Requital of the Penance

By friendsend

24 0 0

Taking place after War of Penance, Yoongi and Jimin must face another challenge in order to finally live in p... More

Requital of the Penance

24 0 0
By friendsend

A/N: Welp, this is it guys. this is the end, the finally, of War of Penance. after this, I will no longer touch this story. I hope you enjoy and please please please, leave a comment and let me know what you thought. Warning!!!! This one shot is quite long so be prepared to read.

*Story is unrevised!

One step followed by another, the world seemed to disappear as the music guided every part of Jimin's body. He felt sweat pour down his forehead, shirt clinging to his skin. He twirled, moving his arms with the motion of his body. He felt elated and at ease when he danced. He felt as if his body was floating. It felt as if he was back in Fayette, flying with his wings flapping in the air. He remembers the refreshing feeling it was to feel the air pass by your body. With Fayette's buildings and castle in the background, beautiful skies surrounding him in his mind, Jimin was homesick.

He panted once the song finished, lowering in his final stance. Opening his eyes, he stared at himself in the mirror, a small tear falling down his cheeks. "You really do get emotional whenever you dance huh?" Jimin widened his eyes, turning to see Jungkook, standing by the door. "Oh hey, I didn't hear you come in." Jimin said, wiping the tears and sweat from his face. "I just came to get you, I'm closing now." "Ah, sorry. I'll get everything ready." Jungkook hummed, staring as Jimin grabbed his bag, placing his phone inside his pocket after responding to a text message.

"Hey. . . Jimin, can I ask you something?" Jimin looked up with confusion "What is it?" "I've noticed that you seem to be coping yourself a lot more often. Is everything okay? Is maybe. . . is Yoongi doing something to-" "No! Yoongi isn't doing anything, I promise! It's just. . ." Jimin sighed before walking past Jungkook, Jungkook following behind. "I'm just a little homesick and, I guess, every time I dance, I remember my old house and. . . my family. It's not so bad though because I have all of you here."

"But. . . why can't you just like, I don't know, visit them? Did you and your family left off on a bad note?" Jungkook asked with a frown. Jimin pouted, looking up at the night sky as soon as they were outside. He turned to Jungkook when he heard him fumbling with the keys. "Kinda? I. . . I can't go back there. It's impossible for me to." Jimin responded. He quickly cleared his throat when he saw Jungkook's frown. "Well enough about that. The less I think of it, the better I'll feel. So anyways, how's everything with Taehyung?"

"Okay. . . if you don't want to talk about it then it's fine. And Taehyung and I are doing great. He's very. . . spontaneous." "Spontaneous? How so?" Jimin asked with a giggle. "Well, he suddenly comes up with random things. One day he wants to do all these things and the next, he wants to stay at home and spend some time." "Hmm, sounds like Taehyung alright." Jungkook chuckled and nodded his head. "You know, he misses you." "I see him almost every day!" Jimin yelled with wide eyes.

Jungkook chuckled and nodded his head, ruffling Jimin's hair. "You know how he is. You're his soulmate or whatever. What about you? How're you with Yoongi?" Jimin smiled softly, looking down at the ground. "We're good but I do have a complaint." "Oh? And what's that?" Jungkook asked curiously. "He works too hard. Whenever I get home, he's never there. He stays late in the studio and doesn't come home until three in the morning. Then he leaves again at twelve. I'm glad he's finally taking that four week break for the holiday."

Jungkook hummed, a light blush on his face "It's valentine's day soon. . ." Jimin giggled, glancing at Jungkook. "I better get with Taehyung soon. I'm sure he'll definitely want to strategize." Jungkook's blush deepened but his lips turned into a wide smile. "Shut up!" "Watch your mouth Kook, I'm still older!" Jungkook laughed, throwing his head back. "Sorry hyung."

Jimin hummed as he entered his apartment. He quickly took his shoes off before entering, a light smile on his face. He stopped, however, when he saw Yoongi asleep on the couch. He had his head leaned over the back, mouth slightly open. He was letting out soft snores as he slept. "Yoongi? Yoongi, wake up." Jimin said as he sat down next to him on the sofa. He lightly shook his shoulders, rousing him from his sleep. "What're you doing home so soon?" "Joon. . . Joon told me to go home cause I passed out in the studio." "What?!" Jimin asked worriedly.

