Duel Enrollment

By ToryoKoneko23

159K 7.7K 799

A foreign headmaster goes to England for a trip. He feels a pull of magic and follows it to a home where he w... More

Cub in Need
Sleeping Soundly
Hissing Hatchling
Protective Snake
Treatment for the Soul
Bats & Cats
School Time
Unwanted Invite
Mischievous Minister
Final Fragments
Plans in Peril
A Wrinkle
Basking with a Basilisk
Bait and Switch
Flown the Coop
Prepping the Stage
Hips Do Lie
Monster in Heels
Familiarize Yourself
Before the Bell Rings
Demon's Den
Squid Game
The Eyes Have It
Rubble of the Past

Mind, Body, Home

4.7K 237 30
By ToryoKoneko23

Last Time:

At least, he can use the cloak to his advantage since being invisible can be useful for watching your enemies ...


Darkness ... so much darkness ... so much pain ...

He didn't know where he was or when he'd stop just floating uncontrollably through this vast cold darkness and just find something solid to hold onto. Something that wasn't the lightning bolt shaped scar that seared him when he got too close, only adding to his pain. However, what felt like years passed and he only felt more fear and deep pain as his situation seemed hopeless and never changing save for the screams of a child in pain. A child he wanted so badly to help. It wasn't until he felt a comforting warmth start pulling him gently towards something. This warmth dulled the odd pain he was constantly in. The sharp agonizing pain that was like he was torn into pieces eased and he finally felt calm enough to wonder. Wonder why he was in pain in the first place? Why can't he remember? Where the hell was this warmth taking him? What happened to that child? That final question worried him the most ...

In a cozy daze he felt himself, as odd as it sounded, being placed inside something, but it was so nice, and for once he didn't feel like he was floating out of control, so he didn't care so much. The best change was the little voice of the same child that seemed to come from all around him and, more importantly, the child sounded happy now. It made him happy as if he wasn't alone and he constantly tried to move closer to the voice. Sadly, despite the sweet voice telling him he was safe he still felt broken in a way. However, even that eventually changed when one by one other little, but very familiar, entities came into the space he was in.

It was as if he could sense them. Of course, he was thrilled and carefully tried to move towards each of them as they tried to make their way toward him. Soon they were all close to each other and it felt right. Each time they brushed another one of them a spark went through them and he noticed that they'd stick together for a split second. He, and soon all the others, realized this was something more. As if they were trying to fuse, but there was something off.

Until they could figure it out they just floated around together and listened to the sweet child's voice grow older as time passed. They all knew he was trying to tell them things, but they couldn't quite comprehend the content. It probably had something to do with the container they were in because they heard voices clearly in other places before they came here. If it wasn't for the fact that they felt safe it would be a concern, but for now it wasn't so they waited and listened.

The waiting only lasted a few years when he noticed another entity enter. As he floated over to greet this one with the others something else came in. It was another like them, but there was so much anger and hate that they backed up for a moment. After a second sizing up the tiny angry entity, they rushed forward and the six entities tackled the seventh one. Despite the clear conscious attempts to pull away and assert control, the first six got around him and they were able to stick like usual, but they didn't break away like usual. In fact, they began getting more and more stuck ...

A part of it felt scary, but it also felt right. They-no ... he soon felt whole again, but there was only a small amount of time to savor the glorious feeling before being rudely grabbed by an unseen force. He was dragged out of the cozy container and was assaulted a slew of new, and yet rather familiar, sensations ...

Cold ... wet ... dizzy ... sick ... headache ... light ... ringing ...

All of that hit him at once and it scared him ...

"Mr. Riddle, we're not-"

He felt something come close and touch him and became even more frightened, "NO!"

Daggerfang growled as magic exploded from Tom's body sending the medi-witches back several feet, "As impressive as it is that you can use magic so soon after getting your body back, Mr. Riddle, you must stop this or you'll die permanently this time."

Tanzanite suddenly grew as Tom's magic lashed out towards them and wrapped his huge serpentine body around Julian, 'You ok, my human?' The occamy asked, never taking his eyes away from the potential danger.

