Dying Tigers: A Strange Love...

By Scaylen

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When I accepted a position managing two of the company's new male models, I was prepared for a challenge - bu... More

Meetings - Part 1
Meetings - Part 2
Meetings - Part 3
Meetings - Part 4
Meetings - Part 5
Meetings - Part 6
Meetings - Part 7

Meetings - Part 8

2 1 0
By Scaylen

(Authors note: This is the last part of this story I will be posting here - about 20% of it has been posted. The story is complete and I've self-published it on Amazon. You can find it there. If you like it, please leave a review! Every one helps! Thank you!)

I hustled the boys out the door early in the morning for another audition and we arrived at the studio an hour and a half later. Other models were already sitting around the waiting room. They were the competition. A glance around told me Tareiji and Jareka were at least in the ballpark for this project. The other models were all of similar age and look to them. We at least had a chance.

We lingered against the wall, waiting for the director to arrive. He was the one who would ultimately decide who got the position. We only waited a few minutes before the doors to the back room flew open and a sharply dressed man stormed in, flanked by his two secretaries. Coldness radiated from every pore of his body. He took one glance around the room, his eyes not even stopping on Jareka or Tareiji.

"You." He pointed abruptly at one of the models across the room. "Come!" He snapped, turning around and striding back out of the room as forcefully as he had come in, with the alarmed model hurrying after him trying to figure out what had just happened.

Silence fell in their wake, mirroring my own surprise. I'd spoken only to the project coordinator over the phone, and was unprepared for such aggressive brutishness.

"Was that the director?" Someone asked into the silence.

The only answer was the models shifting position, angling to be in direct line of sight if he came back in. The desire to be chosen for the role was stronger than any hesitance they might have felt about his attitude. Even Jareka and Tareiji slid closer, leaving me leaning against the wall to watch the scene play out.

Directors like that existed, inflexible, self-centered and volatile. I believed it was an ill-conducive attitude for working productively, but they were ultimately the ones that held the power. They provided the work opportunities. A talent unwilling to tolerate them was out a job, end of story. So they were able to get away with it because there was no way to fight against them. And as much as I disliked their type, their uncompromising stance had one upside. They projects they made were usually extremely high quality. If Tareiji and Jareka could get the position, it would up their status in the industry. Yet at the same time, Tareiji and Jareka were just as inflexible in their own way. The chances that two so inflexible sides would just happen to line up in agreement with each other were slim to none, but all the same I watched both eager to see how Tareiji and Jareka would react to the director and at the same time worried they might be pushed too far.

Minutes later, the door opened again and the model hurried out, looking agitated. He left the room without a word. The director entered seconds later, looking furious.

"You!" A finger was jabbed at another model, who scrambled to catch up as the director whirled away and disappeared again.

Six models later, everyone was standing rigidly at the doors, wondering who was next. So far, all had come running back out, leaving as quickly as they'd re-entered.

When the doors flew open this time, it felt like everyone held their breath. Even Tareiji was quiet for the few seconds while the director stood glaring at the room. But no finger was jabbed to select the next victim.

His eyes flicked to each model briefly, only to dismiss them as if they weren't worth his time.

Jareka stood stiff and silent, while Tareiji had a frown pulling at the corners of his mouth. He looked more agitated than I had expected him to be. Tareiji always seemed able to brush a harsh comment off like it was little more than dust in the air. To see him this affected was intriguing and alarming.

"Useless." The director spat. Tareiji winced as if the word had physically injured him. I stepped forward, positioning myself so I could see both Tareiji and Jareka to gage their reactions.

The director started to turn away and I felt my stomach drop as Tareiji stepped forward and grabbed the director's arm, yanking him back. The man staggered and came face-to-face with Tareiji. It would have been almost comical since he towered over Tareiji by several inches, except for the eerie grin Tareiji was giving him.

"Don't act like we're not here." Tareiji asked like a child begging for candy, his unnerving smile still in place, but there was something desperate in his eyes.

The other models were watching nervously, some backing away slowly. Jareka was eyeing Tareiji carefully, one hand half-raised, like he was ready to snatch Tareiji away. I tensed, ready to intervene myself if necessary.

