The Honest without The Brave...

abslouuuuu tarafından

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"I've been told that the furthest one can sail is to the end of the world; Aslan's country." "Do you really b... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 5

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abslouuuuu tarafından

One by one, the boats begin to lower into the ocean - landing with loud splashes which cause the crew to yell in frustration as they are covered by water. The boat which I sit finally drops, the last of the handful crashing to the water. Behind me, I hear Eustace muttering something or other under his breath which causes me to roll my eyes in annoyance - the boy had made it rather obvious that the only reason he is joining us is to contact the British consulate. Slowly, Edmund and Caspian begin rowing the boat forward - the mechanism sailing toward the island that looms over us all. Avoiding all eye contact with Edmund, I watch as the island gets closer and the sunset becomes brighter - the colours illuminating the ancient buildings with slight magic. Yet, I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as my ears fall upon silence - no noises bouncing off walls nor echoing in the air. Not even any animal noises can be heard as the sun slips beyond the horizon. Before I can voice this, however, the boats come to a stop at the old dock of the island - a small jolt shaking through me as the wooden long boat hits the stone. Slowly in order not to fall, I shakily stand up and shuffle closer to the dock - ignoring the wobble of my legs due to the roughness of the water beneath me. One of the crew members lifts their hand in my direction and I gladly take it - lifting myself out of the boat and onto solid land. Sending the crew member a soft smile, I waltz further along the dock only for my foot to get caught on a loose stone - my body flailing forward and landing on the ground with a thud. I wince as an aching pain runs through my legs - a groan leaving my lips.

"On a boat, I'm fine. On land, I fall within the first few seconds."

Someone snorts at this, my attention lifting from the ground to see Edmund standing over me with his hand outstretched - a small smile on his face. A warmth settles within me, and I sigh in appreciation - letting the boy lift me to my feet with a slight heave. I can never stay away from the boy no matter how hard I desire - my mind always craving his presence. Sending Edmund an appreciative smile, I stand beside him as Lucy ushers toward us - Reepicheap by her side.

"Onward. The thrill of the unknown lies ahead."

Smiling at the mouse, I turn on my heel and walk even further down the dock - making my way toward what looks to be the only entrance into the town. However, I barely make it more than a few steps when Eustace's voice breaks the silent air.

"Couldn't it have waited for the morning?"

Rolling my eyes, wanting to remind him that he decided to tag along, I gaze over my shoulder to see the boy sitting in the boat - arms crossed and a sour look upon his face. Huffing and crossing my own arms, I spin on my heel once again - hearing Reepicheap try to convince the Scrubb boy to come along. I make a move to follow Caspian further away from the dock when he suddenly stops in his tracks - Lucy appearing beside me with a thoughtful gaze.

"Listen! Where is everyone?"

Everyone around stops muttering and murmuring - the silence becoming deafening, which causes me to gulp. A bad feeling settles in my stomach as the four of us begin walking again - the noise of the crew starting again. Among the sounds behind us, I hear Reepicheap let out a loud sigh of frustration.

"Come on jelly legs."

"I'm quite capable of doing it myself."

Eustace automatically replies, followed by a yelp and thud - my head snapping over my shoulder to see Eustace sprawled on the stone ground, his legs dangling in the boat. Its a humorous sight, especially as the boy brushes himself off as if nothing happened - his face brightly coloured red and eyes wide with embarrassment. Giggling softly to myself, I shake my head as the boy gets closer - just as Caspian's voice reaches my ears.

"And your certain he's related by blood?"

I snort at this, unable to hide it as I begin walking again - sharing an amused glance with Lucy who simply rolls her eyes. The two of us trail after the boys further away from the dock, only for a bell to suddenly ring out - myself jumping in surprise before grabbing my sword and pulling it out of my sheathe. I'm not all that confident using a sword in comparison to my own bow, but Peter had us all trained in the art of swords fighting during the beginning of our reign. Now, I'm slightly thankful that I was forced into training. Staring around me, waiting for an attack, I let out a breath of relief as the only noise comes from a flock of crows flying around everyone - startled too by the noise that is beginning to fade. As I sheathe my sword, I notice Caspian gazing across to Reepicheap with a pointed look upon his face.

"Stay here with the rest of Drinian's men - we will go on. If we're not back by dawn, send a search party."

The mouse nods and bows in respect, backing away slowly from us all and closer to Drinian - the rest of us ushering forward in order to explore. Sighing softly, the noise of the crew begins to fade as the dock turns into buildings and rubble - it obvious that this town is not one of a lot of fortune. As I make a move to voice this, I hear the sound of footsteps scrapping along the cobbled pathway behind Lucy and I. Furrowing my eyebrows, I peer over my shoulder prepared to strike only to see Eustace hobbling along - dragging his feet along the ground to make a point of his frustration. Rolling my eyes at the behaviour, I peer away from the boy in order to focus on my surroundings - knowing that if I can't, that boy is going to be the death of us all.


Hesitantly walking into what appears to be the town centre, I grip the butt of sword tighter. For what should be bustling with people is now empty - after all, it is not that late into the evening. Peering around, I try and find some sort of clue as to what is going on before trailing after Lucy - the two of us making our way toward Caspian and Edmund who are standing in front of a large building. It appears to be the only that isn't slightly rubble, nor does it appear as ancient as the rest. I make a move to enter when I am stopped in my tracks by Eustace's voice echoing out into the night sky.

"Yeah looks like nobody's in. Do you think we should head back?"

Rolling my eyes, I spin around and watch as Eustace practically runs away from a destroyed building - his face dripping in fear, no longer red but awfully pale. To my side, I hear Edmund sighing in annoyance - his voice laced with frustration as he speaks to his cousin.

"Do you want to come here and guard, something?"

