Come Thru [TK] 2/2

By juanko0kie

19.6K 648 173

-Sequel to OFFLINE- Jungkook thought that Taehyung had gone, deep down he knew he wasn't far, but he preferre... More



959 28 14
By juanko0kie

Jungkook was on his way to the large building in the centre of Seoul, Taehyung and him had spent the night together once again, but this time as boyfriends again.

The reason for Jungkook's smile, even though he'd had to wake up so early that morning, he was Taehyung's boyfriend once again.

To be quite honest, he was probably supposed to be worried, judging by the harsh tone his father used on the phone to him 30 minutes ago. Yet he couldn't manage to let negativity get to him. Right now his mind was like on of a fanboy, he could think of nothing but Taehyung.

Just as he got to the entrance of the building his phone began ringing in his pocket.

His smile grew even wider as he saw the caller ID, being the person who was stuck on his mind, the person he'd only seen a few minutes ago, but still missed greatly.

One could think it was a childish relationship, those first relationships we all get sick of seeing, and , quite frankly, it was.

"Hey Tae!" Jungkook said, feeling even lighter than a feather, lighter than air, the boy was feeling lighter than god damn helium.

"Hey Baby, wanna go out for lunch?" Jungkook smiled.

"Of course Tae, where should i meet you?"

"I'll come fetch you don't worry, we have our last shooting after so we can go together if you want." Taehyung was at the moment sitting in his office, grinning, slumped down in his black leather chair, one hand holding the old fashioned styled phone, the other playing with some old expensive paper weight or something that he found on his desk.

"Sure, I have to go now Dad wants to see me." Jungkook's sweet voice was better than coffee any morning.

"Is something wrong?" Jungkook was now in the building, waiting for the elevator.

"Don't know, he didn't seem too happy on the phone earlier though." He replied walking into the elevator and pressing a button that lot up, indicating which floor he'd have to go to.

"Okay baby, hope everything's ok, I'll see you later."

"See you later."

As Jungkook stood in the lift he felt butterflies in his stomach, feeling exactly the same way he had around the same time last year when he and Taehyung started dating. He couldn't help but smile to himself.

The lift finally arrived at last level of the building where Byungwoo's office was located. Jungkook made his way over to the office he knew the way to by heart, from years of coming to Seoul simply to see his father in his office, his mother occasionally there too.

He nodded and smiled at the workers he encountered who he also knew from all the years they'd worked for the company, all those that worked on this level were the closest to the Jeon's. They were those that had served them best through the years and had earned their place working on the highest level of the Jeon building.

Working for the Jeon's or the Kim's was something to be proud of, even on a lower level, they only accepted the best of the best, yet they made sure never to overwork their employees, so many people dreamed of being part of such a company, the pay also being very good even at the lowest of levels.

Jungkook finally arrived in front of the closed oak door belonging to his father's office.

"Good morning Jungkook, your father's waiting for you, shall I tell him you've arrived?" The secretary asked looking up over her glasses, tucking a strand of her short black hair behind her ear.

"Yes, thank you Hyejin."

Hyejin grabbed the dark grey phone on her desk and pressed a button.

"Sir, your son is here."

After a moment she placed the phone down.

"Please go on in." She said with a warm smile.

"Thanks Hyejin." Jungkook returned the smile and entered the office cheerfully. "Hey dad what's up?" He made his way closer to the desk but suddenly stopped noticing his mother was sat beside his father. "Oh- mum is everything alright?"

Often when both his parents were present in the same office it was nothing good, obviously sometimes it wasn't anything important, but most of the time it was important, and most of the time it was bad news.

"Son please sit." His father spoke calmly, not  even sparing him a glance.
Jungkook sat down, obeying his father, the butterflies he felt merely seconds ago, because Taehyung, turned into a ball of stress weighing  down his stomach.

"Is something wrong?" He asked concerned.
Jangmi glanced up at Jungkook then over to his father. Byungwoo looked back at her and gave a slight nod before turning hi computer screen so Jungkook could see.

On the screen were tweets and articles, all about Taehyung and him. He skimmed over them briefly.

