Insomniac (insomniac reader x...

Por edgeyfrisk-the-human

12.1K 426 445

"To die to sleep to dream" - Shakespeare To die is to sleep to sleep is to dream If one cannot sleep wouldn... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

chapter 4

1.1K 48 66
Por edgeyfrisk-the-human

I have memory loss, fell down a hole, and I'm going to die.
what could possibly be better than this!?
Sans looks like he is choosing not to tell you something important.
Or maybe he just doesn't know what to say.
You hear a door open dramatically and close.
A voice belts out frustratedly at sans.

"Sans! You lazy bones! Pick up your damn sock already!!!"

Is that his brother?
Sans excuses himself.
Leaving you to your own devices.
You decide to listen in on their conversation.
His 'brother' is mad at him for something, but it's not really mad, it's more of a playfully frustrated kind of thing.
You continue listening, most of it is just his brother complaining and sans making puns; according to his brother, puns are terrible.
You, sans, and the playfulness of his brother's tone, beg to differ.
Apparently his brother just got back from "a cooking lesson".
you wonder if his food is any good?
He starts ranting about something but you tune out.
You spot something blue peeking out underneath sans's mattress.
Your curiosity gets the best of you and you pull it out.
It's a blue card attached to a hidden bottle of pills.
It's unprescribed painkillers..
You wonder why he has them..
You wonder what he needs them for..

❄☟☜ 💣✋☠👎 ☞⚐☼☝☜❄💧📪 ❄☟☜ 💧⚐🕆☹ 👎⚐☜💧☠❼❄
✡⚐🕆 🕈✋💧☟ ❄⚐ ☞⚐☼☝☜❄ 🏱✌✋☠📪 ✡⚐🕆 👍✌☠❼❄

You wonder where he got them.
Conveniently the card says exactly that.
Apparently he got them from a "doggo", you've seen a few dogs, so one of them is bound to be said doggo.
You put them back under the mattress.
Not long after, sans comes back into the room.

"Hey" He says.

"Hey" you say.
You flash him a crooked smile.

You don't really know what to say to him.
Knowing that he has those pills, makes him come off as a whole different kind of person. You notice so much more. His pained expression, forced smile, overall exhausted appearance. He's hurting..
You don't think he has told anyone.
He seems like the type that just keeps it to himself.
But your no different.
He knows you're slowly dying, but you continue to act like everything is fine.
And the poison in your mind pains you to the point in which the moment you find something that might take the pain away, your already chasing after it.
And you say you're doing fine, but you know that you're lying.
He seems to be scanning your face for any sort of sign that you want to talk to him.
But you'll never give him any indication that you do.
You don't need to, it can be seen in just your eyes alone.

"Y/n, be honest, are you ok?" He asks.

I'm dying, what do you think?

"I'm fine, really." You say

I'll just deal with it.

He seems frustrated, but he can't judge you on this.

❄☟☜ ☺🕆👎☝☜ 👍✌☠☠⚐❄ ☺🕆👎☝☜
❄☟✌❄ 🕈☟✋👍☟ ☟☜ 👎⚐☜💧 ☟✋💣💧☜☹☞

He looks away, seeming to have given up for the time being.

You wonder why he seems to give up so easily..
Maybe he just doesn't care enough to try harder..

"So was that your brother?" You ask, attempting to start a conversation.

"Uh yeah..right him.." he says, fumbling with his words.

He didn't really answer your question..
Maybe he's avoiding it..

"So..does he know I'm staying here?" You ask.

His expression says it all.
He was avoiding the question.

"You didn't tell him. Did you?" You say.

No response.

"Sans. Did you or did you not tell him?" You ask.

Your getting a bit annoyed by his avoidance of answering your question.
Eventually after staring him down for a bit he sighs, as if he is finally ready to tell you.
Only for him pause with that avoidant expression on his face again.
Your getting fed up with this.

"Sans! Does he know I'm here or not?!" You say, your voice raised louder than normal.

He seems to get a bit startled at the increase in your voice volume level.
And also flashes what looks like a slightly worried look.
Which can only mean he either didn't tell his brother your here, told his brother and they were not happy about it, or he is worried your about to beat his ass for not answering your question.
You hear the brother in question holler at sans.
The holler consisting of him asking why sans didn't tell him that he has company over.
Looks like your question is answered.
But just as you turn to sans to flash a smug expression his way, you notice sans's worried expression only increased.
Which means that once again, there is something he isn't telling you.
You hear his brothers footsteps get louder as they get closer and closer to the room.
Meanwhile sans seems to be trying to think of what to say in response.
Ultimately giving up and reaching towards you, most likely with the intent of teleporting you away somewhere.
You pull away before he can reach you, the door opens.
Fear and shock splash across his eyes, as he teleports away.
Leaving you face to face with the skeleton you can only assume to be his brother.

