The Adventures of the Stark-R...

By -mrstreestump-

227 10 164

The glorious and wonderful adventure of the Stark-Rogers family. More

Chapter Two: The End of the World
Chapter Three: Everyone Cries
Chapter Four: A Reunion
Chapter Five: The Bandits Attack
Chapter Six: Ned's Unfortunate Birthday
Chapter Seven: Wanda and Stephen talk magic and tragic pasts
Chapter Eight: Mari's Wonderful and Tiring Adventure in the Soul Stone

Chapter One: An Unexpected Field Trip Activity

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By -mrstreestump-

If you asked the Stark kids 'what do you think would happen when coming home from your field trip?' they would say 'Mari gets a huge bump on her face because she falls asleep and hits her head on the window.'

Never in a million years would they say 'oh a giant donut shaped spaceship will come with huge ugly looking monsters.' And that's exactly what happens.

When Peter's Spidey Senses go off he looks at his sisters who are sitting together at the back of the bus. His youngest sister, Ned, was looking out the bus with her earphones in. His other youngest sister, Mari, is leaning against Ned fully asleep.

He looks out the window and, yep. There it is. A huge donut shaped spaceship. He leans forward and hits Ned awake.

"Hey, I need a distraction." Peter says to his friend.

When Ned saw the spaceship his eyes went huge. "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" He shouted and everyone in the bus went chaos mode.

Ned Stark-Rogers was snapped out of her daydream she shook her sister Mari awake.

"What the hell. I was sleeping." Mari says in a groggy tone.

"Look!" Ned says, point to the giant spaceship.

"Well, that's not good." Mari says. Her eyes land on the open bus window. "Peter's gone." She said to her sister. "Why are we always the ones sitting at home or staying away?! I can help!" She crossed her arms and kicked the chair in front of her.

"Come on." Ned slings her backpack over her shoulder. Mari does the same and the follow the herd of students to the back of the bus.

"Look! There's Spiderman!" One of the kids shout.

"Are we supposed to stay in here until we reach a bus stop?" Ned asks.

"Unless we jump out the windows." Mari suggested.

"Do I LOOK like I can jump out a WINDOW?!" Ned said sharply.

"Fine! We're gonna wait till the next stop." Mari sighed. She sat back on the chair and propped her feet in the top of the chair in front.

Ned sighed, looking out the window. She could blurs of red and gold which indicated that his dad was fighting. She closed her eyes and prayed to every deity that was listening that her father and brother would be okay.

When the bus stopped, the two Stark-Roger kids ran out the bus and ran back to where the fight was. Though, two seconds in they were both tired.

"Lets-" Ned was cut off be her own wheeze. "Lets just walk."

"I agree." Mari said, fallen onto the floor.

"C'mon." Ned brought her hand out to Mari which she accepted and pulled herself up.

Unlike the crowd, who were running away from the fight, the Stark-Roger kids were walking into the fight. It took them a while but they finally reached the street that was a mess. They all guessed that's where the fight was. There were holes in the walls of the buildings, cars thrown around, lamp posts bent.

"Where is everyone?" Ned asks, looking around.

"Watch out!" Mari says right as a car flys past them.

"Okay so they're around." Ned says. She looks around a bit and nudges Mari. "Um, isn't that dad's boyfriend?" She gestured to man being brought up to the spaceship.

"Isn't that Peter?!" Mari says. "C'mon." She grabs Ned's hands and they run towards the beam to check it out. Their body was tired but their mind was telling it to suck it up and go check it out.

When they reached the beam, they hid behind trashcans that were five feet away from it. Unfortunately, the beam expanded and dragged them up.

"WHAT!" The two girls screamed.

The tried to reach to something but it was to no avail. They grabbed each other as they were sucked up to their doom.

"I-is it just m-me o-or i-it's g-getting h-hard to b-b-breath." Mari said, taking big gulps of air.

"W-we're g-getting high u-up." Ned said.

Suddenly they saw a flash of red and blue and their brother flashed before them with a parachute.

Lucky. The girls thought.

Soon, they reached the spaceship. They quickly dragged themselves to a corner and tried to breath. They hid themselves behind some crates.

Soon they heard a call 'woosh' sound. The sound their dad's suit made. He moved along somewhere else and they saw their brother coming back in before the door closed. Their brother, the Amazing Spiderman, ran to the opposite side of them.

"Oh God." Mari whispered, leaning against the wall of the spaceship.

Ned averted her gaze on everything that was going on and looked at her sister.

"We're in a spaceship." Mari said. "We're in a spaceship. In space." She started hyperventilating. Ned quickly ran to her sister's side, know very well that she was having a panic attack.

"Sh. It's okay." It wasn't really. Her sister was right to freakout. They were in space for crying out loud! They weren't even superheroes. They were regular civilians with no suit, no superpowers, no nothing.

Soon, Mari started crying and her sister tried to calm her.

That's how they spent their next -however long it was- went. They didn't hear Dr. Strange's screams. They didn't hear the fight. They didn't hear anything. They were so lost in their own problem that the only time they were snapped out of their own world was when the ship was shaking and trying to land.