Jungkook knew that in the industry that they were both now in, particularly Tae, there was press everywhere, and there always dating scandals.

But here the thing that was pointed out, was that they were gay.
They weren't simply in a relationship; they were in a 'gay relationship'. Pointing it out that way made it seem as though it was wrong.

The comments and tweets were mixed, some disgusted and hateful, others supportive over the situation.

Jungkook looked over at his parents who looked at him worriedly.

"And then there's the actual post Taehyung posted on Instagram." Byungwoo spoke.

"Jungkook what happened with Taehyung, we knew something went wrong but it was obvious that you didn't want to talk about it, so we never asked." Jangmi added.

"I'm sorry, it was so upsetting for me, I'd never met anyone like Taehyung, it was so hard for me, and I didn't want to ruin the bond you had with the Kim's and all..."

Jangmi smiled and leaned over to place a reassuring hand on Jungkook's squeezing it lightly. Jungkook nodded and looked down.

"I actually never saw Taehyung the whole summer, we'd decided to run away, not work for our families, create our own path. Obviously that's a silly childish dream and we  would have come back at some point." Jungkook spoke in a small sad voice, although everything had sorted itself out since it still kind of hurt, remembering the pain he felt. "Anyway the night  we were going to leave Taehyung disappeared, he never came he never replied to my messages or anything, I gave up on it in the end.. When you said I would be modelling with him I was terrified,but I guess it lead us to here.." he ended with a smile.

"Wait- so while we were  making you do all this modelling, you were actually avoiding Taehyung?" Byungwoo asked.

Jungkook nodded.

"Jungkook, you should have said..." Jangmi said, pulling her arm away.

"I didn't want you to be upset with me, anyway now everything's fine." The weight faded back in to butterflies as he spoke about his, once again, boyfriend.

"Well not really fine." Byungwoo spoke.
Jungkook got shivers, recognising the way he spoke as if he was at a business meeting. Byungwoo was renowned for speaking in a deep voice whilst having a very dark look on his face, a reason why people were often quite anxious to meet the man.

The butterflies were once again replaced by the heavy weight.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook successfully spoke, although he was quite certain his words were going to stay stuck in his throat.

"Jungkook we were always worried about the consequences of the world knowing about you and Taehyung, but then nothing happened, now we have many big plans and this comes up out of nowhere, it's basically a huge barrier."

Jungkook looked at him with big eyes, absolutely terrified of what his father might say next.

"S-so? What are you trying to say?"

"I want you and Taehyung to be happy, the last thing I'd want is to damage your relationship. Me and your mother are meeting the Kim's later, we'll see what we think is best."

Jungkook nodded.

"Just try and keep it on the low for the moment, maybe no posting,you know- be discreet."
Jungkook nodded.

"Ok then I think that's all, you may go."

With one final nod Jungkook walked quickly out the office and towards the elevator, this time paying no attention to any of the workers around him.

He pressed the button calling the elevator and immediately after pulled out his phone, pressing his thumb down on Taehyung's contact.

"Hey princess how did everything go?" Taehyung's voice spoke, picking up the phone almost as soon as the phone began to ring.

"I'll tell you in the car, when will you be here?"  He stepped into the empty lift and pressed on the underground car park level.

"I'm in my car now, why?"

"Pick me up in the underground car park, please."

"I don't have the badge to get in." Jungkook could now hear a car door close and the buckle of a seat belt click.

"He should let you in, I made sure your car was on the list of one's to let in, so unless you've changed your plate number since last week, it should be fine"

"Fair enough, see you in a bit!"


Jungkook was taking into account what his father was saying, the reason why he'd asked Taehyung to pick him up where the press wouldn't be able to see him, unlike where he'd usually fetch him, right in front of the building.

Jungkook waited in the same spot for a while, but Taehyung didn't show up, he was probably lost or couldn't get in, so he made his way to the gate, where there a lot of car horns going off.

"Jungkook! Baby!!! He's not letting me in!!"

Taehyung had half of his body stuck out of the window of his car, shouting at the guard.

The guard just looked at Jungkook with a face that screamed; "Help Me?????"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and walked over to them, waving to the drivers of the other cars lining up behind Taehyung, pressing force on the horn angrily, not wanting to be late for work.

