Storm, Meet Raine

By Oneinamillie

208K 6.8K 4.9K

"We share a fucking bed!" He follows me out of the bathroom, grabbing my wrist when I had turned my back to h... More

The Rekindling of Hate.
A Peek Into Sportsmanship.
Ryker in the Flesh.
Not Satisfied.
New Coach in the Making.
The Lab.
Fun and Games...For Now.
I Like Your Scent.
The Losing.
Never Again (Part 1).
Never Again (Part 2).
No Pain, No Gain.
Work Hard, Train Hard.
You Gotta Kiss the Girl.
Let's Try It.
The Bros.
Play Ball
Getting Tipsy.
Damn, Girl.
Dress shopping?
House of Speros.
The dress (not a chapter)
Let Her Come to You.
Just Relax.
Another night, another dollar.
Trust Me.
Teddy Bear.
The (first) Date.
It's the Letters.
Bottom and Top.
I Hated You.
The Tourney.
How the Tables Turn.
And How the Turn Tables.
The Surrogate.
Don't be a....
I'm Coming.
Sugar Binge.
Stuttering Heart.
No More Heartache.
Stupid Lovesick Halo.
Little Girl.
Help Me.
The Real MVP.

Same Bed?

5.7K 155 146
By Oneinamillie


     Carson and I trailed behind the security guard that was swaying her hips each time she took a step, leading us through the vacant hallways of the campus. The only sounds that were echoing around us were our suitcase wheels rolling across the floors, and the footsteps of my slides, Carson's vans, and the security guard's boots.

I don't think I've ever seen kids being escorted across campus by a security guard before, but hell at our school, I guess anything can happen. I curse when my foot catches on Carson's, causing me to stumble. Glancing up at him, I find a smirk tugging on his lips; he freaking tripped me.

She lead us through A hall—the hallway that bridges the 'sleeping quarters' as they like to call it, from the administration facility. There were a number of pictures along the bricked wall; pictures of our staff, and achievements they've made throughout their years of working. Carson snorted at the not so pretty picture of Miss Abby.

The bricks soon turned to glass as we entered the building that all the great and sucky administrators practically lived, hence the glass walls. They wanted to see the stars at night, while also finding a way to tan during the day. Some workers that already felt like they were tan enough grumbled about it, so certain sections of the ceiling were filled in with tile in order to please everyone. It's actually pretty sick.

I looked up at what would be the stars since it was about two in the morning. The sky was gorgeous, numerous stars were out, glittering, while the moon was shining brightly, casting a pretty glow over the school. The administrators didn't even want the lights on because it was so pretty, so the hallways were dark, but illuminated by our moon.

The guard made a left, and we found ourselves making weird turns for the rest of the journey since everyone's office was so close to each other. It felt like we were walking around in squares, but nevertheless, we arrived. Thank God because I don't know how much more walking my exhausted muscles will take before I pass out on the floor. Also, there's that weird feeling you have when you know you're wet, and you can't take a freaking shower until God knows when. It was safe to say, I was walking with a grimace, but when I looked back at Carson and saw that he was still sporting a huge one, I found myself smiling.

Then I got tripped again.

"Go straight down that hallway to Kolodziejski." She points forcefully down the long hallway to the door that had a name tag sticking out from the top of the ledge, reading the name that the guard just pronounced flawlessly. Meanwhile, my jaw is on the floor. Carson nudges me forward, but the guard stops us, "Leave your bags here."

     So we did just that, and found ourselves outside of this person's door. "Would you stop staring at it like it's going to open by itself, and go the fuck in?" Carson pushed me forward as I was pushing the handle down, and we both stumbled into the room due to the force at which he pushed me. We were both caught off guard, falling to the floor, and because Carson was so close to me, his legs got tangled with mine and I landed on the floor face down with a heavy man on my back.

"Fuck," he groaned, trying to get off of me as quickly as he could, his erecting digging into my ass somehow, spreading warmth to my cheeks (the ones on my face, of course). The administrator cleared their throat, just as Carson had gotten off of me, leaving me on the floor. I slowly got up, well aware of the heat on my face. Carson's steely eyes were on me, and I couldn't help but look down at the floor.

