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By eroticgrethan

12.2K 707 453

*DISCONTINUED* Everyone wishes to go to Camp Fuck Boy, but it's only few who get the opportunity. Instead of... More

welcum campers!
party animal
thinkin' with yo dick
hangovers rule!
*character list*
"i'm not your pet, you asshole"
running on water
saying it like it is
the truth is revealed...somewhat
world renowned ball buster
honesty is the best policy
moby sucks dick. get over it.
it always comes back to bite you in your ass
lube? we definitely know her
brought back to reality
someone has the sniffles
fuck up my insides, please
like it was yesterday

finally able to breathe

296 16 4
By eroticgrethan


The tips of my fingers dance lightly on Wes's skin. He shivers slightly, goosebumps crawling over his skin like a disease. I can smell a strong scent of men's deodorant coming from his arm pit, as his head rests on the palm of his hand, the underside of his arm exposed. I can feel the soft vibrations of Wes's heart, my ear right over the vital organ. Wes's left arm is around my waist, his hand lays slack on my thigh. My teeth chatter every so often and Wes snuggles into me more, trying to warm me up. The cuddling does help, warming me up just a bit and giving me a feeling I haven't had in a long time.

"You're quiet. Too quiet." A laugh is forced from my throat, the tension getting awkward. "You expect me to talk like nothing happened? What do you want me to say, Wes?" I can feel Wes tense at my words and his chest rising from a large intake of breath. "I don't know-" "So why ask?" Wes sighs, removing his arm from under his head. "I don't know why I feel like this, My. It's like you hate me now, and never want to be near me. Laying here, right now with you, makes me feel like you'd rather be alone than be with me." I lift myself up from Wes's chest, and now I sit with my legs folded and my eyes on the wall.

"Maybe I do want to be alone. Maybe I wanted to drown in that pool. Maybe I want nothing to do with you. Maybe I love you." Emotions are something you can hardly control, we all know that. But when I'm with Wes, it's like- I can't even describe it. Well, maybe I can. I'm at the top of the mountain, and the oxygen levels are low. My lungs are getting tired and are close to collapsing. But then something appears through the mist, an image. A boy; tall, black hair, beautiful brown eyes, a sharp jawline, perfectly tanned skin. A boy who somehow can make my heart go crazy, so crazy, that I'm able to breath again at the top of that mountain. Suffocating myself, but once Wes came along, I was finally able to breathe.

"I can't describe my feelings in words. It's hard to understand why I have them, and why they won't go away when they need to the most. I'm scared, I'm lonely, I'm lost. And so many more." Wes sits up as well, some of the sheet falling down because of gravity. His stomach is now exposed and I can see a few hairs escaping his shorts. I try not to get turned on, but when I feel Wes's soft palm set itself between my jaw and neck, and he turns my head slowly, I know I won't be able to hold back. When I look into Wesley Adams eyes, all I see is light. A light so bright, the sun is jealous.

Whether it's his mahogany eyes, or the large ball of black that gets larger whenever we make contact. Or the lids that fall over them when it's time to rest, or the lashes that flutter when he wakes up the next morning. The tears that fall when the times get rough. Or the way they get irritated when the sun shines. Eyes are the mirrors to the soul, and as I look into Wes's eyes, I know he has a soul, a bright one at that. A soul that's able to find it's mate and live forever.

Wes is complex. Everything about him is questionable, and sometimes I wonder if he really is a real person, or someone sent from heaven. He may be a man-whore, and an asshole most of the time, but he's got something most guys don't have. A heart. A heart that beats not only for breathing, but to love and care for somebody. I can only hope that I'm one of the reason's Wes's heart beats. That deep red bloody thing that moves on it's own. Moving and pumping for me. But for right now, Wes and I can both agree on that we have a strong "like" for each other. Love is something so strong, you can't control it, and you do stupid things to get it and keep it.

Love is like a feather or leaf caught in the wind, and as a child, you put your hands up to the sky and ran after it, following it until it flew away or you caught it. Some of us weren't so lucky, and that feather or leaf was brought so high up into the sky, you never saw it again. But maybe when you get older, you might be able to catch that leaf or feather, because this time you're taller and much stronger. Able to run after it until you catch it, using all your energy. And when you do, you're able to collapse onto the ground and smile, smile because you finally caught it. Love. Horrible analogy- I know.

"I want you to know that I like you a lot, Mylo. I like you so much. I will do everything and anything to keep a smile on your face, or keep you laughing, even when it's just a boring day. I want to lay with you in this old bed and let it collapse from under our weight, and then laugh about it as we lay on broken pieces of wood." Wes blushes, but his teeth show from the smile. "My life isn't the same without you fucking in it. I don't care if you can't tell me you're mad, or hurt. I'll just have to take it, but I'll always like you while I'm doing it." I laugh, and a tear falls from my duct and Wes moves me closer, putting me into his lap.

His lips meet the tear, and he smiles while he does it. Then he moves and continues to kiss my whole entire face. Leaving the grand ole prize, my lips, for last. When Wes does push his lips against mine, the same shock from the last time returns. This time, we kiss slowly, and sensually. I part my lips, his tongue meeting mine. My hand holds the dark mop of hair and Wes's hand still rests on my jaw. I smile in content as we kiss, happiness taking over my body. I pull back, taking a breath before I speak my peace. "I'm happy."

Wes looks me over, taking in all I have to offer and he starts to fall back onto the bed. "It's late. Come lay down." I roll my eyes, but the smile stays on my face. "Late my ass. I can pull an all nighter with ease." Wes nods, grinning a bit. "That's besides the fact. It's been a long night and I want it to end with you in my arms. Now, do I have to ask again?" Wes asks almost sternly, but the glint in his eyes tells me otherwise. I bite my bottom lip, shaking my head. I contort my body so my back is against Wes's chest. I can feel his arms slither over and under my body. As our breathing slows, and our eyelids start to get heavy, I can hear Wes whisper "I love you, Mylo."


author's note:

i feel as i say sorry way too much but it's true. wed was my first day and it was very hetic. my other excuse is work. but i do have a surprise. I HAVE A LONG WEEKEND. it's stupid- went to school for two days and then goes on a 4 day vaca but whateva, i can write! i do have work though, but i will get the time to write the next chapter. i already started writing yesterday at 3am.

but, in the mean time, i hope you enjoyed this and i'll see you all very soon.

love you!!!

word count:1,232

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