Heartbroken Mistress

By Queen_AngelAce

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She then glared at me. "Hold up. Your mad because that black bitch left you on our honeymoon? She deserves to... More

Chapter 1: Better
Chapter 2: Another Day
Chapter 3: Shining Light
Chapter 4: Party
Chapter 5: Metamorphsis
Chapter 6: Aftermath
Chapter 7: Friends
Chapter 9: Financial Help
Chapter 10: A Deal Part One
Chapter 11: A Deal Part Two
Chapter 12: Feel It
Chapter 13: Pregnant
Chapter 14: Big Day
Chapter 15: Black & Blue
Chapter 16: Exposed
Chapter 17: Home
Chapter 18: Day Out
Chapter 19: Congratulations
Chapter 20: The Birth
Chapter 21: Betrayed
Chapter 22: Taken
Chapter 23: New Life

Chapter 8: Spying

1.9K 85 9
By Queen_AngelAce

Blaze's POV:
3 Weeks Later:

Since Angel's training, me and her have been getting closer and closer as friends. Over the time of me hanging out with her, I've been curious as why Anya was over there every time I came by to see her. She always said Anya us just spending the night. She's been spending the night with her since I met her. I wanna ask why she was over there so much but I felt like it wasn't my business. Angel seemed to be good at helping her little sister. I've been to imagining her doing that in the future. I looked at her as she did her project for her class. I was doing the same thing. We may have different colleges but we had similar work. I helped her with math since I was good at it and she helped me with biology since she was good at it. Right now, she was working on a project on what a future city could look like. She was very focused on it. I think she forgot I was here. I stared at her for awhile but she never noticed.

As she worked, I looked up at a corner in the room. Derek's cameras were no longer recording but they were still a problem. I wanted to take them down and insert my own but Kacey said for me not to. She said that Keisha was gonna send a guy over to help her take them down. We had to do it without Angel noticing. Since she started her project, she's been distracted. So Kacey and the dude have been coming and going in and out of rooms. I watched him carefully as he eyed Angel a few times. He smiled at her once but she was too focused on her project. I scooted closer to her but she didn't notice. The dude left and shortly after, Kacey did too. I looked at Angel. She was so focused. I nudged her with my foot and she jumped. "Whoa. Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." I said. "It's fine. Sorry I haven't been talking to you. I just really wanna finish this thing." She said. "I understand." I said. After some time, she completed it and I helped her turn it in. I carried it to her professor's classroom.

I looked at Angel. She was nervous about her grade for it. I mean she did a good job on her project. It looked like the best one out of her classmates. Her professor gave her an A because it looked so good and helped give an idea on how future cities could look. As she talked, I looked her up and down. Her body made my mouth water. Her curves stuck out. I bit my lip. "Blaze?" Angel called. "Hmm?" I answered. She stared at me. "Young man, I don't think I've seen you around here. Where are you from?" The professor asked. "Oh. I go to Redwood University." I said. "Redwood University? That's the college for highly intelligent students." He said. "Uh yeah. I guess." I said. "So what are you doing here then?" He asked. "Just helping out a close friend." I said, smiling at Angel. She smiled. "Oh. Well I hoped Ms. Starlight didn't have any help on this project, as it counts as three fourths of her grade." He said, eyeing her.

"Nope. It was all her." I said, putting my arm around her. "Oh. Well. Good job Angel." He said. I pulled Angel out the room and back to her dorm room. I wanted him far away from her. I didn't want any dude near her. I wanted her. Ask her out. What? No. If you don't, another dude will. Fine. "Hey Angel." I called. She looked at me. "What's up?" She asked. "Do you....maybe wanna...go out?" I asked. She stared at me. I can't do this. "I mean go out and get food. I'm hungry. Plus, I don't think you've had any blood since you became a UniHybrid." I said, quickly. I saw her face drop slightly. "Uh sure. I could eat. And as for the blood thing, no way. I'm not drinking blood." She said, grabbing her coat. "Oh come on. Vampires can't survive without blood. Your gonna become severely dehydrated from lack of blood." I said. "How does it taste?" She asked. "Awesome. It's like, once it's in your mouth, you can't get enough." I said. Just like I can't get enough of you.

