Insane Love

By Smol_Sinner

584 26 4

Baekhyun has psychological problems (So he's basically kinda crazy) since he was beaten as a kid, he loves to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5

Chapter 4

89 4 1
By Smol_Sinner

As soon as the two walked through the door they were met with loud yells, "Minseok! Finally! What took you so long?! I have a photo shoot later!" a man yelled walking over to them, Minseok bowed respectfully and waited till he was told to stand up straight.

"Sorry Geun, I lost track of time." he explained, Geun still looked unimpressed, "Well next time do a better job, or you'll lose it." he scolded, Minseok nodded. Baekhyun grimaced at the man in front of them, he hadn't expected Geun to act like this at all.

From Baekhyun's knowledge, Park Geun was a very kind and generous man. He donated to charities that were long forgotten and ran into the ground, he sang for multiple different reasons. Each of them being some way of showing appreciation for someone.

Geun often dedicated his songs to his family and fans, to show how much he loved them, he almost never lost his cool or raised his voice. The man standing in front of them was nothing like the Park Geun Baekhyun had imagined.

"Maybe stop being an asshole and be happy he's even here," Baekhyun spat, Minseok's eyes widened and he looked at the younger signaling him to stop, but of course. He didn't.

"Excuse me?" Geun hissed, turning his attention over to Baekhyun, the latter glared with intensity. "You heard me because if you didn't, I doubt you'd be angry."

"Who is this Minseok," Geun asked, anger clear in his tone. Before Minseok could speak Baekhyun cut him off, "Byun Baekhyun," he said. Minseok face palmed and waited to be scolded farther.

But instead, Geun chuckled, "Well since your here you must have a talent in dancing, yes?" after he said that, Baekhyun felt all his bravery deplete and he scratched the back of his head.

"Uh, kinda," he said, Geun laughed again. "After all that tough talk, you got nothing to back it up." Geun mocked, folding his arms and looking down on Baekhyun. Literally.

"You wanna bet!" Baekhyun challenged, he hated being looked down on. Especially by someone less than him. Minseok face palmed again, he was definitely going to get fired.

"Alright then, Minseok put on a song."

The older nodded and pulled his phone out his pocket, he plugged it into the speakers they already had set up. Minseok scrolled through his playlist looking for a song he thought would fit Baekhyun. When he found one he clicked it and the song began playing.

It was another song from the group he and Baekhyun were singing last night, except this song was much more upbeat and easier to dance to. The song was called 'Tempo' and Minseok enjoyed it quite a bit.

Baekhyun grinned at Minseok, luckily, Baekhyun knew this song's beat like the back of his hand. He started the first move off with a stomp that moved swiftly into a body roll.

Minseok's jaw dropped, he thought Baekhyun couldn't dance. At least that's what he was told. Baekhyun continued to move swiftly with the song, matching the beat with his dances perfectly. It was almost like he'd majored in dancing as Minseok had.

His moves were so clean and perfect Minseok found himself drooling, Geun also looked pretty shaken up by Baekhyun's moves. It was the first time he'd seen someone come as close to Minseok in free styling.

When the song ended, Baekhyun was barely out of breath but Minseok surely was. He found another reason to be interested in Baekhyun, it's like he was perfect. His mental stability was completely forgotten at this point. He just seemed normal, like everyone else. Although, the scars on his wrists and arms were a reminder. He was indeed different.

Baekhyun looked over at Minseok and smiled, "Hey Min, you got a little-" he pointed to the corner of his lips, Minseok caught what he meant and raised a hand to wipe the drool from the corner of his mouth causing Baekhyun to laugh.

Geun cleared his throat and both of their attention was turned back to the celebrity in front of them, "Looks like you do have some talent behind all that attitude." he said, Baekhyun's smirk grew only this time it was a cocky grin.

"I sure do, to bad you don't though."

Geun rolled his eyes and made a 'tsk' sound, "Look Minseok, we're gonna have to rehearse another time. I have a shoot to go to," Minseok nodded and watched as the celebrity exited the studio.

