Death Reapers MC: Angels to A...

By marvelicious

107K 3K 271

// NO ONE EXPECTS AN ANGEL TO SET THE WORLD ON FIRE. // Riley McKenna is fresh out of rehab following her sis... More

*Bonus Chapter* xi.5
*Bonus Excerpt* Death Reapers MC book #2


2.9K 104 5
By marvelicious

"You and I are nothing but beasts, wearing human skin."

"It means she's still in there!" Wolf exclaimed, close to Trace's face. Spit flied in his emotional state.

Trace shot him a scathing look as he backed away and sat down at the head of the conference table, unbothered. He'd just called church as we were getting ready to leave for our hit on XXX-capades. "You said you told her to be out by midnight. She's not stupid."

I sat down next to Trace, mind racing, saying nothing. Neither did anyone else. No, she wasn't stupid, but she was determined. The club didn't have high thoughts about her, but I knew better. That's why I loved her. If anything she was passionate; passionate and so fucking crazy determined to find out the father of her niece. And she thought that would lead her to whoever killed her older sister. I got it.

Wolf stayed standing, yelling, "we have no idea what she walked into! It could have been a trap! They've kept her on lock down since we last tortured Rage, they could have realized we were planning something. God, Trace, don't do this." Wolf looked around the room, at Diablo, Wes, London, Cowboy, Kane, Twitch, me, and now, Papa, who'd return to us a shell of the rumored man he'd once been.

"Angel!" Wolf's eyes were on mine, looking like a man who's soul was on fire, his desperation permeating the air. "Tell them!"

I paused, making eye contact with my other brothers. It was decided, I could see it in their eyes. "She knows better. She'll be out of there in time."

Wolf staggered back, stricken. "And if she's not?" His voice was so thick with an unnamed emotion that it embarrassed me.

"She will be. She knows what's at stake. We warned them with Rage. You warned her just now. She'll show you where her loyalties lie." I turned away from him, not up to discussing it more any further.

"This is a big fucking mistake," Wolf grumbled, sitting in his chair, at the right of Trace, pouting.

Trace ignored him, getting to the reason why he called church. "First of all, let's welcome Papa. We're all so sorry for the loss of your son, Gentry. But we're glad you're back." Everyone clapped and Papa just nodded solemnly. His eyes were dead.

"Midnight, tonight, we end this. We hit the Raging Bastard's biggest source of income, their strip club, Raging XXX-capades." Trace nodded at Diablo.

Diablo spoke up, his accent thick. "Should be set up like a typical strip club, like Death's Sirens." Everyone nodded, acknowledging that. "Stages, flashing lights, a bar. Secret back rooms for customers wanting more."

I felt like I knew the area a little better than the rest of them and spoke up. "You walk in and the stages and seating is to the left. Then the bar is to the right. There's a long hallway after the bar. The rooms for private dances are in the very back of the hall. There's an "Office" to the immediate left after the stages and an unmarked door near the bar and show room."

Diablo opened his mouth and shut it a few times, "how do you... you know what, nevermind." He shook his head and chuckled lowly. I rose an eyebrow in response to that.

"Yeah..." I muttered, turning my attention back to Trace. He was frowning at me, understanding dawning in his eyes. Then he got grossed out and shivered, making a disgusted face.

"We want to hit them at their busiest time."

Everyone nodded in agreeance.

"Then let's do this," Kane stated, leaving the room. Everyone followed to gather the last of the equipment.


London had binoculars on the Bastard's strip club. We were facing the back of it, while Wes and Papa were alone and scouting the front lot. "It's completely empty. This feels fucking familiar." Cowboy grunted, seconding the notion. London radioed Wes, asking if he saw the same. Trace stood by, watching the dark building, arms crossed and silent.

"There's not one car in the parking lot, brother, this is bad." We could all hear him on the walkie, loud as fuck.

"Still no word from Riley. You try." Wolf was suddenly pacing close and in front of me. He was completely frantic.

"Shit dude. Alright!" I snapped, dialing her number. It clicked right to voicemail: "Hey, it's Riley. Probably screened your call and don't want to talk to you. Leave a message, or don't. Whatever. Don't care either way."

Goddamn it. My gut sank. I had nothing in this world but my instincts. I stared up at Wolf, becoming just as panicked. Riley knew what was at stake. There wasn't even an idea or option for me that she just suddenly jumped ship and would completely ignore all of us. She'd answered every time we were scared about a situation before. Everyone in the Reapers could speculate all they wanted, but I fucking knew.

I shook my head no at Wolf and he became completely inconsolable. He walked up to Trace.

"Call it off."

"What, why? Not yet." Trace muttered, eyes searing into him. Warning him. Trace was the type to take hits, take jabs, and then completely snap and become a hulk of a monster.

