That Girl Next Door!

By The_Goombas_Tardis

1.1K 36 31

Jade is neighbors with her favorite youtube channel, but she doesn't know it! But she will, but the things th... More

That Girl Next Door!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four

Chapter Three

183 6 9
By The_Goombas_Tardis

Jade's POV --Da Next Day--

"CAMERON'S COMING, CAMERON'S COMING, CAMERON'S COMING!!" I yelled while running around my room like a hyper chipmunk! (:D) "SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHO CAMERON IS!!" Bethany yelled. "OUR LITTLE BROTHER!!" Me and Maddi chorused then continued running around the room. I did a couple backflips off the bed, which involved Isaac catching me or me faceplanting. "YO FAMILY I'M BACK!!" I heard him yell. "CAMERON!!!" Me and and Maddi yelled at once probably bursting everyone's eardrum's then running downstairs.

"Cameron don't fanboy what so ever!" I said and he gave me a confused look, but then the rest came down and his eyes widened. "HOLY-" I covered his mouth before he could fanboy. Everyone laughed. "HE IS A THIRTEEN YEAR OLD FANBOY!! I AIN'T LETTING HIM FANBOY!!" I laughed making everyone laugh more. "HMM MM MM MMM M!!" Cameron said threw my hand making me facepalm. "Okay fine!" I said then uncovered his mouth. "MINECRAFT!!!" He yelled then ran upstairs. "I WANNA PLAY MINECRAFT TOO!!" Isaac yelled then followed making us laugh.

"Sometimes I think Isaac has a 13 year old living in his brain!" I laughed. "Yeah, me too!" Jordan agreed. "Now, I gotta deal with something!" I said then went in my room and locked the door. Okay, yesterday I thought Isaac looked hot....without his shirt on! THEN I FREKKIN KISSED HIS WHOLE ENTIRE FACE!! Well, Isaac was really sweet yesterday....besides when I had to tell him it was that time of month, that was just embarrassing! Hey, at least it wasn't Cameron! Actually I kinda feel bad for Cameron, he has to live with 2 girls, so hanging out with Isaac could give him that brotherly feeling! Okay enough about that, DO I LIKE ISAAC?!?

I mean, he was my Youtuber crush...yes, was! I found his youtube channel when I was 12 god when he was 11 he was so cute! But then Adam came along and I was never able to watch Isaac's channel so I guess that cruah faded away! But then when we turned 14 I got back into youtube and watched Pewds then last year I watched Venturiantale and Isaac was there and OKAY I'M CRAY CRAY!!

"JADE IS-" I heard Cameron yell but stopped. "What?" I asked then laughed a bit. "NOTHING HE SAID NOTHING!!" Isaac yelled back and I laughed a bit. "Okay then!" I laughed then sang Take On The World. "AHHH JADE HELP ISAAC US TRYING TO MURDER ME!!!" Cameron yelled then ran in ans hid behind me. I laughed as Isaac came in then chased Cameron around the room. "Why is he trying to murder you? And Isaac when did you turn into Jimmy Casket?" I laughed as Isaac was now standing behind Cameron.

"Because I was going to tell you Isaac-" Then Isaac covered his Cameron's mouth like in Girl Meet's World when Lucus is behind Farkle and puts his arms over Farkle's mouth.

"Wow, I've never seen Isaac so serious!" I laughed making him laugh too. Cameron looked up and Isaac and grinned at him. Isaac stepped on his foot making me laugh. "YOU SHALL NEVER BREAK THE BRO CODE!!" Isaac yelled in his Billy voice making me and Cameron laugh a bit. Then Jordan ran in. "I heard Bro Code!" He said making us facepalm. "YOU ALREADY KNOW STUPID!!" Isaac laughed. "Okay, I'm confoozled so I'm gonna go downstairs!" I laughed then went downstairs. "I NEED HALP!!" I groaned then collapsed on the couch.

"Okay, tell Ginger!" Beth laughed then layed on the floor. "Bro Code's, Shirtless Guys, brothers...." I trailed. "Okay who's the boy?" She laughed and my eyes shot towards upstairs where Cameron was stalking. "CAMERON MORGAN!!" I yelled then chased him. "ISAAC HALP I GOT AN ANGRY SISTER!!" He yelled then ran in his room.

