About Damn Time! {Interracial...

By CoriAlston19944

118 7 0

Sonja Whitfield is a passionate graduate student pursuing a promising career to be a doctor at a private rese... More



59 4 0
By CoriAlston19944


May 19, 2009.

That's the day I have just written on the right top corner after I just sign my name on the paper of my vocabulary test Mr. Castillo just handed out to us as soon as we entered his classroom. Lethargy, I hear my voice saying the word. I ponder what the word means when I recall Mr. Castillo teaching us the vocabulary not too long—three weeks prior, as a matter of fact. A light bulb blinks on and my hand gripping onto the pencil jots down the answer, 'The lack of energy; sluggishness and laziness.' I move on to the other; recondite. I write down the answer and continue on until the answers are filled.

By the time I finish my test, I stand up from my desk and walk towards Mr. Castillo, who has his eyes focusing on the latest news on the Chicago Tribune. "Mr. Castillo?"

He lifts his head from the newspaper to face me. "I'm done with my test," I whisper and hand him the paper. He takes it and checks my work, picking up the red marker that is not too far for him to reach and writes on my paper and takes out a collection of stickers. He peels the sticker off and places it on the paper and puts the paper in the bin.

"Sonja, you've got your brain in gear today.You earned the score of one hundred. You can have your free time," Mr. Castillo smiles. I grin, achieving that I excelled the test. It has been eight months from the time I transferred from being in Special Education classes to being in a 15-1 classroom because my old—I wouldn't say old. Former, yes former—My former teacher and teaching assistants figured that I have twelfth grade reading level because of my use of vivid big words as well as improving my education. I didn't even look on the internet on how to extricate myself from special education because for me; education is basically education as long as it has assistance and recommendations to stay after school when I struggle in one of my classes.

I walk back to my desk and unzip my backpack to fish out the book that was a birthday present from my mom called, The Triple Bind: Saving Our Teenage Girls from Today's Pressures and Conflicting Expectations by Stephen Hinshaw with Rachel Kranz. I would read the other book, A Young Woman's Guide to Making Right Choices: Your Life God's Way by Elizabeth George, but I didn't because I don't want to break one of the rules in this school. So, I figured I would resume reading it when I get home from school. For what feels like an eternity after a while, the shrilling ring signals the end of fourth period. I lean over to put my book along with one of my writing utensils back in my backpack and exit the class, heading to the cafeteria. Once I enter the cafeteria, I go on line to get my lunch consisting—Oh, great! Fish taco... just like yesterday. Fish taco with oranges and tater tots along with a carton of 100% pure apple juice.Why not put sliced chicken in a taco shell and dress it with sour cream along with dices of tomatoes? I would love that. Mentally, my prayers are answered when there are chicken tacos aligning on the counter top separating the students and the lunch ladies. I take the tray and pay the cashier with my lunch money before proceeding to making my way towards the usual table where my friends from my former classes I was in sit. "Hey, Sonja!" I turn my head to face one o my best friends, Kenzie waving at me. I walk towards the table that Kenzie and most of our friends are sitting. I place my lunch tray on the table and sit down on the bench.

"How did your vocabulary test went?"Kenzie queries.

"I aced it!" I beam and throw my arms up in victory. Kenzie squeals with contentment and throws her arms around me in a hug. "That is spectacular news,Sonja!" Kenzie smiles.


"Sonja, do you think you could help me with something?"

"That depends on whatever it is that you're going through."

"Can you help me get out of Special Ed?"

When she tells me this, I look at her with a puzzling expression and I thought I'm hearing something else because I'm wondering why she wants to leave an education that meets our needs when we have school programs that our teachers teach us in order for us to receive the education we deserve. "Kenzie, why do you want to leave? It's helpful."

"It is, but Mrs.McBitch called my parents and everybody else's parents because we couldn't understand certain questions while we were reading The Catcher In the Rye by J.D. Salinger and she even slammed her hand on the projector that it actually broke the light out." Kenzie explains.