"She's not answering. She's in trouble." Wolf explained, his voice loud.

Trace just glared, unaffected. "She never fucking answers!"

Wolf shoved him back, and Trace stumbled a few feet, eyes seemingly glowing in the dark. He sprang back like a panther.

"Trust me on this one brother. Your twin-tuition is failing." Wolf advanced on him again. Kane, London, Cowboy, Twitch, Diablo, were at my side watching. Waiting for a cue.

"Wolf, goddamnit! Do not fucking test me!" I heard Trace huff, pushing Wolf away. My phone began ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket. It read "Dallas." Wolf stayed back, watching Trace and waiting for something.

Trace shook his head after a moment, cursing. "You better be right..." he growled.

"I am." Wolf cut him off.

"Dallas is calling!" I shouted to them. They both turned to stare at me, confused.

I answered. "Dallas?"

"It's Riley! She just called me back! Oh god," she was absolutely hysterical.

"Calm down," I paced away from the brothers, but they immediately crowded around me. "What did she say?"

"She said nothing! There were men's voices then gun shots and it ended so fast." Dallas was crying. God.

"They have her," I whispered, staring up at Wolf.

Trace glared at all of us, sighing and pacing. He stared down at the dead strip club. "Call it off. Call in some other brothers. We will need them." We all scrambled.


Church was packed with brothers from all chapters within the surrounding state of Georgia.

Everyone was slowly filtering in and the room was alive with chatter. I saw Rebel anxiously wringing her hands together outside the open door, eyes scattered around at all of the men. She looked out of place, lost.

I made my way slowly to her. "What is it, Rebel?" I asked, my voice low and calming.

"Is she really missing? Do they have her?" She asked, still wringing her hands together. Her eyes continued to flutter around at all the different brothers assembled.

I nodded once, staring into her green eyes. She really looked nothing like Riley or Trace except the eye color. Trace had gotten the DNA half sibling test results a couple of days ago. She was a certified McKenna. Grim Ben was her father. A fact Riley might never get to know..

Rebel's big doe eyes filled up with tears, devastated. "God. I cannot lose her when I never got her to even talk to me." She started to sob quietly and it broke something inside of me.

I reached for her, pulling her in my arms. "You and I both know she's just gotten herself in some shit. And we weren't there to believe in her or save her." I whispered as she shook in my arms. I might like to torture men, but a woman crying destroyed me. Always.

My thoughts screamed at me to reach out to Lux.

"Then fucking fix this!" Rebel banged on my chest, punching it. I stumbled back at her anger as Wolf approached, eyes wide at the scene.

"Jesus Rebel, what is going on?!" Trace wasn't far behind as Wolf scooped Rebel up, carrying her back to his/her temporary room. No one wanted a scene right now.

Trace slowed when he approached me. "Was that about Riley?" He stared at the floor, shuffling his boots.

"Isn't it always, lately?" I snapped.

Trace looked at me slowly from under his tired lids. " I'm trying my best to not repeat the past anymore, Angel. I don't want to lose my fucking twin sister to the Bastards. I thought I already had. But I was wrong." He disappeared into the conference room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I followed a few minutes later, trying to get it together. Rebel rushed past me in the cramped hall to the front room and into the open arms of Dallas. Wolf was behind her, and shot me a dirty look, grabbing the back of my cut and dragging me into church. What the fuck have you gotten yourself into, Riley?

"Wait, dude. Stop." I shook him off of me. "Let me put in a call to someone that can help. The only one who can."

Wolf just stared at me, searching my face. He finally nodded. "Fast, Angel."

I rushed out front, sitting on the picnic table, completely alone. The fall wind stirred up leaves all around me. I dialed a number I hadn't used in years.

"This is Saint." A low gruff male voice answered.

What the fuck was she into now? I didn't know of this guy, never heard of him. "This is Angel, Lux's brother. It's important."

"Prove it." The voice was wary, tired, done with this conversation.

I was taken aback but then I immediately understood. Goddamn it, Lux.

So I said instead, my throat so goddamn thick, "when she was 5, my dad broke her femur with his bare hands. I put it back together and carried her down the street to the corner as we waited for the ambulance. No other family came and we got thrown in foster for a bit as result. He never touched her after that."

'Saint' paused. "Give me a moment to find her."

I waited.

Her voice came on the line not soon after. "Angel? Is it really you?"

I paused, her sweet feminine voice an energy I hadn't known I needed. "Fuck, little sis. Yes. God. I've missed you."

Lux didn't even hesitate. "What is it? What do you need?" Lux was somewhat of a legend back when we were both in Virginia. She worked undercover, off the books. If I was a criminal, she was something worse. She was lethal, more than me even. But she was fucking something this club or the Bastards had never seen.

