Up and Out

By ToryoKoneko23

23K 1.2K 47

Naruto can feel it, Konoha is dead and rotting. The only trustworthy people were killed or forced to leave, b... More

Confronting a Demon
Snake Revealed
Wedding Plans
Pink Ally
Ninjas Lessons
Twisting Waters
Clone Race
Growing Forces
The Switch
Movie Theater
Seventh Member
Steamy Method
Puppet's Strings
Mind Terrors
Into The Fire
S'more Progress
A New Housewife
Detail Me
The Hideous Depths
Through the Curtains
Misty Path
Ramen Plan
Puppet Show
Location Location Location
Target Found
Soul Spa
Removing Corruption


874 54 2
By ToryoKoneko23

Last Time:

"Dig the prick out." The cloaked leader snapped and the four other ninjas sifted through the sand until they came upon the barely breathing form of a masked blonde ninja. "Found you."


Both tan and blood soaked sand grains were pushed away, but no matter how much they dug there was no sign of a body ...

"We can't find him, boss." One of the underlings snapped.

"Keep looking. He has to be in there, otherwise where is this blood coming from ... he's most likely in pieces so he might have sunk lower." The leader sneered as he watched his men continue digging. A sick grin spread across his lips as he saw the glint of a white object. When the sand was moved aside a mask was revealed ... it was the very mask the anbu was seen wearing! Their hands dove into the sand under the mask and felt something solid. The object, which was most likely the dismembered corpse of the anbu they were chasing, was dragged out ...

It was only a vest ...

"What the fuck? Where is the rest of him?" Another ninja asked. As they looked at the vest the sand on the hill slid down taking the mask with it. The shifting sands hid the motion of something under the ninjas' feet. The motion was that of a hand rising up to toss a ball at their feet before diving back under the sand.

The leader noticed the plopping sound of something supposedly falling out of vest and hitting the sand and looked down. The four other ninjas did as well, but a split second ;later it was too late for them. It never even crossed their minds that they should run. If they did instead of looking down they may have lived for you see the ball exploded sending acidic liquid everywhere. Each ninja fell down either dead or screaming in agony.

As if out of a horror movie the two ninjas who were clinging to life saw the body of their leader rise up. However, when the corpse quickly flopped over after that it became clear that the body wasn't what was moving at all. In reality the motion was the anbu who was coming out from his hiding spot that actually was under their feet the entire time. Half of the young anbu's face was covered by his shirt, which was used to protect his airways from being filled with sand, but it was clear the anbu was just a kid.

"B-bl-blood." One ninja choked out as the kid took his mask and put it back on.

"Red paint balls and the vest was a spare." Naruto remarked as he tapped the vest he was wearing indicating that it was definitely not the same one that is now a dissolved mess. The ROOT agent took out kunai and slashed the throats of the only living members. It would've been nice to question them and find out who hired them, but they wouldn't last long enough to reveal anything anyway so best to just finish it.With a quick wind jutsu all the bodies were buried under the sand and Naruto was free to finish his mission. Two days with the only delay being a nasty sand storm the trained ROOT agent came up to the gates of the village hidden in the Sand.

"What's your business here?" The guard at the gate asked.

"Mission." Naruto answered while rolling his eyes behind his mask. It's not like he can just slip in because if one thing went wrong and he was spotted then he will be suspected of espionage, which is punishable by death. Dying is something he'd like to avoid for a while yet, but that doesn't make these questions any less stupid. If he wanted to get information or plan an attack could've just changed out his clothes and posed as an injured civilian to get a free pass to the hospital where he could plant a bomb. It's stupid to look suspiciously at someone who openly admits to being a ninja and not look closer at the people claiming to be weak or non threatening even if you rely on merchants and tourism as much as the ninja activities to keep a village afloat.

"And the village you're allied with?" The guard asked as he glared at the foreigner.

"None, Freelance." The ROOT agent answered.

The guard raised an eyebrow wondering why anyone would want to work in this career alone, but in the end he really didn't care and let the ROOT agent through the gates. Naruto immediately started looking for the address he was supposed to go to. It didn't take as long as he thought. The house was only a few blocks from the gate so he wasted no time knocking on the door ...

A young woman with knee length mouse brown hair and green eyes wearing a blue sundress answered the door, "Hello?"

"Are you Yuki Nata? A friend of Kyo Ishi?" Naruto asked remembering what his client said so he could identify that he has the right person that the package is meant to be given to.

The woman's eyes lit up, "Yes! Is Kyo coming to my wedding? I know he doesn't approve of Gato, but I want Kyo to understand that I'm happy ... Oh! Are you escorting him?"

(Oh crap.) Naruto thought as he realized that he was the bearer of some bad news. "I was sent by his mother. Her son had a package he desperately wanted to get to you, but ... he was killed."

"He ... he was k-killed?" Yuki mumbled ...

The ninja saw her eyes roll back and caught her before she fell to the floor ... it seems she fainted ...


Sasuke woke up and found a note on the bed side table. He quickly picked it up hoping it was a message from Naruto's clone saying Naruto was coming back, but it wasn't. Well partly, the note was from the blonde's clone, but it wasn't the news he wanted ...

'Hey – there was a delay in the mission and this may take much longer than the boss thought so don't worry about him if the boss does not return for a week more or so.