Yoongi chuckled, shaking his head "Not literally, I fell asleep whilst I was working on a project." Jimin sighed, a mad pout on his lips. "Yoongi, promise me you won't be working this entire four weeks. You need to rest! I don't know why you work so hard all the time." "I work hard because I can't stop. I need to provide for you." Yoongi responded, sleepily staring into Jimin's eyes. "How can you provide from me if you pass out randomly? I work Yoongi, we'll provide for each other.

You can't have the burden by yourself. Please. . . for me, get some rest and don't stress yourself anymore. We're human Yoongi. . . we're not built to survive constant working." Yoongi let out a sigh when he saw Jimin's sad expression. He chuckled slightly, raising Jimin's chin so that they look straight into each other's eyes. "Okay, I promise I'll try to slow it down." Jimin let out a breath of relief before smiling warming. "Thank you." Yoongi looked down to Jimin's smile before looking back up.

He slowly moved closer, pressing his lips on Jimin's. Jimin had immediately read the atmosphere and closed his eyes, opening his mouth when he felt Yoongi's tongue ask for access. He raised his arms to wrap them around Yoongi's shoulders, feeling him pull his body closer by his waist. This has happened before. Jimin and Yoongi had felt this way before, the need to be with each other intimately, finally going all the way but something always came up. It was either nervousness, someone interrupts or there just isn't any time.

Jimin could feel his skin slightly tingling whenever Yoongi moved his hands around his frame, slowly moving to touch him under his shirt. Jimin gasped when he felt Yoongi's cold fingers touch his skin. He felt his body being pushed so that his back laid on the sofa, legs opening for Yoongi to comfortably situate himself in between them. "Jimin. . . is this. . . okay?" Yoongi asked, moving to look at Jimin. Jimin had red cheeks, lips light swollen.

He nodded his head, too shy to say it out loud. Seeing Jimin as bashful as this made Yoongi remember the last time they were remotely intimate. It was in Niflheim, back when Jimin was still a prince. It feels so long ago but in reality, it's only been three years. Once he saw Jimin's nod, he lowered and placed kisses on Jimin's neck, tongue moving from his neck up to his ear, gently biting it. "Y-yoongi. . . I-" The two caught their breaths when the doorbell rang, followed by loud knocks on their door. "Jimin!!! Jiminie!" Yoongi sighed angrily.

"For all the time he can come over he chooses now?!" Yoongi yelled, standing up to open the door. "What?" Taehyung frowned "Wow, it's good to see you too hyung. Yeah it's been a long time too Tae, I missed you. I missed you too hyung, thank you for remembering about me!" Taehyung said sarcastically. Yoongi frowned, walking back inside to a laughing Jimin. "I'll be in the room." Jimin nodded his head as he saw Yoongi walked towards their room. "I'll wake you for dinner!"

Taehyung tsked as he closed the door behind him, sitting next to Jimin once he saw him. "Heya, sorry for dropping in suddenly but. . . I wanted to talk to you." Jimin frowned "About what?" "I don't know what to give Jungkook for valentine's day." Jimin sighed, shaking his head "Tae, valentine's day isn't until next week. You have plenty of time. Why're you coming here instead of calling me?" Taehyung smiled mischievously "Because I want the two of us to go out and look for it. That way, maybe you can find something for Yoongi too." Jimin's cheeks reddened.

"I. . . but Tae, even if I did-" Jimin raised his head, looking over at their room door to make sure Yoongi wasn't in a hearing distance. "Even if I did get something for Yoongi, now's not the time. It's late and I'm sure Jungkook's worried about you." "Nah, he knows I'm here. Besides, I can just stay over!" Jimin widened his eyes "Stay. . . over? Uhm, no offense but. . .why?" "Why not? I've slept here before. Why would you even-" Taehyung gasped exaggeratedly "You don't want me to stay?!"

