Catch Me If I Fall

By Kate_L19

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Teenage life should be pretty simple, no dramas and no complications. Adelaide thought that, but turns out li... More

New Beginnings
The Grip
Defense system
A new friend
The more you know
We hate coffee
Alaya's predicament
An unhappy household
Don't let go
The kiss
Brodie's plan
The girl's pact
The Ski Trip: Part 1
The Ski Trip: Part 2
The Ski Trip: Part 3
I need you
So this is goodbye
Every night
New beginnings

Kellie's decision

20 3 1
By Kate_L19

Kellie gasped, slamming the door and running outside. Anger boiled up inside of her. Alaya lied to her. They were together! They were dating. She had just seen them in a storage cupboard together. It was wrong. It was so, very wrong! He was her teacher. He stayed the night in the house, when Adelaide was sleeping upstairs. How dare he. Had he forced Alaya to be in a relationship with him? All these questions and scenarios filled Kellie's head until she felt dizzy. She ran to cabin 5B, where Josh was staying. She knocked on the door hoping that only Josh would answer but much to her dismay, it was Lachlan.
"Come to see your boyfriend?" He taunted.
"Get out of my way Lachlan!" She said pushing past him. Josh greeted her at the stairs.
"Hey, what's going on?" He asked sweetly, gripping her shoulders. She looked at him, her heart was pounding. She wasn't so sure about telling him anymore.
"If you had seen something, and you knew it was wrong. What would you do?" She questioned.
"Sweetheart, What are you talking about?"
"If you saw something happening and you knew it was completely wrong, morally wrong! Would you do something about it? Even if it meant you'd have to hurt the person you cared for?"
"Well, is this person getting hurt right now, in this hypothetical situation?"
"I don't know"
"Then yes. Yes I would do something about it, if it was morally wrong."

Kellie started walking towards the main cabin. She walked with urgency. She didn't want to get to the cabin to find that Mr Harris had beaten her to it. It was 5:30am. She glanced quickly at her cabin, it was still, as if no one was staying in it. She trudged through the snow and pushed open the door of the main cabin with all her might. The receptionist glared at her, wondering why she was up so early.
"Can I speak with Ms Murphy please?"

Whilst the receptionist woke Ms Murphy, she saw out of the corner of her eyes, Brodie, Oscar and Adelaide walk towards her. She sensed tension between Oscar and Adelaide, they were standing so far apart.
"Hey, What are you doing your supposed to be back at the cabin in case Alaya comes back?" Oscar questioned.
Kellie turned to him and answered bitterly.
"Oh, she's back there."
They looked at each other with suspicion, Oscar and Brodie left to go speak to Alaya but Adelaide hung back.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"It's best your not here" Kellie answered in a straight forward manner. Adelaide looked at her, until she realized she wasn't going to get any answers. She followed the boys back to the cabin, leaving Kellie alone.

Ms Murphy was surprised to see Kellie up so early and looked at her worriedly.
"What's the matter Kellie, has something happened?" She sweetly asked.
Kellie told her everything. Absolutely everything.

When Oscar, Brodie and Adelaide got back to the cabin they were surprised to see both Alaya and Mr Harris there. They both seemed startled and on edge.
"I don't know, do people just make a habit of disappearing nowadays, I mean first Kellie then you!" Oscar said to Alaya. Alaya scowled at him. Mr Harris was frantic.
"What's going on?" Adelaide questioned Alaya.
"Kellie knows" she whispered. They all looked to each other, collectively realizing what that meant. Mr Harris stopped pacing up and down the hall and took Alaya by the hand.
"Babe, I have to go, I need to leave before everyone finds out."
"What!? No, no you don't! It's only Kellie, she's not going to do anything!" She reassured him.
"SHIT!" Oscar hollered. He ran out the front door in the direction of the main cabin. Adelaide's heart sank, her stomach felt like it had done a flip.
"Oh no, Kellie." She realized why Kellie was at the reception, she turned to Brodie who must've had the same realization from the look on his face. They stared out the front door at Oscar who was running as quick as he possibly could.
"What!? What's going on?" Alaya asked panicking.
"Where's he gone? What's wrong with Kellie!"

