Not so perfect after all, or...

By 04Line11

11 1 0

I just graduated college. I moved to LA, I got a job. My life was going perfectly. I had friends and a somewh... More

Not so perfect after all, or maybe better?

11 1 0
By 04Line11

CRASH. I could hear it, I could see it, I could feel it. It felt real. But it wasn't, it was a memory. A traumatic memory. I saw it so many times.

A single tear slipped down my cheek. I was sitting in my hospital room, in my hospital wheelchair, looking out the hospital window, looked at the happy children, playing with their parents and I saw old happy people who were visited by their loved ones.

They looked so happy, why couldn't I be happy again? My parents came by yesterday, but they had to get back to Texas. They own a ranch. And it's sort of a school, they teach kids to ride a horse, and they take kids to the other animals. The ranch is for kids with problems, like handicapped or kids with mental problems. And the kids often come there more than once.

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening. It was my 'personal' nurse Arnella. She 'take care of me'. She's really nice, but I'm never in the mood for nice. Though I'm pretty rude, she's still nice.

"How are you doing, Sky?" She said.

"Is that even a question?" I answered.

She sighed. "So, Sky, I am here to check up on you as usual. So, you need to answer my questions, honestly." I just nodded in response. "Have you had any pain, in your leg lately?" I nodded and put my hand to where it hurt. She gave me something to remove the pain. She continued the examination, but finally, she was done. Then she said. "I will go and get some food for you, okay?"

"I'm not hungry," I simply answered.

"I don't care, what do you want to eat?" She said, still with her polite voice.

"Waffles and cocoa," I said, still looking out the window.

"Good," she said and left to get my food. I love waffles. I have been eating that a lot. Soon enough she came back, with a plate with waffles and cocoa. "Here you go," she said. I still looked out the window. "Promise me, you'll eat."

"I promise," I said. I heard the door open and close, and I rolled to the table. I started eating, and it was really delicious. That's one of the few good things about this hospital, there's good food. Though I had been eating less than I did before the crash, so I have lost a lot of weight. That's why Arnella forces me to eat.

After I ate my food I rolled back to the window. Big grey clouds were filling the sky. And soon enough it started raining. I didn't move at all, just stayed right where I was.

But as unlucky as I am, someone knocked on my door and stepped in. I still didn't move, but the person started talking.

"Skylar Jonas," he started.

"Yes?" I said with my rude voice. His voice was deep and soft, it was pretty relaxing. But it didn't help my mood.

"I am Dr. Noah Davis, but please call me Noah. I am your personal trainer."

"Excuse me? I don't need a trainer, I am doing very well on my own." Who says I need a trainer? I am an independent woman. But a personal trainer, nope, not for me.

"You probably are, but my job is to help you being able to walk again," he said, he sounded almost as calm and nice as Arnella. I guess doctors and nurses just are nice, or maybe they have to act nice. I don't know. And I couldn't care less. I am way better when left alone.

"I will never be able to walk again, my leg was crushed in the accident," I answered as it was pretty obvious.

"That's not entirely true, sure it was pretty bad, but not that bad. So, come with me," he said, and I heard his voice was closer now.

"No." No one shall ever tell me what to do if I don't want to do it.

"Then I'll have to take you there," he said and came closer to me. He then grabbed the handles to my chair and rolled me out of my room. All the nurses smiled at me, but me being me, I didn't smile back.

Noah took me to a room, where people were rehabilitating. I sighed deeply. "So this is where we are going to spend a lot of time in," he said and I looked at him and he smiled a huge smile. Why are you so happy?

I didn't answer him, he just rolled me to a wall and placed me between two railings. He then stood in front of me. That was when I realized how pretty he really was. He had dark brown hair, that was a bit messy but still looked good. His eyes were a bright blue color. He was one of those guys you see in the movies.

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows.

"Come, take a grip on the railing," he said. Still smiling, may I add. I did as he said and took my hands on the railings. "Try and stand up," he said. "Your cast will help you, and I am right here," he added.

I tried to lift myself from the wheelchair. Not much happened. I tried to support myself with my healthy leg.

I put my healthy leg, aka my right leg, on the ground and supported myself. Suddenly it became too. Noah was right in front of me and helped me sit down. I sighed in defeat. My leg will never be as good as it was.

"Hey, it's okay. You did great." Was he serious? I did great? Yeah, as if. I raised my eyebrows.

"You did, this is only the beginning." He smiled at me. His smile was pretty cute, though.

"Can we go back?" I asked.

"One more time," he answered. I sighed at did it again. I tried the same as before, it went a little better, but only slightly better. "Good," he said. He walked behind me and rolled me away. He rolled towards my room.

But he stopped right outside my room and walked in there. I frowned in confusion. What was he doing? He came back out with my jacket. I looked at him in confusion. He smirked and rolled me away from my room.

" room," I tried. He chuckled at that and continued walking. I saw he walked towards the elevator. "Where are we going?" I asked with my usual rude attitude. He didn't answer me, so I sighed in frustration.

The elevator was empty, so we were all alone. It was a little awkward, but nothing big. I have always hated elevators, they are so freaking creepy. Like some clown could just walk in when the doors open. I know it's a weird fear. I am also afraid of gooses. They are just so...I can't even describe them.

The elevator stopped, and the doors opened. Noah walked with me again. We got to the reception.

Kayla was there, a girl here who sometimes check up on me, just like Arnella. "Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" She said, and Noah stopped. I rolled my eyes. "Isn't that Skylar Jonas outside of her room?" She chuckled. So did Noah.

"Ha-ha very funny," I said sarcastically. "Do you think this is my own will?"

Kayla and Noah laughed. "No, Sky. I would never have suspected that in a million years." She laughed again. I rolled my eyes once again.

"Now, take on your jacket," Noah demanded. I sighed but did it anyway. He then walked me to the exit. "Bye Kayla," he said.

"Bye Noah, bye Sky." I didn't answer. But I heard her chuckle behind me. As soon as Noah stepped outside, with me, the cool air hit my skin. It wasn't cold, but it was not hot either. It was the perfect temperature.

