A twist In My life *completed...

By MilaZenHarmony

9.5K 332 70

"You know, to think about all I just said. I'll reiterate some stuff. In the beginning, I wanted help. But th... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 (last official chapter)

Chapter 38

62 1 0
By MilaZenHarmony

1 month later

My mom had convinced me to go take an ultrasound- despite the fact that I didn't care and didn't want to do it, there I was. Currently laying on the hospital bed with the nurse applying some substance on my lower stomach and my parents, cousin and Bella sat in the room. My cousin held my hand as I blankly watched the doctor move the device across my skin. It felt weird, but I liked it. I wasn't gonna complain. In fact, I barely spoke all morning.

" Hey, how's your day going so far?" The nurse smiled, shifting glances from the screen to my stomach every 2 seconds.

" As good as it could be." I closed my eyes.

" It's kinda chilly out, huh? Oh, am I pressing too hard? Does it feel weird?"

"No, I like the feeling. The weather is perfect, it's been hot as hell lately, so this is great."

There was a long moment of silence before she spoke again.
"Well, that's a first. Oh! Look!" She drew my family's attention to look at the screen. "We got a pleasant surprise over here. Can you guys guess?" When no one answered but just stared at the screen marvelled she yelled: "It's twins!"

My eyes flew open and I looked at the monitor with furrowed brows.

"What, how the Hell is that possible? No one in my family was ever a twin!"

"Calm down Z! Miss, can you determine the gender or genders?" 

I shot a glare at her before averting my gaze back to the nurse.

"A girl and a boy."

I kept my mouth closed and my jaw clenched. The others were astonished and I could feel their excitement.

" It's a good thing you have your parents and support teams to help you with early motherhood." She smiled and gently rubbed my stomach.

I felt more movements from the fetuses and groaned as the females present—and my dad— watched in awe. Meanwhile, I'm over here thinking: Can't I just abort it? Like, now??

I tuned out the rest of the things she explained, only knew it was time to go when the nurse cleaned off my stomach and mentioned it. I got up and walked out of the room, making our way to the secret exit, knowing the papz would be at the front. My parents knew I didn't want anything to do with the news we had just heard. They were ok with it, but I surely wasn't. I screwed myself up big time. I thought it would just be one, but no! Some recessive gene just has to kick in. It makes so much sense now. I was wondering how I was actually showing at this pregnancy, not that I'm not grateful that I only look a bit bloated... as in Food baby bloated. Anyways.

I bid my cousin farewell, then my parents. They were probably going to discuss at my cousin's house. I didn't wanna be there. Bella got into my car after I started it and I quickly drove off. To the nearest creek to be specific. I would honestly prefer the park if there weren't so many people there. I'm getting more and more irritated by the day at humans.

I was breathing heavily all the way to the creek, I just wanted to relieve myself of all the stress and thoughts running through my head.
I parked where the clearing in the woods stopped and waited a while before exiting and telling Bella she doesn't have to stay in the vehicle.

She followed me to the river bank and hesitantly sat when I did.

I absentmindedly started to pluck out the grass, not caring if I was destroying anything. however, Within the first minute, I began ripping out so much that the roots were coming up with it. Not long after that was a horrifying, demonic scream that emerged from my throat that made the birds fly from their places in the tree and the fish swam away from the bank.
I could just feel the fear radiating off Bella from that scream, but it wouldn't be enough to give me more strength. I ran a hand through my hair and sure enough, a few strands of my long, wavy hair easily came out. It's been two weeks since I hadn't had an appetite to eat anything, and this is the aftermath.

"I'm gonna have to go on a hunting spree tonight or tomorrow night." Or my demon is gonna take over prematurely. I can't let that happen. "No, I gotta do it tonight, tomorrow they'll expect me to go to a party."

"You can't find another alternative? And that explains why the past few days has been that way and why you look pale. I mean, there's a slight rosiness with you being pale, but pale nonetheless."

I just chucked bitterly and skipped a pebble across the water.

"I really don't have a choice. I'd rather make myself die than find an alternative. Cause the alternative is the demon fully possessing me and using my body as its puppet... and you're around. Imagine what you'd go through." I grimaced.

