Virginity Game 2

By MrsTomlinson1004

2.1M 33.3K 14.7K

SECOND BOOK! Read VIRGINITY GAME first. Jace didn't want to be a player, why would he? He had a girlfriend t... More

Virginity Game 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 part 1
Chapter 35 part 2
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 38

13.4K 567 164
By MrsTomlinson1004

Carter's pov-

I haven't spoken to any game pieces since the incident with Bailey. This game doesn't seem
Fun anymore, it's a lot of work and it's a lot of pressure. I don't want to go through all this just to what? Take virginitys? Half the girls aren't even virgins.

This game is a mess, I use to think it would be so fun to be a player. I use to watch Ben and listen to his story's when I was in 8th grade. I couldn't wait to be a freshman apprentice.

"What's up with you?" Jace's voice pulled me from my mind and I looked to see Isaac on my right and Jace on my left.

"Nothing, just thinking" they both seemed puzzled by my answer and I could just see that Jace was going to be an asshole and say something like always so I added to my answer. "About the game, if you think about it, this isn't really the VirginityGame it's not what it's suppose to be like"  they both rolled their eyes.

Ever since the start Jace hasn't been into this game, he turned down first time he was asked to be a player but I always though Isaac actually wanted to play the game right. Ever since Jace and issac have started hanging out Isaac asks like he doesn't give a shit about this game. I mean it's already 3 months into school and only I have a bracelet.

"I'm thinking we should up the stakes" Jace suggested

"Up the stakes? What stakes? You either win the game or you don't" I snapped with annoyance

"Yeah that's the thing, what's the fun in playing when you really don't get anything for winning and you don't get punished for losing" Jace smirked as he spoke like he already had a idea for what he wanted if he won or what he wanted the losers to do.

"That's not apart of the game" I warned Dana has already had it out with Jace and I have too.

"Who gives a fuck!" Isaac snapped and Jace laughed. The way they are acting it's as if they already had what they wanted to say planned out. It's like they met up and planned to try and convince me to add to the game.

"you said it yourself, this isn't what the games suppose to be like so why not continue changing it while it's already changing" Jace added to issac

"Dana will have our heads, mine specially if I agree to change this game" i said

It's true Dana will kick my ass if I actually agree to change the game.

"No he won't, you're gorgeous  sister Sophie wouldn't let him lay a finger on you" Jace replied

"What are you trying to make the stakes?" My question seemed to make both issac and have grin.

"Allow us to fill you in my friend" I felt Jace along his arm around my should as we walked through the hall.

They did have this shit planned out.


Sophie's pov-

"Okay guys this is your senior project, this could help you graduate or it could keep you from doing so," mrs.Myers said as she walked back and forth through the aisles. "Remember to pick a partner that will actually help you and that you know you will be able to get the project done with" she warned us

This is our 1st big senior project. We'll have two more during the school year, it's kinda like a life line project. If you get a good grade on all of them then you can slack off on your classes an still graduate but if you fail all your projects and don't get at least B's in all your classes you might not graduate.

The projects had a different thing everyday for a week. It worth 1,000 points I looked over to see McKinsey trying to ask me to be her partner but I quickly acted like I didn't see her. McKinsey is my bestFriend but she also not very good at actually helping with anything.

Ben was looking over at me and I know he will help. He's really smart and is actually a good student.

"Wanna work together?" I asked and he nodded as smile appeared slightly on his lips. He was dressed in a light blue shirt today white made his beautiful blue eyes pop even more then usual.

"Okay find a partner" mrs.Myers said. I totally tuned her talking out for a little bit.

"Soph are we working together?" McKinsey asked as she walked to my desk.

"Oh, sorry! I already agreed to work with Ben, I didn't know you wanted to work together" I lied and she looked between Ben and I as he moved his seat beside my desk.

"You better watch yourself, you don't wanna get sucked back in" she joked

I don't know if she was talking to me or Ben.

"We can start working on the project at my house today, nobody will be there" Ben said

By nobody does he mean his dad's not there or is he implying Dana isn't there either.

"By nobody you mean..?" I drifted off on purpose. Ben let a deep chuckle leave his body .

"Dana has to go to court today at 4:30. So, He'll be gone" Ben clarified

"Okay good, because like I've said before I hate him" I told Ben and watched as his eyes brightened a little "and I'm not to fond of you yet either" I gave him a small smile to imply I was joking but he and I both know I was only half joking.

