Summer Delinquent

By Sammipott

374K 17.4K 10K

Tessa Hayes has always had to live in the shadows of her older siblings. Now that they're out of the house an... More

Summer Delinquent
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 5

13.1K 582 142
By Sammipott

|| Chapter 5 ||

"Most likely to cry watching a sad movie?" Fiona, a senior girl asks, pointing between Drew and I.

I stifle my laughter and jerk my thumb in Drew's direction, along with Alyssa and Benji, vouching with me. Drew puts his hand over his heart in mock-hurt before shrugging with a smile, "That's probably true." He slings an arm around my shoulder, his minty breath is now mixed with alcohol. He pats me on my head, "Tess loves to laugh during scary movies while I barely have the strength to get through the trailers."

I snort. "You're oversharing again, Drew."

He throws his arms wide with a dazed smile on his face. "The people want to know, Tess."

I grab his arm pulling him back down onto the couch we're sitting on. "No, they don't." Everyone sitting around us laughs at Drew's drunk happiness.

William Knox's house was insanely packed to the point where I walked through the front door and promptly turned on my heel trying to get out as fast as I could. Drunk teenagers are impossible and stupid. And reckless. His multi-story home was positioned in the middle of a regular suburban neighborhood. Perfect for the neighbors to call the police on us. Furniture had been pushed out of the way to make more standing/dancing room for everyone. All the family pictures have been put away and William literally put police tap all around the entrance to the Dining Room where his mother had kept the fine china, nobody could get through at all with the amount of layers he had taped from wall to wall.

Kendall was busy doing body shots off of Liam, ah true love, and Alyssa was laying on the other couch with her feet propped up over everyone else's laps, whether she knew them or not.

Fiona pouts her ruby red lips in Drew's direction, "Aw Drew, girls love a guy that doesn't hide his emotions, it really helps people...connect." She leans over and rubs his arm gently.

I cock my head to the side. "What movie did you get that line from?" She scowls in my direction. I look away with a smirk.

"Used to keep it cool
Used to be a fool
All about the bounce in my step."

Alyssa's head perks up and she looks at me, wriggling her eyebrows with a grin. I shake my head lightly but she doesn't listen. She gets up off the couch, leaning over the coffee table and grabbing my arm, pulling me off the couch. We move towards the open living room space and Kendall squeals almost jumping on top of us, singing loudly.

We sing and dance along to the song, the crowd of drunk teenagers screaming and jumping long, spilling beer all over the floor. Poor William. Cheers fill the room as Mateo and Jesse stand on the makeshift DJ stage, beer bottles in their hands and their arms around each others shoulders, singing along with the crowd.

I laugh as Jesse jumps into the crowd and a bunch of people actually lift him up in the air, still jumping around. Drew comes up behind us, pumping his fist in the air. Liam grabs Kendall by the waist and twirls her to face him immediately diving in for a kiss.

"Oh come on, this is girl time!" Alyssa groans, shoving the disgusting couple out of the dancing crowd. They don't even react to Alyssa and just go with the flow of the crowd. "Get your tongue out of her throat, Liam!" She yells again, smacking him on the back.

Kendall pulls away with a flushed face, grinning at us. Alyssa glares, reaching into her back pocket and pulls out a Kleenex, handing it over to Kendall, "Fix your lipstick, hun." Kendall sheepishly takes the tissue and delicately wipes around her mouth and then leans into Liam's arms, wiping her lipstick off his face.

"Guys that song is so great," Drew sighs, hugging Alyssa to his side. "It's just so good, you know?" He looks over at me, waiting for me to reply.

I nod my head with a grin, "Really great." He nods his head with that dazed smile on his face and raises his hand up for a high five.

"You're great," he mumbles with a toothy grin.

"You're drunk." He nods his head a couple times. He gives me a mischievous grin, stealing the hat off my head and putting it on his head. He pouts his lips, moving his head side-to-side giving us all angles. I brush a hand through my hair, trying to fix the mess that I was hiding with the hat.