Jimin placed his hands on top of Taehyung's mouth "I do it's just. . ." "It's just what? Were you and Yoongi getting freaky or something?" Taehyung said with a joke but his smile soon left when he saw Jimin blush with embarrassment. "Oh my god you were!! Finally!" "Tae stop!" Jimin yelled in a panic. "What? It's true. Yoongi hyung needs to bone you. You've been together for I don't know how long and nothing, zip, nada. Even I wasn't that slow.

It was only after three months that I-" "I'm gonna have to stop you right there. Look Tae, it isn't easy. I want to but. . . I'm n-nervous." Taehyung's lips lowered, frowning with guilt. "Oh. . . I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. . . look, if you're not ready then you don't have to-" "I know. . . I do want to but I'm just scared I guess. Before you came. . . we were doing things and I actually felt like we could continue. I was going to give him everything but when you interrupted, I immediately got scared again."

Taehyung smiled, bringing Jimin into a hug. "That's normal. When you're with someone you love, you don't have time to think about all those scary things. They make you forget them because you trust them so much. What about Yoongi hyung? Does he know?" "I'm pretty sure he suspects it. He had asked me if it was okay before doing anything." "Well there you go! He would never hurt you. When the time comes, you should just enjoy it and stay calmed." Jimin smiled shyly, head looking down from embarrassment. "Okay but I don't even know when that time will come.

The last time we had anything that felt like it was going that direction besides today was last month." Jimin responded with a chuckle. "What?! Well. . . oh! What about for valentine's day? You should get something super sexy and seduce him." "Tae! I can't do that!" Taehyung pouted, arms crossing in front of him. "Why not?" "Well b-because. . ." Taehyung shook his head, placing both his hands on Jimin's shoulders. "Trust me, if you wear something super sexy, he'll definitely want to. But since it's your first time, it's best to go through the innocent route."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows with confusion. "Innocent route? What do you mean?" "Usually people dress sexy to provoke their partners with thongs or with little dresses to make them let go and ravish them but since it's your first time, I think going with a long fluffy sweater that cover your thighs, long thigh highs and ruffled hair will be best. Oh! And maybe a collar and some cat ears." Jimin's eyes were wide, entire face and neck covered in a deep red. Taehyung laughed when he saw him.

"Don't worry, we'll look for the stuff tomorrow, to be prepared. For now, let's keep it a secret." Jimin rubbed the back of his neck, nodding shyly. "O-Okay" The two heard the sound of the door, then a loud yell. "What the hell are you still doing here?!" Taehyung chuckled as he looked back at Yoongi "I'm staying over and Jimin is sleeping with me!" Jimin chuckled when he heard Yoongi grumbling something to himself.

The streets were quite loud in this time of day. Taehyung and Jimin were both walking around a shopping center, looking for the perfect store to find what Taehyung calls 'the goodies'. Only when the two ran into a store called the treasure cat, did they stop and enter. Jimin widened his eyes, cheeks immediately opening widely when he saw what the store was selling. There were costumes and outfits of different category. Jimin would think it was a Halloween store if it wasn't for the words 'Sexy' and 'Lingerie' weren't written on the packages.

There were also wigs and accessories all over the store. There was also a secluded section in the back of the store but Jimin decided not to venture back there. "Tae. . . why did you bring me here?" Jimin asked as he nudged Taehyung's elbow. "What do you mean? We're going to look for something super cute and sexy for your first time. Besides, I need something too. Do you think this'll look good on me?" He asked as he lifted a package of an embarrassingly short angel outfit. "I'm sure it will, but Tae, I can't be here. This isn't how I want my first time with Yoongi to be." "Well, we can still go the route that I said. Look" Taehyung moved over to a section of the store before grabbing a large fluffy sweater.

He placed it in front of Jimin's frame, smiling widely when he saw it was the perfect size, reaching his knees. "This is perfect! This color looks great on your skin too." Jimin frowned. He grabbed the sweater and was quite surprised when he felt how soft it was. He walked over to a mirror and, true to his word, the color of the sweater did look nice on Jimin's skin. The sweater was a light baby blue, which had a low V-neck. The material was the softest he has ever laid hands on. "When you wear it, you can use these too." Taehyung said as he brought a cream colored thigh highs next to him.