"Have a seat, you two." The man with the difficult last name pointed to the two uncomfortable looking wooden chairs in front of his equally wooden desk. Carson sat in the chair on the left, and I sat on the right side. We both scooted away from each other immediately. "Now which one of you is Carson Speros?"

"Very funny," Carson drawled, as my eyes wondered over the stiff frame of Mr. K, as I shall call him because I surely don't even want to attempt to pronounce his name. He was wearing dark glasses, and I was starting to draw conclusions. When he asked if both of us were males, then I knew that my assumption was correct. "Are you fucking—oh." He cleared his throat awkwardly, muttering an apology.

"So you two are in need of a room?" Mr. K states before picking up the corded phone on his desk, "Yeah, come down. I need you to look at the room openings for me." He then rubs his eyes after hanging up the phone, seemingly exhausted.

     "What happened with you two?"

     Carson and I shared a look—a look that we never meant to share. His grey eyes showed the pain he felt due to the death of his roommate, and mine showed the fear I was feeling due to the sudden death of my roommate. Ni wasn't as much of a good girl like her teachers or her parents thought she was, but she didn't get into actual trouble. She explored like the rest of us idiots: drugs, sex, alcohol, sex, sex...

     But she never did anything illegal, nor did she get into trouble with some underground mafia people. At least, I didn't think she did.

     Carson opened his mouth to respond, but the heavy door to Mr. K's office was pushed open, and a timid woman poked her head inside, her eyes finding Carson's first, and her cheeks flushing when her eyes casted downward. He rolled his eyes before giving me a harsh glare. I couldn't help but giggle to myself, but I felt the heat crawling up my neck. I was the cause of that.

"You wanted me to look at room openings, Mr. Kolodziejski?" She stepped into the room when he nodded his head, her sweet little voice bringing a smile to his face. She blushed again while I arched a brow. Mr. K isn't all that old. If I had to give a guess, I would say he's in his late thirties, and this lady is definitely past her roaring twenties, so I could understand her attraction toward him. I mean, the man was blind, but he was good looking for his age.

"Yeah," he nodded, using his arms to push himself back from his desk, his rolling chair moving him backwards smoothly as the lady stepped in front of him, bending over slightly so that she could look at his computer clearly.

Carson snorted, drawing her attention. "From what I'm seeing," she ignores him after finding the knowing look he was giving her. "You two have two options." She scrolls, the semi-annoying, semi-satisfying sound of the button rolling filling the air.

"And those options would be?"

"If you shut up, she'd tell us, Carson." I glance at him from the corner of my eye, shooting him a dirty look, "Not everyone wants to hear your voice."

"Yeah because the sound of my voice doesn't make your pussy wet—"


"Mr. Speros!" The lady chastised as soon as his name left my mouth. He shrugged, telling us that he said what he said. I roll my eyes. "As I was saying," she cleared her throat, "You two would have to share a dorm room—"

     "No," I interjected, pushing myself out of the chair, and beginning to leave as Carson told me to 'sit the hell down'. "Hell no. H. E. Double hockey sticks. No."

     "We fucking heard you the first time, Carter. Sit the fuck down." He grumbled, and the lady repeated what he said calmly, without the cursing.

     Begrudgingly, I took a seat, bumping Carson's arm with my elbow. He then looked at the lady with an annoyed expression, his grey eyes not impressed, "I'm not staying with her."

     "There has to be another way—besides, isn't there a rule about opposite sex rooming?" I question, to which she immediately dismissed as if I hadn't asked it at all. This school doesn't seem to have any rules anymore with every day that goes by. First, we allow homicides to be swept under the rug, and now I can room with a horny man.


     "The other option is that you return to the library," she shrugs, tucking a strand of freshly pressed hair behind her ear, and scrolling the button on the mouse.

     "For how long?" I asked, seriously considering it despite of the constant pain I was in due to the discomfort of the lodging (can you even call it that?) at the library. I can't tell you how many times I woke up with a crick in my neck.

     "At the very least..." she trails off, her fingers tapping the keys of the computer before she started scrolling again, "Six months."