"You've gotta stop stealing my hats," I move forward but he leans back, almost stumbling over, trying to get out of my reach. "Drew," I scold him, "Give me back the hat."  He shakes his head, grinning. He slowly takes a step back. "Drew," I warn him.

He grabs Alyssa by the waist and places her right in front of me, blocking me from getting to him as he weaves through the house. "Drew!" I shove Alyssa to the side and chase through the house after him. We dodge through the crowd and end up in the kitchen. He stands on one side of the kitchen island and I'm on the other.

Instead of running around the kitchen in circles I scan the room casually before running towards the island and slide over it, pushing snacks and cups all over the floor, and land on my feet in front of him with a wide smile.

"Don't you think that was a little much?" Denise, another senior girl, asks with her arms folded across the kitchen, a scowl on her face as she looks me up and down.

"Jealousy doesn't become you, Denise," I wink, ripping my hat off of Drew's head. Drew leans forward and hugs me to his chest. I roll my eyes with a playful smile, letting him hug me for a few more seconds. "Okay, come on, let's go home." I look up and see that his eyes are blinking slowly.

"Can I sleep over at your house tonight?" he slurs his question, leaning his head on mine, tiredly.

"Yeah, sure." I wrap an arm around him and pull him towards the front door. Alyssa and Kendall are already standing there, waiting for us.

"To the car?" Alyssa asks in a chipper voice. I nod my head silently, leading the way to Drew's convertible. This is the only time I ever get to drive his car, when he's had too much to drink on a night out. He's starting to put more weight on me as his movements slow.

He starts slumping forward and I can't hold him up without pitching myself forward so Alyssa and Kendall grab on to him before we both flop onto the concrete walkway.

"Fuck, he's heavy," Alyssa puffs out from under his arm.

Drew lifts his head up and he's awake enough to look insulted. "That is all muscle, baby," he slurs making Kendall break out into giggles.

"I love Drunk Drew, he's so affectionate." Kendall is holding up his legs as the three of us carry Drew along the sidewalk to where he had parked the car three blocks over.

"I love you, Ken-doll," he looks at us for a reaction but we're too busy trying not to drop him. "Get it? because her name is Kendall, just like Barbie's main squeeze Ken." Kendall glares at him, her laughter gone.

We walk for a few more feet before Alyssa bursts out into uncontrollable laughter. "I got it!" She laughs loudly, loosening her grip on Drew making us teeter towards the grass.

"Alyssa!" Kendall and I yell as we fall on the ground, sprawled out on the grass. Her laughter subsides to small bursts of giggles as she looks at us sheepishly.

"Oops?" she smiles down at us. Kendall pushes Drew's feet off her stomach and I push his body off of mine completely and I sit back up, glaring at her.

"Need some help?" An amused voice asks from behind us.

"Hot cousin Isaac!" Kendall exclaims in excitement. Alyssa's laughter starts up again and I sit up on the grass next to a now half asleep Drew.

"Average looking Kendra!" Isaac exclaims in fake shock. She scowls at him, scoffing as she climbs to her feet. He holds his hand out to me and I ignore it, getting to my feet. He shrugs at my dismissal, folding his arms over his chest, staring down at Drew. His legs and arms are spread out like a starfish and he's battling to stay awake. "He looks like a real keeper," he drawls sarcastically.

"And you look like an asshole," I reply with a fake smile, leaning down to pick up Drew.

He raises his hands in surrender. "Would an asshole offer to help you?" He looks at the three of us and we stay silent.

He rolls his eyes, moving closer to help Drew get up. "Come on, man." He throws one of Drew's arms around his shoulder, taking on most of his weight. I wrap Drew's other arm around my own shoulder and the girls take a leg each. "You must be a real ladies' man if these three are willing to carry you to your car," Isaac tries to stifle his grunt from Drew's weight.

