Masky x reader: Behind the Ma...

By The_Pseudonymous_One

9K 364 235

November 2018- 1st in maskyxreader (wow) -------- Some notes before we start: Yes I know that Masky is not pa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

758 24 27
By The_Pseudonymous_One

My eyes flutter open, black fuzz surrounding the corner of my vision as I try to focus on something. Me head is spinning and with it, the room around me. The pain of my stab wound is throbbing and so is the back of my head. I put a hand to the place it was hurting and look at my hand. A small patch of blood coats my hand and I let out a long sigh. I struggle to sit up as my sight fully returns and I notice the room around me. The floral vintage wallpaper and the shiney waxed floorboards really worked together. The thing I'm sitting on, I noticed, is an old couch with almost the same design as the wallpaper. A desk sat on one side of the room, shiney and new looking yet had the same feel as the room. The desk is covered in paper, pens and has a small teacup perched on the left side. Suddenly, a loud creek sounds making me turn my head and looking at the large door. A tall figure ducks under the door frame and quietly closed the door behind him. He turns to me and my breathing hitches. He face. He looks down to me and steps closer. I shuffle back through the pain and he leans down to my eye level, giving me a closer look at his lack of facial features.

"Do not fear, my child." He says in a calm and soothing voice. "Would you like some tea." He holds out a small cup of warm tea in his lanky hand. I hesitate. It's probably poison, I think. "No, I can assure you that there is nothing in the tea. If we wanted you dead, it would have happened long ago."

"Wait, how did you—" I'm cut off as I take the tea from his hand.

"I'm a man of great power, y/n." He walks towards his desk and sits behind it in a large leather chair. "Come, take a seat." He nods to the chair on the other side of the desk and looks at a paper on his desk. I grip the armrest of the couch and get shakily to me feet, the tea threatening to spill from the cup as I limp over. I remember the pain from that man striking my leg with the metal pipe and it makes me feel uncomfortable.

I fall into the chair and sigh, taking a sip from the surprisingly sweet tea. "How do you know my name?"

"Like I said. I am a man of great power. Mind reading is just one of the many things that I can do." I don't believe him but decide to play along. "Don't believe me, Huh? Well, how about if I tell you that I know where your friends are. Eric and Tammy I believe."

"What? Are they ok?" I nearly spill the tea when I jolt to an upright position.

"They arrived home 30 minutes ago. They're fine." He assures me.

"I don't believe you." I argue.

"Ok, I thought you might say that. Are you familiar with the Creepypastas?" Random question, but ok.

"Like the internet stories? I mean, yeah I've heard of them. Never been bothered to read them though."

"Yes, I didn't tag you for the reader type. So, what do you know about them?" He asks.

"That they're a bunch of silly internet stories used to get kids into bed." I answer taking another sip of my tea. It's really good.

"Right. Internet stories. That's what they all say."

"Well they sure aren't real." That remark earned a small chuckle from the faceless man.

"Since I already know your name, it's time for mine." He leans back slightly in his chair and crosses one of his long, skinny legs over the other. "I go by many names, Slenderman, The Operator, call me what you want. Most children here just call me Slender."


"Two call me Operator, but that's not important." He stands up and his chair wheels backwards. "How did you find this place?"

"I just...ran and ended up here, ya know. Then I was jumped by some random in a mask who stabbed me. Then I ran upstairs and got knocked out by two other guys in masks."

"Hard times at this place."

"You can say that again. Ah!" I nearly drop my tea as the pain in my side increases dramatically.

"I'll call in someone to help with that. We'll resume this conversation soon." He sits back down and the door bursts open again.

"Ok, what...what am I doing."

"Ben!" Slender bellows, making me jump. "Don't tell me you stayed up drinking last night."

"Friday night!" The person at the door yells like a crazy man. I can't see him, but he sounds like a young boy.

"Is anyone else home?"

"Jackzz in his room and...a-and Tim izzz shot." He slurs.

Slender sighs. "Ok, get her to Jack and don't let her be harmed."

"Will do."

"Ben will take you to the medic. Don't let him get too rowdy ok?" I nod and put my tea on the desk, getting to my feet. I turn and look at the boy. He's wearing a green hat, green clothes, he has blonde hair and small elf like shoes. He looked like a movie character. Although, upon closer inspection, I could see his strange features. Black eyes with only white pupils and it seemed that his eyes were bleeding, that or it's crimson tears. His cheeks are red and he looks drunk.

"Come wiv me, madame." He bows shakily and looks up at me. I put an arm around his shoulder and he takes me slowly out. I look back at Slender one last time and he gives me a small wave before the door closes.

"'re Ben?" I try to make small talk.

"Yep. And you are?"

"Y/n." I reply. "How old are you?"

"Oh, are we goin' there now?" He says flirtatiously.

"Eh, no." I giggle. "Just wondering if you're legally allowed to drink."

"Oooooh. Yeeeah. Definitely old enough." He grinned.

"Sure." I roll my eyes. It's a bit hard to talk to a drunk person, but it's bloody hilarious. He helps me, more like I help him, up the stairs and when we get to the top, we're both puffing. He points towards a door close to where we're standing and tells me to go in and ask for help there. I nod and limp over there myself. Ben staggers back down the stairs and out of my sight. I knock on the door. "Hello?"

"Come in." A gruff voice sounds. I push open the door and a very familiar mask looks up at me. "What the fuck do you want?" He spits.

"Medical help." I smile awkwardly and he sighs.

"Sit there, I've got to do myself first, thanks to you." He picks up a patch and lifts his shirt. I see the large looking stab wound as he places it over and winces slightly.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I apologise. "Self defence, ya know."

"Yeah...sure." He replies sceptically. "What's your name?"

"Y/n." I reply. "You're Jack right?"

"Yeah. And if you carry on at this rate, you're gonna be seeing a lot of me." He lowers his shirt and stand up. "I'm the house doctor." He picks up a jug of water and leans over, pouring it over his head and running his fingers through his hair. The water turns from a normal water colour to a crimson red as it passes his head and reaches the ground. He flicks his hair back and picks up a towel from the end of the bed he was sitting on. He carefully dries his hair and takes a grey beanie from the end of the same bed, putting over his messy, wet hair. "So, other than that," he points to the bloody mess on my shirt, "what's wrong?"

"Head, leg." I say bluntly.

"Right. Lift your shirt. Let's get this over with." I lift my shirt and he looks at the wound.

"Can you see with that mask on?" I ask.

"This mask is for your benefit, not mine. Now, quiet." He picks up some water and a cloth from a small table next to him.

"What does that mean. Ow!" He presses hard on the wound and looks up at me.

"Quiet." He repeats. I sigh.

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