Once an Angel

By amanda3496

28 0 0

Angel turned Demon, Nathaniel has been sent to Earth to tarnish pure souls, then banish them to Hell so Lucif... More

Once an Angel

28 0 0
By amanda3496


Thick, gloomy mist shrouded the gothic structure, stealing the turreted roofline from view as if the building were wearing a cumbersome hat. All that remained visible were the ancient stone walls, gigantic doublebarred windows and an oversized wooden door with its impressive gargoyle knocker. Deep within the innards of the antediluvian mansion, the prisoner grunted against the pain brought about by his own hands as he pulled himself up the chin-up bar for the fiftieth time. It was all he could do to prevent total madness in the perpetual blackness of his caged reality. Time ceased to exist. He wasn't sure how long he'd been held captive but it felt like eons. The drastic changes he was aware of, were that of his body, his mind and possibly his very soul. Cravings for all things dark. A newfound obscurity within that matched his black surroundings. He had become the shadows. The eternal night. Previous bands of tight muscle had cut and reformed into thicker clusters of hardened steel. Large hands were now calloused and ready for battle. What had once been striking cobalt eyes, now an Oxford blue were nothing more than fathomless pools. Yet their depths were an enticing lure for any victim. Enthralling. Consuming. A noise. Footsteps, heavy and quick. Coming closer, then stopping. A harsh rattling as if something was being purposefully dragged along the bars of his prison.

"Food!" At that one word he was nothing but gluttonous greed. A blur of movement, pressed up against the rusted bars, one arm outstretched in an attempt to swipe from his captor, the only morsel sustaining him in the foul, icy hell, now his home. "Well, well! Look at you!" clapped Lucifer with much glee. "Haven't you come along nicely? I must say, the change is astounding!" The captive roared with little restrained anger as he attempted to snatch his meal a second time but failed. If he was able to, he'd rip the head clean off the monsters bony shoulders in order to escape his endless midnight but the bars were thick enough to hinder him. "Ah, ah, ah! Patience my new friend. Something you must learn if you are to return to Earth soon to fulfill your duties." "I don't give a fuck about duties. I want food!" The caged giant thundered. His dusky voice fierce in its delivery. A fragment of chalky stone fell from high above as the room shook with the vocal rumble. In the space of a millisecond the six thousand year old demon had his gnarly, powerful hand in an unbreakable grip around the prisoner's neck. "Remember your place, young one or I will end you!" His grip tightened causing a strained gurgle to leech from his charge's throat. "Now. Are you going to play nice or am I going to toss you into eternal hellfire? Hmm?"

The detainee who by this stage was a wall of strained muscle, slowly nodded, knowing that if he didn't comply his captor would carry out the threat. The demon loosened his grip, dropping the new recruit to the cold, stone floor. "Good. I have a week left to prepare you. I suggest you utilize some restraint. I will not have you delaying my plans." With that he placed a flask of devil's blood through the bars, onto the dusty floor of the enclosure and disappeared into the shadowy depths. Desperate for sustenance of any kind, the six foot chiseled god unscrewed the lid and tossed it aside. With eyes closed and an almost sexual groan he gulped down the red, bitter nectar letting it sate the raging famine inside. Slumping against the filthy, blocks of stone, cock painfully hard, a reaction to the blood igniting every cell, he had all but forgotten who he was and where he'd come from.


Chapter One

Maya "What do you mean I have to go to Earth? Why? When?" I'd been summoned by Archangel Michael to the Great Hall of Indoctrination. A place where angels came to be debriefed about tasks they were to carry out as part of their commitment to assisting those on Earth and in the Heavenly realms. "We have a special job for you that entails spending some time as a human." The most powerful of the angels proceeded to describe my next assignment which I was none too thrilled about. He sat regally on a grand crystalline throne, befitting of such a high ethereal figure. Living on earth as a human was something I hadn't done for two centuries when I'd been sent to the US to assist with mistreated slaves. Being in a cumbersome body, experiencing everything that came with it, such as a tsunami of emotions and physical pain was by far harder than any task set for me in Heaven. "Sir, with all due respect, can't someone else fulfill this role better than I? I thought you needed me here to assist with educating the new arrivals." If I could get him to understand that I was better utilized in Heaven, maybe he'd look for someone else to go to Earth.

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Watching him rise to full height, wings majestically spread and glowing incandescently as he approached me, I couldn't help but be in awe. No matter how many times I stood before Michael, I was always nearly brought to my knees by his infinite beauty. The staggering size of him alone with his commanding presence was enough to make the whole of Heaven bow down in subservience. His colossal, pearlescent wings emitted a swirl of rainbows, fluttered lightly as he effortlessly closed the gap. An overpowering sense of calm washed over me as he neared, a feeling brought about by his peace-invoking aura, profound in its strength. "Maya, you need not be apprehensive. I can feel it rolling off you. I have personally hand-picked you for this assignment, one you'll have a particular interest in." His enthralling voice, lured me into a false sense of security but one in which I had no control over. "A personal interest?" I was curious to find out what it could be. "Let me explain. Do you remember angel, Nathaniel?" "Yes. The angel ruling over hidden things, fire and vengeance." "Correct. He's been on Earth fulfilling his own duties. To help rid the world of evil. Souls already damned due to appalling behavior. Unfixable, if you will. Unfortunately, at the portal to Hell whilst banishing some dark souls, he was dragged under and captured.

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Our informant in Hades contacted me to give me an update. It seems Nathaniel is being turned." "Turned? Into a demon?" How was that even possible? "I'm afraid so." Michael appeared to lose some of his stature. "But I thought an angel's power was too strong?" "Not necessarily. Not if given demons blood over a period of time. Lucifer has thought out his plan well. It has been six months in Earth time since Nathaniel was captured: long enough for the blood to turn him into somewhat of a demon but not entirely; essentially, twice as powerful. There has never been another high ranking angel turned. This is indeed a first, Maya." "What does that mean?" "It means that an angel's purity will still hold somewhat, even in the murky bowels of hell. His angelic essence will appear to have vanished totally but beneath his need to please Lucifer, he will always hold true to his nature. To who he really is. It means that he has Heaven and Hell coursing through his system. A force to be reckoned with." I was a little confused with it all and couldn't help but ask. "But how do I fit in to all this?" "My sweet, Maya. Please sit." The mighty angel manifested a two seater settee made of the most dazzling diamonds. We could all materialize what we chose but it was only the elite few such as Archangel Michael who

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were able to create such impressive items made of the finest, jewels. I sat and Michael joined me, placing his calming hand on my knee to help ease my anxiety. Instantly a warmth flowed through me and serenity allowed me to listen without fear. He truly did have power over all things, Heavenly. "Nathaniel is due to return to Earth in two days. His job as Lucifer's lackey is to turn pure souls over to the darkness by introducing them to a world of gluttony, sex and drugs. Souls that would otherwise be bound for Heaven. Lucifer has an establishment on Earth set up for this very process, whereby Nathaniel leads them into temptation using a certain amount of demonic influence. Essentially he is upsetting the balance between good and evil which could be catastrophic. Once he is convinced they are tarnished enough he'll take them to the portal and send them to meet their maker. In Hell, they'll be trained and sent back to Earth to continue the mission until there are no good souls left. Nathaniel will then be in charge of the demonic takeover." "So before he was turned, he was banishing evil souls to Hell and now he's banishing pure souls?" It was certainly not good. "Correct." I knew where this was going and I didn't like it. "So, I'm guessing my job is to try and stop him?" "You won't be attempting to stop him, per se. Through your angelic nature, you'll awaken his own

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goodness," he soothed, showing me nothing but pure love from his very core. It was hard to deny him anything when he offered me such unconditional affection. "And how exactly am I going to encourage Satan's right hand man to turn good when he's been conditioned by the king himself?" Michael smiled. "You're going to fall in love with him." "What? No way. You can't be serious!" Even with the calming influence still tingling through me, I was shocked at what was expected of me. "Very serious. I've organized a touch of fate to assist you by placing you both in the same town. You're going to meet by chance and then we're going to leave you alone, observing from afar and only stepping in when it is deemed essential. You won't have your angelic powers available but your angelic soul will always be with you." I groaned. How had I managed to draw the short straw on this one? "How am I even going to know who he is?" "Your memory of Heaven will be wiped upon arriving on Earth. You'll be acting purely from source. There will be something about Nathaniel that draws you in. The same for him. It won't be an easy assignment. You'll be subject to all things human that go against your good nature. Plus you'll be dealing with a powerful

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being who may want to take you over to the dark side. There will be many temptations for you to resist." His serious expression was one he only reserved for times of great danger. All the more reason why I should be staying put and palming the job off to someone else. "What if I refuse to go?" "You won't. If you do this one job I can offer you eternal life in Heaven without any more trips to Earth. Nathaniel will resume his angel status and you will be rewarded with a job at my side." Dumfounded, I stared at him, unable to believe he was suggesting a position in the higher realm. It was what any angel aspired to, whom predominantly worked on the lower realms closer to the earthly plane. The higher up you were, the less ties you had to the human world and the further into bliss you existed. True glory. Could I endure a period on Earth, experiencing such hellish things so that I may be promoted to a higher level of being? "I guess I don't have a choice, then." "We all have choices, Maya. Even angels. You don't have to give me your answer now. Think about it and let me know. Make sure it is soon though. We need to get you prepared." Ugh. Prepared. I knew what that entailed. Choosing a body, name, occupation, place of residence, age etc. All things I had long since left behind.

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Before I exited, I thought of a couple of questions I needed to ask. "Will I have a family on Earth?" "No. You'll be on your own. We'll give you a fresh set of Earthly memories. A past, so to speak. You'll assume both your parents died in an automobile accident. You won't have any siblings or know of any relatives. This assignment is purely a solo one, although you'll most certainly make friends whilst visiting." That was one small mercy. It seemed like a very lonely existence, otherwise. "How is falling in love with Nathaniel going to bring him back onto our side?" "Love is the answer to all, Maya. True love conquers all. He'll realize his inherent nature once he admits to himself that he is hopelessly in love with you." That was such an angel thing to say. I should have known better than to ask. It had been a long while since I'd known human love. Angelic love was something entirely different, although no less profound. Leaving the crystalline palace of the Archangel, I manifested back into my own more modest home on the plane below, to make an unbiased decision.

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Chapter Two

Maya Present Day "Two flat whites and a skinny cappuccino on table four!" Lucy called out as she walked behind the counter, handing me a piece of paper with the order on it. I was fast becoming known as the best coffee maker in town. Only having been employed by the café for a month, word had quickly spread and business had gone from steady to bustling in a very short time. Surrounding companies were putting in orders aside from the many walk-ins so I was kept busy from nine in the morning until three in the afternoon when my shift ended. Skagit Valley Tulip Festival was in full swing. Each year around one million visitors came to see over three hundred acres of spectacular color, creating an influx in our town of Mt. Vernon, Washington. Not only was I dealing with the increase in patronage by the regulars but tourists had taken over. The festival itself ran for the entire month of April and in addition to that there was a week-long street festival on the third weekend, from Friday through Sunday. Today was Friday and luckily for me, I didn't have to work the weekend, regardless of the festival. Extra casual staff were rostered on to help cope.

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The main street was littered with stalls of all kinds. From arts and crafts, to homewares and produce, everyone hoping to cash in on the deluge of visitors. Tables were full in our café and a crowd at the counter had me not knowing who to serve first. Ted the owner and Rory the full-time chef were in the kitchen out back cooking and preparing meals, while Lucy and I were left to deal with the chaos out front. The two of us were waist-deep in customers and we were only barely coping. I had fifteen orders backed up and was doing the best I could with what I had to work with. The cappuccino machine could pump out four cups at a time which helped but the large milk jug could only heat and pour two cups at once so I was constantly chasing my tail. The temperature outside was around 57F. Not freezing but not hot either. Inside the café however with the increasing body temperature, it was furnace hot. A light sweat had formed on my head and neck which I was constantly dabbing at with a paper towel. Fortunately for Lucy and me, Rory carried the meals to the tables when they were cooked so we only had to focus on getting the drinks out. Everyone wanted coffee with their food. "Caramel mocha and a short black," Lucy cried as if I would remember her verbal orders. "You don't have to call out the names of them. Just put the piece of paper to the bottom of the pile and I'll get to it when I get to it. People will just have to wait."

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Placing a hand on my arm, she attempted to calm my rising stress levels. "Maya. You can only do what you can do. There's no pressure from me. I'm just calling them as I get them." "I know. I'm sorry. It's just, I'd rather you didn't call them out. Just discreetly place the order to the bottom of the pile. When I hear the orders rather than just see them, it makes me feel like I'm drowning." Reaching for a tray, I placed four cups of coffee on it and two sugars, handing it to Lucy, watching her weave in and out of chairs and tables, expertly not spilling a drop. The din was unbearable and giving me a headache. Thank God it was Friday. There was four hours left of my shift and then I was heading home to eat and sleep. Another week of the festival and Lucy assured me, all would be back to normal. Busy but not ridiculously so like it had been. Seeing that Lucy had begun clearing a table in order to seat more customers, I grabbed a pen and paper, ready to take more orders. "It's crazy in here." A smooth, suave voice pitched above the noise, causing me to look up and into a set of arresting dark eyes. I had to squint to make sure they were navy and not black. They were an unusual shade. Stepping back as they drew me in, I gawked, my brain taking pause, my jaw falling. It was one of those moments that not only hit you for a six but fundamentally you knew would change your life, forever.

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If I wasn't mistaken, amongst the dark blue were swirls of yellow, glinting against the fluorescent light he was standing beneath. For just a moment, the raucous clamor ceased. Bodies froze all around me. Deeply I fell into the tunnels of swirling color, somersaulting headfirst. "You look like you could use a break," came the ambrosial lilt. "Huh?" The second was over and everything was moving at a disorderly pace again. Searching the rest of his face, I could only internally admire such exquisite features on the guy who appeared all of my twenty two years. Slicked back ebony hair, gleamed almost blue in the light, perfectly combed with not a wayward strand. Thick eyebrows stood high and proud atop generously, lashed eyes. His nose, a straight bridge to his mouth, had a hint of a bump at its beginning, a trivial imperfection to the overall spectacle. I dragged my scrutiny further down to the grand prize. A masterpiece of sculpted, fleshy lips driven up at the corners into a perfect incline, lifting further at my obvious inspection. "Maya! Hello? Are you okay? Where are you?" Lucy shouted, shaking me out of my very public display of drooling. Turning my attention away from the godlike creature and back to reality, I stepped aside. "Oh. Yeah. I just lost it for a minute. Can you take this guy's order?"

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"Sure. Jay's coming in to cover our lunch breaks. You look like you're more than ready for one." Checking the time on her watch, she added, "Another hour and you can take yours." Nodding, I returned to my place at the espresso machine, not glancing at the sizzling guy still waiting at the counter. I needed to focus. A good idea in theory but impossible to carry out when my body was about to combust. I'd never seen the newcomer before, not that everyone in the entire town had graced us with their presence but whatever it was about him that had me rapidly breathing, told me he wasn't a local. He stood out from the crowd. A too perfect exterior drew attention. It was confirmed by the way other diners had stopped talking to gawk, the same reaction to him, I'd had. Who was this guy? Vaguely I heard Lucy dutifully taking his order and placing a piece of paper to the bottom of my growing pile as I breathed in and out. In and out. Long deep breaths, purposefully focusing on gaining enough oxygen in my lungs to continue working. After a minute of staring at the coffee machine concentrating on what I needed to do, I let the noises from the café and the sounds of the steam wand and bean grinder keep me in the moment so I could deal with the backlog of drinks still queuing up. I certainly didn't need any distractions to slow down the process or customers would start getting, irate. We had been a well-oiled machine, running smoothly before

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his highness had stepped forward to throw me off my game. And so for the next hour I ground, poured, tamped and served my heart out like a coffee robot, keeping my head down until by twelve o'clock the arrival of Jay signaled my break. I'd never been happier to see him. "Hey Maya. Lucy," Jay chirped. He wouldn't be sounding so damn happy at the end of his shift. His boyish looks and witty charm was lost on me. He was nineteen and liked to flirt but I didn't feel it. Besides, I had a fair idea Lucy liked him. She hadn't said as such, but she fussed and flitted about as soon as she saw him, batting her long lashes and flicking her shoulder length blonde hair about. It was kinda cute but so obvious. If Jay hadn't picked up on it he was clearly on a different frequency. "Hi Jay. Hope you've got your rollerblades on cause you're gonna need them," I teased, removing my apron and throwing it under the counter. "I'm primed and ready to go, angel," he swooned, leaning against the counter. He called me that sometimes and I wasn't sure why but I quite liked the endearment. It made me feel worthy of something other than making coffee. "Keep him in line, Lucy." I winked as I breezed past her, opening the small cupboard at the end of the counter and pulling out my purse.

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She giggled, announcing the onset of her nerves and replied, "Pfft. As if. He could work this place on his own, blindfolded." It was true. Jay was extremely capable and had a way with the customers. The fact that he always remained calm no matter what, helped too. He moved over to Lucy and placed an arm around her shoulder. "Aww, thanks Luce. Glad to rank so high on your scale. It's going to be hard to live up to today though, with all the extra people around." Leaving them to it, I left the café and was immediately swamped by pedestrians and stall holders jammed onto the sidewalk. It was claustrophobic at best. I stopped, considering my options, letting the breeze that gusted through the main street, cool me down after my near meltdown in the café. With so many people around, claustrophobia threatened to have me walk back inside and eat out the back in the kitchen. I wasn't comfortable in crowds of this caliber and I knew that most eateries would have queues a mile long. Whatever way I looked at it, my break was going to be spent waiting in line. I'd be sure to bring something from home next week. "Looking for something?" I jumped like a jitterbug. That voice. It was instantly recognizable. I didn't need to turn to know who it belonged to. Odd navy eyes. Hot lips. What was he still doing here? Had he been in the café the whole time? I'd purposely avoiding catching his eye while toiling for the last hour, not knowing his

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whereabouts and not caring to search through the sea of people on my way out. "Just wondering what I feel like for lunch." I kept combing the street, wondering if Mrs. Flannery's burger joint around the corner would be inundated too. "Most places are full," he quipped, moving to stand beside me, blocking my view on the left. Turning the opposite way, I attempted to give him a 'go away' signal but clearly he wasn't taking the hint, when he moved directly in front of me. Irked but having no choice but to give him my full attention, I realized how much bigger he was now that he was away from the counter. He had to kiss six foot four, even without his thick army boots on. Faded jeans wrapped around adequate thighs, a black Metallica tee poking out under a dark bomber jacket and the sunlight caught a hint of stubble on his chin that I hadn't noticed inside because I'd been too focused on other aspects of him. Cockiness teemed off him and he wore it like a name badge as if he was proud of his attitude. Thrusting his hand forward, he said, "Nate." Keeping my eyes firmly focused on his mouth and not his eyes, I returned the gesture because I was too polite not to. "Maya." Skin to skin. Glorious connection. Through our palms touching, a comfortable recognition saturated me. A lost memory jutting into my consciousness. Nagging me. Willing me to remember. My head lightened for the

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smallest of moments as if clarity was just shy of breaking through. The softness of his skin and the encompassing warmth felt like a familiar path home whilst having been lost. Nate must have felt it too because his grip tightened and his fingers curled around the back of my hand, locking me in place. With a scattered past that eluded me, this one moment in time brought me back to myself. A stranger, breathing hard, unmoving apart from his heaving chest was like being reunited with an old friend. A piece of my past, lost to the endless depths of my subconscious. I syphoned in air while Nate offered me a short grunt before he quickly removed his fierce grip. Lifting my eyes, I found him frowning in confusion for a few heartbeats and then he shook it off and replaced it with nonchalance. "Well, Maya. It seems that Mt. Vernon is quite overrun but I know a nice spot just up the road where they sell the best burgers in the State. Care to join me? My treat." The words rolled from the sensuous curves of his ample lips, bathing me with vocal caresses that were hard to resist. Who was this guy and how did he know about the burger joint up the road? How had he tapped into my psyche using touch, alone? "I don't go with strangers." I attempted to blink away his consuming presence.

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"Your parents taught you well." Before I could stop it from coming out, my lips were moving. "Both my parents are dead." It was not something I would normally blurt out to a foreigner but for some odd reason the words had left my mouth of their own accord. I'd only spoken a handful of words to him and yet even with his air of arrogance, there was something else...an all-knowing that he wasn't the type to judge or care about such a thing. He soon proved me correct. Brows depressed, his face altered at my words. "I'm sorry to hear that. It must have been hard." His eyes conveyed a flicker of empathy which I held on to as I let them ensnare me. He was about to speak again when a trio of teenagers whizzed by, running down the street, laughing rambunctiously. One of the guys caught me with his elbow as he dodged another pedestrian, triggering my fall. I vaguely heard the passerby call out, "Sorry," as he ran off but it was swallowed up by the din of tourists chatting idly amongst us. A strong hand pulled me forward, thwarting an accident. I was grateful for the save. With my face mashed against his shoulder, a strong bouquet of decadence had me closing my eyes to savor it. An unusual scent. Earthy like fresh rain and daffodils combined with a hint of sinful delight. Dark chocolate and coffee flavored gateaux. Rich and luxurious. I was

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tempted to lick the spot just above his collar to do a taste test but thought better of it. Unusual heat radiated from him, increasing my own temperature as if he was running the highest of fevers. "You okay? Are you hurt?" My hair blew mildly around my ear with his heady whisper. The soft murmur had my skin erupting in goosebumps. "No." I shook my head before gathering my wits and lifting my face to his. Fingers dug into my hip, possessively kneading. He was way too close. His eyes blazed fireballs. My breath snagged and then released as I watched his pupils shrink back to normal size and the flames vanish. "Your eyes." I was dumbstruck as his hand left my hip and rested on my shoulder, his thumb lightly grazing my neck. "Just a reflection off the canopy beside us." His head tilted over my shoulder. Turning slowly and stepping back, I looked to the red cover over a market stall to find it was indeed red. Perhaps that had been it. A reflection from the sun. Or maybe his closeness had fried my brain. "Why are they such a dark blue? It's not a normal shade." He faltered but recovered quickly. "Contacts. I'm shortsighted." Before I could react he continued, "So, are you going to stand out here all lunch break or would you like to feast on something delicious?"

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Disarming me again with his smile, I figured if the guy wanted to hurt me he wouldn't have saved me from falling. And I was starving. "I...uh. I only have forty-five minutes and then I have to get back to work. I don't have a car." "My bike is parked across the road," he pointed to a shiny, chrome machine with fat tires and high handlebars. "What do you say? We can gorge ourselves silly on the best burgers available and I'll have you back here with time to spare. Or you can waste your entire lunch break standing in line, having to scarf down a lower class burger, not really getting to appreciate its true value as a junk food." Snickering, I made the mistake of eying him again. Beautiful didn't come close to describing his peepers. Rather than merely a vehicle for sight, they were more like shimmering lures, designed to snag the right prey and I was the fish getting tangled in their barbs. "Nearly down to forty minutes. At this rate you'll starve." Inching closer, he shadowed over me, his undivided attention never wavering. Sighing amidst a rumble from my stomach, I conceded. "Fine, but if you're a crazy kidnapper who plans to whisk me away, have your way with me and then kill me, I have mace." It was his turn to fill my senses with his resounding laughter. A glorious melody of base notes I could feel all the way to my toes. "Do I look like the devil in

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disguise?" He was still chuckling, giving me a front row seat to his oversized smile. Without waiting, he snatched up my hand, lacing his fingers with mine, leading me across the road to his fancy motorbike. Never having been on the back of one, I was a little nervous. He was dressed for riding, whereas I was in my work smock and black flats. He handed me the second helmet that had been tied to the back and I faltered, wondering how it would fit on my head with the ponytail I sported. Seemingly amused by my hesitation, he reached behind me and pulled the tie out of my hair, letting my brown mane spill down over my shoulders. Watching his reaction, I couldn't be sure if the black swirls had appeared again or if it was just shadows dancing on him from the building we stood beside. Rationality had flown the coop as soon as he'd opened his mouth in the café. As if he had an invisible pull over me, I couldn't fight. I was doing this whether it was right or wrong. Placing the helmet on and tightening the straps under my chin, I paused again as I tried to figure out how I was going to get one leg over the bike without flashing my panties to everyone walking by. With his own helmet on, black visor down, he simply picked me up and placed me on the seat like I weighed nothing more than the lightest of feathers. My smock rode up my thighs, tightening to the point where I was afraid it might tear but there wasn't a thing I could do

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about it because Nate was on and had the bike revved up before I could shift in my seat. Sending out a prayer to God, I wound both my arms tightly around his waist, impressed by how slight it felt and I shut my eyes.

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Chapter Three

Nate She was perfect for what I had in mind. Timid. Easily led. After all, she was squeezed up against me on the back of my bike after only having met me just over an hour ago. Silly girl. I could be leading her to her death for all she knew. All in good time but first I wanted to have a little fun with the stunning creature squeezing my ass between her thighs. It had been way too long since I'd had a woman's curvaceous figure pressed up against me and I wasn't going to let it go to waste. Not today. Today was all about bending her to my will. Showing her that I could play nice. When she'd stumbled on the sidewalk, my instinct had been to protect her from hurting herself. Strange. It wasn't a need I normally succumbed to. Helping others. It wasn't in my nature. The thought of seeing her face planting the concrete had driven me out of my comfort zone and into unchartered territory. A place that held emotions reserved for the weak and more humane creatures. It wouldn't serve me well to entertain those crippling sensations. Letting the throttle out on the bike, we comfortably eased out of town. I loved the sense of freedom my Harley gave me. Freedom was a relatively new experience. Since leaving the confines of Hell I'd been given free rein to roam the Earth to recruit an army for

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Satan himself. One could get used to life's pleasures. Even though I still had a job to do, nothing had been said about not enjoying myself along the way. Mia was a perfect distraction. Her body felt sensational, molded to mine while the meaty throb of danger sat between my legs, fueling my lust as I put the machine through its paces, enjoying the vibrations and roar from the engine. My sexual urges were greater than that of any mortal male. Powerful lust driven by debauchery and greed. A sinful nature. Oh, what I could do to the pristine soul clinging to me as if her life depended on it. Watching the way her locks had flowed over the pale column of her neck had me insane with need to have a taste, for she was a true delicacy that I would indeed savor. Noting the large burger sign up ahead, I signaled and turned off the road into the parking lot out front which was busier than I'd seen it, willing my dirty thoughts to take a hike for now. Plenty of time for that. My little angel needed sustenance first. Peeling Maya's hands from around my waist was disappointing but the first chance I got, I interlaced our fingers, to keep her from fleeing should she so desire. She seemed slightly jittery. "You still breathing?" I asked, hoping to sound sincere. "Yes. I've never been on a bike before. That was...incredible. Almost like flying."

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Slanting her a stellar smile, I chuckled. "Welcome to my world." Once inside, we were shown to a table for two beside a window that simply looked out onto the continuing highway we had exited. Nothing special but outside was not where the view was. It was in the delicious female sitting opposite me who looked wonderfully unkempt after our short ride. "So which burger do you suggest?" she asked, picking up the menu and scanning it. "Double beef deluxe with grilled cheese." I didn't even need to think about it. Since being introduced to human food, I devoured anything and everything but my favorite was the double beef deluxe burger. Lifting an eyebrow, she asked, "You sure? It sounds kind of... large." I gave her a full laugh. Surprisingly honest in its delivery. "You asked. Depends on how hungry you are but I promise once you've tasted it, you'll never have anything else." "Really? Well, you did get me here in one piece, so I'm going to trust your judgement." Trust is something you shouldn't give away freely, I thought of the innocent girl. A waitress appeared at our table and I gave her our order. "Drinks?" she asked.

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I looked to Maya who placed the menu down. "I'll have a caramel latte, please." "And you, sir?" Sir. I liked that name. Made me feel important. Puffing my chest out at the moniker, I rewarded her with my charm, scanning her name badge. "What do you suggest, Claire?" Giggling, she flicked her hair back and I could see Maya shaking her head in my peripheral vision. "We do a mean, iced coffee with whipped cream and sprinkles." "As long as you add some chocolate syrup to the cream, you have yourself a deal." She was swooning. It hadn't been the first time since showing my face on Earth. My striking looks lured women in by the bucket loads which was an asset when enticing them to a fate in Hell. Claire's squeaky clean soul could be tarnished in a heartbeat if I so chose but she wasn't on my marked list today so I let her carry on. Returning my gaze back to the breathtaking individual in front of me, I captured her smile. "What's so amusing?" "You really don't know?" Her eyebrows rose in question. "Let's start by the effect you seem to have on women." She turned her head in the direction of Claire. I knew damn well how I affected members of the opposite sex but I decided to play coy. "Why, Maya. I have no idea what you're talking about?" Taking her

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sweet, soft hand, I brought her knuckles to my lips and kissed each one, eliciting a gasp from her. Touching her was nothing short of magnificent. Scandalously delightful. I wanted more but I didn't want to scare her off. I had to tempt her slowly. Give her just enough to crave more. Pulling her hand away and shyly looking to the table, she quietly spoke. "Do you always approach women you don't know, throw them on the back of your bike and take them to lunch?" Chuckling and devouring the sound of her voice, I said, "No. You're the first on the back of my bike." It was true. Normally I enthralled my victims and flew them wherever we wanted to go. Travelling by more human means was new to me. I'd rather enjoyed it. Having her pressed in tight with her arms locked around my waist. Listening to her joy as we'd cruised out of town had brought forward a strange reaction in my chest akin to an ache but I'd quickly dismissed it, not needing such foreign sensitivities to cloud me from my ultimate goal. "Oh. Well, it was fun." "That is was, Maya. Next time, we'll travel further. Give you a real feel for the open road." Claire arrived with our coffees first, followed by the burgers that were indeed huge. I watched Maya's eyes dilate in shock, knowing that she wouldn't get anywhere near finished but I had an appetite big enough for the both of us and not only for food, either.

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Watching her doubtful expression as I began demolishing mine, I had to ask. "Are you not hungry now?" She shook her head, peering up at me. "No. It's not that. I just don't think I'm going to be able to wrap my mouth around it." Checking my watch, I pointed out. "Cut it in half with your knife. That will make it easier. We have twenty minutes left to eat and get you back to work on time. That is unless, you'd like to skip the rest of your shift and ride with me?" "You want me to play hooky?" "In a manner of speaking, yes." Please say yes. I could make her agree but I didn't want to arouse suspicion so early on. I needed to pace myself. Once she closed her gaping mouth, she shook her head. "I'm not going to leave my co-workers swamped when it's so busy. It wouldn't be right." Using her knife, she pressed down on the top of the burger and began cutting. Such a good girl. She had purity written all over her. The fluorescent light had her dappled in white at the crown of her head. "Haven't you ever done anything spur of the moment just because you wanted to?" Looking through me, she pondered. "Uh. I don't think so. Some parts of my childhood are vague." She really did seem to be attempting to pull memories out of whatever vault they were locked away in.

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"Sooo, if I asked you to do something wild with me this weekend would you say yes?" Let's see just how pure little miss, Maya truly was. Perhaps she could be swayed to the dark side. "Depends on what it is and if it's legal." She had managed to get some of the burger into her mouth and was chewing furiously, while picking bits off from her bread roll and adding them to her already full mouth. A lady after my own heart. It just plain annoyed me when females ordered rabbit food and then picked at it and moved it around their plate, not wanting to eat in front of the opposite sex because they were watching their weight. Maya didn't seem to have that problem at all, which pleased me, to no end. I took a huge swig of my iced coffee, enjoying the sweetness of the whipped cream and rich sauce, before placing a hand on my chest. "I'm offended. Do you really think I would lead you astray?" Oh if only she knew. Sending that beautiful smile my way, she swallowed. I watched her glorious pulse throb with the effort. "Maybe. Maybe not. I don't really know you but I guess if we go somewhere public, I won't be able to get into too much trouble." Her eyes lit with a brightness, I couldn't quite place. A light that radiated outwards. I had to look away because it beguiled me momentarily. "There will be plenty of people around, don't worry." Oh, yes. Lots of potential recruits.

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"Then, okay. I'd love to spend more time with you on the weekend." "Excellent." Digging my cell out of my pocket, I brought up my contacts list. "What is your number?" Keying it in, I added, "I'll call you so we can arrange details prior to Saturday evening." This was easier than I'd anticipated. Lifting my iced tea in a gesture of salute, I said, "Here's to new beginnings, Maya."

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Chapter Four

Maya Nate got me back to work with only a moment to spare. The rest of the afternoon was chaotic. One good thing about that was, the time sped by in a blur. It was now Saturday and the moment had arrived for me to begin getting ready for my, dare I say it, date. We'd agreed that he could pick me up at 8pm on his bike so I was told to wear long pants instead of a skirt or dress which suited me fine. Attempting to straddle the bike in my work uniform when we'd gone for a burger had almost split the seams along my thighs. After a long shower and half an hour of rifling through my closet, I'd decided on a pair of tight black jeans with a matching off the shoulder top. Not too revealing but dressy enough for Skagit Valley. That was, if we were staying in the area. Who knew? Nate could have plans of driving to Arlington or Bellingham. Deciding on an open toed pair of chunky heels to dress up the outfit a little, I stood in front of the mirror assessing myself. Long brown, straight hair, baby blue eyes, average nose and perky lips. Not too shabby. The fluorescent light above gave me a halo, I'd never noticed before, softening my reflection somewhat. The woman staring back was still a stranger in many ways. With a past I could barely remember, it was hard to connect with the image I would like to call, pretty. It was almost

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as if I'd been planted in Mount Vernon with a job already teed up and a place to live. Beyond that, there wasn't much, other than my parent's death via automobile accident. I wasn't sure why my memory eluded me and wondered just what my life had consisted of but after attempting to remember time and time again, I was left with nothing but frustration so I decided to let it go and focus on the present. After brushing my teeth and switching the light off, I headed for the lounge room to grab my purse as the sound of a beefed up, lumpy exhaust blasted the street. Nate. Just as well I'd worn my hair down. Motorbike helmets didn't agree with ponytails or buns. The bike was switched off and it didn't even seem like a second later, the doorbell rang. Had he driven the bike onto the porch? Either that, or he was incredibly eager. Not too eager, I hoped. Upon opening the door, I froze in place at the sight before me. Holy Hell. Gorgeous didn't even begin to cover the specimen standing casually with a high wattage smile causing my heart to stumble over itself. From head to toe, he oozed confidence that I found incredibly sexy. "Maya. You look stunning." His devilish eyes roamed over me, freely. Hungrily. His mouth parted and his tongue came out to swipe his already, moist lower lip.