"What, it would kill me? I thou-"

"No. it would fuck you so hard it will resurface memories and eventually start to drive you c-"

I physically couldn't move my mouth anymore. I was met by a choking sensation but from the inside. I could almost smell the blood rising up and my muscles trembling. I know I had said too much already. Normally this pain would be bearable, but I'm relatively vulnerable. I hunched over and waited a whole minute until I could feel the grip release again.

" - Zee. What happened?! Your entire eyes went black!"

She was definitely scared. I shook my head anyways. She knew I couldn't say anything else. It's happened a couple of times before so she's all too familiar.

"Is it still black?"

"No ; green. With specs of red here and there."

I groaned out loud. I hate having a majority of my decisions being subconsciously made by what possesses me. It's not even half anymore. It's nearly a year and it already controls 70% of me. Not the 50% my mom informed me of. Pure monstrosity is all I could describe this as. It makes me not wanna see how it would progress in the next two years. My original character will probably be completely dissolved.

"It's 11:25,"

Cue for I'm hungry but I won't admit it.
I got up and extended a hand for her to follow suit, then went into the car. I drove almost without a stop to her favourite restaurant and ordered food and ate it there. I kept my head on my arms on the table. I had no intentions of seeing any fans or perverts. I would start to curse, put a curse on them and possibly get kicked out... I'm not chancing that. I did, however, have Bella and other waiters/waitresses asking me of my state of being, which I just brushed off as tired.

I paid the bill and waited till they finished packaging what Bella had left so she'd take it with her. I gave her the keys as we neared the car. I sat in the front passenger's seat before she got in the driver's seat, looking at me with a confused expression.

"I'm beginning to feel a bit disoriented; if I drive, We'll crash." I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.

She started the vehicle and drove onto the road.


"Yeah, cause if I go to the studio, I dunno what's gonna happen."
I squeezed my eyes tightly and tapped my fingers on my knees at an inhuman speed. I began to feel soft pangs of hunger. The unsettling part about it is the fact that it was all happening on the inside. Not the surface of my skin. I couldn't really do anything to stop it.

"Fuck!!" I dug my nails into my skin and held back my cries of pain as best as I could. Crying wasn't an option for me, or I'd be crying blood. Literally.

These pangs began as a slight pinch then gradually increased to a feeling of being stabbed with a sharp yet dull knife repeatedly.

I didn't start to scream at the pain until we were near the house. I just needed it to stop and my nails were just going deeper in my skin. Pretty sure it reached the bone now. I just heard me subconsciously cry: "Stop it. It hurts!" Repeatedly. Somewhere in the screaming that came out along with: "I just wanna die!" And I knew that was the inner me.

Bella leaned over to give me a comforting hug, but couldn't.

"Don't fucking touch me!" My voice, it sounded pained and full of hatred. Two in one.

"Bell, I'm sorry. Go inside. I have to go. It's escalating quickly," GO!

I heard the car door open, then her going inside the house locking the door behind her. Wise move. Before the pain fully stopped, I made my way out of the car and began walking aimlessly. I knew this was the calm before the storm, and I didn't wanna be around the house when my demon fully took over. It can as it pleases when I meet my first victim in this 1 pm Sun. This was definitely gonna be a bloodbath today.


'So said, so done' perfectly describes what happened an hour ago. Three lustful young men got it when they tried to advance on me. All in the same location. I wonder if they knew that would've been their last moments. Cause all of these were corrupted, rich men. Bribing -- not working -- their way up the corporate levels, with inside connections. I did society a favour actually, by taking out three of the many leeches from the state.

My clothes were so soaked that not even a dip in the river got all out. I climbed in through my room window and to my room, Bella was downstairs. Perfect luck, she wouldn't freak out at how I looked.
I had just taken off my clothes and gotten in the shower when I heard her skipping up the stairs. I giggled when I heard her mumble "What the fuck," but proceeded with my bath.

"Z, you in there??" She knocked twice then opened the door.

"Why don't you check and see," I think anyone could hear the smirk in my voice.

"A simple yes or no could've been done... how are you feeling?"

"I feel amazing." Sooo amazing.