"It's my girl. She's missing. I'm the sergeant-at-arms of the Savannah Death Reapers MC. The Raging Bastards chapter in Augusta have her. It's bad. I'm in trouble, Lux.."

"You wouldn't be calling otherwise, would you? So you're in Georgia?" Lux asked, muttering something to someone beyond the line.

"Yes." I looked behind me, knowing no one would be there and church was weighing heavily, waiting on me.

"Got it. I'll figure it out, Ashton. But I'll see you soon." She disconnected. I sighed in relief, wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans as I walked back into the clubhouse. My fucking little sister. How I loved her.

I returned to church, Wolf staring at me, curious. I nodded, reassuring him.

Trace spoke when my butt hit the leather seat of my chair. "My sister, Riley's missing. We were planning on the destruction of the Bastards last night. It's not a coincidence and I'm worried. She called Dallas when it happened and...." he had no words. He looked at a loss.

Everyone was silent. Trace was infamous. His words weighed heavily on all Reapers. As it should. The pressure was high.

Kane and Papa exchanged a heavy look that wasn't unnoticed.

"What are you really saying here, Trace? What's the purpose of all of this?" Diablo snarled, accent heavy, on edge.

Trace paused a beat. "I'm saying this is about to be war, y'all."

The Atlanta chapter President cracked his knuckles together. "I've been waiting a long time for this."

We made a plan. It would happen today. We spent hours brainstorming and going over it all. All my Savannah brothers were on edge, anxious.

As we exited church, we saw that the Reaper bunnies had cooked a full spread for lunch. It smelled amazing.

Our guys loaded up the weapons and various bags into vehicles and prepared everything. We let the other chapter brothers get their plates first. As we came inside and waited, Dallas wandered over to Wolf and I.

"We're out of food." Dallas whispered, her eyes large and watching all the huge guys taking up the kitchen and living room.

"I can see that." Wolf laughed. His eyes drifted past Dallas to Rebel. She was talking to Kane and Twitch.

"Right. Have you seen Trace? I need to make a run to the grocery store."

"At least take someone with you." I muttered, looking around the room. I wasn't sure that was a good idea, but we were housing all these brothers and would need food and alcohol, even girls. Especially for after the mission.

My mind kind of blanked out, and I heard Wolf yell, "yo Twitch! Take some girls to the grocery store."

Twitch fidgeted before walking straight out the front door.

"Guess I'll be seeing y'all soon." Dallas smiled, grabbing Rebel and her purse, following after Twitch.

"Take a truck!" Wolf called out to them, watching them go with a worried look on his face. He looked like he'd aged ten years in the past day.

"Come on, bruh. Let's get some food before it's all gone. We'll need our strength." I clapped him on the back directing us towards the kitchen.

"You gonna tell me who you put the phone call out to?" Wolf asked, dishing out some lasagna on his plate. I shook my head slowly, reaching for some roast beef and gravy.

"But they'll help?" He asked, staring blankly at a bowl of corn on the cob. He zoned out for a few breaths. I picked up corn for him and set it on his plate with a thud.

"Yeah. She'll help." I muttered, moving around him for a water.

"She?!?" Wolf was animated again. I chuckled at him. That's all the info he was getting from me. I'd never snitch.

Wolf and I went to a front picnic table outside, eating our lunch. He picked my mind about the plan, where he thought Riley could be there in XXX-capades. A few brothers from other chapters had already went out to where the Bastards frequented, to keep an eye out. Shooter's house, Rage's apartment, their local bar, their garages. So far, no sign of any Bastards or Riley.

Trace bolted from the front doors, stopping abruptly when he saw us. His face was a strange gray color, and he bent over, hands on his knees as he threw up all over the concrete near us.

Wolf jumped up and away from him, cursing.

"What is it?" I asked, moving towards him and hovering close. Trace's phone was in his hand.

"It was the hospital. Twitch is there. In a coma."

"What?!" I yelled, ripping at my hair, slowly processing. Fuck.

Trace wasn't done. "He was attacked in the grocery store parking lot. There's no sign of Dallas or Rebel."

"What?!" Wolf screamed, rushing for Trace. "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." He started throwing up too. Jesus.

I ran towards the clubhouse doors, hauling it open and screaming "REAPERS! LET'S GO! THEY JUST FUCKING HIT US!" And it hurt. God. Dallas, Twitch, Rebel??? Everyone inside paused, stared at me in various looks of horror as they ate, and then there was a frenzy. I ran for my bike. Tonight, we end this.


