseok in the back of the car. While he sits up front in the passenger seat, thankful he doesn't have to look at your fuming eyes, Yoongi drives calmly.

"Look I'm sorry." Hoseok apologizes for the fifth time since you almost ripped his head off this morning. "But if I told you then you would have done everything you could to avoid him."

"Damn straight." You answer back in a loud voice, gripping the corners of both of their seats. "It's fucking Park fucking Jimin who fucking broke my fucking heart. I don't wanna ever see his ugly ass face again."

Hoseok's mouth forms a small pout, growing upset by the amount you're shouting at him. Yoongi notices this, sliding his hand over to his to hold it in comfort.

"So, you didn't want to see him just to see how he's doing or get a proper apology? The guy looked really sorry when I saw him." your best friend adds on.

"Hell no. I already know how he's doing; I don't have to be face to face to know that." You tell him, the agitated tone still evident. "And I don't care how sorry he is, he doesn't deserve any forgiveness."

With your last words, the car falls silent. It's obvious what you think of him, so the couple take a mental note to never bring him up again.

But you don't let go.

"It's not like you'd want to see him, right Yoongi?"

Your question rips the comfortable vibe from the car, and you notice it as soon Yoongi's face hardens. A tough but sad look spreads across his face, his eyebrows furrowing as he stutters an answer. "Uh, I, uh. I don't know."

He says nothing more, glancing out his window and pretending to focus on the road as his grip tightens on the driving wheel. Hoseok looks at him, holding onto his hand as he notices the immediate shift in his boyfriend's face.

You're not the only who had their heart broken the night Jimin left.

The rest of the car journey is silent, somewhere along the way Yoongi decides to turn on the radio to fill in the quiet and the upsetting thoughts of his ex-best friend.

The car finally comes to a stop when Yoongi pulls it up next to the dance studio you'll be working at today. That is if the people don't decide to fire you for missing your work yesterday because of that damn black-haired angel.

"Thanks for the ride." You plainly say, planting a kiss on Yoongi's cheek as you grab your bag.

"No problemo." He says, forcing a happy tone and a smile. "Have fun and try not to kill anyone."

You roll your eyes and chuckle. "I'll try."

As you close the door from outside, Hoseok calls gently from the rolled down window. "Wait, Y/N."


"I really am sorry about telling Jimin where you were. I didn't think you would be this upset by it." His face is full of genuine guilt, making his apology more acceptable.

You offer a small smile, feeling the sense and calmness return. "It's alright, Hobi. You didn't know."

He smiles softly back. "Thanks."

Offering a small nod, you're about to leave as you heave the bag onto your shoulder but Hoseok speaks again. "But, uh, Y/N." You turn around to face him. "It has been six years; I think it's not just best for him but best for you to possibly think about just forgiving him and deciding to get rid of that toxic place in your heart."

He says it in the coolest tone he possibly can, hoping you'll understand what he's trying to say without getting mad. You stare at him blankly, knowing his words are more than true. Whether you're still hurt or not, you have to be stronger than this. What happened was all in the past and whether Jimin deserves your forgiveness or not, you do need to let it go.

"I'll try. Thank you, Hoseok." You reach in to hold his shoulder and give it a small squeeze. He squeezes your hand on his shoulder back and flashes you a bright smile. "Alright, now get in there before they finally decide to fire you."

You giggle, turning the sweet hold to a punch.


"Alright, anymore groups?" You call out, your finger lingering on the off button for your camera.

The dancers and choreographer shake their head. It was a smaller class today, but it was still exhausting to film the dancers as the choreographer was particularly picky about your filming style. No wonder barely anyone showed up today.

"Okay, great! Well done everyone." You switch your camera off as people give a mini applause to signal the end of the class.

Shifting to your usual spot in the corner, you start to pack up your things and camera. You grab your unfinished bagel by the side and take a bite, dying to get a proper meal once you get home.

"Ms. Y/N?"

"Hm?" You answer with an odd noise, mouth full of bread. Thinking it's the choreographer behind you, you answer with muffled voice "I ain't filming the same people again." You almost laugh at yourself, there's no way anyone would be able to understand you.

"Sorry, Ms. Y/N?"

