The Honest without The Brave...

By abslouuuuu

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"I've been told that the furthest one can sail is to the end of the world; Aslan's country." "Do you really b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 17

509 11 0
By abslouuuuu

Staring at the lilies in slight awe, I wander how something to delicate appeared in the vast ocean. Then again, Aslan is full of magic and surprises I'm not entirely surprised. A soft breeze winds through the my hair, a sigh of contentment leaving my lips as I close my eyes - letting the cool air brush through my body, drying off the last of the water that had drenched my clothes. Although, with my vest back on the Dawn Treader, it is a lot easier to dry off - Lucy being the one to suggest it before we took off in the long boat. Suddenly, my attention is brought away from the surrounding nature at toward Eustace - the boy finishing his own tale about his own rather strange adventure. As he finishes, Edmund clears his throat - questioning his cousin in pure curiosity. 

"So what was it like? When Aslan changed you back."

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Eustace thinking for a few moments before shrugging - answering his cousin as best he can.   

"No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't do it myself. Then he came towards me. It sort of hurt, but it was a good pain. You know, like when you pull a thorn from your foot. Being a dragon wasn't all bad, I mean I think I was a better dragon then I was a boy. I'm so sorry for being such a sod."

I smile down at him as Edmund agrees, the younger boy laughing slightly at the humour. Suddenly, Eustace tilts his head toward my direction - a sorrowful gaze in his eyes.   

"I'm sorry for not treating as though you are family."

I smile softly, a small pang of adoration growing in my heart for the boy - after all, he may have been awful in the beginning, but like us Narnia changed him for the better. I accept his apology but am interrupted by Lucy - my best friend giggling softly beside me.  

"But don't worry Eustace. Sophia will be part of the family soon enough."

Groaning softly, I bury my head in my hands as the teasing commences once again - once again the long boat finding amusement in Edmund and my new relationship. I can hear Lucy babbling on about her dream plan for the two of us, her plan being something that I never knew she had. But it is quite thorough, which means she has been planning it for sometime. Caspian is laughing along with Eustace, the sound making my cheeks flush in pure embarrassment. As I lift my head from my hands, nudging Lucy softly, I notice Edmund looking redder than usual - the tips of his ears a vibrant red, and his freckles highlighted brightly. I open my mouth to say something, wanting nothing more than to avoid all the teasing, but Reepicheap's voice bounces through the air - stopping the comments abruptly.   

"My friends, we have arrived."

Gazing past the mouse, my eyes widen in amazement as a rather large waves stands before us - moving as though it is never ending. Behind the moving water, it looks as though mountains lay beyond but they are quickly covered by the wave. Taking a deep breath, I help push the boat toward the sand - my heartbeat increasing in excitement of the unknown.   


Standing between Lucy and Edmund, we all wander closer to the wave in utter curiosity - my hand gripping Edmund's tightly in anticipation. As out footsteps become drowned out the crushing sounds of the wave hitting the sand, I jolt as Eustace's voice echoes out. 


Stopping in my tracks automatically, I spin around to see Aslan himself beside us all - a smile on his face as he gazes across at us all with pride. He hasn't changed since the last time we saw him, only slightly taller and larger - his mane still as fluffy and his voice still as calming.   

"Welcome children. You have done well, very well indeed. You have come far, and now your journey has come at its end."

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Lucy looking around in confusion - her eyebrows furrowing as she takes a small step toward the great lion.   

"Is this your country?"

Aslan chuckles softly and shakes his mane, gesturing beyond the wave with a widening smile. The outlines of the mountains are larger from this distance, but the never-ending wave continues to hide any more than the tips - which only increasing the burning curiosity inside me. Suddenly, Caspian's voice catches my attention - my gaze drifting toward him as he himself stares intently at the lion.   

"Is my father in your country?"

Aslan lets out a hum of acknowledgment before speaking in a rather neutral tone - not allowing any sort of emotion to seep into his voice other than comfort. 

"You can only find that out for yourself. But you should know that if you continue, there is no return."

At Aslan's words, Caspian wander closer to the wave - placing his hand upon the water whilst looking rather confused. The King looks to make a move closer to the water, but instead he sighs - turning on his heel and wandering back toward our small group huddled on the sand. I notice a few stray tears in his eyes but, before I can say anything, Edmund's voice echoes out. 

"You're not going?"

Rolling my eyes at the slightly inconsiderate approach, I send Edmund a pointed look which causes him to softly apologise - our friend shaking his head immediately.   

"I can't imagine my father would be very proud that I gave up what I died for. I've spent too long wanting what was taken from me and not what was given. I was given a kingdom, people."

He speaks as though he is telling himself this information, rather than us - for his face hardens and the tears disappear. He utters something about being a better King, but Aslan simply chuckles - shaking his mane. 

