Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie...

By FiftyShadesDakota_x

183K 5.6K 1K

Hi!! So, I started writing this story when I was going through a hard time, it really helped me distract myse... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108
Part 109
Part 110
Part 111
Part 112
Part 113
Part 114
Part 115
Part 116
Part 117
Part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122
Part 123
Part 124
Part 125
Part 126

Part 38

1.4K 49 11
By FiftyShadesDakota_x

Hey! Here's the next update! Was meant to post it yesterday but it was my birthday and I got a little busy with the day!😃 thank you for all the support, hope you enjoy!

*Dakota's POV*

I wake, my head is pounding, my left arm, leg and my ribs are sore. The room I'm in smells clean, it's dark but warm, there's only one strobe lighting for the whole room. I turn my achy head and I'm met with my mom's concerned; tear-stained face. Behind her, my dad stands, his hands on her shoulder, it looks like he's aged years.

"Where am I? Where's Jamie?" I panic trying to sit up, though my ribs protest against it and I wince, laying back and closing my eyes, tears falling. "Lay still baby, you're okay, you're at the hospital" my mom grabs my hand and kisses it repeatedly as my dad rushes out the room and returns minutes, maybe even seconds later, with nurses.

"Miss Johnson, it's good to see you finally awake. I'm nurse Sara, You're in the hospital, you have a few damaged ribs so you must lay still for me" She smiles at me reassuringly and I warm to her kind bedside manner immediately.

"W..wheres Jamie?" I stutter, watching as she checks my temperature, my eyes, my heartbeat and my blood pressure.

"He's On another ward to you, I'll get his doctor through shortly to explain.. how's the pain?" She asks me and I look to my parents then back to her. "I ache everywhere.. my head mostly.. is my baby okay?" I barely even manage to whisper the last bit, sobbing quietly.

My mom weeps softly beside me and I look to them, my tears falling faster. "There's no sign to show that the baby is hurt, but we've called your midwife down and she's going to give you a quick check over. I'll just get her" she wanders outside and I look to my mum.

"Jamie.. he's still alive? Please don't tell me he's..." I sob, and my mom gasps, sitting on the edge of my bed and kissing my hand, her spare hand stroking my hair. "Baby, he's okay. Don't get yourself worked up, it's not good for you or the baby" she wipes her eyes and I notice my dad is now the other side of me, holding that hand.

I take a deep breath, closing my eyes and saying a silent prayer in my head. 'Please let Jamie be okay. Please let our baby be okay' I repeat over and over as my door opens as my midwife Naomi walks in.

"Dakota, I'm sorry to hear what happened, let's check on your baby shall we?" She says kindly, wheeling the ultrasound machine over to the bed and taking a side by my legs. I nod and dry my cheeks, taking another deep breath as my parents squeeze my hands.

She squirts the gel over my bump and uses the probe to search for my baby. I keep my eyes closed whilst my mom and dad gaze at the screen impatiently. We hear the sound of a strong beating heart. I let out a sob and feel my mom rest her head over mine.

"She's okay, coqui, she's okay!" My mom kisses my head repeatedly and my dad kisses my cheek. "Thank god" I hear him mumble, squeezing my hand. "She sounds and looks perfectly fine to me, no sign of any damage to your placenta, the heartbeat Isn't giving me any reason to be concerned" Naomi smiles and I smile slightly, wiping my eyes.

"She hasn't moved much since the accident?" I whisper. "That'll be the shock. It sounded like a big bump for all of you, she will move again when she feels like it" she smiles at me and I nod, leaning back and closing my eyes, sighing with relief.

"You've got my number if you need me for another check, but I'm sure she's going to be perfectly fine" she wipes my bump for me before leaving. "Mama.. I curled myself up when it happened.. it happened so fast but I managed to curl up.. I saved her?" I let out a deep breath and dry my eyes again.

"You did baby girl.." she kisses my hair and I look to my dad. "I'm so glad you're both okay" he sighs, kissing my hand before standing. "I'm going to find someone to tell us how Jamie is" he disappears out of my room.

"Am I going to be okay?" I ask my mom. "The car that hit you, they were drunk.. you hit your head quite badly when the car tipped, that'll be why it hurts so much.. you have a fractured arm and bad bruises to your leg, your ribs are fractured but they didn't see any broken ones which is good because of the baby.. your face is cut and bruised a little.. but... the car hit Jamie's side" she whispers the last bit and I well up again.

"Mama.. I need to see him... where is he?" I sit up slowly, careful to not hurt myself. My mom rushes over to me and holds onto the arm that isn't hurt. "No dakota I think you should rest.. stay here" she says, trying to get me to lay back down, but I'm not having any of it. With a little wince from the pain, I'm soon stood on my feet.

"My god you're so stubborn" my mom rolls her eyes as she holds my waist gently as I'm a bit shaky on my feet. "I need to see him mom.. what time is it?" I frown noticing it's dark outside. "It's three in the morning baby girl.. the accident happened just after eleven last night.." she says and my face drops.

"Help me find him, please mommy.." my bottom lip trembles and she takes my head into her hands gently. "Lets not get upset, we'll go.. i'll just get a wheelchair because I don't want you falling" she kisses my forehead and sits me back on the bed whilst she goes in search of a chair for me.