"Okay. I guess I can try it. Are you sure there's no alternative for it?" She asked. "Well you can be force fed blood but the doctors and nurses do it roughly. It's better if you drink it yourself." I said. We walked out to my car and I drove off to Pizza Hut. As we drove, I glanced at my phone. I was expecting a text from Keisha. Me and her became friends. Also I became friends with her brother, Trey. He was protective over his sisters. He and Keisha found out about Angel being my mate. I made them swear not to say anything until I tell her. Everyone found out shortly after because Kacey told them. Keisha said that she was gonna have some folks follow Angel around for me because I couldn't do it. I told them about Derek having cameras in her dorm room. That's why Kacey and that guy were taking the cameras down for me. Kacey said she didn't want me setting up cameras anywhere in their room. I just wanted them in Angel's room. I have no interest in looking at Kacey.

She told me no so I moved onto to plan B: have some guys from Trey's group spy on Angel for me. Terra was getting agitated from me not spending time with her. So I told I was gonna spend time with her, meaning I couldn't be with Angel during the day. At first, Trey was against having dudes spying on his sister but when I told him about that night Derek attacked her, he was on board. I made the dudes tell me Angel's every move. If she went to the bathroom, I knew about it. If she ate some pizza, I knew about it. If she got her nails done, I knew about it. This has been going on for two weeks now. "Blaze?" Angel called. I looked at her. "Yes?" I answered. "You okay?" She asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "You seem really quiet today." She said. "Sorry. I just got a lot on my mind." I said. "Like what?" She asked. "Uhhh, you probably wouldn't be interested." I said. "Oh come on. We're friends aren't we?" She said.

I wanna tell her about my life but I don't wanna tell her that I'm marrying someone else. Lie. "Well....I know this.....guy whose getting married and he's under a lot of stress about it. His fiancé is pissed because he's not really engaged into the wedding. He loves the girl but he's starting to have second thoughts. The girl wants his yo be more involved with the wedding and decorations and how everything should be but he's just not into it anymore." I said. She was quiet. I looked at her. She stared off into space. "Sounds to me that the guy doesn't wanna get married. If he's having second thoughts, he shouldn't be doing this. He's got two options: either spend more time with his fiancé and see if he's really in love with the girl or call the whole thing off. He shouldn't getting married with a girl he has no love for. Your gonna feel trapped." She said. "Well he loves her. He's just not in love with her anymore." I said. "Why not?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "I mean that the guy saw something in her that made him want to be with her. Surely there's something about He he still loves. Otherwise, he wouldn't have proposed to her." She said. She's got a point. I know. I still love Terra but I'm not in love with her anymore. Angel's right. Me being in a loveless marriage isn't good. I don't wanna feel trapped. "But he doesn't know how to call the wedding off without hurting her feelings. Or making her family mad." I said. "It's better to face the music than be unhappy for so long. Cause either way, your gonna leave her. Being in a loveless marriage will make you unhappy. Your gonna get a divorce sooner or later. So why not just go ahead and call it off." She said. "You right." I said. "So what's the guys name?" She asked. "Huh?" I asked.

"What's the guy's name? Maybe I can talk to him and help him out." She said. "No!!! No no." I yelled. She jumped. "Sorry. It's just....he wants the wedding kept from unknown people. Look, I'll talk to him about this and help him out. You just help me out with this." I said. I pulled up to Pizza Hut and ordered us some pizza and wings. As I drove to my house, I looked at Angel. "Angel, why don't you move in with your Dad?" I asked. "What?" She asked. "Like, your dealing with Derek's crazy ass. Your have so much studies. Like why don't you move in with your Dad?" I asked. "I don't know. I chose to live on campus to escape my Mama. I don't wanna go into detail on her so I'm waiting to graduate and then move in with my Dad." She said. "I'm curious as to why you and your siblings love separately." I said. I pulled up in the driveway and got out. "Blaze I'm not comfortable telling you that." She said. She looked up at the house. "Daaaaaamn. This house is huge." She said.

