Life in Search ✔️

بواسطة Honey_Money_

2.8M 133K 80.6K

Book 1.5 in the "Life in-" series Ashton McClain is lost. After two years of spiraling out of control he has... المزيد

Master Reading List
1 ~ Lost
2 ~ Feisty
3 ~ Interesting
4 ~ Fine
5 ~ Boo
6 ~ Weak
7 ~ Bored
8 ~ Changed
9 ~ Annoyed
10 ~ Jealous
11 ~ Hothead
12 ~ Space
13 ~ Friends
14 ~ Pretty
15 ~ Reading
16 ~ Blessed
17 ~ Nerve
18 ~ Listen
19 ~ Date
20 ~ Flirt
22 ~ Party
23 ~ Beautiful
24 ~ Friends
25 ~ Fighting
26 ~ Present
27 ~ Wrong
28 ~ Love
29 ~ Selfish
30 ~ Miserable
31 ~ Secret
32 ~ Dream
33 ~ Trap
34 ~ Tamales
35 ~ Win
36 ~ Lover Boy
37 ~ Thanks
38 ~ Leave
39 ~ Shame
40 ~ Gay
4 1 ~ Alabama
42 ~ Bliss
43 ~ Hooky
44 ~ Potter
45 ~ Finally
46 ~ Dating
47 ~ Kiss
48 ~ Monster
49 ~ Gift
50 ~ Free
51 ~ Oh
52 ~ Hospital
53 ~ Waiting
54 ~ All of it
55 ~ Happy
56 ~ You
57 ~ Children
58 ~ Weird
59 ~ Light
Epilogue ~ Ashlett
Sequels and Spinoffs
Bonus ~ Birthday
Bonus ~ Hufflepuff
Bonus ~ Cuddles
Bonus ~ Always

21 ~ Smoothie

42.6K 2K 885
بواسطة Honey_Money_

"Hun, can we talk?"

Mom knocks on my door as I shove my notebooks into my bag. Taking a deep breath, I turn around. "Sure."

She hesitates before walking in, shutting the door behind her. "Let's take a seat." She motions to the bed, but I lean against my desk.

Closing her eyes, she stays standing.

"Ashton, I'm sorry for how I reacted last night." She starts honestly. "It was wrong of me to assume such things when you've done nothing but impress me."

"So, why did you then?" I question. Because, clearly, she still doesn't trust me.

She opens her mouth, but then closes it. Here we go. "You haven't been home that much."

"Mom, I come home every day when I'm supposed to. Not once have I missed curfew or snuck out." Compared to how I used to be, I'm home way too much.

"I know, but you're still out a lot."

"Because I have friends who I do things with." I counter, still not understanding where she's coming from.

She's quiet for a moment, and I get anxious. "I got worried." She admits.

I blink, "Worried about what?"

"You. Then your dad called just to ease my fear, and you didn't answer, and I went straight into panic mode." She confesses, "I overreacted and I'm sorry."

Taking in her guilt, I begin to feel bad. "I'm sorry too. I over reacted last night, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that."

Because that's exactly how I used to talk to her, and I hated every second of it last night. I felt like a douchebag.

"It's okay, Hun, we were both in the wrong." She assures me and silence follows as we both reflect on where we stand. "That's new." 

I follow her line of sight to find her fixated on the sketch, "Yeah, I hung it up last night." She studies it, nodding her head. "Sorry for putting a nail in the wall, and for taking the frame."

I guess I should've asked first.

She waves me off, "I'm just happy you have something up."

I can't help but agree as I appreciate how it fits my room. Checking my phone for the time, I read the text message waiting for me.

Good morning, if I pay you enough will you bring me coffee.

It depends on what the payment is

Mom clears her throat, "Is that Scarlett?"

Instantly, I put my phone away. "Yeah."

We just got over our fight, please don't start it back up. I'm planning on not mentioning her name unless I absolutely have to. It's going to be a struggle, I'm sure.

"If you don't mind me asking, what were you two talking about last night?"