I breathed in slowly, just enjoying the fresh air. I haven't been outside since I got here. And I got here 2 months ago. I know, I know. 2 months without being outside, no wonder why I enjoy the air so much.

"Like the air being fresh?" He asked as if he could read my mind. "I know you haven't been outside in 2 months." Like does everyone know me at that hospital?

"Am I the talk of the hospital now, or what?" I had to ask.

"Pretty much, yeah. Arnella and Kayla talk about you a lot."

"I bet they do." He walked again, and we made it to a park. It was still bright, so a lot of people were in the park. Kids were playing, parents watched them carefully, old couples were smiling. This was just like the view from my window, just in a much more real version. He found a bench and placed my wheelchair next to it as he sat on the bench.

"So, where are you originally from?" He then asked me. I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"So now we are doing the small talk?" I asked tiredly with still raised eyebrows.

"Well, if we are spending the next 3 months together, we can get to know each other," he said. 3 months. 3 months where I have to be social. With this 'way too happy, for no reason' guy. Oh no.

I sighed and looked forward, away from him. "Texas," I answered his question.

"Really?" He said.

"Yeah," I said and rolled my eyes.

"I am from New York."

"Oh, a city boy," I said with my 'Idgaf' voice.

"Yeah, so how old are you?"

Ugh. "23 years old," I answered coldly.

"I am 25," he answered his own question. He knew that I wouldn't ask him.

"Can we please go back now?" I asked.

He sighed. "Sure," he answered politely and took me back to the hospital. He rolled me into my room and said. "I will be here at 1 pm tomorrow."

"I bet you will." He gave me a warm smile and then finally left. I rolled to the window, back to my spot. It was getting dark. So not many were outside anymore. But that didn't make me move.

I was slowly getting sleepy, so I took the remote and pressed the 'need help' button. Soon enough Arnella and Kayla arrived to help me. They first helped me in my nightclothes. Then they helped me to my bed. It was really inconvenient with a broken leg. I had a cast to my mid-thigh to support. I also had to constantly have it being straight. Once I was settled in my bed, Arnella and Kayla said their goodbyes and left. And I slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next day, Arnella woke me up. She carried my breakfast on a platter, I slowly sat up in my bed, but instantly felt a pain shoot through my leg. And I winced in pain. My pain wasn't as bad as it could be, well at least not anymore.

"Careful," she said. I rolled my eyes and sat fully up resting my leg. She placed the platter in front of me, and I slowly ate the food.

"What time is it?" I asked after a while of silence.

She looked at her wristwatch and said. "11 am." She smiled at me, but I ignored it and went back to eating. Two hours till Noah would be here. Ugh, as if I have the strength to cope with that.

I nodded. And once I was done eating, Arnella helped me in my wheelchair. She then left to do something. Which was fine by me. I rolled to the window. And did what I did. Looked. I looked at everything. I looked at the kids in the park, the teenage couples who were so happy. The seniors who walked hand in hand. The middle-aged couple who were arguing. It was kinda entertaining.

I heard a knock on my door, but I kept myself quiet. I wasn't in the mood for talking. The heck, when was I? But the person walked in anyways.

"Hey, Sky." I recognized the voice, it belonged to my big sister. "I wanted to see how it's going here," she said.

"Everything's the same," I answered not turning around to look at her.

"Sky, look at me," she said, and I turned around and looked at her. She looked beautiful as always, with her bright blue eyes, her long wavy blond hair, and her good sense of style. She is basically perfect.

I have curly golden-brown hair, bright green eyes, and no sense of style at all. Our looks were opposites. But we have a lot of things in common, or we had. Before the accident. I have always been a little bit jealous of her, she had everything from the young ages. Our parents gave her everything. She had the attention.

Now she's 27, she's drop-dead gorgeous, married, and has two kids. Her life is perfect. I loved my life before. It was a dream. I had a great job with a great salary, I loved working there. I had a great apartment, but I had to sell it when the accident happened. So I'm basically homeless.

"How are you really feeling?" She asked me, I know I couldn't lie, she would know immediately.

"Well, I am not happy. I want to be alone, and I just want to die," I answered truthfully.

Without hesitation, Louise hugged me. It took a while for me to hug back. Lou was the only person who would make me feel loved and wanted. Even at this time. A single tear slipped out of my eye and ran down my cheek and to Lou's shirt.

We sat there for a while before pulling away. Lou was the first to break the silence.

"So any changes since the last time I was here?" She asked.

"Well, yes. I started rehabilitation yesterday," I said not mentioning Noah.

"With a woman or a man?" She then asked.

"A man, why?"

"Wait, don't tell me it's Noah Davis!" Her face lit up in excitement.

But how the fuck would she who he is. Like what the heck. "It is, why?"

"OMG, Sky. He's so gorgeous, he's like a Greek god or something."

"Lou, you are happily married," I exclaimed.

"Yeah, so what? I can eyeball guys if I want to," she said and laughed, I couldn't help a small smile. I wasn't on the laughed-level yet, not even with Lou.

Then someone knocked on the door. And Noah stepped in. Lou's jaw dropped to the ground. "1 pm. Sharp." He said and smiled.

"Well, I gotta get going," Lou said and stood up. She said goodbye and then left.

"You coming?" Noah said, and I shook my head, and he frowned in confusion. It took a while before he finally understood it. Then he walked to me and rolled me to the same room as yesterday. He rolled me to the same spot. Between the railings. I took a grip on the railings and tried to lift myself.

The pain was not that bad, so I actually stood up. Noah was holding me, so I didn't fall.

When I sat back down, Noah said. "See, already a big improvement." And he gave me his famous smile, that would make any girl faint, almost everyone. I gave him my sarcastic smile back. But him being him, he smiled even wider.

When that was over he rolled me out the room and down the hallway to my room.

But. But. He did not stop at my room. He continued walking. Why, why? Why does he have to be this way? Why can't he just leave me alone, when I actually have alone-time? Why, why?

