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By eroticgrethan

12.2K 707 453

*DISCONTINUED* Everyone wishes to go to Camp Fuck Boy, but it's only few who get the opportunity. Instead of... More

welcum campers!
party animal
thinkin' with yo dick
hangovers rule!
*character list*
"i'm not your pet, you asshole"
running on water
saying it like it is
world renowned ball buster
honesty is the best policy
moby sucks dick. get over it.
it always comes back to bite you in your ass
lube? we definitely know her
brought back to reality
finally able to breathe
someone has the sniffles
fuck up my insides, please
like it was yesterday

the truth is revealed...somewhat

520 37 17
By eroticgrethan


"What the fuck is their problem? Kicking me out...Assholes." Were the words I muttered to myself as I walked down the dirt path. Ethan was a fucking dumb ass for saying that shit to Grady, because he knew in the back of his head, the very very back, that it was going to get back to Grayson at some point. He might've thought that Grady could keep secrets, but the kid could never shut his mouth. I was glad he wasn't my type, blonds didn't get me as hard as brunettes could. 

While I was someone who could get anyone in bed, I stuck to boys. It wasn't the fact that girls weren't as good with their hands or tongues, they just didn't have the thrill. The fake moans and orgasms, the botched plastic surgery that costed their parents thousands of dollars. They destroyed themselves for reasons I did not care about. Some boys did the same, yes, but they didn't create their own lube. Besides, I think it's way more fun to finger a boy into orgasm because it's literally surreal. But anyway...

As I think more to myself about fucking some boy, I'm not paying attention, and I literally bump into someone. The force of the bump sends us both on our asses. I start laughing a bit, not even seeing who I bumped into but when a hand comes in front of my face, I grab it. I'm pulled up from the ground, and when I looked a few inches down, the hand comes back and goes across my face. Slapping me. My cheek stings from the hit and a hiss comes from my mouth, I'm ready to swear at the top of my lungs, but when I hear that voice. I know why the person did what they did.

"Wesley fucking Adams...Long time no fucking see. I wonder why, we haven't seen each other? Oh! That's right, you thought it would nice to take my fucking clothes just like Parent Trap." Mylo...I knew he'd be back. After leaving the day after we pranked him, I never saw him again. All his friends that he had never came to my parties and always gave me dirty looks when I went near them accidentally. They had the answer to his disappearance, and I was partly to blame for it. I had seen Mylo's name on the list, and when I went on a morning run, he was talking to one of the counselors near the work out room. 

"Mylo...I'm so so fucking sorry for what we did and everything-" "Wes, I'm not here for an apology. I don't care what you have to say, and I'd like to let you know that I will not be talking to you ever again. You don't deserve fucking kindness for the shit you pulled." Mylo stomps his foot at the end of his little speech, and by then I'm fuming. "You shut your mouth, Mylo. We stole your clothes and you walked back to the cabin in your boxers. I don't know why the fuck you still need to fucking be a petty ass bitch to me after something that happened a fucking year ago. I'd suck it up and move on because Jesus Christ, screaming at me and telling me to go fuck off isn't going to help your case."

I had grown a crush on Mylo before we even did the prank, and it was mostly Quinn's idea. I only went with the plan because Quinn had said something about getting me something I wanted. But there was no way I was going to rat on my bro like that. If it meant that I had to take physical and now emotional pain from Mylo, then so be it. There was literally nothing he could do but slap me and roast me or whatever. He wasn't going to do much damage on my ass, and even if he tried, I'd be right back with something worse.

"You know what, Wes? I'm not going to stand here and take your shit. For once in my life I am going to stick up for myself and walk away. I'm not going to stand here and listen to you tell lies. What I said will always rang true, and don't you dare try and come say some other bullshit. Good fucking bye." Mylo flipped me off as he walked backwards. Then he turned and walked the other way. This was just only the beginning of Mylo and I, and if he thought he wasn't going to run into me again. He was wrong.


1 Year Ago. 

It was about 7:45pm, and most of the boys that were here this year, were at Wesley's party. I decided that I didn't want to get drunk for the second time this week, and wake up in someones bed but mine. So, I took a long walk through the woods, and then came across the pool. No one was in it, as it was nearing almost 8, and I thought it was a perfect idea to go night swimming. I didn't have my bathing suit, or a towel, but since no one was around, I just took off my clothes and stayed in my boxers.