Her questions were answered when they heard sirens wailing outside. They all turned to look at Mr Harris, his head fell into his hands. He was in utter despair. Alaya's mouth fell open, tears streaming down her face.
"No! NO, they aren't for him." Her cries turned to sobs. Mr Harris grabbed her arms, pulling her into him.
"I love you." He confessed, kissing her on the lips. He slowly walked out the front door. Alaya chased after him but Brodie grabbed her, restraining her from leaving. Adelaide rushed outside. The security from the mountain range had Mr Harris pressed against the car with his hands behind his back. Adelaide looked over to Oscar, who was trying to explain it was a mistake to the guard but he would listen. Kellie stood beside Ms Murphy, in the doorway of the main cabin. She gripped her coat pulling it around her as if it was some sort of shield, protecting her from this situation. Josh ran out from his cabin and over to Kellie, pulling her into a tight hug. He didn't know what had happened but he could see how upset Kellie was. Oscar walked slowly over to Adelaide.
"We shouldn't have lied to her" Adelaide said, her hand covering her mouth.
"What do we do now?" Oscar queried.
"Be there for Alaya and Kellie" she answered, looking straight into Oscars eyes. He nodded, walking past her back into the house.

Alaya came running out after Mr Harris. The car drove away just before she could reach him, leaving her feeling stranded and alone. Ms Murphy walked over to her and attempted to comfort her. But Alaya looked at Kellie.
"Why would you do that!" She screamed. Kellie turned away from her, and faced Josh, who wrapped her in a tight hug.
Ms Murphy suggested that her and Alaya talk but she was having none of it. Adelaide walked over and took Alaya by the shoulders walking her back to the cabin. As they were about to walk inside, Adelaide glanced down the long row of cabins. Lachlan was staring at them, grinning. Adelaide ignored him.

Alaya was a mess for the rest of the trip. She barley wanted to go outside for the ski lessons and wouldn't answer any of Ms Murphy or the guard's questions. She wouldn't speak to Kellie either. The week couldn't have dragged by any slower. Adelaide had managed to speak to the two girls on separate occasions but failed to bring them together to speak to one another. As if to add more fuel to the fire, Oscar had become more and more distant from Adelaide as the days went by. On the last night, Adelaide found a room in the main cabin that no one had been to yet, it was a large room with glass window panes for walls. Adelaide could sit at the window and stare out at the view. Oscar found her in there, it had been his escape room too.
"I'll just leave" he said about to walk out the door.
"No Oscar, don't leave please." Oscar turned around but avoided eye contact.
"Why are you ignoring me?" She interrogated him. He attempted to deny it at first, but Adelaide wouldn't back down and he got frustrated.
"Adelaide please, don't we have enough drama to deal with!"
"Why are you ignoring me!" She yelled.

"I'm ignoring you because I think I love you!" He blurted out, immediately regretting what he said. He sighed.
"I think I love you Adelaide. But your with Brodie. I can't be around you and act normally, I just can't." He left Adelaide to sit in silence and ponder over how everything had gotten so complicated. How did it get to this? Her heart felt heavy.

The next morning, it was time to go home. Alaya wouldn't leave without knowing where Mr Harris was. Ms Murphy finally gave in, telling her he had been transported back to the local police station, where he was questioned but let out on bail. Alaya sat beside Oscar on the bus, who attempted to console her but nothing worked. Kellie sat with Josh in front of Brodie and Adelaide. The journey home was painfully slow and awkward. How had such a good trip turned into a nightmare? Adelaide thought back to the first night of the trip. Everything was going so well. It made her so downcast.

Eventually they arrived back at the school. Kellie left straight away and Oscar walked Alaya home. Adelaide went to Cafe Sol with Brodie and they talked about the week and about how things would be in school the week after.
"Well this week was eventful" he laughed.
"You have no idea" Adelaide felt bad keeping the whole situation with Oscar from him but they already had enough to deal with.
"What do we do?" He asked.
"I guess just wait it out. Do you think, if Kellie knew about Alaya and Dylan, she would've told someone? Or do you think she only did it because she found them together?"
"I don't know honestly, but we can't change what's happened. We can only think about how to support our friends."
"Yeh, Your right." Adelaide paused.
"Brodie, he loved her." Brodie looked at her confused.
"Dylan, he loved Alaya." Brodie grasped her hand.
"I'm sure they'll be fine, he'll probably be charged and yeh he won't be able to teach which is terrible but they'll stay together."
"And what about Kellie and Alaya?"

"We just have to pick up the pieces and hope they fit together again."

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