But then he stopped in front of a room. I read on the sign. Staff only.

"What are we doing here?" I asked with my famous rude attitude. But he did not answer me. He just walked in. I saw both Arnella and Kayla was sitting in here with a few other people I had seen in the hospital. 1 girl and 2 boys.

"Hey, Sky," Kayla said and Noah placed me beside her and sat next to me. I gave her the 'awkward' smile.

"So you're the one everyone talks about," a guy said. I think his name is Jayden.

"I guess," I said and rolled my eyes. Which I do pretty much. "So why am I here?" I asked.

"Well, we decided, you should do something more than just sitting in that depressing room and being depressed," Arnella answered.

"All of you?" I said.

"Yes," Kayla said. I sighed deeply, and the others chuckled. Kayla walked out for a minute but came back after a minute with a box in her hands. "I got donuts!" She said and everyone in here cheered. Kayla walked to me, and held the box out to me, I saw there was enough for everyone plus some more.

So me being me, I took two. But Kayla's eyes widened in shock. "Well, you brought me here in the first place, you can't expect less from me," I said and took a bite of my donut. She laughed slightly, and the others chuckled.

I rolled my eyes once again. Is everything I say funny or something? Like seriously. I am not trying to be funny. So please stop laughing. Ugh.

When I was done eating both my donuts, I said. "Well, gotta go, can't say it was a pleasure."

"No, don't leave just yet," Kayla said pleadingly. Not that it changed my mind.

"Sorry, I got things to do," I lied. But they all knew, it was a lie.

"Very funny," Arnella said. "I'll take you back."

"I can go by myself," I said rudely. I rolled myself backward, but it was kinda difficult because of my leg.

Noah saw that I struggled to get out of here, and then said, "that's too sad to watch, I'll take you back to the loneliness." A smirk was planted on his face, and I gave him a sarcastic disgusted look as he walked behind me and rolled me to my room. There was a silent and awkward tension above us because none of us said anything. I didn't want to say anything or him to say anything though.

We reached my room, and he rolled me inside.

"So tomorrow, at 1 pm?" He said.

"2 pm," I argued.







He gave me one last charming smile before leaving. I found a book and placed myself by the window. I put on my glasses and opened the book.

Once in a while, I looked outside, to watch how things were going today. It was the usual sight. Kids and parents in the park. Couples eating a romantic meal at the Italian restaurant down the street. Old couples walking hand-in-hand. And I saw people running.

I used to run a lot. I loved running. I would run every morning before going to my great job. I would run with Lou, and we would grab a snack at the end of the tun, we would sometimes walk back to her apartment and play with the twins. Hannah and Lukas. I miss them, I haven't seen them in 2 months. Lou has been asking me to bring them, but I haven't been in the mood. I'm still not in the mood.

I went back to my book. I like reading, it gives me inner peace if that makes sense. It gives me a fantasy of different worlds. But I know it's not true, life isn't a place with happiness and rainbows all the time. It sure can be for some, but that's too unusual.

The week passed by, and I have actually made progress in my rehabilitation, Noah has been the same 'way too happy for no reason' guy. Lou hasn't been here. Kayla, Arnella, and Noah have been trying to get me to socialize some more. But is it working? No, it's not.

But I can actually stand up in about 15 seconds now. I know it seems that it's very little. But it's actually a huge deal to me.

And now Kayla invited Arnella, Noah, and me to dinner at her place. It's a 2 minutes walk from the hospital and Arnella is 'picking' me up and will walk me there. I told them several times, I didn't want to come, but did they listen? Not at all.

I put on a hoodie and kept my comfy pants on. They told me to come in nice clothes, but I didn't, just to annoy them. Arnella should be here soon. It 10 minutes to 6 and we have to be there at 6 pm. Not that I care, she's not here. Heck, she can forget me here, and I would be grateful.

But unfortunately, I heard a knock on the door. I answered with my rude and tired voice. "Come in."

But to my surprise, it was not Arnella. Can you guess who it is? Ding ding ding. Yes. The 'way too happy for no reason' guy. Noah looked at me with his million-dollar smile. He was wearing a white shirt with black pants. way more elegant than me.

"What are you wearing, Sky?" He asked shockingly. But he still smiled, as if he was expecting me to be difficult.

"Noah, where's Arnella?" I asked ignoring his comment.

He took a hand to his heart and looked hurt. "Ouch, aren't you happy to see me?" He said. I raised my eyebrow and his smile came back. "She had to do something, so she asked me to get you. Shall we get going?"

"I'm not done being difficult," I said, and fortunately he understood. He rolled his eyes but reached my jacket and handed to me. I put it on, and he rolled me out if my room, down the hallway, out the front door, and to Kayla's house.

When we got there, Kayla greeted us with a huge smile. Way too happy if you ask me.

But we didn't ask you! I heard a voice yell inside my mind.

Noah rolled me inside and to a spot between him and Kayla. It was a round table, so we could all 'talk' to each other. The three others did most of the talking. I mostly ate food. I actually thought that this was better than sitting alone in my room. And that's big coming from me.

When we were done eating, we went to the living room to talk some more.

It has been okay, this dinner. It wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. I actually smiled once or twice. It was getting a little late and the three of them had to get up early in the morning.

"Sky, I can't take you home, I have a few things to do. But Noah can take you back, right Noah?" Arnella said and turned to look at Noah.

His eyes widened the slightest bit, but he then said. "Um, okay." He said it hesitantly, but he still smiled charmingly. I narrowed my eyes at Arnella and then at Noah. It was like Arnella wanted me to spent time with him.

Hold on, does she want us to be together? Oh, hell no.

"Well, gotta go, byeee," Arnella said and rushed out the door with her stuff. I looked at the two of them with a confused look.

"Well, shall we go?" Noah said and grabbed our jackets. I put on my jacket and shoes. Well, shoe. I only wear one shoe because of my cast. And I couldn't tie my shoelace, so Noah had to help me. He looked up at me a smile mixed up with a smirk. I narrowed my eyes at him. He looked away and got up to roll me out of here.

