The Innocence (Daryl Dixon fa...

By beautiful-nightshade

116K 2.5K 581

The world wasn't how it was before Not even close No more people, no more going shopping or having casual s... More

The Innocence (Daryl Dixon fanfic)
Cherrokee Rose
The Secrets
May The Dead Be Dead Forever
Burials And More Guns
Trigger Happy
This Is Goodbye
Just Keep Swimming
Another Day In Paradise
Time To Flee The Coope
Here I Am
Best Friends Forever
Lost And Found
Mine, Just Once
Dead or Alive
Questions, Questions
The Crazy Ones
This Means War
The Choices We Make
Death Ahead
Killer In The Night
Death Row
My Only Love is You
Burning House
Till I See You Again
Oh So Quiet
Bloody Mess Love
Blood Under The Water
Savior In Blood
Just Keep Going
The Search
A New Life
On The Road Again
•Hope Pt 2•
Getting Back To Our Roots

Welcome Home

3.5K 77 23
By beautiful-nightshade

The next morning we woke early, 5 am sharp.

We couldn't know when the Governor would strike, and we had to be ready for anything.

I dressed in a white crop top and high waidted shorts. Usually people wouldn't wear these kinda clothes for fear of being openly exsposed to the walkers if they came.

I like to think im smart enough to not let them get that close in the first place. We had lookouts perched in watchtowers and people covering the chainlink fence walkways on the prison, so if it came down to it, we could duck and fire and have protection.

Michonne was up and moving around,  but Rick never made her leave. Glenn and Maggie were still at odds. Rick seemed to slowly be slipping even more. And Daryl. There was still no sign of Daryl Dixon.

I tried to act like I wasn't bothered by his absence. I had gone 8 months without him. It's been a mere day. But he weighs heavy on my mind.

I walked out into the feild where Michonne sat by the tipped over broken down bus. She was distancing herself, watching everyone. Analyzing. She even seemed distant from me.

I approached her and sat next to her, swords on my back. She looked over at me and her eyes drifted to my arm where I had been grazed by a bullet rescuing Maggie and Glenn.

"Where did that come from?" She asked me, looking up towards the prison at Rick who stood with binoculars, looking out in the distance.

I shrugged a little as I touched the wound "I got grazed by a bullet, no big deal" I said, smiling at her.

She gave me a pointed look "You need to be more careful" she said with firmness in her tone.

I grinned sheepishly "Oh Mish, you know how I am" I joked, looking down at my boots as the gentle breeze  wafted througu the tall grass and wild flowers.

She put her hand on my arm "Exactly...I do...but you have family now, you can't be reckless" she said, catching my attention. She was fully serious in her words.

I nodded my head "I know....I will " I said.

She nodded her head and we both turned to look at Rick as he walked out to the 3 graves in the feild.

Lori's grave.

Once he reached it, he stopped, and started looking around, as if he was looking for someone.

He started pacing back to the gates and he  went out, leaving the gates open.

Michonne ran over to shut them and I paced the fence, watching Rick as he stood on the bridge over the small creek.

Michonne walked up to me and looked confused and I sighed softly "I think he's...hallucinating....seeing Lori" I said.

I felt for him. My heart ached for the loss of her as well. I truly wished that she made it, for her children.

She deserved better then what she got.

"We should go back inside...let them know whats going on" I said "besides, it isn't exactly the safest out here for us"

She nodded in agreement as we walked back up the hill
And into the cell block.

It took a moment for my eyes to adjust and when we walked in, Carl and Glenn and everyone stood gathered around a drawing on the floor of the prison layout.

"The whole front end of the prison is our weak spot, they could just stroll right in" Glenn said.

"Why are we so sure that he will even attack. Maybe we scared him off" Beth said.

It was nice to see her making a voice of what she felt and coming out of her box slightly. But she was wrong on this.

"He'll attack...." I said, gaining everyones attention "trust me on that"

"He had fish tanks full of heads....walkers and human...trophies...he's coming" Michonne added.

A moment of silence passed between us before Glenn spoke up again "We should hit him now, he won't be expecting it, we should sneak back in and put a bullet in his head"

Clearly he wasn't thinking this through.

"Your jumping the gun, we don't even have the manpower or the guns to do that. We had the element of surprise the first time, but they're watching for us now" I said.

Glenn walked up to Michonne and I "you guys know where his apartment is. We could end this tonight " he said.

Michonne sighed, clearly not fond of his idea either, but she hated the Governor to much to say no. She just nodded her head yes.

I looked at her "Mish you haven't even thought this through "

"Rick won't allow this" Hershel said.