Drew lifts his head up sleepily, grinning at Isaac. "They're just so great. You're so great for helping them." I laugh quietly.

"Charming too," Isaac jokes. We stop in front of Drew's car and I dig my hand in Drew's back pocket, searching for his keys. "Damn, nice car," Isaac whistles, "You're the whole damn package, dude."

We lift Drew up, placing him in the passenger seat roughly. He tries to open the door and Isaac keeps slamming it closed, trying to stop him from getting back out. I let this show go on for a few more minutes, watching Isaac getting more frustrated with each door slam. I push Isaac out of the way and stand quietly, letting Drew focus his attention on me. He has an evil grin plastered on his face as he goes for the door one more time but I click the little button on the car door down, locking it. His face looks broken as he slumps into the passenger seat.

Isaac tilts his head in confusion. "Works every time," I grin back at Isaac, watching Drew pout at being locked in the car.

Isaac leans forward, "He does realize that this is a convertible, right?" He waves a hand in the air, where the top of a car would be.

I grab his arm and pull it back to his side. "Don't remind him," I hiss quietly. Isaac shakes his head with a chuckle, leaning forward to slap hands with Drew.

"Good seeing you, man." Drew nods his head, half-heartedly returning the hand-slap, before getting himself comfortable in the seat.

I sigh deeply, looking back at the girls. "Text us when you get home," Alyssa says and Kendall nods her head in agreement.

Isaac looks at Alyssa, "You girls staying here?" They both nod their heads. He looks back at me, "Do you want me to follow you, to make sure you get back okay?" Kendall's mouth drops open and Alyssa raises an eyebrow.

"I think I can manage," I reply, nodding at Drew's sleeping form.

Isaac raises his arms in surrender. "Didn't say you couldn't," he smirks, putting his hands in his pockets, walking backwards. "Alyssa, let me know when this one gets home okay." I fold my arms over my chest in suspicion. Alyssa nods her head, giving me a hug and leaning forward to kiss Drew on the head, brushing his hair back.

Kendall kisses my cheek goodbye, dusting off Drew's grass covered shirt before retreating back towards the party with Alyssa. Isaac salutes me, staying where he is. I wave, climbing into the drivers seat, starting the engine.

I pull out onto the quiet street, heading in the direction of my house. I look back in the rearview mirror and see Isaac watching Drew's car from his spot on the sidewalk.

|| ✨ ||

I come to a stop in my driveway, parking Drew's car next to Sebastian's. I turn off the ignition and look up at the house. All the lights are off except for the kitchen one that we keep on. I grab my bag, getting my phone out. I dial a number and hold it up to my eye.

It rings for a few seconds before going straight to voicemail. I scoff, dialing again. It cuts off after a few rings. Drew lets out a loud snore. I curl my fists in anger, hitting the dial button for the third time. "Pick up, you fucking asshole."

"Fuck off," Sebastian's voice grumbles from the other side.

"I need your help, asshole."

I hear rustling and I look up as his bedroom light turns on. "Are you okay? Do you need me to pick you up from somewhere? Where's Drew?" he asks in rapid succession before I can get a word in.

"I'm in the driveway and he's passed out drunk next to me, come help me carry him in." I hear him whine like a child, mumbling about 'lame ass sisters always ruining his sleep.' "Cry me a river Bass and get your ass out here."

"I'm coming, I'm coming." The line clicks dead and I sit in the car waiting for Sebastian to come outside.  Drew mumbles something, turning over in his sleep, facing me now. I reach out and brush a few strands of his wild hair out of his face.

The front door opens and three grumbling bodies shuffle onto the driveway. "Why did you wake them up, too?" I ask in exasperation, looking at Charlotte and Olivia stumble into each other.

Sebastian glares at me, "In case you haven't noticed, Drew is taller than me. You needed reinforcements," he gestures to the girls.