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Dear Lord. Please let me survive this evening. Yeah. I so didn't feel stunning. I was dressed down and surely didn't compare to Nate's expectations. His hair was only slightly tousled, probably due to the motorbike helmet. Dark jeans sat below an even darker shirt with a collar and the two top buttons undone. He was the kind of guy who would look good in anything but there was something about the all in black outfit that gave him a dangerous air. I must have appeared paralyzed as I heard him snigger. "You okay?" Closing my mouth and forcing myself to speak, I shut and locked the front door. "Yes. I'm fine. I just...ah...well, you look nice." Nice didn't begin to cover it. "Nice? I was hoping for devastatingly handsome or absurdly sexy." He pronounced, with emphasis on the word, 'sexy.' What did I say to that without sounding too eager? I'd been opting for blasé but it had backfired. "Oh. Yeah, handsome too." Embarrassment heated my cheeks. Feeling his hand between my shoulder blades, he led me down the two front steps towards his mean-machine. The thought of riding with him again, thrilled me. When we reached the bike, he leaned in to me and crooned, "Tonight's a night for letting go, Maya. Leave your embarrassment at home, along with your inhibitions."

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Drawing back, his stubbly cheek grazed mine painfully slow, causing me to move forward with him to stay connected. I wasn't too sure what was happening but I likened it to hypnosis. My faculties were perfectly fine but I couldn't stop myself from reacting to him the way I was. The lure was reeling me in. "Open your eyes, Maya." His voice was a lullaby, soothing me into a stupor. I wasn't even aware I'd shut my eyes. Upon opening them I was met with a motorbike helmet in front of my face. Blinking, I took it and placed it on my head, watching Nate do the same, wondering if I was dreaming. It felt like I'd stepped into the Twilight Zone. As if I was under some kind of magical spell. Reaching over, he adjusted my helmet slightly so that it sat on a better angle. "You ready to ride, angel?" All I could see were his absurd eyes, glistening. He was the second person to call me angel. Did I have a halo above my head? "Yes," I breathed out. Straddling the bike as if he were a part of it, he looked to me, giving me the go-ahead. Happy that I wasn't going to flash myself, I easily cocked my leg over and settled in before he fired her up. Reaching around him, I laced my fingers together unsure if the soft groan I heard had come from Nate or if it was a distant sound carried forward by the breeze that had picked up.

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Excitement filled me as we cut through the streets towards our destination, the cooler evening air gushing over us with each little push of acceleration. One thing was for certain. Nate could expertly handle the bike. Not once did I feel as if we would crash or that he was putting my life in jeopardy. We kept to the speed limit and didn't take any unnecessary risks. There was a certain freedom in stealing through the night, heading into the unknown with a virtual stranger. It was not something I would have ever dreamed of doing and I still didn't fully understand why I'd agreed to it but here I was, straddling a motorbike, pressed in tightly to a guy who was way out of my league and I couldn't remember when I'd had so much fun. One could get used to the feeling of having nothing but the wind and open road around us. Nate had on black leather gloves and I was beginning to think I should have worn some too. My hands were officially numb, even with his excess body heat. It was a tempting notion to slip them under his jacket to place them on his skin to find the warmth I needed but I knew better than to loosen my hold. When we coasted into Arlington, the bike slowed down and then turned into a side street off the main road. It wasn't a town I'd visited often, even though it was near Mt. Vernon. I tended to stick close to home. Being a Saturday night, the place was alive with traffic and pedestrians. Nate circled the block until we caught a car pulling out. Easing in and turning the key off, I

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pulled my numb fingers apart and climbed off, still unsure as to where we were going. His agile physique quickly followed and I caught myself staring at his tight behind, enjoying the view as he dismounted before turning to me and removing his helmet. His smile was intoxicating and I knew he'd enjoyed the ride as much as I had. "Let's get this off you," he offered, undoing the chin strap and pulling my helmet off. His hot fingers grazed the side of my face, eliciting a flurry of shivers at the change in temperatures. "God, Maya. You're freezing." Lifting both my hands into his, the immediate heat had me sighing as sensation began to creep back into my extremities. He watched me carefully, his face a riddle of questions I couldn't begin to interpret. "You're always hot." Knowing the mistake as soon as it left my mouth, I flushed. "Why thank you. You always look pretty hot yourself." He laughed, thrusting his head back, his throat working with the movement. "No, I mean, your skin. Is it always so warm?" Waiting on him to compose himself but enjoying his happy mood and the sight of his muscles straining, I couldn't help but let go of my own giggle. Still with my hands in his, he squeezed, before dropping one and tangling our fingers with the other.

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"I've always ran a little...er...hotter than most people. Does it bother you?" "Not at all. Especially not tonight. You're like my own personal furnace." Tugging me down an alley to the side of a busy bar and grill, he glanced over his shoulder, winking. "Let me know if you need warming up at any stage tonight." Already my body had adjusted back to normal, just with him holding my hands. I didn't reply but stopped in my tracks when we got a little way up the alley. A large wooden door appeared in a plain concrete wall and standing out the front were two people I never expected to see. "Lucy? Jay? What are you guys doing here?" I could feel my jaw wide and my eyes popping. Lucy squealed, pulling away from Jay who'd had an arm casually draped across her shoulder. "Maya! I'm so excited. While you were oblivious to anything else going on in the café yesterday before you went to lunch, Nate here approached me and asked if I wanted to meet you both here. Of course, I said yes. I've been wanting to hang with you outside work, since you started. Jay found out where I was going and wanted to tag along too so here we are. Surprise!" She wrapped me in a big bear hug as my mind processed her words. Turning towards, Nate who was standing with both hands in his jacket pockets, I asked, "You asked her here before you asked me?"

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Sheepishly, he replied, "I knew I'd be able to convince you to come. I can be very persuading when I try" I didn't doubt that for one second and had to laugh at his audacity. Still, it was great to see two familiar faces. "Hi Jay." "Hey, Maya. Good to see you." "You too." Sliding my eyes from Jay to Lucy I noted the gleam in her eyes as she looked at him. It was the same gleam she wore at work when he came in. They suited each other and I hoped her crush became something more and Jay would be able to return her feelings. "We all ready to head in?" Nate asked. "Yep," everyone agreed at once, following him through the oversized doors. The inside was not what I'd been expecting, judging by the exterior. Dim multi-colored lighting painted the room in reds, greens and blues. We passed a reception area just inside the door. Nate exchanged nods with the massive guy keeping watch over the desk as we sauntered past. He had to hit six five at a guess. Built like a truck with a bald head and painted in tattoos, he was the perfect person to have keeping guard in such an establishment.

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Walking deeper into the windowless expanse, loud eclectic music pumped from the speakers, bodies writhing and moving in time to the beat. Lucy latched onto the hand that Nate wasn't holding and yelled into my ear. "Wow! This place is awesome! I've never been here." She was dressed more for this place than I was with her styled hair and tight black dress with heels. I felt like I should have been going to the burger joint I went to with Nate the previous day. "Me either. It looks, uh...interesting." That was an understatement. As we progressed in further it became apparent that we weren't in Kansas anymore. The female portion of the crowd were dressed in barely there dresses, skirts and shorts with not much more than bikini tops to match. I couldn't have stood out more if I tried. The guys were somewhat more respectable in jeans and shirts which was okay for Nate and Jay but why the heck had Nate told me to wear long pants? He had strolled through the front door like he was all-too familiar with the place so surely he would have known what the dress code was. People stopped to gawk as we walked towards the huge bar at the back of the room and it didn't escape me the way the women, sneered at my outfit, not helping my confidence at all. Leaning towards Lucy, I added, "I look ridiculous. People are staring!"

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If she hadn't noticed before, she did now as she scanned the room before resting her eyes back on me. "Did Nate tell you he was bringing you to a club?" "No. He just told me to wear long pants for the bike ride." "Ha. Rule number one for a guy, is always inform the girl where he is taking her so she knows how to dress." "Exactly!" I screamed over the thumping music. Jay and Nate seemed to be hitting it off as they chatted and laughed, seemingly at ease with each other. Meanwhile, I stuck out like a sore thumb and was feeling anything but at ease. Nate must have picked up on it as we reached the bar. "What are you thinking? I can feel the tension rolling off you, Maya." Letting go of Lucy, I turned into him, placing my mouth near his ear, noticing how my belly tingled with the close proximity. "I'm not exactly dressed for this club. You should have told me." Drinking me in from head to toe in his ravishing way, he said, "Would you have complied if I'd asked you to dress like a tramp?" Point taken but still, we should have gone somewhere else. "I think you already know the answer to that. Why this place though?" I was curious to know what he liked about it. For me, it was way too crowded and loud. I enjoyed more intimate settings.

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"I frequent it quite often. I know the owner well and many of its regulars." With emphasis on the word 'regulars' there was definitely a hidden meaning there but before I could ask, he'd changed the subject. "What would you like to drink?" Jay had moved from Nate's side to Lucy's. He was taking two clear glasses of fluid from the bartender and handing one to Lucy. It looked like water but I knew better. Not a drinker normally but not wanting to appear a prude, I figured one wouldn't hurt. "Surprise me." Grinning manically, eyes twinkling he chuckled. "You really shouldn't have said that." Probably not but it was a night for letting go, right? Having fun and all that? One couldn't hurt, surely. It's not like I was underage. And tomorrow was Sunday. I didn't drive so there really were no excuses. The bartender listened as Nate rattled off something and then handed the guy a fifty dollar bill. I watched on in fascination as he mixed and poured two concoctions that ended up being bright red in color with a few ice cubes and a straw. If I didn't know better, I'd think I was about to drink blood. Nate sat it in front of me and I just stared at the tall thin glass, wondering what I'd gotten myself into. "It won't bite, Maya." Nate took a swig from his glass, nodding at me to do the same. When I still just sat

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there, contemplating handing it back, he bent down so we were eye to eye. "Having fun, remember?" Lucy chimed in beside me. "Go on, Maya." Breathing out slowly, trying not to appear like a wuss, I picked up my glass, eyes still locked on Nate and took a rather large sip, expecting it to burn on the way down. I was surprised to find it fruity and sweet like soda. When I didn't begin choking, Nate lifted an eyebrow to garner my thoughts. "It's actually nice. Not what I was expecting at all." Bringing the glass up for another gulp, a hand came to mine and pulled the glass back down. "Just go easy on it, Maya. Just because you can't taste the alcohol, doesn't mean there isn't any." He sounded like a father scolding a child and perhaps because I was naïve to a lot of things, I really did seem like one. Jay piped up. "Let's go find a seat. My feet are killing me after helping my dad paint the house all day today." A corner somewhere would be nice, away from prying eyes and sweaty bodies. Trouble was, the place was so packed it would take a miracle to find one. "Follow me," ordered Nate, leading me by the elbow with the others following. Couples were dirty dancing

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and practically having sex, not only on the dance floor but up against walls and in booths. I'd never seen such brazen displays of affection before. Looking back to Lucy and Jay, I could see that they were just as surprised as me as they stared, wide-eyed at it all. Just what had Nate been thinking bringing us here? As if we appeared the type of people that were into such things. But then, I guess he really didn't know any of us. Nor we, him. We circled the dance floor where most of the seating was and finding them all full, I said to Nate, "We could go somewhere else." Shaking his head, he replied, "Leave it to me." With that, he was striding to a table where two girls and two guys sat. I wasn't sure what was said or even if anything was but next thing the group were getting up and leaving. Jay looked to me and Lucy. "How did he manage that? Must have paid them off." "I didn't see any money exchanged," noted Lucy. I hadn't either. "Maybe he's just really good at convincing people. He's told me before he has that gift." I tugged on my top that had ridden up over the waistband on my jeans. Showing a bit of stomach shouldn't have bothered me, considering where we were but for some reason it did. "Huh," muttered Jay. "This guy could come in handy."

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Nate returned, looking seriously cocky and happy with himself. "Ladies, and gent," he looked to Jay as he said it. "Your table awaits." "What did you say to them?" I was curious. We all settled at the booth. Nate and I on one side and Lucy and Jay on the other. "I told them, the cops were arriving soon to check for underage drinkers." "You thought they were too young to be here?" Quite frankly, I wouldn't have picked it but who knew? "I can guarantee it. The blonde looked no more than sixteen." I doubted she was that young but I wasn't about to argue. We had a table and it was good to sit. Deciding I wanted to know more about Nate, I asked the obvious. "How old are you?" He turned to me. "How old do I look?" "Don't answer a question with a question." Sipping on my drink that I could already feel going to my head, I peered up at him with my mouth still around the straw. His eyes were fixated on my lips, watching the red liquid get sucked up through the plastic. He swallowed sharply his eyes flashing red along with the changing of the lights above.

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"Nate?" "Hmm? Oh, twenty three. How about you?" "Close. Twenty two." He appeared older than that. His mannerisms were that of at least a thirty year old and sometimes when he spoke, it was like he was even older still. "Maya! You want to dance?" Lucy pulled my eyes away from Nate's. She was jiggling around in her seat to the upbeat number that was playing. "Uh. I don't really dance, Luce." "Oh, come on. We're out to have fun. We're young and meant to be having the time of our lives," she coaxed, easing out of the booth and holding out her hand to encourage me. God. I hated dancing but again, perhaps I should step out of my comfort zone and do something I wouldn't normally. "You should go dance with your friend, Maya." Nate was already getting up to let me out. Searching Jay for some backup, he just shrugged and kept drinking. Great. Outnumbered. "Fine. But just for one song." Squealing, I was on the move quicker than lightning as Lucy towed me onto the crowded dance floor. At least with all the people surrounding us, we could blend into the crowd and not be noticed.

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"Do you think Jay likes me?" Lucy shrieked over the treble base. "I think he really does. You two look cute together. Has he said anything to make you think he likes you?" Lifting her hands in the air, while twirling her hips she smiled. "He said I looked pretty tonight. That's good right?" "Sure. He has been looking at you a fair bit too. And he did have his arm around you earlier." "I hope you're right, Maya. He's so cute and I really, really like him." "I know you do. I've seen how you are at work whenever he walks in." She giggled, twirling before grabbing both my hands and making me twirl too. "Speaking of cute guys, Nate is gorgeous. What's going on with you two? He must really like you. You're already on your second date." "Ha. I don't think you could class our burger lunch as a date yesterday." "Call it what you will. He's hot for you. He's watching you right now like he wants to devour you." Instinct had me beginning to turn to check him out but Lucy stopped me. "Don't make it obvious that I just told you. Jay is talking but Nate isn't even watching him. He's watching you." The small portion of potent liquor running through my bloodstream had me feeling loose and freer than I

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had in a long while. The thought of Nate standing there ogling me, sent heat straight through me. I'd dated before. Had sex. But for some strange reason, it felt like lifetimes ago. It had been a while since a male had paid me attention. Although I considered myself pretty, it didn't necessarily mean the guys would be lined up. I wasn't exactly rowdy or confident. A lot of guys steered clear of shy girls. I wasn't feeling too shy at the moment though. In fact, I was really getting into my dancing groove, swaying and moving with Lucy. I'd stopped caring about what I wore and for the most part so had the rest of the crowd. You could tell that a good portion of the party-goers were intoxicated by the way the staggered about, bleary-eyed and boisterous. We lost ourselves to the music for a while and when we were exhausted and sweating profusely, we decided a drink was in order. Pushing our way through the bodies to our table, Jay was still sitting there but Nate was gone. Searching the vicinity for the shock of black hair, it was too hard to tell if he was nearby or not. "He said he had some business to take care of." Jay slid out of the booth before Lucy and I sat down. "Oh? Did he say what kind of business?" I wasn't aware that he would have any sort of business to take care of in a club.

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"Nope. He headed over to a couple of guys, spoke to them and then it looked like they all walked towards the front door." That was weird. "Do you know if he's coming back? He's my ride home." I was a little disappointed and annoyed that he hadn't come and said anything to me. Not that Jay would mind taking me home but I would have liked to have been given a heads up. Why had he approached two guys and then left? What work did he do? It would serve me well to find out more about him. Any decent guy would have at least come to say goodbye. "You girls thirsty?" "Like a dry river bed," sang Lucy, sitting down. "I'll just have a beer this time. Maya, what would you like?" Not needing to be any tipsier, I sat. "Water, please." Watching his retreating back, I turned to Lucy. "You want to head home after our drinks now that Nate has gone?" I was more than ready to leave. "If you want. My feet are sore anyway." She fiddled with a beermat on the table. "Why do you think he left in such a hurry?" I truly didn't know. Who did that? Shrugging, I was glad when Jay returned with my water. "Do you think I should text him?" "Absolutely! It was so rude. He may have had a legit reason but it would have only taken a minute to let us know," Lucy offered.

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Agreeing, I fished my cell out of my jeans pocket. His number had been saved from when he'd called to organize a pick up time. Letting my fingers do the talking, I sent my message. Why did you leave and are you coming back? "The conversation between him and the two guys appeared pretty intense," Jay swigged his beer. Perhaps I should give Nate the benefit of the doubt and wait for his explanation. Whatever came up must have been urgent. "Can you give me a ride home, Jay?" "Sure, no problem angel. Let's finish up and head out."

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Chapter Five

Nate Leaving Maya without so much as a goodbye was a dick thing to do but business was business. The club I'd taken her to, was where I scouted for new recruits on a regular basis and when I'd spied two perfect candidates, I'd taken the opportunity. They'd been easy targets to read. Pure souls turned black by demon's blood. They'd been eyeing up a couple of girls getting ready to leave and had been planning to assault them in the alley leading away from the club. Lucifer wouldn't have to train them for long. They were already beyond redemption. Normally, I only carried one body at a time but tonight I had two. With my gigantic grey wings extended and an unconscious man under each arm, I soared towards the portal. Both men had been put to sleep for the journey and would wake up in Hell to serve Satan. Shy and trustworthy people were my other targets. Those that would believe a lie or two and would succumb to my overt charm. Maya for instance. She was the perfect candidate. Tonight had proven that. One drink and she'd opened like a flower in bud. Watching her on that dance floor, swinging that phenomenal ass and losing some of her inhibitions had me wanting to take her home and do wicked things to her. My lust had almost consumed me so the flight to the portal had been

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a good thing. Cold air rushing through my system to help stem the need. Landing just shy of the thicket of trees that covered the gateway to Hell, I folded my wings and allowed them to disappear into the thin slits on each shoulder blade. Before I returned to the city to collect my bike I'd need to fly home and grab another shirt. Each time I flew, another shirt got ruined when my wings unfolded. I now stood in near freezing conditions, shirtless but eager to finish the job. Good thing, I always ran a high temperature and didn't feel the cold. Taking my time, I dragged, first one, then the other unconscious man through the forest into a clearing, where a shimmering vortex appeared. It wasn't always there. Each time, I used the portal, I had to summon it. It was like having my very own personal key that could unlock the door home. I believe Archangels were the only other supernatural beings who could manipulate the gateway. Watching the swirling, opaque sphere expand in size, I moved quickly. It only remained for a short time which was another reason, I normally only took one person at a time. Once the portal disappeared, I couldn't summon it for another hour. So far no humans knew about it and that's how Lucifer wanted to keep it. For all he wanted new recruits, he didn't need his mission thwarted by dogooders who would attempt to stop me. And there would be many. An Earth takeover was his goal. He wanted to rule the world and make a mockery of Heaven. In order to do that, I had to work slyly.

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In another two weeks, more recruits would be arriving from Hell to expand our mission. Once his soldiers were fully demonized, they would have the necessary skills to open portals all over the world. Apparently I was the key to the takeover but as yet, Lucifer hadn't informed me as to why. I was due to be updated in two weeks when I returned to Hell to bring up the rookies. Picking up the larger of the two men, I hauled him over the rough ground. He needed to go head first. Once I had him part of the way through, he would be sucked in the rest of the way and I could let go. Placing the victim's head inside and giving a little push, I watched him disappear fully. The gateway enlarged and darkened slightly before returning to normal. The smaller guy was a lot easier and it wasn't long before he too was on the trip of a lifetime. Just in time too. As the doorway closed, I was left in darkness, the trees still, once again. Just before I flew off, my cell pealed out from my jeans pocket. Pulling it out, the screen lit up. I noticed it was a message from Maya. Expected. She wanted to know why I hadn't said goodbye. I at least owed her a reply.

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Maya. I'm sorry I had to leave suddenly. Business, I hadn't anticipated came up. I'll make it up to you. Have dinner with me tomorrow night. 

I hadn't planned on abruptly ending our evening. In fact, I'd been more than looking forward to getting a taste of the sweet, delicate flower. Now I'd have to contain myself until tomorrow. A hard task for a lustful demon but not impossible. I'd have to take things into my own hands once I was in the privacy of my bedroom to keep the edge off. Come tomorrow night though and I was going to immerse myself in all things, Maya. To lead her into temptation using my satanic charm and looks I'd been gifted with. It would be my absolute pleasure. And hers. Oh yes. She just needed a taste of what I could offer her and she'd be hooked. I would pull out all the stops until I had her begging for more. With that delicious thought in mind, I let my wings fan out once again, lifting off and shooting into the inky sky.

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Chapter Six

Maya God, he was cocky. I read Nate's message after I got home from the club and again the next morning when I awoke. Lying in bed, I considered ignoring his offer of dinner but he could have been genuinely trying to atone for his abandonment. I liked to give people the benefit of the doubt even if some of them didn't deserve it. Although, he did have some making up to do. Nothing short of another apology would suffice. Rolling onto my back, I quickly typed out a response. One more chance. Pick me up at seven. Let's see how he liked me calling the shots. As if he had been sitting waiting on my message, a reply came no more than five seconds later. Yes Ma'am. Smiling at his attempt at chivalry, I threw my cell aside, remembering the way he'd looked the night before. Eyes like fire. Dangerous yet hungry. His body language had read like an open book. All sin and recklessness. What would his kisses be like? I'd been hoping to steal one at my front door after he dropped me home but that had never come to pass. Perhaps tonight? One thing was for certain. I'd need to watch myself because a guy like Nate could lead me into temptation. He was all kinds of trouble.

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Peeling the covers back I strode into the kitchen to turn the coffee pot on. Out of the blue an involuntary shiver cascaded across my skin, along with the strong sense of being watched. Chancing a glance out the floor to ceiling glass of the sliding door that overlooked the backyard and beyond into the forest, I scanned the trees for anything that could be the culprit but everything seemed to be as it always was. I rubbed the goosebumps that pimpled my flesh and turned full circle, the sensation never waning. "Hello?" It was silly. As if a peeping-Tom would answer me. Doing a quick circuit of the house I came up empty but I locked all the doors and windows just in case. Living alone had never bothered me before but I couldn't shake the creepy vibe of a presence close by. Once the coffee was brewed, I poured a cup and retrieved my cell from my bed, moving into the lounge room to sit on the sofa. I needed to call Lucy and find out if she got her goodnight kiss from Jay. Plus, I wanted to hear a familiar voice in the hope it would shake my unease. Dialing, I waited until I thought it was going to go to voicemail but then she picked up, sounding a little worse for wear. "Hello?" "It's me. Don't you look at your screen to see who is calling?"

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"Ugh. Don't talk to me. It's too early." Her voice was thick with sleep so I realized I'd woken her. "It's ten o'clock. Practically lunch time. Get up!" "I have a good mind to hang up on you." "But you won't." "No because I have some gossip." Noticing her voice perk up dramatically, I knew her need to tell me outweighed her desire to go back to sleep. "Oooh. Do tell." Sipping my coffee, I settled in to hear her news. "Jay kissed me," she was squealing it out. "OMG! That is so awesome! Was it good?" I could picture her lying on her side in bed, smiling like a looney while remembering it. "Good? Maya, that doesn't even begin to describe it. It was so freaking amazing! That guy knows how to work his lips, let me tell you." She laughed and I joined her. "I'm so happy for you. I had an idea he liked you but I wasn't sure until last night." "Yeah well, he took his time in showing me. I was beginning to think it would never happen. Speaking of things happening, have you heard from Nate?"

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"I got a text last night. He apologized for leaving, claiming it was indeed business and that he'd like to make it up to me tonight by taking me to dinner." "Eeeep. This is so great. We've both got hot guys interested. Tell, me what you're going to wear." That was the thing. I didn't have a clue. Was I meant to wear long pants again because of the bike? He hadn't mentioned anything. "I don't know. Do you think I should call or message him to ask? I don't want another repeat of last night whereby I'm underdressed." "Yes, you should. At least find out if you are to dress up or down. Call me back and let me know. I'll be over in an hour to help you pick something and we can hang out until your date." Thankful that I'd have some company, I agreed to call Nate and hung up from Lucy. I hadn't mentioned the odd feeling of being watched because, well, it just sounded stupid. I opted for texting Nate. Even though I wanted nothing more than to hear his voice, I figured texting would seem more casual and not too needy. Hey. What do I wear tonight? Formal or casual? Do I need to wear long pants again? I waited a few minutes and when I hadn't heard anything I headed for the shower. The sensation of being watched had gone which I was grateful for and I soon

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forgot all about it as I immersed myself under the pelting, hot spray. *** Lucy arrived in her bright yellow, late model VW Beetle. It suited her to a tee. Some people just befitted their cars and she was proof of that. I couldn't picture her in anything else. She wore her hair up in a high ponytail and was dressed down in skinny jeans and an oversized hoodie. After seeing her dressed to the nines at the club and always in uniform at work it was odd to see her so casual. "Hey, girl." She threw her arms around me. "Hey." I noticed the bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. "You look, nice. Tired but nice." Shutting the door she threw her bag on the small side table and walked through to the kitchen with me. "I didn't get a whole lot of sleep. Jay kind of had me in his car for a while after we got home." I beamed at her, throwing my head back with a laugh. "You have it bad. And you did way more than just kissing. Do tell." She grinned with twinkles in her eyes. "I didn't sleep with him if that's what you're implying. Not yet. But...we got to second base." "I knew it! I'm so happy for you."

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It was great having female company. Lucy and I had hit it off right from my first day at the café. While I was quiet and reserved, she was outgoing and funny. We complimented each other and somehow our friendship worked. "Do you want a soda?" I opened the fridge and pulled out two, handing her one after she nodded. Moving to sit opposite her, she was up out of her seat again as if she had ants in her pants. "Nope. We are not chilling until we've figured out what you are wearing tonight. Have you any idea where Nate's taking you?" I hadn't checked my cell since taking the shower earlier so I followed her through the lounge room towards my bedroom, grabbing my cell on the way. There was a message waiting. Will have the car tonight. Wear something sexy. Fancy.  Groaning, I handed Lucy my cell so she could read it. "Fancy? I don't have anything fancy. What does that even mean? Sexy? Ugh. I'm screwed." Giggling, Lucy placed her soda on my desk and then walked into the closet, throwing her reply over her shoulder. "Never say never. Leave it to a pro. I'll have you turning every head in the restaurant." I didn't know whether to be worried or pleased. Lucy was always immaculate even on days like today when

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she was dressed down so I guessed I should just sit back and let her do her thing. Within minutes, she was out with an armful of clothes. "Because he's bringing the car, I've got a collection of dresses and skirts. That way you can wear those black sexy ass heels you've got in there. Not that heels don't look good with long pants but they will pop with what I've chosen." Those heels didn't even belong in my wardrobe as far as I was concerned. I wasn't even sure how I came to be their owner. I really didn't do heels well but it would appear I was going to be doing them tonight. Lucy really did have more fashion sense than I. The combinations of items she'd chosen were ones I never would have thought of putting together. When I walked out of the bathroom wearing two inch heels, stockings, a thigh high black woolen skirt and a slinky deep green fitted top, I was met with whistles. "Jeez girl. You rock that. Miss sophistication has arrived. We'll top it off with the long black coat you have in your closet which you can take off in the restaurant and you'll be all set. Oh, hang on. Do you have a black purse?" She was back amongst it, searching for what she needed. "I have a small clutch purse. Will that do?" "If you can fit, lip gloss, your cell and keys in it, then yes."

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It was hanging over the side of my half mirror that sat atop my wooden drawers, so I snagged it. "Okay. Now that we know what I'm wearing, I'm getting out of these heels. My feet are sore already." Lucy came back out of the closet with the coat and laid it on the bed. "I'm going to pamper you this afternoon. Finger nails, toe nails, hair and makeup. Nate won't know what hit him." *** With only five minutes left until eight o'clock, I was pacing, anxiously. The strange sensation of being watched was back and had been since Lucy had gone home over two hours ago. I didn't know what to make of it and I was starting to get edgy. It was the feeling of someone close by. Almost like they were standing directly in front or behind me. A presence. I hadn't been in the house all that long and was beginning to wonder if it might be haunted. Not that I'd had any other strange occurrences but who's to say it wouldn't happen? When a car pulled into the driveway, I opened the front door, stepped onto the porch and shut and locked it not wanting to be inside another minute. The cool air hit me immediately, quelling some of the disquiet. Nate stepped out of a late model, black Shelby Mustang. He really had a thing for eye-catching modes of transport. The car gleamed under my outside light and so did Nate when he walked up to me, smiling excitedly.

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"You're eager to see me, Maya?" "I...uh...no. It was just stuffy inside and well...the place is a mess so I didn't want you to see it." Liar. Stopping only a few inches away, he ravished me with his extended gaze, doing two sweeps of my body before settling on my face. "You look absolutely, breathtaking." His words came out on the crest of puffs of cold, night air. I was thankful Lucy had suggested the coat and stockings. My nose was already tingling with chills. "Thank you. So do you." Truly he did. If that was an appropriate word for a guy. He'd only ever worn all black but tonight he'd broken it up with a cobalt blue shirt which accentuated his deeper hued eyes, atop his signature dark jeans with black, heavy boots. His hair hadn't been styled at all and looked to be just towel dried. Tousled and damp. Obviously he didn't feel the cold the way I did. As I ogled, I relaxed. My earlier anxiety waning. It was hard to be stressed around Nate. He had a knack for putting me at ease which was really surprising considering he screamed 'trouble'. Thrusting his head back with a deep belly laugh that resounded into the quiet night, he shot me an amused look. "Oh sweet, Maya. I'm glad you find me breathtaking. It's something I haven't been called before." Motioning to his car, he offered, "Shall we?"

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I wasn't a huge car buff but I liked muscle cars, especially Mustangs. This one was immaculate and I couldn't wait to ride in it. Nate got behind the wheel and turned the key, bringing the rumbling engine to life. He glanced over to me as if the sound of it pleased him no end. "I'm glad you agreed to a do-over. I have a special evening planned." I knew he would deliver too. He came across as someone who liked the finer things in life. Cars. Bikes. Clothing. Women. He oozed charm and spoke older than he looked. Sitting in the car beside him, I couldn't help but sneak glances at his profile. Too perfect to be male but there was certainly nothing female about him. I didn't understand why he'd chosen me. I wasn't anyone special. A girl with dead parents working in a coffee shop, living on her own with no future planned other than making it through each day. The heater helped keep the car warm and even though I was covered up, my hands and face were toasty now too. We drove onto the main street of Mt. Vernon and pulled up outside an Italian restaurant. "I hope you like Italian food, Maya." It was a question as well as a statement. The fact was, I loved Italian food. Pasta was always my favorite so I was glad he had chosen so well. "As a matter of fact, it's my favorite."

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"Great. Mine too," he beamed, removing the keys from the ignition and switching the lights off. Exciting the car, he hurried around to my side and opened my door for me in a show of chivalry and then we were walking into the up-market restaurant like a couple who had been together more than twice. Nate's hand found mine and he threaded our fingers as if it was the most natural thing in the world. His hot hand kept mine warm and provided a certain level of comfort as we walked into the reception area to be seated. The interior was small and intimate with lavish décor. Heavily framed Renaissance paintings hung proudly on the walls with high-back dining chairs to match the chunky wooden tables. The outside hadn't done the inside justice. It had a regal atmosphere with staff dressed in suits and ties. Even the females wore suit jackets with matching skirts. "Hello Sir. Madame," greeted an approaching waiter who stood at my level. He had slicked back blond hair and green eyes with wholesome looks. Smiling, Nate kept a hold of my hand. "Hello there. We have a table for two booked under the name Adams." Nate Adams. It was almost too simple to be a name and yet, it worked. The waiter checked the guest list and ticked us off. "Right this way, please."

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He led us into the main room towards the back and off to the left. Only a handful of diners were sitting at tables so far which suited me. Nate and I sat opposite each other as the waiter handed us menus. "Can I have a bottle of your finest red wine?" asked Nate. "Certainly Sir," smiled the waiter, placing napkins in our laps before heading off to fulfill the request. Soft instrumental music wafted through speakers while gentle chatter mingled with it, sporadically. My kind of setting. I ended up ordering veal tortellini and Nate ordered an octopus dish which looked disgusting but he assured me it was delicious. "Try some." His fork was sitting way too close to my mouth with a tentacle hanging off it. "No." My mouth was a depressed line. "Never." I shook my head, grimacing as he laughed and pulled the fork away, placing it in his mouth. "You don't know what you're missing." "Yeah, I do. I don't do well with tentacles, legs, arms or any other odd bits that shouldn't be eaten. Just give me a plain old fish, cut of meat or pasta any day." I pointed to my dish. "You wouldn't do well in overseas countries. They consider those odd bits of food as delicacies."

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They could have it all. If I couldn't eat plain food, I didn't want it. Nate was watching me curiously between eating and sipping from his wine glass. I'd had a few mouthfuls after the waiter had arrived with our expensive bottle of red. My curiosity had me asking, "So, what business do you do? It would appear you do quite well for yourself, to be able to afford their most expensive bottle of wine without even asking the price. Not only that, you are driving a Shelby Mustang and own a Harley." I hoped I didn't sound condescending but he hadn't told me much about himself. He knew where I worked and lived and yet, I still knew nothing. Placing his glass on the table, he wiped at his mouth with the napkin. His deep blue eyes sparkled extra brightly tonight. They were hard to look away from. He appeared to be thinking about his answer which struck me as odd. It was a simple question. After clearing his throat a couple of times, he said, "You could say I'm a debt collector." He angled his head and stared into space for a couple of seconds before focusing on me once again. The expression on his face conveyed that he wasn't giving me a straight answer. There was more to it. He certainly didn't dress like any debt collector I'd ever seen. "Oh? That sounds rather vague. Either you are or you aren't." I'd stopped eating to give him my full attention.