     "Well, where the hell is that room?" Carson looked up at her through his thick lashes, and I rolled my eyes, inwardly groaning.


     "You get one key," the lady mutters as she pushes the door handle downward, opening the door and slapping the key into my hand, "Lose it. And the library is where you will stay."

     "Thanks," I forced a grin when she forced one toward me. Grabbing my suitcases, I pulled them into the room, Carson trailing behind me as she stalked away. "Well isn't this nice," I mumbled.

     "Better than my old room," he shrugged, his grey eyes flickering around the neatly made room. It smelled like new carpet, something I could definitely get used to.

     The door closed automatically behind us, and the little clicking sound let us know that it was locked. My eyes trailed over a countertop that was attached to the wall as soon as you walked in. I tossed the key there. Upon it, there was a small bouquet of fake tulips, and a white card with the words, "In Loving Memory of President Cathrine." Carson had read it aloud before rolling his eyes, "Great, now we have to worry about some old, dead bitch haunting us in our sleep."

     "Carson!" I whisper yelled as if there really was a ghost in here, and the possibility of her hearing us was high. He threw the card and flowers into the trash that was next to the counter top, and walked further into the room.

     I left my suitcases by the bathroom door as I peeked in, hoping that there was a shower, but much to my luck, it was only a toilet and a sink. Stupid school. I tsked, closing the door, and eyeing the sizable double bed with black sheets that I stared at questionably. Carson leaned over and sniffed the fabric before shrugging, "It's washed."

     Turning, I looked at the rest of the room that wasn't much, but there was a tv that was across from the bed, mounted onto the wall, and the remote was on the bedside table, in front of a lamp. There was also a tiny couch on the far corner, on the right side of the bed. "We have a lot of decorating to do," I muttered, opening my suitcase, and setting a black, metal alarm clock next to the lamp.

     "How cute," he said sarcastically. "So since there's only one bed, how about you sleep on the couch?"

There was no fucking way I was sleeping on the couch after being stuck in the library. I went from sleeping on a recliner, my head getting damaged by old books, to sleeping on hard couches with minor cushion on them. If he thought I was sleeping on that damn leather couch, he had another thing coming.

     "Over my dead body," I grit out.

     "That can be arranged."

     All he got was a cold look from me as he started to strip.

So we stood there in front of the bed, side by side in pajamas. I was in my cabbage patch pants and a tank top, and he was shirtless with a pair of loose boxer shorts on. "Fine, so we share?" He proposed, running a hand through his brown hair before placing his unfinished tatted arm on his hip. My eyes roamed over the other tattoos that were inked across his tanned, Grecian skin and I bit my lip. He shook his head at me, "Don't fucking start that shit with me, Carter. I'm serious."

"You're no fun. No one made you strip," I pouted, my eyes trailing down his frame where the tattoos continued on his thigh. One was left bare—it happened to be the opposite of his bare arm. His left arm was being filled out currently, a sleeve that was close to being finished, but his right arm was bare. His right thigh was tatted as well with different patterns that I'd kill to see up close...a little closer, while his left thigh was bare. His body was looking hot. "I guess we do have to share."

     We both heaved a sigh simultaneously.

     "Well are you getting in first?" He gestured, trying to be a gentleman for the first time. His dark eyes were on me as I walked to the bed rigidly, waiting for him to come up behind me and yank my hair so that I wouldn't reach the bed, and force me to sleep on the couch, but it never happened.

     I pulled back the comforter that was surprisingly very soft, lush even, and did the same with the dark sheets. I gave Carson one final look before questioning myself. He nodded his head in approval, watching me as I slid under the covers, and patted the spot next to me. He stood there for a few moments before groaning and getting into the bed next to me, his body bumping against mine as he made the once decent looking sized bed seem small. We quickly turned our backs to each other, and I grumbled, "Get your ass off of mine."

     "Get your fucking legs off of mine," he growled back before yanking the sheets over to his side.

     I quickly snatched them back, "We're not starting this crap, Carson." I grunted, elbowing him when he booty bumped me, and snatched the covers back. "Carson!"

