Home | Kim Namjoon

By mmfaber

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Namjoon felt like a hypocrite; what had the whole 'love yourself' era meant if not to make yourself happy? Wh... More



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By mmfaber

Five weeks later, Namjoon and Talia sat in Bang PD-nim's outer office, waiting. They had arrived back in Korea only the previous afternoon, but within an hour of their plane landing, they had both been summoned for meetings with the boss. Namjoon was scheduled to go in first, and Talia could tell he was very nervous. He kept his hand on her thigh and was rubbing it so hard, she thought he would wear a hole through her trousers. She grabbed his hand and held it tightly.

"Joon, take a deep breath," she murmured, "Everything is going to be ok. Why are you so nervous?"

Namjoon started to explain, "He's going to be disappointed. I made a promise to behave professionally and I didn't. I couldn't..."

Talia cut him off, "When did you not behave professionally? You did your job very well; you performed all your duties as leader of BTS perfectly. No one could criticize the way you lead your team. What you and I do during our off hours is our own business. You aren't performing twenty-four hours a day. And we were very careful to keep things very private. I don't even know how he could possibly know already."

"How come you're not nervous?"

Talia responded, "Why would I be nervous? I don't think he can complain about my performance. And if he does, if he's not happy, then that's ok. I can't make every single person happy. But I don't think he'll be upset.Even if he is, what's he going to do? Not hire me full time, that's all. I'll have another job within the week."

"Yeah, a job that will take you away from me," complained Namjoon.

"These are the lives we chose, sweetheart," she sighed, "besides, a new job for me doesn't necessarily mean leaving Korea. There are other K-pop bands that might need an interpreter. Don't borrow trouble. Just be confident when you go in, even if you have to fake it."

Namjoon straightened up and adjusted his shirt, just as Mr. Bang's assistant came over to escort him into the office. Talia squeezed his hand reassuringly just before he left. He looked back and smiled at her.

Namjoon stepped into the familiar office and looked around--same desk, same two chairs, same large windows, even the same green plant on the side table. The only thing different this time was his own nervousness. He greeted Mr. Bang with a low bow.

"Hello, Bang PD-nim. It's good to see you again."

Mr. Bang commented, "It's nice to see you again, as well. I'm eager to talk to you today. I want your perspective on how you think the tour went. Before we get started, would you like some coffee?"

Namjoon declined and waved him off.

"Oh please do. I'm dying for a cup, but I don't want to seem rude," urged Mr. Bang.

He picked up a phone and spoke to his assistant. Moments later, she came in carrying two steaming cups of coffee and set them down.

Mr. Bang sipped his coffee and said, "Ok, let's get down to business, shall we? There are a few areas where I'd like your opinions and your ideas on making things run smoother, if you have any.

"Let's start with Talia--I've already spoken with Manager Sejin and he tells me she has gone over and above what we've requested of her. Not only did she perform her own duties particularly well, but she also started tutoring all the boys in English. I like to hear that. But I want to hear how you think she did, since you're the one she worked with most often."

Namjoon replied, "I think she did amazingly well. She's friendly and everyone loves her. She not only did her own job, but she helped others out whenever she was able to. She's a real team player and would be a great asset to your agency, sir."

"And how did you two get along personally? Did sharing a room cause any difficulties?"

Namjoon looked down at his fidgeting fingers, trying to steady his nerves. Even though the air conditioning was on, he felt a bead of sweat run from his temple down the side of his face. He couldn't look Mr. Bang in the eye.


Namjoon raised his eyes. He had to tell Mr. Bang the truth. He loved her and he would not be ashamed of it.

Namjoon started, "Bang PD-nim, I have something to tell you. I know you're going to be disappointed in me."

Words failed Namjoon. He didn't know where to start. Should he go into detail? Or just state it plain and simple?

"Go on, Namjoon."

"I made a promise to you and I failed to keep that promise. I sincerely apologize that I let you down, sir. But given the same circumstances, I would do it again. I'm sorry," confessed Namjoon. He lowered his head, leaning his elbows on his knees.

"I think you're going to have to be a little more specific than that. I don't even remember you making me a promise," responded Mr. Bang.

Namjoon told him, stumbling over his words, "I promised to behave professionally if you put Talia and I in the same rooms. I'm afraid that I didn't ...sir, I'm in love with her and she's in love with me. We're in love together...with each other."

Namjoon stopped talking and took a deep breath. Mr. Bang stared at him; he didn't look happy, but he didn't look angry either.

Namjoon continued, "I'm sorry I was rambling. Bang PD-nim, Talia is amazing. I'm in love with her, but it will not interfere with my responsibilities. I will assure you of that. She and I will work it out so that it will be business as usual."

Mr. Bang continued to stare at Namjoon in silence for a minute.

"My next question was going to be whether you thought I should hire her full time or not. It would be nice to have an interpreter on hand all the time, especially now that it's not just BTS. TXT will have need of an interpreter, as well. But I guess there's no point in asking that now," Mr. Bang said ominously.

Namjoon's shoulders dropped and he took a deep breath. If he wanted her to stay, he was going to have to fight for her.

"Can I say something, sir?" When Mr. Bang nodded, Namjoon took a few seconds to collect his thoughts.

"I believe it would be a mistake not to hire her. I'm not just saying this because she's my girlfriend, but because she's at the top of her field. Big Hit deserves the best and that's what Talia is. I would recommend the same thing even if I didn't get along with her at all. And that's truthful, sir; I wouldn't lie to you."

"Did either of you think of the possible consequences?" questioned Mr. Bang.

"We did. You have no idea what a rough time I had wrestling with myself over it. I can only tell you what went through my own mind though. The worst consequence you could give me wouldn't be as bad as losing her would be. And yes, I do understand what the worst possible consequence would be.

"She's the one, sir. I have plans for our future. She's my forever--my home.

"As for her, I know she understands the consequences as well. She's sitting in the outer office half expecting to be let go. So I assume she thought I was worth it. She knows she won't have a problem finding another client though."

With a completely deadpan look on his face, Mr. Bang said, "So what you're telling me is...I'm not only the best at putting together the perfect band mates, I'm also the best...romantic matchmaker on the planet."

Namjoon was confused, to say the least. Mr. Bang smiled at him as if he'd just told the best joke ever and Namjoon didn't get it. Mr. Bang smiled even bigger and raised his eyebrows, his eyes twinkling.

"I'm confused; what? What are you saying?" asked Namjoon.

Mr. Bang rolled his eyes and explained, "I thought you were a genius! How are you not getting this? The first time I talked with Talia on Skype, I couldn't get it out of my head that she reminded me of someone. She's intelligent and confident; actually, she's far more confident than you are.

"Then the second time we spoke, all I could think was how perfect this young woman would be for you. You both have the same character and work ethic toward your goals. I wanted to call you up and demand that you start dating her, but obviously I couldn't do that."

Namjoon asked in disbelief, "Are you telling me that you hired Talia just to set us up together?"

"Absolutely not. I hired her based on her own merits. You're right about the fact that Big Hit deserves the best," answered Mr. Bang.

Namjoon reminded him, "But you implied that she would only have a permanent job if things worked out well."

"Yes, worked out well with you. I wouldn't hire her if I was wrong and you actively disliked one another. She may be the best in the business, but you are the important one in this equation. Shall we call her in and give her the good news?"

Namjoon was still confused though, "Of course. But why did you ask us to behave professionally if you actually wanted us to get together?"

"Namjoon, I just wanted your best effort as leader of BTS. That's all I ever ask of you; just give me your best."

Mr. Bang picked up the phone, "Please bring Talia in now. Thank you."

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