"Bye Sky, I'm glad you came," Kayla said.

"Sure, bye," I answered. Not as rude as usual. She smiled at me before we left. It was breezy, I loved the cool and fresh air.

It wasn't awkward between us. At least not as much as it used to me.

Noah was the one to break the silence. "So, was it as bad as you thought?" He asked, and I could literally feel the smile on his face.

"Actually it wasn't. I actually thought it was better than sitting alone in my depressing room."

"Wow, really? That's a big improvement, especially for you Ms. Jonas." He laughed at his own statement.

I couldn't help a little smile. "Whatever."

He chuckled again. His laugh is actually relaxing. And that's big words coming from me. "Well, I am glad you didn't think it was a total disaster," he said.

"Well, it wasn't," I said simply. We reached the hospital and Noah rolled me to my room.

"I will be here tomorrow at 1:30 pm," he said and smiled charmingly at me. He remembered our little discussion. He then left, and not many minutes later someone came to help me get into my bed.

The next day, Noah was here at exactly 1:30 pm. We went to the rehabilitation room and started immediately. I quickly got up from the chair, which was a big improvement. I grabbed the railings with both my hands. And I tried to walk. Noah was right behind me, to help me if I fell.

And just as I thought I did good, I tripped. I fell backward, and Noah caught me.

"Got ya!" He said. I looked him in his bright blue eyes. He smiled warmly. And somehow it made me a little bit nervous. I grabbed the railings again and stood up. Noah took my wheelchair and placed it right behind me and helped me sit back down.

"I think that's enough for now," he said with a hesitant smile. I nodded, and he took me back to my room.

"Can you tell Kayla or Arnella to get me some food?" I asked him.

"I will just get you something, what do you want?" He said.

I smiled slightly at him. Why did I smile? I don't smile. "Waffles and cocoa," I answered. He smiled before walking away. How the freaking fuck does he smile so much? I wonder if he's actually happy, or he just smiles to be friendly. I wonder, I wonder.

I rolled myself to the window and looked out. Everything was the same. The same old plain view. But soon Noah came back with a plate with waffles and a class of cocoa. He placed it on the table, and I rolled to it. I started eating, but Noah didn't leave. He just walked around in my room looking at the pictures and paintings.

"Is this your family?" He said referring to the picture of us all. My mom, dad, Louise, and me.

"Nosy much," I said and he looked at me. "Yes, it's my family. You have already met Louise. My sister."

"Yeah, what are their names?"

"My mother's name is Kathrine, my dad's Carlo, and my sister's Louise," I said. I still ate my food. He nodded at my response. He walked to a painting.

"Did you paint this?" He turned to me and asked. I nodded. "Do you still paint?"

I shrugged. "I can't really paint here."

"Says who?"

"Says reality. There isn't any painting stuff here." I shrugged again. He just nodded, as if he was thinking. I narrowed my eyes at him. What was he thinking?

"Have your parents been here lately?" He then asked. Why did he ask so many questions?

"They were here a week ago, and they were here 1 month ago," I answered not looking at him. I was focused on my food. He thankfully didn't say anything about my family anymore. I didn't like talking about my family. "What about you, Mr. Davis? What's your story?" I asked keeping the conversation going. I was starting to like talking to him.

"My story? Well, I was born in Florida, Miami to be exact. I moved with to Cali, with my mother and twin brother," he answered.

"What about your dad, if you don't mind me asking."

"No, it's okay. My dad left us when I was 12, right before we moved," he said. It seemed to hurt him to talk about his dad, so I left it alone.

"Why are you still in here?" I asked, after a while.

He chuckled slightly. "I didn't want to leave you all alone. You are starting to like company, so," he said with a smile.

"I have a question. Something that's been bothering me for a while," I said.


"Do you smile to be polite or do you smile because you're happy?

His smile got wider. "I smile because I'm happy, and you should smile some more. You look cute when you smile," he said with a smirk. He winked at me, and I blushed slightly. I don't think he noticed. Well, I don't hope he noticed. "Well, I should get going, I have stuff to do." He said with a smile. It was kinda annoying how he can smile so much.

I was like that once. I smiled so much, my parents got tired of it. They seriously told me sometimes I shouldn't smile so much. That actually hurt me.

But anyway, I got back to the window, when I was done eating. I watched the people. The happy couple, the kids in the park, the cars driving by.

Red car, black car, blue car, white car, white car, green car, red car. I focused on the cars driving by.

Black, blue, red, red, green, black, white. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a knock on the door.

To my surprise, it was my mom.

"Mother?" I asked.

Hey, Sky. How are you holding up?" She asked.

I turned back to the window. I was so tired of that kind of question.

But now I could actually say something new.

"I'm better," I said truthfully.

"That's great to hear. Dad couldn't come, he had a lot of work to do at the ranch," my mother said. "He wanted to come, but he simply couldn't."

I have never really gotten along with my dad. We used to argue a lot. I didn't like talking to him back then, he would usually find something wrong about my life, and point it out. He loved my sister more, and that's how it was. Everyone would say so. Lou was always the favorite. I was okay with it, I guess. It was hurting how they sometimes ignored me to talk to Lou. But I eventually got used to it.

"Okay," I said still focused on the cars.

"I thought I would give you your present now, but you can't open it. We can't be here on your birthday. We're really sorry, but promise me you won't open it yet," she said.

Of course, they couldn't, not that I wanted them to be. But I smiled at her nevertheless, "I promise."

We talked some more about the ranch and life-stuff. She wanted to stay a little longer. But she had to be back in the morning. So when she left it was kind of late. Arnella came and helped me get into my bed. I drifted off to sleep pretty fast.

2 weeks passed. My birthday was coming up in 2 days. I have learned to walk 10 steps with the railings. I am actually proud of myself. Noah says it's a big improvement. I have been more social lately. I'm beginning to like talking to people. Kayla, Noah, and Arnella tell me that every single minute. Well, not literally. But very often.

It really annoying, but I'm glad that I'm being more social. It's kinda exhausting to be all closed off. I can also smile again. But not without people smiling at my smile. Which gives me a headache.