Snorting softly, hoping that Eustace doesn't hear it, I watch amused as the boys face lights up - his legs running faster to meet us at the threshold. He is muttering something under his breath, but I can barely hear it over his pants of exhaustion from running. Yet he still manages to look around expectantly - his eyes wide and hand open, as though waiting for a weapon. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Caspian reaching into his belt and gripping a dagger tight - hesitantly handing it over to Eustace with what can only be described as a grimace. Eustace, however, beams with joy and begins pointing the dagger in all different directions - myself watching him with confusion and slight apprehension. However, I don't say anything and wander into the building which is rather large and empty - at least, that is what I can make out in the darkness. Suddenly, a beam of light appears within the building - my attention drawn to Edmund and his torch that swings from side to side, giving us all more light. In the limited light, my eyes catch sight of what appears to be a book placed in the middle of the vast space - the object rather oddly placed which is why my legs start walking toward it. As I hear the others doing the same, a sudden exclamation from Eustace causes me to stop my movements.

"I'm ready to go when you are."

Letting out a soft groan, praying to Aslan that he is not the reason we all get into trouble, I continue on my way toward the book - standing in front of it with hesitance. Edmund shines the torch on the pages, allowing me to clearly see the lines of numbers and names - my eyebrows furrowing as I try to understand what all of this means.

"Who are all these people?"

Lucy's voice bounces off the walls, her words blending with Edmund's as he too voices his question.

"And why have they been crossed off?"

Peering closer at the numbers, I begin to make sense of it all as I realise small details in the writing.

"It looks like some sort of fee."

At my words, Caspian hums as though in recognition - his eyes suddenly wide and face slightly pale in comparison to a few seconds ago.

"Slave traders!"

Before I even have time to completely understand his words, another bell echoes out - this time from right above us all. I gaze up with wide eyes, gasping as around six men begin sliding down toward us all by rope - their swords at the ready. Just as they land with thuds on the building ground, I grip my own sword and swing at the attacker closer to me. He is about two times taller and wider than I, but his wicked gleam in his eyes make me not entirely care. Our swords clash, a loud sound echoing out but as I try to swing at him again I am attacked from behind by another male. He is slightly scrawnier than the other, but he still looks as though he could destroy me in a sword fight. Ducking to avoid decapitation, I strike the man behind me before striking my other opponent - the three of us in some kind of dance as we avoid each others attacks. All of a sudden, a terrified scream bounces off the walls - the sound very much girl-like but as I gaze toward the door I see Eustace with a knife to his throat. Sighing, I realise that there is no way out of this now, not with Eustace in a position such as this. The man holding Eustace around the chest suddenly slams the buildings door closed, speaking loudly as he waltz's toward us all.

"Unless you want to hear this one squeal like a girl again, I suggest you drop your weapons."

As Eustace begins to struggle and complain about the offenders words, the man holds him tighter and sneers out to us all - his eyes wide with rage.


Dropping my sword, I hear it clang to the ground and I am slightly thankful that I do not have my bow with me. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the others throwing their own swords to the ground - Edmund with mush hesitation and a snide comment to his cousin. However, as all of us stand here defenceless, the man behind Eustace smirks in approval.

"Put them in iron."

Suddenly, my arms are grabbed by the scrawny guy I was fighting mere minutes ago - placing my hands in iron cuffs and preventing me from going anywhere. However, I still put up as much fuss as I can - struggling with all my might to avoid captivity.

"Get your hands off me."

I spit in his direction, but he simply smiles a wicked grin - the bigger man doing the same beside him. Scowling, I glare at them both before gazing across at the man who is no doubt their leader - the man in question grabbing Eustace by the ear with a sinister grin on his face.

"Take these two to the market."

He gestures to Eustace before pointing to Lucy, the girl thrown in his direction automatically. He then gestures to the rest of us - the smirk on his face becoming wider if that's even possible.

"Send those three to the dungeons."

Before he can turn on his heel, the wider man in front of me clears his throat - a glint in his eye twinkling as his voice echoes out.

"Actually boss, I was hoping to keep this little lady for myself, if you know what I mean."

Gagging at what he is insinuating, I begin struggling once again to avoid being touched by his large hands - his fingers trailing my face no matter how hard I try to push away. The leader, however, scoffs in what can only be described as annoyance - the mans voice getting my captors attention.

"NO. Those three go to the dungeons. If you want her, pay for her."

The wider guy huffs in annoyance but he doesn't object - despite muttering something under his breath of keeping whatever he catches. Gagging once again, I stumble forward slightly as I am pushed toward the door - that is, until Caspian suddenly explodes in anger which stops everyone in their movements.

"Listen to me, you imbecile fool. I am your King!"

All of a sudden, Edmund is punched in the face one of his captors - blood pooling on the top of his lip. I gasp in desperation as there is nothing I can do, especially as the man looks to want to do it again. However, Edmund spits in the man's face - growling ever so slightly.

"You'll pay for that one."

"Actually," a new voice booms out from the shadows of the room. "Someone else will pay. For all of you."

The owner of the voice walks into the little light that is within the vast space, a smirk etched onto his face. As he begins chuckle, I realise just how badly this situation can become if we can't save ourselves. Suddenly, Lucy's panicked voice catches my attention - my gaze drawn toward my best friend.


Her eyes are wide with desperation as she is dragged toward the door - Eustace beside her, just as panicked and pale. I scream out for her, my voice blending with Edmund as he too tries to reach for his sister - struggling against the chains. As I watch him become less restrained, I feel a sharp pain erupt in my head - the pain to mush to handle, so much so I scream in agony. My vision becomes blurry and I feel slightly disorientated - falling to the ground with a thud. I can hear commotion happening around me but my vision turns completely dark - the world around me fading away.

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