The Running CPU

By SilverDemon9813

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Neptune believes shes done the unthinkable and has ran away to a new dimension as a result. But one day she r... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Monster Invasion
Chapter 4: Nepgear's Confession
Chapter 5: Nepgear's Jealousy
Chapter 6: How Emma got the Candidates
Chapter 7: Making a Friend

Chapter 1: The New Life

97 0 0
By SilverDemon9813

I'm going to say this once. The only thing I own is the plot and some of the characters.

As you all figured out(the ones who've already read this chapter). The story is currently being redone by adding more details to the story to make it better. Which is being done by Alternet RedSkys. Give him some applause for it. The story will be updated at it's normal rate but with more details and plot. Now I know some words on the map is small but we are working on it.

Chapter 1- Emma's POV

"You want to hang out with us tonight?" Charlie asks with hopeful look on her face.

I hang my apron on the hook nearby and wrap my arm around her shoulders."I know you've been wanting me to come with ya bestie but I can't this weekend. Nepgear and Uni have their soccer match in an hour, I promised to help Falcom on saturday, and I promised the kids we'd would go to the pool on sunday."

She makes a pouty face. "You barely have time for yourself anymore. You're always raisin the kids or helping others. Not that I mind that at all, but..." A longing look graces her face briefly missing the times we used to hang out.

I chuckle and ruffle her hair playfully messing with her "I know I know, but I like it that way. It makes me feel good inside." I reach into the locker and grabbed my light grey overcoat and throwing it on. I'm so glad it's friday. Payday! Although I earn more money when helping Falcom and CConnect. But eh, It's a steady job. "How about this. I promise to hang out with you guys next week." I say sincerely hoping nothing came up to prevent this it really has really been awhile since I could just unwind.

She points at me and says "I'm holding you to that Emma." Looking into my fading violet eyes showing in her own way that she is serious and not playing around about this.

"I know you are." I say walking out of the backdoor and heading sweet old home.

I run into a couple people I know and we exchanged greetings, including Falcom on my way out of town.

"You still up for tomorrow Emma?" Falcom asked me her orange looking at me for confirmation.

"Yeah the usual place right?" I ask her to make sure I had the correct place in mind.

She nods and waves me goodbye and I do the same. Things have been so peaceful since I came here. I still don't think I deserve this kind of life not after what happe- no don't dwell on that Emma its a hole you barely crawled out of once already don't go back, but I take the days on in stride trying to make the most of this life. I walk the half mile out of town to my house. It was a pale blue colonial three story house. It took me awhile but I earned enough to buy it and the property.

I open the front door and see Rom and Ram run down the hallway towards me with a childish glee in their eyes. I snatch them both up into my arms and see Croire not far behind them. "You being good for Aunt Crostie?"

Rom nods and says "Tag." In a quiet cute voice her brown eyes shining with a precious childlike innocence.

I laugh and kick the door close "Are you two glad it's your birthday soon?"

They both nod eagerly. "Yeah we're going to be fouur." Ram says holding up four fingers. Nepgear turned eight a couple months ago and Uni will be turning seven next month.

I give them a quick peck on their foreheads before setting them down. I've been taking care of those two since they were born. I Look up to Croire and say. "Again I must thank you for staying around and helping."

She waves me off. "How many times do I have to tell you. You've help me out of my tome and made me see the world in better light. I made a promise to stay by and help you and I'm going to keep it." I give her a light hug due to her size.

"I can never thank you enough. It's because of you and the kids that I've made it this far." I say low enough so the twins can't hear me, only Cloire who has been helping me with almost everything I'd be lost without her.

I let go and back up when Uni and Nepgear run down the stairs in their uniforms. "Hey how many times do I have to say no running down the stairs! You can get seriously hurt!" Croire yells her hands on her hips an angry look on her face and a contained fury in her blue eyes.

"We're sorry Aunt Crostie but we are so excited." They say in unison both looking down guilty.

"Everyone ready?" ask Croire. Everyone nods. Croire reaches for a bag but I grab it for her. I don't want her to carry it due to it being three times her size. I always have to give her a massage afterwards to get out of the knots of of her tan skinned back not that I mind.

"I had it." She grumbles crossing her arms across her chest, her crystal blue eyes glaring at me in annoyance.

"It's fine I can carry this. I at least have to do something for you."

Croire just rolls her eyes. "When are we getting that car?"

"I should have enough for it in two weeks." I say proudly.

I pick up the twins and let them ride on my shoulders and headed out the door. We can get there a little early for the seats.

~Next Morning~

I was happily sleeping until I feel a sudden shift in the air something I didn't notice till it was too late.

"Mommy mommy, Wake up! Falcom's here!" Nepgear says as she tackles into my stomach like a cannonball.

"Nepu." I groan, opening my eyes to see her presenting something in her arms pain still clouding my vision.

"Look what I've made." she says, showing off her latest creation, a six inch tall Nepgeardam freshly made the metal still have a fresh metallic shine to it, wait did she add a wax coating to water seal it and make it even shinier?

