Insecurity | Jikook √

By C_xhr7st

20.2K 631 55

WARNING : CONTAINS. GRAMMAR AND SPELLING ERRORS Where is all started because of one insecurity and one insen... More

III ( edited)
New JIKOOK Book!!


1.1K 41 0
By C_xhr7st

Days turn to week,  weeks turn to month and months turn to a year...

"Jungkook,  Jimin doesn't love you!!  Why can't you see that!! Why can't you love me instead? I won't leave you... Ever!! " Lisa pleaded

Ever since Jimin left,  Lisa had been like this , extra clingy ,extra flirty , and even went too far to confess to me,  in front of the world, where cameras were all flashing.

Ever since that day,  the crowd and news had totally forgotten abt Jimin,  it's always about Lizkook,  Lizkook,  Lizkook!!

I've never felt so pressured even though this has happened in the past

Now I guess I know how Jimin felt at that time. He must have felt so insecure,  since im spending so much time with Lisa as 'best friends' , and he have so suffer through all those media postinf abt his boyfriend with another girl....


"jungkook,  please eat something, or at least do your make up!  We need to make a v live later! Don't you wanna live anymore?!?! " Suga threatened

"Jimin's gone hyung! I don't wanna live anymore! There is no longer any meaning in my fucking life!!"


"IF YOU HAVENT HURT JIMIN ENOUGH,  IF YOU HAD STAYED AWAY FROM LISA,  MAYBE THEN THIS WONT HAPPEN! " suga yelled furiously and that snapped me into reality finally thinking straight

End of flashback

"God...what is wrong with me! Why do i only realise it until now? Why does it take Jimin to leave me fore tp figure that out !! Why!! Why!!" I shouted to no one in particular

"Jungkook ah..." Taehyung called out to me as he knocked from the other side of the door

"Yes hyung ?" I said monotonelously

"Come down to eat,  Jin hyung cooked a lot! " he cheered happily

After Jimin left, bts took 2 months off searching for him, even went to as far as Busan to search for him at his parents, but to no use. Even his parents have no idea where their son went

2 months came by and soon they have to return to practice and attending concerts,  however now, blackpink was the most famous K-Pop group,  following by twice, Stray kids,  then BTS. Even TXT was getting more and more popular as each day pass. Many doubt it would be long before TXT overtake BTS

It was so shocking to everyone to see how lifeless and less cheerful BTS had became after they lost Jimin,  but ARMYs still stuck with them loyally.

"Thanks hyung... But I'm not hungry" Jungkook sighed

"Jungkook ah, please stop saying that!  Hell I don't even know how heavy you are now but look at you!  Bags under your eyes , skin so pale, body so skinny! Hair messy like a bird nest! Is this kind of Idol you are potraying yourself! IS THIS WHAT JIMIN WOULD HAVE WANT YOU TO BECOME?!?!!" Taehyung screamed murderously

"H-hyung...i missed him"

Hearing that familiar name after so long sent a burning sensation to mh heart.

It hurts...

My heart hurts....

"Jungkook , i know you do , but move on! He will come back when he finally realises how much the group needed him ,but for now , lets do all we can to make Jimin proud when he's back...for the sake of Jimin , Jungkook , live up to your status!" Taehyung sighed and engulfed the younger into a comforting hug

"H-Hyung..." I cried harder

"I-I..want to be his room for now. Let me my h-heads off" i finally finished crying in my hyung's warm embrace and broke away

"Ok. But after this , you need to get up on your feet again!" He ruffled my head and pushed me into Jimin and I's room. Well now his room since i stopped living in the room wjere so much memories of our love keeps haunting me at night.

However ever since he left , i will step into that room just to grab one of Jimin 's shirt to take in his beautiful strawberry vanilla scent and pretend he's just right beside me in order to fall asleep,  only to be woken up at midnight with nightmares

However today,  it has been exactly one year and 4 days since Jimin left us, left BTS,  left me

"Well it's time maybe, to go through his stuff...maybe I can find clues on where he might be... "

Since I'm already in the room,  I started to move to the bathroom, as I glanced at all the expired bath bombs and baby body lotion that I always make Jimin apply to his beautiful skin

"Fuck.... " I cursed as the still vivid memory flashed into my mind

"Jimin ! Yah!! Stop plashing I'm wet now!!" I scolded the playful boy in the tub enjoying strawberry scented bath bombs for today

"Ooh~ oppa wet for baby?? " he grimned and I smack the back of his head.

"Aish! This baby boy,  so dirty!!" I chuckled

"Nono! Oppa, look..." He pointed downwards

"Aish....what is it now?" I asked slightly annoyed as I trailed my eyes down

"Oof... Baby why so horny! " I can't help but bursted into laughter

"Jungkookie oppa.... Help!" He pouted

"Hmm... What can I do? " I joked

"Do something!!! Make it disappear!!" He groaned

"Umm...ok, how bout I cut it off ? Then it won't be there anymore! " I cheered

"Wtf! Noo go away... Don't touch my chimmy! " he eyes widened in fear and he shield his little 'chimmy' from me,  which may not be as little as it sounded.

"Hmm... I see. Why not ask chimmy to befriend my big big cooky? I'm sure he can help! " I proposed

"Oh yes... I miss that big guy! " he jumped around excitedly

"Kookie ah... "


"Promise me, we'll always be together , promise me you only love me,  and only me! " he mumbled

"Aish,  Jimin, I prosmise okay. Don't get so emo suddenly! It scares me how your attidude changes like I change my clothes! "

"OK... "

Jimin... If only you knew, how much I still love you, how much I yearn. For you,  your beautiful body, your beautiful lips, soul,  everything!!!

Stepping out of the bathroom feeling myself starting to break down again , I decided to go to our bed

I sat down and realise, his strawberry vanilla scent, already gone,  and that made me cry a little

"Jimin ah, please.. Don't erase yourself from my life like that.. Pl-" I was cut off while talking to myself as i felt something rubbed agisnt my leg

I crouched down from the bed as I pulled out what seemed like a opened parcel from under the bed

"What is this?" I eyed the box suspiciously as I opened the parcel to find pictures, a letter and a random stick.

"WHAT THE SHIT ?!?! WHAT KIND OF PICTURES ARE THESE!!! ISTG!!!" I shouted as I picked up the weird stick I realised it's a pregnancy test


    Why happy belated birthday my dear park. Did you love your second part of the giftll? Bonus for you, pregnancy test ,it was an accident. We only did it once on your birthday party night, didn't know it would be so effective. Jimin, if you truely love Jungkook, leave him. He deserves a family which you can't give him. And we are truely in love, it's just he doesn't want to hurt you. So if you love Jungkook, let him go to his only happiness, which you weren't apart of. At least , our family will be thankful that you grant Jungkook his freedom and happiness.



Rage filled me as everything started to fall into place.

Now I get why Jimin left. Lisa ruined us by making Jimin think I'm cheating on him.... That Lisa, I'm gonna make her pay... So badly

But for now, let me just search for Jimin first. I don't care what I have to do,  kidnap him,  anything!!  To bring him back into my arms...

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