I finished my bath within twenty minutes and pulled on a shirt and a pair of sweatpants. I was ready to clean up all my mess, but it seemed as if Bella already had. I proceeded to brush my teeth then joined Bella in the kitchen. Who was just looking through the fridge for something to eat.

I wrapped my hands around her waist and smiled against her neck. She tensed for a moment then realized it was me.

"Ou, you got afraid? I'm hurt." I let go and put a hand over my chest feigning hurt.

" I don't know what to expect from you sometimes." She mumbled before looking at me. "Great, you look like a goddess. Can you help me over here?"

"Will you sit on me if I do?" I smirked.

She facepalmed her head then nodded. See, she consented so I'm not doing it against her will. It was also a half-joke so.

I picked out a yoghurt, handing it to her and proceeded to sit down.

(I 👏🏽will👏🏽 warn👏🏽 you 👏🏽one 👏🏽time, 👏🏽mention👏🏽/action 👏🏽of👏🏽 sex 👏🏽and 👏🏽smut 👏🏽is👏🏽 here👏🏽 on 👏🏽out.👏🏽 it👏🏽 ends👏🏽 when you see this: 💎🏳️‍🌈(random emojis lmaooo)) Also short af so don't worry.

"You're lucky I'm only wearing a bra under this dress. You gonna pull down your pants or not?"

Oh, hasty today huh? I only had to pull it down a little before it sprung up.
She positioned herself, sat down and let out a moan, muttering something incoherent that I shouldn't repeat for young viewers. ((Oh my god I need to stop this😂 my mind needs to stop🤦🏽‍♀️😂)) I don't wanna admit it, but this has become an almost daily routine for us. Either she asks or I do, or we just jump straight into it before bed. And I swear, if I wasn't possessed, pregnant and had only my female reproductive organ, I would be miserable.

Ok, it mainly ends here, I'm glad I can't write smut long🤦🏽‍♀️😂

She eventually fell asleep on me after an hour of us making love. I might have bitten her sometime through the process, but she's immune to it by now, it won't affect her.
I smiled and rubbed her temple, then stroked her cheek. More colour was coming back to her cheeks, her skin cleared up a lot and isn't dry anymore. She looked greater than she has ever looked in the last five months. She's gonna go back into modelling after she hit 115lbs, which can easily be 3 weeks from now. My mom had already contacted the agencies. Everything was already set. They said they need her in a month but she's gonna be ready before that. My thoughts were interrupted when she shifted a bit and fluttered her eyes open. She groaned and immediately rubbed her neck but flinched. I stifled my laugh and she glared at me.

"That's not funny! You just love biting me, don't you? I'm gonna have to cover up my neck for the next week, along with a load of pain killers."

"Ok, but, you do realize you're still on me right?"

She nodded with blushing cheeks.

"And we're in the living room." She nodded on cue. "And I'm not wearing a condom."

"Honestly, when do you ever? The answer is never. You don't even own any. Also, you know it doesn't matter." She sassed but ran dry at the end.

We heard vehicles, —not vehicle, but vehicles— approach and Bella took that as a cue to get up.

"No matter how many times I do that, it always feels weird getting off."

I laughed and pulled up my sweatpants; going up to the beginning of the stairs.

"Go up and get changed into something casual. Half your entire family is here. Sounds like they're planning a surprise party. Ok... now!" Bella urged.

I sped upstairs and went into my closet to undress then begrudgingly put on undergarments, one of my customized jeans and an off-shoulder floral blouse that still showed off my stomach.
That secret definitely wasn't so much of a secret anymore.

I jogged down the stairs once I finished styling my hair, and was met by smiling faces by my mom and closest cousins. I knew my dad, and other relatives were outside setting up something with a party planning team.

Dominique & Deja: "Aaah!! oh my gosh !!!"

Deja: "Girl, you're beautiful, and how come you never told us!?? And how far along are you??!"

They hugged me I realized how strong my sense of smell was now. Damn, their perfume seems abnormally strong to me.

"Haha, I know! I like to be as secretive as I could be. I'm actually twenty-six weeks in."

"Wait, Wait Wait!" Dominique marvelled at my stomach size and my overall weight. "I hear you're having twins, you're so far in, your breasts are bigger, but you haven't even gained weight on your skinny self nor does your stomach look big. Oh my goodness."