"Who are you?" The director demanded, straightening himself to his full height and glaring down at Tareiji.

I swear I saw relief in Tareiji's features as his smile relaxed into a more natural one and he released the director's arm.

"Tareiji." He replied easily, not even stepping back from the director's imposing stance. He simply craned his neck to look him in the eye.

"You think I should pick you?" The director demanded, puffing himself up more, obviously dissatisfied that Tareiji wasn't reacting to his posturing.

"No, but we're not lifeless objects. At least acknowledge us." Tareiji replied cheerfully.

"You're not worth my time." The director snarled, and turned away.

Pain flicked across Tareiji's face and his smile vanished. He grabbed his left arm, twisting his fingers around the sleeve until his knuckles turned white. I watched his lips pull back in a grimace of pain, and was perplexed when he gave what sounded like a sigh of relief.

"Get out!" The director thundered as he left, and all the remaining auditioners practically fled.

Jareka yanked Tareiji sharply to get him moving. I was already at the door, holding it open for them. They were out the door at a near run, Jareka dragging a relatively despondent Tareiji behind him.

I caught up with them waiting for me by the car.

Tareiji stood with his forehead resting against the side of the car, still gripping his arm tightly while Jareka watched.

"You boys okay?" I asked cautiously. I suspected they, or more specifically Tareiji, had just had his open wounds jabbed rather painfully. I didn't want to corner him. Injured animals tended to attack when cornered.

Tareiji gave a high laugh and straightened, letting go of his arm and turning to face me. He gave me a blinding smile.

"We're fine!" He chirped.

"Sure you are." I sighed more to myself than to them, but I saw Tareiji's smile falter for a moment and Jareka shot me a quick glance.

"Get in the car." I told them tiredly, speaking louder.

Tareiji laughed, pulled the door open and ducking into the car in one fluid move. Jareka silently got in after him.

As I pulled out of the lot I glanced in the rearview to see Tareiji curled up in Jareka's arms, obviously not wearing his seatbelt, but I didn't have the heart to tell him off. It made me realize I didn't feel the same way about them that I had when I started.

Initially, I'd treated them with a selfishly uncompromising determination to succeed with them at all costs. Now it had yielded to a concerned desire to see them overcome their obstacles and reach their full potential. I found myself worrying that another ten months wouldn't be enough time for them to heal.


"Remember, we're meeting with a concept artist today." I told Jareka and Tareiji as we climbed out of the car later that day. "He's interested in doing an art project revolving around a homosexual couple, so it's not a problem that you two are together this time, but still, try to at least keep it to reasonable behavior." I requested.

"Yes!" Tareiji assured me cheerfully. Jareka gave me a more serious nod to show he understood as well.

I followed Tareiji and Jareka into the studio, eager to get out of the chilly weather. I checked in at the front desk and they directed us to a studio in the back of the building. We were just about to reach the door when it flew open, and a man stepped out.

"Damn you!" He yelled over his shoulder into the room. "How many times do I have to tell you I'll not be your model for these kinds of things!" He slammed the door shut and stormed past us.

I stepped ahead of them and pushed the door open. The room was dimmed, with only the light coming from the staging area behind a large screen backdrop.

"Director Keev?" I called.

"Ah!" I heard a woman's voice say, sounding surprised. "Are you Hanaso? With Jareka and Tareiji, correct?" The voice asked. I heard shuffling and then the sound of footsteps.

"Yes, that's us." I answered.

A tiny woman came into view from around the screen. She barely came up to my chin. I fought the urge to raise my eyebrows in surprise. It wasn't often I found someone so much shorter than myself.

"Come in, come in." She offered warmly as she approached us. We entered the room, letting the door click shut behind us. I saw Tareiji twitch as the latch on the door clicked closed. He shifted closer to Jareka, his hands flickering nervously, and the smile on his face looking painfully stiff to someone who knew what his smile normally looked like.

"I'm sorry, I almost forgot I had a meeting scheduled with you. There was some trouble with one of the projects my assistant was supposed to be supervising the shooting of today, and I was called in to deal with it." She explained apologetically.