"Oh, man," I snicker briefly. "Yeah, I'm hoping that you guys would get a new teacher before sophomore year ends."

"No, I hope Mrs. McCann gets her pink slip by the end of this school year. She's the Wicked Bitch of the West and we've had her since we were freshmen and I can't take anymore of her bitchy attitude any longer."

"Trust me, I can't take it either and I'll partake it." I start eating my chicken taco and Kenzie and I talk about our summer plans; she and her family are going to spend the month of July with her grandparents in Montana while I'm staying herein Chicago, eventually going to a water park with my family that my dad promised. Anyways, I finish my lunch and raise my leg over the bench, so I could throw my tray in the trash. Around the same time I walk back towards the table, a hand gives my ass a firm squeeze. Who does this person think they are?I don't tolerate an asshole copping a feel on my butt, ever! Instantly without a brief consideration as soon as rage boils throughout my body, I pivot and raise my hand back and I throw my hand forward as hard as I could, whipping it across the unknown individual's face. The crack of skin contacting skin echoes off the walls as the entire people in the cafeteria clamor, "Ooh!"Vibrations of pain starts in my palm and spreads all the way to my fingertips.I shake my hand to make the pain diminish. I look at the person resting a hand that appears to be masculine due to their short nails in a shape of a spoon and a once triumphant grin morphs into my mouth ajar in stagger. Shit! Both my hands cover my nose and mouth as I watch the individual wince with his eyes squeezing shut. The more I study the person's face, the more shitty I feel.

"Jason!"I gasp mortifyingly. "I am so sorry!"

"I'm not mad at you, Sonja. That was really a cool slap that you gave me. I deserved it, though." Jason exhales sharply. A red print of my hand on his ivory cheek is noticeable. "Why did you do that, then?!" I yell.

"To get your attention!"

"To get my attention?! You know, there are alternatives to get my attention, like; calling my name or tapping me on my shoulder. Not groping my ass like some perverted whacko in the streets!"

"I'm sorry, Sonja. I want you to help me with something. Can you help me?" Jason asks.


"Not you, too!" I yell, pacing on the pathway just as Jason is sitting on the stoop.

"What?I'd rather be in a different class rather than putting up with Mrs. McCann berating at us. I've seen you carry the structure of the DNA and you have your teachers having a classroom party with Pequod's pizza and giving you candy."Jason mentions. Sometimes my fifth period class teacher, Mrs. Zuckerman gives us candy or chips only when one of my classmates ask for it right after we finish our schoolwork.

"Well,you know what, Jason? When you're sitting in a class with me and the other thirteen teenagers in one classroom, it is not always gonna be a party everyday. Didn't you think of the positive aspects of being in special ed?" He gives a puzzled expression.

"You know; how we would be less likely to feel out of place as well as the teachers providing us the full-time support that we deserve along with meeting the needs of all children, a teacher or teacher's assistant that defends you and your classmates, being there for you when you struggle or when you need emotional support. You come to class to learn, but with a moderate level because there are subjects that could be recondite for you."

"Recon-what?" Jason's eyebrows pull together, trying to comprehend the word. "Recondite. It means hard for you to understand," I define. "I learned it from my English teacher."

"My uncle bought me a dictionary on my thirteenth birthday and I disposed it because I didn't want to use the dictionary to make me more intelligent, but now that you were switched to take regular classes; makes me want to look through the dictionary. That's what I'm going to do for this summer; read the entire dictionary from A to Z. What are you doing after school ends?" Jason queries.

"Nothing, just staying here and going to the water park with my family." I answer.

I glance at Jason scratching the back of his neck before his hand runs through his buzz-cut. "I was thinking if you could help me with the tricks that are hidden in your sleeves for the summer."

I ponder at the thought of me teaching a former classmate of mine the colorful words that is never heard of, thought of, or used before as well as math problems, the food chains, etc. "Okay," I nod. "I'll bring my flashcards with me. Can I ask you a question, Jason?"