Today there was some 'activities' for the patient. Which I don't want to attend. But of course 'the three' didn't let me skip it. So here I am, in the park with almost the whole hospital. I'm sitting in my wheelchair looking at the people around me. Noah was coming towards me.

"Hey, so what do you want to do?" He said as he arrived with his huge smile.

I took a look around, but then shrugged.

"Bowling?" I raised my eyebrows. "Right, Eat-a-thon?" I shook my head. "Karaoke?" No, never in a million years. I don't sing in public. I shook my head. He let out a frustrated breath. "Archery?" Huh, why not.

"Sure," when I said it, Noah's face lit up with joy. He quickly rolled me there. Kayla was already there.

"Sky! Good to see you." I smiled at her and she hugged me. "Wanna try?"

"Yeah." She gave me a bow and an arrow. I placed myself with my side to the target.

"You just ha-," Noah started.

"I got this!" I cut him off. He took a step back, and I placed the arrow on the bow and stretching the bow. I focused on the target. I held it still, everyone around me was quiet and watched me.

I let go, and the arrow was inches to hitting the middle of the target. Everyone was silent for a while, then cheered. I smiled to myself. I looked at Noah, and he was giving me and an approval look. He also cheered. The smile he sent made my heart skip a beat.

Get a grip, Sky!

I smiled at him, and his smile widened. I put the bow down and rolled myself away from the shooting lane.

Noah got to me. "Wow, that was pretty impressing."

"What can I say, I am a girl of hidden talents."

"And I can't wait to figure them all out," he said with a smirk. I blushed slightly. And I think he noticed because he chuckled after. But he, fortunately, didn't leave a cocky comment.

"So, you're blushing now, Ms. Jonas?" Dammit.

"Whatever," I said with my 'Idgaf' voice and rolled away from me. He just laughed it off and followed me.

"You look cute when you blush," he said and blushed once again. He couldn't see it because he was a few steps behind me. He then grabbed the handles to my wheelchair and took control of where we were going. "But I do mean it," he said after a while.

But really? Did he actually mean it? Huh. Somehow it warmed my heart a little.

I didn't answer him. He walked to an ice cream stand. "What do want?" He asked with a smile.

I smiled sweetly but fake. "If it's on you, I'll have a waffle with chocolate and lemon."

He chuckled slightly, the ice cream man made my ice cream, and Noah handed it to me. He got a waffle with chocolate and strawberry. We found a bench nearby and ate our ice creams in silence.

When we were done, Noah took me back to the others. There was some kind was an award for the best. Honestly, I just wanted to get back. They started with bowling, then eat-a-thon, then karaoke, then some other disciplines. I really didn't pay attention.

I just looked down, waiting for them to be done.

"Skylar Jonas!" I heard my voice being called and everyone cheered. It was the announcer lady. I looked up with a confused look.

I looked at Noah. "You won the archery award," he said with a smile.

"Oh," was all I said. The announcer the lady came to me with a medal. She put it around my neck and congratulated me. I gave her a small smile before she walked back to the stage.

After it was over Noah took me to my room. But he didn't leave when we arrived at my room, but he sat down in the chair in my room.

I gave him a weird look. Why was he still in my room?

I decided to question him. "Why are you still here?"

"Well, you need some company, so I'll stay. I don't have to somewhere in another half an hour."

I nodded awkwardly in response. I didn't tell him to stay, neither did I not tell him to leave. It felt weird being alone with him. Weird because it didn't use to be like this.

But I try to ignore it, but it's hard to do. And I can't get him out of my mind. He's just there when I close my eyes.

It's freaking annoying.

The silence was uncomfortable. Unbearable. I prayed that Noah would start it very soon.

"Are you going home for the holidays?" Noah finally said something.

"Um, I don't know, I don't think so," I answered truthfully. I felt like I could talk to him about this. I don't like talking about my family issues.

"Why is that?" Noah asked curiously.

"Uh, It's complicated. But long story short, it's weird, for me, being with my family, especially in the holidays," I said.

"Why?" He sounded really curious, so I decided to tell him.

"I'm like the family outcast. Like my aunt kinda forgets I am her sister's daughter, she thinks I am some kind of worker on the ranch." It's true. My aunt forgets me. I have always hated her, and she has always hated me. And my mother knows that. My uncle is not better. He just never talks to me or even looks at me. My cousins, Katie and Meghan, they are real bitches. They are 15 and think they are better than everyone around them. They always point out every wrong thing about people. Making people feel bad about themselves.

They don't say anything to me though. They know I'll just say something mean and bitchy to them. That has happened before. And it will happen again if they talk shit to me.

"Really? I would never have suspected that. Sure you're anti-social and rude all the time, but an outcast, never," Noah teased with a grin.

"Stop! This is a real subject, take it seriously," I commanded but I couldn't hide my smile.

"Okay, okay. Sorry, but I actually didn't suspect that. I would never have," Noah said with a small smile.

"And as a matter of fact, I wasn't always this anti-social and rude, you know?" I said crossing my arms.

"Well, how were you before then?"

"Not anti-social and rude," I said, and Noah laughed. "But I could laugh anytime. Whenever I was with my sister, I would laugh and smile uncontrollably. And her twins would always make me smile and giggle." I looked at Noah, he was listening curiously. As if he enjoyed listening to me. Just the thought of it warmed my heart.

Then I realized I was blabbering. "Oh sorry, I was blabbering," I said and removed a loose tuft of hair behind my ear.

"Don't be sorry, I like hearing you talk," he said and I blushed slightly. He always gives me these small and sweet compliments that make my heart pound. It's so annoying.

Was I falling for him?

Nope, I couldn't be.

But was I?

No, never. I basically just met him.

I brushed the thought away and looked back up at Noah. He was looking curiously at me. My eyes locked with his, and neither of us was moving. I was kinda tempted to kiss him.

We sat like that for what felt like hours, but it was only a few minutes. I broke the trance by looking down, and Noah scratched the back of his neck.