Baekhyun ran a hand through his now slightly sweaty hair as he walked towards Minseok, the older folded his arms causing the younger to raise a brow. "What?" Baekhyun asked.

"One, how come you lied and said you couldn't dance? And two, are you crazy?!"

Baekhyun chuckled, "Yeah, did you already forget Minnie?"

Minseok rolled his eyes and sighed, "It's hard not to when you do stuff like sing and dance, that's a little too normal." Baekhyun shrugged and wrapped his arm around Minseok's shoulder.

"Oh well, not my problem," he said with a smirk, Minseok rolled his eyes for the second time and began walking to the other half of the studio. Baekhyun followed him like a lost puppy following its owner, "Minnie where are you going? Aren't you done for the day? Isn't Geun all you had to deal with?" Baekhyun asked.

"Stop calling me that, and no, Geun isn't the only celebrity I have to see today," Minseok said, Baekhyun sighed heavily and went in the door after the latter. Another well-known artist was inside the room awaiting Minseok's arrival.

Baekhyun hadn't noticed the second person in the room until he heard: "Baekhyun?!"

He turned his head in the direction the call came from and his eyes widen slightly as his eyes laid on a childhood friend, "Chanyeol?" Baekhyun said, but how? He thought Chanyeol moved to another town in Korea, but here he was standing right in front of him.

Sehun, Chanyeol's music partner, looked at the messy-haired adult and raised an uncertain brow. "Chanyeol you know him?" he asked, the other nodded with an ear to ear smile on his face.

"Do I?! We were best friends in elementary school! I moved away though and never saw him again, by the way how's Baekbeom?"

Baekhyun shrugged, "I haven't talked to him in five years, he moved away when..." he cleared his throat, no longer being able to talk he looked at Minseok with a pleading look.

"Um, Chanyeol, I listened to the song you sent me but are you sure you want a routine to this? It's more on the slow side. Don't get me wrong it isn't like grandma slow but it's not turbo fast either." Minseok said causing Sehun to laugh.

"Minseok, what the hell did you just say? I didn't understand a word of that," Sehun stated, Chanyeol also laughed, the previous conversation with Baekhyun completely forgotten.

"Me neither," Chanyeol agreed, Minseok shrugged. "I mean, we young is pretty upbeat, but I don't think it's enough for a whole routine. Maybe just a dance here and there."

"I'm fine with that," Sehun said standing to his feet, Chanyeol nodded as well, "Okay. I guess that's what we're doing then."

Baekhyun stood awkwardly rubbing his arm not knowing what to do, Minseok placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear that he could sit down and watch while they rehearsed.

Baekhyun did what he was told, not really knowing what else to do. He watched as Minseok went over the few ideas he had for dances, each time Sehun and Chanyeol instantly agreed.

Minseok had them do a move were they lazily kicked their leg out against the floor, it was a good move but it was missing something. "How about you add arms to that dance," Baekhyun suggested.

"What do you mean?" Chanyeol asked. Minseok, however, was trying to figure out how he would do that without making it look stupid. Baekhyun stood and asked them to repeat the dance they just did so they complied.

Baekhyun joined in as well but was flailing his arms around behind his back, Minseok smiled as Sehun and Chanyeol freaked out. "Woah! That fits so well Baek!" Chanyeol complimented.

"It's just an idea, you guys don't have to actually use it." Baekhyun said smiling nervously, "Of course we're gonna use it! It fits the move that Minseok has next." Sehun stated, Baekhyun nodded and watched them the rest of the time. Everything unfolding nicely, Sehun and Chanyeol was happy with the final routine and thanked both Minseok and Baekhyun for their help.

Baekhyun, however, had felt dizzy and told Minseok he would head to the bathroom before they left. The older nodded and told him where to go, Baekhyun walked in the direction holding his head. Not only was he dizzy but he could feel a headache forming.

Once inside the bathroom he turned on the sink and cupped his hands together, washing the water over his face. When he looked up his eyes widened with fear and he visibly started shaking.

"Hello, Baekhyun..." a man wearing all black said, his face was somewhat blurry but Baekhyun was still able to make out who it was. He spun around to face the man, his hands gripping the sink behind him tightly, so tight his knuckles started turning white.