My dad appears and he frowns. "What're you doing out of bed?" He rushes over to me. "I need to find Jamie.. I need to know he's okay.. moms gone to get a chair for me" I take his hand and stroke it with both of mine. "Thank you for being here, daddy... I'm so sorry for worrying you and mom.. and everyone else" I feel tears in my eyes and down my face. He kneels to my level and gently dries my cheeks.

"You're my baby girl, we'll always be by your side, whenever you need us. I've told everyone that you and little one are okay, I'm sure they'll be here first thing tomorrow" he smiles warmly at me and I hug him gently, careful of my ribs.

"I love you dad.." I kiss his cheek as I pull away, mom wanders back through quickly. "Right, I couldn't find one so I just took this from the corridor, hop in quickly before they take it back" she rushes to my side and they both help me to the chair and sit me down.

"Mama.. you stole a wheelchair?" I giggle slightly, wincing a bit. "I think I did, but it'll be our secret" she puts her finger to her lips and my father laughs, shaking his head. He pushes me out of my room and down the long corridor.

"Hi, we're looking for Jamie Dornan?" My mom says to the receptionist at the end of the long corridor. "Can I ask what relation you are to him please?" She says and I roll my eyes. "I'm his girlfriend." I snap slightly and she looks at me wide eyed.

"Of course, I've just paged his doctor, they'll be down in a few seconds to speak with you, miss Johnson. If you could just wait in the room over there" she kindly points to the door facing us and my dad thanks her before pushing me over to the room.

A few minutes later two men dressed in blue scrubs walk in, closing the door behind them. Two? This can't be good. I well up and grab one of my mums hand and one of my dads hand. "Miss Johnson, I'm Dr Isaac this is our trainee Dr, Steve" he greets me politely and I just nod.

"As you are aware, the car hit Jamie's side of the car.. he has a bad fracture to his leg, that we've wrapped in a light cast so he doesn't damage it anymore, there's a few of his ribs that are broken on the side that got hit, but we've checked thoroughly and we see no sign of damage internally" he stops to let me take it all in. I breath a sigh of relief and nod for him to carry on.

"However... he had a pretty bad bang to his head and we rushed him straight to theatre for scans and to check there was no bleeding on the brain. We noticed bad swelling, which has caused him to go into a coma." He says, my world falls apart at my feet.

"There's no sign of it getting worse, and we hope that he'll be able to wake up naturally in the next few days.." he says as they both stand. I'm speechless. I stare at the same spot on the floor that I've been looking at since they started talking.

"Can she see him?" My mom asks as she squeezes my hand. "Of course, hearing familiar voices could possibly help him come around sooner" he nods before they both nod and leave. "Oh honey.." my mom rubs my back as tears fall from my eyes.

"We'll take you up there, leave you with him for a while. There's no doubt that as soon as he hears your voice he's be waking up" dad wipes my tears and together we head up to see Jamie.


I cried when I first saw Jamie, although he looked peaceful and just like he was sleeping, I hated the thought of him looking hurt. Even being hurt. My mom and dad left me and went to get coffee, I asked them to contact Jamie's family to tell them what had happened.

I sit with him, just talking about anything and stroking his hand. I wept to myself every so often. "Our baby girl is going to be fine.. she's okay, my midwife checked her over. She's a fighter just like her daddy.. that's why you have to wake up for us. Because we need daddy" I start to cry again, resting my head against his hand that's in mine.

I feel his hand softly squeeze mine. It's only very slightly, but it's a sign that he's still with us, and I smile slightly. I hear a knock at the door and my mom pops her head round. "Think it's time you got some rest baby girl.. you need to sleep" she comes over and grabs the handles of my chair. "I love you.." I whisper kissing Jamie's hand several times before resting it on his stomach.

"Did you speak to his dad?" I ask as we go back to my room. "We did.. he got a bit upset, so your father offered him his private jet to come and collect them, if he wanted too.. so they can be close to him. They were so worried about you too, and the baby" my mom says and I take my dad's hand. "Thank you" I say and he gives it a squeeze.

They both help to put me in bed, my mom fluffs my pillows and then i slowly lay back. "Thank you for being here.. I'm so sorry for worrying the both of you" I whisper, tears falling from my eyes. "Stop with the tears, you've got nothing to be sorry for. We'll be back as early as we're allowed in the morning" My mom kisses my head gently and strokes her hand over my bump before moving for my dad to say bye.

"You get some rest princess. You've had a crazy night, rest now, for you and for my granddaughter in there" he kisses my cheek, his hand on my bump. "I will.. I love you both. Goodnight." I smile sadly, waving as they leave. Now I'm all alone. It's just me. My phone is going off like crazy on the desk beside me. I don't even have the energy to check, I just want to be in Jamie's arms.

I begin to cry softly again, worried about my man being all on his own in that huge room. I wrap myself in the blanket over my bed and huddle up as much as I can without my ribs hurting. With both my hands on my bump, I fall into a troubled, but well deserved sleep.

You can all take the biggest sigh of relief now! Like I'd let anything happen to the baby! Comments appreciated x

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