City of Lost Gods

By IssunFuyu

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Humans once walked the worn city roads of Ork, centuries ago. But that was before the incident, the disaster... More


3 0 0
By IssunFuyu

Cries stricken with panic echoed through the streets as flames devoured the creepers and trees weakened by the drought, and scorched the few patches of the stone buildings that hadn't been conquered by nature. A few skinny mollies rushed down the road, some holding tiny mewling kittens. A broad shouldered dog barked for help as blazing debris tumbled around him, his pleads becoming louder as no one answered. A hawk chick cried as her parents desperately tried to save her from the growing fire.

In the center of this all, a gray wolf stood, surrounded by his pack. Flames licked at his pelt, but it did not burn him or even singe his thick fur, nor did the heat and smoke seem to cause him any discomfort. The other wolves who accompanied him kept their distance, not impervious to fire like their leader was. "Mr. alpha sir- I mean, Alvinellin? Have you seen them yet?" A younger wolftrix inquired hastily, her claws surrounded by a bright green crust. Alvinellin turned his head, fixing the she-wolf with a smouldering stare. "No, not yet, Dart." He snorted, a puff of smoke coming out of his nostrils as he did so. "Stupid lynxes, they're probably trying to save their stuff. It's been countless generations since the Dark-Light and they're still attached to such trivial human objects. Tragic, really." He lashed his tail, coming dangerously close to igniting the fur of the wolves behind him. They backed away even more, waiting for a command, all doing their best to hide their anxiety. 

With another snort, Alvinellin turned to address a broad-shouldered light brown and white wolftrix with feathered wings folded neatly against her side. "Barred, split the pack into three groups and send them looking around. If you find any adult lynxes, kill them. Capture any younger kittens and bring them back if you can." Barred nodded, and began organizing the wolves. "Dart, Familiaris, come with me." He barked as the others left to search the blaze. "I have an old friend around these parts, and I want you two to come with me to say hello."

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Coriander squirmed in his father's grasp, seeing the pale form of his mother bounding not far behind. He could not grasp the wild panic in her eyes, the young wolf cub didn't even know fear. He did not know what the bright fire or the stench of smoke making his eyes water meant, or why everyone was moving so fast and away from the heat and light. Such things were unimportant right now, he was hungry and tired. Mother had not stopped to feed him all day. Coriander wiggled his white back paws indignantly. 

Out of the corner of his green eyes, which were quite like his mother's, Coriander could see some things running towards them. They looked a lot like his parents, but different colours and a little differently shaped. Screeches and wails began to split the air as more Mother-ish and Father-ish creatures emerged from the flames. The odd noises, smells, and sights divided his attention as he tried to look at them. These animals that looked like his family had different faces, all showing their teeth and narrowing their eyes. It reminded the tiny cub of what Father looked like when he did not have those tasty-smelling food things for Mother. Mother and Father were going even faster now, but Coriander did not see why they felt the need to get away from everyone else.

A sharp sensation burst into his back as Coriander was suddenly on the cold ground. Pain. The orange lights cast patterns that danced on his dark grey pelt. Shaking his head, he propped himself up on his stubby legs. The Others were battering at Mother and Father, like his parents would do to him when they played together. However, the Others were doing it differently. Their claws dug into Mother's and Father's fur, making strange red water drip onto their pelts. The strange noises became louder and sharper as the animals fought, confusing the cub. He could hear voices, but he could not understand what the words meant. "Look, a cub!"

"Poor thing, those poor souls fighting the rouges won't stand a chance."

"Wait, they're distracted. We can't save their parents, but we can save this little thing."

Coriander's world blurred for a moment as he was whisked upwards, bathed in a unfamiliar musky scent. It was warm, and he couldn't fight the sleepiness anymore, so he let himself flop in the gentle grip of the strangers. The last thing he heard before sleep claimed his was the strange sharp noises, cut short, and followed by something not alive roaring and howling.

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