The Salvatore Sister

By cmetzcheer

78K 1.2K 54

Arabella Salvatore is the long, lost Salvatore sister to Damon and Stefan. Having been locked up for the bett... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Five

1K 23 2
By cmetzcheer

Standing in a large crowd of people makes Arabella feel uncomfortable. She can hear people's hearts racing in the club that is full of people. It's only nine o'clock in the morning and people are already drinking.

"Why are we here?" Arabella asks Damon with raised eyebrows.

Damon gives his little sister a look. "Well, Stefan has the way he wants to teach Elena, which is to feed on bunnies." Arabella scrunches her nose in distaste. There is no way she is going to be drinking rabbits for the rest of her immortal life.

Smiling at her reaction, Damon nods his head towards the crowd. "I figured animals would hit a little too close to home for you, so I'm teaching you how to be a vampire."

Scanning the crowd of people, Arabella lifts an eyebrow. "And what does that entail, dear brother?"

Smirking in the direction of a blonde, Damon raises his arms up and gestures towards the humans milling about. "Choose your meal," he states.

Arabella listens to the different conversations going on in the club. Her ears come across a guy cat calling a girl.

Shoving her way through the crowd, Arabella finds the culprit sitting with his drinking buddies. The way his brown hair is styled labels him as a douche. His bright green eyes scan Arabella from head to toe as though he is enjoying the view.

"Hey, spicy momma," the guy calls out to Arabella. "You are looking hot."

Producing her most charming smile, Arabella leans forward to whisper into his ear. "Come with me, I want to show you something."

The guy eagerly stumbles to his feet. He follows the girl into the crowd like a dog with a bone.

Once they are in the center, Arabella looks straight into his eyes. "Don't scream," she states. "Act like you're enjoying this."

He looks puzzled for a second before Arabella leans forward and starts drinking from his neck. From an outsiders perspective, it looks as though she is kissing him. In reality, Arabella is draining him of his blood. After a minute, Damon approaches and taps his sister on the shoulder.

"You might want to stop now if you want him to live," Damon states.

Unwillingly pulling away, Arabella looks him straight in the eyes. "You won't remember any of this," she orders. "Go to the bathroom and clean up the blood."

The pair watch him walk away as Arabella smiles triumphantly. "This is a lot easier than I thought it would be."

Damon stares after the guy, who is now entering the bathroom to clean the blood off of him. "I must be an amazing teacher."

Rolling her eyes, Arabella turns to face her brother. "You only briefly taught me how to compel someone, you know."

Wrapping an arm around his little sister's shoulders, Damon escorts her out of the party. "And you still picked up on it quickly." He raises his eyebrows at her. "Genius."

Elbowing him in his side, Arabella releases a laugh. "You know we make a great dynamic duo," she points out.

"Yeah, we do," Damon responds.

The two make it back to Mystic Falls laughing about how amazing they will be in the future as partners in crime.

Why Arabella decided to come to the funeral, she has no idea. She doesn't know any of these people, nor does she care about the council members that just died. Especially after they literally tried to kill everyone she knows and loves.

Sitting next to Damon at the funeral, Arabella watches as Elena begins to give her speech. The newly turned vampire is very pale and looks as though she is going to collapse at any moment.

She hears a drop fall into the water in the back long before she can smell it. As soon as she can smell it, though, she has to resist the urge to turn around and look.

"Do you smell that?" Arabella whispers under her breath to all the other vampires in the room.

"Blood," Tyler responds from next to Caroline.

Arabella grabs her brother's hand tightly, trying hard not to run out of the room. "Nobody move," Damon murmurs. "It's a trap."

Elena begins to stutter on the podium as she begins to lose it. To any of the people in the church, she's flubbering after the loss of all of her family members. The vampires all know that Elena is fighting to keep control over her blood lust.

Stefan gets up to save Elena from herself, signaling the pastor to call for everyone to rise and sing a hymn. The doppelgänger looks a lot closer to letting go than before.

Arabella isn't doing so well either. Despite the fact that she had a nice meal earlier this morning, she finds herself being lured to the scent of the blood. If someone doesn't take care of the problem soon, Arabella may have to rip this entire church apart.

"I'm going to rip that hunter's head off now," Damon states.

Stefan doesn't even glance in Damon's direction. "You do that Damon, and you risk exposing all of us."

"I think the risk will be diminished when I, you know, rip his head off."

Elena clutched righter onto her boyfriend. "Stefan, I'm losing it."

