"Are You Still Addicted?" Boo...


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A few years have passed since Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin have gotten married. The love they have for one another i... Еще

"Are You Still Addicted?"
"The Tie That Binds."
"Follow Me Duckling!"
"The Water Is Too Hot!"
"Where Are My Headphones?!"
"My Father, Your Father."
"Great To See You Friend!"
"Dinner Is Served Cold."
"Adorable Little Hands."
"Sexy New Client."
"Wanting, Needing, Waiting."
"A Penny For Your Thoughts."
"The Subject Of Children."
"The Search For A New Home."
"The Movie Star Has Returned!"
"Yang Meng"
"A Troublesome Meeting."
"A Mini Vacation At The Bar."
"Dr. Lee"
"The Devil Within."
"Charity For The Bold!"
"Moving Day!"
"Good News."
"Help Us, Dr. Lee!"
"Jiang Yifei"
"Sweet and Sour."
"Moon Cakes And Kisses." (Short)
"Nurse Zang."
"Wedding Dress."
"Dark Thoughts."
"Fun Things To Do."
"One Month."
"Tong Tian."
"You'll Need New Bras!"
"Those Eight Long Years."
"Traditional Love"
"The Procession."
"Will You Marry Me?"
"Husband and Wife."
"Month Two."
"Quality Time"
"Aunty Zhou's Advice."
"BoysLoveBoys? Part One."
"BoysLoveBoys? Part Two."
"One Scared Fish. One Worried Fish."
"Kiss Me."
"Month Three, With Gu Hai The Wicked."
"Gu Yang Visits."
"Gu Yang's Wishful Thinking."
"The Bodyguards."
"Work In Progress."
"How Can I Be Okay?"
"Rain And Thunder."
"Xiaoping Attacks Gu Hai."
"Seeing Ghosts And Stars."
"Be Still My Heart."
"Sweet Like Custard."
"Bad News."
"Hungry Eyes."
"Romeo And His Lovers."
"So Blessed."
"Month Four."
"Scared Me To Death!"
"Day One In Thailand!"
"The Grand Scheme."
"Let Me Go!"
"Higher Than The Heavens Above."
"Two Missing?"
"Silent Screams."
"The Search Continues."
"The Second Kick."
"I Want To Know!"
"The Comfort Of His Arms."
"Shi Hui."
"Swimming In The Hot And Cold."
"Walking On A Thin Line."
"Next To You"
"Lost For Words."
"Saved By Our Friend."

"Dinner With Mom, Again?"