"You can wear satin shorts under too if you're uncomfortable to go without anything under." Jimin looked down at his reflection, he brought his lower lip in between his teeth. "I don't know." "Come on! You like it, I know you do." Jimin sighed before he looked over at Taehyung. "Isn't this. . . idk, over the top?" "No it's not, trust me. And hey, if you wanna go over the top, we can always dye your hair pink since you've had it pink before, back in your crazy fairy realm." Jimin widened his eyes before he looked around them. "Tae! Don't say that out loud!" He whisper shouted.

"What? It's not like people will understand me. Besides, if people do hear me, they're not going to believe me. Hey, when you told me where you and Yoongi hyung are from, I thought you were doing drugs." Jimin sighed and shook his head. "Please Tae, I rather you still not say anything. Especially in front of Yoongi. If he finds out that I told you, he might get mad at me." Jimin responded with a pout. Taehyung chuckled before lifting his right hand "Okay, I promise I won't tell a soul. Still though, it's quite strange how everything is over there. Weird. Anyways, are you getting this or not? I assure you that it'll work. Don't you trust me? When have I ever done you dirty?" Jimin pouted before he lifted an eyebrow. "What about that one time when you-"

"Okay, but that was long time ago. Come on, trust me on this. You won't regret it." Jimin groaned before he smiled lightly, a pink blush appearing on his cheeks. "Okay. . . fine, I'll buy it." "Yes!" Taehyung yelled with victory before he grabbed the items and handed it to a lady by the register. "She'll hold onto it whilst we look for my stuff." Jimin chuckled as Taehyung pulled him around the store, happily asking about different objects in the store. Once they were about to pay, Taehyung immediately reached for two bottles that were on the side of the counter. "Charge these too please."

Jimin frowned before he lifted one, reading the label. He blushed when he read it's contents. He turned towards Taehyung when he heard his chuckle "One of them is yours. You're gonna need it."

It was early morning, birds were singing outside, sun shining brightly through the window. As peaceful as it was, Jimin was nervous beyond belief. It was the morning of Valentine's day. He was in the restroom, nervously pacing around the well spaced room. "How am I going to do this?" Jimin softly asked himself. He took a deep breath before he released it. "It's okay. . . it's only morning. You have all of morning and afternoon to think about it. For now, enjoy it whilst it's still okay." Jimin quickly splashed water on his face before he exited the restroom.

He came to a stop when his nose picked up a delightful smell. He hummed and immediately walked over to the kitchen. "Yoongi? You're cooking." Jimin said with surprise. Yoongi glanced back at him before shyly chuckling. "Yeah, I guess it's the least I can do since you've been cooking for me since you learned how to." Jimin smiled widely when he sat down by the table, blushing when Yoongi placed the plate of food in front of him. They were chocolate chip pancakes. "Uhm. . . it's not much but, happy Valentine's day." Jimin giggled when he saw the light blush on Yoongi's cheeks.

He reached over and placed a kiss on Yoongi's cheek. "Thank you Yoongi." Jimin was rewarded with a gummy smile, blush becoming deeper. "Oh! That's not all. I. . . have something else." "Yoongi you shouldn't have-" Yoongi smiled and shook his head "I wanted to." Yoongi reached over to his sweat's pocket, pulling out a small box. Jimin immediately gasps upon seeing it. Yoongi nervously opened the small black box to reveal two silver rings. "I uhm. . . I know it might be too soon for the real thing so. . . I thought maybe getting couple rings would be better."

Jimin could feel his eyes swell up with tears. "Y-Yoongi. . ." Yoongi looked into his eyes before smiling shyly. He hesitantly grabbed Jimin's hand before slipping the ring on his ring finger. "Jimin. . . this might be the most cliché thing I've ever done but. . . ever since I met you, I immediately fell in love with you. You looked so innocent and beautiful, I couldn't help it but approach you all those years ago. And I'm glad I did. If it weren't for you, I would've never felt this way towards anyone. I would've never had the best moments of my life. It might be too soon but, Jimin-"

Jimin finally let the tears roll down his cheek when Yoongi got down his knees in front of Jimin. "Will you make this promise with me, to be together and to love each other for the rest of our human lives. And when we're ready, will you accept to be mine?" Jimin giggled softly before he nodded his head. "Always. . . I love you so much Yoongi." Yoongi smiled widely as he placed both of his hands on either side of Jimin's face, thumb wiping the tears that streaked down.