"You really think Rick is in his right mind to make that choice?" Glenn added, venom in his voice for his hatred.

"I'm asking you to think this through when you have a clear head" Hershel explained, trying to do what he does best. But hate is a strong thing, hard to deter.

Maggie walked off, to stressed by the whole situation. "Fine....we will stay put, but we are defending this place, taking a stand " Glenn said before walking away and out the door.

I followed Maggie down the cell block and entered her cell softly.

"Hey.." I said softly.

She looked over at me and then looked back to the floor "Hey.." she replied.

"Are you okay....I understand how you feel...after what you went through...and it's okay not to feel okay for awhile...but your stressed...and everyone is worried about you and Glenn" I said, leaning my head on her shoulder like old times.

She shrugged "Glenn and I are fine...he's just so angry, he isn't thinking things through, being reckless....and I just from everything to cope with what happened" She said.

I nodded my head "He loves you...that's why he's so angry...but I agree with you, he's being reckless with his anger...which is dangerous...but you have to think about how he feels to...he blames himself for not being able to protect you at that time...I would be angry and upset like him to" I said, trying to help her see his side.

She nodded her head, not saying a word to me. I understood her pain all to well. And coping is the hardest part of it.

Glenn suddenly appeared in the doorway and I stood up, patting her shoulder and walking out, patting his on the way.

I went back to my cell for a bit, crawling up onto my bunk and laying down, taking a 10 minute cat nap to rest my eyes.

After pulling my boota back on I followed Hershel out to the courtyard where he followed Glenn, talking to him and trying to calm him with his words of wisdom.

By the end of it I stood with Hershel, looking out past the fences at Rick who just paced.

"I think he's hallucinating" I said, arms crossed over my chest as the sun beat down on my skin.

Hershel nodded "Over the last few days since Lori's death, I've suspected as much" he said.

"Maybe you should try talking to always had a way with words" I said, scanning the forest for any of the Governors men. I had this feeling sinking over me, like something bad was about to happen.

Hershel looked over at me and smiled, hugging me with one arm "You seem wiser now then before" he said

I smiled a little "A lot has changed since the end of the world" I said, grinning a little. When in all honesty it was just I was forced to grow up quick.

If the farm had never burned, I would still be that naive little girl, scared, defenseless, weak.

Hershel slowly started to make his way down the long never ending hill to the fenceline. I went with, to insure his safety. That sick feeling never fading.

Once we reached the fence, Hershel grabbed ahold and held on,  keeping himself up.

"Rick!" He called out. He continued to call him a few more times until Rick finally came out of thw woods and bushes, looking completely out of it.

He came up to the fence and Hershel cleared his throat "You know I wouldn't have hobbled all the way down here if it wasn't important...are you coming back soon?" He asked, sounding streased himself "Glenn's on a as he is he can't fill your boots, I'm afraid he's reckless. We need you now more then ever"

Rick was dripping with sweat. He had been out here for a good while now. If he didn't drink some water and come inside soon, he would pass out from the heat.

"Please Rick" I said as I bit my bottom lip, arms crossed over my chest as I looked around.

"If you guys are so worried why don't you take my place?" Rick said, looking down at his feet and then looked back into the woods.

"That isn't how it works Rick, we need you, your the best fit" I said.

Rick shook his head "You can, Liv, you can lead. This worlds changed you completely since I last saw you, your as much of a leader as I" he explained.

I shook my head "the hell I am Rick, you shouldn't be out here. Between Woodbury plotting an attack and the damn walkers it's to unsafe out here" I said "please" I begged him.

But it seemed to be falling on deaf ears.

"What are you even doing out here?"  Hershal asked him, genuine concern in his voice.

Rick paused for a moment before slowly stuttering out his response "I've...Ive been...I've got...stuff...stuff out here...just stuff"

Yep. He was definitely losing his shit and needed to snap back into fucking reality because if he didn't we'll all die.

"How much longer do you need?" Hershel asked, distraught.

"I don't know..." he said.

"Is there anything we can help you with? Hershal asked him.

The next few moments went by in a blurr as suddenly a truck burst through the prison gates and gunfire rang through the air.

Rick turned around and men popped up from the bushes. I spotted the Governor and Martinez, and a few other members of their group, all hiding amoung the bushes.

Rick dove for cover and Hershal and I did the same.

Fuck me and my stupidity! I wasn't carrying my damn guns, and swords aren't going to help me against gunfire.

Bullets nearly grazed our skin as the grass we hid in was fired into.

"Fuck!" I yelled angrily as I laid flat on my stomach.