"Something to do with the man we passed coming in?" I asked politely, not sure if she wanted to discuss it, but somewhat curious what had happened.

"Ah, yes. It seems there was a misunderstanding about the subject matter, and he didn't realize it was for a threesome bed scene with two other girls." She rubbed the back of her neck and gave a weak laugh.

"Threesome?" Tareiji questioned quickly, his curiosity peaked.

"Yeah, it's a concept project around love versus lust and finding a balance between them. The deadline's next week, but now I'm down my male lead. I'll have to find a replacement, but it's not easy to find someone willing to do these kinds of things..." She trailed off mumbling. "Oh!" She snapped back. "But we have to talk about your contract."

"We can make it a foursome." Jareka offered.

Keev and I stared at him in dumbfounded silence.

"As long as it's a normal sex scene, nothing strange, like fetishes or anything." He clarified.

We still just stared.

"That'd be fun!" Tareiji added eagerly. His nerves had apparently spread to his feet. He was now jittering circles beside Jareka, looking rather like he was about to completely spaz out. Jareka reached over discretely and grabbed his left arm, giving it a hard squeeze. Tareiji stopped his twitching and dancing and gave a soft sigh. Keev was still too shell-shocked to notice, but I did.

"Your female models are still here, right?" Jareka confirmed. He turned to me. "And we don't have anything else scheduled today, do we Hanaso?"

"Eh, ah..." I glanced at the schedule on my phone to make sure. "No there was nothing else besides this meeting." I confirmed. I felt my hopes rising at the prospect of getting work for them.

Jareka turned back to Keev. "Then we could sub in. We're similar age and build to the guy we saw leaving, so we should fit the image. It would have to be a foursome, and I don't know what you're ideas for the project were, but if you want us we're willing." Jareka explained.

"S-seriously?" Keev said, turning to look at me with disbelief.

I shrugged my shoulders, pretending this was completely normal, and that I wasn't desperately hoping she'd accept them. It would be Tareiji and Jareka's first job in the seven weeks that I'd been working with them. "If they say they'll do it, they'll do it. And I don't have a problem with it, as long as we get a contract written up. You already know their requirements, they would apply to this project as well." I said.

Keev perked up, and I could see the thoughts turning over in her head as she pondered the changes she would need to make.

"None of those should be a problem." She said. "Okay, let's introduce you to the girls and I'll go over the details of the project. Then while my assistant gets the stage set up, we'll write up the contract and get the rest of the details finalized." She was getting more enthusiastic by the minute.

I sighed with relief. We'd come here today to discuss signing a contract for a different project that was still up for grabs. And instead we'd gotten an opportunity for an immediate paying contract, as well as a chance for Tareiji and Jareka to show that they would be good for the other project as well.

Keev led the way around the screen, and we finally saw the stage setup. It was an elaborate bedroom set, with two half-dressed girls lying in the middle of a plush, king-sized bed, looking rather upset.

"Eisa, Jassy." She called the girls attention. "Meet Tareiji and Jareka. They've offered to replace Tremis as models." She told them.

The girls frowned as they looked to where Keev was motioning to Tareiji and Jareka, but when they spotted their two new partners, their eyes lit up.

"So pretty." The smaller girl cooed.

Tareiji laughed happily and flitted over to the girls. He planted his hands on the edge of the bed and leaned in towards them in excitement.

"You're pretty too." He said, grinning widely. "Can we have fun together?" He asked.

The girls giggled.

"Sure." The taller one said and promptly clamped her arms around Tareiji's neck dragging him down onto the bed.

Jareka interrupted them though, grabbing Tareiji by his belt and pulling him back. He sat down on the bed, and wrapped protective arms around Tareiji. He rested his head on top of Tareiji's as he stared at the girls. His posture screamed possessiveness.

The girls giggled again.

"I see, so he's yours." The taller girl said. "Do you want to play with us too?" She asked, twisting herself into a more seductive pose. Jareka's lips twitched with a slight smile.

