Guardian Angel

By ksjkthmoon

5.5K 310 104

"When a body is sent to Heaven, the soul has a decision to be reborn but forget everything that has happened... More

First Chapter: Introduction
Second: What's going on?
Getting to know you
I Smell a Little Jealousy...
...And Danger
Taehyung likes Gucci
Hurt pt.2
Healing with feelings
Up in Heaven
Going back
Jealous again?
Party parteyyyyy
Comeback pt.2
Calm down
Why him?
Dinner time
A Place Unknown
A Tragic Fate
Bruises and Pain
Dream or Reality
Feeling Fine
I thought wrong
It's been a Long Time
Hey There!


314 16 6
By ksjkthmoon

"Wha???" Seriously, you haven't even properly formed a sentence since you met him.

Right now, you were walking home, hand in hand with the newly found angel, who is actually kinda touchy but he's sweet so far.

You've learned a few things about him, he told you that "Every human has their guardian angel, it's just our choice when to reveal ourselves to them when absolutely necessary."

Earlier, he told you angels can hide themselves, make themselves invisible to other humans. You learned that the embarrasing way. It went something like this:

You were still in the alley where he chose to reveal himself to you, and you asked him, "Wait so no one can see you right now?"

"No." He says while shaking his head. "It's just you who can see me."

"Huh, prove it." You say, wanting to see if what he was telling you was true.

"You know I'll tell you the truth all the time because I am an angel...but okay."

He steps out of the alley, and faces the
people walking towards him. He starts jumping up and down while crazily waving his hands while shouting, "Humans! Do you see me? I AM AN ANGEL AND I AM FROM HEAVEN SENT BY GOD!"

He grinned like a maniac before proceeding,

"Y/N NEARLY PEED HER PANTS A WHILE AGO!" He shouts which causes you to glare at him while he smiles cheekily, still waving his hands.

"See, no one's listening to me Y/N." He says. What catches your attention though was that a man walks to him, not even taking his attention away from his phone as he walks straight past, or more like right through Taehyung as if he was a ghost.

"HOLY SHI-" You shout, while you cover your mouth with one hand as you nearly faint out of shock. Thankfully, no one payed any attention to you.

Taehyung proudly skips back to you and says, "See? Told you."

Your eyes were wide, and you ask, "So, to other people, I'm technically talking to a wall right now?"

"Mhm." He nods. "Look."

You slowly look to your right where he was pointing, and see a couple walking past you giving you weird glances, because to them, you were indeed....talking to a wall.

"Okaaaayyy..." You say.

When you look back at Taehyung, as if things wouldn't get weirder from here, his wings shrunk, until you couldn't see them and his halo slowly disappeared. His white clothes transformed into more casual clothes, now wearing a black and white checkered coat along with a black shirt underneath, paired with black pants and boots.

You must say, he had a good sense of fashion.

"I can be invisible, but I can choose to appear as a human so we wouldn't have any problem." He ends with a smile, and at the same time, he holds your hand and walks out of the alley.

"Wait, where are we going?" You question his actions as he smiles back at you.

"Dummy, we're going to your house."

....And that's how your walking back to your home, hand in hand with the stranger, that isn't exactly a stranger.

You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't notice you walked straight past your house if it were not for Taehyung pulling you back and informing you that you've both arrived at your destination.

You thank him and go through your bag, looking for your house keys, to no avail. While searching, and constantly shaking your head in annoyance because you couldn't find it, Taehyung rolls his eyes playfully and walks to your window, where some potted plants are.

"Dummy..." He says, while raising one pot high and revealing your keys underneath.

He twirls it around his finger playfully and gives it to you, as you open the door to your house and let him come in.

You hang your keys while he hangs his coat and flops on the couch, sighing in exhaustion as he rubs his tummy.

"Ahhhh, Y/N I'm hungry! Can you make me some food?"

You look at him for a few seconds, seeing he was feeling right at home, you shake your head but still head towards the refrigerator.

"What do you want?" You ask while inspecting the little food you had.

"Hmmm..I dunno, just cook something good please!"

He sounds like a child. A fricking cute one.

You whisk out some vegetables and other ingredients and decide to just make some noodle soup.