"I love you Jimin, I love you with all my heart."

The rest of the day went by with Jimin and Yoongi being as close as they possibly can. Once they finished their breakfast, Jimin and Yoongi both helped out with the dishes, equally separating the chores before they watched a film. Jimin was sat on the sofa, back against Yoongi's chest, his arms were over Jimin's body, cradling him closer. Jimin couldn't help but keep glancing at Yoongi's hand, where the matching ring was. He then looked down to his, smiling when he laced their fingers together. Yoongi would smile widely whenever he caught Jimin doing that. He was happy, impossibly so.

The afternoon came and went and soon, it was dinner time. Upon Jimin's request, he decided to cook dinner. As much as Yoongi wanted to help, he wasn't allowed to touch anything. Instead, he was sat by the kitchen island, staring as Jimin moved around the kitchen. At one point, Yoongi stood up to place his chin over Jimin's shoulder, arms around his waist. "Yoongi, you do know that I'll take longer if you're like this right?" Jimin asked with a giggle.

Wherever Jimin moved, Yoongi would walk behind him, arms still locked tightly around his waist. Yoongi hummed before placing a light kiss on Jimin's neck. "I don't care, I don't want to be even a second away from you." Jimin smiled but decided to no longer push him to move. Once dinner was cooked and eaten, Yoongi proposed to watch another film or some T.V. "Yeah uhm. . . I kinda want to go shower first though." Jimin said nervously.

Yoongi frowned "Now? Can't you shower before we sleep?" "I wanna be. . comfortable. I won't take long, I promise." Yoongi hummed but ended up nodding anyways. "Okay, don't take too long." "I won't!" Jimin yelled as he ran towards their room. He quickly grabbed the hidden bag of stuff Taehyung and him bought at the store and immediately walked into the restroom. He made sure all the items were inside before turning the shower head on. "Okay. . . gotta clean properly." He said as Taehyung's words came into his head.

"Just to make things much easier or even less embarrassing, you can always take a shower before and stretch yourself. Of course if it's too uncomfortable, then you should just let Yoongi do it." Jimin nodded and immediately took his clothes off, quickly washing his body under the warm water. After he was done, he reached over to the little bottle he left by the tub, nervously pouring the liquid on his hand. "Okay. . . you can do this. Tae said to be relaxed or it won't work." With a couple of deep breaths, Jimin reached behind him to shyly touch in between his butt cheeks. He was tense and he just couldn't do it. He decided to end up going for plan B.

As quick as he got in, Jimin got out of the shower and instantly dried himself. Shyly, he put the long blue fluffy sweater on with some satin blue shorts that felt tight against his thighs. He remembers Taehyung calling them, booty shorts. Next, he put the cream colored thigh highs on. "Okay. . . I can do this." Jimin slowly walked towards the restroom door, peaking to look if Yoongi was inside the room. Luckily, he wasn't.

Jimin walked over to the full length mirror in their walk in closet and got a good look at himself. He looked small in these clothes. The sweater practically consumed his body. The V-neck was so deep that his collarbones were in full display. The thigh highs also looked as if they were going to rip from hugging his thighs so tightly. Jimin took a few more seconds to look at his reflection, ruffling his damp hair before he made his way back to the living room. He saw Yoongi sat on the couch, where he last saw him before going to shower. He was on his phone, head tilted down to look at the screen.

"What're you doing?" Jimin asked as he walked closer but not close enough to be in Yoongi's line of vision. "I just got a message from Joon. He wants me to attend this dumb event with this producer we're working with hosted. It's in two days. I told him I didn't want anything to do with it but that guy insists for me to go." Jimin hummed before he walked in front of the couch. "You should go, and maybe I can go with you." "Are you sure? I don't think you'll like to be in an event like-" Yoongi's words immediately got stuck in his throat as soon as he looked up.

He widened his eyes, eyebrows raising to his hairline. Jimin instantly felt shy when he saw Yoongi's eyes move from his face to his neck, slowly moving down to his legs. "I. . . I-I wanted to get comfortable." Jimin said before he walked closer to Yoongi. He looked at Yoongi's lips when he saw his tongue peak out to lick his lips, audibly gulping before meeting Jimin's eyes. "Yeah-" Yoongi cleared his throat when it came out a little squeaky "Yeah, you look. . . comfortable."