"Jassy, we have to write the contract before you go hauling him to bed!" Keev warned her.

Jassy, the taller one, sighed. "Yes, yes." She said, exasperated, and sat herself up into a more appropriate position.

The smaller one, Eisa, giggled happily as she sprawled out on her belly, swinging her feet in the air.

We got the contract written up in a matter of minutes and the assistant director took over giving directions. Tareiji and Jareka got changed, the cameras started clicking, and for the next two hours they threw themselves into their work. Up on the stage with the bright lights on them, Tareiji settled down, all his previous nerves vanishing. And both he and Jareka seemed to find a strange amusement and pleasure in toying with the girls while they modeled, though it wasn't unreciprocated. The girls were having just as much fun teasing them back. It was all done in a good-natured way, and I was surprised at how lax they were with each other showing sexual interest in others.

The shoot wrapped up a few hours later and the four of them went to get changed back into their normal clothes.

Keev had liked what she'd seen, and agreed to use Tareiji and Jareka for her other project as well. We had already arranged the contract, so I was just waiting for Tareiji and Jareka.

They came out a few minutes later with the two girls. Tareiji was spinning circles, like a child seeing how fast they could turn without falling down. He was laughing happily, and the girls were giggling while they watched him. Jareka had an amused smile on his face as he stood next to the girls, arms casually folded. He was finding Tareiji's antics very funny. I just sighed.

"How old are you two?" Jassy asked, still giggling.

"We're both twenty." Was Jareka's answer. Tareiji stopped spinning and flitted back to Jareka's side.

"We share our birthday." Tareiji informed them, clinging to Jareka's arm in his excitement.

The girls looked startled.

"You're the same age?" Eisa asked, still looking surprised.

Tareiji's overly cheerful smile relaxed into something like a smug look. That was a new expression I'd never seen before. He leaned against Jareka, wrapping his arms around Jareka's waist.

"We are." He stated, smirking.

"Wow." Eisa said, "I would have sworn you were younger, and Jareka a lot older." She said.

"Me being much younger is legally impossible." Tareiji said with a knowing smile. "You can't do these kinds of projects if you're under eighteen." He reminded her.

"That's true." She said, somewhat abashed. "I guess I wasn't really thinking of that."

"Jareka really does seem older though," Jassy interjected. "You're sure you're only twenty." She asked skeptically.

"I'm certain." He confirmed.

"Haa..." Jassy sighed in mock unhappiness. "Guess we were fooled." She looked back up at the boys. "But we had fun all the same, so I guess there's no foul." She smiled warmly. "If you ever need a model for one of your projects, give us a call, we'd be more than happy to work with you again." She pulled out a business card and pen from her purse, scribbled something on the back of it and handed it to Jareka. Eisa did the same thing, giving hers to Tareiji.

"Thanks." Jareka said.

"We've got to get going, we're supposed to meet our agent for lunch." Jassy wrapped the conversation up, tugging Eisa along with her as she started for the door. "Good luck with your work, we'll be looking for you on the billboards!" With that final call over her shoulder the girls disappeared through the door, Eisa giving a final wave as Jassy dragged her off.

"You boys ready to go?" I asked, coming over to them and holding out my hand for the cards since they were potential future contacts.

"Yep." Tareiji piped as he snagged the card from Jareka and tucked both of them into his back pocket, giving me a grin. I let my hand drop, realizing that the scribbling Elisa and Jassy had done must have turned those business cards into private cards. I gave a mental shrug and looked around to see if Keev needed anything more from us.

She was already busy reviewing the latest shots with her assistant, so we simply headed out to the car.

"Would you guys be interested in dinner on the way home?" I asked. "We can celebrate the successful completion of your first job."

"Yes!" Tareiji crowed exuberantly, bouncing up and down beside Jareka.

"Sounds good." Jareka agreed.

"Alright, how about the little Greek restaurant we pass on the way home?" I offered as we climbed in the car.

"That'd be awesome!" Tareiji answered.

"It's fine with me." Was Jareka's more sedate reply.

I couldn't help but feel happy. We'd made it past the stage of endless meetings. Now they were working.

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