The polite tone sounds too polite compared to the choreographer earlier. You whip around your head, hands freezing on your bag when you see an incredibly buff and tall man standing smartly in a black and white suit.

He holds a huge bouquet of expensive flowers. "These are for you." He keeps a straight face as he holds them out to you.

Still staring oddly, you swallow the lump of bread mush in your mouth and accept them. "Do I know you?"

He shakes his head gently. "I'm afraid not ma'am. But this man does." Following his words, he hands a clean white envelope to you.

It takes you a few seconds as you glance between him and the envelope before taking it. You place the flowers on the table behind you and scrappily open the envelope, anxious with his strong gaze on you.

Opening the note inside, a signed message waits for you to read it.

I know you don't want to see me. But please just let me make it up to you as much as I can. You only deserve to be happy. Jimin xx

You don't even need to see his name at the bottom, you recognize his hand-writing immediately. Details of a reservation for restaurant follows and your eyebrows raise at the fancy name it has.

"He wants to take me out on a date?" You ask yourself in disbelief, trying to understand the guts this guy has.

"His personal number is on the back for you, ma'am. In case you have further inquiries." The man before you speaks. You look up, almost forgetting he was there. "But may I advise to keep that number safe as it'd be chaos if other people found it out."

"Oh, uh, yeah sure." You pocket the card. "Are you his bodyguard or something?"

The man smiles politely and nods "Something like that."

"Huh." you respond, wondering just how many people Jimin had working for him.

"If that would be all the questions then I shall get going. A limo will be sent to your house at 7pm to pick you up tonight." He informs you. "Have a lovely rest of the day, ma'am."

He bows and you bow back in respect, mumbling a "Bye." as you watch him leave until you can't see him anymore.

Taking the card out of your pocket, you stare at the phone number. Just looking at it makes you want to rip to pieces and throw it in the trash but a reminder of Hoseok's words this morning stops you. Was it time to just forgive him?

You sigh, grabbing the flowers and your bag while you mutter to yourself. "Don't make me regret it."


By the last staircase of your building, you already regret accepting the huge bouquet of flowers, breathing heavily. The only thing keeping you sane at this point was the pleasant smell, but you were more than ready to fix that damn elevator yourself.

You don't bother to get out your keys when you reach your door, already knowing someone's inside. The TV noise greets you first, video game sound effects booming from its speakers. Dumping the flowers and your bag in an uncaring way onto the kitchen table, you make your way into the lounge.

"Come on..." Jungkook says impatiently, muttering curses underneath his breath. His face looks more concentrated than ever, his thumbs working speedily at the buttons of the controls. The TV displays a gun shooting a numerous zombies, the disgusting noises the ugly creatures make projecting into the room.

A loud high-pitched laugh exits him as he continues to shoot them. "Haha! Lil fuckers!"

You stand, arms crossed behind the couch he sits on as you wait for him to notice your presence. But that takes a while. You don't seem to mind it, finding this rare side of Jungkook entertaining to watch.

He's not a 24-year-old gangster who wants to kill people for drugs and money, he's a kid who wants to sit at home and kill zombies instead.

When he finally notices you, he tilts his head to look straight up at your face. "Oh, Y/N. Baby." He grins widely.

You chuckle "I'm not the one who's the baby."

Instead of the usual smart dark suits, a pair of sweats and a big ass sweater steals his usual buff form as he drowns in his oversized clothes. His hair isn't styled up as usual, making you realize how long his hair actually is as it almost blinds him. You can't help but run a hand through it, feeling the soft fluffy hair between your fingers. He closes his eyes and smiles delicately, enjoying the feeling himself.

In moments like these, you forget about everything he's done in the past and who he is. It makes you question if things might've turned out a little different if that treacherous night in the alleyway never happened.

Letting go his hair, you make it around the couch and switch the TV off. "I'm sorry but you gotta go tonight. I have to get ready."

He tilts his head, smirking "Ready? For what? I thought your shift finished."

You sigh. "Yeah, it has. I just have some other plans tonight."

He raises an eyebrow "Plans other than Netlifx and chill?" He says in a suggestive voice.