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He blinked and if I wasn't mistaken, his neck reddened. "I seek out...bad people and hand them over to the correct authorities so that they can repay their debts to society." "Like a cop or something?" "Or something." He'd just downed half a glass of his wine in one go, nervously. He obviously worked in a position that involved danger and was probably required to keep things hush, hush. I could understand that. Seeing his unease, I changed the subject, not wanting to anger him. "Do you live close to me?" Relaxing more with the shift in conversation he smiled. "Yes. As a matter of fact, I live only a couple of minutes from you." I wasn't sure why that pleased me, but it did. We settled into a comfortable dialogue, finishing our meals. I had the one glass of wine, whereas Nate finished off the bottle. He handled his alcohol well, not showing any signs of tipsiness. "Are you ready to leave? I have a surprise." "Sure." I couldn't begin to imagine what it would be but I kept my mouth closed. I knew he wouldn't tell me regardless so it was pointless attempting to pry it out of him. His warmth blanketed me once again as he clasped my hand and led me out to his car. The night sky

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twinkled with stars, a full moon beaming down like a spotlight. In his gentlemanly fashion, he opened my door before getting behind the wheel and pulling out. We drove in silence for a while before he reached across and placed his hand on top of mine. The gesture surprised me. I looked around and watched him, focused on the road, his mouth in a relaxed smile. "Are you not curious as to where we're going?" he asked, glancing quickly to me and then back to the road. "Of course but I didn't think you'd tell me." Chuckling, he caught my gaze again, "Your assumption would be correct." Squeezing my hand he added, "You're not like other women are you, Maya? There's something different about you. Refreshing. It's a nice change." Sometimes I felt like I was different. Living amongst people but not really like them. It amazed me that Nate was so astute. "Am I that obvious?" "In a good way. You don't appear to have an ego like others and there is a purity about you that is quite rare." It was flattering to have such nice things said. Especially from someone who appeared to have enough confidence for the entire state of Washington and was so agonizingly striking. "Thank you. That's very sweet."

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Mumbling something under his breath that I didn't catch he shook his head, his hands tightening on the wheel. He didn't reply so I turned my attention out the window, noticing the road begin to climb. I had a fair idea where we were headed as I'd been there a couple of times. Little Mountain. There was a park and lookout up top. Tourists busied the area in the day but not so much at night apart from those few who liked to see the lights of Mt. Vernon and San Juan islands. A mile and a half of paved road ensured a pleasant trip to the top to the covered viewpoint. There was only one other car parked in the lot with no one inside so I could only guess they'd gone down one of the hiking trails. We parked and got out, heading to the covered lookout, Nates hand pressed firmly into my back. I was glad for his warmth because it was cold out even with my thick, long coat on. My nose and ears were feeling as if icicles might form. The view was glorious as we stood at the edge looking out across the vast expanse. Viewing everything in the day was much different than at night. "It's stunning." I whispered, in awe. "That it is, Maya. That it is." His breath was close to my cheek so I turned to find him peering at me. He'd obviously not been referring to the scenery when he'd answered.

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Embarrassed that he could find me stunning, I looked away. "You are incredible. You just don't see it." Both of his hands landed on my shoulders as he twisted me around to face him. The moonlight caught his blue/black eyes turning them into marbles. Fingers found my jaw and brushed like a feather from my ear down to my chin on both sides. I took his face in and relished every part of it from his thick, darkly arched eyebrows to his freshly shaved jaw with its central focal point. A mouth for pleasure. A feature so devilishly perfect, it almost drew me away from his eyes. The air surrounding us crackled like a livewire. He's going to kiss me. He's going to kiss me. And I'm not going to stop him. His nearing mouth dragged my attention from his heady stare to the glorious scoop of his upper lip which had separated from his lower. Breathing quick and intermittent. The very last thing I saw before he swept me up in the most amazing kiss was his closed eyes, thickly shrouded in opulent black lashes. A moan stole into the night and I wasn't sure if it was his or mine because upon contact, I fell into him. Into the intoxicating taste of his mouth and the way it massaged mine in a series of skilled sweeps. The wetness of his tongue stole my breath as it flitted skittishly as if asking for more.

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My hands were around his neck and then in his velveteen hair, mussing it even further as I fisted clumps. My body was sparking with energy as if we had been plugged into each other, every sense I had igniting into a surge of power and wonder. Nate was groaning, long and drawn out, his hands not stilling in one spot for more than a few seconds. My mind lost all good reason as my body led the race. Sensations, I'd long forgotten, birthing a hunger inside that I wasn't sure I could control. Our teeth gnashed as the kiss deepened into something more desperate. I could feel nothing but the bruise of his lips and the grip of his fingers until they came to rest on my head, angling me for greater access. I was lost and found all in the same breath. A flurry of awareness hovered just shy of my conscious mind, nudging me like a forgotten memory. Something important and powerful, sitting just out of reach. The same sensation I'd experienced at his first touch, outside work. Gasping and pulling back, Nate's withdrawal had me letting it go and watching him. He stiffened, his chest heaving as he spun around searching for something. His face became cold and fierce. His hands, closed weapons. Suddenly I felt a familiar sensation too. The same one I'd had at my house this evening, only now I knew Nate sensed it too. He'd gone from a pliant mass of desire to guarded and aggressive. "Get in the car, Maya. Lock the doors," he fumed, turning full circle.

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"What?" "Don't question me. Just do it!" he barked, tugging on my arm and dragging me away from the lookout. What the hell was wrong with him? And why was he acting like a law unto himself? "Let go of my arm. You're hurting me," I growled attempting to snatch free of his iron grip. "I'll let go when you're in the car." "What is it? Why do I get the sense of being watched all the time?" He stopped mid stride, seizing me by both elbows as he stood in front of me. "You've had this feeling before tonight?" "Yes. Twice at home." "Shit." Not wasting another second we were on the move again. "In my line of work I've made some enemies. Trust me when I say that. I don't want any harm to come to you so please just get in the car and don't unlock it until I get back." "Get back? What do you mean get back? Are you leaving me again?" Panic began to settle in my stomach and chest. "I'm just going to scope out the area. I won't be long. I promise. You need to sit tight." Opening the passenger door for me he gave me a small shove and I virtually fell into the car. I heard the

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beeping sound of him locking it from the outside as he stalked off towards the trees, leaving me a tangled mess of crazy. What the hell just happened?

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Chapter Seven

Nate Jesus! I was rattled enough after kissing Maya like that but to have Lucifer appear while I was with her was a silly move on his part. He never rose above the confines of Hell. Ever. The fact that Maya could sense his presence had me derailed. Just what was his game? Had he been spying on her? For some unfathomable reason, it bothered me. I didn't want him stalking her and watching what she did in her own home. While she was alone. The fact that I had my own grand plans for Maya didn't factor into the equation. After that spellbinding kiss, I was beginning to rethink my initial plan. Perhaps I wouldn't tarnish her spirit. Perhaps I would keep her purity all to myself. I needed to find out what Lucifer's angle was. He was up to something and it normally wasn't good. His timing was abhorrent. I would have liked nothing more than to remain lost in Maya but His Highness obviously had other ideas. Disappearing into the trees on a tourist track, it didn't take long to find the king of the underworld. Even with his altered appearance, I recognized his darkness. To anyone else it would appear as if a twentysomething year old cover model was leaning casually up

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against the trunk of a tree. Blond hair swishing gently in the night breeze. Tanned, athletic physique draped in the finest designer apparel. Eyes the color of a turbulent sea. Of course in his true form he looked nothing like the epitome of male fineness he'd morphed into tonight. I remembered the bony, troll who had fed me through the iron bars of my cell. Strong beyond measure but oh so ugly. "Well, well, well. If it isn't my favorite student." Stopping short of him, leaving enough room to breathe, I inquired brusquely, "What are you doing here, Lucifer?" "Tsk. Tsk. Is that anyway to greet your creator? I've put you at the helm of my new army with very high hopes, Nathaniel. Was I wrong to situate you on such a high pedestal?" His saccharine voice was annoying me already. Something about standing next to him had me rubbed up the wrong way but I humored him because I needed to find out why he was here. "It's Nate and, no. I'm just surprised to see you." "Of course. It has been centuries since I have risen to the Earthly realm and I must say, much has changed. I'm quite enjoying my...visit." "Did you need something from me? Is that why you came?" With Maya still in the car alone, I needed this to move along, quickly. Lucifer looked like he had all the time in the world.

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"I came because I am intrigued by your, how should I put it? Lady, friend?" "Maya?" Why the hell would Satan himself, rise from the pits after centuries, for a human girl? "Aaah. Such a pretty name for a pretty girl." He was beginning to piss me off. He had a game he was playing and I wasn't liking where it was headed. My boss had the power to make me do his bidding but it didn't mean I always liked it. The fact that my little breath of fresh air in the car was crawling her way under my skin, had me acting defensively. "Leave her alone." The strong need to protect her from Lucifer, surprised me. Rising from his relaxed stance, he was in my face before I could blink. "Oh but you see, that's not possible. I've been watching the young, delectable specimen and it seems she is...special. I'm considering taking her back home with me tonight." His eyes flashed black, red and then back to green. No freaking way. There was no way he was taking Maya to hell tonight. "What do you mean, special? And why would you want to take her before she's been prepared?" He needn't know of my change of heart. "The pretty little pet has something I want. You know how I hate to wait." He stepped away from me but kept his eyes locked on. "What are you talking about? Something you want? What could she possibly have that you want?" Panic was

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beginning to rise at the thought of the head demon wanting Maya for personal reasons. "You really can't see it can you? Well, you'll know soon enough. In the mean time I'd like you to introduce me to the tantalizing little floret." He began to move past me up the path towards the car. I couldn't let him take her. "Wait! Please, just give me two more weeks to prepare her. She's pure and innocent but I think she's easily led. I'm convinced she'll adapt better if she has a little more time with me." Grinning like the madman he was, he chuckled. "It would appear as if you've taken a liking to the girl. Am I correct?" If he'd been watching us kissing earlier he'd know the answer to that. Perhaps he was testing me. "No. I'm merely charming her into believing I like her so I can lead her into temptation." He took pause, studying me, rubbing his chin. "It wouldn't serve you well to develop feelings for our young Maya. Especially when I'm going to be keeping her as my pet." I could feel my demon blood bubbling at the thought of him keeping her locked up, using her at his will. Some instinctual urge to keep her from him rose higher and higher the more I stood next to my creator. A few days ago it wouldn't have bothered me but after spending time with Maya, I'd grown to like her

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company. After kissing her, I wanted to claim her as my own. I needed time to figure it all out. "Two more weeks. That's all I ask." After a moment of silence, he spoke. "Very well. Fourteen days. No more. No less. If you haven't taken her to the portal by the time the clock strikes midnight, I'll come for her myself." With that he had vanished, leaving me wondering how I was going to stop Lucifer from claiming her. Two weeks. I hoped I could come up with a plan in that short time because if I didn't, literally all hell was going to break loose.

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Chapter Eight

Maya What was taking him so long? Did he stray off the path and get lost? The parking lot was deserted apart from the white car that remained. If anyone were lurking nearby, I hadn't seen them. The creepy sensation had gone, leaving me wondering why I had begun to experience such anxiety. It always came on quickly for no reason and disappeared just as fast. Nate mentioned something about bad people he was involved with. Did that mean I had the ability to sense when they were around? Strange. It didn't make sense. It was getting late. I needed to get home as I had work tomorrow. Fatigue was fast taking hold. Moments later Nate appeared out of the bushes, taking large strides towards the car. All four door locks opened as he pulled his remote out and pressed the release button. Relief settled over me that he hadn't just left me like the night before. Opening the door, he sat and turned to me. "I'm so sorry I took so long. I couldn't find anything or anyone. It must have been my overactive imagination playing havoc with my brain. Are you okay?" "Yes. What did you feel though because I felt it too?"

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He gnashed his teeth together before grabbing both my hands in his and rubbing furiously for a couple of minutes. "You're freezing." He turned the key in the ignition and the heater came to life, thrusting out warm gusts. "Maybe we both have a sense for danger. I scoured the area and couldn't find anything." His face was turned away as he spoke as if he was still scanning the vicinity. "If there was any danger, it's long gone." He buckled his seatbelt up and we exited the park. The night had turned weird. I just wanted to get home and sleep so I could return to my normal routine at the café. As nice as Nate was, I couldn't help but feel he was carrying around a cloud of secrets. Dangerous ones. My head was telling me to approach with caution but my hormones were leading the race and speaking an entirely different language. He had a pull over my physical body, I couldn't control. Thankfully we didn't have too far to drive home. By the time we pulled up in my driveway, I was toasty warm. Nate kept the car running and came around to my door, holding his hand out for mine. He seemed to like holding my hand and I sure as heck liked holding his. After the searing kiss at the lookout, I didn't know what we were going to become to each other but I definitely wanted to see more of him. Even with the odd turn of events and danger surrounding him, his presence made me feel safe, like he wouldn't let anything happen to me.

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"If you get scared or need to call me for anything, I'm not far away, okay?" Smiling, I nodded. "Thank you. Not just for that but for tonight as well. I had a great time." He tucked both sides of my straight hair back behind my shoulders and delicately stroked my neck. "I had a wonderful evening too. I'd like to do it again soon." Not waiting for him to make the move, I leaned in and stole a kiss, playfully nipping his lips. I must have caught him off guard because he seemed tentative at first, pulling back to look at me before gripping my neck and crashing our mouths together. The sensation was intoxicating. I imagined becoming addicted to his mouth and I typically wasn't a person to succumb so easily. He knew exactly what he was doing to draw a response from me. I became boneless in his arms, letting him take control. It wasn't a conscious decision but one I let happen. When we connected it was glorious. I lost my sense of physical self and became something more. His tongue swiped over mine, teasingly, eliciting an explosion of nerves to come alive. Clasping tighter to him, I drank greedily, starved for more. The bruising crush of his lips wasn't enough to sate my thirst for his essence. I buzzed everywhere. Wired to him. Euphoric. His fingers gripped my scalp as he drove a primal groan into my mouth. He was feeling it too. His solid erection pushed into my groin and on instinct I ground against him, the pressure mounting.

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When he broke away, my head automatically followed him, wanting more. He rasped. "Oh Maya. You have no idea how much more of you I want but you need your rest." He could barely get the words out as if he'd just run a marathon. His swollen lips, flushed face and heavy eyes were proof of his arousal. He took a step back and if felt like pulling an electrical plug out of its socket. The cold hair brushed over me. There was a war raging in his eyes. His neck a tight column, hands restrained into tightly squeezed fists. Carefully reigned in control. My earlier fatigue had momentarily been forgotten in the haze of our energetic exchange but with our physical disconnection, a sudden drowsiness took hold. "You're right. I need to get up early for work." God, he was handsome. I watched him watching me. He didn't appear to want to leave me either. "The door," he grumbled, pointing behind me. "Right. The door. Well, again, thanks for a wonderful night. I'll see you when I see you, I guess." I hoped he'd offer me something more than a phone call but he just said, "You will. I'll be in touch." He turned and walked to his car, leaving me a puddle of desire and disappointment. Switching the lounge room light on, I shut and locked the door, drifting to my room to overthink my feelings. ***

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With as much as three hours sleep I operated in zombie mode, showering and dressing for work, downing a liquid, caffeine breakfast and driving the short distance to the coffee shop. I was glad for the distraction. Thoughts of Nate had strangled me into the small hours of the morning and I was ready to forget about him and lose myself in coffee making. Lucy greeted me with her signature smile and effervescence, improving my insomnia induced mood only slightly. "Hey girl. You have so much gossip to share. I want to know all the gory details from start to finish. Nothing left out." She was filling up the sugar dispensers on the tables as I made my way behind the counter to place my purse in the cupboard. I wasn't ready to divulge the strange part of the evening so I kept it simple. "It was nice. We had Italian for dinner and then he drove me to Little Mountain." She paused, eyes wide. "He took you to the lookout? As in make-out mountain? Do tell." Her teeth gleamed in all their white glory, her momentary pause over, as she continued to work. "There's really not much to tell. We were pretty much alone. We got out, looked at the lights and then he kissed me." "Ahh, I knew there was more to it than just dinner and sightseeing. Was he a good kisser?"

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Oh my. Good didn't begin to describe that kiss. Both kisses, actually. No words in the English language could properly define the sensations of it. Switching the coffee machine on and filling the bean grinder, I gave it my best shot. "Luce, I swear, I have never been kissed like that. It was like...Heaven." Yeah, that was a good analogy. Even though I'd never been to Heaven, it was what I imagined it to be like; the floating, the loss of Earthly surroundings, filled with just awareness of the moment, a part of Nate and him a part of me. "Wow! I'm so happy for you. You are actually glowing right now." "Ha. I am definitely not glowing. I am so sleep deprived, I could fall into a deep coma while standing here and still manage to get the coffees to the tables. Seriously, I could do this blindfolded." She giggled. The front door opened and Jay walked in. His appearance had both Lucy and I looking at each other. His hair was unkempt, his eyes were all kinds of red and the bags underneath were close to being suitcases. Normally he was fresh and clean and happy. This morning he looked...different. A mess. Shabby. He merely glanced at both of us and nodded, walking out the back into the kitchen.

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Lucy walked over to me and lowered her voice, "What the hell? I have never seen Jay look so worn out. I wonder what's up." Her brow was etched with worry and I had to admit, I was wondering what had happened to him. "He looks like he slept in a dumpster. See if you can find out anything." Jay returned from the kitchen wearing a black apron. "Hey," was all he offered. "Late night?" asked Lucy trying to keep it casual. "Ah yeah. You could say that. I went back to that club Nate took us too." I could almost hear Lucy stop breathing. I looked to her and saw the sad look of displeasure cross her face. He had gone there without asking her. He had gone to a club with scantily clad females. I knew what was going through her brain. "You went to the club? Last night? Without me?" He shrugged and moved to lift the 'specials of the day' sign out onto the sidewalk. "It's no big deal. Don't sweat it Luce." She faced me and mouthed, "Don't sweat it?" As if he was offering her verbal diarrhea. Testing the grind of the beans I poured a coffee. "Maybe he's just being a guy."

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"Whatever. It's not like we're dating, right?" Her usual sunny disposition had crashed and burned, even though she was trying to appear nonchalant. I knew her too well. "Don't stress, okay? It was one night." Sighing, she mumbled, "You're right. He doesn't owe me an explanation or anything for that matter. I'm just being a needy cow." "You're just being human." She hid her anxiety as the first customer of the day walked in. And with that came the steady stream. The tulip festival was officially over so it was back to some form of normalcy rather than chaos. We toiled until lunch time when the breaks started. I was all but wiped out from my lack of sleep and in dire need of some food. Removing my apron and bending down to place it in the cupboard, I jumped when a familiar voice sounded from the other side of the counter. Banging my head on the lip that extended out as I straightened, a curse flew from my mouth. "Asshole!" Fatigue was also making me irritable. When I rose to full height, Nate was around my side, smiling widely. "I had hoped you wouldn't be calling me that this early on in our friendship. I have to say Maya, I'm a little surprised."

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Needing to clarify my faux pas, I blurted, "No! It's not you. I bumped my head. I was calling the counter an asshole." Tilting his face upwards and filling the café with laughter, I watched his throat vibrate with the effort. He had a rather nice neck. Soft skin. Elegant. Taut with sleek lines. I was veering off course again with him so close. A throat cleared to my right and I soon realized it was Lucy. "Okay. I hate to break this party up but you need to go on your break Maya. Jay and I still need to take ours. Plus, it looks like you have company." Her sing song voice let me know she was pleased Nate had come in to have lunch with me, along with the twinkle in her eye. She wasn't alone on that one. I was both surprised and thrilled. To have made the effort, he must have been thinking of me. "Did you really come in to have lunch with me, Nate?" "Of course. Come on. No bike this time, I promise. We can eat in town." Lucy winked at me as we headed towards the door. Just before we exited, Jay sounded out from the other side of the room. "Nate. Wait up!" We both spun around to where his voice came from. He strode over, seemingly pleased with himself. "Thanks, man." He held out his hand to Nate. I moved my eyes from Jay to Nate not sure where the conversation was going.

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"What for?" Nate was genuinely surprised. "For introducing me to the club. I was back there last night. Signed up and became a member. It's strange, I've lived in the area most of my life and never knew it existed." My eyes returned to Nate. His hand was still shaking Jay's. A flash of something crossed over his features but I couldn't tell what it meant. "Is that so? Well, they like to keep it private and lowkey. So low-key in fact, that it doesn't even have a name. I'm glad that you like it." Rotating the top half of his body, Jay called out over the tables of diners which I thought was strange for him. The same way he'd grabbed Nate's attention. "Hey, Luce?" Normally he was more professional. She looked up from the cash register, smiling at the customer who just paid his bill. "Yeah?" "You up for a night out on Friday? We can head back to the club if you like?" She paused for a second finding my gaze, her brows furrowing. "Um...sure. I guess." Jay fist bumped the air and moved back over to where he'd been wiping down a table. Looking back over to Lucy, her frown let me know that Jay's acting out of character still played on her mind. She really cared about him. I just hoped he wasn't

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going to morph into one of the grungy, drunken misfits who frequented the club. Nate and I left the confines of the café and found ourselves side by side out front again. Deciding to put Jay out of my mind for now, I focused on getting through my break with Nate smelling and looking so fine. "So, where to?" he asked, leaning in to brush his lips over mine, softly. It had me floundering. I went to speak but my brain had totally shut down with his contact. He watched my reaction, chuckling. Grabbing my hand, he pulled me to the right. "I think I know just the place." My tongue had gone all thick and dry in my throat. Nate was dressed casually today. Blue jeans replaced his usual black ones. His hair fell any way it pleased and the tee he wore should have been illegal because I swear it had been painted on. Not Metallica this time. A deep, dark purple fabric with nothing printed on it. Drool was pooling at the corner of my mouth so I quickly swiped it with my giant tongue and attempted to swallow. "Did you have a good morning at work?" He angled his neck and speared me with his red hot poker eyes. How in the heck did he expect me to function normally with the way he looked? I was female and I had eyes.

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"Ah ha." What was I? Five? I might be the quiet type but I wasn't normally verbally, challenged. "Cat got your tongue, Maya?" he smirked. Squeezing my hand he led me towards a taco stand. The moment of silence allowed me to regroup and gather my wits. "No burgers today?" "No. I like to mix it up a little. Something about variety and spice and all that." I nudged his arm in jest. "Good job I happen to love tacos." "Is there any food you don't like?" "Yes. Those tentacles you ate the other night and anything remotely resembling octopus, squid or shrimp." "Noted." Nate ordered for me and soon we were juggling a huge taco each and drinks while searching for somewhere to sit and eat it. "We could go to Hillcrest Park. It has beautiful big trees and grass." "Sounds like a plan." The walk was nice. I made sure to keep an eye on the time but the air was fresh and brisk and the park was fairly quiet. I loved that it was so close. The whole area was quite stunning. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else.

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We found a spot under a big fir tree and sat on the grass. I was ravenous. The nippy air had livened me up somewhat but I knew come evening, I was going to crash, hard. The taco was delicious. I devoured it in minutes, washing it down with a soda. As much as I tried to forget about Jay, a niggling sensation kept me from forgetting about him. I decided to broach the subject with Nate. "Did you notice anything unusual about Jay this morning?" He gave me a sideways glance as he sipped his drink. "How do you mean?" "He looked shocking. Like he hadn't slept or showered in days." I pulled a couple of blades of grass out and fiddled with them, nervously. A faint tic in his jaw had me wondering what was going on in his brain. "He obviously had a big night last night." "Maybe. But there was something different about it. I can't put my finger on it." Placing his hand over mine, he soothed, "I'm sure you're worrying about nothing. He's a young guy. He's allowed to be wild every now and then." His jaw slackened and his features smoothed out, making me wonder if I'd imagined the momentary tension he'd held.

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Nate was probably right. I was making a big deal out of nothing. The feel of his touch helped settle me again. He didn't seem in a hurry to break the connection. "If you are really concerned, how about we tag along with Jay and Lucy to the club on Friday night? That way you can keep an eye on him." Going back to that place was not high on my 'to do' list but Nate had a point. It might put my mind at ease. Plus, it would be company for Lucy." "I guess we could go for a little while." Leaning in to me, he placed a kiss on my lips, licking his way inside. Everything else was forgotten as I lost myself in him.

Amanda Mackey


Chapter Nine

Maya The week sped by and with each passing day, my concern for Jay increased. Not only had the bags under his eyes blackened, his cheeks were hollowing out. Something was wrong and it wasn't just a case of him cutting loose, no matter what Nate said. Lucy had tried to talk to him about it numerous times at work but he either changed the subject, planted a kiss on her or shrugged it off. It was so obvious that all was not good. Tonight was our visit to the club. I was counting on the evening providing us with a few answers. Ever since Jay had been frequenting it, which I believe had been three nights of the week and again tonight, he'd changed. We needed to find out why. With a little more idea on the dress code, I was decked out in a short skirt and barely there top Lucy had loaned me. My thick coat was draped around my shoulders because I knew when I opened the front door and stepped outside, the frigid Washington air would hit. Nate was picking up Jay and Lucy first so that we could all travel together. I had suggested it in the hope that when we left the club, Jay would have to leave too. Conniving but necessary.

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Around five minutes after eight the sound of Nates car pulled into the driveway. I was all ready and out the door so that everyone could remain in the car. "Hey," I cheered, eyeing how handsome Nate looked before turning to the back seat where Jay and Lucy sat holding hands. Jay had at least showered and done his hair, perhaps for Lucy's benefit but it didn't matter, he looked marginally better. "Hey yourself," sang Lucy. "I'm so excited you two decided to come with us. It's going to be fun." Fun. Yeah, right. The place we were heading to with its half-naked, drunk inhabitants was certainly not going to be fun but I was there to keep an eye on Jay so I would have to suck it up. "That it will, Luce. That it will," I huffed out, listening to her chatter away to Jay who was either not listening or couldn't get a word in. We had to park down the road a bit with Friday night being busy but I didn't mind. I'd worn chunky heels that were much easier to walk in than stilettoes. Lucy wore another barely there dress but this time it was green with a cutout back and Nate and Jay both dressed in colored shirts with black pants. It was the first time I'd seen Nate out of jeans or leathers. He looked incredibly delicious. Once again the bouncer at the door let us in with barely a sideways glance while a queue had formed down the alley and around the corner with others waiting to get in. Nate definitely did get the VIP

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treatment. Tonight I was grateful that we didn't have to stand for hours just to get inside the dive. The vast array of brightly colored hair, body piercings and tattooed skin had the four of us standing out as if we'd just appeared out of the Mary Poppins movie. "Drinks?" asked Nate. "How about we find a table first and I'll come help you carry them?" suggested Jay. "Sounds like a plan." Nate hadn't let go of my hand as we wound our way through the crowd in search of somewhere to sit. We found one easily against the wall in a corner of the room which surprised me, considering the number of people waiting outside. "What would you girls like to drink?" Jay was already moving to the strange dark music that was playing. "Vodka tonic, please." Lucy was back to being her perky self and didn't appear bothered by the people that frequented the club. Maybe I should just stop being so prudish and try to have fun like I had on the first night. "Only one drink for me. I'll have the same as Luce." "Be right back." Jay winked at Lucy and she beamed at him, obviously forgetting about the changes in him. Leaving us both in the booth, I looked to her and said, "So. You and Jay seem okay again."

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"Yeah. He explained that he's just going through some shit at home. That's why he's been coming to the club so much." "Oh. Did he go into detail?" "No. I didn't like to push it. I'm just going to be there for him." "You're a good person, Lucy. I mean that. You're also my only friend." She sent me a sympathetic smile. "Better to have one good friend than a heap of acquaintances, right?" "Right." We laughed. Thinking the boys had returned, I kept smiling at Lucy as I felt someone slip into the booth beside me. When Lucy's eyes rounded into perfect circles, I glanced sideways, shocked to find a bald, inked guy with giant holes in his ears where two rings were fitted. "Hey baby. You two pretty ladies look lonely over here. Thought my friend and I would join you." At the mention of a friend, a skinny guy with bright red hair, acne and a nose and lip piercing slipped in next to Lucy. Her mouth was open, her body, statue still. "These seats are reserved. Our boyfriends are at the bar and will be back any second." I hoped the mention of the B word would get them to back off. A horrible smell wafted from the one next to me. Scooting as far as I could away from him, he ogled me.

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"How about you slip that coat off and let me get a look at the goods?" He slid closer, leaving me pinned up against the wall. Eww. The guy stunk like sewage. "Listen guys. My friend here is right. We're already spoken for. There's plenty of other fish in this colorful sea tonight. Why don't you go and see what you can find?" The stick figure next to her smiled, showing us a mouth with only half its teeth. "We don't want those other fish. We like what we see right here." Where were Nate and Jay? They'd been gone too long. How long did it take to buy four drinks? It didn't look like our current company was going to take rejection easily so I was beginning to get agitated. The frown on Lucy's face told me she was too. When Mr. Stinky leaned across and licked down my cheek, I lost it. "Okay, that's it. You both need to leave." I pushed at him as hard as I could but he barely moved. "Aww come on little princess, I just want a little taste. What's wrong, are you a prude or something?" "No. I'm not a prude. I just don't like smelly, hideous creatures like yourself thinking they can lick me like a dog. Now move!" Grabbing my wrist, his face twisted into a sheet of anger. Lips squeezed tightly, veins engorged and his

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eyes blazed fire. "Like fuck I will. You don't get to tell me what to do." Lucy snarled. Actually snarled. "Get off me you creep before I punch that lip ring down your throat!" She could be badass when she wanted to be and didn't take shit from overbearing strangers. Her guy was handling her in all the wrong places and ways. He just laughed in her face. "Go ahead and try it. I dare you." Baldy next to me was attempting to grope me under my coat but I was twisting and squirming at his touch. He was vile and who knew where his hands had been, let alone the rest of his body. His breath had so much alcohol on it I was certain if I lit a match he would go up like a barrel of fuel. Just when I was going to scream real loud in the hopes someone with morals would hear me, baldy was ripped out of the booth and head-butted. He slumped against the wall, his nose oozing blood and his eyes rolled back into his skull. Red across the table was also on the move thanks to Jay, who had a feral gleam in his eyes as he lifted his target as if he weighed no more than a feather and shoved him into the wall, laying punch after punch into the guy's stomach and face. I'd never seen Jay so angry before. Lucy was screaming and noises were coming from my throat but they were drowned out by my friend across the table whose voice was at Defcon ten.

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Nate was breathing thick and heavy and this time I didn't think the flames licking his irises were a shadow or reflection. His neck was engorged with angry veins, a thin veil of pure, murderous rage cloaking him. A flicker of fear had me wondering who I should be more afraid of, the guy who was now slumped, unconscious against the wall or Nate. "Are you okay, Maya? Did he hurt you?" he growled in my face as I watched his eyes change from red to black, a mountain of unrestrained anger still simmering. His whole demeanor had altered showing me a side I hadn't yet seen. Did I really know this guy? Just how dangerous was he? My hands were shaking but I was okay. "No. He just wouldn't take no for an answer." Reaching down to pick up the big oaf, Nate dragged him from my sight. To where, I wasn't sure but as long as I didn't have to see him, I was fine. The evening had suddenly turned to crap, my theory of the club being a hellish dive, was not too far from the truth. Jay was still wailing on the skinny guy even though it was clear the dude was out of it. He was in the zone. If he didn't stop he was going to kill the guy. Standing and walking over to him, I placed a hand on his arm. "Jay. Stop! It's over. He's unconscious." His fist paused mid punch and his neck craned to where I was standing. Jay was gone, replaced by someone I didn't recognize. I pulled my hand back, shocked at the homicidal gleam in his eyes. "You're

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going to kill him," I whispered. Even though both guys had been complete jerks, I didn't want to witness a murder at the hands of my friend. Shaking his head as if snapping out of his daze, he stood up and looked at Lucy. "Luce...." Her hand was clutching her throat and her eyes darted from the lump on the floor to Jay. Jay rubbed his face and bent down to Lucy. "Breathe. Did the scumbag do anything to you?" Lucy just shook her head, eyes still the size of dinner plates. I wasn't sure whether to be happy or frightened that Nate and Jay stepped in. I wasn't aware either of them could fight so well. Jay slid next to Lucy and grabbed her drink from the edge of the table, placing it in front of her as if he hadn't almost killed someone. In a trance, Lucy picked up her glass and took large swigs with the straw, not stopping until it was half empty. Nate re-appeared and pulled the other guy away as well as if it was his job to take out the trash. My mind was swimming with the events that had just taken place. "What just happened?" I asked Jay who was sipping something red out of a glass.

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"Those guys were harassing both of you. They're assholes. I've seen them around here before, hitting on girls." "Where did you learn to fight like that?" Maybe I never really new Jay after all. Maybe this was who he had been all along and I'd been too blind or naïve to see it. As for Nate, well, I didn't really know him at all. He stared at me. Into me as if searching for the answer to my question. "I...uh, guess its just instinct." Instinct huh? Instinct to kill someone? Where had the kind, gentle guy I thought I knew, gone? Suddenly I just wanted to go home. I didn't belong in this environment. I hated violence. My gut was swirling in an uneasy mass of nausea. Nate returned and sat down close to me, taking both my shoulders and turning me towards him. "I'm serious, Maya. Are you okay? You don't look it." Freezing at his touch after what I'd witnessed, I attempted to jerk out of his hold but he was too strong. There was genuine concern on his face when I nervously looked at him but it did little to appease me. "I want to leave." Nodding, he let go of me. "Finish your drink and then I'll take you home." His voice was detached and cold and I could still feel his air of fury. Needing an answer, I asked, "Where did you take those guys?"