Jimin gave him a small smile before he sat down on the sofa, an arm going around Yoongi's. "Are we still going to watch a film or do you rather go to bed already?" He asked as he raised his legs on top of the sofa. He saw Yoongi's eyes immediately look towards his thighs when the sweater rose up, showing a little more of his skin. "I. . . what do you feel like doing?" He responded, eyes unmoving. "We can watch a bit of the film before we go to bed." Jimin replied softly. Yoongi nodded his head and did his hardest to look at the screen. He gave Jimin the remote and allowed him to choose the film. After a few minutes of browsing, Jimin chose a comedy, to help him relax.

The two tried their hardest to watch the film but Jimin was still nervous whilst Yoongi couldn't help glancing now and then towards Jimin's legs. He watched as Jimin curl his legs before adjusting the sweater a little lower, to cover his bare legs. But doing so, Jimin's chest and collarbones would show even more. He didn't know what was worse. After a good twenty minutes of watching the film, Jimin sat up and yawned. "Getting sleepy?" Yoongi asked, making Jimin nod. "Yeah, I think it's best for us to go to bed." Jimin responded before he stood up, stretching his back, arms over his head.

He didn't notice but as he stretched, the sweater rose up. Yoongi widened his eyes once more when he saw the baby blue booty shorts. They were tight and very short, leaving little to nothing to the imagination. He didn't know how Jimin was able to feel 'comfortable' with how tight it looked around his bum. His eyes moved back up to Jimin's when his view was covered by the sweater once more. Jimin blushed when he noticed Yoongi staring. "Let's go. . . hyung." "Yeah. . . yeah okay." Yoongi said as he stood up. Jimin instantly wrapped his hand around Yoongi's and pulled him towards their room, socks softly patting on the floor.

They were quiet as they entered the room. "You're. . . going to sleep in that?" Yoongi asked when he saw Jimin sit on the bed, legs curled next to him. "Yeah. . . you should. . . get comfortable too." Jimin responded shyly. Yoongi nodded and took off his shirt, placing a plain white t-shirt on instead. Jimin shyly laid down, pulling the blankets up to his face when he saw Yoongi begin to change his bottoms. He knew Yoongi always slept in his boxers and it never really bugged him at all but knowing that their first time might happen tonight made him feel nervouse once again.

'No, I said I was going to do this. . . might as well do my best.' Jimin said in his head. His body then froze when he felt the bed dip, sheets being pulled up before Yoongi settled under them, next to Jimin. Jimin turned his body to look at Yoongi before he moved so that his face laid by his neck, chest to chest. For the first time since they slept on the same bed, Yoongi was stiff as a board. He didn't move his hands to hug Jimin like he always did.

He only moved when Jimin himself, moved his hands to lay on his waist. Both of their hearts were beating but soon Jimin began to feel calm when he felt Yoongi's warmth on his body. Yoongi too began to calm down, arms pulling Jimin's body closer to his. Soon, Yoongi couldn't help it but move his hands. Jimin instantly felt his skin prickle with goosebumps when Yoongi's hands made contact with the skin of his legs. "Are you cold?" Yoongi asked when Jimin's body shivered at his touch.

"Y-Yes. . ." Jimin responded, hands gripping onto Yoongi's shirt, pulling him closer. "You're hand feels w-warm. Please. . . touch me m-more." Yoongi lifted his hand, moving it to raise Jimin's chin, eyes now looking into his. "Jimin. . . are you sure? All those times we tried. . . something always got in the way, maybe it's a sign. I don't want to rush things if you're not ready." "No, I'm ready. I'm just. . . I'm just nervous but I do want to. I trust you."

"Are you sure? I want to be completely sure that you want this. It's not going to be like last time. You won't lubricate like when you were a fairy. Here, it might hurt. . . I don't wanna hurt you." Jimin smiled softly before he placed a light kiss on Yoongi's lips. "You won't. And even if you do, I know you'll take care of me." "I will, I'll be gentle." Jimin's smile widened, giggling when Yoongi began to place kisses all over his face. His laugh soon died out when Yoongi moved his hand back to his thigh, slowly moving it up to touch the hem of the sweater.