Julian nodded as he watched the magic lash out ready to severely injure anyone who came too close. Even his father changed into his elemental wolf form to protect him as the goblin used his own magic to protect the medi-witches, "He's scared. So very scared ... Tanzanite, help me get to Tom!"

'I will help, my human. Hang on to my neck. We're going to move fast!' The occamy said and watched for the best moment as Julian gripped his neck and found a good hold.

Brian realized what his son was about to do and spread out his misty form to gently dampen Tom's magic, "Be careful, Julian! Don't touch him directly until he calms down!" The wolf yelled as his magic tried to contain Tom's wild magic. Unfortunately, he felt the magic was stronger and far more uncontrolled than any student he had to do this for. He could easily handle it, but Tom wasn't in any condition for him to be rough. Also, he knew Julian was the only one who can calm the teen down.

With Brian's interference, Tanzanite found a safe opening and bolted forward carrying his human with him, though Julian quickly found out why he was warned about touching Tom when his occamy brought him too close, "Damn, it burns." He hissed as his hand brushed Tom's magically charged skin, but tried to ignore it and kneeled next to the terrified teen. "Tom! Please calm down! No one here wants to hurt you!" Julian raised an eyebrow as Tom seemed to search blindly for him as excitement flickered in the scared soul. "Do you recognize my voice, Tom? It's me, Julian. I know it's strange, but you're safe here and you can calm down." He yelled and after a few seconds Tom's magic settled down as Julian quickly caught Tom who nearly hit the floor in exhaustion.

'Stubborn human still making my human carry him.' A shrinking Tanzanite snorted as Julian pulled the slender naked teen into his lap the second he was safe to touch.

Daggerfang sneered, "Impressive magic. It's rare for people to connect with their magic so soon after getting their body back, though this bond is mostly likely what aided in his soul shattering in the first place." The goblin said grimly as he watched the teen blindly cuddle close and cling to Julian. "It seems he hasn't regained control of his senses yet or his memories either I suspect." He mused as the healers behind him casually moved passed him as Brian returned to his human form.

"How long will it take for Tom to fully adjust?" Brian asked hearing said teen whimper as the healers came too close too fast resulting in Julian gently consoling him.

"If his magic is this reactive, then he should recover quickly. First, he will fully regain his eyesight and other senses. Then his memories should return ... at least, the memories before the first crack in his soul. Any memories after that will never return though he may remember the trauma that started it. We'll see what happens in the next several minutes." Daggerfang said as he watched the teen who was finally letting the healers check him over, though much to his amusement, Tom still refused to let go of Julian ...


Remus looked at the woman before him in slight surprise, "I didn't expect you so soon Ms. ..."

"Ruby Gro." The casually dressed dark skinned woman with long gray hair said with a smile, "I'm Sirius' mind healer obviously, but I came to talk to you."

"What about- ... oh right. You were told about Sirius' ..." Remus fumbled for the right word, "tantrum." He said sheepishly as the older witch took a seat in the living room.

"Tantrum ... an interesting word choice to describe what happened." Ruby mused as she directed her sharp brown eyes at Remus who flinched. "What exactly happened?"

The werewolf mentally gulped as he got the feeling he was an academy student in deep trouble, "Sirius snapped as we went through the floo." Remus said not wanting to bring up the little detour to Hogwarts. That will only get Sirius in trouble with the Minister ...

It seems Ruby wasn't easily fooled though, "The mind and body work together, Mr. Lupin. Megan told me the second she heard you floo here ... unfortunately for you the Minister in charge here told me when you left his office. Since when does it take an hour to floo from place to place?"

"I umm ..." Remus panicked and scrambled for an excuse. Unfortunately, he couldn't think of anything to get Sirius out of trouble and ultimately sighed in defeat. "I know the Minister said to go straight here, but Sirius wasn't thinking. Please don't tell the Minister! He needs to see Jul-" Remus' plea was cut off by the old witch who raised her hand demanding silence.

"What I decide to report will depend on your honesty and exactly what lead to Sirius being in the manic state he was in on arrival ... even though that state may be the only reason Megan forgot to report your arrival to the Minister as well." Ruby said, her sharp no nonsense look making the werewolf flinch again, "What happened in that detour? ... and let me make it clear that, as his caretaker, you must be trusted or Sirius' chances of gaining our trust dwindle. I'd hate to think you're hiding anything from me, be it detrimental to my client's health or not."