I look at him pointedly, "You were my reinforcements!" I whisper-yell at him. Drew burps loudly, startling himself awake. I put a hand to my head, exhausted.

"You weren't drinking were you?" Charlotte asks, standing next to the drivers door, staring into my eyes for any signs of alcohol consumption.

"No," I smack her hand away as she reaches for my face, "I wasn't. Now, can you please help me before mom and dad wake up."

They all move forward, grabbing a body part of Drew's and we all heave him up, walking towards the front door. Sebastian accidentally knocks Drew's head on the doorway and Drew cries out loudly in pain. "Sh!" Charlotte hisses, rubbing the spot where Drew was hit. Olivia, who is holding Drew's feet up, smacks Sebastian in the head.

"Need some help?" A voice asks, turning on the foyer light as we walk through the door.

I hang my head low, "Fuck," I whisper in relief.

"You got that right, and swear jar, missy." Sophie, Sebastian's twin and my other older sister, grins from the bottom step of the staircase.

"Don't scare us like that, Soph, I nearly shit myself," Sebastian shivers at the thought of our parents catching us dragging in a half-dead Drew.

Sophie laughs lightly, walking over and grabbing Drew's other leg from Olivia. We grunt quietly up the stairs, taking it one at a time. When we get to the top we all shuffle together to Harry's old room and deposit Drew on the bed there. I huff, out of breath and thank my siblings and Olivia for the help.

"I think this is the first time mom hasn't caught us, I'm quite impressed," Sebastian remarks, walking out of Harry's room towards his own. I hug Sophie, happy to have her home again. Charlotte helps me fix Drew's legs and pull off his shoes, tucking him into bed.

"Goodnight, dork," I smile, pulling the comforter up to his chest.

"Did you have fun?" Charlotte asks, putting an arm around my shoulders, walking me back to my room.

"Yeah, surprisingly. I ditched my shoes pretty early on though."

Charlotte chuckles, "I did the same thing. Nathan had to carry my heels everywhere." She laughs again, remembering her own prom.

"How is Nathan?" I ask awkwardly, not really wanting to hear her response.

She sighs, smiling at me. "He's... good. I'm seeing him tomorrow to help plan the memorial. His mother won't do anything and Nate can't keep it off any longer so mom and I are going to go down to the church tomorrow while Carly looks after their mom. Mia is coming here to play with Maddie while dad watches them." Her shoulders are hunched over, stressed.

Charlotte has been with Nathan for over two years and two weeks ago his father had unexpectedly passed away. Mom is really close friends with Katherine, Nathan's mom and she's been over at her house numerous times, trying to get Katherine out of her funk. They kept putting off the planning for his memorial service until she had been ready but at this rate, it'll never happen. I didn't know Nathan's father well enough to have a bond with him but mom and dad were pretty shocked when it happened.

Nathan's father had asked in his will to be cremated and instead of a funeral, he wants a memorial service in his honor. Nathan hasn't really been in the right mindset to do anything so the brunt of everything had been pushed onto Carly, Nathan's sister and Charlotte immediately offered to help them.

I nod my head, "It sucks that this whole thing happened. Let me know if you need any help or anything, cool?"

She nods her head with a smile, "Thanks, sis. Now, get to bed," she shoos me on the direction of my room. "I can't wait to hear all about your night in the morning," she grins, closing her bedroom door as Olivia snorts loudly from Charlotte's bed. She grins, rolling her eyes as she shuts the door.

I enter my room and fall back on the bed, exhausted from the whole night. I pull off my shoes, chucking them at the closet door and I don't even bother to change into pajama's as I climb into bed, pulling the comforter over my head, falling asleep in seconds.

|| ✨ ||

Hey Everyone!

What's your favorite song right now? Mine changes all the time but an ultimate fav is Happiness by NEEDTOBREATHE.

Have an awesome week!

Sammipott xx

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