Was he nervous?

"1...2...3...4...7...8...10, yes Sky, you did it," Noah cheered with a happy smile. I grinned too. I looked behind me to where my wheelchair and my smile widened.

"Do you mind getting it over here?" I asked Noah.

He shook his head. "No." I gave him a confused look. "Walk back to it," he commanded but with a smile.

I tilted my head saying 'seriously' without words. He grinned laughingly and nodded to the chair. I sighed in disbelief, which earned a chuckle from Noah. It's been 4 days since the 'incident' in my room. And it's been a little awkward. But we can still talk and laugh without any awkwardness in the air. We haven't been alone since then. And my birthday is coming up in two days.

I started taking small steps towards my chair. But just when I got there Noah removed the chair backward.

I groaned in frustration. "Noah! Stop! I am tired, give me my chair." But that obviously didn't help, he just laughed walking further away. "Noah!" I grabbed a railing trying to get my breath back.

Noah stopped, and I walked slowly towards him. He helped me sit back down. I just glared at him. He noticed it and laughed. He rolled me out of the room, and to the cafeteria.

"Want anything?" He asked with his wide smile.

"Yes! A chocolate cookie, no make that two actually," I said rudely. He shook his head grinningly walking to get it.

"You look so cute together." I jumped at the voice behind me. It was Kayla who spoke.

"I beg your pardon?" I said not understanding what she meant. Well, I know what she meant, but I acted ignorantly.

"It's so obvious that you like each other, everyone can see that," she then said. Was it that obvious?

Wait, what?!

Did Noah like me? He couldn't like me, why would he?

"What are you talking about?" I asked again ignorant.

"Don't try to hide it, girl. I know you like him," she said firmly. I guess there was no point in saying otherwise. I haven't admitted to myself that I like him. It's been a long time since I liked someone before. And how would I know that I liked him, I have almost only known him for a month.

"And I know he likes you too, I can see it by the way he looks at you when you're not looking," Kayla said with a smile. Really? Does he do that?

Just then Noah came back with my cookies and a coffee for himself.

"Hey Kayla," he greeted.

"Hey Noah, well, I gotta go," she said with a smile. I nodded, and so did Noah, and she walked away.

"Am I forgiven?" He said. He thought the cookies were a peace offering.

"Depends on how good they taste," I said with a shrug. Noah chuckled, and I took a bite. Wow, they were really good. Then I guess I had to forgive him. "Okay, you're forgiven," I said emotionless, but I couldn't help a smile. Noah took me to my room, and he had to leave because he had something to do.

So, I rolled to my usual spot. I focused on cars driving by.

Red, green, black, grey, blue, red, white, red, red, black, black.

I don't know how long time I sat there, but I checked the time. 9:57 pm. Okay, time to get to bed. I called Arnella and she helped me. I really had to get better, so I can get to bed on my own. After she said goodnight she left.

The next morning, I woke and saw Arnella in here.

"Morning," she said with a smile.

"Morning," I said with a sleepy voice. Arnella chuckled and that was when I noticed my wheelchair wasn't in the room. My chair was replaced with a pair of crutches. "Arnella, where's my chair?" I asked trying to hide my panic.

"They've been replaced with these." She referred to the crutches. "Anonyme person." She said with a teasingly smile.




"Where's Noah?" I said angrily. Arnella chuckled but shrugged. It was obvious that she knew. How could he do that? I know he's 'trying to help'. But I'm not ready to let go of my beautiful relaxing chair yet.

I sat on the edge of the bed, looking at my new crutches.

Just then Noah stepped into the room and looked at me with a huge smile. An annoying smile.

"Seriously?" I said rudely.

"Well, yesterday you proved to me that you could walk decently. So I knew you didn't need your wheelchair."

I just glared at him.

"Come on, let's get you some breakfast," he said gesturing with his hand for me to come with him. I looked confused at him, I always get my breakfast in my room. "I also made sure you'll eat in the cafeteria every morning, and at lunch. And dinner, you'll eat with us." A smirk-ish smile was plastered on his face. I know there was no way to get out of it, so I didn't say anything.

I looked back to the crutches and took them. I got down from the bed and supported my body mostly with my healthy leg until I placed the crutches right.

I walked to Noah and he smiled widely at me. It was okay walking with these. I have missed walking. I really have.

I got better at using the crutches as we walked to the cafeteria. I got a few smiles, which I kinda returned. We reached the cafeteria and Noah told me to sit down while he got the food.

I smiled at him when he came back with waffles and cocoa. My favorite kind of food. He actually remembered.

He had also taken waffles for himself but instead of cocoa, he had a coffee.

But he was kinda cute when he drank it. His dark brown hair was messy and cute at the same time, he looked good as always. I looked at my food before he saw I was staring. He then looked at me and our eyes locked with each other.

I felt my heart beating faster. He gave me his charming smile, and I looked down slightly blushing. His smile just got wider at that. Why do I keep blushing when he's around?

It was so awkward the rest of the time, none of us talked. We just kept stealing glances of each other. He was kinda cute when he ate waffles. What am I even thinking?

When we were done I looked at Noah and chuckled when I saw he had syrup on his chin.

"What?" He asked scared. "You chuckled, it must be serious!" He said teasingly.

I rolled my eyes and took a napkin. I reached for his chin and slowly wiped it off. Our eyes met and got locked again.

I realized how cheesy this was. A guy having something on his chin, the girl wiping it away, and their eyes meet, and boom, they kiss.

Wait! Did I just imagine Noah and I kissing? Noo wayy.

I broke the trance and said. "Well, I better get going." I started to get up, but it was difficult for me. Noah noticed and got up to help.

He put his one hand on my back, which sent shivers to run through my body. His other hand reached for my crutches. He handed them to me and let go. I couldn't deny I liked his touch.

"Let's go for a walk," he said with a charming smile. "I have the day off, and I bet you're not doing anything." He said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes, but he was right. I really didn't have anything to do. And I'd like to spend my time with Noah. But at the same time, it made me really nervous. Why am I nervous? Sky, it's gonna be fine, everything is fine. I'm fine, I'm fine.