Commanding yourself not to give in, you reply "I'm afraid so. But you're welcome to have my Netflix password if you want-"

Catching you off guard, as usual, he grabs your wrist and forcefully pulls you downwards. You land on his lap, startled at how easily he got you to straddle him. "What other plans could you possibly have other than doing me?"

This close to his face, you feel your will to resist slowly dissipating into nothing, your hands grasping the cloth on his shoulders. He holds an enticing stare, a lazy smile stretched out onto his face that steals your breath away. All questions of why you're not slapping the guy instead fly out the window.

"Jungkook." You say his name softly, barely a whisper as your face inches closer.

He continues to smile, knowing he's got you under his spell effortlessly. "Y/N." he says your name just as softly back.

Your lips find his, capturing his tender mouth and kissing it slowly. Your hands leave his shoulders to crawl into his hair, tangling your fingers with his silky locks. He kisses you back, matching the rhythm of the relaxed kiss.

His arms snake around your back, pulling you as close possible and you can feel yourself rub against his hardening member. A soft moan exits your mouth at the feeling, wanting more suddenly. He grinds your hips into you from beneath, earning another noise of approval.

Reclaiming your lips, the kiss is a lot more passionate. Mouths attack each other, eagerly eating each other's flesh with a messy rhythm as your lower area continues to roughly grind against his clothed dick. "Uh, Jungkook." You whimper, clutching his locks tighter to earn a groan from him. The rubbing against your clit sends pleasure all over your body.

Hearing you moan his name turns him on even more, making him impatient. "Y/N, I want you." His hands leave your hips to unbutton your shorts, pulling them down quickly.

In the process, the doorbell rings. Both of you freeze, heads shooting in the direction of the front door. Your wide eyes catch his and you already start to move to answer the door.

"Just ignore it." he says, pulling you back onto his lap and capturing your mouth again as he tries to return the passion in the kiss.

"Hm-" You force your mouth from his, pulling back as you push him away with your hands on his chest. "No, I'm sorry. It could be something important."

He doesn't stop you the second time, sighing in frustration as you scramble off his lap and button up your shorts on the way. Letting his head fall back on the couch, he stares up at the ceiling, waiting for you to come back quickly. But as when he hears the door open, a conversation catches his ears.

"Ma'am, the limousine is ready. I will be taking you to the restaurant for Jimin today."


His name perks Jungkook's ears up like an angry dog. Head turning swiftly, he gets up, leaning across the corner of the room as he peeks down the hallway. He doesn't manage to see anything but the back of your body and a smartly dressed man standing in the doorway. Confusion strikes him as he sees you nodding and conversing easily.

So those were her plans? Jimin.

Anger riles him up, driving up his spine and sending a deep red to his ears. His fists automatically clench at the thought of you spending the night with someone else. He lets his back rest against the wall, resisting the urge to punch something.

He was doing so well. He never included you in his work anymore and he'd bring you gifts every now and then. He even spent his free time learning how to cook just so that you wouldn't have to rely on the same Chinese restaurant to feed you when you didn't have any time to cook for yourself. He was trying so hard to just be a normal boyfriend for you.

Everything else about him was so different, his work, his friends and his fucked-up family. You were the only one that brought his sanity back to place and made him feel like he more than just a monster.

He thought he could be everything you wanted. But he didn't know that all of that was clearly going to waste because you still had a place in your heart for someone else.


You wander back into the lounge, looking for him. He stands up straight, forcing an easy smile onto his face. "Mail?"

"Uh, no. That was just my, um, driver for tonight. I'm going out." You tell him truthfully. "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to take a rain check."

"It's alright. I should get going anyway." He tries his best to keep an ordinary tone, scratching the back of his head.

You nod, knowing he's not fully okay with it. Turning around, you rush to your room to get ready. His face drops back to normal as soon you disappear. He drops his hand, giving a hard stare at your bedroom door as the wrath returns.

"Guess I didn't do enough to get rid of you, Jimin."


A/N: So some authors come up with a fandom name for their readers. Idk, if I should but I usually call you guys my 'babes' or my 'lovelies'. 

How about 'lovelies'? It's Jimin's favorite word after all...

And Kookie, STAHP. Jimin shall return next chapter.

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