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"It doesn't matter. Just know they won't be bothering you again. They've been taken care of." What did that mean? Taken care of. Disposed of? Ugh. My head was beginning to throb. Lucy was quiet as she sat with Jay's arm draped over her shoulders. She looked like she was on the verge of tears and I couldn't blame her. There was an extended silence as we all sat and sipped at our drinks. The night had ended before it had even begun. I decided there and then that I was never going to step foot in the club again. It was bad news. There were plenty of other places to go without being a part of such a seedy establishment. I couldn't work out what Nate and Jay saw in it. When we'd all finished, Nate stood, holding his hand out for mine but I shunned it. "You two coming?" he asked, Jay and Lucy. Lucy answered, "Hell, yes," but Jay faltered. "I think I'm going to hang around a bit longer. Luce you go on without me. I'll see you at work on Monday, okay?" "What? You can't be serious? You're staying after what happened? Why can't you just leave with all of us?" She pushed Jay out of the way, coming across to stand beside me, threading her hand through my arm for moral support. Jay appeared torn but stuck to his guns. "I won't stay long. I just want to make sure the trouble has gone."

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I couldn't believe his excuse. Something about the weak way he put his argument across had me believing it was a lie. Lucy was more than pissed off. Nate didn't seem bothered one way or the other as his cell phone buzzed and he pulled it out to check a message. Turning on her heels and pulling me along with her, Lucy spat, "Fine. Do what you want. I don't really care. Goodbye, Jay." Peering over my shoulder as we headed to the door, I saw Nate whispering something into Jay's ear but then a huge male body blocked my view. There was definitely something going on between those two and I was going to find out what it was.

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Chapter Ten

Nate The night hadn't turned out the way I'd expected. Tonight had been the second evening I'd asked Maya out and both times there had been something to mar it. Those two assholes who had been too far gone to care about their actions had unfortunately gone to Hell earlier than expected. When I told Maya that they wouldn't be bothering her again, I'd meant it. Jay was quickly succumbing to the lure of the club and would eventually leave Earth in the same fashion. A sliver of unease crept through me at that idea because I knew how much he meant to Maya and Lucy. It shouldn't have meant shit. I was a demon and demons were selfish creatures. I guess Maya had a destiny in Hell herself though so I shouldn't dwell on it. Lucifer's words echoed in my mind. She is special. She has something I want. At the time I'd questioned his words but then dismissed them. I'd been too concerned with him taking Maya, that night. Now as I pondered them, my demon blood flared up into a raging firestorm. I felt protective of her. I knew what Lucifer did to females. He used and abused them and kept them tied up to his bed like dogs chained to posts. A pet he could toy with. I didn't want that for Maya. If I intended to keep her for myself, I needed to think of a plan to avoid that happening.

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After dropping a very sullen Lucy home, I drove to Maya's house. I turned the engine off in the driveway and opened my door, moving quickly around to her side to help her out. She hadn't said a word to me on the drive home and I couldn't blame her. What she'd witnessed tonight was only a small part of who I was. The utter rage I'd experienced when I'd seen the lowlife's hands on her had nearly invoked my demon to show. It was only with great effort, I'd held him at bay. "I want to do a sweep of your house, inside and out just to make sure everything is safe. After our very short evening and how it ended, it will give me peace of mind." The fact was, I knew the two douchebags from the club wouldn't be bothering her. It was Lucifer, I was concerned about. He'd already been spying on her. If he was close by I would sense him. I hated the thought of him watching her whenever he damn well pleased. "Fine." Shoving the keys at me, she let me unlock the front door and lead her inside. Needing to make things right between us, I grabbed her arm and turned her before she could walk away. "Maya. I apologize again about this evening. You don't need to be afraid of me. I'd never hurt you. I was trying to keep you safe by intervening." Her wide eyes, searched mine. "Just who are you, Nate? If you're involved in anything illegal, I don't think we should be friends. It's not who I am. You're a bad influence on Jay. It's affecting all of us." Worry

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marred her pretty features and I shouldn't have cared less, in fact the monster in me should have been rejoicing at her fears but a small part of me actually cared. It confused the hell out of me because I wasn't meant to feel anything remotely resembling compassion or kindness. The innocent girl before me whose lip was quivering as she gazed at me with disappointment and worry, sparked a flame of goodness in me when it shouldn't have. In the short time I'd known her, I'd gone from wanting to have her by my side, taking over Earth, to needing to protect her from Satan and any other darkness out there. Call it instinct but I'd defend her at all costs. Lifting my fingers to her face, I carefully watched her reaction as I tenderly traced the outline of her mouth. She closed her eyes momentarily, breathing out heavily before fixing her beautiful eyes on me. "My job is what it is. I send the bad people where they're meant to go. People like the guy who tried to maul you tonight." It was a half-truth. She needn't know the finer details. Like how those douchebags had once been college graduates from wealthy families, lives mapped out. Turned into shells of themselves by unwittingly drinking demons blood after being lured to the club. Blood supplied by the King of Hell. "What about Jay? What's happening to him?" I could feel the gentle push of her cheek as my hand made its way up her jaw.

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"He's having fun. It's what young guys do. It's good to know he can hold his own in a fight though, don't you agree?" Shaking her head slightly she pulled out of my reach. "This whole night has opened my eyes as to what goes on out there. As much as I don't like the thought of Jay in that place, I was glad that he defended Lucy like that. I guess it means he does care, in his own weird way. I just don't want to see him turn into one of those freaks that haunt the club." "I'll watch out for him, I promise." Seemingly appeased for now and nodding, she headed for the kitchen. "Would you like something to drink? Coffee? Tea? Soda?" Not wanting to leave her yet, it gave me an excuse to stick around. "Coffee would be fine. Thank you. While you're getting it, I'll check out your house." "It's not really necessary you know. You did tell me those guys wouldn't be bothering me again." Her expression was guarded. "And they won't. I just don't like the thought of you coming home to an empty house." "Nate. I've been living on my own for quite a while now. I'm a big girl." Smiling, I followed her into the kitchen. She removed her coat and hung it over the back of one of the bar stools at the counter. "I know but it would give me peace of mind before I leave."

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Sliding the glass door open that led to the back yard, I stepped out. "I'll be back in a minute." She sighed and began moving around the kitchen. The yard was black. Tall trees over the fence line hid the moon from view. Shutting the door behind me so as not to let the cold air inside, I stalked around the perimeter of the property, not sensing Lucifer's presence. The tall trees over the fence in the wooded area whistled and rustled with the breeze but apart from that, the vicinity was still. Most of the neighbor's lights were off, signaling that they were either in bed or out. With no immediate danger, I still decided to check the inside to keep true to my word. I wasn't entirely comfortable leaving Maya on her own when the head of Hell could still put in an appearance later. My promise to have Maya ready for him in two weeks sat heavily on my chest. I didn't want to turn her into evil for him. The truth was, I liked her purity. It was endearing. It called to me in a way I didn't understand. Perhaps her good, counteracted my bad. As far as demons went, I knew I wasn't typical. Why Lucifer thought so highly of me still didn't add up? But he only saw me as a chief to do his bidding. I did what he asked. He wasn't inside my head to know how my mind worked. To know I experienced such human emotions as compassion, regret and worry when it came to Maya and her friends. Just what sort of a demon was I? One with morals? Stepping back into the kitchen the overhead light portrayed just how wholesome Maya was. Angelic. I

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gawked, jaw unhinged at the beauty before me. My chest folded in on itself as a fragmented memory snatched me momentarily from the present. Warmth. Peace. Kindness. Brightness. Iridescent wings the color of pearl on a being dressed in white. A place so overwhelmingly stunning and yet with an unfounded familiarity about it. It flashed across my consciousness, not hovering long before becoming lost in the dark recesses of my mind. My breath was cantering along and I became aware that I was gripping onto the side of the house to steady myself. What was that? And why did my body feel like it was teetering on a thin razor between what I knew to be fact and something else? Maya lifted her head and found me staring at her. When we connected, an intangible field of energy zapped around us, pulling me in and destroying everything I knew myself to be. "Nate?" she asked, placing the pot of coffee down and walking over to the door, all the while the white light surrounded her. "What are you doing? You look disoriented." Blinking heavily to remove my fog, I met her and lifted my hand to her face, drifting it across her cheek. "I'm fine. Really. I was just watching you for a moment, astounded by how stunning you are." She answered me with a shy smile, dropping her gaze to the floor and then back up. "Thank you. You're not so bad yourself."

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"Oh, really?" I pressed myself into her, needing...something. A sliver of her purity. Anything, as long as I could feed on some of it. She drew in a breath right before I crushed my mouth to hers. My tongue pushed inside, not waiting for her approval. She surprisingly opened and joined me in the duel. Feverish with need, I lifted her and placed her on the counter, fitting snugly between her legs, all the while our lips remained locked together. Her breath carried a mild taste of alcohol but the scent on her skin quickly drowned that out, replacing it with wild roses. Groaning desperately, I pushed my hands under her top to find her velvety skin. She mewed like a kitten at the contact. "Nate?" Pulling away, I hoped she wasn't going to deny me what I needed. "Hmm?" My tongue, licked up her neck. "Shut the door." Oh, thank fuck for that. Moving as fast as I could without rising suspicion, I had the door shut and locked and Maya in my arms before she could protest. "Where's your bedroom?" I grated out. "I..." she stumbled over her words. "Do you think this is a good idea?" "I think it's a perfect idea. I know I said I was going to search the inside of your house too but I can assure

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you you're safe." My need was driving me. Nothing else. Her magical eyes were on me, still heavy from our kissing. "I don't normally do this." Heading down the hall, kicking in the door she pointed at, I did the same thing from the inside to ensure it was closed, finding a neatly made be in the center of the room. Placing her down, I stood. The devil in me wanted to rip her clothes off and mark her as mine so I had to use every ounce of restraint I had not to let the fiend take over. The image of her splayed out with her hair a cascade of spun gold and her skin like snow, I'd never seen her look more striking. "Take your clothes off!" I demanded, needing her naked. Very slowly she pulled her tight clothing down and off, throwing it over the side of the bed. She was glorious. Better than I'd pictured. A feast waiting to be devoured. High, pert breasts above a sculptured abdomen left me aching. Her neatly trimmed mound led to all sorts of sin. I was delirious as I fought off the creature who would fuck her then rip her to shreds. Hot liquid gushed through my veins, fighting against my control. Her cheeks blushed as I took in my fill, scribing this moment into my blackened soul. I didn't deserve an

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ounce of her time and yet, here I was witnessing her surrendering to me. One of Satan's children. She didn't have a clue who I was. What I could do to her. And yet, she was the one person it would kill me to hurt. It was with this knowledge that I knew she ultimately had more power over me than Satan. A human woman whose touch rendered me useless to anything remotely dark. Ultimately, she trusted me. A trust that would lead to betrayal because no matter how much my dark heart always rejoiced in her company, I had made a deal with the king of Hades to hand her over on a silver freaking platter and until I thought up a way out, she was going to become his. The sword I was sitting on was become sharper by the hour. "You having second thoughts?" her seductive gaze rolled over me, snapping me to, igniting my fire as I pushed all the muck to the back of my mind, focusing on the goddess before me. Removing my shirt with a quick rip and shucking out of my pants and boxers I let her take me in. All of me. I reveled in the way her pupils expanded, and she swallowed hard. I was easy on the eye. No doubt about it. I'd been created to attract and lure. Maya wasn't blind. "Do I look like I'm having second thoughts?" I smirked, amusedly. With a flicker of her eyes down to my raging hard-on there was only one answer for her. "No."

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Stalking up the bed, I seized her ankles, pulling her downwards, covering her completely, relishing in the feel of her skin touching every inch of me. She shivered as goosebumps amassed down her arms. "Are you cold?" I whispered, placing an open mouthed kiss on her collarbone. "Not now. Your body has made sure of it." "It's about to get a whole lot warmer, Maya." Oh how it was going to sizzle. Her shapely breasts were magnificent. Round and high with delicate little shoots that were stiff and pink. To feel them scraping my chest was torture. I sought out her mouth, kissing and licking my way up her neck, her back arching high at the sensation it caused. "Nate." "Shh. I know. Just give yourself over to me. Let me take you where you've never been." My lips began devouring hers, stealing all I needed. Her heart was drumming against her ribcage and her creamy thighs had fallen open. Her body fit perfectly into mine as if we'd been made for each other but I knew that was only a theory in my own mind. I was inhuman. I was made for sin and she was made for all things mortal.

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Moans, deep and throaty tried to exit her mouth but I swallowed them, my tongue lapping at hers with passionate strokes. If I'd been hot before, I was burning now. Maya was like fuel to my fire. She simply set me alight and all I wanted to do was smolder with her all night. Her fingers had gone from tentative to greedy, as they gouged into my back. She couldn't get enough and neither could I. I found her jutting breasts with my palms and kneaded them into quivering masses, rejoicing at their easy surrender. When I pulled an already distended nipple to elongate it further she let loose a high keen which spurred me on. "So responsive," I murmured against her swollen lips. "I'm craving a taste." With that, my mouth left hers to seek out her peaks, suckling them one after the other until I was sure she was going to splinter into orgasm before I'd even entered her. "Put your hand around me, Maya. Feel how much I want you." It came out as a hasty growl because I was beyond the point of no return. The moment her silky skin fisted me, I thrust into her palm, the sensation exquisite. She wasn't experienced but it didn't matter. I didn't need that, I just needed her. Whatever she gave me I would take. The need to possess her was overwhelming. Her scent was driving me to the brink. The slight salty tang to her skin and the mere sensations of her under my

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tongue. It was sweet torture. Heaving grunts tore from my throat as I ground into her thigh. We were woven in a tangled web of limbs. Her small, delicate hand rolled over me with smooth strokes, a silken glove of hedonistic torture. Shudders jolted through my thighs with the surge of blood she brought from base to tip. "So good," I moaned, lost to her. In her. Just when I was going to pull her hand away and sink myself into her, an almighty rumble shook the entire house. Books fell off a shelf, the overhead light swung and gyrated. We both sat up instantly. "Earthquake?" asked Maya, alarmed, wrapping the sheet around her torso. "Not likely in Washington." I had other ideas as to what the rumble was and I wasn't happy. A clear warning. Dressing, hurriedly, I clamored into my boots. "Stay here. Do not move. I'm just going to check things out." Rattled, she backed herself into the wall, bringing her knees up to steady herself. "Be careful," she shouted above the din as I shut the bedroom door and headed out the back. Again, I could feel him before I saw him. Stepping out the door to the small grassy area out back, Lucifer cockily leaned

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against the wire fence decked out in an old-fashioned, cream top-hat and suit. The shuddering of the house quickly halted the moment I reached him. "What the hell was that?" "You tell me, Nathaniel" Lucifer snarled. "Didn't I tell you the other night that I was claiming Maya for myself and here you were ravishing her like a lovesick fool?" He was on me in a flash, teeth beginning to elongate into razors, his eyes yellowing. I wasn't backing down though. Within me was something equally as powerful. I'd felt it at the nightclub. An intangible force waiting to explode like white hot magma. Now was not the time to test it out so I reined it in, the pulse of energy throbbing just under my skin. "That's why you're here? You're jealous?" I laughed, humorlessly, my skin burning. "You don't get to play with my toys! Do what you have to in order to prepare her for Hell but do not have sex with her. That pleasure is mine and mine only." This guy was truly insane even by my standards. He'd been spying on us in the bedroom. A sick voyeur. I'd been too wrapped up in Maya to notice. There was no way he was going to have her when I'd found her first. He thrived on stealing from others. Why would the fact that she's human be any different? Rubbing the back of my neck, sucking in some cool air to help me settle, I jumped when Maya spoke. "Nate? What are you doing out here and who's your friend?"

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Shit. Double shit. Glaring at Lucifer, ignoring his devious smirk, I replied without looking at her as I watched his teeth retract and his eyes switch back. "I came out to check and see if there was any damage to the house and caught this man lurking around. I was just about to escort him off the property." Maya's panicked voice had me disengage from Lucifer, "Should I call the police?" The devil chuckled, stalking towards Maya who had thankfully dressed appropriately in some pajamas, with a robe over the top. "Well, aren't you lovely? Precious really. A true angel." He stopped in front of her and removed his large hat, placing it under his arm. Holding out his hand, he waited for her to take it. "What are you doing lurking around my house and more to the point in my backyard?" She kept her arms to her sides, although I could see they were rigid. Lucifer dropped his hand, angling his head slightly. "I do apologize. I seem to be lost. I was looking for a party I was invited to but it seems I got the address wrong. I came around the back to see if my friends were here but they're not. My mistake." He bowed slightly in front of her. Maya looked to me. I nodded slowly, walking to her side protectively. I hated her being anywhere near the powerful demon.

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Relaxing her shoulders, Maya softened. "I guess that's okay but what are you wearing? Is the party, fancy dress?" "Fancy dress?" For a second, I thought Lucifer was aggravated by her question. "No, my dear. This happens to be a very expensive Italian, hand sewn suit I wear quite a bit." "Oh. I'm sorry. I haven't seen anything quite like it before." Satan smiled, giving her all of his demonic charm. I had to get him to leave. Now. He was too close to her. "So. No party here. I'll see you off the property." My voice left me in a rumble. Turning to me, his pupils grew, covering his irises before diminishing back to normal size so Maya couldn't see. It was a warning for me to back off. "So sorry to trouble you both. I can see myself out." With that, he strutted around the side of the house and out of sight. "That was weird," Maya mumbled. "You have no idea," I huffed. Deciding I needed to head home so I could diffuse the bomb inside me, I said, "I think I'm going to just go home and leave you in peace." Disappointment marred her features. "If you want." Kissing her forehead, I knew I had to leave. The earlier lust filled moment had long gone at Lucifer's

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arrival. His interest in Maya was a hiccup I didn't need. I was going to have to spend the rest of the night coming up with a way to prevent him from taking her without smashing every piece of furniture. "I'll stop by the café tomorrow for a coffee." "Sure." She seemed to have lost her voice all of a sudden. "Did you find out what the rumbling was?" "What?" "The shaking of my house." "Oh. Just a tremor, I imagine. Not common but not totally out of the question in Washington." I hoped she brought it. Seemingly she did. "I'll see you tomorrow." "Indeed." Stepping in for a quick chaste kiss, I etched the sensation of her succulent flesh into my psyche and walked around the house to my car. I shouldn't be letting Maya think I had feelings for her but the more time I spent with her the more I realized that she had become way more than a job. That bothered me because I knew things would not end well.

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Chapter Eleven

Maya I was beginning to think I should just tell Nate that I didn't want to see him anymore. Since his arrival at Mt. Vernon, life had been getting stranger and I'm sure he had something to do with it. There were too many coincidences. The man in my backyard last night was the icing on the cake and then Nate had decided to just leave without even returning inside. I'd wanted to finish what we started but it appeared he'd had second thoughts. His entire demeanor had changed from attentive to aloof. Filling up the bean grinder in the café, I pondered everything. My life thus far was a blur of scattered memories. Nothing solid. My parents were dead but I didn't feel anything with that knowledge. School. I didn't even remember it. Things I did recall came with no emotion attached. I simply went through the motions of life, working, eating and sleeping. Until Nate. He had me feeling things I'd never felt. A connection to something when I'd never had one before. Did I really want to lose that now that I had it so I could go back to my non-existence? "Penny for your thoughts," said Lucy in my ear, jerking me back to the present. Customers were backed up at the counter and I had four coffee orders to fulfill. "Sorry. I haven't got my head in the game today."

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"Everything okay?" "I don't know. We'll chat when it quiets down." Trouble was, it didn't quiet down. It was a constant flow of diners up until Jay breezed in for our lunch reliefs at midday. Nate hadn't arrived yet. I thought he might have popped in earlier. Perhaps he was waiting until afternoon. I wasn't sure what I'd tell him about continuing our friendship. "Hey sexy bitches. How's it going?" I balked at his choice of words and the way he strutted in as if he owned the place was out of character. It was in stark contrast to the tired, shell of a guy that had been gracing us with his presence over the last week. Loading a tray with three coffees, I delivered them to a table of girls and on my way back I observed Jay. Dressed in a pair of jeans with holes in the knees and an un-ironed black tee shirt with the neck stretched out of shape, he put his arm around Lucy. She jerked her gaze from him to me with an alarmed expression. If I didn't know better, I'd think Jay was homeless. He wouldn't get away with turning up for work like that for too long. Ted was patient but there was a certain dress code to abide by in the Hospitality industry. I decided to let Lucy go to lunch first so I could hang around to see if Nate showed up.

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"You go, Luce. We'll be fine. Won't we Jay?" He actually turned and raked his eyes up and down my body twice before grinning like a maniac. "We'll be more than fine, angel." Oh. My. God. Who was this guy? Lucy pulled herself from under Jay in a huff, grabbed her bag and walked by me, pausing to whisper, "I can't believe him! When I get back from lunch, I'm going to tell him to take a hike. I'm not interested in dating someone so...filthy and unpredictable. Seriously Maya, go get a whiff. He smells." I didn't need to get close to him to know he reeked. He looked pungent. This was not good. I had to find out what was happening. Once Lucy was gone, I turned to Jay who was taking someone's order at the counter. When the patron was seated, I asked, "What's going on, Jay?" "Aaaangel." He drew the word out like a smarmy pimp. "Don't angel me. Tell me what's wrong with you, Jay. Lucy is pretty pissed right now and even though you guys mightn't officially be dating, you're being a dick." There. Someone had to say it. No use beating around the bush. He laughed as if what I'd said had no effect on him whatsoever.

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"Oh baby. Stop worrying so much. I'm cool. You cool?" Baby? I'm cool? Damn. This was worse than I thought. "Were you at the club again last night?" "What can I say? I'm hooked." Yeah. Hooked on something and I'm guessing it wasn't just the club. "You really need to sort your shit out. I mean, look how you're dressed? You've never showed up to work like this. Ted isn't happy. I can tell." "Oh shush. You worry too much. I'm fine. Ted's fine. We're all fine." He kissed me on top of the head and I swore I could smell alcohol on him. Before I could reply, someone cleared their throat at the counter. Spinning around, I was shocked to find the guy that had been in my backyard standing only a couple of feet away from me, smiling a ridiculously charming smile. "Hello again," he spoke in a silky, smooth voice. He was far from the old-fashioned figure he'd cut the previous night. Today he was in a pair of faded denim jeans and a plain black collared shirt. His hair was dark blonde and fell on either side of his face to his shoulders. Wow! The outside light at my house hadn't given me a very good picture of him. He was stunning.

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Perfect, even. I couldn't honestly see one flaw on him anywhere. "I wasn't aware you worked here. What a coincidence!" His mouth tipped into a smirk. "Uh." I stammered. "What can I get for you?" Eyes twinkling with mischief, he leaned over the counter, "How about a moment of your time. I wanted to apologize for last night." Stealing a quick glance at Jay he nodded, never taking his eyes off the stranger. All the customers had been tended to, so I motioned with my hand to a vacant table against the window. "I only have a moment." "Of course." He waited for me to move first. "Did you want a drink of something?" I asked. "I'll order in a bit." He crossed his arms on the table and his corded forearms didn't escape my notice before I looked up. "If I frightened you last night, I'm sorry. That wasn't my intention. I must have come across as a person meaning you harm." I had been taken aback at having a stranger in my backyard. If Nate hadn't been with me I probably would have freaked out and called the police. "It's okay. I'm glad Nate was there to help sort things out."

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His pulse throbbed in his neck and a vein stood out. "Is he your boyfriend?" It was an odd question. I merely peered at him and held my tongue. Nate wasn't my boyfriend but what we'd done last night had crossed the line of friendship. "I'm sorry. I realize it's too personal. Have I overstepped my welcome?" His teeth glowed when he smiled like a poster boy for braces or toothpaste. "No. It's just I'm not used to strangers broaching subjects like that when I've just met them. Nate and I are friends, Mr...?" Waiting on his name he seemed to relax and held out his hand. "Just plain old Nick is fine." He was easy enough to talk to and attempting to be pleasant so I took his hand and let out a small noise at how hot it was. I thought Nate's hands were warm. Nicks were borderline, burning." He studied me, curiously. "Something wrong, my dear?" "Your skin. It's on fire." "It's a condition I have. My temperature is always through the roof." At the look on my face he must have felt the need to clarify. "Don't worry. It's not contagious. Now. With whom do I have the pleasure of sitting with?" I'd forgotten to give him my name. "Maya."

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"What a lovely name. A pretty name for a pretty girl." Feeling my cheeks flame, I stood up. He had me on edge. Something about his attempt to be kind rubbed me the wrong way as if it was fake. "I'd better get back to work." Even though I knew Jay was just slouched behind the counter. Standing, he walked with me. "I'd like to order a cappuccino now if I may? Thank you for your company Maya. It was delightful even if it was way too short." I nodded to Jay to take care of Nick. His oldfashioned character was unusual in this day and age. Perhaps he was well-traveled and had older parents. I guessed I shouldn't be judging. I mean who was I to talk? I had a past that resembled a jigsaw puzzle. Nick moved back to the same table to await his drink and I made myself busy cleaning tables. Nate still hadn't stopped by. I had to admit to myself that I was anticipating seeing him again. Disappointment with each passing hour, increased. It shouldn't have though. It should have been a sign that we weren't suited to each other. I didn't need his baggage or whatever it was he'd brought with him to town. I could feel Nick's persistent stare even though I kept my back to him as much as I could. The one time I did peek up, he was smiling at me after taking a sip of the coffee Jay had delivered him. It was a little creepy. I wished Nate would waltz in and distract me. Between hot new guy ogling me like I

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was his next meal and Jay with his newfound weirdness, the café had taken on a tense vibe. Checking the wall clock I was relieved to see Lucy would be back in five. Maybe today I'd eat out the back in the kitchen with Ted and Rory. I got the distinct impression that if I exited through the front door, Nick would follow and I most certainly didn't want that. Hopefully he wouldn't hang around until closing time or I'd be getting Lucy to drive me home instead of walking. Pouring myself a double shot flat white, I took a swig, needing the caffeine to help me through the day. Ted was happy for us to help ourselves to drinks. He knew how hard we worked and were often run off our feet so he gave us that perk as a bonus. "You know that guy?" Jay spoke for the first time in a while. "Not really. He was in my yard last night. Apparently he got lost." Jay frowned. "Huh. Weird. What'd he want with you just now?" "He just wanted to apologize for scaring me last night. I guess he could see the alarm on my face. Nate handled it well though." Jay kept staring at Nick as if he'd seen him somewhere before and was trying to recall a memory or maybe he was just attempting to figure the dude out.

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Guy thing, I guess. Either way, I was thankful for Jay's presence, even if he was only half with me, mentally. Lucy ambled back in, sucking a can of coke back through a straw. She kept her gaze on me and the café. Everywhere but at Jay. "Your turn, sweet pea," she chirped, attempting to play the happy card in front of her crush. Hit with the dilemma of leaving or staying, I opted for staying. Checking Nick out, he had taken his eyes off me for a second and was talking into his cell. It appeared to be a tense call judging by the way his facial features had folded into angered lines. I could possibly make a quick getaway out front while he was distracted but it was a risk not worth taking. "You okay?" Lucy tugged on my arm. Turning towards her, I lowered my voice. "I think I'm just going to eat out back today. That guy over there on his phone is creeping me out." She looked over my shoulder and her mouth sagged as her eyes settled on Nick. "Mr. God over there? You're scared of him?" "Shhh. No not scared. He was in my yard last night, lost and then turned up here today. Long story, okay? I'm just playing it safe." Nodding as she ogled him, I pushed past her and walked into the kitchen.

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Rory lifted his head from the dishwasher he was loading. "Here she is. My favorite head Barista." I snickered. "You make it sound so important, Rory. I make coffee." "Coffee is important. It's the most important meal of the day. You essentially help two thirds of this town get going in the morning and keep them going throughout the day." I'd never thought of it like that. Rory always had the knack of turning things into a positive. With his boyish, cheeky looks and hair tied back into a ponytail, he was one of the good guys who loved being a chef and made the best steak sandwich in the area. Perhaps in the whole State of Washington. Stopping to stand up, he quirked an eyebrow. "You eating with the lowly cook today?" "Yeah. Thought I'd lower my standards just once." He roared laughing and threw a dish rag at me. "Get over here and give me a hug, sunshine. Then, I'm going to make you one of my signature steak sandwiches." "I thought you'd never offer." To both actually. His hugs were the best too, in a friendly, brotherly way. Rory was also extremely gay so I didn't have to worry about him ever hitting on me. I'm surprised he hadn't smelled Nick out. He normally had an in-built radar when it came to cute guys.

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Wrapping my arms around Rory was easy. He was my height with a slight build. He squeezed me hard and then ruffled the top of my hair. "Where's Ted?" I asked. "He's out meeting with suppliers. It's just me and you kiddo. Now sit and fill me in on any gossip." Watching him flit about the kitchen was amusing. He became a part of his domain and everything in it, working with ease. "My life has become complicated all of a sudden." I needed someone to talk to besides Lucy. She was my best friend but Rory could give me advice from a guy's perspective. Another angle was always good. "You remember Nate, right?" "Oh Mercy! Of course, I remember his hotness. How is he?" "He's good. Not denying that but since his arrival, there have been weird things happening." "Define weird, honey." My steak began sizzling on the hotplate, sending a delicious aroma my way. "I'm probably over thinking it all but the first night we went out, he ditched me, claiming he had business to take care of..." I proceeded to fill Rory in on the weird feelings I had of being watched and then Nick turning up in my back yard dressed like he was from a different era. "Then he turns up today dressed normally to apologize. He's been ogling me the whole time. As far

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as I know he's still out there. I can't help but feel it's all connected to Nate." Rory looked to the door into the café and I knew what he was about to do. He couldn't help himself. Strutting over with the tongs in his hand, he opened the door a smidgeon to peer out. I could tell the moment he locked onto Nick. The tongs came up to his chest as if he was trying to breathe. "Oh My. Be still my beating heart. That's Nick? The one talking to Jay?" "What?" Getting up and racing to the door, I pushed Rory out the way only to spot Nick and Jay sitting at the same table I'd been at, seemingly deep in conversation. Nick was doing all the talking. What could they possibly be discussing? I searched for Lucy and found her giving a customer some change at the counter but I couldn't see her expression. Shutting the door, I grabbed Rory's arm and pulled him back to the griller to check on my steak. "You see? Something's going on. Why is Jay talking to the dude? Why is the guy even still here?" "Baby doll, chill. Maybe the prime, package of male splendor out there has turned Jay to bat for the other team. Hell, if I wasn't already gay, I'd turn for him." "Be serious." I could tell I sounded like a lunatic and my sense of things not being right seemed insignificant and trivial but my gut was screaming at me that Nick

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showing up was no coincidence and Jay's change wasn't either. "Look, honestly? I think you need to stop worrying so much. I'm sure everything is fine. You know Jay. He'll talk to the customers all day if he could. It's good for business." He began loading up my sandwich before slicing it diagonally and handing it to me. "Thanks Rory. You're right as always. I'm being silly." Trouble was, my intuition was telling me another story. All was not as it was supposed to be and I wasn't letting it go but for now I'd set it aside and enjoy my normal time with Rory. Biting into the chunky sandwich I moaned at the taste. "Oh. This is sooo good. You're brilliant, you know that right?" Smiling and flicking me with a towel, he said, "I've been told that a time or two." "Ewww. Don't go there." We both laughed. I loved spending time with him. He helped distract me for a bit. His quirkiness was refreshing. Within the walls of the kitchen existed a world where I could be myself and not take things too seriously. Rory chatted while he worked, filling me in on his guy dramas enabling me to immerse myself into someone else's problems and escape my own. It momentarily freed me from the chains weighing me down.

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Chapter Twelve

Nate The trip back to hell was short but painful. I'd stepped into the portal, knowing full well Lucifer was above ground on Earth. I wanted to take the time to return home while he wasn't there in order to find a way out of the predicament I was in. Namely, Maya being claimed by him. I had less than two weeks now until she was his for good so I had to return back to the source to look for a solution. The sensation of falling through the tunnel was akin to a thousand knives stabbing at every inch of my body. Torture before entry into Hell. I'd never experienced anything like this before. Come to think of it, I don't know how I came to be in Hell. Was I born a demon? A spawn of Lucifer? Was that why he had made me the head of his army? Because I was truly his son? He called us all his children but that was merely a term used to tie us to him. Like God and his children. To be Satan's literal son, though? Was that possible? Somehow that thought repulsed me. I should be a happy little demon but I was far from it. When I landed in a dark, depressing street with a thud, the smell of sulfur hit me. Searching my surroundings, there were rundown buildings covered in graffiti with boarded over windows, wrecks of cars parked on the streets and sad souls who looked homeless, wandering aimlessly. Home sweet home.

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Even with the perpetual darkness, one was still able to see. It was like early morning at the first peek of light. Gray and dreary. The big question was, where was I going and what was I looking for? I really had no plan and hadn't thought my visit through properly. Maya would be expecting me at the café and again I would stand her up. Still, if she hated me, I was doing this for her. She had no idea where her future lay and if she did, she'd be thanking me for what I was doing. Drawn out wails echoed in the pitiful landscape. Damned souls who had been exiled to Hellfire. A place I never wanted to end up. I'd rather spend an eternity wandering these depressing streets than burning forever. Making a move, I decided to follow the cries. I did know Satan's residence was near the fiery pits so if I could get closer, perhaps I'd find his home. Figuring out how I would get past security and inside would have to come later. I needed to act fast before he returned and caught me snooping. He'd mentioned to me once that in his library he had copies of records on old parchment from the dawn of time. From his Heavenly fall to present day. If I could find anything at all that might help me, I had to try. A couple of beggars walked towards me and held their hands out to me, fingers bony and gnarled. Nails pointy. They grabbed onto my shirt as if I might be their lifeline. "Save us! Please! Save us," they cried out.

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I wasn't there to save anyone. Well, except Maya. These souls were in Hell because of the way they'd chosen to live their lives so it wasn't up to me to save them. They needed to save themselves. "I'm sorry," Pushing them away with as much force as I could, I watched them fall to the ground before I hurried away, not turning to look back. Their pleas could still be heard as I rounded a corner onto a similar street. It all looked the same really. I must have walked for miles. Considering where I was though, it probably simply felt like it. Time didn't exist in Hell as it did on Earth. A day up above could feel like a lifetime down below. The tortured cries were getting louder until through the mist, a familiar structure loomed. Gothic would best describe it. A palace fit for the Lord of the underworld. Eerie and intimidating. Whilst standing taking it all in, a stabbing pain manifested in my stomach. Intense enough to have me fold over at the waist. My breath caught as I fought to keep myself standing. A flash of a dungeon shot across my consciousness. Lying on the cold stone floor with a craving for blood my only concern as I was sporadically fed the red fluid. No memory before that though. Only black. Another cramp had me gripping my stomach as nausea rose. Being held down and beaten by at least five other demons while the gloating smirk of Lucifer goaded me from the sidelines. His joy at my pain. The hatred I'd had for him then.