     "Fucking what?" He raised his voice, turning around to bore his steely grey eyes into mine, and I crumbled underneath his gaze, letting go of the blankets, and turning back around, away from him, closing my eyes. "Carter..."

     "It's just a little cold, okay?" I mumbled after a few seconds of pause, "Never mind now." I say quietly.

     "You're not supposed to make me feel bad, you're supposed to fight me back."

     "Carson, I'm tired. I have class in a few hours, and we have practice for a game that I'm not even going to play in. I'd like to sleep instead of fighting with you," I breathed, staring at the white walls ahead of me that encases the bathroom. He grumbled curses under his breath before laying down beside me, his body heat warming me up despite the lack of covering I had.

     A few moments later, I felt the warmth of the sheets being draped over me, and Carson's body heat radiating more as he slid closer to me. My eyes were closed, and I inched back, wanting to be warmer, and he found himself inching forward, toward me. We kept doing this until he got fed up and wrapped an arm around my torso, pulling my body flush against his, and heating me up inside and out. He sighed, and I felt the coolness of his breath fanning against the top of my head, tickling me a bit.

     I couldn't help but giggle because every time he exhaled, it tickled my scalp. "Shut up." He said harshly. I bit my lip, trying not to giggle until my body got used to it, and I settle into him, relishing in his warmth. I found my legs tangling with his as he held me.

     My arm laid over his and I found myself whispering, "Are we cuddling right now?"

     "Tell the team, and you're dead." But he held me tighter, pulling me even closer to him. "You're warm and you smell good. I still don't like you, though. So fucking remember that."

     "And you think I like you?" I bit back, my face scrunching up at the thought.

     "Go to sleep."

     And I did, for about thirty minutes—at least, that's what it felt like before I felt Carson's lower half digging into my butt. He was still sleep, though, I knew that because his breathing was deeper, slower, I could count the number of times his breath tickled my scalp and it was slow counting.

     I bite my lip, my mind wandering back to the library. When he saw caught me reading that book—the scene was dirty. It had my inner thighs a little slick with arousal, but it was nothing compared to the waterfall I practically had pouring out of me when I saw Carson's eyes, when I heard his voice, and when I saw his well endowed self. He was leaking for goodness sake—how could I ignore that?

     My teeth bury themself into my lip more, and I couldn't help but push back against him slightly, wanting to feel how hard he was, and boy, was he thick. I practically whimpered, trying to get away from him, desperate to find my suitcase and get my best friend, Kade, but he was too far away, and Carson's grip on me wasn't wavering.

     "Please don't get up," I whispered to him, feeling awfully sinful, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. So yes, I tilted my butt up and slowly moved my hips so that I brushed along his length. It had picked a side in his boxers, and it was the left side so it gave me a nice shot to feel him.

     I couldn't help it, I placed my hand over my mouth and ground against him, he felt so soft but so rigid at the same time. I whimpered, pulling my left leg up moving it backwards, draping over his hip carefully, and angling myself where I wanted him. Just a taste...I wanted a little taste. His thick length was underneath my core, and I rubbed myself against him, getting a little too carried away because all of a sudden, his hands gripped my leg tightly, nails digging into my skin as a throaty groan left his lips.

     I gasped, trying to get away from him, and pretend to go back to sleep, but he knew I was awake, and I knew he was going to give me shit about it. "Did you just grind on me?" His raspy voice sent chills down my spine, and I closed my eyes tightly, wishing I'd pass out so I won't have to talk to him. My head snapped back when he grabbed my curls and yanked downward so that I looked into his eyes, "Fucking answer me when I speak to you."

     "I—" he cut me off with two of his fingers invading my mouth, and his other hand dived into my pajama pants, (and I never wear panties to bed) and he thrusted two fingers into my dripping wet heat, making me yelp in a weird high pitched sound around his fingers that had my body flushing in embarrassment. Since I made noise, I ended up gagging around his thick fingers as my insides clenched around his fingers at the same time.

"Is this what you fucking wanted, Carter?" His husky voice hinted at the way he was restraining himself from having his way with me, even though I feel that he is really close to doing it. So now the thought of how he is when all his restraints are gone piques my interest. "You want to come because of me?"