Ugh, Sky, get a grip of yourself. You got this. Why am I so nervous? I have been alone with him before, but somehow it feels different this time.

"Shall we go?" Noah asked and gave me that smile, that would make most the world's girl population faint. I loved that smile, he looked so good when he did it.

I nodded, and we started walking. I felt an urge to hold his hand, but that was impossible. First, I would probably fall. Second, it would be so awkward. So I just couldn't. And for the record, I don't even know if he likes me back. He probably doesn't, I mean why would he? I have been nothing but rude to him.

We head for the hospital's front doors. We then walked to the park and just walked. I really liked this. It was so relaxing. I felt like I could tell him everything.

Suddenly a boy on a skateboard barely misses me, but I got so shocked that I fell. I was waiting to hit the ground, but it never happened. I slowly opened my eyes and I looked into his bright blue eyes. They were so intriguing. He slowly lifted me, so we were standing very close like our faces were inches apart. His eyes traveled to my lips. I bit my lip.

Without hesitation, his lips met mine. I was a little shocked at first but then accepted it and kissed him back. It was the best feeling I've ever felt. I never wanted to leave this moment. But I knew very well that this wouldn't last forever, no moment does.

But I enjoyed it until we both pulled apart. Noah rested his forehead against mine. Our breaths were heavy but we both smiled.

"You don't know I long I have been wanting to do that," Noah said, which made me smile wider. He kissed me once again, and this time I responded faster. It was different this time, but just as perfect. I liked him. A lot.

When we pulled apart the second time I pointed to my crutches on the ground.

He chuckled and said. "Oh, right." He bent down to pick them up without letting go of me. He gave them to me and let go. I noticed the sudden loss of warmth. Why did he affect me so much? I couldn't help but wonder if I had the same effect on him. We found a bench and sat down, I sat weirdly though.

Noah took my hand in his and gave his smirk-ish smile. It was nice holding his hand. It sent a tingling feeling throughout my body.

"Hey, give me your phone," he then said with a smile.

"What? Why?" I said confused.

"Just give it to me," he said and I handed my phone to him. He then typed something. He gave it back and I saw he had added himself to my contact and sent a message.

I looked at his name. "Dr. Smile? Really?" I said with raised eyebrows. He just smirked and shrugged. There was a heart at the end of his name. He had put a heart behind his name. A heart. How cute.

I smiled at that and said. "Shall we get back?" He nodded and got up. I was about to get up too when he took out his hand to help me. I accepted it and he helped me up. When I was up, I was about to trip when Noah took a hand on my back to support me. It sent a shiver through my body. And I looked up in his eyes. He looked back in mine, and I felt myself being stuck. Noah leaned in and kissed me softly.

I kissed him back before breaking it, he looked at me with a soft smile.

"I wish I could hold your hand," Noah said while we walked to the hospital. I just looked down and blushed. He noticed because he smirked at me.

We continued talking while we got back. When we got to my room he kissed my cheek. "I gotta go now, my mom needs my help with something."

I nodded. "Okay, see you later," I said.

He left after he hugged me one last time. I walked to my bed and sat down with a book. I took my reading glasses and started to read. This was one of my favorite books. I had read it three times already, but it has been some months since the last time.

Later that day Arnella came to get to eat dinner with them. And them, I mean her, Kayla, and Noah. They had all finished their shift at that time. Noah is the one of them that had most free time. He worked from 8 am - 2 pm. I used to work at the same hours.

I really hope I can get my job back when I get out of here. I was a writer for a magazine called imperfection. It's about all the little things that make us who we are. There are oversized models, models with stretchmarks and other personal marks. We had the perfect workplace ever. I really loved working there.

But we'll see. I also need to find somewhere to live. Maybe I'll have to go back to Texas. But I really don't want to go back. I had a nice childhood and all. It was just all the small things that made me leave.

And I don't want to leave Kayla, Arnella, and definitely not Noah.

As I walked to the staff room, I heard two voices in a room, the door wasn't closed so I could easily hear what they were saying. I found it inappropriate and I decided to ignore it.

But that was when I heard Noah's voice in there. I stopped walking and I heard he was talking with a girl. It made me slightly jealous and angry.

"What are you doing here, Chloe?" Noah said to the girl apparently named Chloe.

"Just wanted to see my boyfriend," she said seductively. And those words made my heart break. He had a girlfriend? Why didn't he tell me? Why did he kiss me?

"Chloe-" he started but was cut off. I peeked in the room and saw them kissing. If my heart wasn't broken already. It certainly was now. I decided I didn't want to see more so I left. I know I shouldn't make conclusions. But it was too heartbreaking to watch. A tear slipped down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away. I suddenly lost all my appetite and went straight to my room. More tears fell, but I kept wiping them away. How could he do such thing?

I didn't want to go to eat dinner with them, so I decided to just get something quick from the cafeteria.

I quickly got to the cafeteria. When I bought it, I realized I couldn't carry it to my room.

That's when I heard the voice I really didn't want to hear right now. "Sky?" Noah said. I ignored him and carried the food really weird. I didn't even look at him. "What are you doing? You should be with us."

"Sorry I just didn't feel like it, now will you excuse I have to get back to my room," I said and walked away from him.

"Let me help you at least," he said.

"No thank you, I will do it on my own." How could he be so careless and ignorant? He had a girlfriend, and he acted like he didn't even know it himself. Like our kiss didn't matter.

"What's wrong with you?" He said, his eyes looked at me with worry but mostly pain.

"Just leave me alone," I muttered but he could easily catch it. We made it to my room and I placed my food on the table.

Noah walked in and closed the door. "What happened? Did I do something wrong?" He said.

Impressive though, he's a really good actor. I didn't answer him, I didn't even look at him.

He walked to me and lifted my chin. "Talk to me, Sky." A tear slipped down my chin, but Noah caught it with his thumb.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

He frowned. "Tell you what?"

"That you have a girlfriend?" I said as another tear slipped down, but once again Noah caught it.