"Can I?" Yoongi asked, once again looking into Jimin's eyes. Jimin nodded, allowing Yoongi to lift the sweater over his head. He shivered when it was finally off, skin erupting into goosebumps. He instinctively wanted to move his arms over his exposed chest when he saw Yoongi's stare. "No, don't. You look beautiful." Yoongi said. Yoongi then sat up on his knees, in front of Jimin, Jimin was now on his back. He moved the back of his fingers to lightly touching Jimin's skin. Yoongi gave an inaudible gulp when his eyes lowered to Jimin's booty shorts.

"F-fuck" Jimin lowly giggled at Yoongi's expression. He was embarrassed but he couldn't help it when he saw Yoongi's dumbstruck expression. "Yoongi. . ." Yoongi looked up when he heard Jimin's voice. "You too. . ." He understood what Jimin was asking for when he reached over to Yoongi's white shirt, slowly pushing it upward. He reached for it and immediately tossed it to the side. He was now in just his boxers whilst Jimin was only in his booty shorts and thigh highs. "Can I. . . take these off?" Jimin nodded his head before closing his eyes tightly. He could feel Yoongi's fingers brush by his hip before linking to the waist band.

Yoongi struggled pulling it down because of how tight it was but soon pulled it all off. "Fuck, you look gorgeous." When he noticed Jimin had his eyes tightly closed, he moved on top of him, his left elbow by his head. "Jimin, look at me." Jimin did. He opened his eyes and immediately looked at both of Yoongi's. He smiled when Yoongi gave him a warm smile before inching closer. The two kissed, lightly at first before it became heated. Jimin opened his mouth when he felt Yoongi's tongue touch his lips, letting him explore inside.

Once they felt the need to breath, did they separate. Yoongi didn't go far however. He immediately moved lower, lips now kissing and sucking on Jimin's neck, leaving reddish purple marks on its wake. Jimin moaned when he felt Yoongi touch his chest, fingers moving his nipple in between his fingers. He couldn't help it when he moved his hand to pull on Yoongi's black hair. He gasped when he felt Yoongi move his hand lower to touch his waist, slowly inching lower to touch his bum, groping it.

"Jimin, we don't have-" "It's in that bag over t-there." Yoongi frowned with confusion but moved over to the bag Jimin was pointing to. It was a black bag that was on the floor, next to the restroom door. Yoongi was very surprised when he saw a little bottle of lube inside. "How did you-" "It was Tae. . ." "Ah" Yoongi responded, not wanting to ruin the mood by thinking about Taehyung. He walked back towards Jimin and immediately got back to kneel by Jimin. "It's already open?" "I tried to. . . do it myself but I couldn't." Jimin responded shyly when Yoongi noticed that it wasn't a new bottle. "Fuck. . .Okay. I have to stretch you, okay? I need you to tell me when it hurts or if you want me to stop." Jimin nodded his head as he saw Yoongi pour some liquid onto his hand.

He was still shy and nervous but he was ready. When Yoongi warmed up the liquid with his fingers, Jimin slowly spread his legs, allowing Yoongi to be in between them. "D-Don't stare!" Jimin yelled with mortification when Yoongi immediately looked in between Jimin's legs. "Shit babe, how do you not want me to stare when you look like that?" Yoongi said with a low chuckle. "Shut up!" Jimin yelled before giggling softly. Yoongi then moved back on top of Jimin before moving his lubed fingers in between Jimin's legs.

When he heard Jimin take a quick intake of breath, he began to suck and place kisses on his neck, trying to soothe him and make him relax. With time, Yoongi was soon able to insert his finger, slowly moving them. The first finger wasn't as bad as Jimin thought it would be. It was the second finger that made him whine with pain. As soon as Yoongi heard him, he immediately stopped. "Should I stop?" "No. . . just give me a moment." Jimin responded as he held on Yoongi's arm, making sure he doesn't leave.