Oh, you mean when you guys interrupted. Part of me doesn't want to answer, that conversation was private, but I also don't want to piss mom off. "She had just mentioned her parents when I got the third phone call. Then the conversation was over because she didn't want me getting in trouble."

Mom freezes with a pained expression on her face that makes me uncomfortable. "I'm so sorry."

"Mom, it's fine. I'm literally about to see her, it's not like we're never going to talk again." I assure her, although I doubt that conversation will ever be finished.

It takes a minute, but a smile appears on her face. "Of course, Hun, how long till you plan on heading out?"

"Now, actually, I think I'm in the mood for coffee." I tell her, a grin dancing on my face.

Mom just shakes her head, opening the door back up.


"Good morning." I offer, shutting Scarlett's locker door for her.

She yawns, "Morning."

Her eyes glance around, searching for coffee and I try to hide my laugh. "Did you not sleep good?" Because she looks like she could fall asleep right here, right now.

Shaking her head, she fights another yawn. "The opposite actually, I slept so well it was difficult to wake up." 

Man, I haven't had a sleep like that in a while.

Biting her lip, she sighs. "So I take it you didn't get coffee?"

Pulling my hand out from behind my back I hold the cup in the air. "I got a large." She reaches for it, almost in a trance, and I shake my head. "Where's my payment?"

Reaching into her pocket, she holds out a five-dollar bill.

"No, that's not the payment I want."

Her smile falls, "I can go without the coffee if you want to be an ass."

That's a lie, she'll die without this caffeine.

"Sweetheart, all I want is a hug." Because she's never hugged me first and I'd like to change that.

She rolls her eyes, "You got your hug last night, remember."

I chuckle, "You mean when I got you wet?"

Again, that won't get old as long as she continues to blush like a fool every time I say it. She covers my mouth, glaring at me. "What is wrong with you?"

Absolutely nothing.

Taking the opportunity, I hug her. Making a big show of lifting her off her feet. "Was this really that bad?"

She slaps the back of my head and I set her down, the coffee snatched from my hand before I even realize it. "Thank you."



Do you want something from smoothie king?

Shouldn't you be in school?

I don't understand him at all. This is the third time this week he's texted me that. I've always said no because we aren't allowed to have off campus food, and I'd be the kid the Dean catches.

I never want to see that man again.

I get a second text.

Library at the first half of lunch?

Looking over at her, I nod my head. We had a test today, which means no talking. Checking the time, I realize I could get the smoothie right at the start of lunch if I answer now.

Yeah, bring me a strawberry banana smoothie.

I knew you'd break eventually

Rolling my eyes, I go back to my game of tic tac toe with Scarlett. He's the one paying for it.

Twenty minutes later I'm standing by the back doors, checking my watch. He's late and I'm not even supposed to be letting him in through this door.

Right when I'm about to walk away Gabe catches his foot in the door, "You couldn't wait two more seconds."

Rolling my eyes, I snag the smoothie from his hand. "Nope, I've got somewhere to be."

"You're welcome!" Gabe shouts after me, but I'm already opening the library door.

It doesn't take much to find Scarlett in the corner, working away on our project. Stopping a few feet away, I watch her work. I've never seen someone so focused, usually I'm up the night before slapping something together but we're almost finished.

Someone clears their throat. "Stalking is frowned upon."

Jumping, I almost drop the smoothie as I find Sam. He grins, recording me on his phone. "Ditto, how long have you been standing there?"

He shrugs, "About as long as you've been gawking at Scarlett."

What is it with these middle schoolers catching me in bad situations? Silver is the only one left and I don't think I'm prepared for that. "What are you going to do with that video?"

Raising his eyebrows, he smirks. "Nothing, yet. Have a good day, Ashton." And with that he walks away, and I can't yell after him without giving away my stalking.

I wasn't stalking.

Shaking my head, I set the smoothie down on the table. "For you, my lady." Now that I've tried the name out, I've decided I'm not a fan.

She snatches the drink from my hand, drinking for a solid minute before breathing.

"You're a saint" She assures me.

I can't help but chuckle, I figured she'd like it.

We work for a solid twenty minutes, my eyes more than pleased to watch her laptop shutdown. I'm not meant to do projects so often. "Okay, so what's left?"