"You already are."

As Caspian nods, Aslan suddenly turns to us with an expectant gaze - Lucy taking a few steps forward when Edmund suddenly voices his opinion, shocking me slightly.   

"I think it's time we went home actually Lu, Soph."

Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I stare up at the boy - just as Lucy questions her brother. After all, he does constantly say that he loves it here - just as we do. However, he sighs and squeezes my hand - a sign I am beginning to understand as comfort.   

"I do, but I love home and our family as well. I know that Sophia misses her brother and family too. They all need us."

Staring up at him, sadness wells up in my heart - I hadn't known he'd realised how much I was missing my family. Perhaps he was always looking after me, in ways I never knew - just as Gael had stated. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Lucy starting to tear up ever so slightly - but before either of us can say anything, a small cough catches everyone's attention. I gaze down to the sand to see Reepicheap approaching Aslan with his feather in his hands - bowing down to the great lion in a slight dramatic flare.   

"Your liege. Ever since I can remember I have dreamt of seeing your country. I have had many great adventures in this world but, nothing has dampened that yearning. I know I am hardly worthy but, with your permission, I would lay down my sword for the joy for seeing your country with my own eyes."

Sniffling ever so slightly, I lean in closer to Edmund as he wraps an arm around my shoulders - the two of us watching Reepicheap with wide eyes. I notice the mouse staring at Aslan with his shoulders hunched - a sign he is holding his breath. It is let go, however, as Aslan chuckles softly - nodding with kind eyes.   

"My country was made for noble hearts such as yours, no matter who small the carrier may be."

Reepicheap bows once again, the relief rather obvious - especially as Caspian utters his own opinion. 

"No one could be more deserving."

The mouse turns rather sheepish, which is quite amusing for he is always so dramatic and extraverted. He makes a move to object, but Edmund interrupts with a soft 'its true' as he bows - Reepicheap bowing softly in return, despite his flushed expression. As they both straighten up, I take a few steps and kneel in front of the mouse - a small tear running down my face as I send him a small and comforting smile.   

"Please don't forget to be carful on your daring quests."

Reepicheap chuckles softly at this as he bows once again, myself standing up and curtsying in response. As I take a few steps backward to stand side-by-side with Edmund once again, I notice Lucy approaching the mouse with hesitance - kneeling in a much closer proximity to him than I.  

"May I?"

Reepicheap shrugs at her words, to which she hugs him close - pulling him in tightly for what feels like the last time. I swear I notice the mouse smiling at her actions before he clears his throat - the two pulling apart with a soft goodbye. I watch as Lucy slowly stands, only to be replaced by Eustace - the two having formed a bond whilst Eustace was a dragon. I notice tears falling constantly down Eustace's face as he hiccups - sniffling ever so softly as he talks.   

"I don't understand. Will I not see you again?"

I smile softly as the two share a few heartfelt words - letting them have their privacy, after all saying goodbye to someone you have grown to care deeply about is never easy. Suddenly, Reepicheap bows one last time before scurrying closer to the large wave - approaching a small boat that was not there a few seconds ago. Before I can ponder it further, I watch as the mouse sticks his sword into the sand before pushing the boat forward - letting the water push it along until it disappears over the top of the wave, Reepicheap gone forever. I can feel tears drip along my face as realisation dawns upon me - a feeling of uneasiness yet understanding bubbling in my stomach.   

"This is out last time here, isn't it?"

At my words, Aslan wanders toward us all with a soft nod - eyes eyes softening as I let out another sniffle, the tears continuing to fall.   

"Yes. You have grown up my dear one, just like Peter, Andrew and Susan."

Nodding softly, I squeeze Edmund's hand as I watch my best friend approach the great lion - her hand gripping tightly onto his mane as though she doesn't want to let go.  

"Will you visit us in our world?"

Aslan glance at my best friend while nodding - a comforting smile etching itself onto his face. It brings make the first memory I ever have of the lion, watching as he stood in front of his army with a sense of pride and hope.   

"I shall be watching you, always."

I let out a strangled sigh as I mumble a 'how' under my breath - Aslan seeming to have understood, for he stares into my eyes as a sense of hope overcomes me.   

"In your world I am known by a different name. You must learn to know my by it. For that is the reason you were brought to Narnia. By knowing me here for a little, you shall know me better there."

Silence envelops us all, a few sniffles erupting here and there from myself and Lucy. Still, no one dares say anything - in fear of ruining the moment. Well, that is until Lucy utters out another question - one that has been running through my mind but I have been too afraid of the answer to ask.  

"Will we meet again?"