"Long time no see, how have you been since the last time we met? You ran away when I saw you, what was that about?" the man asked taking a step closer. Baekhyun was shaking uncontrollably now but he couldn't find the strength to move or even breath.

"Are you afraid of me Baekhyun? Or did you simply forget who I am?"

Baekhyun still hadn't responded and it was starting to agitate the man in front of him, the man dared to take more steps closer and Baekhyun backed up uncomfortably close to the sink behind him.

"Speak you damn brat." the man snapped, Baekhyun flinched from his cold tone and opened his mouth but nothing came out. He wanted to run, to hide, to get back to Minseok, but how could he do that if he couldn't even speak?

"I-I...I could never forget you..." he finally managed to say, the man's expression softened by a bit and he stopped advancing on the younger. "Then who am I Baekhyun?" the man asked, knowing Baekhyun already knew. He still wanted to mess with the younger, so he did.

"M-my father..."

"Ah, so you do remember." his father said, upon taking steps closer looking down on Baekhyun. The younger hadn't even realized his legs had given out and he was now sitting on the cold floor, his hands balled into fists as he looked at the shadowy figure of his father.

"Tell me Baekhyun," his father started, grabbing a fist full of his son's shirt. "Why are you such a disappointment?"

Baekhyun shivered at the statement, he always knew how his father felt about him and his episodes just made him relive those moments. But each time it sunk deeper, the wound permanent in his heart. He was stuck like this, having episodes every day after the month of June.

Baekhyun was hoping he would make it this year without any of his episodes, instead, the opposite happened. He got them early. Before June even started.

It was only March, he still had two more months till it was actually June. But now, here he was, being strangled by his father's figure. Baekhyun just wanted it to end, he'd been like this since middle school and it continued through high school. Only getting worse. Even after his father died.

Nothing anybody said ever seemed to completely calm him, so he was truly stuck in this never-ending cycle of torture from his own brain.

"Answer me you goddamn bastard!" his father yelled gripping his shirt tighter and shaking him a bit, Baekhyun whimpered and desperately tried to get out of the grasp but it was useless.

He was never able to do it before when he was younger, so he wouldn't be able to do it now. After all, these are just memories that are slightly altered by his brain to seem more real.

"I don't know!" Baekhyun yelled, tears rolled down his cheeks and he heard his father groan in annoyance. "I can't stand you, why can't you just be like Baekbeom? He's perfect. He gets straight A's, and most of all he doesn't like other men."

Baekhyun winced, another reason his father hated him so much was that he was gay. His father was just never able to wrap his head around what Baekhyun's interests were. He was ashamed of his own son in many ways, which led him to child abuse.

"He's like that because he fears you! If you gave us a chance to be ourselves I doubt he'd be the 'perfect' person he is now!" Baekhyun argued, his father didn't like this and gripped tighter at Baekhyun's shirt.

"Shut the hell up! You have no idea what you're talking about! I should've killed you when I had the chance. Before your mother got so attached."

Baekhyun broke down crying, his mother was dead, and it was all thanks to the asshole in front of him. His father killed his mother, simply because she accepted him, and was sick of the way his father treated him.

One day she threatened to leave and take both her sons' with her, Baekhyun's father acted before he thought of the outcome. He strangled her to death, right in front of both his children.

Baekhyun and his brother watched as his mother fought against their father, sometimes able to get him off, but after a vital hit to the head, their father caused she was done for. Her head bleeding as the glass shards lay around her.

His father had slammed a glass bottle against her skull, killing her instantly. Baekbeom had called the cops while Baekhyun was frozen with fear. He was only fifteen but he still could've helped in some way. Both of them could have.

But instead, they stood there. And watched.

"You killed her!" Baekhyun yelled, "You killed your own wife! In front of your kids no less!"

"You are not my kid." his father hissed, Baekhyun finally got the strength to push his father away. He stumbled to his feet and ran out of the bathroom, his father yelling a quick: "Get back here!" before running after him.

Baekhyun bolted down the hallway as fast as he could, he only hoped the episode would end as he ran.

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