Someone To Run To (Sequel to...

By Aleespli21

147 7 2

Sequel to Run. -- Camic returns with a deep dark confession. Many other problems arise from that then, stirr... More

:2: Someday

:1: Camic

113 4 2
By Aleespli21

:1: Camic

"Camic?" I ask, taking a step back. This seems so dream like that I don't even want to give him a second glance. Yet I do and I realize that this is no dream; Camic really is standing in front of me. His face I can tell is full of happiness, as his eyes glimmer green in the little moonlight shining down.

"Yes,'s me." he replies, stepping forward to give me a tight hug. I sigh as I feel his hands wrap around my back, making me hug him back as well.

"I missed you so much." I cry, tightening my arm around him as I send tears to soak the gray coat he wears. The tears in which I cry though are not bad ones, yet good ones in which I have been waiting so long to shed.  "I was so worried about you." I whisper, nuzzling into his side. "I didn't know if you were alive.."

"I know, honey, I know. I'm here now, though... and that's all that matters." Camic replies, kissing my forehead gently and pulling me into him more.

"No, that's not all that matters, I want to know how you're even here?" I ask urgently, releasing from his hug and looking up into his eyes, which I can already tell are beyond damaged.

"I promise I'll explain that later-"

"I want you to explain now!" I cut him off, as I raise my voice a bit in pure anger. How could he even start to think that I would be okay with him explaining this later? He's been gone for three years; he needs to tell me now on where he went. "I need answers."

"I understand you need answers, so do I. But it's the middle of the night, can't this wait untill morning?" Camic asks, leaning against the door frame and grabbing my hand which swings dead at my side. I close my eyes, trying to take in everything that is going on and shake my head.

"No," I whisper, feeling as he rubs his thumb against the back of my hand; sending warmth back to the cold little thing. "I need you to tell me now." I say, opening my eyes and looking straight up into his. He sighs, leaving a long empty silence in between but slowly nods eventually, sending me to smile.

"Do you mind if I come in then?" he asks, letting my hand go and tucking them in the pockets of his black jeans. I shake my head, before scooting aside and motioning for him to come in.

"Lovely place you have here." he tells me sarcastically, as I shut the door and look over to where he stands beside the small blue couch we have in our living room. "It's definitely...small." he smiles, as he walks into the kitchen adorned off the living room. I nod, before walking over to him and leaning up against his side. He laughs a bit at the way I stand attached to his hip, but soon enough wraps me up in his arms. 

"It's small, but perfect for Auburn, Margret, and I." I tell him, while playing with the collar of the white T-shirt he wears under his coat. I could tell what I said threw him off a bit, for he let go of me completely.

"Auburn, and Margret? Who are they?" he asks, making me smile, before taking his hand and pulling him into Auburn's room adorned off the living room. There she sleeps soundly from where I had laid her last, her small arms strewn about on the brown wooden bed placed against the wall. It's a very empty room, I must say, with a single window beside her bed and a drawer that holds some clothes and a few dolls. Otherwise...that was it.

"Margret is the other woman that lives here with me. Auburn is our daughter, right there." I say, pointing to her as she rolls over onto her side from most likely a dream. I can hear Camic gasp in excitement, before looking over to me in pure dis-belief.

"She's amazing." he whispers, before looking back down to the sleeping child and reaching out a hand to stroke back the brown hair thrown about her pale skinned face. A single glistening tear falls down from my eyelid, then, as I watch him ever so gently caress her cheek.

"I know." I whisper back, leaning against the wall and closing my eyes. It's all so hard for me to take in... it doesn't seem real that, Camic is actually here now to be with me and Auburn. It doesn't seem real at all and I try my hardest to wake myself up, but once I feel him touch me once again; I know it isn't a dream.

"Does she have a middle name?" he quietly asks, making me open my eyes back up and look up to him as he kneels down beside her.

"No." I whisper back, realizing that I never really thought about a middle name before.

"Well, how about Rose?" he smiles, as he looks back to me in the dimly lit bedroom. I sigh, before kneeling down beside him and putting my head on his shoulder.

"But that's my middle name." I tell him, as he wraps his arm around my back.

"I know, that's why I chose it." he laughed a bit, making Auburn roll around in her bed from the noise, but never waking up. "Auburn Rose." I smile once more at the wonderful middle name he has now given her, before standing up and pulling on Camic's arm.

