Drabbles/ Oneshots

By Kitaoblaze

20.8K 650 123

This is a collection of random prompts and one chapter stories featuring SasuHina as soulmates, an arrange ma... More

A Marriage of Convenience
Soulmates (2)
The kissing booth
On a bloody night
A Marriage of Convenience (2)
Meine Liebe
Paper cranes and Jasmines
The Only Exception
Pacify you better

On a snowy evening

1.8K 41 11
By Kitaoblaze

At the request of @SxHlove. I hope you'll like it.


It was white everywhere.

The ground wasn't visible through the thick layer of snow. It seemed like another ice-age had descended on the earth.

The white snow created a soft blanket. And it looked like a canvass, which was ready to be painted with beautiful spring colors.

Or the dark shades of red. Like blood.

The snow fell heavily and the already difficult path became almost invisible to walk upon. And the cold...it was seeping into her bones.

Hinata wondered, once again, how could she have gotten lost? How had she gotten separated from her team mates who were next to her one minute and gone the next.

She'd even lost her way. She had absolutely no clue where she was and the snow blizzard on top of that only increased her problems.

She had to look for shelter. Now. She activated her Byakugan again, tired and weary from the constant use of her bloodline on low Chakra. Her vision was clear and extended over a long range.

A town, not more than one kilometer away, just as she'd seen before. Good, she had not gotten lost then, she thought as she deactivated her bloodline and continued trudging.

The wind howled in her ears, almost knocking her over with the sheer force of it. She sighed. If the wind blew any harder, she'd have to use Chakra to keep her feet rooted on the path as she was too small.

And since the path was covered with snow, she'd never get a solid enough grip. Nor could she run. She gritted her teeth.

She was going to take shelter in the nearest shelter she could see. No matter what. Continuing her walk, she contemplated what to do after she'd gotten shelter.

She'd cross that bridge once she got to it, she decided. A few minutes later and she could make out the outline of a building through the snow. She immediately activated her Byakugan.

It was a wooden building. Seemed like a compound or something. She was going there, she decided, even if the devil himself showed up.

She hurriedly made her way to it through the howling wind and snow. No one would hear her knocking and the door was unlocked, so she just walked in.

Already it was warmer inside the building. She scanned the building with her Byakugan once. No one was there. Although she'd have to check again.

She clutched her backpack closer. Taking a kunai out of the holster, she made her way into the building cautiously.

Utter silence apart from the howling of the wind outside. The snow just kept coming, she thought, as she looked out a window. She sighed. Lowering her Kunai, she made her way into what she assumed was the living room.

It had a few rugs and a small table in it. The compound seemed long abandoned. It would do for the night, she thought as she looked around the dark room.

And paused.

Glowing in the dark room were blood red eyes. She felt her breath leave her body. "You're a long way from home."

Seems like the devil showed up after all.


The voice of Konoha's traitor made her blood run even colder, if that was even possible considering she'd just walked through a storm.

"Sasuke Uchiha." she breathed out.

He was upon her in a second, slamming her painfully into the wall. She felt the thud as her head collided with the wall. She gasped.

"Looking for me?" He said with a crazy gleam in his eyes. He seemed so different from the young boy she'd seen Naruto hang around in their Genin days.

He was pale, gaunt and his face betrayed the craziness lurking underneath him. He looked haunted honestly.

He must have been, since he'd killed Danzo only a while back. After killing his own brother. Hinata let out a small groan when his grip on her neck tightened.

"Care to talk?"

"I-I..." she started but she found out she had difficulty talking straight with his red eyes looking into her eyes. She clenched her eyes shut.

So he was going to kill her. Might as well bear it with dignity, she thought as tears prickled her eyes.

A Kunai stabbed her arm, embedding itself into the wooden wall behind her. "I can go on this all night. I don't know how much you could bear though."

"I wasn't looking for you." She stammered out as pain shot through her body in extreme waves while he waved another kunai in front of her.

"Funny, you found me."

His smirk was malicious. "Let's see how much Konoha trains its Chunin really." The Kunai found its target in her guts as she screamed.

Sasuke's eyes radiated pure joy.


The mission had been hard but her team was skillful. They'd tracked down the rogues and taken care of them. But they couldn't stay long. They had to get back.

Kiba and Shino were in the lead as she followed while they made their way back. Then, the storm had hit unexpectedly.

And it was as if they'd vanished completely.

And she was lost. She needed to find them. They'd be so worried. This realization made Hinata snap out of the Genjutsu Sasuke had trapped her into the moment he'd seen her.

She fell to her knees as she broke out of the illusion and her breath was coming in ragged. Sasuke stood in a corner, amusement in his expression.

"How pathetic. Your Byakugan really is useless then."

She didn't care. The exhaustion was coming up. She wanted to curl up and sleep for days. Sasuke walked towards her as she raised her kunai again. She wasn't giving up without a fight.

"I'm not going to kill you if you obey." He warned her in a bored manner. Was killing human beings really so ordinary for him?

"So, how did you get here?"

"I-I got lost. Separated from m-my team." She told him as he stood in front of her. For a moment, she feared he wouldn't believe her. Then, he blinked. Once.

"Come on then." He gestured at her to get up and follow him. She nodded wearily. He'd catch he anyway if she tried to run.


He led her into what seemed like a kitchen. He used his fire jutsu to light a fire. Something told her he wasn't too fond of the cold.