I looked up at the busted down gates and the white truck. The back door of the truck dropped open and walkers syarted pouring out, dozens of fucking walkers. Right into the feild to Hershel and I.

Hershel slowly started crawling backwards and I followed suite, staying low to the ground.

"Quiet" I whispered to him. Rick tried to get up from his spot to defend us, but it was no use. Martinez fired back at him. If Rick moved, he would be shot down for sure.

"Hershel! Liv! Get the hell outta there!" Rick yelled to us in distress.

The walkers were getting closer, and the walkers were starting to come to the fences now, putting Rick in danger as he ran out of ammo.

The Governor and his men loaded up in their trucks and sped off. They had overun us, this was their entire goal this whole time.

Fucking cowards.

I stood up from my spot and reached behind me with both hands to grab my swords, pulling them from their sheaths quickly.

A dozen walkers came forward, and I slice the head of one off, spinning around to stab yet another in the head while Hershel got to his feet.

I backed up, preparing for more as I turned my head to look at Rick, who started running to the front gate, no bullets in his gun.

"Run Rick!" I yelled out to him.

"Liv watch out!" Hershel exclaimed from behind me in the most panicked voice I've ever heard.

I swung around, sword ready as a walker grabbed ahold of me, teeth mere inches away from my shoulder.

I screamed in anger as I grabbed ahold of its hands on me, dropping my swords to the ground. I squeezed with all my might to no avail. I moved my hands to its throat as I felt the walker leave scratches up and down my arms. 

I sqeezed on the throat of the walker, sinking my hands into his throat, ripping into his next and grabbed ahold of his spinal cord, and pulling with all my might until I had detached the head from the body.

I was covered in blood, and I quickly picked up my swords and kicked another walker back,  only to see a green arrow sticking out of its head.

I looked to the fenceline, and there he stood, a knight in shining armor.

He stared back at me momentarily before him, Merle and Rick started running for the gates.

Michonne made her way to us, slicing the heads off of walkers gracefully.

I wish i had grace as a skill.

Glenn came speeding through in the dodge, hitting walkers on the way in. I looked back to check on Hershel, who looked at me with terror.

Terror for my own life.

But I couldn't afford such thoughts right now.

His life was in my hands.

Glenn pulled to a quick stop as i opened the door for Hershal. He got in as quick as he could while I leaped into the back.

I nearly fell when Glenn hit the gas back up the hill, grabbing Michonne along the way.

Once we reached the top, and everyone filed in, we took a moment to pause.

Everyone hugged and checked on one another, making sure everyone was okay.

I stood back from the whole scene, taking in. I slowly stepped backwards towards the cellblock door when I looked over at Daryl who made eye contact with me.

And there I was, covered in blood of walkers.

I quickly turned on my heel and went into the cellblock. I rushed past the main living quarters and found the bathroom area, which had tubs of clean water.

I quickly started washing myself clean of the blood and my heart pounded in my ears as my mind raced with the thoughts of everything that just happened.

Once the blood was clean, I walked to a prison mirror to inspect my arms. The room had a tiny bared window, so it was dimly lit. But sure enough, the scratches were there.

There was no avoiding it.

I sucked in a breath, feeling panic in my stomach, threatening to boil over in result of me vomitting.

I quickly looked out the door to make sure no one had come into the cellblock yet. I had to change my clothes and shirt. No one could know.

I booked it to rhe cell and started going through my bag, tossing clothes around quickly as I heard voices echoing in the halls.

I threw on a long sleeved white shirt and some black skinny jeans, along with my combat boots.

And just in time to.

Everyone entered the cellblock, and I rubbed my arms to soothe the panic in my chest.

I felt it, rising, and rising, and rising. Bubbling up like boiling hot water ready to spill over. My body started to feel cold, and my heart was pounding, it was the only thing I could feel. Trembling. I was trembling now, shaking mad.

Stop Liv. Stop.

"Hey.." a voice said.

I turned slightly to see him, standing there in the doorway, looking hesitsnt to approach me.

"Are ya okay?" He asked me quietly, looking down slightly like he was ashamed of himself.

I was angry at him. Angry for leaving. I told myself I would stay that way until I saw him again and gave him hell for it.

But I couldn't. In that moment, the only thing to cure my pain was him.

I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him against me as I buried my face in his chest, feeling the leather of his vest against my cheek and hands.

"For now" I said.

For now. Because what else could I tell him?

I'm going to die.

It's simple really.

I'm a dead girl walking.


Plot twist? I think yes.

As always, please let me know what you think in the comments below.

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