Meant to be

By magconboysandme

4.8K 111 1

Kylie Thompson just moved from Tennessee to North Carolina. She is about to finish her last day of school whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 11
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Im sorry for any confusion
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 4

291 4 0
By magconboysandme

Kylie's pov

I woke up and smelt coffee. "Who is down there" I thought. walked down there and saw my mom in the kitchen. "hey mom" I said and hugged her. "hey sweetie, I'm glad your up because I have to tell you something" she said and led me to the couch. "whats wrong" I ask. "well, its your grandmother. she isn't doing well and they need you there to help her" she said. "w-when" I ask. "tomorrow" she said. "No no I I can't" I said and ran out of the house crying.

Hayes's pov

I was looking out the window and I saw Kylie run out of her house. It looked like she was crying. I saw her run down the side walk. I ran out of my house after her. she didn't see me. I let her run to the little tree in the park. once she got there I got to her. her head was in her knees and she was crying. "whats wrong babe" I asked getting beside her. her head popped up.

She held onto me and cried into my shoulder. "m my mom w wants me t to go t to n new j jersey and l leave y you" she said. "she actually doesn't even know about 'us' " she said. "Oh, baby we'll get through this" I said. "how, hayes? I can't just leave you here" she said. "well you can stay with us, our parents know each other really well" he said. "I would love to, but they will know that I'm not there if I never show up" she said. "well you can get the twins to cover for us'' I said.

"I never thought about that but they will see me go over to your house'' she said. "Nope I have a plan, I just have to convince a few people" I said. "well lets talk about this at your house" She said. "Ok" I said and got up. I pulled her up and then held her hand and walked out. "do you trust me enough to tell me what happened with your dad" I asked. "um um I guess, but I swear to god if you tell anybody I will kill myself" she said. I turned and grabbed her face and kissed her lips.

"Will you kill yourself after that?" I asked. "yes" she said. "*sigh* ok, what happened" I asked. "I was eight and one night my dad came home from work and said he got fired. my mom told him to relax and calm down but he went over bored. he told me to go to my room and I did. I heard him yelling and slapping my mom.then I heard him say to come back in and take his gun. he told me to shoot my mom. I grabbed the gun and pointed it at him. he grabbed it from me and tried to shoot me but I ran from his aim but he missed and shot my leg. my mom called the cops and the ambulance. they took me to the hospital and patched up my bruise. they also checked my mom out and they said she was pregnant. they asked her when it happened and she said he raped her. that's how the twins were born. I've had a really bad past but I'm getting used to my new life" she said.

"Kylie, I am so sorry that happened. do the twins know that happened" I asked. "No and I hope they don't ever find out" she said. we got to in my house and my mom was in the kitchen with skylynn. "hey hayes, hey there kylie" she said. "hi elizabeth, can we talk to you for a second" she said."sure" my mom said and went to my room with us. "mom, kylie's mom told her that she had to go to NJ for her grandmother but she doesn't want to, is it ok if she stays here with us" I asked.

"Kylie, is it alright with your mom" my mom asked. "well that's the thing, she doesn't know about it. and if she did than she wouldn't let me" she said. "what's holding you back from going" she asked. ''hayes" she said. "What" my mom asked. "Mom, she's my girlfriend" I said. "well that's great for you two but she is not my daughter, therefor I can't keep her here" she said. "Yes you can, she'll never know and if she finds out then I will be on me" Kylie said. "*sigh* fine, how long are you staying with us dear" she asked. "I don't know, let me go pack and then I'll come back" she said. "ok darling" my mom said.

"Tell me about this whole dating thing that I knew nothing about" my mom asked. '' I went to her house 2 nights ago and then last night I asked her out and she said yes" I said. "mmm hmm, I'm happy for you but no more than kissing and maybe making out and I say maybe!" she said. "yes ma'am" I said. "ok baby boy, so tell me the full plan" she said. "okay, so tomorrow nash is going to drive us to the airport and drop her twin siblings off. then we're gonna turn around and take the back road home with kylie" I said. "okay, do nash and kylie know this" she asked. "uh yeah I texted them" I said. "ok well I hope it works" she said. "thank you, I do too" I said.

Kylie's pov

Hayes texted me the details. "mom, nash is driving me and the twins to the airport. when do they need to pick us up" I asked. "you know they don't need to" she said. "when do they need to pick us up" I asked again. "*sigh* 9:30 your flights at 10: 30" she said. "okay I'm packed" I said."mom did you know that I'm dating hayes" I said. "wow, I'm happy for you. okay, come eat dinner and then give the twins a bath" she said. "okay" I said and started eating my dinner.

I got done with eating so I went to get the twins. we had the sink with those huge individual sides so I just put them in that. "okay, guys I have to tell you something, I'm not going to grandmas with you but Kathy is" I said. Kathy is out cousin that said she would go in my place. "Kathy will be in my place but you can not tell anybody I'm not going or you will be in so much trouble got it. remember its for hayes okay" I said. "ok, if it's for hayes" Logan said. "yeah, I love hayes" Sara said. "Haha well too bad you can't have him, he's mine" I said. "I know, we love you too" they said. "haha I love you more, now lets get out of here, we have a big day tomorrow" I said. "yay" they said.

I got them out and dried off. I let them go eat their dinner.

Hayes's pov

I was going over to Kylie's house and I knocked on the door. Tiffany opened and told me Kylie was upstairs in the master bathroom. I walked up there but then I heard her talking to the twins. I stood at the door frame listening to her. "yeah I love hayes" Sara said. "Haha well too bad you cant have him, he's mine" Kylie said. Haha. then she got them dried off and ready. I ran to her basement so she wouldn't find me. she took them to eat dinner and then watched TV.

"Kylie give Sara another bath, she got food all over her" her mom said. "fine" she said and got Sara and took her to the sink again. Once she got in there Sara looked at Kylie. "Kk, do you love hayes" she asked. "yes, Sara I do love hayes, he's the best thing that's ever happened to me" she said. "aww, I am" I said walking in and hugging her. "ahh" she said. "Haha, am I really" I asked. "yes, really" she said. "awww" Sara said. Kylie kissed her nose. "ooh'' she said. "how did you get in here" she asked. "about 10 minutes ago your mom let me in" I said. "stalker'' she said. "more like lover" I said. she dried Sara off and then put the twins to bed.

"Why are you still here" she asked. "because I want to cuddle with you tonight" I said. "okay well does your mom know your staying" she asked. "yeah, I texted her" I said getting in the bed with her. "my mom won't mind" she said. "great because then I can do this'' I said kissing her. "damn that was good" she said. "I know" I said smirking. "night hayes". "night beautiful" I said. she snuggled more into me and we fell asleep cuddling


Hello people of this world! I am going to be in a car for about 8 hours so I will have time to write. I love you and hayes

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