"Um..hi?" You say.

Your a bit unsettled by sans's reaction.
His brother's eyes er..eye sockets? seem to scan you over before responding in a rather outdoor voice volume level.

"Greetings! I am the great papyrus! I don't think we've met before! Are you one of sans's friends!?"

His voice hurts your hears, but you just bear 🐻 it for the time being.

"Um yeah, your his brother right?" You ask.

He seems to flash a look of slight confusion.

"Oh so you've heard of me!?" He exclaims.

He pulls a double cough and continues.

"However, that can only be expected, seeing as I am the great papyrus after all!" He says, adding in a Nyeh heh heh afterwards.

You take notice of papyrus's tendency towards lengthy word choices, and his unique way of laughing.

You wonder why sans reacted that way, and why he didn't just tell his brother.
His brother seems nice, but sans might know something that made him worried.
You wonder why he continues to keep things from you.

"So are you ok with me spending the night here? Sans didn't exactly ask you, and then he kinda just disappeared.." you ask.

"Sans hardly ever invites anyone over, had I known sooner I would've made you spaghetti! But alas, I guess you just have to wait to try my cooking!" He says, in a rather animated way.

"So is that a yes?" You ask.

"Of course it is! You were able to get my lazybones of a brother to somewhat clean his room! It would be idiotic for me to decline!" He says, beaming at you.

He doesn't normally do that?

"He's such a lazybones the majority of the time! It's so infuriating!" He says.


"Though, I cannot say I'm surprised he chose to have you stay in his room! Seeing as your quite fetching, almost as much as me, the great papyrus!" Papyrus uses [flirt].

Did he just..
Your a bit flustered by this.

"Was that..flirting?" You ask.

Your a bit confused as to why he just flirted with you.

"Yes! Flirting is one of the most effective friend making tactics! And I, the great papyrus, settle for nothing but the best!" He says.

So when sans was flirting with you..he was just trying to be friends?
You feel a little bad now..

"So you want to be friends then?" You ask.

"Well normally we'd date and then I'd have to confess that I don't feel the same and then we'd become best friends but I guess we can skip it! Seeing as you now already know how it ends!" He says.

A small chuckle escapes you, just as sans decides to pop back in.
He sees you laughing and both you and his brother not doing anything to warrant concern, and relaxes a bit.
However, he seems disappointed as well, and you can't help but wonder why.
Noticing sans is back in the room, papyrus immediately starts scolding him.
Whilst sans just takes it.
Eventually sans convinces papyrus to let him off the hook as long as he gives you a tour of all of Snowdin tomorrow.
seemly satisfied, papyrus heads to his own room after telling sans to make sure you both eat something.
Once he is out of view you turn to sans, who immediately grabs your shoulder before you can react, and teleports you both to his room.

"Sans what-" you start.

"Why'd you pull away?" He asks.

He seems upset.
You don't get why though, he's the one who has been lying.

"You don't trust me?" He asks.


"All you've done is keep things from me, do you really expect me trust you wholeheartedly after that?" You ask.

"Well you should have!" He states.

Your just getting more and more frustrated with him.

"Why?! Papyrus seems perfectly fine with me staying at your house! And nothing dangerous happened! So why?!" You ask.

No response.
He's avoiding it again.

"Stop avoiding it and tell me!" You say.

He lets out a few frustrated grumbles before giving in.

"humans and monsters don't have the best history.." he says.

You send an 'on with it' kinda glare his way.

" see..a long while back, monsters lived on the surface.." He starts.

"The surface?" You ask.

You start to wonder more seriously, if there is a world above this one of which you may have came from..
Though even if you had, you wouldn't really remember..
but that's just to be expected by now.

"Yeah we pretty much were forced into and sealed underground by a group of seven mages, after the human monster war didn't turn out that great for us.." He says.

Your put off by the rather sudden mention of a war and mages.

"Wait what?! There was a war?! And mages?!"

Sans looks kinda awkward right now, the expression he is making says it all.

"Yeah..there was, and we lost..
andthenthe yeah.." he says rather quickly.

His explanation was given so quickly and jumbled together that you barely caught even half of what he said.
That and what you did catch was even more off putting.

"So wait..there is a law that y'all have to kill me if I'm human?"You ask.

"Yep pretty much.." He says.

You still don't really know for sure if your human or not..
And you wonder why sans or his brother or that one lady didn't kill you on sight like the supposed laws states they are supposed to..

"But I don't even know if I'm human or not? And it's not like your brother thought I was one so what does it matter?" You ask.

