
By robilynes

938 57 80

When you have a choice to save your people or suffer in a never ending war, the choice is obvious. You pick t... More

Chapter Two - Anything for my people
Chapter Three - The decision
Chapter Four - The human world
PART TWO: Chapter Five - General Hank revealed *shock, horror
Chapter Six - "Oh My Gosh we're twinsies!!" -Skylah
Chapter Seven - Telepathy phone call
Chapter Eight - Meeting my sis
Chapter Nine - G.H has maids?
Chapter Ten - Plan A (as they say)
Authors notes. This is important

PART ONE: Chapter One - The Letter (Leilah's POV)

163 7 11
By robilynes

War. It’s not the greatest thing, especially if you have to live through one.

My name is Leilah. Well, to be specific, my name is Princess Leilah, Faerie Princess of Uerotina, Daughter of King Jeremiah. Phew I know. Long title.

I live in a world (from your point of view) full of mythical creatures. Or as we call them, Uerotians. Werewolves, warlocks, demons, angels, ancient, modern, you name it, we got it! Advertisement much.

And my world and the human world are at war. We’ve been at war for many generations. I don’t specifically know what caused the war, but all I can say is we have it easier than our ancestors. Like for the fact that we have Truce weekend. Truce weekend was introduced by my grandfather who said, and I quote, “Soldiers have fought day in day out to win this war. We will eventually all die of exhaustion. So I propose a Truce Weekend. A weekend where soldiers and generals can rest, have a good meal, and hope for the better.” Thankyou Grandfather! But for us noble’s, generals and the Royal Family, i.e. me and my father, its war meeting after war meeting.

And today is the first day of Truce Weekend. I’m sitting in the meeting room next to my father and my best friend Zach, who’s the nobleman for the werewolves.

My dad was in the middle of his speech when the pixie guard, Moss, who also happens to be my bodyguard, bursts into the room.

“You’re Majesty, please excuse my intrusion. But there is a human warrior here now. He claims to have a message from his General, and demands to see you immediately.”

My father’s eyes open widely, “Bring him in.” was all that he said

Moss bows and leaves the room. I look over at my father and see that he is unsettled. He keeps fidgeting with his clothes and shifting in his seat. I look over at Zach. I can see his lime-yellow eyes read my worried face and give me an encouraging smile. There was a tension and awkward silence in the room.

That’s when we hear shuffling and shouting from the other side of the door. Then a boy bursts in, hitting the ground. “Man! Now need to push me in! You creased my nice shirt! You owe me forty bucks for dry cleaning!” We all stare at the boy in shock, some even disgust. The boy stands up and brushes his hands off on his pants. So much for dry cleaning, whatever that is.

The boy has pale ice blue eyes and dirty blonde coloured hair that has been messily arranged, tall and well built like most human warriors. He looks to be my age, maybe older? Say, 18-19ish.

The boy walks up to my father with a casual stroll with a smug look on his face. And he had his eyes fixated on me the whole time. I can feel anger radiating off both Zach and Moss. Moss puts his hand on my shoulder protectively and the other on his sword hilt.

As the boy stops in front of my father he says, “Your Highness! Been a while hasn’t it? You look great! Been working out?” I can see the laughter in his eyes and his mocking smile grow.

My father was so shocked that he becomes speechless so I say, “How dare you address him like that. Have you no respect to Royalty, much less your elders? Now what is it that you want, you human scum?”

“My gosh, what a big mouth! And such dirty words from a Princess and a beautiful lady. You look oddly familiar though, have we met?” The boy respond in his melodramatic, casual way that it was my turn to be stunned.

My father clears his throat then says, “What is it that you want Daniel?”

“Well now that you ask, I have an important message to you from my General.” His tone in his voice changes making it sound as if we’re listening to a different person. Daniel, as my father called him, pulls out a sheet of paper and starts reading off it.

’To His Majesty, King Jeremiah, I give to you a letter of truce. I wish only for peace for a war that has lasted for many long years. But of course! All things must come with a price.

I will announce peace and stop my troops from advancing, in exchange for your daughter, Princess Leilah. I give you a week to think about it. If you refuse then prepare yourself for another hundred years of war. Please give permission for Daniel to stay at the palace for the period of time.

-          General Hanks’

I was perfectly stunned as everyone else in the room. I look at my father and see that he has gone very pale. I turn to look at everybody else in the room. All eyes were on me. I can feel each and every one of those eyes, different coloured and shaped seeping into me. Wow, no pressure.

I lost my mother when I was young in the exact same situation as now. The previous General sent a letter claiming he will announce peace in exchange for my mother. She went. We had peace but a week after she left we got a letter saying that my mother died. They say the cause was illness, but I never believed it. My father was furious. The fighting started again. He managed to kill the General, barely making it out with his own life.

I look back at my father and see he has put his face in his palms.


“Meeting dismissed.” Was all he said. All the nobles left with uncertainty and leaving us with me, Zach, Moss, Daniel and my father left in the room.

“Moss, could you please escort Daniel to a room he can stay in?” my father says.

Moss bows and leaves the room holding on to Daniels shoulder, escorting him out.

“What are you going to do?” Zach asks.

“I’m not sure.” My voice came out as a whisper.

“It’s your choice my daughter.” Well, technically it’s the author’s choice considering the fact that she’s writing what happens in our life……. SSSHHH they’ll hear you!  “If your stay in Uerotina than that is fine. We have coped with war, lived around with it. But if…… if you go than Uerotina will be at peace,” he says the last part so heartbroken that it’s hard looking at him. War if I stay, peace if I go. No pressure much.

I seemed to have zoned out because the next thing I know, Zach was shaking my shoulder.

 “I’ll have a think about it, excuse Me.” and with that I leave the room without looking back. 

Author's notes:

Hi everyone! I hope you liked my story! 

Pleas leave a comment if you have any clarifications needed. 

Looking forward to feedbacks and would be much appreciated :) 

Next upload will probably be soon. Depends if I remember.... probably during the week.

Ttyl bro's and happy readin'! Robi :) 

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