Remus winced as her point became clear, "I won't hide anything that could provide a false healthy report."

"And yet you haven't answered me." Ruby said bluntly before sighing, "I've met too many idiots who believe hiding things for their friend will help, but it only cripples the recovery in the long run. Sirius wants his right to see Julian then don't put him and Julian in danger by giving him shortcuts and covering things up like you did in school."

Blood drained from Remus' face as he realized the mind healer must've been given access to their records and perhaps even spoke with Severus if she was that thorough. In a way it was a relief since he knew she wasn't going to allow Sirius to guilt him into anything like in school and with that feeling he sighed, "I ... I apologize ... I didn't mean to do anything of the sort. It was my fault Sirius got away. You see, he got my wand as we were leaving and managed to hit my leg with a weak binding spell before running off to Hogwarts." Remus paused to consider how to explain what happened, "I went after him, but when I caught up he was in a rage and deeply confused about everything the Minister just told him."

Rudy nodded, "That's understandable. People who have had been exposed to dementors can be very unstable and can get very confused when emotions are triggered. What triggered him?"

"I don't know for sure, but I think it had to do with something he overheard Dumbledore saying about Severus Snape." Remus admitted.

"Albus Dumbledore, the current headmaster of Hogwarts, correct?" Ruby asked and mused the thought when Remus nodded confirming her question. "I've read some odd things in your records. You and your teachers seemed to do a lot of covering up. You covered for your friends' like any child your age, but your teachers covered for them too in a disturbing show of favoritism including your former Headmaster. Tell me what you can about your past and as much as you can about Sirius. I want to be as informed as possible before I talk with him tomorrow ... and try to recall any interactions with your Headmaster."

Remus would've been confused if something didn't feel off about what Sirius said about Dumbledore. He told the mind healer as much as he could, but that nagging feeling he felt since smelled that familiar scent in Dumbledore's office only got stronger. It was as if he literally just said the answer, but it wasn't clicking for some reason ...


"What do you remember?" A healer asked softly after scanning Tom again and was pleased to find his vision and hearing had returned to normal.

"I remember ... the orphanage I grew up in ... meeting Dumbledore." Tom looked hurt and tightened his grip on Julian's hand. The blonde with the tiny occamy in his hair never left his side even when he was dressing. It was comforting. "He said I was a wizard like him, but he just left me there with the muggles ..." Tom trailed off sadly.

The healers all resisted the urge to smack this foolish Hogwarts Headmaster and focused on the questions, "What's the last thing you remember?"

Tom bit his lip as he thought back, "ummm ... I remember playing with Persephone ... she was a basilisk in Hogwarts ... then I was going to leave. Persephone was mad about something and her eyes were open I think, but it's all fuzzy ... there was a girl ... a lemon smell ..." Tom suddenly clutched his head in pain.

Julian pulled Tom into a hug , "Don't push it."

One healer nodded with a smile, "The fact you remember so much is a great sign and you're healthy enough to go home."

"But where is that?" Tom whispered. He knew the orphanage was long gone and he was told that there was a medical reason for years have passing without him having any memory of it so he had no clue where home was.

"You'll stay with us." Brian said with a smile. He had a feeling this was a good thing and that Daggerfang was going to make a basilisk related report after they leave so everything was handled ...

"Thank you." Tom said softly. Tears came to his eyes knowing he wasn't going to be dumped somewhere and before he knew it he was being taken to an amazing home in the trees.

Julian chuckled as Tom's brown eyes darted around in excitement, "Want to watch something?" Julian suggested trying to get Tom to rest and flicked on the tv ...

'This week on Depths of Bl-'

As quickly as he turned it on Julian turned it off as he saw the very startled look on Tom's face.

Poor orphanages decades ago and magical Britain didn't exactly have TVs as a commonplace item so that idea was out, but Brian had another idea, "Why don't you both set up Tom's room and check out the book list for this school year?" He said and the boys went to do that after a tour.

Once the boys were busy he texted Severus to tell him the news and give him a heads up on a possible basilisk extraction. He knew one thing for sure ... Dumbledore wasn't going to like that ...

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