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Taking lungful after lungful of the dense air, I willed the images away. As the sickness eased and the pain receded I stood, taking a moment to remember why I was here. The high iron gates cut an imposing feature against the haunting mansion. So far I couldn't see any guards posted at the entrance but that didn't fool me enough to think for a minute that I'd just be able to waltz into Lucifer's house and search for what I needed. The first hurdle was to get over the gates so I removed my shirt and stuffed it in my jeans pocket as best I could and I let my wings unfurl. I loved the sensation of having them spread out fully. I imagined it was akin to releasing long hair from a bun. My wings were as much a part of me as my next breath. When they were at full height, I was whole. Eying where I was going to land, I spotted a cluster of barren trees out back. The massive trunks would give me some coverage until I scanned the property for a way in. Lifting off from the ground, I let my feathered appendages carry me up and over the needle-sharp points of the gates and towards my target. The howls from the damned souls were much louder now. I didn't know how Lucifer stood it constantly but then again, it was probably music to his ears. Landing as gracefully as I could amongst the trees, I let my wings fold back in and then kept myself partially hidden while observing the back of the house. The three

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story structure was quite remarkable in its own hideous way. It appeared alive, it's windows the eyes that constantly kept a lookout for trespassers such as myself. Technically, I wasn't trespassing. Lucifer would no doubt invite me in if he were here but his guards were another story. Spending too much valuable time hunting for an easy entry, I decided to head to the front door. I could act dumb and demand to see Lucifer as if I had no knowledge he was on Earth. Making my way around the structure, I climbed the steps to the giant wooden door with its impressive gargoyle knocker. It sounded out like a cannon when I lifted it and let it fall again. Glancing behind me, the earlier souls wandering about had gone and the street was deserted, leaving me wondering why. The sky merged with the buildings in a similar gray hue. Crows circled the spire on the roof in an endless circle of unity. It really was depressing, even to a demon. Slowly the creaky door opened and a freaky dude with actual horns regarded me with suspicion. "I'm here to see Lucifer." His yellow eyes, every bit as evil as the rest of his face, narrowed slightly. When he opened his mouth, what remained of his teeth were black and stumpy.

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It was more of a snarl than anything. "He's out." Obviously or I wouldn't be here. "Do you know when he'll be back?" "Soon." His sharpened claws gripped the door frame as if in warning. Okay, well getting in without an invite, clearly wasn't going to work. Unless... Holding my hand out, I offered, "I'm Nate. Lucifer has put me in charge of the army up above. I seek out and condemn humans so they may be brought here for training. Do you mind if I wait for him?" An off colored liquid oozed from his mouth, perhaps because of his blackened teeth, stealing my gaze away from his soulless eyes. His mouth twisted at my outstretched hand, his intent clear so I dropped it back to my side. I wasn't sure what my capabilities were against such an ogre. They hadn't been put to use, fully. Could I take this guy? Lucifer wouldn't put me in charge of an entire army if I didn't hold great power. The same power that swirled inside me constantly and increased when I touched Maya. Let's see what you've got. Pushing past him with more strength than I realized, I entered the large, surprisingly opulent foyer. Before I could think too much, I was grabbed and thrown against the wall beside the door. "I didn't tell

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you to come in." Growled the half man, half beast. He was formidable. My body jarred from the impact, yet it wasn't enough to keep me down. In an instant I was up and facing the giant who lunged for me. My entire being hummed, primed and ready for more. It was time to see what I was made of. As his large hand with its elongated talons stretched for my neck, I kicked out into his stomach and was surprised to see him become airborne. With an 'oomph' he landed on the third step of the majestic staircase with its black marble steps and shiny gold banister. The motion had been effortless. Shaking himself off, slightly dazed he roared and came for me again but I was already anticipating him. Keeping low, I dug my feet into the ground to steady myself. Both his arms were stretched out so when he was almost upon me, I leapt aside, careening him into the wall, knocking him down. Faster than I'd hoped he spun around, launching himself through the air, landing on top of me. We both tumbled to the ground in a flurry of fists. My back jarred, momentarily crippling me, giving the filthy demon time to land some fierce punches to my face. The force caused my head to swing from side to side with each blow. My right eye was swollen shut and both cheeks would surely have the imprint of his fist on them but it was only minor. A rage unleased within me. A beast. I wanted to tear the demon apart piece by piece.

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"Fuck! You're going to pay for that," I howled, nostrils flaring, blood heating, fangs extending. My vision became sharper, picking up things about the monster on top of me that I'd missed before. Black veins were visible underneath his thin skin as he took pause, noticing my change. With a surge of energy, I screamed, seizing both his large shoulders, pushing with all my might, standing while still holding on to him. In a flash, I rammed him into the nearest wall, feeling mightier than Lucifer himself. The demons yellow eyes widened in shock at my show of strength, his bravado slipping. "You're pissing me off!" I spat. "I asked you nicely, did I not? How dare you defy me, for I am one of Lucifer's best!" He flailed his arms wildly in an attempt to free himself as I moved one of my hands to his throat, cutting off his hisses. Using one of his knees, he brought it up to my groin in a very human move, triggering a searing pain that speared out to my legs. My hesitation gave him a window of time to swipe one of his talons across my cheek causing me to drop him to the ground. "Get up before I end you!" I barked, never taking my eyes off him. His eyes focused on where he'd slashed me with an emotion I couldn't decipher plastered on his ugly dial. He didn't make a move to stand.

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Touching the cut on my cheek, I swiped across the liquid seeping out and glanced at it. At first, I didn't see anything apart from dark fluid that signified the blood of a demon but as I stared at it, I could also make out a different color swirling around, like liquid gold. Jerking my head back to the demon, I watched on in disbelief as he opened his mouth and cried out, "Traitor!" Gold in my blood? What did that mean? Was I not true demon? If not, what was I? The face on the grotesque creature before me, seemed to know what I was but I'd be damned if I was going to stick around to ask him. His eyes altered to orange and as much as I could probably finish this, I needed to get out of here for now and figure out what was inside me. Lucifer would be back any moment and it wouldn't end well if he found me like this. My need to search the house suddenly took a backseat. Things just got complicated.

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Chapter Thirteen

Maya By the time I'd finished my steak sandwich and chatted a bit more to Rory, my break was over. Pushing the door to the café open, I was glad to see Nick had gone. Still, I was curious to find out what Jay had been discussing with him. "How was lunch? Lucy asked, walking into the kitchen with a tray of empty cups. "Better than sitting on my own outside." "I don't think you would have been alone. You should have seen the way that guy was staring at you." "Yeah, well. Whatever. I'm just glad he's gone. Speaking of which," I called over to Jay who was leaning near the coffee machine. "What were you guys talking about? It seemed pretty deep." He smiled. "Nah. He offered me full membership at the club. Turns out the guy owns it." "Really?" Huh. What were the odds? "Yep. Even gave me access to the VIP area." "Wow. That's generous. The dude must really like you. Odd, considering he only just met you." "What can I say? I'm just that type of guy."

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Lucy was shaking her head. I wondered if this news would force her hand to let Jay go. If he was going to continue on his path of self-destruction, then she deserved way better. Nate hadn't shown up or I would have been notified. Pfft. I shouldn't care. It's not like we were dating. He could do what he wanted, when he wanted without having to answer to me. Just because he had mentioned calling in today didn't mean he couldn't change his mind. The rest of the afternoon was relatively slow which gave us all time to clean and tidy. Ted came back before closing and told Lucy and I we could go home. He wanted Jay to close up which was fair enough since he was dragging his tail around most days. Back home, I organized some pasta for dinner and took a shower. My feet ached from being on them all day so removing my shoes and standing under the hot spray was a relief. Nate not following through with his promise to visit had thrown me off kilter. He was proving to be unreliable. Another strike against him. There were honestly more negatives than positives now but still, my heart called out for him using its own free will. We'd almost had sex for God's sake. Whether it had meant anything to him or not I wasn't sure, but for me I had not only connected physically but emotionally too. The way he'd kissed me and touched my body, I was sure he'd felt the pull. Perhaps I'd been wrong. Guys could turn it on and off couldn't they? I knew I

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was getting in too deep. I needed to start thinking with my head and not let my heart run the race. Throwing on some long cotton pajama bottoms with a tank, I headed out to the kitchen, not making it that far when there was a knock at the door. Checking the time, it was only four thirty. Whoever was there would see me dressed for bed but I was too tired to care. I often wore pajamas after work when I had no intention of going anywhere at night. Opening the door, I was taken aback at seeing Nate standing there. His face was black and blue with blood seeping from a diagonal gash. My hand came to my throat as my breath caught. "Oh God. What happened?" "Can I come in?" he rasped. Forgetting about his absence during the day, I nodded. "Sure." I motioned him into the lounge room. "You look like you've been to hell and back." I tried to lighten the mood but he swung around towards me, shock on his face. "What?" "You know? Figure of speech? People say it all the time when a person looks like crap." "Oh, right." He appeared odd. On edge and concerned about something. "Sit down and I'll go get the first aid kit."

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Not waiting on him to take my advice, I swept along the hall to the bathroom and took the first aid kit from the medicine cabinet. When I returned, he was pacing, clearly agitated. "What is it? Did you get into a fight?" "Yes!" He grabbed his neck, the muscles on his arm bulging, temporarily distracting me. "How? Why?" There were too many questions to ask at once. He gaped at me and opened his mouth as if to answer me but shut it and shook his head. "It was nothing. I..." "You what? Don't lie to me because something is going on and I want to know what it is." My temper was usually very controlled but instinct had me firing up because I knew everything I'd felt and experienced since Nate's arrival hadn't been my imagination no matter what Rory said. Now was the time to get answers. He stopped and puffed out a hard breath between compressed lips. Lifting both his hands to the back of his head, his shirt rode up, giving me a glimpse of his carved abdomen. "I fell. I wasn't watching where I was going and tripped. I got cut." I wasn't buying it. "Then why are you so anxious? You look coiled up and ready to explode. There's more to the fall than you're telling me."

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Moving to the couch, he dropped his head, staring at the floor. I hadn't moved, waiting on him to clarify things. He didn't respond, just breathed heavily. "Are you in some kind of trouble? Because if you are you need to tell me. I'll help you." There was my caring nature coming out before I could think. I had just offered to help a guy who was obviously involved in something illegal when I should have been booting him out the door like I wanted to. He was tearing me in two. Logic only appeared when he wasn't in my orbit. When he was close, my rationale fled. "Help? You think you can help me?" he laughed, cynically. I carried the first aid kit over and sat down beside him, opening it up. I needed something to do. Did he think I was incapable of assisting him? Poor, innocent sweet Maya. 'Do you think I can't?" He looked into my eyes and all I saw was frustration. "No one can help me, Maya. No one." "What does that even mean? You just have to let me in. Tell me what's going on." Opening the lid of the container, I dug underneath for some antiseptic wipes before inspecting the cut on Nate's face. It was deep, the edges perfect as if the sharpest of knives had sliced into it. His blood was dark. The darkest I'd ever seen. Not black but not red either. "What did you cut this on?"

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The sinews inside the gash moved with the press of his jaw. "I can't remember. There must have been something sticking out as I went down." "This is going to hurt." Holding his head with one hand, I dabbed his skin. He blanched at the contact but it had to be done. "Sorry. I'll try and be gentle." Close up it looked serious. "You should go to the hospital and get stitches. It's quite deep." "No!" he almost shouted. "No doctors. Just do the best you can." Okay. Obviously a doctor phobia there. I worked slowly and as gently as I could. When I was almost done, I caught sight of a swirl of gold in his blood. "You must have hit it on something that was painted. You have gold in the cut. I'll try and get as much out as I can but I don't want you to start bleeding again." Nate flinched and pulled away. "Leave it. Thanks. Do you have any butterfly clips? I'm a fast healer. It will be sealed up by morning." I watched him tense further until after I'd pulled out the only three butterfly clips I could find in the kit. "You'll need to come back closer to let me attach these." He moved over and I evenly spaced them out, pulling the cut together as I attached each one. There was a noticeable silence so I changed the subject. "Nick came by the café today."

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Turning his head, he raised an eyebrow, some of the stress having eased away at my change of topic. "Nick? Do I know him?" "The guy that was in my yard last night. Anyway, he called in to apologize and ended up staying quite a while. He's kind of creepy though." Immediately Nate was on his feet again and this time he did look as if he'd blow a fuse. "Fuck Maya. He came to your work?" He threw his head back, gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut. He was seriously pissed. The veins in his neck worked and his hands had closed solidly into fists. Talk about mood swings. Remaining seated, I wasn't sure how he would react if I moved to try and appease him. "Yeah. I know the guy's a little weird cause he kept on staring at me but why are you so angry that he was at the café?" "He's not good, okay? You need to stay away from him. I mean it Maya. Do not indulge in conversation with him. If he shows up at your work again you are to call me." His voice had hardened and was way too loud for my liking. Now he was beginning to irk me. Seriously. His cryptic bullshit was wearing thin. "Then tell me why? What are you keeping from me because if I'm in danger from this guy I need to know?" I was on my feet, without even thinking, walking over to him. "Ever since you arrived in town you've turned everyone's lives upside down. Jay is morphing into someone we don't even recognize which in turn is

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hurting Lucy. You disappear more than once, turn up at my house with a huge cut on your face and a strange man ends up in my backyard and then stalks me at work. Oh and not to mention you take us to some sleazy club full of weirdos and think it's perfectly normal." I'd had enough. "Tell. Me. What. Is. Going. On!" "Can't you just trust me on this?" His voice was pleading but I needed more. I let go a scathing laugh. "Trust you? I don't even really know you. All I know is that weird shit is happening. Somehow I am a part of it and I need to know why." He stepped over to me and gripped both my shoulders, hard. "I can't tell you any more than that. Jesus! I'm trying to figure things out. When I know more, I'll tell you more." Breathing harshly from his firm grip and the low menace in his voice, I sagged, not wanting the huge argument brewing any further. The last couple of days had drained me and I just needed to eat and go to bed. Did I trust Nate? I wasn't sure but I was over it all for the day. His grip loosened at my defeated stance. "Maya?" "Fine. Promise me you'll clue me in because I'm losing my patience with everything going on." His eyes twitched as he ground out, "I promise." Sighing, I had to accept that. "Why did you come here, Nate?" I began walking into the kitchen,

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remembering the pasta I'd heated up in the microwave when I'd first walked in the door. It would need to be zapped again. He followed me and stood in the doorway as I grabbed a plate and fork from the cupboard. "You hungry? I've got pasta." I didn't feel like company but I was too polite to let the offer pass. He chuckled, pushing off the wall and easing forward. "No to the food and I came because you are the first person I thought of after...my accident. I said I'd come by the café today and I didn't. I'm sorry." "Let me guess. Something came up?" He reached out and stroked just above my eyebrow with his thumb, sending a warm shiver through me. His face looked horrible but better than when he'd arrived. There was way more going on than him falling over and then needing me. I hoped that when he could, he would fill in all the blanks. "Yes. My job. I do have to work too you know." "I know. I'd just like a little more communication between us." Smiling he hovered closer and kissed my nose. "I'll try." Leaning in to his touch, I let go of any residual anger, noticing that he'd calmed somewhat too. The microwave beeped so I loaded the pasta onto my plate and sat at the table. "You sure you don't want some?"

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"That's okay. I should get going. I'll leave you to eat dinner in peace." Lining our mouths up, he brushed his lips against mine in a feather light kiss with a gentle swipe of his tongue. My eyes stayed closed after he pulled away before opening and seeing his eyes crinkled and a beautiful smile on his face. "Night Maya." "Night." Listening to him pad away, I let the drama go with him. Work was over. Dinner was served and my bed was waiting. Digging into my pasta, I focused on the creamy taste and not on his touch that I could still feel.

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Chapter Fourteen

Nate I never should have gone to Maya's house. What had I been thinking? She was asking too many questions. A small part of me wanted to confess everything but she was already in danger from Lucifer. Knowing, could put her further at risk. She was also at risk from me but at least I knew my intentions were good. I could already feel the skin on my face begin to knit together. The cut hadn't bothered me. It had been the golden swirls in my blood that had given me a panic attack. Switching my computer on, I sat in my bedroom waiting on Google to load. I needed to search the anomaly and see what I could find. I had a hunch but I desired clarification because if what I thought was true, it changed everything. Golden blood came up with numerous hits but none referring to what I needed. Wikipedia was the closest I could find and as I read, I was left with a racing heart and a lungful of air as I held my breath. The blood of God was called ichor. Re-reading the phrase several times I let it sink in. The blood of God? I had the blood of God in me? But how was that possible? I was a demon. Demon's blood was black like tar. Remembering the look of stunned horror on the demon's face at Lucifer's house had me clenching the desk. He'd

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called me a traitor. What did that mean? I needed answers because there was a firestorm welling inside me and I was going to unleash it on someone if I didn't find out. Did Lucifer know I had golden blood mingling with the black? How could he? Shaking my head in frustration, I read on. It only got worse. Ichor was lethally toxic to humans. Fuck! Maya! She'd touched my blood when she'd fixed up my wound. Goddammit! Reaching for my cell, I called her. I needed to know she was okay. My blood could kill her. Why the fuck hadn't Lucifer filled me in on all this if he knew? Especially when I could poison her before she could be his. I knew nothing about what I was capable of, other than to lure victims with my charm and powers of persuasion. Oh, and my ability to fight. Ring. Ring. "You miss me already?" Thank God. She sounded okay. "Maya. Are you feeling alright?" "Yes. Why wouldn't I be? I'm little full from dinner but, I'm fine. Whyyyy?" She dragged the word out as if expecting my answer to be one of confusion for her. The relief was instant. Surely if she was going to react to my blood, she would have by now. Maybe she hadn't been exposed to enough of it to be infected. "Never mind. I'm just feeling a little off and wondered if you were too."

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"Nope. All good. You may be coming down with something." "I think I must be," I lied. "What time do you finish work tomorrow?" "The usual. Four." "Have dinner with me? At my house?" There was silence and I could have sworn she sucked in a long breath. "You want me to go to your house?" "Yes. You seem surprised." "I am. I guess you've never mentioned it before." Silence had me wondering if she was going to turn down my offer. I shouldn't have been surprised at her next response. "Are you going to turn up or leave me hanging again? Oh, wait. Or are you going to bail on me halfway through dinner?" She had every right to shoot that at me. I deserved it. I wasn't going to leave her hanging again. Plus, I needed to keep an eye on her. Not only to make sure she didn't have a delayed reaction to my blood but to defend her if Lucifer showed up again. "I can assure you, nothing is going to stop us from having a wonderful evening together. I'll switch my cell off and give you my undivided attention." And make sure not to infect you with my blood. She hesitated for a moment longer and then agreed. "Okay. But this is your last chance to prove yourself."

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"I give you my word. I'll pick you up after work so take a change of clothes." "Will do. See you then." After hanging up I turned back to my screen, thankful that Maya was okay so far. Reading down further, I came across words that would change my world forever. Angel's blood was considered to be golden in color. When it spoke of God's blood it was meaning fucking angel's blood. Angels were considered as close to God as any one thing could be. The two words continued over and over in my head. I had angel's blood? What the freaking hell? This shit was getting deeper and deeper. Was I part angel? The thought of it had me up out of the chair, needing something to punch. Why would I have angel blood? Just who was I? If Lucifer did know, why would he have me heading his army? Weren't angels and demons natural enemies? And why had I been in hell in the first place if I had some angel blood? Shit was getting real very fast. There were too many questions with not enough answers. None of it made sense. My head was about to explode with all the 'whys' and 'hows' of it all. Needing a drink, I turned off my computer and headed out. The club would help take my mind off things. Perhaps if I banished a few souls I wouldn't feel the need to tear someone to shreds.

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On the drive there, I racked my brains trying to come up with a way to get the information I needed. I couldn't go to Lucifer because he may not even know about the angel blood and if I spilled the news to him it would almost certainly end in a visit to Hellfire. No, there must be someone else who knew something. Who though? My fingers drummed on the steering wheel as if to bring me the answers. Who was also under Satan's thumb and knew about the army and the takeover? Surely the club manager would have some information. He'd have to know why the club had been built and what its purpose was. If he knew that, then maybe he would also know about me and how I had come to work for Lucifer. I didn't remember much at all about my time in Hell. Just flickers of the dungeon and being held captive there. Why though? Why hadn't I been able to roam free like the other entities? Finding a spot to park around the corner, I hurried to the club desperate for answers. Even though I was technically a demon, at times I didn't feel like one. The more Maya burrowed under my skin, the further from my evil ways I became. Luring pure souls into the club so they could be turned didn't seem overly malevolent for a hellish creature. Wasn't I meant to be killing people and ripping their hearts out or something? I greeted the ogre at the door and stepped into the din. My first port of call was the bar where I could down a stiff drink and then pay Dave O'Malley a visit. The

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moniker was his Earthly name. I wasn't sure of his demonic one. Ordering a straight shot of whiskey, I threw it back and enjoyed the burn as I perused the vicinity, taking in all the souls yet to meet their maker. Most unknowingly drank and partied without a care in the world, oblivious to their fate, not understanding that those marked at the front door, were being drugged with a poisonous concoction of demon's blood and narcotics. Only the marked souls were poisoned. Anyone was allowed at the club but not everyone was marked. Any suspicions aroused would be put down to an easily led personality choosing the wrong path in life. When I'd first stumbled upon Maya that fateful day at the café, I'd been immersed in this world. Christ, I'd wanted to corrupt her innocence. Now? Everything had changed. She had me wanting to protect her from evil, not lead her to it. In a short time, her virtuousness had wormed its way under my skin and made its home in a tiny corner of my cold, black heart. Pushing through the crowd, I exited into a long hallway that led to the restrooms and Dave's office upstairs. Hoping beyond all else he would be in tonight, I took the stairs two at a time, knocking on the closed door when I got to the top. "Come in," came the reply in a deep, rough voice. Turning the handle I opened the door and entered to find a heavy set man with long straight hair tied back into a pony tail. He had a small goatee and black eyes.

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"Nate. To what do I owe the pleasure? Please sit." I'd known Dave since I started working for the club but hadn't had too much to do with him. He kept to himself and only got involved if there were issues. I sat in front of him, not quite knowing where to start. "I need to ask you a few questions." He motioned with his head for me to go ahead. Wiping my clammy hands on my jeans, I began. "You know what I do at the club and why I'm doing it, right?" "That's correct." "I can't remember much of my past. I'm searching for answers so I thought I'd come to you to see if you know anything." Hey eyed me, suspiciously and spoke slowly. "What do you want to know?" "Everything." "Why do you think I'd know anything, anyway? Lucifer's only told me that he picked you to be trained as leader of the army, which involved recruiting new members." "How long did he train me for? In hell." "About six months, I think. That's all I know." I begged to differ but wasn't sure how much I'd be able to pry out of him.

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"And you don't know where I was before that?" His eyebrow twitched and he looked away briefly which let me know he knew something. "Dave, please! I wouldn't come to you if it wasn't important." "Why not just ask Lucifer?" "Because I have reason to believe he's keeping important information from me regarding who I am." "Who you are?" Dave chuckled. "You're demon like the rest of us." I wasn't going to divulge my secret unless he mentioned it first which was highly unlikely, if he did know about it. Brushing my hair back, I studied him. "Why was I held prisoner?" "I told you, I only know what Lucifer chose to tell me." He was gripping the pen in his hand pretty tightly for a man supposedly telling the truth. Most employees were loyal to Lucifer because of the harsh consequences linked to betrayal. Even if he did want to confess, it was a risk too great. Breathing out, I decided it was useless. Dave wasn't prepared to talk. He'd probably been bribed or threatened. I was wasting valuable time. Standing, I turned my back on him and threw over my shoulder, "Thanks for nothing."

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I was no better off than when I'd arrived. I was all but out the door when I heard footsteps behind me. Wait!" called Dave. Turning, I glared at him, expecting a confession of some kind but I was disappointed. "You do realize Lucifer will interpret your snooping as betrayal, right? You know what happens to those who don't conform?" I knew damn well what happened but I had to risk it. I had freaking angel blood coursing through my system. No demon I knew of, had even a sliver of the gold stuff. I gave him a curt nod and left, praying he didn't run to Satan and divulge my visit. I was anticipating my connection to the club would keep him silent. I brought a lot of business in. Preferring to head home rather than stay at the club searching for answers to the questions plaguing me, I slipped out and drove home, none-the-wiser, wondering if in fact, another visit to Hell might be in order. Lying in bed, my dilemma had me on edge feeling like everything I knew as truth was about to come crumbling down around me.

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Chapter Fifteen

Maya I wasn't sure what had happened whilst I slept but when I awoke, I grasped that something horrible had occurred. My bedroom had vanished and in its place was an overelaborate room, furnished in eighteenth century expensive décor, including blood red, velvet curtains with black tassels around the middle, pulling them aside from the barred windows. Outside the sky was grey and ominous. Inside, a couple of antique lamps burned, dappling the room in shadows. The bed was an intimidating, huge wooden four-poster adorned with floral comforters and pillows. I had to be dreaming because nothing this ancient existed any more. The roof was painted white and had the most intricate designs inlaid into the plaster. A chandelier with six lamps hung perhaps too low and burned dimly. "You're awake, Maya. Finally." I pivoted into a sitting position and turned my head to the voice. Perched in the right hand corner of the room beside the bed and next to the large door, sat Nick. He was dressed in a puffy cream shirt and long black pants, fitting perfectly into the décor of the room. "Where am I? Why am I here?" I asked, pulling the bedding higher up to my chest.

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"I brought you to my home where you belong." He moved to the edge of the chair, clasping his fingers in front of him as they rested on his knees. "Is there anything I can get you? Are you hungry?" "You kidnapped me?" Throwing the covers off and realizing I was not in the pajamas I'd gone to bed in, but now I wore a satin, flowing white, fitted gown. A horrific thought flitted into my mind. He'd undressed me. Seen me naked. "You took my pajamas off?" "Of course. That was one of the first things I did. I've disposed of those rags and dressed you into something more befitting a queen." A queen? This guy was a whack job. What was he talking about? I got to my bare feet, the thick rug underfoot providing me some physical comfort while my emotional comfort had remained back at my house. Striding over to him, I let my apprehension rise. "Where am I and why am I here? Answer me!" He rose to full height, just a whisper away. "Relax Maya. I told you. This is my home. Our home now. I want you to make yourself comfortable. Whatever you need, shall be yours. You merely need to ask." He was avoiding answering my questions which was upping my fear, threefold. "Just answer the question, Nick. If that's even your real name." My hands were tightly coiled at my side while he stood at ease, seemingly not too disturbed by my anxiety. "You're crazy." I attempted to push him back

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down onto the chair so I could leave but it was like hitting solid concrete. "I'm leaving." The air felt oppressive, the walls crushing. "Don't try anything stupid, Maya, You wouldn't get past security at the front door. Others have tried and failed. So that was it? I was stuck here? No. There had to be a way out. "Come. I'll give you the grand tour." "I don't want a tour. I want to go home." My stomach dipped causing nausea to rise high. "It feels strange at the moment. I understand that. But after you get used to your surroundings, you'll love it here. You'll never want for anything." A spark lit his eyes turning them into burning embers. His hand clasped mine. Attempting to pull away, I was met with an iron grip. This couldn't be happening. It had to all be a bad dream. A nightmare. I'd wake up in the morning and all would be good again. I'd go into work and see Lucy and Jay. As much as Jay had changed for the worst, I'd give anything to see him now. And Nate. What was he going to think when I just vanished? Would he look for me? I didn't know where I was so how would anyone else be able to find me? He pulled me through the door into a long hallway with a multitude of doors leading off it. The place was

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huge. The high wood-paneled walls rose to meet another intricate ceiling with lavish moldings and gold inlay. Searching around me as we walked, I attempted to memorize my surroundings and hunt for an exit. There was no way I was being kept a prisoner with Nick. As charming as he tried hard to be, he was clearly delusional. As we rounded a corner, a wide, grand staircase came to greet us that descended to a large foyer, the front door only a breath away. My eyes fixated on the door, my mind planning my escape. It was right there, so close I could almost touch it. All I'd need to do would be to pry free of Nick's hardened grip and run for my life. Yell and scream to get someone's attention. "Sir. The perimeter has been secured." I jumped at the sound of another voice, unaware we had company. Swiveling to the sound, a whimper escaped my throat and my mouth dropped. Walking towards us was a creature seven feet high and inhuman. He had horns. The guy had freaking horns! Backing up and pulling on Nate's hand, alarm bells sounded out from every crevice of my being. "Maya. Do not be afraid. This is Cedric. He's here to protect you from outsiders. No one gets inside this door without going through him first. I assure you, you're quite safe." "He's not real. This is a dream." Cedric's yellow catlike eyes drilled into me, instilling me with dread. Deep

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down, I knew that if I stepped out of place, he'd kill me in a heartbeat. Nick, pulled on my arm and drew me into him. "I assure you. All this is very real. You're in my world now." World? What was he talking about? He must have seen the look of sheer terror on my face because he let go of my hand and placed his arm around my waist. "Come into the living quarters. We have much to discuss." Zombie-like, I followed him, turning back constantly to peer at Cedric who grinned at me with a mouth full of half-rotten teeth. Everything pure in me was screaming to get out as fast as I could but I wasn't sure that would be possible with a giant ogre who looked like he wanted to devour me for his next meal, guarding the door. There had to be another way out. Somewhere so palatial would surely have several accesses to the outside world. The sitting room was regal in its own right with oversized tapestries clothing the walls amongst artwork which under normal circumstances I would admire. Deep-buttoned lounge chairs with rolled armrests beckoned me with their poufy cushions. "Can I get you something to drink?" Shaking my head, I walked to an armchair and sat.

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Nick poured some clear liquid into a glass from a crystal decanter and perched himself on the edge of the closest chair to mine. He studied me but I shunned his intrusion. I didn't want an ounce of his time and yet I needed to know where I was in order to get outside and back home. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions." He swigged his drink and relaxed comfortably back into his seat. "Just tell me where I am and why I'm here." Resting his glass on a side table he crossed his legs. "You are in a world far different from Earth, Maya. I own this world and everything in it. We house souls who choose not to conform to human, social expectations. We punish those who have sinned. He didn't need to go into any more detail. Intuition gave me a clear indication of my whereabouts. "I'm in Hell? Why? How?" I whispered. He awarded me with a dazzling smile. Strangely, it didn't affect me the same way it had when we'd first met. Now, it was lined with evil. "Hell. Hades. The Underworld. Netherworld." It has many names. You came here because I chose you to stand by my side as my Queen. The 'how's' of it all don't matter." Shutting my eyes, I wanted to be sick. To vomit all over his antiquated furnishings. There was no possible way I was in hell. I had done nothing to warrant even a visit. My eyes closed, involuntarily as I heaved in thick air. He spoke as if we'd merely moved cities or states,

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not transported to another plane of existence. I was fairly open-minded. Heaven and Hell were real as far as I was concerned. It wasn't something that had been drummed into me but an inherent knowing deep inside and the thought of Nick bringing me here was abhorrent. My worst nightmare. Clarity instantly washed over me. If I was in Hell and the person or thing sitting next to me, owned the place, then by the power of deduction, I was in the same room and being held against my will by none other than Lucifer, himself. A consuming panic drove through me like a Mack truck. A caress to my cheek had me startle. Opening my eyes, I found Nick had moved in front of me. Pulling away, not caring for his touch, I murmured, "You can't do this to me. I've done nothing wrong. I don't belong here. Please. If you care about me at all, you'll let me go home." Tears blossomed. I stared at a wall of fine art, looking but not seeing. How could Satan just bring a human to Hell because he felt like it? Didn't that go against the laws of the Universe? Wouldn't there be repercussions? Did God even care? If I couldn't go home yet, I wanted to return to the room I'd woken up in and cry myself to sleep. "Take me to my room." "Of course. You have much to consider and adjust to. Come." He stood and held out his hand but I shunned it, preferring to keep his dirty hands off me.

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I was in Hell. The reality of that was so overwhelming, I could barely get one foot to move in front of the other. I was lost to the underworld and no one on Earth would ever find me. Lucy, Jay or Nate. They would all grieve my loss and move on, thinking I'd perhaps died or at the very least, disappeared. Even if I did manage to find a way out of Nick's mansion, I was still going to be stuck in Hell. This was not good.

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Chapter Sixteen

Nate A sensation of doom gripped me for most of the night and early morning. My chest was closing in on itself for no particular reason. I needed to see Maya for an inexplicable reason. To make sure she was okay. Her safety was on my mind a lot as of late. Ever since my last visit with Lucifer and the discovery of my part-angel blood. Opting for my motorbike so I could use the wind to help quell my fears, I gunned it out of my driveway and down the street towards the café. It was nine thirty so Maya would have begun her shift. I couldn't wait to see her. Slanting the bike around corners with precision, it wasn't long before I was angle parking just shy of the café. Removing my helmet, I pushed through the door, eying Lucy and Jay hard at it. Well, Lucy was buzzing around like a bee. Jay was sauntering around the tables as if he was lost and attempting to find his way back home. I knew full well what his problem was. I'd been a part of it. With no time to ponder that, I headed for Lucy behind the counter. "Hi Lucy. Is Maya here yet?"