Grabbing her bag, she shrugs. "Honestly, just the speaking parts."

Really, "That's the easy part." I can public speak in my sleep, it's just talking.

She laughs dryly, walking out of the library. "Easy for you to say, I get sick almost every time I stand up in front of a crowd."

No way. "You speak in Spanish somewhat okay." I mean, she stutters sometimes but mainly she's great.

"I've been speaking Spanish since I came out of the womb basically. That's no biggie, plus the class is smaller and I still mess up." She tells me, having a solid point.

It's like riding a bike by this point in life.

"So, we speak, and I help you if you get stuck." I assure her, teamwork makes the dream work.

"That still doesn't keep my mind from screaming at all the eyes looking at me." She protests all though I think she feels a little better

"Sweetheart, with me up there, no one will give you a second glance." I tease, a total lie but it gets a smile out of her. She doesn't respond as she takes her seat next to Sage.

"Oh good, you're here!" Ella exclaims.

Scarlett freezes mid sip of her smoothie, "Yes, why is that a good thing?"

The wide grin Ella's wearing even has me a little scared. "We're having a Christmas party!"

And that's exciting how? I've never been to one but still, it's just a party with loads of adults. Stella, however, seems thrilled as she pulls her phone out.

Sage smiles to himself, more than pleased with this news. Scarlett notices it too, "Why are you so excited?"

Leaning back in his seat, Sage props his hands behind his head. Whatever he's about to say is going to be full of arrogance and it's not going to end well. "Because a Christmas party means mistletoe." he wiggles his groomed eyebrows suggestively.

One second Sage is in his chair, the next he gets slapped onto the floor by his sister and Ella. Called it. "What was that for?"

Scarlett shrugs, sipping her smoothie like nothing ever happened. "That was for being stupid."

I hate to admit it but he's right. I didn't even think about that, mistletoe is a given at something like that. Glancing over at Scarlett, I find new joy for the party. I want a second kiss and I guess I know how I'm gonna get it.

"So are you guys in? Of course, your families will be invited as well. It will be so much fun." she pleads, aiming the last bit at me so I don't feel left out. 

I think mom would love it, honestly. She still needs to meet new people.

"We're in." Scarlett offers.

Then it's a done deal, the Valdez family will be making an appearance.

Ella jumps up and I figure she's going to Sage, but Scarlett gets wrapped up in a hug. I hide a laugh as she pries her best friend off of her.

While she's distracted, Sage reaches for her cup. Making eye contact with me, he holds a finger to his lips. Shaking my head, I try to warn him but it's too late. She reaches for the cup just as he takes a sip.

Slowly, Scarlett turns to him and he pretends like nothing's wrong. "Spit it out." Her tone is enough to stop him. "Spit. It. Out." She punches him with each word.

He shakes his head; this kid has a death wish. 

"Sage Forest, I swear I will make you walk home." She promises and I don't think she's kidding.

I watch Ella and Stella, both overly amused by the entire situation. They have to find entertainment somewhere and Sage provides plenty of it. Just when I think things are going to die off, he swallows the drink.

Scarlett's going to kill him, not that it really matters at this point. It was beyond saving.

"Sorry." Sage says like there was no other option. "That was good."

"Yeah! It's mine!" She yells, punching him again.

Poor dude's going to have a bruise before lunch is over. "What does it matter? We're siblings."

I think she wanted all of that smoothie for herself because she wouldn't even share with me. Scarlett tries to hit him again and I grab her hand. The abuse has to stop.

"I'll get you another one Sweetheart." After all, I didn't even pay for that one.

She sticks her tongue out before leaning back in her chair, my hand still over hers.

Stella laughs, "It's a wonder how you two raise children."

Scarlett and Sage chuckle humorlessly, still glaring at each other. No one else says anything but the wording sounds off. Raise.

"What does that mean?" I ask, releasing Scarlett's hand.

I can't be the only one who finds that weird. Scarlett doesn't say anything, Stella suddenly finding James a good place to hide her face.