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Bai LuoYin set another place at the table. It wasn't until Gu Hai had arrived at home and sat down to eat that he noticed the placement of additional dishes. He looked up at Bai LuoYin puzzled.
"Are we expecting someone else?" He asked.
Before Bai LuoYin could answer, a knock sounded at the front door.
Bai LuoYin went to let his mother in.
As they made their way to the dining room, the look of surprise showed on Gu Hai's face. "Oh," he said, "what a pleasant surprise."
Jiang Yuan smiled at him and took her seat at the table. Everyone helped themselves to the food. As they ate, Jiang Yuan started to converse.
"So, when am I getting to see the new house?" She asked, picking up her chop sticks and grabbing some rice.
"Soon." Bai LuoYin said, placing some vegetables over his rice.
"I think you'll love the new house." Gu Hai gushed. "The rooms are huge. There are three bathrooms, and a really nice kitchen. There are three beautiful cherry blossoms in the backyard."
Bai LuoYin looked at his mother's face to see her reaction. She barely showed any. If she was happy about their new home, it didn't show. It was always hard to tell what she was thinking.
"That's nice." She said, slowly chewing her food. When she swallowed, she continued to talk. "Did you two decide what you're going to do about the baby situation?"
Bai LuoYin looked over at his husband and gave him an apologetic look. He knew this subject was somewhat of a pressure cooker for him. "We have decided to raise this child on our own." He said, then looked her straight in the eye. Daring her to say something that he wouldn't like.
She nodded slowly, picking up some meat and gently placing it into her bowl.
Gu Hai exchanged a blank look with Bai LuoYin. It were as if Gu Hai wanted him to tread carefully. The subject was very fragile. If it were up to Gu Hai, he would have kicked her out a long time ago.
"Nowadays, two men can raise a child, and that child will turn out healthy and happy." Bai LuoYin said, recalling his conversation with Gu Hai.
"What are you going to tell that child when she or he asks about their mother? Children grow up curious about things like that." She said, poking at her rice, and not making eye contact.
"When we come to that bridge, we will cross it. Until then, I think we will be fine." Bai LuoYin said. He was beginning to get irritated.
Gu Hai knew him too well. "Bai LuoYin." He half whispered under his breath, then continued eating.
It was as if hearing Gu Hai say his name had calmed his whole being. His eyes glossed as he watched Gu Hai chew his food. He would have smiled a little at how much his husband loved him and kept him level headed, but the queen of knowing it all, spoke again.
"Gu Hai, believe me, I'm not trying to cause any problems with your lives. I just care about the mental state of my future grandchild." She said, calmly. "I have a right to."
Gu Hai remained quiet. He decided not to respond because she was Bai LuoYin's mother. He knew how to handle her. There were times when he was cruel and cold to her, but in the past year, he had changed a lot. He had become more patient with her. Even though her opinions or smug comments were careless.
"The wellness of our children is our job. Let us worry about that. I'm sure we will do a great job." Bai LuoYin said as calmly as possible.
Jiang Yuan looked over at her son. Secretly, she was doubting if he was capable of doing what he said he would do. He grew up without a mother's love. Maybe that was why he turned out to be gay, she thought. In her mind, a male child needed the nurturing love only a mother can give. In her mind, if the mother is present, the child would look for that same love from a woman. Sure she wasn't there for Bai LuoYin growing up. It had only been Bai Han Qi who raised their son. Maybe because of that, Bai LuoYin searched for the love of a man. She feared that with a female missing from her grandchild's life, they would turn out gay also.
Her thoughts she kept to herself though. She dared not speak those words out loud. She didn't know if it would offend her son or Gu Hai.
Instead, she exhaled and smiled up at them both. "I guess time will tell." She said. "Let's not spoil the rest of the evening with this talk. Let's enjoy our meal and each other's company."
Gu Hai raised both of his eyebrows at Bai LuoYin, totally taken aback from her change of heart. He actually thought the rest of the night would have been dragged out by this touchy subject.
After dinner, Gu Hai suggested they watched a movie. Some quiet time was good for bonding. Besides, watching a movie required you to listen, not speak. It was a win in his book.

The next day, after work, You Qi decided to visit Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai. He wanted to congratulate them on the baby news and their new home. He bought some expensive fine grade teas, a bottle of imported wine, and a huge fruit basket.
When Bai LuoYin opened his door he was thankful to see how many things he was gifted.
Gu Hai had just arrived at home. He waltzed up to them at the front door, still loosening his tie. "How nice of you!" He said and invited him inside for a drink.
Before the night was over, You Qi and Gu Hai were drunk.
Bai LuoYin had decided to have a few beers, but not enough to get him drunk.
Gu Hai turned up the music and even pulled Bai LuoYin to his feet for a casual dance.
You Qi watched them with unfocused eyes. "I want what you two have." He said, slurring his words. He watched as Gu Hai dipped Bai LuoYin and then brought him up slowly. Their eyes locking in a heated embrace.
His mind ran to Yang Meng. Visions of his lips, eyes, the curve of his neck, danced through his mind in quick motions. You Qi closed his eyes, as if doing so would capture the images for a while.
It was funny how the heart chose to love someone. Loving every inch of their skin, their mind, heart, and body, gave you a peace of mind. Knowing that they were in the world, by your side, was pure happiness.
"You Qi," Bai LuoYin said, waving a hand in front of his face, "are you ok?"
With his eyes still closed, You Qi nodded.
Gu Hai laughed. He enjoyed the way You Qi was acting. Drunk in love.