He looked confused. "Girlfriend? What do you mean?"

"Chloe," I slowly said. His face lit up with realization.

"You saw that?" I nodded slowly in response. "Chloe is not my girlfriend. She was, but-."

"I saw you kiss, why would you kiss if she's not your girlfriend?" I said sounding obvious.

"She kissed me, and I pushed her off me right when she did it, you didn't see that, did you?" I shook my head slowly. Noah took my face between his hands and looked straight into my eyes. "She was my girlfriend for two years, I broke up with her 6 months ago, because I caught her cheating on me with my best friend." Just when he said it, my heart felt sorry for him. But I also felt stupid for jumping to conclusions so fast. I knew I could trust him.

"I'm sorry-," I started, but Noah interrupted me by kissing me softly. I stiffened for a moment before kissing him back. It felt so right. I loved this new feeling, and I hoped it would become a regular thing.

I wrapped my hands around his neck, as he had arms around my waist pulling me very close. No air between us.

After what felt like hours, we pulled away. We rested our foreheads against each other. Both smiling and breathing heavily.

"Sky?" He said after a while.

"Yes?" I asked confused.

"Move in with me," he said non-hesitantly. I pulled away still having my arms around his neck.

"What?" I said shocked.

"When you get out of this place you need somewhere to live, so move in with me," he sounded pleadingly yet commanding.

"Noah isn't that a bit too soon, I mean we basically just met," I said. The thought of moving in with him made me excitingly happy but also very nervous.

"Sky, I want to live with you. These past weeks have been the best of my life. Better than I ever had with Chloe. She didn't make me feel the way you do. I am nervous when I think about being alone with you, scared of screwing everything up. I am happy every time I think about you or hear your name. I am falling in love with you, and I don't want to get back up."

His words left me speechless. Tears filled my eyes. But it was happy tears. What he said meant the world to me.

"Besides where else would you live?" He said with a teasing smile.

"Noah, I will gladly move in with you," I said and closed the air between us by kissing him. He responded quickly and eagerly. And my whole body tingled by his touch.

I pulled away making him groan softly. "Noah," I said and he looked at me in the eyes. "I might be falling in love with you too," I softly said.

He looked at me in confusion. "Only might?" He said looking hurt. He kissed my neck making me giggle.

"Okay, okay. I am falling in love with you." He kissed me again.

"That was better," he said. Suddenly he lifted me bridal style, making me squeal. He chuckled softly putting me on the bed laying down next to me.

Several months later.

I woke up feeling soft kisses on my face and neck. I giggled as Noah continued planting kisses. His lips moved slowly up to my mouth and he kissed me passionately. I kissed him back.

These past months have been the best months of my life. On my birthday Noah got me painting stuff, and don't ask me how he knew it was my birthday. But I am glad he found out.

"Why the sudden love?" I asked teasingly.

"Can't a boy just love his girlfriend?" I giggled when he kissed my neck. Noah asked me to be his girlfriend right after I moved in. I called my mother to tell her, and she got really, really happy and told me to bring him to Texas very soon.

But I haven't asked him yet. I will do it soon. I met his mother once and she was really nice. She showed me baby pictures of Noah. He was so cute when he was a baby. She showed me his picture from the first school day to graduation from high school.

"What's the catch?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"No catch. I just need to take you out tonight. I have everything planned. you just need to come and be as hot as you always are," he said teasingly. I punched him playfully on the chest making him laugh.

He was still over me, having his legs on either side of me and his arms on either side of my head. He lowered down to kiss me. But I didn't let him. I removed my face and pushed him off me.

"Hey!" He complained as I walked to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I found a frying pan and some eggs and bacon.

Suddenly I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and Noah kissed my neck and ear. I turned around kissing him quickly on the mouth.

"Now get away from me, I have to make breakfast," I said commandingly but I couldn't help but smile. He backed off with his hands up in defense. I chuckled slightly turning back to the food.

Later that day I found myself stressing out about the date. I didn't know what to wear. I was standing with a bit revealing black dress or a beautiful pantsuit. I was meeting Noah in the living room in a half-hour. I had already done my makeup and hair. I just needed my outfit.

After like 10 minutes I decided to go with the black dress. I found some black pumps and put them on. I looked in the mirror.

Not to brag, but I looked hot. The dress wasn't too tight, but it showed my curves. My hair was curly and looked good. My makeup wasn't too much, and the pumps did the last finishing touch. I checked the time, I had to meet him now.

I took my purse and walked out. I walked into the living room. Noah was standing so his back to me. I cleared my throat making him turn around.

He just stared at me for a bit, before he smiled widely at me. "You God, Sky. How is it possible for someone to be this hot?" He said slowly approaching me, I blushed at his words. "Shall we?" He said and took out his arm.

"We shall."

Noah took me to the rooftop. There was a table for two and roses were spread everywhere. A candle was standing on the table. It looked perfect.

Noah had bought some red wine and he had ordered some really delicious food. When we were done eating, Noah got up and took out his hand for me.

"Let's dance," he said. I smiled at him and accepted his hand.

We swayed to the music that was playing. Then Noah swung me around, but when I was facing him again he was down on one knee holding a velvet box in his hand. His other hand was still holding my hand.

OMG, was this real? Was he proposing?

"Skylar. When I first met I thought you were the rudest person ever." He said, and I laughed. "But somehow you still made me smile every single day. All I wanted was to be with you, I could never stop thinking about you. And now I am on my knee saying the words. Skylar Jonas, will you do me the honor of marrying me."

"YES!" I screamed, and he hugged me tightly. He put the beautiful ring on my finger and I was crying. He had also tears running down his cheeks.

"God, I love you so much," He said and kissed me.

Okay, this was it. "We love you too," I said more tears streaming down. Noah's body stiffened. His eyes then traveled to my belly. He stepped back taking his hand to his mouth. He was soaked in tears now. I chuckled at his reaction. He then hugged me tighter than he had ever hugged me.

I was pregnant with the love of my life's child.

Noah's child.


10,790 words.

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