"Well no offense intended but you look very much like a human, plus paps doesn't really know what a human looks like. There are however other monsters that do know what a human looks like, and my brothers job is literally to deliver humans to those that do so they can kill them and take their soul.." He says.

Sweet jeezus..
And here you thought you were just gonna die from not sleeping..

"So..your saying that there are monsters who will kill me on sight.." you say.

He looks kinda ashamed now, but mostly still awkward.

"Yes." He says.

Maybe I can convince them otherwise?
Or I could try running..
If I make it to the woods it might be harder for them to find me..
Yeah I think I'll probably live longer if I run.

"So we done here?" You ask.

He looks at you seemingly confused.
You glance at the door.
He seems to realize what your thinking.

"Hey wait that's-" he starts to say, but is cut off.

You full sprint towards the door, and out the house.
He suddenly appears in front of you, and finishes his sentence.

"-not going to go the way you think!" He says, finishing his sentence from before.

You sprint past him.

"[you]!" He calls after you.

He continues calling out to you as you sprint away from earshot.
You run through a town of which you determine is called Snowden town, by the time in which you reach a rather large sign saying as such.
You continue on, past area after area after area.
You didn't really think the place you were intending to go would be this far away.
You eventually reach what kinda resembles the little post you saw when you left with sans after introducing him to Toriel.
You attempt to continue on past it.

"Did something move?" A gruff voice says.

You see what looks to be a dog with knives, within the little post.
You then try to sprint away, but are instead locked into a fight with the knife dog.
He sniffs you.

"Smells like..human." The knife dogs says.

He jumps out of the little post and starts attacking you.
You try to flee, but it doesn't work.
So you try dodging his attacks.
In one of your attempts to dodge, you trip and fall backwards into the little post.
You quickly scramble to your feet, just as he attacks again.
You then bounce from wall to wall of the post to avoid a series of slashes, swipes, and jabs from the knife dogs knives.

You start to get in a kind of rhythm of dodging and your minds starts to wander.
But because of that you almost don't catch sudden change of attack pattern.
You quickly dodge and take hold of one of the knife dogs..wrist of sorts.
Then you grab the knife dog's other 'wrist of sorts' with your free hand, and throw yourself through the little post onto the unexpecting knife dog.
You quickly adjust your position to better pin him to the ground.

And then, as if someone is cleverly orchestrating the order of occurrences in your life.
Sans shows up at that moment of all moments from the direction you were headed.
He sees you and the knife dog, and the position your in.
The glowing pinpricks in his eye sockets disappear, and a glowing cyan circle with just a splash of yellow soon replaces one of them.

You then watch as you seem to be throw through the air rather high upwards by some force you can't yet identify for sure..
You watch as sans's pinpricks return and you start falling rapidly towards the ground.
You eventually hit thinking that it'll knock you out, but instead are met with excruciating pain and the wind knocked out of you.
Eventually you find the breath to scream.

Sans runs over to you.
His words are so faint, you can't really hear them.
Especially over your screams in pain, and the annoyingly loud ringing in your ears.
You can't really tell what else is going on around you as your vision starts to cloud over with red, which is probably your blood.
You remember the painkillers in sans's room, and attempt to say something in between your cries.

"The pills sans!Get the pills!get doggo!" You call out in desperation.

Eventually a pill pops into your mouth, and you do your best to swallow.
And after awhile everything doesn't hurt as much.
It's nice.

Your suddenly picked up, probably by sans.
Then your carried off somewhere.
After awhile all the pain seems to go away, but you still can't see anything but red.
Your probably not going to survive.
And you'll end up dying alone..romantically that is..

There will probably be someone with you..
A medical person most likely..
Popping you full of painkillers till you die.
Wired till your end.
At least you'll finally sleep.
That will be nice.

✡︎□︎◆︎🕯︎❒︎♏︎ ●︎♓︎❖︎♓︎■︎♑︎ ♓︎■︎ ♋︎ ♐︎♋︎■︎⧫︎♋︎⬧︎⍓︎
♌︎◆︎⧫︎ ♓︎⧫︎🕯︎⬧︎ □︎■︎●︎⍓︎ ♋︎■︎ ♓︎●︎●︎◆︎⬧︎♓︎□︎■︎ ♐︎□︎❒︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎
⬧︎♋︎⍓︎📪︎ ♍︎♋︎■︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎ ⧫︎♏︎●︎●︎ ❍︎♏︎ ♒︎□︎■︎♏︎⬧︎⧫︎●︎⍓︎✍︎
♓︎⬧︎ ♓︎⧫︎ ❒︎♏︎♋︎●︎●︎⍓︎ ⬥︎□︎❒︎⧫︎♒︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ ◻︎❒︎♓︎♍︎♏︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎ ◻︎♋︎⍓︎✍︎

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