"What is it?"

"Do you have a dog? Because the last thing that I know, a dog would either jump on me or bite me." When I was three years old, my cousins and I went out trick-or-treating around the E 5th Street neighborhood and an owner was living in a bungalow that smelled putrid as hell and he had, like, twenty three dogs barking at us and I'll never forget—the Malinois dog stepped towards me,growling at me and I let out a piercing shrill, whirling around on my small heels and made a run for it, but one of my cousins scooped me up in their arms.Subsequently, the owner was forced to have his dogs taken to the animal shelter. I don't know what happened to the guy, but I'm just glad that the dogs are gone.

"No, my mom feels that having a dog has too many responsibilities for us to handle."Jason assures.

Thank goodness, I mentally sigh in relief and I honestly feel like wiping my forehead with the back of my hand, but I refrain myself from doing so. "Okay. Just give me your address and I'll come over as soon as summer vacation starts." I vow. I watch the corners of Jason's mouth lifting before he reveals his white pearls at me. "Thank you, Sonja!" He stands up from the stoop and his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me in his embrace. Caught off guard, I strain, "You're welcome!"

Seven Months Later...


"You got the score of 98 on your algebra test," Ms. Austin smiles. "Awesome job, Jason!" She sticks her thumb up and I feel like I'm on cloud nine! Throughout this summer, Sonja kept her promise by coming over to my house after I called her when she's not busy, even after school. About a month ago, I got my wish when I was meeting with my guidance counselor that I was being transferring from Special Ed to 15-1 classes where when my friends have music class, my former teacher, Mrs. Rossi would come with me to my algebra class because she teaches the exact type of math in my old class. I exit Ms. Austin's classroom and head to the exit of this forest called a school. Midway stepping down the steps, I look up to see the girl who is a tutor to me throughout this year and the previous year. She looks undeniably cute when smiles and it could light up the room along with that deep dimple of hers. Her jet black collarbone length straight mane sways delicately to the crisp, chilly wind of December. She hugs her group of friends one at a time prior to turning her head to face me. She beams at me and waves at me. I wave back at her with a sincere smile. When she stepped under the threshold of the classroom starting back in the fourth grade, I was speechless for what seemed like an eternity when I was gazing at her for four minutes until our fourth grade teacher enabled some dickhead to throw an apple at my head just to snap me out of my trance. But that doesn't stop me from having feelings about this girl.

"Hi, Jace!" She smiles broadly.

"Hey, Sonja,"I lower my head with my eyes focusing on the gray entrance way while I fiddle with my fingers. "I was wondering if you could, you know..." I scratch the back of my neck. "If you could come over and watch a movie?" I anxiously hope,sounding as if it's a question.

"I'll ask my mom—"

"Sonja!Jason! Get in!" I turn to Mrs. Whitfield shouting our names from her sitting in the driver's seat in her maroon 2009 Nissan Rogue with the front passenger window down. Sonja and I amble our way to the car, but first and foremost; I pull the handle of the front passenger door to let Sonja in. "Thanks," she grins.

"You're welcome." I smile back at her as she closes the door just as I open the back passenger door for me to sit behind her. "Thank you for holding the door for my Baby Bear, Jason. That is so chivalrous of you!" Mrs. Whitfield comments devoutly.

"You're welcome, Mrs. Whitfield," I drag the seatbelt over my torso for it to click just before Mrs. Whitfield drives off the school grounds. I don't mind holding doors for girls, especially the one I have eyes for because my uncle taught me how to treat girls like princesses. They truly deserved to be honored with their hard work, praised,being treated with respect, kindness as well as being honest to them, be helpful,and being loyal to them. "Sonja, I'm dropping you and Jason at his house and I will pick you up around 7:30 in the evening. Would that be alright for you?"

"Okay, mom." Sonja concurs.

"Would that okay with you, Jason?" Mrs. Whitfield repeats to me this time.

