To Trust a Giant

By Pikaglove

141K 3.8K 1.5K

There's a world where giants and humans live together, but not equally in some places. In some countries, hum... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's Note

Chapter 34

2.1K 72 15
By Pikaglove

The hour was spent searching for Stella. The darkness covered the park, shielding Jason from being able to see her, but his flashlight brightened up the area around him. The winds aided in his search by carrying her name and spreading it to every inch of the park. If she was around, she would know that he was here. Dread filled inside him, he feared for her safety. The last time she was out here on her own she passed out from dehydration, she couldn't be out here on her own. That's why Jason was determined to find her.

Footsteps could be heard from behind him. When Jason turned around, he saw Richard walking towards him.

"Did you find her?"

The old man shook his head. "I search the entire playground."

"What about the sandbox?"

"No sign of her there either."

"We can't leave without finding her."

Richard sighed. "Jason, we've been searching for over an hour. I don't think she's here."

"She has to be." Jason spotted a nearby bush and shined his flashlight over in its direction. "We just have to check everywhere she may be hiding."

Before Jason could even start to investigate the bush, a firm hand gripped his shoulder. "If Stella is in the same state she was in earlier, then she is not going to appreciate it, if you start sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, son."

"Then what are we supposed to do, go home and wait until she decides to knock on our door?"

"Look, I want to make sure she's safe too, but if she wanted us to find her, she would have came out by now."

No, Jason couldn't give up on Stella, especially after what he had just found out. Her past gave him another reason to find her as soon as possible. The streets were no place for a human to begin with, but an abused human lost in a city full of giants, that's even worse. Maybe she didn't want his help, but she certainly needed it, now more than ever.

"Did Clair know Stella was abused?"

Richard remained silent. There was no easy way to answer such a question, but his silence said it all.

"How could she do that to Stella if she knew?" Jason huffed out.

"I don't support what she did, but I understand her feelings."

"But she should have trusted me!" Jason exclaimed.

"She did, but when an abused human comes along and catches the attention of her boyfriend, ideas tend to spring in her head."

"I never did anything with Stella." Jason stated. "I never even had feelings for her."

Richard's blue eyes stared back at Jason, as if he was trying to analyze him. He nodded his head. "You're a good man, Jason. I know you'll do the right thing."

"Stella!" A woman's voice desperately called out. "Please, come out!"
Jason couldn't believe his ears. It couldn't be. He followed the voice down the trail and out to the open field. There he saw Clair shining a flashlight around the area.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to help find Stella." She said. "Have you guys found her?"

Richard shook his head. "I don't think she's out here."

"She has to be, I left her right here."
The difference in her demeanor completely stunned Jason. What caused her to change her mind? Whatever the reason, Jason didn't care, he knew he needed to find Stella and any help was appreciated.

"We'll keep looking around here. She has to be nearby."


They must have searched for Stella for hours, but in the end, there was no sign of her anywhere. It was late and Richard had already left. Jason sat on the bench with a heavy heart weighing him down. She could be anywhere in the city by now, and looking for her would be nearly impossible. But Clair continued searching. She would shine a light in every tree or bush she could find, calling out to Stella, hoping that she would reveal herself.

Jason let out a sigh. "Clair, she's not here."

"We can't stop until we find her."

"And then what, Clair? Bring her back home so you can just get mad at me again?!"

Clair went quiet and looked away. "I… just wanted to make things right."

Jason took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He shouldn't have snapped at her like that, especially since she was helping, but there were still so many questions racing through his mind. "Why didn't you tell me about your husband's affair?"

"How do you tell your boyfriend that your husband left you for a human because you weren't good enough for him?" Tears glistened in her green eyes. "Kelly was the sweetest thing on earth… she didn't get annoyed at the little things, or fuss when the kitchen wasn't clean, and she didn't struggle to lose weight."

Jason scrunch his nose in disgust. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He grabbed Clair's hand and pulled her down so she could sit and be eye level to him. "Listen, you are the hottest woman I have ever met and I don't want you to think otherwise just because Max was too stupid to realize that." He wiped tears away from her cheek and then leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. Clair's lips were always so soft and warm, Jason enjoyed kissing her, pulling away was always so hard to do, but when he did, he locked eyes with her, just to make sure she heard this. "You're good enough for me."

Clair blinked in shock. She looked as if she wanted to believe him. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Why did you want Stella to stay?"

Jason sat back and pondered the question. When he first took her in, he didn't think much of it. He just wanted to help a lost human, it was the right thing to do. Sure he could have dropped her off at a shelter, but her skittish demeanor kept him from doing that. She was scared of everyone, and she needed someone to tell her that she was safe.

"She looked like she needed a friend, and I didn't want to let that friend go."

"And that's all you saw her as?"

"I promise you, Clair." Jason squeezed her hand tightly.

Clair remained silent, taking in Jason's words. She finally took a deep breath and spoke. "So, how do we find her now?"

Stella never wanted to be found. She made it very clear that she would eventually leave despite the fact that the streets were the worst place for a human. Jason didn't want to admit it, but he knew they'd never find Stella out here again unless she made herself known. She got what she wanted.

"I think we need to wait until she's ready to come back."

Clair's eyes widened. "But the streets-!"

"I know." Jason sighed. "But she said she's survived out here before, she can do it again."

"I hope you're not doing this for me."

"I'm not, I'm doing this for her. If she wants to come back, she knows where to find us. But there is something I want to do for you."

"What's that?"

"I want to move in together."

"Really?!" Clair's voice chirped up in excitement.

Jason nodded. "Just give me some time to save up some money, and we'll look at an apartment together."
Clair hugged Jason tightly. "Thank you."

The winds grew harsher, causing both of them to shiver.

Jason wrapped his arm around his girlfriend. "Let's get out of the cold."

As they began to exit the park, Clair looked back as a last attempt to find the human. "I hope she found some place warm to sleep in."

"I just hope that she's happy wherever she is now."

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