"It's just a house Angel." I said. "Are you kidding? This is a freaking mansion." She said. I rolled my eyes and walked inside. She followed. "It's bigger once your inside. "That's what everyone say. Follow me. The blood is downstairs in the basement." I said. I watched as she looked around. She looked like a child in an aquarium. She saw a tank full of fish. She looked at it. Her skirt came up a bit. I groaned and bit my lip. She looked at me. "Are you okay?" She asked, worriedly. I nodded. "Mmmhm. Come on. It's right through here." I said. I led her into a huge storage room full of blood. "Wow. Your parents uh, really love blood." She said. I chuckled. "All vampires have storages of blood Angel. We need blood to live." I said. "I know the vampire stereotype." She said. I laughed. She opened a crate of blood and picked up a bag. She stared at it then looked at me. "You really want me to drink this?" She asked. I nodded. She made a face.

"Blaze do I really?" She asked. I nodded and leaned against the wall with my arms crossed. I really wanted to see her drink blood. She looked at the bag before puncturing it. She licked the bag a bit before tearing it open and downing the blood. When she was done, she looked at me. "You want more don't you?" I asked, smirking. She nodded quickly. I have her two more bags. She downed them both. "Oh my God that's good." She said. I pulled her away from the crates and back upstairs. We walked upstairs to my room. "Whoa. Whose room is this?" She asked, looking around. "It's my room." I said, sitting on the bed.

She looked at me. "You sleep here?" She asked, curiously. I nodded. "I sleep in other room sometimes when I don't wanna be bothered." I said. She looked around. She picked up a picture. "Whose this?" She asked. I looked at the picture and I felt sick. It was of me and Terra kissing. "That's...someone I thought I had feelings for." I said, honestly. I thought I had feelings for Terra. I thought there was a future for me and Terra. Turns out there wasn't. "So you don't love her anymore?" She asked. I shook my head. "So why do you have this picture?" She asked. I stared at her. Her plump lips beckoned me over. Her innocent eyes were so bright. Her body had me hard. Her skirt was low enough to make me want to see more of her. I told up and walked over to her. "I don't know why I still have it." I said, as I grabbed her face and kissed her. She was stunned but she didn't pull away. She did the opposite. She grabbed me and pulled me closer.

I picked her up and pushed her up against the wall. I locked her lips for entrance to her mouth. She opened up and let me in. Our tongues fought for dominance but I wasn't letting her win. I carried her over to my end. I laid her down and attacked her mouth. She moaned in my mouth. I moved my lips down to her neck. I tried my hardest to create hickies on her. Luckily, I made three. I moved myself down to stomach, her thighs, then her pussy. I looked up at her. She nodded. I came back up and kissed her. I pulled back her spandex band lit my hand down her skirt. She flinched back a bit. I looked at her. She had her head down. "I got closer to her. "Angel?" I called. "I'm sorry. I never had anyone touch me down there." She said. I chuckled.

"I guess I'm the first." I said. I moved my hand down her skirt and inserted my fingers in her. I'm mast able to get two in there. I was able to push in one. Barely. She was so tiny. I pushed a finger in but was met with some sort of barrier. She flinched back entirely. I looked at her. "I-I I'm sorry. I-I can't do this." She said. She tried to get up. "Angel wait. Are you...a virgin?" I asked. She didn't look at me. Nor did she say anything. She's a virgin. Lucky us. Dude. I mean that in a good way. "Angel" I said. I moved her face so she was looking at me. "We don't have to do anything if you don't want to. If your not ready, I can't respect that." I said. She looked at me and kissed me. "Thanks for understanding." She said. I hugged her and wrapped her legs around me. I laid between her legs as she played in my hair. I played on my phone and listened to her heartbeat.