"Just wait till the middle of this last trimester. She's gonna finally have a sizable ass." Cobb joked.

I glared at him but hugged him lightly when he was near enough. Still a prick.

"Did anyone else come?" I feigned being unknowing just to slightly draw away from the topic.

Cubb looked at mom who just ignored his glare, then just shook his head.

"C'mon guys, don't lie. Is there anyone else?"

"Let's watch a movie then see what happens in an hour," Deja suggested.

Bella: "Oh, my goodness. They are horrible at playing it off. You're a great actress, I swear."

I smirked and followed them to the screening room. I almost forgot we had that.

Deja put on Rush Hour 2 with the widest smile she could manage. Even though that movie was funny as hell, my sense of humour is now so dark that this movie definitely wouldn't make me laugh. I sat through the entire movie with a blank gaze on the screens for another two hours, not one... two. I was delighted to get up when the last name on the credits list rolled out.

"I'm going outside. Gonna stroll into the garden."

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Dominique sneaking a call.
I strode to the front door and opened it, only to have someone gently attempt to haul me back in. I could've easily just pulled them along with me, but I let the person pull me back.

"What? Can't I get air now? What's going on?"

"Uhm. Nothing. Deja just wanted to show how much she appreciates you and didn't want you to leave yet." was the lie Dominique fabricated.

Bella —who now sat on the couch in comfy casual clothes— stifled her laughter. I knitted my brows to display confusion.

"But I'm not even going far, I was just gon-"

"Shhh, no you're very vulnerable right now, anything could occur." Deja cut me off with a tight hug. If her pelvis was pressed even the slightest bit harder, she'd feel me. I pulled away ever so slightly, not wanting to reciprocate the hug.

I saw my mom appear at the backdoor and gave a thumbs up.

"Ok, Dej- Please let go. What is-"

" No time for chit chat, let's go to the backyard."

Cubb placed a hand on my lower back and guided me to the backyard where I knew the people were waiting.
I'm guessing Bella crept up behind me to blindfold my eyes halfway towards the destined open area.

"Thank you for dimming the lights, they really did hurt my eyes, but I would advise you not to do that again if you don't want me to tackle you." or worse.

Bella giggled and proceeded to tie my blindfold anyways.

They guided me the rest of the way and when we stopped walking, I just took it upon myself to take off the blindfold. I low key wish I hadn't, the moment I opened my eyes at least 60 people yelled 'CONGRATULATIONS!' AND IT RANG MY EARS. I had to blink a couple of times and feigned a nervous chuckle.

"Oh, wow. You guys got the news real quick. This is quite impressive though— you guys put up these beautiful decorations." I looked at the blue, purple, black, white and pink colours. "So you guys already know what I'm having?"

"No, please tell us!" Cubb whined from behind me and half the crowd laughed.

"Hm.. maybe I should keep it a secret." I heard groans and laughed.

"No, I wanna know who my cousin will be!" I heard a child's voice plead.

"Aw, ok. Looks like we're revealing first. So... it's going to be... a really hot day today, I"

Now everyone in the crowd cried to just say it.

"No, I was just having fun. I love cliffhangers." Especially when someone is literally hanging off a cliff. "Fine. It's both." They looked at me confused and I faked my happy laugh. "I'm having a girl... and a boy."

I rubbed my stomach for effect before they all clapped and cheered, and one by one they rewarded me with hugs. There were even gifts on a table to the side. Lots of planning for something we found out a little more than five hours ago. As I hugged the last person I walked over to my niece.

"You still look really pretty."

I flipped my hair saying "I know." She laughed then hugged me. But her hug was tight. And before I could say much, she started.

"I felt something other than the baby bump," she looked at me confused. I mentally rolled my eyes before bending down slightly. "It feels like what boys have. But you're a girl."

"Ok, let's put it this way. I'm a girl and a boy. But down there only." I whispered and she looked stunned. "But, don't tell anyone. I don't want people to know. They get scared, y' know."

I looked at her as she nodded with understanding. I smiled and ran a hand through her hair, good. I know she won't talk. I put a message in her subconscious mind while rubbing her hair to not spill that about me.

word count: 3492

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