     "Oh, God yes, Carson," I breathed around his fingers, gagging again, and he pulled them out before grabbing my jaw as his other hand was working my lower half, his fingers intruding my core in a way that had me curling up, but that was just pressing me against his erection even more.

He tsks, his fingers curling inside me nicely, brushing my walls and lightly grazing my g-spot. It felt good, how he calmed my poor vagina, feeling my walls delicately after stretching me out with his fingers when he first jammed them in, "You like that?" I didn't have to look at him to know he was watching every movement of my body. I felt his cool eyes on me as I let out a breathy sigh as he stroked me softly while he groaned every now and then when I wiggled my ass against him. I nodded, smiling sheepishly when he caressed my front wall. My eyes closed.

"But this isn't what you want," he mumbled lowly, causing my brows to furrow, but my breath hitches in my throat when he increases the speed of his fingers entering my body. In and out at a pace that had me digging my nails into his wrist, whining his name. "You want my cock don't you?"

     "Uh huh," I managed to choke out, his fingers caused that familiar tummy churning sensation that sent a soothing warmth from my throbbing clit, down my thighs, and to my Christmas sock covered toes. "Carson, please."

     "Oh you're begging now?" He mused, not stopping his pace, sending me closer and closer to the edge, but every time my body was ready to explode into confetti, he gently caressed my walls twice, taming the storm that was brewing in my body. My cheeks were hot, my neck was hot, my thighs were wet and equally hot. I was breathing raggedly, "You really want my dick, huh?"

     "Yes." I closed my eyes, pushing my butt back into him, wanting to feel him, "Please, Carson."

     "Holy shit, hearing you beg is turning me the fuck on," he gripped my jaw tighter, his thumb tracing over my chin, "Show me how much you want me." He then tilted my head backward, forcing me to look into his eyes. They were dark with an emotion brewing behind them that I would classify as lust, but honestly, he just looks like he's pissed at me: something he always is.

     I opened my mouth to speak, but he put a finger in my mouth. I'm assuming this is something that he likes to do; his eyes were glowing in excitement. He wanted to see what my eyes were telling him, so I looked up at him pleadingly. I gazed into his dark grey eyes—they were pure grey. No trace of blue in them. They were lighter the closer you got to the pupil. Black streaks in them gave him his dark look. I believe that the more emotion he felt, the wider the black streaks became and took over the grey tones of his eyes.

     They were beautiful.

He read my eyes, seeing the way I wanted him, how much I wanted him—just for the night. Just to satisfy my craving for him. Just to get the roommate jitters out of the way so we can go back to hating each other, and pretending that we don't turn each other on. Just this once.

He seems to like what he sees in my eyes because he pulled his fingers out of me, leaving me gasping for air. I couldn't even shift the position of my legs without shuddering because I was so worn out from being dragged to the edge with no prevail. He gripped my thigh, raising my leg over his higher, and I felt him. "Tell me you want me."

His swollen tip was kissing my swollen lips, telling them hi, telling my vagina, 'Hey, babe. We're going to penetrate'. I shivered as I felt the smooth, velvety skin of his most intimate body part. "I want you, Carson...I need you, Carson." The last sentence was quiet, for I felt shy admitting it. If he wasn't going to get me off, I was going to explode, seriously.

     "Look at you," he tsks, grazing his tip along my slit before bumping my clit and nuzzling my lips. I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder as he kept gripping my jaw, making me look at him, "Begging me like a dick starved whore. You really want it?"

     "How many times do I have to say it, Carson? Y-es!" I squealed when he pushed deeply into me, not slowly so he could stretch me appropriately, but forcefully, almost commanding me to take him all through his harsh thrust.

     He let out a strained groan, "Fuck." Pulling out, he contradicted the way he came in, sliding out slowly so that my walls could feel who had just intruded my body in such a manner that I never felt before. I could feel all of him—every thick vein from all the blood flowing downward in his heated body, the dry smoothness of his skin contrasting with the wetness of mine had my lip quivering.