"No problem." I agree and I peer out the window to admire the skylines of the Windy City around the same time old school songs that originated from the seventies,eighties, nineties, and now are playing like in a movie where it is playing in the background when a character is going through something. I sure hope my plan works because if it doesn't; I'd understand because to me; my life is not over and I would wait for her.

A couple of minutes later, Mrs. Whitfield pulls up to the driveway of my house and she announces, "Okay, you two. Have fun, but not too much fun and I'll be back around 7:30."

"Okay," Sonja and I exit the car.

"Thanks for the ride, Mrs. Whitfield."

"It's my pleasure, honey. Be sure to take care of my Baby Bear because she is special like a gem." Mrs. Whitfield warns kindheartedly.

"I will," I vow and wave at her. She waves back and backs up. I jog to the door to open the door for Sonja as she and I enter my abode, unprepared to step in the house with the radio playing the Doobie Brothers that my mom enjoys listening to since back in her hey-days. "Hi, sweetie!" My mom does a double look and gasps happily. "Hello, Sonja!" She wipe her hands on the towel from the bottom cabinet of our kitchen sink and walks towards us to throw her arms around Sonja.

"How was school, you guys?"

"It's same-old, same-old. I got a 98 on my algebra test," I tell. "Congratulations, honey!" My mom gives me this strong embrace like a giant and smooches on my temple. "I'm so proud of you! I'm thinking about baking a cake as a part of your celebration!" My mom claps. I smile at my mom before Sonja and I make our way to my bedroom.

"Jason, keep your bedroom door open!"

"I will!" I assure her because I'm living in my mom's under her rules along with my two brothers and one sister. And I don't want to be thrown out for not abiding her rules in the house. I open the door of my bedroom, leaving it ajar and walk to my computer that is on my desk, resting my backpack beside me as I turn my computer on. "I have a song that I would like to sing. Tell me what you think when I finished, okay?"

"Okay," she nods. I click the song to play and I clear my throat before facing her.

"When I first saw you enter my life

I couldn't get this silly grin off my face

I don't want either of us to strife

Because wherever I go, I see you allover the place.

Every time you smile, I get this feeling inside

We could be like Bonnie and Clyde

You don't know what you do to me.

It pains me to see you cry

No matter what; I will always be by your side

My attraction for you is no lie

I was wondering if you could be my girlfriend

I'll treat you really good

Just like a prince and a king should

Girl, if you're my girlfriend

You'll be my star

Shining up so far

Baby girl, you should be my girlfriend.

Under the threshold, our eyes were meeting

Your intelligence knocks me off my feet

You even have my heart beating

With the sight of you being my sweet treat.

You have eyes like Aaliyah, rest in peace, Li-Li

As well as your hair looking like Janet

You truly are God's best creation walking on this planet

Like Beyonce, what can I say?

You got lips like Selena

And skin like Pam Grier

I won't make things weird.

What you think, boo? I'm a Chi-Town boy

And I promise to give you joy."

I click the stop button and I'm looking at her reaction, which appears to be astonishing and her grin expands. "I like it!" She sticks both of her thumbs up before she applauds. The corners of my mouth curves up into a beam because I'm receiving a positive comment from her. "I even like it that you used an NSYNC beat to it! May I ask who the lucky girl is that inspired you to rap?" Sonja asks.

"You," I reply frankly.

Her eyes widen. Oh, shit! She's gonna say no, is she? Doubt invades in my mind like the devil wants me to think the worst.


"Yeah. You," I nod and figure that I should do this without thinking the negative shit blocking my positive path. I take her hand in mine and focus looking into her dark chocolate brown eyes. "It's been you, Sonja. Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. She responds with her mouth fully agape turning into a big grin.

"Okay!" She nods excitingly and jumps off the edge of my bed to throw her arms around the back of my neck just as my arms snake around her waist. This is the best day of my life because I not only passed my test in math, I also have the girl of my dreams that has helped me get into regular classes along with her beauty internally and physically.

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