Taehyung smiled fondly, his cute, rich, boss boyfriend was coming to deal with anyone that stood in his way, like in fifty shades or something (he wouldn't know he hasn't seen it). Except he also was a rich boss, he was just picking up his rich boss boyfriend, in a rich boss car, in a rich boss car park...
Or whatever.

Although Taehyung thought Jungkook was going to rush over to him and give him a big fat kiss, as a big 'fuck off' to everyone around them, he was wrong.

Jungkook stood next to the guard and mumbled a little 'so sorry about this' to him. Taehyung's mouth fell open, shocked by his boyfriend's betrayal.

"Taehyung what the fuck is this car?"

"Dad said he wanted me to follow familly tradition and drive a Jaguar so he bought me one." He said with his boxy grin, Jungkook, unamused, rolled his eyes.

"Taehyung I litterally told you two minutes ago you'd get in if you had your usual car."

" I thought he'd let me in anyway seeing as everyone knows I'm your boyfriend."

"Sir, I can only by the number plates, mister Jeon did not tell me to do any otherwise." The guard said, Jungkook giving him a sorry look while Taehyung gave him a rather angry one, his brows furrowed.

"Excuse me do you mind me and my boyfriend were talking." The elder snapped, Jungkook's eyes immediately widening at the harsh tone Taehyung had used.

"Shut up Taehyung. Get back in the car  and just shut up." He said through gritted teeth, but still loud enough for Taehyung to hear.

Taehyung stared in shock for a few seconds, but quickly obeyed, his body falling back into the driver's seat.

"I am so sorry about him, I guess just let him in next time, to avoid scenarios like these." The guard nodded, giving his boss a small smile.

Jungkook made his way to the car and opening the door to the passenger seat, he passed Taehyung his badge so he could open the gate, a scowl on his face.

"So. Why exactly did you want me to come you up here and make everyone's lives more difficult ?" Jungkook clicked his tongue and glared at him.

"Well, while your dad was getting you a brand new car, my parents and I were stressing over the hate both our companies are getting from the press because of your Instagram post, which ok was adorable, but Tae we're not students anymore, you have fans." Taehyung scoffed.

"Oh yeah, them. They're not my fans if they don't support us." He placed a reassuring hand on Jungkook's lap.

"Taehyung, shouldn't you be taking this a little more seriously ? Our careers could be at stake, this could be terrible  for both our families companies."

"Shouldn't you be taking it a little less seriously? Only a few months ago you didn't want to have anything to do with this job." Taehyung shot a look over to Jungkook, quickly looking back at the road.

Jungkook kept looking outside, a pout on his lips and his arms crossed over his chest.

"Whatever. We'll see what our parents want to do about it, for the moment just keep quiet and don't pick fights with the security guards, please." Taehyung chuckled and nodded, of course he couldn't say no to Jungkook, but to see him this worried about something he originally didn't care about wasn't the most comforting things.

Most of the car journey was silent, the usual comfortable silence they had together.

Taehyung finally spoke up.

"You know you looked really hot when you were angry at me out there. " Jungkook shot a glare at him.

"Was that what you were thinking the whole time I was getting angry over you being a pain??" The younger asked, eyes widening, Taehyung's cheeky grin reappeared.

"My baby was being all dominant in a nice suit, which by the way, your butt looks brilliant in."


Jungkook slapped him across the head, his cheeks burning red.

"Are you actually phisically unable to take anything seriously?" Jungkook mumbled, prominent pout across his lips. Taehyung grinned, pulling into the car park to his large appartement building.

"Nah, I'm too happy you're mine again." He answered giddily as he parked the car.

The engine of the slick black Jaguar stopped and Taehyung got out rushed out over to the other side of the car to open the door for Jungkook who smiled and nodded muttering a small 'thank you'.

Jungkook walked slightly ahead of Taehyung in silence,

"You know that we could still runaway from all this,we could go anywhere, the world is basically our oyster" Taehyung muttered catching up to the younger a little.