"I know bab-" my head snapped up to look at Ben when he almost let the word slip. His cheeks brightened slightly and he cleared his throat to cover what he almost said "I know Soph, so my house right after school?" He quickly changed the subject.

"Uh, yeah" I agreed "but I have to go home first to drop off carter and get my phone charger. I forgot to changer last night before bed and it's almost completely dead" I laughed and he shook his head with a smile on his lips.

The bell rang soon after and Ben and I went different ways in the hallway.

It's weird to think Ben and I aren't together anymore but it's more weird to think of Ben as not being my friend.


I pulled into my drive way and quickly parked, carter commented on my horrible parking job but I just flipped him off.

"Hey honey" my mom greeted as I walked into the house. I waved to her and went up stairs to
Grab my phone changer, on my way back out of the house my mom started asking questions.

"Where are you going?"




"When will you be back?"

"I don't know, why does it matter" she gave me that look were she tilts her head to the side and purses her lips together. This look means In pushing my luck and I might end up grounded if I keep going. "I have to go, bye" I quickly said before walking out my house.


"No why make a little poster when we could get the big one?" I argued back with Ben

"Why waste more time and money getting the big one? We'll just try and find things to fill it up with and that's stupid to do," Ben replied

"It will look better and we would get more points for effort," he rolled his eyes at my reasoning

"Or we could do a lot of work on a little poster and get the same amount of points for effort" he gave me a grin and It was my turn to roll my eyes.

We finally agreed to do the small poster board to same time which means I don't have to spend as much time with ben. He's my bestFriend still and I have to admit we avoid awkward moments often but every once in awhile Ben makes awkward eye contact, skims his hand over mine, sits to close, almost calls me baby or puts his hand on my knee.

I'm not saying it's just him who causes our awkward moments, I did my share of it. I ran my hand through his hair when I walked passed him, I almost sat on his lap when I sat the poster on the couch and needed a seat.

The poster was on nature vs nurture. A very argued topic. Ben was the argued about nature and I was nurture. We both did half the poster and it looked very well thought out and creative.

"Okay I you bring this to school tomorrow" I instruct Ben and he nods while watching his phone. "Bye" I call to him as I leave through the front door. When I get into my car I see Ben coming from his house. "What are you doing?" I called through my window to him.

"I have some places to go people to see," he chuckled before giving me a wink.


On my way home I remembered I wanted to call McKinsey and ask her about what she said to me and Ben today. I blindly moved my hand around my passenger seat looking for my phone; keeping my eyes on the road. When I finally found it I seen that I forgot to charge it while I was working on the project with Ben.

I reached around the passenger seat blindly again looking for my charger. I came to a stop sign so I had time to look around for it, I shined my phones light around my car but the charger was not anywhere.

"Crap" I let out. I must have left it at bens and he's not even home. My phones dead so I can't call him. I quickly changed directions and made my way back to the house. I seen no sign of bens car parked out front so he wasn't back yet, as I suspected.

I know they never lock the door so I could just run inside and get it.

My mind sounded confident with the plan but my body was making it's way to the front door slowly. I'm not dating Ben anymore I don't know if their dad's home; he never really home but this could be a time or day he decides to stop at home.

I quickly opened the front door and walked inside. My eyes searched the room quickly then I looked around for my charger. I couldn't have put it to far I barely left the living room.

I checked under the couch cushions then around the table which was covered in the supplies we used for the project. I checked in the kitchen quickly just to make sure I didn't bring it with me when I went to get a drink.

Where the hell could I have put the damned thing.

Then I remembered I took it up stairs  to plug it in because we had the markers up their and didn't want to carry them back down stairs.

I quickly ran up all the steps and went to bens room. It felt like forever since I've been in this room, since I first kissed Ben.

I scanned the room and saw that my charger was still plugged into the outlet by his bed. When I went to close his bedroom door I heard the front door open and my heart completely stopped.

"Shit" I said quietly to myself "shit shit shit" I started looking around and my heart now began to beat again but outrageously fast. I just need to walk down stairs and out the house, their dad won't even see me it I'm quick.

I slowly went down the steps looking around  then I went into a straight run down the steps. My footsteps seemed so fucking loud as I reached the door I yanked it open and went to shut it behind me but last second someone's hand grabbed it pulling the door open again.



Hey guys I wanna apologize for my lack of updating. It's been a month since I last updated but I was Locked out of my account for about 2 weeks and I just changed my password Thursday. This is an update because it's my birthday today yay. I'm 17 now so crazy.

Vote, comment and fan me.

Next chapter will be Tuesday hopefully I'm already working on it because the lack of updates.

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