After You Qi left, an hour had passed.
Because the night had become so light, the mood had steered the two lovers towards the couch. They were holding each other and enjoying the moment when a knock sounded.
Bai LuoYin looked up at Gu Hai. They weren't expecting anyone else. Who could be at the door?
Gu Hai got up to answer it. To his surprise, Jiang Yuan stood smiling up at him.
"I've brought you two dinner." She said, stepping past him and into the kitchen.
Gu Hai was lost for words. He was still a bit intoxicated.
Bai LuoYin entered the room upon hearing his mother's voice. He had gotten up to see why she had visited them.
She held up a container of food and then placed it on the counter, shifting her purse so that it didn't fall out of her hands.
"You two look hungry. I thought I'd have dinner with you again." She said, heading for the kitchen cabinets hurriedly.
They watched in awe as she took out a few bowls, searched for chop sticks, and even napkins.
Even though Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai wanted to object, they decided to help her set the table. Gu Hai especially gave up. The food smelled good and he had become instantly hungry.
They sat and enjoyed the meal.
After a while, Jiang Yuan spoke. "When are you two moving into the new house?"
It was Bai LuoYin who blinked up at her. Gu Hai was busy stuffing his face. He remained quiet for the entire conversation.
Bai LuoYin swallowed, "Soon." He said, and quickly stuffed his mouth with rice again.
She smiled at him. The look in her eye was a mixture of pleasure and pride. Her son was going to be a home owner. Though she was proud of his accomplishment, in the back of her mind, she felt as if she needed to keep an eye on him. Even though he was a grown adult, she had missed out on his upbringing. Maybe she could make it up by being more involved in his life. She would pop in here and there, just to make sure that everything was going smoothly in his life. If he needed her for anything, especially the baby, she would be there.
She hadn't changed her mind on the whole baby-needs-a-mother topic. But she was sure that she would make more of an effort to be in their lives.
"If you two need help moving, I would be glad to help." She offered.
"Sure." Gu Hai blurted out quickly. A piece of rice stuck to the top of his lip.
Bai LuoYin shot him a murderous glance. This fool must still be drunk! He thought to himself.

The next day after work, Bai LuoYin made arrangements to have a moving company at his doorstep on the day they were to move in. The rest of his evening consisted of him packing up all the items in the house that wasn't a necessity.
When Gu Hai arrived, he took one look at all of the boxes and instantly regretted his presence. He even tried to escape by saying he forgot something back at the office. Bai LuoYin gave him a death stare. Gu Hai threw up his hands, surrendering to the power that emanated from his beautiful wife. Without changing out of his work attire, he started to help. Luckily, he had texted Jiang Yuan to remind her of the help she had offered.
As Gu Hai worked on stuffing a box filled with sheets and blankets, Bai LuoYin took in the scene before him.
Gu Hai looked so handsome in his suit and tie. Everytime Gu Hai tried to seal a box with tape, his tie got in the way. He tried throwing it over his shoulder, but as he leaned forward, it got in the way again. His hair was cut perfectly but sweat had started to form on his forehead. The way he frowned as he concentrated on the task at hand made Bai LuoYin image how their future son would be. Would he look like his father when he played with a complicated toy?  Would he try to outsmart him when he got in trouble just as Gu Hai attempted all those times in the past?
Bai LuoYin held in his laughter with all his might. Mentally, he was prepared. If their child was anything like Gu Hai, he had to be ready.
An hour later, Jiang Yuan arrived to help with packing up. Gu Hai excused himself so that he could change into more comfortable clothing. 
Jiang Yuan moved swiftly. She helped her son with whatever he asked. They worked pretty good as a team. It wasn't until they packed up ten boxes that Bai LuoYin missed Gu Hai. He knew the last place that he went to was the bedroom, so he headed there first.
The vien in his eye started to twitch as he looked down at his sleeping lover. Gu Hai laid face down, still in his work clothes, fast asleep.
I'm going to kill him! Thought Bai LuoYin.
There was so much work to be done, and here he was having the best sleep of his life!
Two hours later, Jiang Yuan, suggested dinner. She ordered delivery and went to wash her hands.
Bai LuoYin was taken aback. His mother was having dinner with them again. He felt as if a pattern was beginning to form in her behavior. He didn't mind, but it was very odd behavior, even for her. Back then, in their school days, Gu Hai or him would run her away with the coldness of their demeanor. Now, they had matured. Their mentality was at a higher level.
Because of Gu Hai and his encouragement, Bai LuoYin started to slowly treat his mother with more respect. Sure there were times when she looked down on his father. But as of lately, she hadn't done anything disrespectful when it came to his dad. He hoped that she knew better. If she tried to insult his father again, he would always put her in her place!

