Alpha and his Omega ~~ Jeong...

By I_stay_for_stray

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Chan is an Alpha Jeongin is an Omega Jeongin believes that Woojin and Chan are together, but what happens w... More

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By I_stay_for_stray

~~Felix's POV~~
I felt a hand on my shoulder, shaking me a bit. I opened my eyes to see Chan looking at me with worry in his eyes. Jeongin was no where to be seen so he was probably in the dorms already.
"Are you ready to face them prince?" He asked as he placed his hand on my cheek. I nuzzled my nose into his hand and nodded.
"They'll find out one way or another. I just want it to be from us in person, so if they get angry it's not over misinterpreted information." He nodded and got out of the walking over to my side. He opened my door and helped me out. I whined and made grabby hands towards him and he chuckled and picked me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder falling back asleep. The next thing I knew I was waking up in my old bedroom with Changbin and Hyunjin draped around me. I was so confused. Was everything just a dream?? I looked down and sure enough all of my lovebites from Chan we're still there and I was also in his clothes. I sighed in relief and then frowned and tried sitting up, but Changbin tightened his grip around my waist and pulled me back down. I whined and just hoped he'd let me go.
"You're mine Felix, I'm not letting you go so easily" Chanbin said as he went to touch my face. I slapped his hands away and pushed him off the bed. "I never was and will never be yours" I snapped back. Next thing I knew I was pinned down beneath him with his lips on my neck, causing me to whimper. Within a few seconds the door bust open and a very angry Chan bust through the door. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. Jeongin was behind him looking just as mad. Chan threw Changbin off of me and against the wall as Hyunjin sat up and moved away from me as Jeongin was making his way towards me extremely fast. I sat up and sat on the edge of the bed as Jeongin enveloped me into a hug. I started crying and grabbed onto his shirt tightly. I could hear Chan yelling and screaming at Changbin and Hyunjin, but I couldn't comprehend what he was saying. Jeongin kept rubbing my hair and whispering in my ear that everything was alright now, that I was safe now. I just continued to cry until Chan came and picked me up. I immediately wrapped my arms and legs around him and he carried me to our room. I felt suffocated, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I started hyperventilating when Chan places me on the bed and sat in between my legs. He rubbed my thighs trying to get me calm. He was doing breathing exercises trying to get me to follow, but for me it felt nearly impossible. My chest felt like it was getting tighter and tighter. I placed a hand on my chest and looked at Chan and Jeongin in worry. They were talking or screaming. Who knows, because I was slowly losing all my senses. I couldn't breathe and I couldn't hear, I couldn't feel Chan's touch on my skin. Soon dark spots started clouding my vision, and before I knew it I everything was dark and peaceful.
~~Chan's POV~~
Felix fainted. I picked him up and rushed to the car, with Jeongin in tow. I placed Felix in the backseat and Jeongin climbed in after him and held him in his arms. I got in the drivers seat and we rushed to the hospital. In the way there I called the other 4 members.
-Calling Woojin-
"Hey Chan what's up?" Woojin asked
"Put the phone on speaker, it's urgent" I growled
"Ok you're on speaker" he said
"Meet me at Seoul Hospital" I rushed
"Why?? What happened??" I heard Seungmin ask
"Felix fainted from hyperventilating, talk more at hospital, I need to go so I don't get pulled over" I yelled
"We're on our way" is what I heard before I hung up. I pulled into the hospitals parking lot and found a spot close to the front. I got out and practically ripped the backseat door off of its hinges. I helped Jeongin out of the car and then picked Felix up and we ran into the hospital. Due to my frantic look, doctors came rushing and put Felix on a stretcher. We followed behind and walked into the room they set up for him. Doctors were rushing in and out. Within 15 minutes Felix had a breathing tube down his throat and had both an IV and Nutrients being pumped into his system. I sat in between Jeongin's legs and held my head in my hands. Jeongin rested his head on my back and had his arms wrapped around my torso. He was crying but I was fuming. When we came home I placed Felix in our room so he could sleep. Jeongin got hungry for ice cream so I went with him to protect him. I felt weird the entire time. Like I knew something was going to happen to Felix. As soon as Jeongin got his ice cream I picked him up and we ran home. The sinking feeling never leaving. When we arrived home Felix's scent had moved. I followed it until I heard him whimper. When I opened the door and saw Changbin pinning him to the bed I felt my blood run cold and all I saw was red. I should have taken Felix with us.
"Baby it's not your fault" Jeongin said
"But it is!! I had a feeling, a bad one and I should have turned around. He wouldn't be here if I would have followed my gut." I cried. The boys bust through the door and Jeongin and I stood and gathered around Felix. I grabbed his hand and brought it up to my cheek. I felt his hand twitch and I looked down. He was starting to stir so Jeongin pressed the doctors button. A few doctors came in and removed the breathing tube and his IV and Nutrient lines. I sat on the bed and Felix opened his eyes.
"Channie?? Innie??" He whispered
"We're here baby" Jeongin said as he held Felix's other hand.
"What happened to you bubs?" Woojin asked. I saw Felix's body stiffen from fear and he looked at me for help. I gave him a slight nod and explained what happened to the boys. They left to go deal with Changbin, while we stayed in the hospital with Felix. Jeongin got up and went to go get something to drink. While he was gone I held Felix tightly in my arms.
"I'm so sorry prince" I mumbled into his hair
"Baby quit apologizing!! It's not your fault! I'm just glad you got there when you did, who would have known what happened if you were even a minute later" Felix looked up at me with his doe eyes and I leaned down to gently kiss his lips. I heard a giggle and I pulled away looking at Jeongin who stood in the door with 3 drinks in his hands.
"Hey love" Felix said as he made grabby hands towards Jeongin.
"Nope we have to get you ready, doctor said you can go" Jeongin leaned down and gave Felix a quick kiss before we helped him get dressed and into the car. Like when we brought Felix to the hospital Jeongin sat in the back with Felix and I drove us home. We pulled into the car park and I carried Felix back to the dorm. Jeongin unlocked the door and we went straight to our room. To tired to deal with anyone right now. Jeongin helped Felix change his clothes and then I helped Jeongin. Who was now starting to show. Before I put on his shirt he took a picture of his bump.

I laughed and we all got into bed and fell asleep. All exhausted from today's events.

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