Loosening Arabella's grip on his hand, Damon resists the urge to look over at Stefan and Elena. "You have ten seconds before I go rip his head off."

"Damon, don't. Please."

Damon smirks as he makes a move to walk away. "Three two one."

"Wait!" Matt exclaims quietly. "Feed from me, Elena."

The football player must be really honorable to want to let Elena feed off of him. Especially considering the risk that poses on the two of them.

A minute passes by before Tyler walks up to the front. Bold of him to do, considering that the hunter already knows that he is a vampire.

"I'd like to say a few words about Pastor Young," he states.

Arabella can hear the hunter load up his gun as Tyler gives his speech. She can't pinpoint the exact location, but she can tell that he is on the balcony above them all. He's overlooking everyone in the church.

Soon, a loud gunshot rings out and a stake hits him right in the chest where his heart is. People begin to shriek and leave the theater as most of the vampires run towards Tyler.

Caroline grips the stake and rips it out of her boyfriend's heart. He gasps and coughs for air before shaking his head. If he didn't hate the hunter before, he sure does now. "I'm gonna kill that bastard."

"Damon is way ahead of you," Stefan replies.

Arabella takes the stake bullet out of Caroline's hand and surveys it. The markings look oddly familiar, but Arabella cannot tell where she had seen them before.

Caroline stares at the hybrid female as though she has grown a second head. "That doesn't burn you?" She asks.

Lifting an eyebrow, Arabella gives the blonde a confused look. "Is it supposed to?"

Instead of responding, Caroline looks around. "Where's Elena?"

Tyler slowly sits up, but his mom waves him back down as she places her phone to her ear to call an ambulance.

Nodding her head over in towards the balcony, Arabella ignores the tantalizing scent of blood. "Go after her, I'll stay with Tyler."

Tyler and Arabella watch Caroline go. "Are you okay?" Arabella asks her friend.

He gives her a strange look. "I just got shot in the chest by a magically spelled stake," he responds with raised eyebrows. He eyes his friend for a moment. "The better question is are you okay? How are you dealing with everything?"

Casting her eyes to the floor, Arabella tries to look convincing. "I'm fine." She can feel Tyler pressuring her to tell the truth with just the glare on his face. "Really." She nods. "Damon taught me how to go around and not kill everyone I see and I also found out that I'm not really sired to Klaus. So, I'm good, considering everything that has happened."

Thankfully, Tyler doesn't call Arabella out on how being fine and should be fine are two very different things. The female is glad that her friend doesn't push her on topics and subjects that she cannot go into. Not without having a mental break down.

When the paramedics arrive, Arabella allows Tyler the space he needs to compel the EMTs before her goes away with them.

Arabella wakes up to someone standing in her bedroom. Releasing a startled cry, she reaches over and flicks on her lamp. The light shows Klaus standing by her stack of books.

"Good morning to you, too," Klaus responds to the glare that she is now fixating in him.

"What are you doing back here?" She asks with raised eyebrows. Leaning her back against the headboard of her bed, she wraps her arms around her legs. "I thought we agreed on meeting in Chicago on Friday."

Taking a seat at the foot of her bed, Klaus rifles through one of her books. "Yes, well, plans change when one of my last few hybrids gets attacked by a rogue vampire hunter," he responds. "So, it looks like I have to stay here and help kill this hunter before we can ride off into the sunset."

Rolling her eyes, Arabella looks at the clock on her night stand. "That doesn't explain why you're standing in my room at one o'clock at night," she points out.

A smirk appears on his face. "I have an invested interest in you, Arabella Salvatore. So, I'll be your personal body guard. Wherever you go, I go."

Giving the hybrid a playful glare, Arabella shakes her head at him. "Don't you think that's a little excessive?"

Klaus grabs the girl's hand and begins to trace circles around the back of her hand. "No," he responds with a smirk.

Arabella lays back down in her bed and closes her eyes. "Fine," she states. "If you plan on creepily staring at me for the rest of the night, I'm at least going to get a good night's rest."

She can feel the bed dip behind her and before she knows it, Klaus is wrapping his arms around her body. Her pulse jumps at his touch and she has to resist the urge to kiss him.

He brings his mouth to her neck and begins to suck on the spot between her shoulder and neck.

She slightly turns her head to give Klaus a glare. "You are such a pain," she laughs quietly.

Klaus takes a deep breath to smell her scent. "Mhm," he responds.

With a deep breath, Arabella slowly falls asleep in Klaus's arms.