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She looked up and over to me from the coffee machine. Her brows were knit with concern. "Hi Nate. She hasn't come in yet. I was hoping it was because she was with you. She's never late." My earlier unease ratcheted up a few notches. "And she didn't call in?" "No. We're pretty busy this morning and can't afford to be one person down so I hope she's on her way." Shit. My demonic instincts had me concerned. Maya wasn't the type of person to just not show up for work without calling. Something was very wrong. "I'm going to swing by her house and check on her then come back here, okay?" Lucy's frown deepened. "I hope she's alright." "Me too." I huffed as I strode back out to my bike, not even greeting Jay. He was the least of my concerns now. I may have been over-reacting but I had to find Maya and make sure nothing had happened to her. Breaching every road rule known to man, I made it to her house in record time, switching the bike off and resting my helmet on the seat. At the front door, I tried the handle and found it locked. I knocked loudly and waited before pounding again. I tried to rationalize that she might be sick and have forgotten to call into work. Or that she had overslept. A more sinister thought crept in though. Had

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she finally succumbed to touching my blood? Perhaps it took longer than anticipated to work into her system. Rattling on the door knob and rapping heavily on the side glass brought nothing but silence in return. I needed to get inside. Pulling out a handy tool that I kept in my pocket that consisted of a small pointed knife, I stuck the end of it into the keyhole and jiggled a couple of times. The door locked popped and I was in. Not very burglar proof but in the present moment, I was grateful. Everything appeared the same as it had the night before, down to the glass half-filled with water still sitting on the coffee table. Easing through into the kitchen there was no sign that she'd been up and had breakfast. Dishes done and away. Benches clear. My nerves were all but shot as I began down the hallway towards her bedroom. I wasn't sure how I'd react if I found out my blood had killed her. I was cloaked in fear. Her door was ajar so it was easy for me to peer through to the unmade bed. The covers had been pulled back and the bottom sheet was rumpled from where her body had been. I stepped in and searched the empty room, hoping she'd pop into existence right before my eyes. The silence was unnerving. Attempting to think rationally, I figured if she was out of bed, she was still alive. Right? My anxiety was only mildly relieved. With Lucifer on my tail and now Maya's, it was hard to remain calm. She'd been unknowingly dragged into my world of

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danger and introduced to a creature who lacked anything human. He was all for himself. If he wanted something he took it. He'd made it overtly clear he wanted Maya. But we'd had a deal. The two weeks weren't up yet. So where the hell was she? Just before I turned to walk out I noticed her cell on the bedside table. Strange. If she'd gone out anywhere, she would have taken it with her. Thick dread lodged in my chest, fisting my black heart. The energy in the house was wrong. I could feel it run through me and I didn't like it. Sitting on the edge of the bed, her cell in hand, I scrolled across to unlock it and went into her messages hoping I might find a clue. The last conversation had been between us. Me asking if she'd been feeling okay and her responding that she'd been fine. What had happened between then and now? Listening for any noise, signaling her presence, the only sound I could make out was from outside. The wind drifting through the tall trees over the back fence. Her scent wafted up my nose causing me to lift her pillow to bury my face in it. I inhaled fully imbibing my system with her essence. Memories floored me. Visions of how hard I'd been in this very bed. Her moans from my touch. The softness of her milky breasts in my mouth. If Lucifer hadn't interrupted we would have taken things all the way. She'd wanted me just as much as I'd wanted her. I still wanted her.

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Tucking her cell into my jeans pocket, I decided to take it in case any suspicious phone calls came through. My search proved futile. The bathroom was empty as was the rest of the house. My cold heart thumped erratically to the tune of an apprehensive beat as I tried to cling onto hope. If she wasn't here, had she walked to work late and I'd missed her? The chance was slight but one I was going to seize because the alternative was just too painful to focus on. Locking her front door, I rode towards the café, praying when I walked through the door, I'd see her beautiful face staring back. It was empty hope though, because inside, I could tell she wasn't there. Fuck! There was only one other alternative and I hated to think about it. Lucifer. Had he come early for her? Had Dave ratted me out? Everything had gone to shit fast, and now I was left rowing my boat without a paddle. When I got back to her work I was ready to bust someone's head open. Lucy gawked, expectantly as I walked in, obviously assuming I'd have Maya in tow but her face soon fell when she realized I was alone. She came out from behind the counter and said, "Shit! Where do you think she is? Has something happened to her?"

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I wasn't about to tell her that perhaps Maya had taken a one way trip to Hell compliments of my boss so I merely shrugged and offered, "I'm sure there is a logical explanation." "It's so unlike her. She's never missed a shift." Jay ambled over from whatever it was he'd been doing which hadn't appeared to be much. "Hey," he nodded to me. "Hey, Jay." Think, Nate. Damn it. Where is she and does Lucifer have her? If so, how am I going to get her back? I can't just return to Hell and rock up to the mansion again with that beast of a guard at the door who knows I have angel blood. I need a plan. I was coming up short of ideas. It's not like Satan would just hand her over anyway. He wanted Maya for himself. He would fight for her. I was a one man show and couldn't possible go up against the legion of demons he had trolling the streets of Hell. It would be suicide. "You looked stressed, dude? Anything I can do to help?" Jay slapped me on the back as if we were best buds. I glared at him before an idea began to form. I wondered if Jay was nearly ready for his crossover into the underworld. If so, I just might be able to use him and others from the club to form my own army. A little demonic persuasion, perhaps?

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"What are you doing tonight after work?" I asked, hoping like heck, he'd agree to help me.

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Chapter Seventeen

Maya Time had ceased if that were possible. I was in perpetual Hell, literally. The longer I spent entombed in Nick's world the sadder I became. I wasn't sure how long in Earth time I'd been holed up in my room because outside the dense, glass windows, the grey never altered. I knew I hadn't slept because I'd been too busy conjuring up ways to escape. Whilst not pacing the floor of my bedroom, I'd been curled up in a ball feeling sorry for myself. Hearing the door unlock, I kept my gaze on the far wall. "Maya. Let's get you dressed and fed, yes?" That syrupy, fake voice was beginning to get on my nerves. It was all a farce. His looks, his mannerisms. His attempts at being nice to me. The bottom line was, he'd kidnapped me while I'd slept and had obviously drugged me with something so that I hadn't woken up during the journey. I hadn't been able to fight back. "I'm not hungry. Leave me alone." The bed sank down and a hand came to my arm. "You have to eat. My servant has prepared a gourmet banquet. Whatever you like will be there, I assure you."

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Shunning his attempt at kindness, I pulled away. He was the devil. Whatever courtesy he showed me had to be for an ulterior motive. Satan was evil, personified. "At least let me bring you a plate of something." I kept my focus forward, feeling like a sheep before it was led to slaughter. Fattened to just the right size for maximum profits. I listened to him sigh and then pad away, happy that he'd taken the hint. How did he expect me to react? To welcome Hell with open arms? To be grateful that he'd taken me to his home instead of the fiery pits? My mind flicked to Nate. Would he know I was missing by now? He'd search but never find me. How did one get to the underworld anyway? Was there some secret tunnel whereby you needed a code to pass through? I'd always considered Hell a state of consciousness where sinners were condemned when they died. Not an actual physical place. But here I was, flesh and bone, as real as any human, lying on an all too comfortable bed about to be presented with supposedly real food. Or was all this just my imagination? A false, reality? I wanted to be on Earth. In my own home. At Mt. Vernon, Washington. Back to everything I knew. Sunshine and flowers. Cheap sitcoms and lousy pizza. The club. I'd go there every night of the week if it meant seeing my friends and getting to fall into my own bed at the end of each night.

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The door opened and in walked Nick with a tray. A silver warmer sat over the top. Looking at him for the first time since our visit to the sitting room, I shuddered at his handsome façade. Hair impeccably placed, more casually attired, consisting of a regular white tee and a pair of stone-washed jeans. Surprising for a demon. Blinking twice at his normalcy, I slid my gaze to the tray he placed on the bed. "I brought you some exotic fruits and scrambled eggs." "You have fruit and eggs in Hell?" It surprised me, considering our location. "We can have anything we choose, Maya. Would you have preferred some demon blood with a side of sheep's brains?" he smirked, but somehow I didn't think he was joking. "You know I'm never going to accept being here, don't you? All this," I waved my hand around the room, incorporating the tray and Nick, who stood with one knee resting on the edge of the bed. "Oh, but you will. You see my sweetness; there is no choice but to accept your fate. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll begin living like the Queen you were meant to be. Don't you see? You were too good for Earth. Here you can help me rule the underworld and live a life of riches and power. Your friend Nate is going to rule my army once we have recruited enough dark souls."

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What? That got my attention? Nate? "What are you talking about? Nate doesn't even know this place exists." My back was ramrod straight. "Young Maya. You are so naïve. Nathaniel has been working for me all along. He's a demon just like me. I recruited him to lure pure souls to the club where we could tarnish and darken them enough to become part of my team. He'd been doing such a splendid job too up until his visit with Dave. Tsk. Tsk." His eyes took on a look of the evil I knew he was made from. Menace rolled off him. "It would seem my right hand man isn't as loyal to me as I would have thought." "Nate? You can't be serious. He's no more demon than I am." As I said those words though an uneasy feeling slithered along my spine. The club. Its patrons. The way they looked and acted. Nate's so called work he did there. And his eyes. Did he really wear contacts or was the color real? Could it be true or was Lucifer trying to tarnish me along with everyone else? Turn me against those I had known on Earth? "Really? Do you believe that? And what about the changes to your friend, Jay? Hmm? Do you think that's coincidental? He began to go slightly off the rails when Nathaniel arrived in town, did he not?" No. It couldn't be. Jay was just going through a bad patch. That was all. Nate had nothing to do with Jay. "You're lying. Nate wouldn't do that. He knows how much Jay means to both Lucy and I."

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Lucifer gave me an arrogant grin. "All is not as it seems back on Earth. Not only has Nathaniel been grooming your friend Jay, it would appear he also had plans for you which included bringing you to Hell to be by his side. So you see, Maya either way you were going to end up here." Not wanting to hear another word, I cried out, "Get out! I don't want to listen to your verbal slander. You're a demon. That's what you do. You lie and manipulate people. You lied to me right from the start. You're lying to me now." "You'll find out the truth soon enough. I expect Nathaniel will be arriving soon. He can tell you himself." He left me alone with nothing but his words clinging to the dingy air and the tray still sitting on the bed. I felt like grabbing it and tossing it across the room. A small part of me wondered if what Lucifer had said were true. Had it been Nate deceiving me all along? If he was a demon, wouldn't it be fair to assume he would lie to me too? Rolling onto my back, the light sconce behind the bed, barely illuminating three feet around me, I mulled over everything. The answers I'd begged Nate for when he'd shown up at my house all banged up. His refusal to tell me. Was all this the secret he'd been keeping? I was certain of one thing, when or if I ever saw Nate, I was going to drill him for answers, not stopping until he gave me the truth and if I found out he'd deceived

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me, he was going to bear the brunt of my 'not often seen' wrath.

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Chapter Eighteen

Nate Jay and I sat at the bar downing a few drinks. His filled with demon blood. Mine without. A scantily clad women with a nose ring and a tattoo winding up her neck, circled her arms around Jay's neck from behind. "Hey handsome. Wanna dance?" Jay raised his eyebrows to me and I nodded for him to accept. The concoction he'd been drinking was buzzing nicely through his system. His eyes were becoming a sinful shade of red. I wanted nothing more than to head upstairs and confront Dave but I held back. If he had ratted me out to Lucifer for asking questions that one time, he'd surely do it again and I didn't want anyone knowing I was returning to Hell in the hopes I'd find Maya. Instead, I watched Jay grinding against the buxom blonde who was pressed tightly against him. Thank goodness Lucy wasn't here to witness it but then again, I guessed she had all but given up on her crush for his careless dismissal of her. Searching the room for possible allies, my eyes honed in on a group of rowdy guys huddled together in a corner with glasses of alcohol in hand. They'd all been marked. My ability to sniff out the demon blood coursing through them was a handy asset. All I'd need

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to do would be to compel them to meet Jay and I, at the gateway to Hell. With no clue as to how we were going to infiltrate Satan's home, when I had all but failed once, I was merely counting on my army of eight to be able to overpower the one who stood guard at the door and any others we came into contact with. It was a long shot considering my guys weren't full demons but I didn't have anything else. It would remain to be seen just how strong they were when we arrived. Their powers would take hold down there as well as my own. I still wasn't sure just what my powers were but I was going to risk it all in an attempt to find out. The blonde had her tongue locked in a battle with Jays. They were dry humping on the dance floor but were in-keeping with most of the other couples. If I had my head in the game, I'd be scouring the club for souls to banish but there were more important things to think of besides work. If indeed Lucifer did have Maya, I wasn't sure just how long it would be before he attempted to turn her, himself. For all I knew, she'd already had some of his blood and would quickly become attached to him once it worked through her system. Demons blood had the opposite effect to angel's blood. One didn't die from the blood of a demon, but merely became attached to the donor. The last thing I needed was for Maya to believe she owed Lucifer anything. Moving stealthily through the crowd, I reached the huddle of guys who looked up as I neared.

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"What's up dude?" The tall, beefy bald guy with a lip and nose piercing asked. Staring him directly in the eye, I answered. "You will leave this club. You will go to the forest on the South side of town and follow the hiking trail until it splits in two. You won't follow either path but you will keep walking straight ahead until you reach a clearing. I will wait for you there. Do you understand?" His pupils dilated as one of his buddies placed a hand on my shoulder. "What the fuck are you doing?" Turning, I gave him the same directions, watching as he became enthralled. The other four guys had confused expressions but stayed in place to see what would happen. Lucky for me because I was able to make my way around the group until all six were under my spell. It was done. Deciding not to waste another moment, I turned and strode onto the dance floor and pulled Jay away from his new-found sex toy. "We're leaving. Now." I didn't wait for his reply and ignored the woman's cries for him to stay. He was still coherent enough to be used in my plan, yet he had enough in his system to fly with me and then pass it off as a dream. I needed to get us to the portal to wait for the others so dragging Jay around the back of the club and into a dark alley, I made sure he was prepared.

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"You okay?" I asked, checking him over to see if he could stand straight. "Never better," he smiled. "What are we doing anyway?" He looked around the alley, puzzlement drawing his brows together. Holding his gaze, using my powers of persuasion, I said, "We're going on a little trip. You okay to fly?" He eyed me for a minute, considering my words. "Yes. Where are we going?" "We're going to get Maya back. We're going to fly. You're going to think it's all a dream, do you understand?" I watched his black irises expand and contract and the red, swirl around like an eddy as he became under my thrall. He nodded so I didn't waste any time. Removing my shirt, I let my wings unfold, noticing Jay's eyes bulge at the sight. "Holy fuck! You're a goddam bird?" He staggered back. "You're dreaming remember?" It felt awesome to let my wings out again. Freeing. I needed to do it more often. The grey feathers exploded outwards and upwards to a height of seven fee It was as if I'd had my arms folded for too long and needed to let the blood circulate. Each delicate feather was connected to the wing's skeleton with tiny, veins intricately woven in a remarkably placed web. With them fully extended they came to life, fluttering and ready for flight.

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I placed my hand around a dumbstruck Jay's waist making sure he was secure before lifting off from the ground, ignoring his cussing as I took to the sky. Rotating my head to look at him fully, his eyes were squeezed shut, his mouth an open cavern of fear. He was screaming like a girl. Normally my passengers were unconscious when we flew so it was strange to have one awake and reacting to the flight. If he began thrashing I would have to knock him out to prevent him from falling. Because my wings were so large, I only had to flap them once every few seconds. We were floating on a wind current which made the journey easier. The rush of air was like nothing I'd ever felt. No human experience could ever compare. No supersonic jet could bring to life the experience of propelling oneself through the skies under one's own steam. It was exhilarating. I tried to keep steady and not plummet too fast. The last thing I needed was Jay throwing up. Once he became a full demon, he would take to the skies like a seasoned pilot but until then, I needed to be cautious. It took only minutes to find my target so I slowed us down and landed about five feet from the portal I had manifested on our descent, standing Jay on shaky legs. "We're here. You can open your eyes now." Lifting one eyelid a crack at a time, confirming his feet were firmly planted on the ground he turned into a pillar of fright.

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"What the fuck is that and why do I get the impression, I'm about to find out?" He backed up, his stressed face glowing from the bright swirls. "I have a confession to make. Life isn't what you think it is. It's not black and white. The stories and myths you read as a child? Well, some of them are true." I waited for his reaction but all I got was a blank stare as he processed it. He had no idea he was well on his way to becoming a demon so I thought it high time, I filled him in. "What you just witnessed is very real. These wings are part of who I am. I'm not human." Weighing up my words, he rubbed his face, sighing out. "But I'm dreaming and dreams aren't, real. This is all just some spaced out nightmare, right?" Choosing to show him how genuine it all was, I let my demon side take over, allowing my eyes to change to yellow and my blackened veins to come to the surface like rivers of coal. My fingernails elongated into black talons and my gums smarted as my eye teeth extended down into sharp weapons. I'd only changed once while in Hell, right before Lucifer sent me up to Earth and I didn't care to do it on a regular basis because of the pain. Grunting as my fangs locked into place and my nails ripped the skin off my fingers, I watched Jay's face turn so ashen, I was sure he'd pass out.

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"You're a demon?" he asked, stunned into a paralyzed stupor. I shook out my discomfort before answering, "Yes and you will be too soon." He lifted his hands to his face to check for any changes before shooting his head back up to me. "You're insane. This is insane." At that moment the bushes rustled with movement. We both pivoted to the sound and watched on as the six guys from the club emerged, faces etched in alarm at the vortex. They stopped dead, just shy of us, eyes still glazed under compulsion but they were aware enough to know that what they were seeing was certainly not normal. Their heads shot from me to the spinning light and back again. I knew they wanted to run but they couldn't while under my spell. Jay turned back to me with questions in his eyes. "Is it really insane? What if it's not? What if it's real?" I asked him. "Who are these guys and why are they here?" "These gentlemen are from the club and they've offered to help me. Or should I say, us." "Help us do what, exactly?" His shuddering hands failed to deter me from continuing. In my demon form, the lure of the vortex called to me. Stepping towards Jay, he backed up some more. We

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needed to get to Hell without delay if we were to save Maya. "Your friend Maya has been taken by Lucifer himself. I need your help to rescue her." Jay let out a laugh that was devoid of humor. "You're delusional too. Are you seriously expecting me to believe that shit? How the fuck could Maya have been taken by Lucifer?" He gripped his head. "Jesus. What was in those drinks at the club? LSD? Is that what you gave me? Cause, I'm tripping out right now, man." Time was running out. "Look, I assure you, you're not tripping out. It's all true. Everything. Maya is in danger and we need to hurry before it's too late." His uncertainty was costing us valuable time. We needed to move. Each second that ticked by was too long. Addressing everyone, I gave them a rundown of our mission. "You will all step into the portal and wait on the other side until everyone is through. Once you land on solid ground your body will feel the extreme urge to undergo changes. Don't fight it. Let it happen. Do not move from your landing point and do not talk to anyone. Is that clear?" The six vacantly nodded. Jay merely glared at me. If he was going to cause any problems, I would have to deal with him. "Wait. Why are these guys so eager to do your bidding? Who are they really?"

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"I told you, Jay. I recruited them at the club and they agreed to help me. Now, your questions are taking up valuable time. Do you want to see your friend alive or not?" Before he could utter another word, the ground shook and the trees swayed as a giant, orb of light manifested out of thin air to the right of the vortex. It was so consuming, I had to shield my eyes from it. What on Earth? It was like the sun had fallen from the sky but that was impossible because it was night. Amongst the rustling sounds from the leaves, I heard Jay scream. Opening my eyes and squinting, I was grateful to see him unharmed but sitting on the ground, gawking in a mixture of panic and awe at something other than me. Letting my eyes adjust as the light ebbed slowly, I let out my own garbled yelp. In front of me stood a seven foot high angel, surrounded by an all-encompassing aura. Intimidating in size yet a corner of my psyche told me not to be frightened. I knew him to be angel because of his white wings. His power rivalled, if not exceeded mine. A Godly being. Each of his feathers were exquisitely crafted in luminous strands of silk. His stance non-threatening. A robe of encrusted diamonds draped regally over his giant form. "Hello Nathaniel. It's good to see you again." His deep smooth voice rolled through me like music. Okay. What? Why was he speaking to me as if we knew each other? Should I be happy to see him? Every

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hair on my body was charged with electricity, my blood an echoed gush in my ears. I couldn't answer because just his presence alone had me speechless. The command he held over us was greater than I'd ever known. Even more so than Lucifer. "It was my intention to remain un-involved unless it was absolutely necessary and I fear that time is now." Calm energy rolled off him and over to me. The broken pieces of memory that had tried to push through days ago were attempting to again. This being, almost felt familiar and yet, I knew that was impossible. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" "I am Archangel Michael and I'm here to help bring Maya home." "Maya? What are you talking about and why do you want to help me?" "Ah. My son, you have forgotten. Lucifer got to you and changed your memories by way of demon blood. You are not demon. You are Nathaniel. Angel ruling over hidden things, fire and vengeance. It would appear I have some damage control to do." Glancing over at Jay, he froze in a daze. Wide-eyed and transfixed. Unable to move. I could understand why. Michael, if he was even real, was the most stunning creature I'd ever seen. The great angel, floated over to Jay and said one word, "Sleep."

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Jay immediately slumped onto the ground, eyes closed, unmoving. It was my turn to look surprised. "What are you doing?" The angel had powers far greater than mine so I didn't have a clue what was coming next. "Don't be afraid, Nathaniel. We'll return shortly. I need to instill your memories and remove the demon blood before we can retrieve Maya." Turning with his hands clasped in front of him he found my six new friends, huddled together in fear. "And who have we here?" One guy had a wet stain on the front of his pants. He'd literally peed himself. "These men were going to help me get Maya back. I didn't want to return to Hell alone." With a cluck of his tongue, Michael gracefully sailed to the group who held onto each other tighter, shaking furiously and whimpering. For a human to witness such a sight it must have been extremely confronting, challenging every belief they'd ever held. Heck. I should have been afraid. My demon instincts should have taken over and had me attempting to fight but the desire wasn't there. Michael commanded respect without having to do a thing. He manifested a beaker filled with golden liquid and touched one guy's forehead before I witnessed the dude voluntarily open his mouth so Michael could pour some of the liquid down his mouth.

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"You will return home with no knowledge of any of this. You will have no demon blood in you and your soul will be pure. The club you have been frequenting doesn't exist. Go!" he ordered. As if watching a fascinating movie, the guy turned on his heels and walked out of the woods the same way he came, his friends faces unbelieving of what was transpiring. Each had their turn of drinking the substance before disappearing into the thicket of trees until it was only Michael, myself and a sleeping Jay. I couldn't help but ask. "What have you done? We needed them to assist with our mission." "No more souls need to be forced a fate they otherwise would not have endured. Hell is not a place for those men any more than it is for you my friend. I will stand by your side and stand by it alone in your quest to free Maya. Together as brothers we will fight." The next thing I knew, Michael had moved into my space, the light consuming me. It was warm like a summer's day, unlike the burning heat of Hell. It lifted me off the ground momentarily before swallowing me up. I became the light and it me. The heaviness had been replaced with a freedom and lightness that nudged at my consciousness. The forest disappeared and I was carried by a ball of energy further into the light until a new picture emerged. One of astounding color and splendor. Every demonic instinct had me wanting to flee my

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surroundings but the small part of angel blood that coursed through me, grounded me and whispered assurances to me, had me instead staring around the great chamber in wonder. Sparkles of white jewels twinkled from every piece of the room, from the walls to the furniture. Michael stood smiling at me as he poured the golden liquid into a chalice. Extending it out to me he soothed, "Drink from the cup of life, Nathaniel. Return to your true self." My true self? Angel Nathaniel? It was all surreal. "How do I know I can trust you?" "Because I lead God's army against Satan. I am the prince of angels." His words although foreign, began to resonate with me as did the room I was standing in. Trust didn't come easily but with the hum of my body and the liberation that engulfed me where I stood, there was no doubt he could be trusted. Slowly reaching out, I took the cup and pressed it to my lips, lifting it and letting the sunny strands of nectar coat my tongue. The moment it hit my system, I could feel it. Like frost thawing, so too did I seem to come to life. Each finger and limb began to buzz. My blackened nails retracted and were replaced with perfectly manicured ones atop smooth, satiny skin. The black veins began to erase right before my eyes as the warmth crept higher. Tingles lit me from the inside, awakening my spirit as if it had been in a coma. Muscles hardened.

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The thickness of my blood thinned to a steady stream of energy. The tips of my darkened wings began to pulsate and as if an artist had dipped his brush in white, they became a painted mass of soft, snowy feathers, expanding exponentially. Clarity began to wash over me in waves with each section the angel blood filled. I was shedding a skin like a butterfly larvae and transforming into something magnificent. Peace replaced anxiety. Kindness replaced anger. I was being reborn. Michael merely stood by, shining his aura out in comfort as I sucked back the last drop. There was no pain, unlike my transformation into a demon. My mind was sharp as images began emerging again of a life I'd all but forgotten. Heaven and all it encompassed greeted me with open arms as I stood and basked in true glory. "Welcome back, Nathaniel." Michael held out his pearly hand. I shook it, shuddering at the contact, feeling his supremacy ignite my own as if I had just plugged in to the very source. A great weight had been lifted off, leaving me light and more alive than I'd ever felt. My senses were heightened. "Do you remember everything, my friend?" Michael moved to sit on a two seater chair so I joined him. "I remember. Lucifer drugged me with demon

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blood to turn me against Heaven and the world. Maya. She's an angel. It's no wonder in my human form, I felt a connection to her." At the thought of her I stood again. "I have to get in there and save her." "Soon, I promise. First we have to prepare you for battle." "She doesn't know she's an angel?" I questioned, knowing the answer but needing confirmation. "We took her memories before she left Heaven. She knows nothing of her nature." "Why send her to save me when all you had to do was come down to Earth and bring me back? Let me drink from the chalice to restore my memories? Maya. She's now in jeopardy." "Maya was almost ready to move to our realm, Nathaniel. As you know, it doesn't come freely. This one last task was set for her in order to expedite her transfer. I wasn't counting on Lucifer becoming enamored with her and changing the course of fate. That is why I had to step in. Maya was helping you realize your true nature and she was coming along nicely, before her...abduction. She was changing you. You were beginning to care for her and others. Demons don't do that unless it's for their own selfish, personal gain." He was right about one thing. I did care for Maya. More than he might realize. I'd always known her soul was pure and on some level it had kept me from falling further into darkness. Not to mention the small amount of angel blood that had still coursed through my system.

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"So what now? What's the plan?" "My evil brother needs to learn his place. He needs to be stopped once and for all so that the balance may return." Lucifer was once Michael's brother in Heaven, equally as high ranking if not the highest of all angels. His downfall came when his pride took over. His quest was to become God. To rule Heaven and Earth. He was not happy with his position. He wanted to 'kick God off his throne.' God was not happy with this and essentially Lucifer was cast from Heaven. "He's always been greedy and desired everything for himself and unfortunately Maya is caught up in his avarice." "How do you expect to stop him? How do you expect the two of us to stop him? He's been amassing an army." "Indeed but Lucifer has no power over me. Together you and I, alone have the ability to defeat him, with a little help from a Heavenly weapon." Michael walked over to a cabinet against the far wall and using an ornate key, opened the door and produced a golden sword. The Golden Sword from God's armory. The mere sight of it had me gaping. Even though I'd seen it before, it never failed to render me speechless. Crafted of the finest gold with tendrils of light reaching from it like fingers, it shone greater than any torch. Was sharper than any knife and its purity when pierced

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through Lucifer's heart would disintegrate him to nothing but a cloud of smoke. It had been blessed by God himself and had been used as a bargaining tool more than once. Knowing Lucifer feared the weapon and it was probably the only thing that had him trembling, my anxiety about returning to Hell, eased somewhat. "Now we must train you how to use it." "Pardon?" Me use it? I'd never even held it. The honor was normally reserved for Michael. "It's time, Nathaniel." He handed it to me as if passing an heirloom down to his child. I stared at it a moment, feeling the force, radiating outwards. It was both an honor and a curse to be given it. I hoped it could be used as a bargaining tool and nothing more. As much as I despised Lucifer and all he stood for, the weight of ending him was huge. There would surely be repercussions for such actions and I didn't want to be the one to bear the burden of that. Reaching out, I took it from Michael, the warm buzz from such a powerful sword shooting tingles up my arm. The solidity of its form diminished with my touch until it felt like an extension of my hand. No longer was it a dense object. Upon contact it had transformed into a cutting beam of light, extending from the palm of my hand. "The sword is ready for you and you ready for it. I wouldn't have given it to you unless I knew this to be true."

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"But..." Michael interrupted me. "Come, Nathaniel. Let us venture outside so you can get better acquainted with the Golden Sword."

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Chapter Nineteen

Maya I'd finally caved and was eating some of the banquet Nick had spread over the long dining table in a room that looked more like a hall than part of a house. The high-backed deeply buttoned black chairs were fitting in such a setting; as were the brass candelabra's with candles burning atop the table. If I was going to escape I needed my strength and while I probably shouldn't trust the food I was eating, if Nick had meant me harm, surely he would have ended me by now. He had been nothing but nice to me but I knew better than to be fooled by his kindness. Lucifer was all for himself. Selfish and calculating. I needed to remember that. I also needed to remember that I didn't belong in his world and I never would. I hadn't led a life of sin and gluttony. My actions were pure. Plus, I hadn't lived my life yet. I was only beginning to find myself again. My job at the coffee shop mightn't be highly paid but it was mine and I was good at it. Plus, I loved the people I worked with. "I'm glad to see you eating, Maya," the devil softly, crooned to me. He was sitting beside me and to my left while I occupied the space at the head of the table. "I'm not doing it for you." I endowed him with my best 'I hate you' glare.

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"For whatever reason, I'm happy." He sipped a glass of red liquid which resembled wine but I couldn't be sure. "Happy? Do you even know the meaning of the word?" I bit out without thinking, grinding my teeth against the flesh of a succulent papaya. He laughed, impishly. "Happiness encompasses many things my dear. Good or bad. I am the king of my domain. I rule the underworld. I have whatever I want, including you so in answer to your question, yes, I know great happiness." He was delusional as well as conceited. Pushing my plate away, I stood and turned to leave but I didn't get very far. Nick was at my side, seizing my arm. "You're not going anywhere. I have things to show you. Things you need to see, should you decide to go against me." The syrupy voice had been replaced with cruelty. His eyes flashed black before we were on the move. Me without a choice and him, two steps ahead, dragging me behind. I'd changed from the white gown into a red one he'd left for me even if I hated him knowing I'd conceded to his wishes. The long, blood red satin dress billowed out behind me as we moved silently through the house and to the front door. The monster who always stood guard opened it for us, eying me from head to toe and licking his lips as if he wanted to devour me.

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Such a taunting, evil glare was hard to erase from my memory as we tore down the front steps into the fog. "Where are you taking me?" "You'll see soon enough, my pet." Wails and moans blew like a strong breeze across the ashen landscape. I took it all in, spotting dark shapes moving about, some hovering as we passed, others following us. Dilapidated buildings, crumbling and broken, lined the streets. Smoke rose from a couple as if they smoldered constantly. The vista resembled a war zone. I stumbled, looking down to see the road in disrepair, potholed and littered with debris. Nick's firm hold kept me from falling. Nearing the end of the street, a chasm appeared, vast in its size. The road fell away to nothing. Dread crawled up my limbs the closer we got. A black hole of agony swallowed up the surroundings as far as I could see once we got to within ten feet of the rim. Nick came to a halt, still fiercely locked on to my arm. "Do you know what this is, Maya?" I had an idea but I wanted to hear him confirm it. Shaking my head, I couldn't pull my eyes away from the darkness. We weren't close enough to peer down and witness what I knew would be flames. "This is eternal hellfire. It's where I send those who betray me. Once you're in, you can't get out. It is the worst nightmare you could possibly imagine. Unbearable pain and grief consume you for all of eternity."

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He almost sounded proud. I felt sick. It went against everything I believed in. "How can you subject anyone to this? Surely just because someone betrays you doesn't mean they are bad." "I don't take well to being deceived or lied to. Take Nate for example. I thought I could trust him but obviously his heart wasn't entirely loyal." Sweeping his hand over the wide abyss, he continued, "I'm going to enjoy watching him burn." I hissed in a breath, shocked at his words. "You're sending Nate into hellfire?" Even though he may have lied to me, he didn't deserve such a cruel fate. "You can't." "Oh but I can and I will. Unless you want the same fate, Maya you will do as I say." He truly had lost his marbles. He had more than earned his title. I was brought here to be his Queen and yet in a heartbeat he'd toss me over the edge as if I was nothing more than a piece of trash? Unbelievable! I needed to figure out a way to escape. Living out my days with this maniac in this dreary hovel was too depressing to contemplate. I would rather die on Earth than exist in Hell. "Now that we have that out of the way, let me show you around." As if I wanted to go sightseeing? Did he actually think I was going to succumb to my fate like a good girl? To accept all of this without a fight? There had to

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be salvation for me. What about God in Heaven? Didn't he save souls in Hell? Nick dragged me around blindly. I didn't see any of it. All I wanted was to return to my quarters. Before I did anything else I was going to pray in the hopes someone up above might hear me and answer my prayers.

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Chapter Twenty

Nate Heaven infused me with its glory. Outside the Hall of Indoctrination, I reveled in the beauty and peace of my home. There was no demon blood left in me and with that came an intense love that exuded from me. Memories came thick and fast. My duty to protect and serve humanity. To keep the balance between good and evil. Time spent in the lower realms assisting souls with their transition. Being a guide and a teacher for other angels wanting to progress higher. On my realm it was all about work whereas the lower sphere closer to earth was more about becoming whole again, enjoying the fruits of Heaven, reconnecting with loved ones and assessing what changes one could have made while alive. Many souls chose to reincarnate to fix their mistakes and pay their karmic debt while others remained in the heavenly realm indefinitely, not caring to progress and become closer to God. I remembered spending time with Maya on earth and in spirit. She'd always been special to me. The connection had made itself known even with demon blood surging in my veins. Love was never truly forgotten. I'd been sparring in an open field with Michael for a while using the Golden Sword, getting used to its power and reaffirming my own. We would be leaving soon to enter Hell to retrieve Maya so I needed to be ready.

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Without any of her abilities as an angel, Maya would be vulnerable. Whilst her powers hadn't been completely eradicated, they were dormant until she returned to the spirit world, compliments of Michael. "Maya should have remained aware of her powers while on Earth. Perhaps then, she could have avoided being taken to Hell by Lucifer." "We can agree to that now, Nathaniel but it was Maya's soul-purpose to be as human as possible while on Earth. She always had her powers, just an inability to access them." "Then it was pointless. To have them but not be able to expend them." I lashed out with the sword but Michael swiftly blocked it. He'd blocked all my attempts at ousting him, proving how adept he was at fighting. "So how do you plan on infiltrating Lucifer's mansion? I have attempted it, even in demon form and I failed." "Alas, do not fear. We will take on a demonic form and use our ability to become invisible if needed." "I could have used that party trick the first time around." "With the amount of demon blood in your system, you wouldn't have been able to vanish. This is a skill reserved for angels. Powerful ones, at that."