It was the smell of food that awoke Gu Hai. He inched towards the dining room. He did his best not to step on the creaks in the floor. He knew where they were, every last one of them. He avoided those boards as best as he could and leaned against the wall leading to the kitchen. He listened as Bai LuoYin talked about painting the new rooms of the house with his mother.
Jiang Yuan swelled with delight. She suggested a color and Bai LuoYin shook his head in disapproval.
Gu Hai made a sour face as he continued to listen to his mother-in-law's bad taste.
"I have a modern house magazine," she said, "I'll lend it to you for ideas."
"That's ok, Gu Hai has great ideas. I'll ask his opinion," said Bai LuoYin.
Gu Hai nodded. He smiled proudly as he listened to his wife's praise.
After listening for about five more minutes, he walked out from where he was hiding, wiping his eyes as if he had just woken up. "I'm so hungry, is there more?"
Bai LuoYin gave him side eye.
Jiang Yuan simply covered her mouth with a hand as she held back a laugh. She grew to love their childish bickering. It was very different from her relationship with Gu Wei Ting. They hardly ever argued. Come to think of it, she was the one who hardly ever objected to anything he would say. She usually just went along with whatever her husband said.
Looking at Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin, they were very much still in love. Even now, they still fought like in their school days. But she had a feeling that her son was the one wearing the pants in the family. This pleased her a bit.

Yang Meng picked up his cell phone. He dialed You Qi's number and waited for him to pick up.
After the second ring, You Qi answered.
"I have a dilemma!" Yang Meng squealed into the line.
You Qi's ears perked up. "What is it?"
"The police department is having a charity event." Yang Meng said.
"And?" You Qi urged.
"I'm supposed to bring a date." Yang Meng said, hesitantly.
You Qi remained silent for a minute. He immediately froze on the other end of the line. Would Yang Meng bring a woman as his date? He thought.
"I wanted to know if you'd come with me." Yang Meng said, rushing his words.
"Do you mean, as a date?" You Qi asked. He was relieved to know that a woman wasn't going to be his date, but still, he felt as if he needed to keep his guard up.
"Yes, as my date." Yang Meng said, nervously. After everything they had been through, he was worried that You Qi would refuse. He knew that their trust was broken.
"Ok. When?" You Qi said.
Yang Meng's eyes lit up. He couldn't believe You Qi agreed. "Tomorrow night."
"So soon?! You're asking me this now?!" You Qi hollered from the last minute invite.
In truth, Yang Meng had sat on his bed holding his cell phone for quite a while before he finally dialed You Qi's number. He was just so scared, he had let his nerves get the best of him. The rejection was what had made him wait this long. "I'm sorry, I know it's last minute, but I really want to go." He confessed shamelessly.
You Qi let out a huge breath on the other end. "Fine, I'll clear my schedule and meet you at your house."
They exchanged information and then hung up.
Yang Meng slowly sat down at the foot of his bed. He had mustered up the courage last minute, but it paid off. He really wanted to give him and You Qi another chance. Maybe this would be the start.
You Qi disconnected the line and leaned back in his dressing room chair. He couldn't believe that Yang Meng had asked him to be his date! This was wonderful! Could it be that Yang Meng had changed his mind about the whole dating each other thing? Maybe this was their second chance at love.
You Qi wished with all his heart, let this be the perfect date. There was nothing else in the world he wanted more.
If things between them were meant to be mended, he prayed to god that it would work out. If they were supposed to be together, destiny would lend a helping hand.

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