He was wearing a warm black zip up jacket with a faded Uchiha crest. And he had a thick men's shawl around his shoulder. Comfortable clothes for a psychotic murderer.

He sat down on the table.

"Name one reason I shouldn't kill you." He started conversationally. She sighed tiredly.

"I don't have a re-reason to give you." she said, not bothering to fear him right now. She was too tired for that. She took off her jacket, wet from the snow and hung it in front of the fire on a chair.

"Who's house is t-this?" she asked, knowing she was testing the waters.

He didn't bother replying to her, instead choosing to watch her cautiously. She slowly made her way to the table and took out the food she'd packed.

She offered him some but he scoffed in a disgusted manner. She got the hint and started eating.

"So, what are you doing here Uchiha-san?" she asked him while eating.

He looked at her with a smirk. "Waiting."

She knew better than to ask the reason for his wait. So she ate quietly. "Naruto-kun's really determined to bring you back. Even now."

"And I'm so supposed the care?" Naruto's mention had put the angry look on his face she was witnessing right now. It wasn't angry. It was murderous.

"You're still a citizen of Konoha. It's your home." She tried.

She knew she had no plpace to say that to him. She hadn't even known him. But she did not Naruto and Sakura. And his absence hurt them every single day. She'd seen them break apart because of his actions more times than she could count. And she wanted to help.

"No, princess. It's your home. It never was my home."

"That's not true. Even if you don't consider yourself a Konoha citizen, it was your home at some point. And now too. Even if you're-uh-" she stopped herself.

Sasuke suddenly laughed. He laughed and laughed like a maniac. Then he stopped and smirked. "No. You're a citizen. I'm a traitor."

"But you can be a citizen again. If you come back." she pleaded for Naruto's sake. He would be devastated if his friend never returned. "Naruto's never given up."

Sasuke's smirk vanished. His pale face looked haunted again. His eyes shifted again as if he was being reminded of something painful. Then again, his life had been nothing but pain and revenge till now.

"I don't care, Hyuga. Ties are the reason of a failed past." He said with deadly quiet. "Make no mistake-I will destroy Konoha."

The promise in his voice made shivers run down her spine.


Sasuke didn't know why he hadn't killed her yet. Anyone belonging to Konoha was his mortal enemy. Who he'd destroy.

He would only find peace when he burnt that goddamned place to ashes. The cries and weeping of the people as he killed their loved ones would be music to his ears. He'd make sure to relish that.

Like they'd been relieved when his clan was killed. By his own brother.

He clenched his fists. Thinking of his brother was too painful. Too soon.

But something about her reminded him of Itachi. The way she talked about Konoha, reminded him of the loyalty his brother had towards the fucking village. How he'd given up everything in his goddamned life for the people who considered him no better than the filth of the streets.

It infurtiated him. Enough to make him want to kill the Hyuga Heir painfully. He didn't remember her first name. But he remebered her by face and knew she was the Hyuga princess.

But he'd wait, he told himself, her precious village was going to burn but the wait would make the revenge sweeter.


"Are you going to kill me now?" Hinata asked, feeling her eyes close.

"Probably. In your sleep." he said with a slow caress to his words. Even the death threat couldn't make her keep her eyes open.

"Good night." she whispered as she closed her eyes and was instantly asleep. Sasuke wondered when was the last time someone had trusted him enough to sleep with him there.

She didn't trust him, he knew, and she was simply exhausted. But something about her reminded him of the innocence he'd once possessed.

And he hated her. Just like he hated the feeling and the memories. He smirked. He wouldn't kill her right now after all.

Because destroying everything she loved in front of her would be more fun. The devastation. The innocence leaving her eyes as the last of her beloved people bled and the village turned to ashes.

"I'll see you soon." He whispered to her as he lifted her heavy eyelid, casting a genjutsu. Then, he lifted his kunai and placed shallow cuts on her wrist and one on her neck.

Then he walked off.


Hinata woke, a heavy men's shawl over her, keeping her warm and snug. Her neck felt stiff as she sat up abruptly.

"How-?" she wondered where the shawl had come from. And what she was doing on the table. It all came back to her.

She'd seen Sasuke. He'd attacked her and she'd barely escaped with some wounds. She turned to the cuts on her wrist and she one cut on her neck from when he'd appeared behind her and held his kunai over her neck.

Then she'd come to his compound and rested. And now she had to go home and tell Naruto she'd seen Sasuke.

Who had gone insane, apparently, she thought. She felt refreshed. Where did the shawl come from? It must have been Neji's, and she'd packed it for the mission.

She had to meet up with her team in the village. She activated her Byakugan, did a sweep of the parameter instinctively before rushing out.


Sasuke smirked as he watched her run off. Distorting her view really took a toll. Seemed her Byakugan was not so useless after all.

Then he turned to the two figures behind him, battered and bruised. Tortured from the night of the Genjutsu he'd put them in.

"Konoha really needs to improve the mental torture training." he said smugly as he turned to Kiba and Shino tied there.

"Now let's check your physical limit. I needed a messenger and luckily it only takes one to carry a message."

The screams echoed all day until they finally went silent.

The devil reincarnate slipped out the compound then, his blood lust satisfied.


Author notes: Let me know what you think. It's my first time writing dark Sasuke. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Also updated "Love me lights out" so check it out if you want. 

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