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Michael's sword disappeared as if by magic. I wondered how the Golden Sword would conceal itself. "Just think and it shall be, Nathaniel. Focus." Manifesting an intent to have the weapon vanish, I expended some energy willing it to do so. Within a few seconds it disappeared, leaving me awestruck. Glancing up at the powerful archangel, he chuckled. "To have it re-appear you just have to do the same thing. Come now. Let us go. We have a battle to win." I couldn't help the trepidation of returning to the underworld. Lucifer was strong and had many tricks up his sleeve. He would fight for Maya. I hoped with only the two of us, Michael and I could pull off our mission. *** At the portal, Jay remained silent and unconscious. He would continue that way until it was all over. Michael would restore him to the way he was before I began changing him and he would return to a normal life. Regret sat high at the thought of what Lucifer had me doing. Things I hadn't been able to resist but mistakes I could now atone for. Angels could take on any form, including demon so I stood and watched Michael transform into a hideous creature with scales and a long tongue. It was an illusion but a grotesque yet convincing one. He was dark green with red horns sprouting from his skull and heavily lidded elliptical eyes. Far from the resplendent creature he'd been seconds ago.

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"Your turn," prompted Michael. The thought of morphing into something so ugly didn't sit well with me. I'd always prided myself on my beauty. Still, it was for the greater good so with much effort I imagined the ugliest beast possible and conjured him into being. Inside I still felt the same but looking down at myself, it was as if I had stepped into a Halloween costume. My skin was that of a fish, scaly and moist. My body parts were still that of a human. Two arms. Two legs. A head and torso. Michael revealed a mirror to me. Large enough to stand and take in my new appearance. My face was all but gone, replaced by that of an alien. My skull was bulbous and bald. Almond eyes and a pointed nose resembling a snout had replaced my angelic features. My eyes were bright red flaming caverns and my mouth was lipless with pointed, yellowed fangs. There was no possible way anyone in hell would mistake me for an angel now. "Are you ready to go get Maya?" Michael asked. "As ready as I'll ever be. Let's do this." Fact was, with as much power as I wielded, the thought of entering the devil's domain filled me with angst. The place had the ability to depress even the happiest and purest of souls. The misery was impregnating. Not sensations an angel enjoyed. A familiar shimmering circle appeared before us at the hands of Michael. The stunning, rich field we stood in faded in to the background.

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"Take my hand, Nathaniel so we land in the same spot." I did as he asked and before I could do or say anything else, he dragged me through. Immediately the lightness of my soul was replaced by a cumbersome heaviness. Bleakness painted over the exquisite landscape, infusing itself into every morsel of my soul. The gloomy hole we were in compressed me to the point of agony but it only lasted a minute or two before we both landed with a thud on dirty cobblestones not too far from Lucifer's mansion. "Are you okay? Michael asked. "Yeah. Not the most elegant of landings but given where we are, I'm not surprised." We both stood and wiped ourselves off. "There are tunnels underneath the ground, leading from Hellfire to the mansion. It's best if we go that route so we can remain undetected for as long as possible. Lucifer probably knows that we'll come for Maya but he may not know when. We need the element of surprise." Indeed we did. Every advantage we had would ensure our victory. Letting Michael lead the way, I followed, observing how the lost souls around us, reacted to our presence. It appeared that we blended in just fine and they couldn't detect our angelic nature. I hoped it remained that way. Clouds broiled overhead and followed us on our journey. Crows flew above, circling us, keeping watch

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as if they knew of our intent. We moved with purpose, ignoring everything in our path until we approached Hellfire. It was a pitiful place. Ominous and miserable. "So how do we get into the tunnel?" There was no way, I was diving into the fiery pit in order to find our point of entry. "There is a last minute escape route for those who choose the enlightened path right before they succumb to the eternal flames." Michael pointed to a two story building that I had failed to notice beside us. The front was boarded up, some planks of wood hanging by a thread. Vacant and uncared for. An antiquated street lamp glowed half-heartedly out front, the only light in an otherwise dark world. I looked to Michael for further explanation. "There are stairs descending down, inside the structure. Security will be there so are you ready to fight, Nathaniel?" I had to be. Like it or not we had a higher purpose. Sometimes fighting was in order to help balance the good and bad. Right now the scales were tipped in Hell's favor so we needed to act to restore the fine equilibrium. Nodding, we approached the building. Michael easily made an opening for us by willing the boards to fly off the doorway. Once inside, we quickly found the staircase and stealthily descended. Before reaching the bottom, I willed the Golden Sword to appear from my bony fingers.

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Keeping my arm behind my back so as not to alert security, we stepped down onto a flat surface and turned a corner coming face to face with the start of the tunnel. A red demon guarded the door. He had his back to us, watching for oncoming souls being led from the mansion. We had the advantage. Quietly we neared. Michael held up his hand for me to take pause while he grabbed the demon by the throat. Surprise washed over the creature's face as they both turned my way before he snarled and hissed, thrashing around. His sharpened talons reached for Michael's arm to slash him but I moved too fast, thrusting the sword into his chest and twisting it for good measure. His bulbous eyes inflated even more as recognition registered. Black veins formed a spider's web on the whites of his eyeballs before expanding outwards and covering his body. A high pitched squeal sounded from his open mouth, wretched from the pain. Weaker than Lucifer it took only a second for the demon to disintegrate into ash and fall to a pile on the concrete floor. Michael gave me a nod of recognition before turning and continuing down the tunnel. We weren't sure how strategically guards were placed so we had to be ready at any given moment. The smell of Sulphur had diminished slightly below ground making it a tad more tolerable. Everything was silent, even the wails from Hellfire had been locked out. Up ahead, we spotted another demon, standing beside a staircase that more than likely went into Lucifer's

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mansion. At our approach he turned and crouched, ready for battle if need be. We stopped just shy of him. "We have an important meeting with Lucifer." Michael wasn't too far from the truth. The six foot ogre scanned us from head to toe, frothing at the mouth. "The boss hasn't said anything to me. No one gets past unless I know about it." The giant waited on us to make the first move but I held back waiting on Michael. For a few seconds both parties were locked in a battle of wills as to who would strike first, after all we were two against his one. I thought he was going to speak when he opened his mouth but instead, a scratchy screech came out similar to the creature we'd just killed but this time the frequency was greater, causing both Michael and I to clamp our ears. The high frequency pitch drilled though both of us like a sharp edged saw with its intensity. It must have been a beacon to all other demons because from down the dark hallway further, a hoard of creatures appeared and they all looked pissed. I'd fought armies before but never in such a confined space. I should have known better than to think it was going to be easy. Michael stood tall and rigid once the noise shut off and the incoming demons approached, stopping a few feet away.

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"Imposters!" screamed, the ogre at the foot of the stairs. Our reaction to the piercing sound had given away our attempt to blend in. We should have used our invisibility. An error on Michael's part or perhaps he enjoyed battling demons. I couldn't be sure. He seemed to take it all in stride, showing no signs of fear. "Show yourselves, traitors!" he ordered, eyes black swirls. The ruse was over and short lived. Michael stepped back without turning until he was standing beside me. I slowly looked to him for instruction. Using his ability to communicate with me telepathically he said, "On the count of three Nathaniel, you are to remove your disguise and return to your true form, wings and all. Do you understand?" "Yes." I responded back to him the same way. An angel's ability to speak without being heard was an asset in these circumstances and we would use it advantageously. Quicker than one could blink, we filled the tunnel, height and width-wise, our majestic wings unable to extend fully but it needn't have mattered. The disbelief on every demons face told us they hadn't suspected what we were, just that we weren't demonic. We were the closest to God the abominations would ever get. Michael's voice boomed out, "Turn away now and let us enter or suffer the wrath of two high-ranking angels."

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Much hissing and snarling ensued. I noticed four demons turn and flee the way they came which was smart on their behalf and probably stopped them from being killed. The others, however crouched low, ready to fight. I let the Golden Sword extend from my hand. Michael took a step forward, intimidating as anything I'd ever witnessed. The tunnel was lit up like daylight from our effulgent auras. The demon who had summoned his army, approached, his snake-like tongue, flickering in and out. One of his minions joined him, striking out at Michael who in return seized his arm and squeezed tightly. "I have the power of God in me. This is your last chance to walk away, demon." The leader stood by watching what would ensue, neither making a further move nor speaking. When Michael got no response, he ripped the demons arm off, eliciting a shocking scream from his adversary. Turning to me, the archangel nodded. Knowing what was required I plunged the sword into the demons chest, watching him disintegrate. It was then that chaos ensued. The order was given for the rest of the group to charge us. As I had revealed the Golden Sword, so too had the demons conjured up their own weapons. Long black cutlasses similar to mine but lacking in power. We were going to duel it out. Both being armed would put us

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more on an even keel although it would make the battle greater. Michael had summoned a sword too and was sparring with a red demon, slight in size but fiercely fast. The great angel was undefeated so he was of no concern to me. I had my fight to focus on. The creature in front of me struck out but I blocked him before he could gain the edge. Sparring was something age old between enemies and with my memory back, I relished in the fact that I was a master at my game. We moved backward and forwards, the rest of their group waiting their turn at the orders of the leader. He stood against the stone wall, seemingly amused by the one on one matches. He could have just ordered his team to charge and be done with it but instead he watched on animatedly as if he was at a sports game. He was dragging this out which was costing us time. He knew what he was doing. He was giving Lucifer a chance to escape with Maya. Well, he needed to know who was leading this race against time. Tricking my opponent into thinking I was going to strike to the left, I jabbed to the right, striking him in the stomach. He paused with a howl, giving me a chance to plunge the dagger right in the center of his chest. He disintegrated with a gentle explosion and became nothing more than a messy heap. One down. Michael had his sword at his charges throat, holding him in a reverse stance. Without hesitation he sliced across, decapitating the imp. Two down.

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My next opponent came in all guns blazing hoping that one of his strikes would hit his target. Trouble was, it was easier to judge his moves and look for an opening. I easily used his flailing arms against him and while they were raised, I angled my pointed sword just right and forcefully pushed it through his hardened exterior to the soft center. Three down. "Retreat!" screamed the leader, obviously no longer amused watching his army die. Blind Freddy could see that we had it under control and were not going to lose. Mid stride, the demon next on my list froze, snarled at me and in a flash had disappeared as had the remaining group, all bar one. A savage growl escaped the leader's thin-lipped mouth. "You will die!" If he'd had any sense of self-preservation he would have taken off down the tunnel too and let us do what we came to do but no. His stupidity would be his death. Pulling his own weapon from his pocket which resembled a plain, old carving knife, I almost snickered at the size of his dagger. Did he expect to overpower anything with that? I knew demons were stupid but that brought new meaning to the word, dumb. "Nathaniel, you got this." Michael stepped aside, letting me face my opponent, giving me the power to finish things. It was an honor to serve him and God. An eye for an eye. Our Father wasn't a violent entity but when dealing with evil the only way to win the war was to fight to the death. Verbal negotiations weren't an

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option. Many a time we'd attempted to resolve disagreements peacefully but each time, we'd come up with the same hurdle. Demons didn't care to talk things through. They weren't compassionate and couldn't see reason. We had to beat them at their own game or they'd never stop. With what little space we had, we circled each other, armory out and ready. I wouldn't strike unless struck first. The beast lurched forward, slashing out at my face as I pulled my head back, narrowly missing the blade. I wasn't sure what would happen if I was cut and if his weapon branded any power whatsoever but I didn't intend to find out. I struck out once, the demon deflecting it with a certain level of skill. I regarded his strength as we sparred. He was strong but I knew I could take him. I just had to wait for an opening. He struck high and low, both times I was easily able to block him. "You think you can come here and overpower us, angel? You are in our world now and you're going to pay for killing my children." Children? Did demons even have such a thing? Highly unlikely. Perhaps it was a term used for lower ranking specimens. "We are here for a reason. Lucifer has stolen one of our angels and we're here to get her back. You will not stop us. Fight to your death or leave. Last chance."

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His slashed mouth extended in what I could only assume was a devilish grin as he took a step to the left but made no attempt to disappear. He struck right and left again and again with little leeway. I was in full battle mode. Maya was my motivation. I wouldn't let her down. "Come on demon, you're merely playing. Give me some real competition." I goaded, wanting to rile him up more so that he'd made a stupid error. My wings were fluttering together at my back in anticipation. My legs were bent at the knees, grounding me. Michael was patiently waiting on the first step of the staircase, his eyes focused on me. I needed to finish this. Maya was up above somewhere with Lucifer and each moment taken away from saving her was helping to seal her fate. The clanging of metal was the only sound. The air was still. My adversary lifted his sword just as I brought mine up to meet his. He pushed and I pushed as we ogled each other scathingly. He was strong, I'd give him credit for that but I was stronger. Using my full power, I pushed him against the tunnel wall, holding him in place, my sword still connected with his. "Good will always win over evil," I ground out, my glow strengthening. Channeling God's reserve power, I let it flow into me. Through me. Even in Hell, angels could summon the power of The Almighty. Electricity gushed into me from the unseen source, blinding the demon. I was light. I was energy. I was Nathaniel. The

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demon weakened, no match for me. Lifting my arm away and back, I was easily able to penetrate the golden blade to the hilt, causing him to drop his weapon and cry out in torture, shattering into a million fibers of ash. Michael patted me on the back. "Good fighting, Nathaniel. You utilized your full angelic power. Come. Let us go save Maya."

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Chapter Twenty One

Maya I was sitting in the parlor with Nick, devising ways to escape whilst he was sipping on brandy, legs crossed, his eyes glued to me. It was uncomfortable enough being in the same room with him but to have him pierce me with his unfathomable eyes was borderline frightening. Gone was any compassion or tenderness I may have felt for him on Earth, replaced by a consuming hatred. I wasn't normally a hateful person but given my surroundings, every negative emotion was accentuated threefold. In a nanosecond and a blur of motion, Nick was out of his seat, glass placed down onto the small table beside his chair and he was gripping my arm, pulling me out of the room into the oversized corridor. "What are you doing?" I asked, wondering why everything was happening so fast. "Questions you need not know the answers to, young Maya." His body language was that of a soldier as I was dragged through the mansion and down a flight of stairs where a pile of ash lay at the bottom. Lucifer took pause, swore and turned right, dragging me down a long stony tunnel. The faint glow of sporadic lamps was our only light

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For what felt like miles we hurried until a metal door appeared on the right. Lucifer stopped and with the hand he had free he pulled a set of keys from his pocket and unlocked the door. Inside was a bed against a wall with medical equipment beside it. Panic set in at the thought of what he might do. "Please, Nick. Don't do this. We can work everything out. I'll do anything you want. I'll stay in Hell with you forever, just please don't put me in there." "Hush. The wheels have already been set in motion. It's too late now. The cavalry have arrived." Shoved over to the bed, he threw me down, cuffing both my hands to the bed posts, all the while I struggled trying to break free but he was too strong for me. In less than a minute I was restrained. Damn being human. It was a weakness I could have done without. Beside the bed, Lucifer picked up a syringe filled with clear liquid. "No! I beg you. Don't!" He smiled at me with an evil light in his eyes. Predatory. "You need to calm down, Maya. Begging won't get you anywhere. Now, you'll just feel a little sting and then you won't have to worry about anything." My eyes widened in fear as I attempted to twist away from him but it was useless because I was tethered down. He held my arm with one hand, turning it so he could find a vein. In one foul swoop, the needle was in

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my arm, a warmth clambering up higher with whatever he had injected me with. "What was that?" I asked, immediately tasting something metallic before, dizziness washed over me. "Just something to help you relax. Sleep now, angel." The liquid worked fast. The room became nothing but a blur of shapes before darkness clouded everything.

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Chapter Twenty Two

Nate When Michael and I landed in the familiar foyer the first thing I noticed was the absence of the guard I had fought with on my first visit. It pleased me that we could pass by without another battle. Perhaps Lucifer had counted on us being ousted before reaching this point. His mistake. "Where do you think he's keeping her?" asked Michael. "I wouldn't know. I think it's best if we check the whole house." Beginning on ground level we walked through to a vast living area with deep buttoned couches and chairs, blood red velvet drapes framing floor to ceiling barred windows. It was overdone but everything Lucifer did was over the top. Finding the room vacant I kept my wits about me as we bypassed the staircase to the second level and into a large scullery, consisting of every conceivable thing a kitchen possibly needed. Off to the back was a dining area fit for a king. I pictured Lucifer sitting all alone at the head of the table, deeming himself worthy of such preposterous grandeur. We crept out again into the foyer and were just about to begin our ascent up the stairs when a movement from above caught our eyes. We didn't have time to respond

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when Lucifer barreled into Michael, both of them collapsing to the floor and sliding into the closed front door, causing the surrounding part of the house to shake from the force. Immediately I had my sword out ready to use. I couldn't focus on who was who as they fought in a blur of motion. I didn't want to accidentally stab Michael because the sword was equally as deadly to an angel. If I killed the archangel it would seal my own fate. Instead, I waited on the sidelines for a pause which didn't come about until a shape was hurtled through the air, landing at the entrance to the sitting room. Michael stood at the door, his pissed off energy rolling from him. Lucifer composed himself and rose, far enough away from both of us to remain safe for the moment. He sported a large cut across his cheek but otherwise appeared unscathed. "Brother. How nice of you to drop by," the demon spat to Michael. "I'm guessing this isn't a social visit? What a pity. I could have had the butler make up some delicacies, I'm sure you'd enjoy." He sneered the whole time, not bothered by the fact that black blood drizzled from his wound. "Where is she? And you're no brother of mine. You made your choice to leave our family so don't ever call me by that name. You're nothing to me."

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"Oh that's rich coming from someone who's always been the favorite. It was always Michael this and Michael that. I could never compete. I tried but in the end, I was punished for wanting what you had. For wanting more than I was given. I could have ruled Heaven. I could have given the angels everything they had ever wanted and more..." Michael was fuming as he held up a hand, cutting Lucifer off. "Stop. This is blasphemous. Your greed is what started your demise. Nothing could ever satisfy you. You wanted to be God and that was something you were never going to be. Don't you see that? God is everything you're not. Heaven couldn't exist without him. You were never in a position to overthrow him and take control." "Says you who didn't want to be under my command. You would have done anything to see that didn't happen, including spewing lies to our Father." "Our Father? He stopped being your father the moment you began plotting against him. Oh, you're right where you belong." I was looking between the two as if sitting at a Wimbledon grand finale. The hands on the invisible clock were spinning out of control. I had to intervene. Clearing my throat, I spoke. "Maya? Where is she?" "Ah yes. Nathaniel." Lucifer moved slightly closer but not enough for me to thrust the sword into his chest. "The knight in shining armor. Here to save his love. How sweet? But you see, here's the deal. I don't have

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Maya. I haven't seen her since I stopped by the café to apologize." Taking a step forward, I yelled, "You're lying. You never planned on waiting the two weeks to bring her here. You merely told me that to keep me off your scent." I found Michael at my side. United we stood against evil. Together we were a force to be reckoned with. We needed this to be over with. My angelic patience was wearing thin. "You seem to have it all figured out. Well please, go ahead." His arm swept upwards towards the staircase. "Don't let me stop you." Michael turned to face me. "You stay here. I'll go search upstairs. Draw your sword to keep him contained." Willing the sword to reappear, I heard Lucifer's intake of breath as Michael sped upwards in search of Maya. It was my turn to smile. "What's the matter, Nick? You didn't expect us to visit unprepared did you?" He shot me a look filled with hatred but made no attempt to move. "How did you get the Golden Sword?" "I went back home and got it. To Heaven of course." "But you were almost a full demon." He appeared to be thinking out loud.

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"It would seem as if no matter how much demon blood you chose to give me, the angel blood was too strong to disappear entirely. Michael has been watching from the sidelines, waiting for the right time to intervene. He took me to Heaven and had me drink from the Golden Chalice." Lucifer hissed. He wasn't happy his plan had failed. "I have enough souls to create my army. I will still go ahead with infiltrating Earth. You of all people should know, I can't be stopped." "Is that right? I think you underestimate Michael's power. You see, your army still exists in Hell. None have been sent to Earth yet." Holding up the golden sword, I continued, "This weapon has the power to close the portal to and from Hell. Your game is up, Lucifer." He wore his fury like a badge of honor. "You think you've won?" He laughed, murderously attempting to give himself the upper hand. "Oh how wrong you are, Nathaniel. You see, I still have what it is you want the most. Maya. Such a fine angel too. Did you know she didn't take much convincing to fall into my bed? I pulled out all my charm on her and had her begging for more," he gloated. That was it. I'd had enough. He must have had a death wish. The thought of Maya succumbing to his charm sickened me. His hands and mouth on her. No free will to fight against him. Without thinking too much, I was in his face, plunging the dagger into his chest. A gurgle emanated from him as his eyes widened. "You will pay for touching her. We don't need you to

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find her. No stone will be left unturned. In your absence, the balance will be reset to the way it's meant to be and Maya will return to Heaven under God's protection. So you see, brother. I have won." Thick black blood akin to molasses erupted from his mouth as he tried to speak. I made out the words as, "You can't kill me." That was a fact. He would return after a long while but by that stage Michael would have disintegrated the army and locked the portal to Hell. There would be no more pure souls doomed to an eternity of misery. Dark souls would enter hell upon their death the way it was supposed to be. "What have you done?" It was Michael flying down the stairs with an item of clothing in his hand. "Something I should have done a long time ago." In the blink of an eye, Lucifer vanished and I was left alone in the foyer with a very disgruntled looking archangel. "I asked you to contain him, Nathaniel. Not kill him." "You know I didn't kill him. He'll merely cease to exist for an age. Long enough for us to right things again. When he returns it'll be too late." Michael grunted, shaking his head. "I didn't want to use the sword until after we've found Maya. He was leverage and the Golden Sword was our bargaining tool. You always were a little impulsive."

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Even so, it was done now. We didn't have to worry about Lucifer bringing any more harm to Maya. We could find her without him. "Maya wore this. It was in an upstairs bedroom. She's been here. I want every inch of this place searched. Leave no stone unturned." The item was a white long sleeping gown I wasn't familiar with but it reeked of her scent. Seeing it made her abduction real and caused great distress. I hoped she hadn't suffered. Without her angelic powers she was at the mercy of her human body, subject to weakness and vulnerability. She didn't deserve any of this. Michael had folded his wings in so I did the same. Unless we were in flight, they would be a hindrance during our hunt. "I'm sorry for stabbing him so soon." I bowed slightly, showing Michael that he was still my superior and was still calling the shots. Angel Hierarchy was all about respect and whether I liked decisions made I would do well to obey them from now on. "Let us just continue to search for Maya. I fear we're running out of time. Can you remember anything at all of your time here when you were a prisoner? There must be another part of the house we're missing." Thinking hard, I recalled the bars that held me in. The chin up bar that had kept me fit. "I get the impression I was underground. It was cavelike."

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Michael eyeballed me, a look of contemplation on him. "The tunnel we used. We need to explore where it went. Some of the demons fled that way. It must lead somewhere." Letting my sword disappear I followed him back down the staircase and into the tunnel, praying that we were on the right path. If the mansion was empty, she had to be down here somewhere. Without Lucifer, we were searching blind. "Can I have the garment?" Knowing I had a strong connection to Maya, I hoped her scent would lead me to her whereabouts. Michael stopped and turned, holding it out for me. As soon as I touched the item of clothing a strong sense of danger raged through me. It knocked me to my knees, causing Michael to race forward. "Nathaniel, what is it?" "We have to hurry. We're running out of time. She's going to die."

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Chapter Twenty Three

Maya I was on the move. Being carried. My head lolled over a bony arm. I knew it to be bony because it was digging into my neck. My eyes were heavy as I tried to open them to view my surroundings. I felt off like I wasn't me. Something was dreadfully wrong. My mind was fuzzy, unable to cling on to any one memory. Bits and pieces floated across my consciousness like wayward debris in a strong gale. Faces popped in and out. Handsome. Fierce eyes. Sharp teeth. A blonde girl. Pretty. Bubbly. Laughing with me at something I couldn't recall. The jostling of movement thwarted my attempt at remembering any more. The air was increasingly smelly like rotten eggs as we appeared to be rising up some steps. A consuming need to fight gripped me and as weak as I was, I let it take over, kicking and flailing my arms wildly to free myself and bring harm to my handler. With low menace, a voice ripped from whoever was carrying me. "Struggle all you want but you'll never escape." The voice, I didn't recognize. It wasn't human, of that I was sure. Think Maya! Where are you?

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After a couple of minutes we leveled out. Feet clapped on boards. The rotten egg smell increased and when we pushed through an opening all I wanted to do was gag. Thick air filled with a tremendous heat, squeezed me tightly in suffocation. A thunderous roar had my temples pulsating. We stopped and I was dropped to my shaky feet, an arm gripping me in a chokehold. "What are we doing?" I drowsily asked. "Waiting for your friends to arrive so don't try anything stupid." Friends? The girl with the blonde hair? The handsome man with the sharp teeth? Confusion was my enemy. I desperately needed to get a grip of myself and my surroundings. Lifting my heavy eyelids marginally, all I could see was cloudiness with dark shapes in the background. The roar was overbearing behind me, sounding like nothing I could ever dream up. There was something sinister about the way it echoed around us like an entity all of its own, waiting hungrily. My entire body ached and if it wasn't for being held up against my will, I would have crumpled to the ground. The dizziness in my head increased, causing my head to flop forward. I could feel my awareness dwindling fast. As I drifted, the last thought I remembered was, my friend's better hurry up or I'm not going to make it.

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Chapter Twenty Four

Nate Reaching a steel door, Michael ripped it off its hinges without any effort, giving us full view into an unoccupied room. Minimal furniture took up residence but a hospital drip machine sat beside a bed with rumpled sheets. Moving in, I picked up Maya's scent. "She's been here." Dark liquid filled a plastic bag attached to a catheter. Picking it up, I knew exactly what it was. "They've been giving her demon blood. Satan was going to turn her the same way he turned me." Nodding, Michael agreed. "We're on the right track but we need to figure out where she's been taken. It can't have been Lucifer because he was with us. It must have been one of his minions who had been instructed to move her, should we arrive. Is there anywhere you can think of where she might have been taken?" It's not like I knew my way around Hell. Maya could be anywhere. If his mansion was empty, where else would she be? Standing still for a moment, I closed my eyes and tuned in to her using my angelic senses. Her essence was strong in the room, given her smell was still attached to the sheets but in the tunnel, all I'd smelt had been sulfur. I doubted Lucifer would want harm to come to Maya but if someone else was now calling the shots, that theory was null and void.

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"Let's just go back the same way we came and see if I can pick up on anything." I started off down the tunnel, knowing Michael would follow. He hadn't mentioned anything more about me using the sword on Lucifer, early. I'm sure once we returned home, I would be spoken to. For now we needed to focus. Sniffing the pajama top every so often, I kept her scent, fresh. Recollections surfaced of our most recent time together on Earth. She had come to mean so much to me. Her sweet nature and pure soul. Even her friends Lucy and Jay had grown on me. Speaking of which, I wondered if Jay had woken up yet. Michael had said he would stay asleep but it still worried me that he may wake and step through the portal. With his own volume of demon blood pumping through his veins, Hell would call to his evil side. He wouldn't think twice about following that call to the underworld. I couldn't think of that now. I needed to deal with one thing at a time. We reached the stairs we'd taken earlier that would lead us up and outside. So far Maya's scent had been overpowered by the increasing heat and sulfur odor. Checking the old building before we exited, Michael stopped short. I ran into him, causing him to stumble down the step to the broken cobbled street. I followed his gaze down towards Hellfire, gasping in shock at the sight of an unconscious Maya being held up

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by a demon. Throwing her gown on the ground I started forward before Michael stopped me. "Think before you act this time, Nathaniel. The demon is standing close enough to the chasm to toss Maya over the edge." I didn't want to have to think. I wanted to take charge and end this. I knew Michael was the wise one though so I was left with no choice. "What do you suggest?" "We must approach with caution. He wants something and we need to find out what it is. Have your sword ready but keep it hidden." It was hard to approach and see her stooped over. Her hair was messy with balls of knots throughout and she was wearing some gaudy dress that I could imagine being chosen by Satan. Her feet were bare, skin pale. I hoped we weren't already too late. "It's about time you got here," wheezed the demon. "Tell us what you want," bellowed Michael standing out in front with me flanking him just behind. He had to roar to be heard above Hellfire. "Where's the boss?" "He's...taking a nap," answered Michael. The demon didn't blink but I noticed his eyes twitch slightly. His hold around Maya's neck tightened, causing me to take a step forward. Michael held his arm out preventing me from continuing.

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"Let us come to an arrangement. Tell me what it is you need." Venom lacing his words the monster said, "I need all the demons released from Hellfire and returned to Earth." Michael's slight flinch didn't go un-noticed. "You ask a lot, demon. It is not my place to release them. It is only God who can do that when he sees fit." I didn't doubt with Michael's powers he could release anyone he wanted to but the sprite didn't need to know that. Demons weren't always the smartest cookies in the jar. In a flash he had pulled Maya's head up by her hair and sliced his sharpened talons across her pallid cheek. My sword no longer remained hidden. My fury had brought it forward. I didn't attempt to hide it. Upon seeing it, the demon's eyes became saucers. He knew what it was. It was common knowledge in the Underworld that God had a weapon that could be used to overpower Satan. He turned, walking to the edge of the mighty crevasse, holding Maya by the throat in one hand, dangling her over Hellfire. In his other hand, he produced an elaborate onyx saber, long and thin, curving at the end into a sharp point. What was Michael waiting for? Turning to him, he found my worried stare and nodded slightly at me, giving me the go ahead.

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I acted without thinking. In a human heartbeat, I was upon the demon, my Golden Sword pressed firmly against his onyx one. Michael had closed the gap just as quickly, pulling Maya from the edge and into his arms. The demon shoved me hard, managing to move me marginally and then we were sparring. I knew Maya was safe in Michael's arms so I tried to remain focused on my task. We were still too close to the edge so I attempted to lead him back a bit. "You are about to die, angel," he barked. "Think again, demon." He was a warrior, I could tell. He did a good job at counteracting my attack. We turned so that his back was to Hellfire, lined up where I needed him. Using my strength I stepped forward forcing him back. He tried bringing his sword across to slice through my neck but I anticipated his move. The heat was almost unbearable as we neared the edge. I didn't care to look down but remained focused on the black sword swiping at me randomly. Only we could hear the clinking of metal on metal against the rising rumble of the fire. Just a little bit further. A high screech left the demons mouth, his discomfort and closeness to Hellfire, evident. "You hurt an angel of God. You will be punished." I grumbled at him. One more foot would be all it took. I could tell he was tiring but I had to give him points for being a competitive adversary. "I don't care about any of God's angels. I answer to Lucifer."

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"Well, Lucifer is going to be out of action for a while and so are you." With everything I could muster, I pushed my sword into his, thrusting him backwards and over the edge. At the last second he seized my arm and pulled me over with him. Into Hellfire. Before I disappeared, I turned my head to look one last time at Michael and Maya. His devastated look, shook me and then they were gone from view. It was over.

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Chapter Twenty Five

Maya Rousing from a deep sleep whereby I had no collective memory, I found myself in a forest. Sitting up I reared backwards at the sight of a bright spinning light in front of me. What the heck? Disorientation had me searching my surroundings, my eyes resting first on Jay who lay motionless beside me and a giant winged creature resembling an angel of God not too far away. I wasn't sure what was going on but I did remember being in Hell. I literally had been to Hell and back. The irony wasn't lost on me. Deciding to reach out to Jay first, I nudged him. "Jay? Jay! Hey! Are you alright?" When he didn't move, I looked to the giant for help? Who was he and why was I not scared of him? He radiated serenity. His loving gaze warmed me and I infinitely knew I could trust him and that he had saved me from certain death down below. "I..." "Welcome back Maya," he voiced, melodically. "You know my name?" "Of course."

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Looking to my friend, I asked, "Is he even still alive?" "Relax. He's sleeping. It has kept him from entering the portal." "The what?" Pointing at the spinning vortex, I understood. "The portal to Hell?" "Exactly." "Is that how I got there? Did I walk through?" "You don't remember?" "It's fuzzy. I'm not sure. I just remember waking up in Lucifer's house." "Yes, well my brother is paying for that one." "Who are you?" "I am Archangel Michael and you are angel Maya." "Wait. What?" I sat erect, his words puncturing me. "Your memories have been wiped but you'll remember once we return home." Both of his massive hands were calmly at his side. My mind was ready to cease working with all the information and everything that had happened. "Home? To my house?" "We'll return back to Heaven shortly."

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Heaven? He couldn't be serious. An angel? But how? I couldn't fly. I didn't have wings. Was this guy for real? And who was Nathaniel? "Can you wake my friend up? I need to know he's okay. Lucy will be beside herself." Poor Lucy. My memory prior to my trip to hell was fully intact. She would have wondered why I hadn't turned up for work. Jay too. How long had he been here? "What happened to him?" I asked. "Nate was going to use Jay to help get you back from Hell but I intervened at the last minute." The highranking angel approached. He truly was spectacular. He certainly looked like an Archangel because he was radiant and it wasn't from the moonlight or vortex. His aura shone like a beacon. I couldn't look away. And yet, in the depths of his eyes, I saw torment and sadness. Was it because of what had happened to me? Kneeling down at Jay's side, he placed a hand on my friend's forehead. I watched on fascinated as Jay's brow began to glow. I could see the tendrils of light connecting from Michael's long elegant fingers to Jay's skin, lighting it up. Within a minute, Jay's eyes were fluttering open. He looked to me, focusing before sitting up and grasping his head. "What happened? I feel like I've been hit by a truck." It was at that moment that his head turned to Michael. Jay scuffled back on his haunches similar to the way I'd reacted.

