Treasure Imagines ♡

By nightsafariii

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Hyunsuk Pt. 2
Haruto (again)
new fan fiction?
sorry 😤🥺


2K 38 1
By nightsafariii

Junghwan is the popular boy which everyone wants to be friends with . While Hyunji is a girl who is the girl nobody wants to be friends with . Why ? Because she is bossy , rich and likes to order people around . Why did she do that ? She scared that people will leave her alone since she was young , she was bullied for being rich when she was an elementary student .
Hyunji POV
I was walking down the hallway and people are making way for me . I actually is very uncomfortable at all the attention they give me but i act as i am confident . I was walking when i heard a group of girls swarming over the end of the hallway which would lead to the Canteen . That was when i saw Junghwan , the popular kid . Man , he is sooooo cute like damn cute . He is one of the nicest people i met . We never talked during school hour but after school , we are the best of the friends . But i have a crush on him .

"Hyunji ! Help me ! Please girls , let me go !" Junghwan said which caught me off guard and people started to stare at me . I slowly walked to him not wanting to betray him as he asked for help already .

"What you need h-help ? I need to g-go to class already" i said while irls started to make way for me to walk to Junghwan . He pulled my hand and dragged me to somewhere i don't want to go . The basement of the school .

"Stay with me . I don't want to be alone and you need to skip class for once ," Junghwan said which makes me want to burn him alive .

"Yah , we will get in trouble you stupid fool . How are you even popular ?" I said folding my arm to show that i am angry .

"Whatever , you need a rest . And to answer your question , maybe of my handsome face ." He replied .

I lay my head on his shoulder as we were sitting and my head hurts . I remembered that i have claustrophobia* . He was about to stand up when i lay my head on his shoulder but i pulled his wrist down .

"Stay. I am claustrophobic . This is your fault . So help me this once ." he started to calm down and leave my head on his shoulder . Little do you know that he was blushing profusely .

"I like you Hyunji," he whispered which makes me smile slowly .

"I like you too Junghwan," i replied to him whispering which caught him off guard .

"Really ? You were not asleep ?" He said with a small voice surprised that i am awake .

I nodded my head and he smiled . He intertwine his finger with mine which cause me to smile widely .

"I love you Hyunji / Junghwan," we said unison .

The End

Words : 471

Word Glory:
Claustrophobia* : claus·tro·pho·bi·a
Learn to pronounce
extreme or irrational fear of confined places.
"the small stuffy room had begun to give him claustrophobia"

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