Scarlett looks up at me, her brown eyes conflicted before finally settling on a weak smile. "Nothing, just that we're the oldest kids. We do pretty much everything."

I've noticed. Too much if you want my honest opinion but that's not my business. I don't know her family completely, I don't get to judge how they work.

"What are we doing for the twins' birthday?" Ella asks, I didn't even know their birthday was coming up.

"Dinner at your house probably and then a party I think." Scarlett says, sounding annoyed by the entire subject.

If things keep going the way they are, I might be annoyed with the twins too. That or in a lot of debt.


Walking Scarlett to class, my arm over her shoulder without protest, I can't get that party out of my head. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

"Are you guys going anywhere for Christmas this year?"

She shrugs, "What's the point? All my mom's family is here, and my dad's side has all passed away." I forgot about that. "What about you?"  

Sadly, they aren't the plans I was hoping for. "Just staying here, we usually visit my Abuela, Dad's mom, but she wants to see the new house."

Mom thinks it's for the best, especially since we've never experienced Christmas here before, but I don't care. We always go to Florida, ever since my grandparents retired there when I was 10. I never missed, even these past two years.

"That must be nice." She offers and I feel selfish. Her Abuela is dead.

"It is. She can be a handful, but I miss her a lot. She'd love to meet you." I admit, she's already heard all about Scarlett between Ronnie, my mom, and maybe even me a little.

"I can't wait."

Neither can I.

Humming on my way to Algebra two, Gabe bombards me by the door. "So, I go out of my way to get you a smoothie and you don't even drink it?"

I roll my eyes, "You offered to buy it and I had some."

Before the drama queen can respond a voice cuts him off. "So you got some of the smoothie and she wants to kill me for a sip?" Sage demands, taking his usual seat next to me.

I'm surrounded by divas. "I stole my sips when she went to the bathroom, not right in front of her face you idiot."

My words go in one ear and out the other, Sage turns to Gabe. "Next time you get off campus food, text me. I'll appreciate it, unlike some fools." He sends a glare in my direction.

Gabe freezes, simply blinking at Sage. In all the time we've been around each other, I don't think I've ever seen them speak. "You still got the same number?"

Sage snaps out of whatever smoothie driven craze he was in, finally registering who he's talking to. Instantly all his energy drains away. "Yeah."

Before the awkwardness can get any stronger the teacher calls for class to begin, Gabe taking his seat on the other side of the room.

What happened between them?

"You will work in groups for the rest of the month, your final will be a project within this group." The teacher offers before sitting back behind his desk.

Easy, it takes minimum effort to get an A out of him since he doesn't want to grade anything. Ever. It makes me wonder why he became a teacher.

Sage slides his desk up to mine, just like I knew he would, but a second person clears their throat.

Gabe stands in front of us awkwardly, "Can I work with you guys, I don't really know anyone else."

I know he's not talking to me but a small part of me feels bad as Sage stares up at him. No one says anything for a moment and Gabe begins to walk off.

"Pull up a desk, it would be weird if you just stood there." Sage offers casually, but I don't miss the grin on his face.

Gabe grabs a desk, "I had to feel taller than you for once in my life."

Waiting for the problems, I have a feeling things will be okay between them.


Walking to my car after school, Coach Edwards calls after me. "McClain, wait!"

Stopping, I wait for him, trying to remember if I've done anything to get in trouble. Someone saw me with the smoothie, I have detention. "Hi, Coach."

He stops, a horrible attempt at a smile on his face. "McClain, how's your day been?"

He knows, "Good, sir."

He nods, "Would it get any better if I told you about a football camp at the University of Oklahoma?"

Raising my eyebrows, I try to understand. "It sounds fun, I think?"

Coach rolls his eyes, "McClain, there's a spot for you."

Oh, he means like a prospect camp. "Me?"

There's no way, I'm not even that good. Other kids should go over me.

"Yes, I just sent the information to your folks." He says, grabbing my shoulder. "I want you to go, son."

I nod as he walks off.

There's no way I can go to something like that.


I'm stuck in a car with my family for a total of 12 hours. Someone help, no car was made to peacefully hold 6 people

Also, thank you for 150k


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