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"Shit. You're still here?" He was shaking and terrified. "It's okay Jay. This is the angel who protected you from entering the portal." "I don't understand. Portal? Angels? They aren't real. I must be hallucinating." "I'm as real as you and Maya. You were led astray by the forces of darkness but to ensure your demon blood dissolves, you must drink this liquid." Michael held a small vial out to Jay. It was half-filled with golden liquid. Jay's face was lit up with Michael's glow and I recognized the look of awe as he took the glass beaker. No one could refuse the majestic angel. Jay drank and after a minute his features smoothed out. The black rings under his eyes disappeared and his skin ironed out as if by magic. He was returning to his old self. The one we thought we'd lost forever. Lucy would be jubilant. Plucking another one out of thin air, Michael held a vial out to me. "You too must drink, Maya. Even though you already have angel blood, drinking this from the purest source will erase all demons blood. Thankfully, Nate and I got to you before too much was given to you." Taking it without hesitation, I needed to wipe anything demon from me. I didn't want an ounce of Lucifer's or any other evil beings blood in me. As I swallowed the last drop, letting it do its magic a thought hit me. I jerked. "Nate! You mentioned him. Where is he?" An instinctual fear had me clutching my dress.

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Michael crouched down to me and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Maya. I'm afraid Nate didn't make it. He fought for you till the end and was pulled into Hellfire. I'm so sorry." Edging out of his grasp and standing, clumsily, I cried out, "No! He can't be. Why would he do that? Why would he put himself at risk for me?" My hands were shuddering as adrenalin coursed through me. "There is only one answer to that. He loved you." "What?" Falling to my knees, I ignored the shooting pain in my kneecaps. Tears burned my eyes before dripping onto the ground. "But he can't be gone." And then a memory surfaced of Lucifer's mention of Nate's betrayal. I needed to learn the truth. "Was Nate a demon? Did he lie to me?" Further anguish and sadness emanated from Michael. "Nathaniel was working on Earth, helping to send evil souls to Hell when he was dragged into the portal." He pointed behind him at the still, shimmering void. "Lucifer got hold of him and imprisoned him and fed him demon's blood. He was being turned into the leader of Satan's army with the intent of returning to overturn Earth. When you met him it wasn't by chance. Fate had you come together. It was your job as an angel to get him to fall in love with you so that he would recognize his true nature and abolish Lucifer's ridiculous plan. Our informant in Hell was feeding us information, only he didn't count on Lucifer becoming smitten with you. The night you were abducted, Lucifer stole you from your room and took you to Hell where he was hoping you

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would be the good little angel and live happily ever after with him. When you shunned him and he learned of Nathaniel and I arriving in Hell, he hooked you up to an intravenous line, injecting you with demon's blood." My head was reeling from too much information. I felt a hand on my leg and looked to find Jay had moved closer and was attempting to console me. "So Angel Nathaniel is Nate? And he saved me?" I squeaked. "He risked and sacrificed his life, yes. For that I'll be eternally grateful." Anger, betrayal and a crushing sense of loss were battling for a place within me. I couldn't really be angry at him. He had been deceived by Lucifer as much as I had. Now he had to spend an eternity burning in the fires of Hell. I somehow felt responsible. Sadness bled into me. I lowered my head with the recognition that Nate was gone and I'd never see him again. "I don't know what to say. I feel guilty that he's gone because of me." "Nonsense, Maya. Nathaniel was a warrior angel. He did what he knew. He saved the one he loved. It wasn't all in vain and it wasn't your fault. You didn't know of Lucifer's plan." "Still. It will always weigh heavy on me." I let the sobs come. Loud and free. It was deplorable to contemplate that Nate was an angel and he was killed whilst trying to save me. From that first moment I'd seen him there had been signs he was different. The way

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he spoke. His eyes. His disappearances for 'work.' Everything made sense now. "You need to let this go. Nathaniel wouldn't want you blaming yourself." God, I was going to miss him. I hadn't realized how much he had come to mean to me. Perhaps the saying was true. You didn't realized what you had until you lost it. We'd connected on a deeper level because I was an angel too. That spark and overwhelming sensation when we touched. It wasn't human. It was heavenly. "So what now?" Jay asked. "Maya and I will return to Heaven and I'll return you to your house." Jay appeared shocked, "Wait! Maya's going to Heaven?" Looking at me intently he asked, quietly, "Are you dead?" Sighing out, I tried to relay what Michael had told me even though I wasn't entirely sure I believed it. "Apparently I'm an angel too." "What the crap?" he barked, mouth ajar as he peered between me and Michael. "But you work at the café. You live in Mt. Vernon. How can you be an angel?" I couldn't answer. I let Michael have the honors. "She was in human form while fulfilling her mission on Earth." "This is too hard to believe. It's just crazy. Angels? Demons? How can you expect me to believe this?"

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Waving my hand at the seven foot winged creature, I raised my eyebrows as if to ask, "Are you serious?" "Okay, you have a point but what am I meant to tell Lucy? She'll think I've gone mad." "You don't need to tell her anything. You see, she's probably been asleep the whole time." There had only been two hours pass on Earth even though it seemed a lot longer in Hell. My world as I knew it had been smashed to smithereens and I was trying to figure out how it was going to piece back together. The thought of leaving my friends, Lucy and Jay was too hard to bear. I enjoyed working at the coffee house. I couldn't begin to imagine going to Heaven. "I want to stay. I don't want to leave my home here or my friends." "Once you return to Heaven you'll have all your memory back. You will remember your life there." A bittersweet recollection came to mind. Ignoring Michael momentarily I let it take hold. Nate's first visit to the café. He'd stolen my breath. And my first bike ride. Oh how I'd loved sailing through the streets pressed up against him. He'd looked so sexy that day. Now, he was no more. Just a memory. It was all so hard to believe he'd been an angel turned demon, disguised in human form even though flickers of his demonic influence had shone through at times, including the fire in his eyes.

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My lips tingled when I remembered his kisses. So passionate. The night we'd almost had sex. If the man I now know as Lucifer hadn't interrupted us we would have gone through with it. Perhaps that had been the evil demon's plan all along. He'd appeared at the most inappropriate time, almost as if he'd been secretly watching. Things were crystal clear now. All the times I'd felt like I was being observed. I really had been. Just how much had Satan seen? The thought of the monster getting an eyeful while I was naked in the shower had me shivering in disgust. Suddenly extremely weary, all I wanted to do was return to my house and sleep. I didn't want to answer Michael yet. "Can I have a week to think about it?" I just can't make that decision right now. Michael smiled for the first time, engaging me with his beauty. "If that is what you choose, Maya. I trust you'll make the right decision. Keep in mind that before you took on this mission, I'd agreed to send you to a higher level of existence in Heaven. It was what you'd always wanted." Nothing about it was familiar at this point, or maybe it was because my brain was frazzled. "Fine. Can you get Jay and me home safely for now?" "Of course."

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I held my hand out for Jay and stood. "Are you okay on your feet?" He rose, keeping his hand in mine for support. "Yeah, I'm good." Reaching for us, Michael spread his massive wings before touching both of us on the forehead and saying, "Sleep."

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Chapter Twenty Six

Maya My familiar room with its timber bed and white billowing curtains greeted me when consciousness found me. Thankful to be waking up at home, I let the events of the evening before run through my head. It could have been a dream. In fact, I would have passed it off as one had I not looked down and noticed an ancient, elegant gown draped over my body with splatters of blood on the bodice. Shit. It had all been real. Lucifer. Michael. Nate's death. Sinking my head further back in to the pillow, I stared at the ceiling, replaying it all. As if everything that had happened hadn't been enough but the fact that I was supposedly an angel from Heaven, really took the cake. How was that even possible? Was I sure I really wanted to remain on Earth, fully aware that I'd never see Nate again? He wouldn't knock on my door or ride up on his bike. Ever. All of a sudden, I missed him dreadfully. I'd give anything to have some more time with him. To let him know that I had fallen for him. To thank him for saving me. Would my guilt and grief be as strong in Heaven or were our human emotions stripped from us the moment we entered the pearly gates?

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I wasn't even sure I wanted the emotions stripped. It was all part of being human. To be able to feel, whether that was bad or good. Rising from my bed, I traipsed down the hallway and into the kitchen to put a pot of coffee on before opening the back door and walking out. One of my last memories of home was me standing out there with Nate and Lucifer, laughing to myself about how odd the strange man was. If only I'd known what was to follow. Could I have prevented any of it? Could Nate? If I truly was an angel, where were my powers? Weren't angels able to fly and surpass humans in almost anything? It was only six thirty so while the coffee was brewing, I walked back inside, eager to strip out of the dated gown which technically had come from Hell and to have a long hot shower to try and wash everything associated with the place, off. *** When the water turned cold, I'd dried and dressed in a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. Something more...Earthly. I wanted to feel like a human girl and do human things so with coffee in hand I found my cell and dialed Lucy's number, while sitting on the couch. "What the hell time do you call this, girl?" Lucy, rasped out with a sleepy voice. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to hear your voice and make sure you were okay."

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There was a pause before she asked, "Maya? What's going on? Are you sleep talking or something? I only saw you yesterday." "I know but you're my best friend and...well, I just needed to talk." "Everything okay?" Did I spill everything to Lucy hoping she'd believe me? It would take a very open minded person to acknowledge and accept what I had to say. Problem was, Jay knew I wasn't human too and I wasn't sure if he would mention anything. At least he wouldn't recall his time at the club and Nate's attempt at turning him into a demon. That was a blessing. "Maya?" My silence had put concern in her voice. Whispering on the cusp of breaking down, I said, "Nate's gone." "Gone? What do you mean gone? Left town? When? Why?" she cried. "Ah, left town. Permanently. No goodbye, just a note." Deciding to remain silent about the real reason for now, I led her to believe that he'd chosen to go. "Oh, Maya. I'm so sorry. Did he mention why he had to go or where?" "Family stuff." My voice sounded pretty convincing, considering my sadness was real.

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"You guys were so good together. Maybe when he gets things sorted out, he'll be back," she offered, attempting to appease me. "I don't think so, Lucy. I need to get used to the fact that he's gone for good." It was a terrible thought. The lump of anguish in my throat threatened to grow so I changed the subject. "Did you want to come over later?" "Absolutely! I'll be over about ten. Sound good?" "Perfect. Thanks Lucy. See you then." After we hung up, I felt lost and terribly alone. The silence made the hurt so much worse. My head was replaying the previous night's events over and over. I had a week before Michael would need my answer as to whether I would remain on Earth and become human. To forfeit my angelic status. Did I want to return to Heaven and fulfill obligatory duties as I had done for centuries? Or did I want to experience all the wondrous things Earth had to offer? Getting married one day. Giving birth. Raising children. Growing old. The thought of it didn't seem as appealing without Nate. But then, neither did being in Heaven without him. Deciding I needed some decent food, I chose to cook bacon and eggs for breakfast. If felt like days since I'd last eaten, even though technically it was only hours. The difference between the time on Earth and the time in Hell was monumental. I couldn't comprehend spending an eternity in Hell for that very reason.

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Standing to walk into the kitchen again, I glanced sideways and found something I had missed earlier beside one of the chairs, on the floor. I hurried over and picked it up. Nate's jacket? Had he left it here? I hadn't noticed. I brought it to my nose and smelled his scent, the aroma of it punching a further hole in my heart. His essence was all over it, taunting me and yet, I couldn't put it down or get rid of it. Instead I clutched it to my chest, the only thing I had left of him. It creaked as I squeezed the life out of it, remembering how I'd clasped it tightly while on the back of his bike. His chiseled body had rippled under it with every turn we'd taken. Placing my arms through the holes, I pulled it around my shoulders until it hung over my butt, the weight of it nowhere near as heavy as my broken heart. I let the smell of Nate infuse itself into me as I made my way to the kitchen to cook breakfast. Never before had being alone bothered me but for some reason now, it brought with it, discomfort. I'd give anything to have my cell buzz with a text from him or a knock on the door. To hear the sound of his bike pulling up out front. To get lost in the darkened crystals of his eyes and watch as his perfectly tilted mouth, blossomed into a full grin. It was a hard pill to swallow knowing he'd sacrificed everything for me. If I hadn't been unconscious, I would have tried to stop him. Surely Michael could have done more. He should have been the one in battle with the demon and not Nate. Placing the bacon and eggs in a pan, I listened to them sizzle while pouring an orange juice. There were

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too many pressures put upon an angel. I wasn't sure I wanted that any more. I just wanted to chill and experience Earth for a while longer. It was beautiful in its own right and even though the emotions were hard to deal with being human, there were other fun things to experience. Michael would be disappointed if I didn't return to Heaven but he'd just have to deal. It was my decision. After breakfast, I cleared the dishes away and was about to head out to the store to buy some groceries when I heard the familiar sound of Lucy's car pull up. Checking the time, it was only eight thirty. Why was Lucy here so early? I opened the front door and watched my friend get out of her car, with two coffees. Bless her! "Lucy! What are you doing here so early?" "Well, some inconsiderate person called me at an ungodly hour and I couldn't get back to sleep for worrying about her, so I decided to head on over with some coffees to see if I could help cheer her up." She still looked amazing for having been up so early. Her blonde locks were perfectly straight and shiny and she rocked a pair of skinny jeans and singlet top even though they would have screamed, boring on anyone else. Giving her a genuine smile because she was such a thoughtful person and was one of the reason's I wanted to remain being human, I welcomed her into the living room.

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"Oh Lucy. You're the best! I mean that. Even though I've had a coffee not too long ago, I definitely could use another one. Sit." I pointed to the sofa. She eyed the jacket I was wearing, her eyebrows raised in question. "Since when are oversized male leather jackets in fashion?" Sitting beside her and taking the coffee she held out, I explained, "Nate left it here. I just needed to feel him for a bit." Her face took on a look of worry. "I can't believe he just left like that. I mean, you guys had something together." It pained me to think of Nate's death. I knew all too well that when an angel died, they simply ceased to exist. That is what hurt the most. At least upon a human's death, their soul lived on. It was unfathomable to even contemplate that Nate had simply been snuffed out like a flame. "Honey, how are you doing? Really?" I took a long swig of the coffee, pondering how to answer her. "I didn't realize how much he'd come to mean to me. It's silly isn't it? You don't miss something until it's gone?" She reached out and squeezed my arm. "I'm here for you and so is Jay, okay? You need anything, please ask." "Thank you. You guys are amazing." I might not have had family but to me, Lucy and Jay were the closet

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thing I had. "Speaking of Jay, have you heard from him?" "Not yet. It's still early." She took pause and then continued, "I don't really think it can work between us now. He's changing. I don't want to be part of his scene anymore." Knowing that Jay's actions had been because of the demon blood, I appeased my friend, "Maybe now that Nate's not here, he'll revert back to his old self?" Lucy looked up at me, a flicker of hope in her eyes but it was gone just as quickly. "I doubt it. He's hooked on his lifestyle. I refuse to be a part of it." "Just don't write him off yet okay? People change." "Pfft. If you say so." The club was being shut down and Jay was back to being Jay so that he and Lucy could start afresh. I really wanted that for them. My two best friends. Standing up, downing the rest of my coffee, I prompted Lucy. "Enough talk about boys. We both need some retail therapy. You up for it?" The light returning to her eyes, she beamed, "Hell yeah. Lead the way, sister." And so, momentarily our drama was set aside for a few hours while we immersed ourselves in the mall, pretending we had heaps of cash, trying on outfits that cost more than we earned in a month, laughing at what we each looked like. It felt good to have a brief reprieve.

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Whilst standing in a queue to purchase some sushi, Lucy's cell rang out. Checking the number she looked at me, and said, "It's Jay. He wants to come over later and talk." "I think you should let him. See what he has to say." "I don't know. I'm tired of him, Maya. Tired of caring so much and not getting anything in return." "Why don't you just hear what he has to say? Now that Nate's gone, I think everything will be different. Nate was a bad influence." "You're admitting that your guy led my guy astray?" Sighing, I nodded. "As much as I hate to admit it, Nate's arrival started Jay's downfall." Even though Nate was under the influence too but I couldn't tell Lucy that. "Will you be there with me? For moral support?" "Uh, Luce? I don't think that's a good idea. You guys need to talk without a third person there." Jay knew what I was and I didn't know if he was going to blab or not. My being there might have him uncomfortable. Lucy would pick up on it. "Fine but after he leaves, I'm coming over to your house and we're going to watch movies, eat popcorn and drink cheap wine." "Hahaha. Sounds like a girly date."

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Lucy texted Jay back, telling him to be at her house at 2pm. I was happy for her because things were going to work out. I wished I could say the same for me.

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Chapter Twenty Seven

Maya For the next week, I spent loads of time with Lucy, using work to help distract me from Nate. Jay was back to his usual charming self, much to Lucy's glee. The afternoon he'd spoken to her, they'd cleared the air and Jay had promised that he was over his silliness and wanted to work on their relationship. It was Friday and Michael was going to be calling at my house in the evening to accept my choice to either become a human permanently or return to my angelic life. The more time I spent with my friends and the people I worked with, the more it helped me make my decision. Jay hadn't spoken to me about the night he found out who I was and for that I was grateful. His change was astounding, like none of it had happened. He still called me angel though which had me a little on edge but I put it down to the name he'd always called me. "Hey angel, you want to catch a movie tonight with Luce and me?" Jay asked as I walked past him carrying a tray of coffees." "I can't tonight. I uh...I'm meeting with a friend." Jay paused and walked back to where I had stopped in front of a table. "A friend? You holding out on us?"

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"No! It's someone I knew a while ago. He's in town and wants to see me. Trust me when I say, there is nothing going on in that way." There was no way I was going to tell him I was meeting Michael. He would want to be there and want to tell Lucy. He was better off, not knowing. His face lit up with a grin, "Uh huh. If you say so. Well, guess you'll have to take a rain check." "Sure. I'll be free tomorrow night if you guys are doing anything. I mean, if you want to hang out. Or not. Cause you two might want some alone time." Laughing, Jay walked back towards the counter with me. "You won't be a bother, Maya. You can spend all the time with us you want." "Okay. We'll organize something." "Cool." He swaggered off to clear up a table of plates and cups. Seeing him back to normal was awesome. It was like having my brother back. Someone I knew would always have my back. Jay was like that. Loyal without fault. Unless of course he was being led astray by demons. With all that had happened it seemed a lifetime ago since Nate had appeared at the counter in all his male glory. Whatever switch he'd flicked inside of me, I didn't think I'd ever be able to turn off. We'd never even spent time together without him having demon blood streaming through his system so I

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hadn't experienced his true goodness, other than in Heaven and I couldn't remember that. Michael said that once I returned, it would all come back to me. Perhaps though there was a certain liberty in not knowing. I could only recall the time we'd spent over the last few weeks. On Earth, we'd had a chance to connect. Just the two of us. I liked that. I liked having him to myself. If only... "Hey, we've lost you again. You've been doing that a lot lately. Checking out on us." Lucy threw me a worried look. "Sorry. Just thinking." "Yeah well, too much thinking isn't good for anyone," she chided. It was easy for her to say now that Jay and she were back on track. Things would be different if Jay had just vanished into thin air like Nate had. By the time four o'clock rolled around, I was exhausted. I'd had enough of customers and everything that came with working in a café. My job was great but with the mood I was in anticipating Michael's arrival, I'd been under par all day. Too nervous to eat much for dinner, I made a turkey sandwich and forced half a banana down. Was I making the right decision? Was I throwing away all that I'd ever known for mortality?

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When I died a human death, I'd simply be another soul in Heaven. My angel status would be revoked. Did I truly wish for that? My stomach was a flurried mess of anticipation and stress. The house was as neat as a pin because I'd cleaned and tidied and then cleaned some more. Everything gleamed. Wishing Lucy and I had left some of the wine from the previous week, I made a coffee instead. Extra strong. As tired as I was, the nervous energy would keep me wide awake, along with the caffeine. At seven o'clock precisely there was a flicker of the lights and then a bright glow as Michael manifested. The archangel looked as magnificent as ever. He glowed in a white robe, his feet bare. "Good evening, Maya." "Hello, Michael." He was intimidating standing in my living room, his head practically touching the ceiling. He walked to me and took both my hands in his. "How are you holding up, young one?" Energy spilled forth from his hands to mine, relaxing me so that I could answer him honestly. "I've been better. I miss him." "That is understandable. The two of you had grown close." His eyes were almost luminous as he filled me with love. A boost I needed in that moment. "Have you made a decision about your future?"

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"Yes." I opened myself mentally to him so he could read me and find my answer. For a brief moment, I could feel him inside my mind, probing. It was gentle yet it still felt invasive, although it prevented me from saying the words out loud. "I thought that may be your choice. Are you sure?" "I'm positive. I need to do this. I want to experience motherhood one day. Marriage. The whole works." Michael's shoulders slumped slightly. "I will miss you, greatly Maya. As will all in the Heavenly realm but I trust you to make the decision that is right for you." "You're not going to try to stop me?" "Did you expect me to?" "Well, yes. I did. You're losing an angel. I thought you'd try to convince me to return with you." "At one point I may have, but there has been an unexpected twist in the course of events that has me agreeing to let you go." "Oh?" Curiosity had me wondering just what he was talking about. "Nothing you need be worried about, Maya. All will be revealed when the time is right." When he said that to me, the first thing I did was worry. He wasn't telling me everything but as he continued to shower me with love, whatever his cryptic message was, I let it go. I wanted to get the transformation over with.

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"Are you ready to do this?" Nodding, I took a deep breath, having made my choice. His warm hand touched my forehead. "Then close your eyes and it shall be done. You will remember none of your angelic life or myself. This visit will be forgotten and you will resume your current existence as a mortal. You will remember those people who were in your life but nothing about being kidnapped and taken to Hell. You will remember Nate but not know of his death. Your wings will no longer be a part of you and your back will bear no scars to imply they were ever there. You will grow old and die as any human and return to Heaven as a soul. I hereby declare you under the power of God, a mortal." A tingle shot into my scalp and crept along my body to my limbs and my head felt woozy. "Sleep Maya." Consciousness became thin as I drifted away to the sound of his angelic voice until everything switched to black. *** The sun streamed through a window onto my face, dragging me from a fitful sleep. I woke up in my bedroom feeling better than I had in a long while. Searching the time on the digital clock beside the bed, I found it to be nine o'clock. It was Saturday. I must have really crashed after work yesterday. I couldn't remember anything after eating a sandwich for dinner. Not even walking to my bed and crawling under the covers.

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Stretching, I sat up. The day was mine. Jay's words came forth in my mind about doing something with him and Lucy tonight so I'd call one of them later to see where we would go. First things were first though. I needed to call Nate about his jacket which was sitting on the chair next to the wall, along with the clothes I'd worn yesterday. I must have been so out of it, I couldn't even remember changing in to my pajamas. He must have left it here after his last visit. Speaking of which, I hadn't heard or seen him in over a week. I wondered what was up. Using the bathroom, I walked into the lounge room, finding my cell on the sofa. Keying in Nate's name I dialed his number and waited before it went through to voice mail. "Hey it's me. Call me when you can? You left your jacket here and I haven't heard from you in a while. I miss you." Odd. I wondered where he was. If I knew where he lived, I could go there and drop it off myself but we'd always either been at the café or my house. There was still a lot about Nate I didn't know, like his favorite color or if he was into sports. How had I become close to someone and not known such small details? I couldn't do much else, other than wait for him to contact me. If and when that happened. Something caught my eye as I stood. Walking to the front door, I leaned down and picked it up, gasping as I realized what it was. The most exquisite white feather

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that felt like velvet in my fingers had somehow found its way inside my house. It was bigger than my hand and almost shimmered it was so fair. Perfectly shaped, there wasn't a strand out of place. It most definitely hadn't been there yesterday so how had it appeared? My house had been locked up overnight so it's not like it had blown in through an open door. I turned it over and over, relishing its softness. No bird I'd ever seen would have such large feathers. Brushing it over my face, I closed my eyes and let its delicate touch infuse me with a peace like I'd never known as if it had some power over me. The touch brought with it a strange comfort. Walking back to my bedroom I placed it on the night stand beside the bed. I wanted it close by, so if the need arose, I could touch it whenever I wanted to. Just how a feather could settle me by its touch, I had no idea but I'd take whatever worked. Lucy called an hour later asking if I wanted to go with her and Jay to see a local band that night. Eagerly, I agreed. My mind needed to stay busy to keep from wondering why I hadn't heard from Nate. I'd called his cell and left numerous messages but heard nothing back. Perhaps he'd silently left town with no goodbyes to any of his friends, although I felt that was extremely out of character. Had he met with foul play? How would I ever be able to find out? As frustrating as it was, I needed to get on with things. Going out with my friends was one of them.

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The call with Lucy had been odd. "I haven't heard from Nate in over a week. Do you think he's okay, Luce?" She cleared her throat and paused before answering, 'Uh Maya? He left town remember? You were the one to tell me that? Don't you remember?" No, I didn't. Left town? Why would he do that? And leave his jacket here? To not say goodbye? It was out of character. "He left? I said that?" "Yeah. Are you alright? You're scaring me." How could I forget such a monumental event such as Nate leaving town? "I'm fine. Truly. Just...having a brain freeze, I guess." "Look, you don't have to come with us tonight if you're not up to it. Stay home and chill." That was the last thing I needed. "No! I'm going with you guys. I need to do this. Whatever is going on with my memory, I'm sure it'll sort itself out." Puffing air into the phone, she conceded, "Fine but if I think you need to be taken home early, there will be no arguments. Agreed?" "Agreed." What the hell was wrong with me? There wasn't even a flicker of familiarity about me telling Lucy, Nate left town. Nothing. It was blank. Was I losing my marbles?

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Maya The hours turned into days. The days into weeks. Four to be exact. Life had moved on. Nate hadn't contacted me so I slowly began to accept that he had left town. Speaking with Lucy about it hadn't jogged my memory as she'd relayed what I'd told her. It didn't make sense but I tried not to dwell on it. Apart from that one time, my brain seemed to otherwise be intact. The disappointment and sense of loss from his disappearance didn't vanish altogether but eased with each new day. Work kept me busy which I was thankful for, as did Lucy and Jay. They were amazing and even though I often was the third wheel, the three of us gelled so well. Thursday morning, Jay had come in to relieve the lunch breaks. "Hey my two angels. Who would like their break first?" He kissed Lucy openly in front of the crowded café before stepping over to me and planting one on my head. Lucy offered me the chance to go first, so that she could spend the time with Jay. I jumped at the opportunity, needing to step away from the din coming from noisy diners and outside into the quieter street. The air was its normal crisp self but I relished it, sucking in a lungful and feeling a slight burn from its frostiness. The black tights helped to keep my legs warm under my work smock but my hands were freezing.

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Blowing into them, standing on the sidewalk I debated on where I'd go to eat. "Looking for something?" Freezing on the spot, I processed the three words, obviously delusional from the cold. De ja vu had me too afraid to turn around only to find I was hearing voices I shouldn't be. And then the decadent aroma I'd been sniffing for weeks on a certain someone's jacket, enveloped me as warmth caressed my back. No. It couldn't be. I was imagining things. Please don't tease me, I begged my mind. Maybe I really am losing it. "Turn around, Maya." His voice. The way it almost cracked when he said my name. The depth of it and the tone. Dare I hope? My heart pitched against my ribcage in anticipation. Closing my eyes, I turned slowly, praying I wasn't going crazy. I could feel someone standing in my personal space, a shadow against my eyelids. Then a caress against my face that reminded me of the pristine feather I had in my bedroom. "Open your eyes." The gentle command had me opening my eyes and letting go a whimper. "Nate?" "Hey beautiful. Miss me?" His dazzling blue eyes drilled into me sending a flurry of emotions straight to my heart. They'd changed from a deep Navy blue to a rich cyan.

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"Your eyes have changed." It was a stupid first greeting but I was stunned to see him standing in front of me. Chuckling he nodded. "I had laser done while I was away. No contacts now." Tearing my eyes away, I scanned the rest of him. He was dressed casually in a pair of khaki shorts and a white polo shirt, different to what he'd worn previously but somehow just as fitting. His charcoal hair fell over his temples on either side, as luscious as I remembered. "What are you doing here? Where have you been?" His black pupils dilated for a second before returning to normal. "I had to leave town urgently on a personal matter but I'm back now. While I was gone, I got my shortsightedness fixed." My ability to speak had left me with the mere beauty of him. I ogled, drinking him in not caring if I looked like a fool. "Say something Maya." His parted lips drew my attention. They glistened with moisture, pink and plump. A hint of his teeth peeked through. I moved before I could stop myself, clasping his head and pulling him down to me, sealing his mouth with mine. A moan transferred from him to me as I pried his lips open with my tongue needing to feed on him. I'd been starved and only now realized just how much. His hands came to my back, drawing me tighter against him. A passerby whistled but it flew away on the

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breeze as if a figment of my imagination. I was no longer cold as he enfolded me in his arms, swiping his tongue against mine before breaking the kiss. "I've missed you so much. It's good to be home," he whispered. "I've missed you too. I called and left messages but you didn't return any of them." "Shh. I'm here now. That's all that matters." Kissing my eyelids, he said, "I know a good burger joint. Care to join me?" The smile lit his entire face. His eyes twinkled. Smiling, I nodded. "My bike's just across the road." Turning to eye the machine, I laughed. "I only have forty minutes." Placing his arm over my shoulder and leading me across the road he chuckled, "Well, we'd better get moving then. I know of a place up the road that sells the best burgers in the state."

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Chapter Twenty Nine

Nate Falling over the chasm into Hellfire, I was sure I'd been doomed. Imagine my surprise when I'd been lifted up and placed on the ground nearby by none other than Heaven's informant that had been residing in Hell, feeding information back to Michael. An angel in disguise. What was an even greater shock was the fact that he'd been the doorman at Lucifer's mansion who had thwarted my attempt to gain entry into the house when I'd been looking for clues to end Satan once and for all. "You!" I barked. "Hello, Nathaniel." He changed quickly from the demon I knew to a golden angel, smaller in size than Michael and myself but magnificent none-the-less. "But I fought with you. Why?" "I had to make you believe I was working for the enemy. It wasn't the time to reveal myself." "And now is?" "Things didn't go according to plan, that's all you need to know. I wasn't going to let you die." "Thank you." I held out a hand for him to shake. The other one still wielded the golden sword. I'd

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momentarily forgotten about it. He shook my free hand and turned to leave. "Wait!" I called out. "Where are you going?" "My job here is done. I am returning home to Heaven." "But what about me?" Noticing for the first time a burn down my back, I turned and saw my wings were blackened and singed. "Head for the portal back to Earth. You're the only one who can close it using the golden sword. Michael will meet you there." Okay. That was good. I needed to see Michael and ask him about my wings. I was more than ready to get out of here and find out how Maya was. True to his word, once I stepped through to the familiar forest, Michael awaited me, his glow diffusing that of the portal. He eyed me with sadness. "Nathaniel, you have sacrificed greatly." Without caring about myself, I asked, "How's Maya?" "She's safe and back in her house." Michael looked away then back at me with seriousness rolling off him. "She has forfeited her angelic duties for life as a human." Standing taller, shocked at his words, I roared, "She what?"

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"It was her decision to make. I gave her the option and she chose the latter." Gripping my neck, confusion had me ask, "Why would she do that?" "I guess there were things on Earth she missed and wanted to experience." "But that means, I'll have to leave her." Moving closer, Michael placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "No. It doesn't." "What do you mean? I need to return to Heaven, don't I?" "Your wings have been burned by Hellfire. You were meant to die today, Nathaniel. God granted you a reprieve and had you saved for your act of selflessness. You cannot return to Heaven but I can grant you mortality. You can remain on Earth as a human." The weight of his words sank in. I too was no longer an angel. I would remain on Earth and live my life as a human. For some inexplicable reason, I wasn't angered or saddened by that. Perhaps due to the fact that Maya was already there. I'd been an angel since the beginning but only a human for such a short time and yet, I felt ready to take on all things Earthly, knowing I would have her by my side. We would age together, experience things, together. I loved her. "You need to throw the golden sword at the portal to close it forever."

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Looking down at the item that had been a part of me in the battle against Lucifer, I noticed it now appeared just like any knife and no longer glowed. Lifting my arm, I tossed it, watching the glowing circle of light fizzle out and then disappear, the knife dropping onto the leaf-covered grass. Michael walked over to it and picked it up, turning to me. "You will retain your memories, Nathaniel but you must never reveal who you were to Maya or who she was, do you understand?" "She probably wouldn't believe me anyway." The archangel approached me and placed his hand on my forehead sending shudders through my body. My back tingled where my wings were and then a pressure grew. Not painful but uncomfortable. It felt like the skin where my wings were anchored had closed up and sealed over. Glancing back I found this to be true. My bare torso was now clean and wing free. The tingling stopped and Michael backed away. There was no need to question him about my wings any more. He'd just answered all my questions. "Take care my friend. You have been of great service to Heaven. I will miss you." "I'll miss you too." I would. Michael had been my mentor and friend. My ally in battle and my confidante. Life wouldn't be the same without him. I needed to focus on my second chance and not all that I'd lost.

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Reading my mind, the great angel smiled. "I will always be with you and Maya, Nathaniel. Know, I will still watch over you." His presence filled me up with love. His glow became brighter and brighter until with a bang like thunder, the light exploded into a million shards and he was gone. All I could think about was getting home to change and then finding Maya.

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Chapter Thirty

Maya I couldn't believe I was sitting across from Nate at the same place we'd first eaten. Everything had come full circle back to where it all started. "So are you staying in town this time?" I asked, sipping my coffee after swallowing a large mouthful of my burger. "Are you asking because you are curious or because you want me to stay?" His lip curled slightly at the edges. I hadn't been able to stop staring at him since first learning of his return. He was so amazingly handsome, it was almost like he wasn't real. "I want you to stay. I mean, if you want to." Reaching over and taking my hand in his, rubbing his thumb over my fingers he soothed, "I want to." Gifting him with one of my genuine face-splitting grins, I couldn't stop the giddiness I felt at those words. "I'm glad." "How about my place tonight for that dinner I promised you?" "Only if you answer a question for me." "Anything." "What's your favorite color?"

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He tilted his head with an amused smile on his face. "Of all the questions you could have asked, I wasn't expecting that one." Leaning over the table, his breath warming my cheek, he found my ear and whispered, "Gold." Unable to respond, his mouth covered mine in the softest kiss he'd given me yet. It melted my insides and stirred the butterflies in my tummy, transporting me out of the eatery and to a place where time no longer existed and nothing else mattered but sensation. Somewhere free and glorious. The man before me was the only one who could take me there. Lost in his touch, swallowing the breath he gave me, I murmured back to him, "Mine too." THE END

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