Jungkook said nothing just kept walking, looking down at the ground, the idea of attempting a great escape again wasn't so tempting now. And obviously Taehyung could accept the lack of reaction, he didn't know if Jungkook had fully forgiven him but he knew for sure he couldn't forgive himself.

Jungkook turned to see Taehyung, he understood immediately what his boyfriend was thinking. He went and grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers, like they always would.

Taehyung looked down at him, surprised at the sudden action,

"We'll see." Jungkook smiled up at him softly.

Taehyung stopped and cupped the youngers cheeks pressing a small kiss on his nose and smiling fondly down at him. Jungkook's cheeks dusted pink;

"T-Tae someone's gunna see us" The younger muttered.

"It's not like they don't already know." Taehyung grinned grabbing Jungkook's hand again and making his way towards the small café, Jungkook whining his name behind him, his cheeks bright red.


After they sat and had lunch together they went to have the last day of the photoshoot, and then went to have a meal with everyone who helped out.

Jungkook sat between Irene and Taehyung at the end of the long table of people.

"So you two have sorted everything out finally" the black haired girl said, sipping at her glass of beer. Jungkook nodded and smiled.

"I did say I wouldn't be able to stay mad at him for long" Taehyung smiled down at him and kissed his cheek, wrapping an arm around his waist, pulling the younger closer to his side.

"Tae~" Jungkook giggled at his boyfriend's actions.

Everything seemed to be perfect again, Taehyung was by his side, accompanied by many other people that he enjoyed the company of, even though there were some issues with the whole dating scandal, that wasn't phasing Jungkook right now, he felt like everything would be alright if it stayed this way, if in the future even though there would be inconveniences, he could manage to get passed them as long as Taehyung stayed by his side.

They all drank till the restaurant shut and decided it was best to all head to their individual homes, and just like old times, Taehyung and Jungkook walked back to his apartment.

Jungkook didn't live that close by, but the walk seemed like nothing as they paced through the streets of Seoul, talking about everything and also nothing, when they stumbled through the apartment door drunkenly, kissing sloppily.

They made their to the bedroom lips joining between giggles. Jungkook lay down on the bed, by now he'd removed all his clothes except his boxers. Taehyung smirked and bit his lip at the sight of the boys. He unbuttoned his shirt and dropped it to the ground and then went down to hover over the younger.

Their lips met again and moved against each other, turning into a steamy makeout session. Taehyung's arm slid down Jungkook's bare side and landed on his clothed ass.

Jungkook hummed into the kiss, and then pulled away, his forehead placing itself against Taehyung's.

"You okay?" Taehyung asked quietly. Jungkook smiled, wrapping his arms round taehyung's neck, the elders hands placing themselves on Jungkook's waist .

"Yes, I'm happy you're here with me"

Taehyung could have probably had a heart attack at how adorable the words he just spoke were, he placed a small kiss against the others lips sweetly.

"Baby i'm like the happiest right now." Jungkook giggled and let out a small yawn.

"Tae, please don't be mad at me, but do you mind if we just sleep tonight?"He asked, his eyes looking suddenly sleepy. Taehyung cooed and pecked him again.

"Of course baby, whatever I do with you I'm happy with."

They kissed one final time and both closed their eyes, wrapped up in eachother's arms.

Jungkook's eyes shot open and he took in a sharp breath, Taehyung opened his eyes and looked at him questioningly;

"okay so maybe we can makeout for like ten more minutes." Jungkook muttered, Taehyung grinned and chuckled as their lips met once again.




I've been bored and sad and I haven't got much going on atm so I decided to check on offline and woah it has so many reads, I don't really read or write fanfics anymore but felt bad when I saw how many of you had read both books and id just abandoned it, idk if anyone still read is it's been so long but just in case Ill try my best to finish this book, I hope you'll enjoy; also I feel really bad about the whole giveaway but Im unable to make prints so atm it will be cancelled but maybe one day i'll randomly dm one of you saying hey you won or whatever I just hope you can understand how incredibly sorry I am about it all, shit kind of got crazy which demotivated me to continue, anyway good news is im now studying fashion it's groovy anyway sorry about everything

lovlov :)

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