While making the dish, you couldn't help but think about so many things. The fact that you did actually have a guardian angel that's been watching over you since you were a little child, it's just something you couldn't wrap your head around. Of course, you grew up with that belief but you couldn't help but wonder, why didn't he show up sooner? Why didn't he show up when you needed guidance and company the most? Where was he when your parents died?

It's not that you weren't thankful or anything, you were, really. You just couldn't understand why he didn't do anything to save them...

You were shocked when your thoughts were cut off by a pair of arms wrapping around your waist and swaying you from side to side. You couldn't help but feel flustered, after all, you really liked back hugs.

"Mmm.." Taehyung hums as he places his chin on your shoulder. "Someone's got a lot on their mind lately...what are you worried about Y/N?"

Asking you questions like that made you feel like you got an instant boyfriend, making you blush a little.(Because he was a very handsome one.)

"Taehyung...I'm okay. Just a bit...overwhelmed, yeah?" You say as you were chopping the vegetables.

"Okay. Just don't think about it too much or else you might get your finger chopped off."

Both of you chuckle at that and you thank him as you continue cooking dinner.


After dinner, the both of you decided to go to bed. After the decision of who's gonna sleep on the couch or on the bed, you lost the rock, paper scissors and Taehyung ended up on the couch so that you wouldn't be uncomfortable.

But, so much thoughts are on your head that even if you were on the bed, you couldn't get comfortable enough to have a good night's sleep. Tossing and turning on your bed, no matter how much you tried, you couldn't doze off.

The bedroom door creaking open caught your attention. You turn your head to see Taehyung, with disheveled hair and his fingers rubbing his eyes.

"I sensed you were restless so I decided to come check on you." He says as he slowly walks up to you on the bed.

You sit up as he sits on the edge of your bed, seeing your red and teary eyes. "Hey, hey what's wrong?" He asks as he sweetly comes closer to you and wipes away your tears.

You giggle through your pain and shake your head as you look down. "Still can't get over...."

You thought he would understand, but seeing his confused expression made you wonder why he doesn't get what you mean.

You furrow your eyebrows and tilt your head to the side in curiousity. "You don't know?"

He chuckles in embarrasment and scratches the back of his neck. "Let's just say...I had stuff to do up in Heaven a few minutes before I came to check on you again."

"Ah..well.." You sigh in frustration and take your pillow from behind you and hug it for comfort.

You could feel your tears threatening to fall again, as you decide to just trust Taehyung and tell him everything.

"I broke up with Jason." You say.

To your surprise, Taehyung stood up from the bed and raised his arms in triumph as he shouted, "YES!". He had a huge, boxy smile on his face(which you found awfully cute) as he sits back down and slightly jumps on the bed.

You look at him in confusion, and when he sees you there his smile doesn't falter as he says, "I knew that guy wasn't good for you since the beginning, I just kinda wanted you to find out yourself."

You slowly nod, taking in the information.

You and Tae stayed up a few hours, he listened to your ranting and he comforted you a lot. In short, it was nice having someone to listen to your problems. It's been a while since you've ever had someone to talk to.

You yawn, feeling a bit sleepy because it was getting pretty late.

Taehyung looks at you and gives you a small smile. "You should sleep already. You're really tired." He suggests.

You agree to that, and just as he was going to leave, he came up with an idea, seeing that you still might have a hard time sleeping.

"You know, my wings are really soft and warm...they may help you be able to sleep in a jify."

You look at him in confusion. "What are you suggesting then?"

Taehyung lies down beside you, and you look at him when he pats the space beside you. "Come on lie down." He says.

Just as you were about to decline, his wings appeared behind his back, and you yet again find yourself staring. The wings do look very soft, looking like a huge pillow.

"It won't hurt if I sleep on it?" You ask.

He shakes is head and you hesitantly lie on his wings. Once you do, you find yourself immediately relaxing once you came in contact. You're muscles never felt so relaxed before.

"Wow." You say. "This is pretty comforting.

It became even better when he hugged you from the back, enclosing you in his arms and soft wings. You can practically already feel your eyelids getting heavier.

You yawn again, and before really drifting off to sleep, you remember to do something you should have done earlier.

"Taehyung?" You ask, earning a hum from the said man. "Thank you. For, you know...saving my life."

He smiles and responding to that, he kisses your cheek, unknown to him that it made your heart flutter a bit at the action.

"It's my job to protect you. I always will." You smile and bid him goodnight. With that, the two of you doze off to sleep.

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