The water was freezing, as it wasn't being heated by the blistering sun. So, to get myself in without my teeth gnawing themselves down to little stubs, I jumped right into the deep end. When I sunk to the bottom of the pool, gravity doing it's job in pulling me down, I stayed there for a few seconds before pushing myself back up to the surface. The pool lights were on, and I could see the bottom, but I still had a fear of a shark coming to get me from down below. "I watch way too many Sci-Fi movies," I muttered to myself as I swam over to the edge.

I was in a zen, some would say, and I didn't notice five boys come into the pool area, take my clothes, and run. It was only probably an hour later did I realize that someone had taken my clothes. The moon was now out, it was now my only light source, and when I went over to get my clothes and put them back on, they were gone. Vanished right from the spot I left them in. At first, I didn't think that someone would steal them, back then I had didn't views and thoughts on things. But after a few minutes looking everywhere, I finally said to myself that someone had taken my clothes.

I still had my flip flops, and I slid them over my feet. The squeaking sounds were unbearable, and I was already pissed off with the disappearance of my clothes. It didn't take me long to get back to my cabin, and when I opened the door, five people I knew all too well were standing there with my clothes in their hands. Wesley Adams had my shirt, Ethan Dolan had my pants, Quinn Wilson had my sweatshirt, and Bryan and Tony didn't have anything. I was beyond livid, and was about to cuss them all out before Wesley, Ethan, and Quinn dropped my clothes like a sack of potatoes onto the cabin floor, and left, Bryan and Tony following them like dogs. 

That night, I couldn't take it anymore. After sitting on my bed, and telling myself that I was so stupid for having a crush on Wes, I packed my bags after my second mental breakdown. It was probably about 1 am by the time my dad came to pick me up. I had said very little to him on the phone while I sat on a very uncomfortable chair in the main building. I had put on sweatpants, a long t-shirt, sneakers, and a hat. When I saw my dad's car pull up in the front of camp, I ran to it, and shoved my bag into the trunk, and sat in the back seat. I knew my dad was worried when I laid down with my blanket and pillow and fell asleep without saying a word.

Present Time

The memory of that night makes me so mad, and the only person to blame is Wes. Wes was my third crush, as I didn't come out to myself until I was 14. Now 17, I could look at things different and be different. Wes wasn't the only person who I could like, and this camp came with a buffet of hotties. Although Wes would have some place in my heart, because he was one of the firsts, he still wasn't safe from the bitchy Mylo. Wes had done some fucked up shit, and I probably would never speak to him like I had threatened. But he was still eye candy, and I love fucking candy.

I knew there were other people that went along with it. I'll always be mad at Ethan, and Quinn. Bryan and Tony...not so much. They probably went along with it, because at that time, Quinn was the King of Camp Fuck Boy. Although Quinn was straight, he didn't act straight when he and I ran into each other during the school year. I was going into my senior year and as a trip for the Juniors, we went to Six Flags. Quinn's school was also there, and when he and I ran into each other in the bathroom, Quinn didn't mind me giving him a blow job.

He told me to never tell anyone, fearing that the camp would think he was another gayboy. "I'm not into that shit, Mylo. I'm not some gayboy." Were his exact words. I spat his cum into the toilet and left him in the stall. Right after that I went on Superman and spent the rest of my day with my friends. Some asshole wasn't going to ruin it. But now, I can expose Quinn for his nasty words and behavior, and I plan on doing it tonight, in front of the whole camp, at dinner. 

Quinn didn't know the shit he was going to get into, and all the "gayboy's" were going to have issues with him. I was already seeing a brawl between the homophobes and the LGBTQ + in my head, it was almost satisfying. The blood, the crunches of fists against cheeks. I was already living for it. But once I saw Ethan Dolan and a boy I had only heard of following him like a lost puppy, tonight was already ruined.

"Mylo...What the fuck did you do?!" Ethan screams in my face. My arms are still crossed. "Why should I tell you, Dolan? Wes got a run for his money." Ethan scoffed, "Run for his money? He's literally in bed, CRYING because of you!" Ethan wasn't one for lying, but I didn't want to trust him. "I can see that you don't believe him. I know you're in pain, you want revenge. But Wes really is at an all time low right now. Telling you- I don't think it's going to help you or Wes, but maybe go see him? Make it all better?" It was the boy next to Ethan with swoopy brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. 

"Ethan...You've picked a good one." I moved myself from my spot and walked off in the direction of Wes's cabin. I know I shouldn't have, but I did anyway. Walking in on Wes curled in his blankets, sniffling, made all the hate I have for him vanish into thin air, just like my clothes.


author's note;

well. this is mylo and wes's story. 

hope you enjoyed...and be ready for the next chappy ;)

word count:1,932

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