I Hear Your Heart Cry For Lov...

By EmMcGuinessParker

6.9K 67 28

Lizzy is with Tom, loves Jay and sleeping with Nathan. What is a girl to do in this situation? What happens w... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20

Part 4

372 4 2
By EmMcGuinessParker


I woke up and discovered I was still in Nathan's room, but he wasn't there next to me. I looked around the room for something to throw on so I could see if any of the boys were home. I borrowed a pair of Nathan's joggers and threw on my top from yesterday. I walked out of the room and the whole of the upstairs was silent. I walked down the stairs and there was no sign that any of them were even home. I checked the whole of the downstairs and they definately weren't home. I went back upstairs to mine and Tom's bedroom and looked at my phone. 3 new messages - one from Tom, one from Nathan and another from Laura. Laura had been my bestfriend since forever but when she got promoted, she moved down to Cornwall to carry on with her job and I hadn't really heard from her since she left London for the coast. I opened the messages and looked at Nathan's first;

From Nathan:

Hey babe, last night was amazing but then again it always is;) me and the boys are all going out tonight after we've finished in the studio so don't wait up for us all xx

To Nathan:

Last night might have been the best yet, you never know!;) okay then, well I think I might have an early night, bit tired after last night;) xx

I then looked at the one which Tom had sent me;

From Parker:

We need to talk when I'm finished at the studio!

That was strange. Tom always put kisses, but this time there were none. The only time that he didn't send them was if he was annoyed or angry. What if he knew about me and Nathan? What if he wanted to end it between us? I don't think I would be able to manage if he did that. I might be lying to him but I still loved him and he still meant the world to me.

What I had with Nathan was meaningless. It was just a bit of fun when we were alone and bored. Nathan knew that and he agreed to what we were doing anyway. I loved Tom and I wanted him more than anything. I hope he doesn't know what happened or I'll be heartbroken.

To Parker:

Okay then, hope everything's alright...

I then looked at what Laura had text me and it put a smile on my face;

From Laura:

Hey Lizzy. I'm back in London for a couple of months, do you fancy meeting up today when I get here or have you already made plans? xx

Even if I had made plans I would have dropped them straight away just to see Laura. I hadn't seen her in so long that I'd forgotten what she looked like. All I remember is that she is very pretty. I replied to her with;

To Laura:

Hey Laura. That's amazing news and I would love to see you today. You rememer where I live right? xx

I then threw my phone onto the bed and walked into the bathroom. Turning the shower on, I waited for it to heat up so I dumped the clothes I had on just outside the bathroom door. As I stepped into the warm, the water hit me like a waterfall. It made all my problems disappear. There was nothing going on with Nathan, I didn't have feeling for Jay and I wasn't using Tom while I figured out what I wanted. If I could have stayed there, then I would have done but I had to return to reality at some point.

As I turned the water off and stepped out into the bathroom, I was greeted with a wave of cold air. I wrapped the towel around me and walked back out into the bedroom. The change in temperature clearly noticeable. I sat on the bed for a couple of minutes before rumaging through the wardrobe, deciding what to wear. In the end I decided on my red jeans, a white top and one of Tom's hoodies that I often nicked off him when I was cold or when I was missing him. I laid them at the end of the bed and then checked my phone again. 2 missed calls and 3 new messages. Unsurprisingly, the missed calls were both from Tom and then I checked my messages. 2 were from Tom and the other was from Laura. I read the one from Laura first, knowing that I would like what it had to say;

From Laura:

Yeah, I remember where you live. I'll see you at about two-ish then :)xx

I looked at the time and saw that it was already half twelve. I didn't realise it was that late, I thought it was earlier than that. I then looked at both the messages from Tom. The first one read;

From Parker:

No, everything is not alright and you know it's not!

I scrolled down to the message below that. I had a feeling in the pit of my stomache which told me I wasn't going to like what it said;

From Parker:

I know about you and Nathan...

That was it. He knew what we had been doing behind his back. He was sure to end it with me now...oh god Lizzy, what have you done?

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