All of us tore towards the parking lot of Raging XXX-capades like maniacs. The distance ahead of us wasn't good, and we were all driving recklessly. Trace was leading on his bike, and I followed. Wolf was right behind me. I vaguely saw a blonde running down the road leading away from the strip club, like a bat out of hell. But but I didn't stop, didn't dare ever stop. We were so close. But Wolf did, burning rubber and nearly crashing. It was Rebel. She had no shirt on and she looked a damn grucious mess. I braked enough to see that. Wolf grabbed her, quickly helping her on the back of his bike and racing off, passing the rest of the Death Reapers in tow.

Trace skidded into the parking lot first by a landslide, running for the front doors.

"STOP! TRACE! WAIT!" I screamed, parking my bike, knowing none of us had put on bulletproof vests in our hurry. He didn't fucking listen. He only had his back holster weapon on him. He disappeared through the front doors.

"Jesus FUCKING CHRIST!" I screamed as Kane, Wes, and Diablo skidded to a halt in a white club van in front of me, blocking me.

"Keep your head about you, brother." Kane muttered running to the back of the van doors, wrenching it open and throwing me a vest and assault rifle.

I caught it, quickly putting it on and yelling to everyone else. They'd all followed seconds later and stopped their vehicles, now close by in the parking lot.

"Vests on! Grab as much weapons as you can! Trace is in there with nothing. We're looking for him, Riley, and Dallas! Someone better grab him some shit!" My voice echoed in the night. Everyone began moving. I looked at Wes, Diablo, and Kane. "Get my six and let's go. That's our fucking president in there, uncovered!" I shouted back as I took off running to the front entrance. I heard gunfire and picked up speed.

I entered, gun up and searching for any human body. The place was dark, and empty.

I crouched low, running around. I cleared the stages, and opened the dressing room doors just as Trace busted out from them. He almost shot me.

"Don't you ever fucking do that again, Trace, god dammit!" I whisper yelled as Wes threw him a vest from right behind me. Trace quickly ripped it on, rolling his eyes.

"Clear here and the stages and behind the bar. Let's go!"

"What about the gun shots?" I asked, peering around him.

"Two Guards in the dressing room. They're taken care of. Let's go." He muttered, already moving.

We moved as a unit, London, Papa, and Cowboy finally filtering in behind us. I heard the other chapter brothers coming through the front, too.

"Y'all get the back rooms! Savannah will clear the two front rooms, the office to the left and storage room to the right of the bar!" I called behind me. We were off.

Trace, Kane, Wes and London turned to the right after the bar, going down basement steps.

Myself, Cowboy, Papa and Diablo took the office. We found Grizzly there, a kitchen knife stuck into his carotid. I quickly checked his pulse. Dead. The office was a mess and blood splattered everywhere.

"Angel," Diablo muttered, holding up a woman's shredded shirt with his knife. Fuck.

The fear almost ripped me in half. "Let's back up the room by the bar door."

We ran off, hearing gunfire and shouts from the back rooms beyond the hallway. Diablo and Papa halted, eyes wide and on me. Their faces were illuminated from the firefight. "Go!" I nodded to them. Cowboy and I took off for the room by the bar.

"Clear and man the entrance! I'll shout if I need you!" I shouted to Cowboy, as I crouched low, gun up as I descended the stairs. The basement was dark and I turned on a night scope, easily finding three bodys there. Only one was a woman.

"Angel?" Kane whispered, coming towards me, gun drawn.

"It's me! I'm turning on my flashlight." I illuminated it, the beam landing on Trace and Dallas. He was holding her tightly, slumped down on the floor.

"Shhh. It's just Angel. Shhh." Trace spoke, rocking her as she began to sob loudly. His worried eyes met mine. I looked around the room quickly, seeing bar supplies in shelving among the walls. There were two chairs with various zip ties, ropes, and duct tape scattered around.

"Wes and London?" I asked, turning to Kane.

"Out the back door," he pointed to the far corner, and I followed with my flashlight. There's was a black out tarp hung up in the corner.

"He came in once the first gun shots started! He just gr-grabbed her!" Dallas cried, looking up at Trace. He looked like he wanted to lose it but he didn't. His eyes found mine.

"Grabbed Riley?" I asked, falling to my knees near them. I already knew the answer in my bones.

Dallas looked at me, her body violently jerking with sobs. "She fought so h-h-hard. He pistol whipped her and dragged her away," I grabbed at my hair, gasping for air in the damp basement.

"He was screaming, totally crazy. That she turned him in, shit about her and Shooter. He completely lost it. Oh fuck. Oh fuck, he's going to hurt her. He already hurt her. God. God!" she yelled, closing her eyes tightly and shaking.

I knew who she referenced but I still had to ask. "Who?!"

Kane, Trace, and Dallas all stared back at me with sorry eyes.


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