P.S. The civilians were planning another fox hunt so I moved that little fox family into our hideaway with a few bunnies to hunt – burn this.'

"I guess I can survive a while longer ... I just need to be more careful around Sakura." Sasuke sighed as he did a tiny fire jutsu to burn the note before getting ready for the day. He made a quick breakfast consisting of a couple fried eggs on toast and ate. As he munched he wondered if he was sensing right and he looked out the window. "I feel four ... maybe ... did Naruto leave more clones than just the one for school?" Sasuke mused out loud and was gifted with the sudden appearance of a clone of the blonde ROOT agent standing on the branch.

The clone shook his head as Sasuke opened his mouth to say something, "Nope. The boss wants this to be your first mission."

"But Sakura could kill me! Can't I start with something safer like the D-ranked missions Itachi told me about?" Sasuke pleaded hoping for some chance to avoid getting caught by the pinkette and brutally murdered.

"D-ranked missions are to help build teamwork. You need a team to do teamwork, Sasuke." The clone chuckled in amusement as the young Uchiha pouted. "Don't worry we won't let anything happen to you." The clone said just before disappearing from view.

"Fine." Sasuke sighed and finished his breakfast. With everything cleaned, his bag packed and his lunch prepared for later Sasuke only had one last thing to do before he could leave. He grabbed the red packet Naruto gave him and raced for the door after tucking the packet into his backpack. If he was careful he can dump the packet and not have to worry about getting caught until Naruto gets back. As he entered the school he shivered in fear and sure enough a mob of fans surrounded him. This time he was lucky because Iruka called for everyone to class, which apparently was starting outside today ...

Iruka smiled a slightly strained smile as Ino and Sakura began glare at each other while clinging to Sasuke, "Good to see you all made it- ... Naruto we're out here!" He called out making his assistant, Mizuki, roll his eyes as the orange clad goofball jumped out the first story window where the usual classroom was and ran over to join them. "Ok, now that everyone is here we're going to start by working on some target practice. Since we will go back in the classroom later you can go put your backpacks down next to your assigned seats." He said firmly making sure the fangirls got the point, which it looked like they did.

(This would be the perfect chance to give Sakura the packet.) Sasuke thought and was about to grab the packet in his bag when someone came up behind him.

"Hey Sasuke, let's go together," came the voice of the very pink haired girl he feared.

Sasuke snorted as he subtly shut his backpack to hide the packet from view. (PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!) He mentally pleaded as he walked away with the pinkette who latched onto his arm and was soon followed by Ino who snagged his other arm (I'm not sure which scares me more. The fangirl or the fake fangirl.)

Soon everyone was lined up outside and waiting to start the target practice. One after another each person was called up and was given a circular target to throw a set of kunais at from twenty feet away. Sasuke had to keep from laughing when Naruto deliberately missed the target twice, but the two kunai nearly impaled Mizuki who wasn't paying attention. It looked so much like an accident that Iruka defended Naruto when Mizuki yelled at him. If they knew the blonde like Sasuke does then they would know that it was completely deliberate.

"You all did very well ... Sakura, you might want to practice more along with those who also had trouble with your grip. Let's get back to the classroom and finish class there." iruka announced and everyone left.

As Sasuke passed the row of targets he spotted Sakura's, (She didn't miss any of them.) He thought as he mentally took the kunai from the regular target sign and placed them where they would be had it been a human training dummy instead ... she hit all the main vital points ...


Naruto pulled the tea kettle off the stove and started to pour a cup. All his ninja gear was still in place including his mask since his job was not done and he was in Yuki's home. A soft groan could be heard from the other room and realized that the lady of the house was waking up. He picked up the fresh tea and went into the living where Yuki was laying across the couch. "I brought you some tea, miss. Careful, it's hot." He cautioned as he set the cup on the low coffee table in front of her.

"Thank you." She said sadly as she slowly sat up. A few moments passed in silence as Yuki recovered. "What happened?"

"All I know is that he was killed, but nothing else. His mother found this with a note. Kyo meant for it to go to you so she hired me to bring it." Naruto said and handed her the infamous package in question, which turned out to be a file marked with Yuki's full name.

With great care she took the file and took a deep breath before opening it. Only two pages in she broke down crying, but she kept reading and soon her sadness turned to anger, "Does this mean what I think it does?" sShe asked with a dangerously calm voice.

"I never saw the contents. My job is to deliver not pry." Naruto said, but the woman handed him the file clearly asking for his opinion. The ROOT agent took the file and skimmed through the papers and it was easy to see why she was so angry. "It proves that you have a massive inheritance and the man you intended to marry, Gato, knew about it. Gato used his own wealth to murder your father and kept tabs on your mother who went into hiding with you when you were a baby. When you came of age he arranged for your mother to have an accident and used your grief to his advantage and since your mother never told you of your fortune you never suspected anything." Naruto summed up. It was all there in black and white. Kyo even broke it down to the day certain things happened. How he got this information is a wonder, but it explained a lot. "I was attacked on my way here by a team of ninjas."

Yuki glanced up at him with a sad look on her face, but it seems his comment confirmed everything for her, "Ninja-san ... can I hire you for something?"

"I can spare some time before returning to my own village. Would I be correct in assuming you wanted some last minute changes done for your wedding?" Naruto guessed.

An immensely relieved smile spread across her face and she nodded shakily, "After the wedding in the morning please ... kill my husband."

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