"I love it, but can you explain how you're here now?" I ask, pulling him out of the room and into mine next door.

"You really want to know?" Camic asks, as he sits down upon my king sized bed placed in the middle of the wooden walled room. Standing before him and nodding, he took a deep breath before letting everything out. "Well, once I regained conscientious from being knocked out after trying to escape...I found myself in a hospital bed, chained down, with all sorts of IVs sticking inside me. I tried pulling them out and unlatching the chains holding me down, but I was so weak I could barely move my fingers. I saw that I had a bandage covering my arm too, and soon I had known what had happened. They had put a tracker inside of me-"

"A tracker? Like...a tracking device to tell where you are at all times? How were you positive that is what it was?" I ask, curious as to what he means.

"I knew because my mother had told me about them. She saw people who had them before. I knew it was a tracker, but I didn't know why they put one inside me. Later I found out though...they put a tracker in me to make sure I did what they said."

"Did what they said? They gave you orders or something?"

"Yes. Once I was strong again, they took the IVs out and unchained me. They led me into a training room and trained me to become a Police Officer. They gave me orders that I had to follow otherwise they would track me down and kill me."

"Wait, so they let you go? They let you go out as a Guard? I mean, Police Officer?" I wonder, watching him closely as he tells me his story.

"Yes, they let me go...technically. They lent me the suit and everything, and gave me orders, such as reinforcing the laws in certain states, settling tension in others. I hated what they made me do, but I knew I had to do it, otherwise I would never be able to get back to you." Camic tells me, as he grabs onto me standing before him and pulls me down into his lap.

"So, all of those Guards out there have tracking devices in them and if they don't do what they are told...then they are killed?" I ask, looking deeper into Camic's eyes and realizing that all of these years, those Guards weren't all terrorists, yet escapees trying to stay alive as well as the rest of us.

"Exactly, that's why they do what they do. They don't want to be killed and not be able to see their family again." Camic says, sending me to look at him bewildered.

"Wait, they can still see their family?"

"Yes, they can...when they aren't on shift or transferred to a different state to do work there instead. That's what I'm doing now: visiting my family." I blushed at what he said, since I never knew he considered me as family and snuggled into him some.

"Did you transfer here or something?"

"Yeah, and it was pure luck that I ran into Jess at the trading post buying some maize. He invited me into his home and I left my things there, not knowing that you lived here too...until of course he told me. And so after my duty ended, I changed at Jess's house and came here."

"Oh, Camic..." I say amazed, hiding my head into the crook of his neck. I have no clue how to respond to such an elaborate story like that and it kind of makes me sick just thinking about everything that Camic has gone through. If only we stayed behind to help...none of this would be happening...

"It's going to be okay," Camic responds monotone, pulling me closer to him in his lap still. "Don't worry, everything will be alright. We just have a few minor bumps, nothing major..." he hesitates, knowing that this is major and he's lying his butt off. "Why don't we try to get some sleep for the time being?" he whispers into my ear, as he pulls us back onto the bed and holds me in his arms.

Sighing, I shake my head, for even if it is late out, I do not want to sleep one bit.

"Why not?" Camic asks me, as he moves one hand lower onto my back to rest there. "It's nearly three in the morning."

"Because if I close my eyes you might leave," I tell him softly, as I nuzzle myself into his chest, not leaving any space between the two of us. Rubbing my back ever so gently, Camic replies back.

"That won't happen, Carnate. I love you, and I don't intend on leaving you anytime soon."

"You promise?" I ask in response, knowing that what I had said was nearly impossible. Camic couldn't promise to always be here, for he will be moving around all the time with being a Guard now. But, somehow, I hold onto the belief that he can promise me everything, and that it will all come true with time.

"I can promise you that I will never leave you unless forced, dragged even, out of his house. You and Auburn are my life now, and I don't intend on missing anymore of it." Camic ends, kissing the top of my head and sending me to slowly close my eyes like I had been afraid to do earlier. Tiredness hit me then like a thousand bricks, sending my body to relax fully into Camic beside me. He always knows what to say. I think to myself, as I hear Camic whisper something once more into my ear. "I want to-" but before I could hear the rest, I fell into a dream-full slumber filled with wonders of Camic and nothing but it...

AHH thanks for reading! Hopefully it was decent? I revised it a lot!

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