They stumbled as the ship landed. They waited till the three older men got out before getting out themselves. The planet looked absolutely destroyed.

"Feel like this is what inside my head looks like." Mari said, which earned her a hit to her stomach.

"Come on!" Ned grabbed her sister's hand and dragged her behind a bunch of piles of rubble.

They stayed their and listened to their dad's, their dad's boyfriend, and their brother's conversation when out of the corner of their eyes they saw something coming closer. And closer. And closer.

"OH MY GOD IT'S A SPACESHIP!" Ned yelled and the spaceship stopped in front of their feet. They quickly ran away, hiding somewhere else.

The crash and Ned's scream had earned the attention of the Avengers-though they were unsure where the scream came from-. Three figures came out of the spaceship and started attacking the Avengers.

The Stark-Roger kids hid behind piles of rubbish. They couldn't hear much of the fight because of the blood pumping in their ears. Though, once they calmed down they realised that the fight had actually stopped. They peeked around the corner of the -what they think was once a building- and saw that the Avengers were talking with the three new people.

Soon after, Doctor Strange and Tony Stark walked away and started talking. The two incredibly close.

"Come on. We should tell them that we're here." Ned said. She grabbed Mari's hand and they walked to where their dad and his boyfriend was.

"-Tony, if something happens with you- with you and Peter-" Doctor Strange said, his voice failing him. He looked down and bit his lips, thinking for a moment before looking back up. "I don't know what I would do."

Tony chuckled sadly, "you make it seem like I do know." He said, before pull Stephen Strange in for a hug.

"Now kiss!" Ned and Mari said in a unison, scaring the older men.

"What?!" Tony said, jumping back. He look behind him and confusion, anger, and fear took over him. "What are you two doing here?!" He said to the girls loud enough that it caught the attention of the rest.

"Ned? Mar? What are you doing here?" Peter asked, looking at his younger sisters.

"We, um-" Mari was about to speak when she was cut off.

"It was bad enough that your brother is here, now you two!" Tony yelled, "How the hell did you two even get here?!"

"Well, you see-" Ned started to speak but was cut off by her father.

"I don't want to hear it. Oh God. Oh God." He began pacing back and forth. "I-" luckily for the girls, his rant was cut short because a female voice started speaking.

"Um, does your friend normally do that?" She asked, pointing to Stephen Strange whose entire body looked to be glitching. He was floating, sitting crossed legs and his head was spinning around so fast his neck should've snapped.

"Strange!" Tony yelled, walking over to him. "Strange! Babe!" He shook Stephen and Stephen finally snapped out of it. He gasped roughly before falling into Tony's arms. Tony, luckily, was able to hold him up. He put him down, resting him on a floor next to some large metal. "Are you okay?" Tony asked, fear seeping into his voice.

"I- I just looked into the future. To see the possible out comes." Stephen Strange said, panting.

"He can do that?" A tall guy with dirty blond hair and weird side burns asked but everyone ignored his question.

"How many did you see?" Tony asked.

"14,00,605" Stephen said, eyes looking down at the ground.

"And how many did we win?" Tony asked his lover.

Stephen, finally found the courage to look at Tony in the eyes. "One." He said.

Silence washed over the group. No one knew what to think of this possible hint.

Stephen coughed, moving to get up. Tony and Peter rushed to his sides, holding him up but the sorcerer waved them off. He limped a bit before standing on his two feet. He looked at the two younger girls before saying, "You two need to head back home. I'm gonna open a portal to send you two to the Avengers HQ."

"Send Peter, too." Tony said. Peter looked like he was about to protest but one glare from Tony was enough to shut him up. He had already made his father mad. He didn't want to test it.

Stephen looked at the ground, not daring to look up at Tony. "T-tony, babe," he turned his head and looked at his boyfriend. "Peter is a crucial key to us winning against Thanos. It's Mari and Ned that need to go home." It pained Stephen to say that to his boyfriend but it had to be done.

"N-no! Th-there has to be another way! I-" Tony's panic was cut short by Peter speaking up.

"It's okay, Dad. I can do this. I'm an Avenger now." The teen gave one of his hopeful and sheepish smiles. The kind that would melt even the coldest of hearts.

Tony was about to protest before biting his lips and slowly nodding. "Okay," he nodded towards his boyfriend. "Lets say goodbye to them."

Tony walked towards his two daughters. The two daughters ran to their father's arm and hugged him tightly and the father did the same. Soon, Peter joined the hug and after that Stephen. For a few wholesome seconds, they were a nice family but the moment was ruined by the sideburns guy talking.

"We should probably make a plan. Thanos might come here any moment now." He spoke.

The family pulled away, nodding. The two girls stood next to each other, holding hands and nodding to Dr. Strange.

"Bye, Dad! Bye, Pete. Bye, Dr. Strange." Ned said and Mari waved goodbye to them.

"Kick some alien ass for us." Mari said, before a yellow portal appeared in front of them.

They gave one last look and one last smile to their family before walking in the portal that showed the Avengers HQ. The two walked in and the portal closed. It seemed like everyone was holding in their breaths because once the portal was closed they all exhaled.

"Alright, lets start the plan." Tony said.

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