I shrugged then ran back down to Beth....but Jordan was there, of course he was. "NO DUDE'S!!" I said then pushed Jords upstairs and into Cameron's room then ran back down. Then Isaac was there. "You kidding me!" I said making him laugh. "BETHANY GRAB YOUR BOARD!!" I yelled then me and Beth grabbed our boards and skated to the skate park. "Okay, so who's the dude?" She asked as I slid across the railing (on my board).

"One of your brothers!" I laughed. "EWW PLEASE SAY IT ISN'T JORDAN!!" She yelled and I practically threw up! "Ewwww gross no! Maddi can have him!" I laughed making her facepalm. "Okay so it's my troll brother!" She laughed. Then I pushed off on my board and went up the ramp. I pulled my board up in the air then put it back under me and landed it. "OMG I FINALLY MASTERED THAT!!" I threw my hands up and Bethany laughed. "Okay, I'm so doing that again!" I laughed. "Wait, I'm gonna try it on the bigger ramp!" I said. "Wait, Jade isn't that a little dangerous?" She asked. "No, I'll be fine!" I laughed. (I'M STUPID!!).

I pushed off and went up the ramp. I grabbed my board from under me and put it in the air. But after that Isaac had came and I go so distracted I forgot to put the board back under me! I was now in the middle of the ramp, everything hurting. "JADE!!" Isaac and Beth yelled then ran over to me. Everything was white and blurry, all I coul do was close my eyes. That's the only thing that didn't hurt! "Ow!" I said after coughing. "Here!" I heard Isaac say before I got picked up. After a while I heard everyone gasp, I was probably bleeding and had bruises everywhere! "I'm not dead don't worry!" I said in a mocking voice making some of them laugh and others probably facepalm.

"Beth, I totally mastered the first time though right?" I asked her. "Yeah!" She laughed. "Yes!" I whisper yelled making them laugh. "WAIT DID YOU VIDEO TAPE IT TO SHOW EVERYONE WHAT I TRIED TO DO ON THE BIG RAMP?!!" I yelled. "YES!!" She yelled back. "Wait which one the first time or the second?" I asked. "Both!" She laughed. "WELL SHOW THEM!! AND ME I WANNA SEE IF I LOOKED BOSS!!" I yelled making everyone laugh. "ISAAC TO MEH ROOM!!" I yelled and he laughed and then after a couple seconds I was in my bed.

I opened my eyes to see Isaac leaning over me. "Oh, hello Goomba!" I laughed. "Hai!" He laughed then kissed my forehead. Then Beth came up with the rest and sat next to us. We watched the first video, I WAS SO EPIC!! No need to brag though! "Woah that's awesome!" Isaac laughed. "Okay, now the next video!" She sighed. I saw myself push off then go in the air and grab my board from under me. I lifted my board up and I saw myself look to Isaac then slam on to the concrete and lay there, practically lifeless. Then the video ended when both Isaac and Bethany yelled my name and ran over.

"Jade, what were you looking at?" Isaac asked me. CRAP IT!! "A Lettus Squirrel!" I replied and he felt my head making sure I wasn't going loopy or something. "Jade..." He said and I sighed. "I don't wanna say!" I sighed.

"Yeah, but there wasn't anything to destract you! I was there and..." He stopped. "And now it just got awkward!" Cameron said and Maddi flicked him. "OKAY EVERYONE BESIDES BETHANY AND ISAAC OUT!!" I yelled. Isaac tried to leave too but Beth locked the door and leaned against it. "Isaac, it's not your fault!" I said. "Yeah it is!" He sighed. "No Isaac, it's mine! I should've listened to Beth and not go on that ramp in the first place so if you say it's your fault I will smack you!" I said and he facepalmed.

"OKAY THEN!!" He laughed. "Yesh I made Goomba happy!" I said making him laugh more. "Beth, send me the vids!" I said. "Wait why?" She asked. "Just do it Beth!" I laughed. "Okay, okay!" She laughed then sent them to me.

I have a idea....

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