I lean up and ruffle her head. "Good job kiddo." I stretch before getting up and putting on my uniform, a suit of full body armour made of kevlar and metal plating, it was a full black body with a metal plated flake vest with joint guards and protective gloves, as well as my gear and weapons. After I am armed with my two arming swords, my m4 carbine assault rifle, two Colt 45 handguns, and a dirk, I glance at the rooms clock and groan. Why did she have to show up at 5:30 again?

I walk down the stairs after Nepgear to see Falcom at the table drinking tea and talking with Croire. Without a word a walk straight to the coffeemaker and poor most of it into a thermos just enough to keep me awake until morning if needed. I take a sip of the black coffee before asking "So what we doing today?"

"Clearing a couple dungeons. Nothin much." Falcom says turning her orange eyes to gaze in my direction.

I nod and cliping my thermos on my belt. "Let's go and get it over with." I say dejectedly walking out of the kitchen. I hear them both chuckle behind me and Falcom getting up from the table. I move out of the way as the mini nepgeardam runs across the room holding up the trophy the girls won last night like a boasting child.

I stared at it as it ran by. If she's made it that advanced already, I wonder what it will be in the future. I wait by the front door for Falcom and I say goodbye to the kids. Knowing Falcom it's going to take all day good thing I brought plenty of coffee for this occasion. When she approaches me I open the door for her and follow her out. I look to see a gray thrummer.

"Hey, you brought your car this time." I say jokingly teasing her about it.

"It was in the shop those other times!" She complained blushing bright red.

I wave her off and get into the passenger seat. "You know I'm messing with ya." Aha. I quickly twist around and punch Tekken between her red eyes. I then point at her face with my left index finger. "That's for last time." She nods her head and leans back into the seat not saying another word. I don't hate her she just accidentally hit me once last time.

"So where we headed?" I ask Falcom as she gets in and shuts her door before starting her car.

"Iris field and atari marsh." She answers promptly with practiced ease.

"Alright, let's do this!" I semi yell punching my right fist into the air. A dull thump came afterwards as my fist hit the roof. Whoops. I forgot we were in the car. I slowly look over at Falcom. She was glaring daggers at me for that. "You had to do it with your right arm, didn't you?" Oh yeah right I have a bionic prosthetic for my right arm...Don't ask how yet.

I hold my arms up to defend myself. "I'm sorry I'll flatten the dent out when we get there promise."

"You better." She mutters putting the car in gear. It took us four hours to reach the first dungeon. Ugg, I miss flying, it was soooo much faster than this. Falcom pulls up to our destination and looks around scanning the area with her falcon like eyes.

"Something isn't right..." She says. We get out and I look around. She's right, there was only a few monsters walking around. There should be a lot more around here. Before we go farther I quickly fix the dent in the roof. I take my m4 carbine assault rifle off of my back when Falcom signaled to move forward. Tekken took the front and Falcom came in behind us.

We ambushed a group of Meowvaders and end them quickly. I'm glad I just bought me a silencer for this thing, noise would have been a big problem attracting unwanted attention. I wonder how much Meow whiskers sell for nowadays? We get to Atari Marsh - Depths quickly and with no problem. We were slowly going along the side of the wall to minimize us being spotted hopefully knowing are luck.

Tekken raised her hand in a fist for us to stop for some reason. She motions forward and I see a small nest of Poison Horsebirds just great.

"You two go ahead I'll cover you." I whisper to them as quietly as possible. They nod before rushing forward quickly. I take aim to cover them with my rifle looking down my ACOG scope.

That's when things went wrong as in royally horribly burnt spoiled pudding wrong!

I saw monsters coming from every direction possible. I went to yell a warning but I felt something approaching me from behind. I quickly try to turn around but something big hit me hard in the torso sending me sprawling, forcing me to lose my grip on my gun. I landed on my back and start sliding across the ground which would have hurt like hell without my protective gear.

Before I can recover or pull out a blade to defend myself. The Rival Mech jumps at me bringing it's massive sword down. I brought my right arm up to defend myself and the sword pierces my forearm but it doesn't go much further. I grunt and grab the sword with my other hand trying to wrestle it from its owners mechanical grip. I have to do something fast! I can't keep this up forever or I'll be killed! My kids faces flash through my mind 'No! I can't leave them behind!'

Multiple gunshots rang off to my left and the monster turns into bright dazzling pixels. That wasn't my gun that's for sure too loud for a silenced rifle. I look over to my and see someone I had hoped not to see in a very long time.

"Uni?" No not my kid Uni the big one in all her signature glory. Good thing I changed my look or she'd see the resemblance quickly.


Written by: Project Omega

Co Writer: AlternetRedskys

Edited by: XYZDreadnought

Thank you all for reading. Please review on what you think or any mistakes we made. If you view my profile you can see the OCs and other DOCs we are working on. Also if someone wants to draw a cover it would be the most appreciated. 

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