     His fingers dug into my thighs more as he thrusted hard back inside me with a deep grunt. His chin rested on the top of my head, I could feel the ragged release of breath travel from his throat and underneath his chin to the air around us. He drew back again, but I was whimpering a little too much, so he paused, "Can't take it?"

     I nod my head after a few minutes, needing a break because I was on the brink of combustion if he kept going. I've never felt such extreme arousal before—he made my head dizzy, my heart thumped so wildly in my chest that I was gasping for air at this point, my legs were trembling, and my poor pussy was weeping. He. Felt. So. Good. "I can take it. Go," when he hesitated, I snapped, "Fuck me!"

     And he rammed inside me once. Twice. Again and again, groaning deeply each time he thrusted inside of me. I appreciated the vocality of him in bed because with every groan and grunt, my core dripped in approval, my tummy clenched from the way the bass seemed to settle into my being, and my toes were curling. His tip kissed my cervix, and he didn't go deeper, sensing that it was a sensitive spot for me; he just grazed it, never hit it like a jack hammer—thank God.

     "Carson," I whined when he threw his leg over me, slowly pushing me further and further in to a position where I'd be face down, but he never went all the way, clearly turned on by the way I called his name.

     "Say my name again," he gasped into my ear, one hand planted on my shoulder as the other ripped down my tank top and freed my nipples (I wasn't wearing a bra). His fingers trailed down my collarbone before dipping down the valley of my breasts, and tracing over my nipple. He pinched them before cupping my breasts and pinching my nipples again, harder. "Say it." He thrusted into me roughly.

     My back arched, "Carson." I closed my eyes when I felt his lips brushing my forehead.

     "Louder. Say it louder. Let the whole fucking dorm know who's fucking you." He pulled back and hit me hard and deep, something mixed between a moan and a scream and a cry came out of me, and he did it again...and again...and again.

"Carson!" I practically wailed, not even embarrassed about how vocal I'm being. Normally, I'm not so loud in bed. I'm more of a quiet moan, 'that felt good' kind of girl, but I wouldn't be surprised if people thought we were making a porno. Good thing we're toward the end of the hallway.

     "You want to come, don't you?" He rasps in my ear, not relenting on his punishing thrusts. My teeth sank into my bottom lip to quiet myself, but Carson pulled my lip from under the wrath of my teeth, urging me to be loud. He wanted everyone to hear.

     I nodded my head rapidly, my eyes clenching shut as my core clenched around his thick rod, drawing a groan from his body. "That's too bad."

     My eyes snapped open, and I screeched when he hit home and stayed buried balls deep inside of my quivering pussy as he elaborated, "You come, you deep throat me in the showers in front of everyone tomorrow."

     "Hell no—ah!" I shot him a glare when he tilted my head back.

     "You know your ass will be planted on that bench, right?"

"What does that have to do with me coming?" I whined, pushing back against his length, drawing another lust-filled sound from both of our throats.

"If you want to start hitting well, then I have to train you, and if you come—I'll have you on your knees in the shower, and I'll prolong the time before I start training you." He eases in and out of me slowly, teasingly, before going back to punishing me; ramming into me hard, making me cry his name again and again and again.

His cool breath fanned across my scalp once more, triggering an orgasm from me that definitely couldn't be held back no matter how tightly I clenched around him to halt it. Carson shuddered behind me before grunting into his release. Warm, Speros seed shot inside me, making me come again immediately with a whimper of his name.

He lazily slid back into me before lazily sliding out, riding through the pleasure before pulling out, dripping the remainder of his seed on my thighs and wrapping his arms around me, pressing me into the mattress while his heavy body laid on top of me. I sighed, contented. My body hasn't been well sated since my...friend had left town, and it's nice to have the relief I've been craving for, even if it came from him.

     "Fuck, I needed that," he mumbled after his heart beat returned to a steady, slow rhythm on my back. "You came," he breathed out before he shuffled while on top of me, pulling his boxers back over himself.

     "I know."


     "I know."

     "I'm going to come down your throat tomorrow," he said, smiling against my head as his hands traced over my tummy.

     "Coming around you is worth the punishment." I murmured, drifting off into a post-climatic sleep.


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