Arabella knocks on the door to the Lockwood mansion with a smile on her face. She decided to ditch school for the day to keep her best friend company after Carol told her all about Tyler being locked up in the house.

The town's mayor opens the door widely for Arabella. "Arabella!" The mayor exclaims happily. "Come on in, Tyler's in his dad's old office."

The hybrid doesn't have to wait for Carol to lead her to the location. She has been over plenty of times to know where everything is.

It is to her surprise, though, when she finds a brunette standing in the study. "Who are you?" She asks with raised eyebrows. She doesn't even care if she's being rude at the moment.

The girl turns around and Arabella quickly realizes that the person in front of her is a werewolf. The chick's brown eyes scans Arabella quickly. "Hayley," she responds. "Who are you?"

"Arabella," she states casually. She eyes the girl in front of her suspiciously. "You're not a hybrid, so you're not part of Klaus's protection unit for Tyler."

Hayley produces a fake smile. "I see your much more than a pretty face," she responds. "Judging by the fact that you're in here and not out there, I'd say that you're not part of the unit either."

Scanning the werewolf in front of her, Arabella raises an eyebrow. "Are you a friend of Tyler's from when he was getting rid of Klaus's sire bond?"

Nodding her head, Hayley crosses her arms. "Yes, I am."

Pursing her lips, the hybrid tries to come up with an explanation as to why Tyler kept this girl hidden from everyone. "Well, if you're a friend of Tyler's," she begins she takes a step closer to the werewolf, who eyes her carefully. It's obvious Hayley doesn't trust her as far as she can throw her.

Stretching out a friendly hand in the werewolf's direction, Arabella produces a genuine smile. "You're a friend of mine."

Cautiously accepting the gesture, Hayley produces a smile of her own. Arabella shrugs off her jacket so that she is just wearing her tank top. She turns around at the desk so she can pour herself a drink. "Do you want some?" She asks Hayley.

"Um, yeah," Hayley responds quietly. She eyes the birthmark on Arabella's back curiously. "Cool mark."

Arabella glances over her shoulder at the crescent moon birthmark. "Thanks," she replies. "I was born with it. I think it has something to do with the pack I would have grown up in." She hands Hayley a glass as she shrugs her shoulders. "I never met my father, so I have no idea what werewolf pack I descend from."

Raising her eyebrows, Hayley turns around and shows off her own mark. "I have one, too." As soon as her shirt is fully back on, Hayley turns around to face the girl. "I never got to meet my parents, so I have no idea what it means."

"Maybe we can figure it out together," Arabella suggests.

Hayley nods her head in agreement. "I'd like that."

A smile appears on Arabella's face as she nods her head. "I think we just bonded," she states as Tyler enters the room.

"Perhaps we have." Hayley smirks as they clink glasses together.

Tyler's eyes widen for a brief seconds before he tries to look cool. "What'd I miss?" He asks.

Arabella gives Tyler an apologetic look. "Sorry Tyler, you've replaced in the best friend department." She nods her head in Hayley's direction. "I like her. Why didn't you tell me about her?"

Giving his friend a glare, Tyler shakes his head. "Because I had a feeling you would chase after her when I told you about the mark on her shoulder," he responds. "Hayley doesn't have any information on her parents or the origin of that mark."

Narrowing her eyes at him, Arabella shakes her head. That sounds like a lame excuse if she's ever to hear one. Before she can tell him so, a knock at the door diverts the boy's attention.

He turns around and slowly leaves the room. It's very dangerous of him to leave those two alone. Their friendship can only go one of two ways: they become the best friends in the world or they will hate each other. It's the way their personalities blend.

Arabella checks her watch. She had promised to help Damon hunt the hunter at three and it is now close to three thirty. "I'm gonna have to go," she states. "But it was nice getting to know you."

Hayley nods her head at the girl, who walks past Klaus on the way out. She can feel his eyes linger on her a little longer than they should. "Where do you think you're going?" He calls after her.


"Not without protection."

Arabella turns to face Klaus as she crosses her arms. "Tyler's the one the hunter knows about, remember? He knows nothing about me."

Klaus waves forward four of his hybrids. "Consider them your back up." Upon seeing the glare on Arabella's face, he produces an innocent smile. "Just in case."

Arabella rolls her eyes as she continues to head out of the mansion with four body guards in tow.

Hi guys! Thanksgiving is coming up soon and I'm really excited to spend time with my family. What's your favorite food?

Don't forget to:




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