Aslan contemplates it for a few minutes, which brings a dreaded feeling into my stomach - a wrenching pain tearing me from the inside. However, it disappears instantly as he nods - the smile reaching all the way to his eyes.   

"Yes dear one, one day."

And just like that, relief overcomes me - so much so I don't exactly panic as the great lion roars in the direction of the water, creating a hole in the middle of the endless wave. With my hand intertwined with Edmund's, we wander toward Caspian who is standing by himself - a saddened look upon his face. Behind me, I can hear the footsteps of Lucy and Eustace following - the four of us standing in front of the King for the last time.   

"You are the closest thing I have to family. That includes you too Eustace."

Smiling softly as Caspian claps Eustace on the back, I slowly let go of Edmund's hand and envelop the King in a hug - a few of my tears falling onto his shirt. As I pull away, I send him an apologetic smile before standing out of the way - letting Caspian and Edmund hug a brotherly hug. As they two pull away, I notice Caspian gesturing to me with a wide grin on his face.   

"Now you treat Sophia nicely, because she is one of a kind."

Aweing softly at the kind words, I share a soft look with Edmund as he mumbles 'I know' - my heart fluttering at the sound. He smiles a genuine smile to which I return before spinning on my heel - facing Aslan with a a soft sigh. I try to take in his fur, eyes and face as he bows toward Edmund - the Pevensie bowing in return much like he has always done. Taking a deep breath, I envelop the lion in a hug - letting the feeling of his fur comfort me for the very last time, memories speeding through my mind as I try not to forget. Hesitantly, I pull away from the lion and wander to Edmund - feeling him kiss me on the cheek as we watch Lucy say her final goodbyes to Aslan. While Lucy and I may have always shared a deep bond with the lion, hers has always been stronger - the two muttering goodbyes as though they are children once again. Holding out my hand, Lucy grasps it tight as she pulls away from the lion - the three of us turning our backs on our friends for the last time. As we wander closer to the giant hole in the middle of the water, I can hear Eustace murmuring softly to Aslan - their voices too far away for me to truly make out any words. Despite this, I gaze over my shoulder as we step into the hole - Eustace running to catch up with us all. Not that I full take notice, for my gaze never leaves Aslan and Caspian - their faces the last thing I see before I an engulfed with water. 

I can feel Edmund gripping my hand tightly as the two of us swim upward, following the figures of Lucy and Eustace. The further up we travel, the more the water lessens - which is rather odd, but this is magic. Slowly, the surroundings become more like Lucy's and my shared room in the Scrubb household - our beds and wardrobe floating downward and shimmering in the light. Suddenly, I feel myself being dragged over to what can only be described as Lucy's bed - Edmund grabbing a hold of the railing as he places me on his lap. Slowly, the water begins to lower and my eyes widen slightly - everything about me becoming dry as though I hadn't just been swimming in an abundance of water. Noticing my London style dress back on my body, I gaze around the bedroom as the water becomes ankles depth - Lucy sitting with her back against my own bed, a smile gracing her face despite the sadness evident in her eyes. Giving her a small, knowing glance, I gaze toward the painting - watching as the last of the water is sucked up into the oil, and the ship sails back into the corner of the frame. As the room falls into a comfortable silence, I hear Alberta Scrubb herself screech from downstairs. 


From the floor I can hear Eustace groaning in annoyance slightly - something that shocks me slightly for he has never done that in the past. Then again, Narnia has changed him and it seems to be for the better. Sending him a small smile, I gaze toward the door - not really wanting to leave the room. As though reading my mind, Edmund's grip around my waist tightens - causing me to smile in adoration. That is until the sadness envelops me, my gaze fluttering around the room to see the other's in a similar state. Biting my lip to stop myself from sobbing irrationally, I watch as Eustace hangs the painting back upon the wall - looking as though nothing is abnormal about. Yet to us all, it will always be a memory - just as everything will become. Smiling as Lucy approaches Edmund and I, I let her pull me off her brother's lap and wrap her arms around my waist for comfort - the two of us ignoring Edmund's soft grumbles of annoyance. Rolling my eyes, I pull away from Lucy to kiss him on the cheek - him mumbling stopping automatically. I giggle softly, as does Lucy - myself finding the feeling strange considering the loss we have just faced. Sighing, I watch as Eustace leaves the room with Edmund trailing after him - leaving Lucy and I alone in the room. I stare at the painting for a few more seconds as though waiting for something to happen - only nothing does. Sighing softly, I make my way to the open door alongside Lucy - my best friend's eyes never leaving the painting behind me. That is until she turns on her heels and leaves the room - leaving my by myself and the million thoughts speeding through my mind. Taking a deep breath, I stare at the painting one last time before shutting the door to the bedroom and in all honesty all of our Narnian adventures - leaving them in our memories forever. 

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