I looked up at her to ask her a question but she was fast asleep. I felt my phone vibrate. I looked at it. Kacey and Keisha sent me a text. Kacey said that I boosted her respect for me for not doing anything to Angel because she was a virgin. I texted her back saying that I will never do anything a woman don't want me doing. Keisha texted me saying she has another guy on watch for Angel whenever I'm not around her. I sent a text back that it was fine. Kacey then sent me another text saying that Terra was on her way to my house to talk to me. I widened my eyes. I carefully got off of Angel and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and clung to me. I carried her downstairs and saw my little sister, Cleo in the kitchen. She looked at me and gasped. "Blaze who is that?" She asked. "Uh, I'll tell you when I get back." I said.

I used my powers to open the door and walked to my car. I used my powers to open the door and I set Angel in. She then woke up. She stretched and looked at me. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Uh, Keisha wants to talk to you. I'm taking you home." I said. She nodded and looked at her phone. I texted Keisha to be at Angel's place to talk to her about whatever. Hopefully she'll be there. I quickly got in the car and drove her home. She was quiet throughout the ride back. "Angel you good love?" I asked. She nodded. "I don't know if I dreamt it but me and you kissed. And I stopped you because I wasn't ready to lose my virginity." She said. I smiled. I kissed her and hugged her. "It wasn't a dream love." I said. She giggled. She kissed me again before heading up to her dorm room. I watched her walk inside safely before I quickly sped home. Oh man. I hope I can get home before Terra does. Why? To get Angel's scent out of there.

Luckily I got there before she did. I ran inside and upstairs to my room. Cleo was in there sniffing up a storm. "What are you doing?" I asked. She looked at me and crossed her arms. "Who was that girl? And why is her scent all over your room? It smells so good. I can't get enough of it." She said. "Cleo, I'll tell you but you gotta help me. And don't tell Terra on me." I said. She narrowed her eyes at me. "Who is she?" She asked. "That girl's name is Angel and she's my mate. Please don't say anything to Terra." I said. "I won't tell Terra. But you gotta do something for me." She said. "Okay what?" I asked. "You do my chores for the next three months, take me to the fair tomorrow, and buy me a new tea party set." She said. I groaned. "Fine. Whatever." I said. "Okay." She said. "Now put your scent everywhere in my room. Angel's scent is hard to cover so rub some stuff on you." I said. She began rub my sheets, pillows on her. I ran to the bathroom and took a shower. I had to get Angel's scent off of me.

I came out to smell Cleo's strawberry scent in my room. I quickly got dressed and headed downstairs. I saw Terra sitting in the living room with Cleo. "There he is." She said. Terra looked at me. "Hey baby. Can we talk?" She asked. Please break up with me. We headed upstairs to my room. I motioned for Cleo to follow us. I didn't wanna be left alone with her. "Now Blaze-" Terra paused when she seen Cleo. "Excuse me this is a private mate Cleo." She said. "She's my sister. She can be in here if she wants." I said, picking Cleo up and setting her on my lap. Terra looked around. "No wonder it has her scent in here." She muttered. "I can be in my big brother's room if I want too." Cleo said, in a high voice. "I know that." She said, irritably. She glared at Cleo but I got in her face. "Don't talk to my sister like that." I said. She rolled her eyes. "What do you want Terra?" I asked, irritably. "I want to talk to you about our wedding. In private." She said.

"Cleo go wait downstairs." I said. Cleo glared at Terra before running out the room. "What do you want?" I asked. "What, a wife can't talk to her husband?" She asked. "Fiancé." I said. "Whatever. We are soon to be married and you have shown no signs of wanting to marry me Blaze." She said. Ka duh. "Blaze." She paused. She shook her head and broke down crying. "Terra what is up with you?" I asked. She looked at me and handed me something. Fuck is this?

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