Jimin took a few breaths and was finally able to relax enough for Yoongi to move his fingers again. "Okay, I think we can add one more." Yoongi nodded at Jimin's words. Jimin whined and was about to protest when Yoongi pulled out both of his fingers but stopped when he saw that Yoongi was just adding more lubrication. "Okay. . . here we go." Yoongi said nervously before inserting three fingers. Jimin groaned at the pain, nails digging into Yoongi's arm, drawing a little bit of blood.

"Relax, it's okay. Take your time." Yoongi kept repeating as he placed kisses on Jimin's temple and cheeks, wiping the tears that escaped his eyes. "Take deep breaths." Jimin did just that. He was able to relax and feel less pain when Yoongi moved to lick at his nipples, tongue moving the bud around before he gently bit it and tugged it. Jimin moaned, arching his back. In doing so, Yoongi was able to push his fingers a little deeper before pulling them back out, only to push them in again.

Yoongi was glad that Jimin no longer looked in pain. On the contrary, he was now moaning out with pleasure. He moved to pull out his fingers when Jimin felt loose enough but Jimin quickly tried to stop him. "It's okay. I think you're ready." Jimin finally understood when he saw Yoongi pulled down his last garment, throwing his boxers to the floor. Jimin shyly looked away when Yoongi poured some lube on his hand before lubing himself up.

He gasped softly when Yoongi finally leaned over him, face now in front of him. "Are you ready?" Jimin nodded his head before taking a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm ready." Yoongi then reached down and slowly guided himself to Jimin's entrance, carefully pushing in. After he was fully inside, he waited until Jimin's eyebrows were no longer pinched together to slowly move inside him. Little by little, Yoongi began to move deeper. Jimin moaned as he wrapped his legs around Yoongi's waist, making him move even deeper.

It was only when Jimin moaned at a particular angle did Yoongi began to move in a faster pace. "Y-Yoongi . . . I think I'm-" "It's okay, let go. Let go angel, let go." As soon as Yoongi said those words, he let go. He moaned loudly, back arching as he did. Yoongi speeded up when he felt Jimin clench on him, squeezing him tightly. "F-fuck." Yoongi panted when he too finished inside of Jimin. They stayed still for a while, catching their breaths before they once again looked into each other's eyes. "How do you feel? Are you in pain?" Yoongi asked with concern.

"It hurt at first but it felt great later." Jimin replied with a smile. "I'm glad." Jimin pouted when he saw Yoongi move back, pulling out. He gasped before a whine escaped his mouth. "Where're you going?" "I need to clean you up. We can sleep and shower tomorrow. I'm too tired to do anything else." Jimin smiled and giggled once Yoongi explained what he was doing. After they were all cleaned up, the two cuddled next to each other, basked in each other's warmth. In all the years Jimin has been in this universe, he had to admit that this was the best days he's ever had.

The sun was up high in the sky. It's rays shined brightly through the window, light illuminating Jimin's sleeping face. Yoongi smiled as he caressed Jimin's cheeks before moving them up to move a strand of hair back in place. Yoongi couldn't help but stare at Jimin. It might seem really weird for people but Yoongi's favorite part of waking up early ( which was rare in itself ) is to look at Jimin sleep peacefully. So many things happened since Jimin and Yoongi came into this world and sometimes, in the very deep part in his heart, Yoongi felt like maybe he did wrong bringing Jimin here. He felt like maybe he shouldn't have taken Jimin in his void to begin with.

Yoongi felt guilty for putting him in this position. But those thoughts however, seem to calm down whenever he sees Jimin smile. Or when he sees him laugh loudly, truly enjoying himself. Whenever Jimin was happy, Yoongi would immediately push that toxic thought and look at everything in a better light. He would do anything for Jimin, anything. Jimin's happiness was the only thing that mattered. Yoongi leaned closer to Jimin and placed a kiss on his forehead before moving down to his nose. He chuckled when Jimin scrunched his face, eyebrows furrowing at the disturbance.

"Good morning." Jimin smiled when he heard Yoongi's deep voice. "Morning." "How do you feel?" Yoongi asked with concern. "Hungry." Yoongi tsked at Jimin response before he lightly flicked his forehead. "Ow!" Jimin yelled before beginning to laugh."I meant how does your body feel?" Jimin laughter died down when he remembered what they did the night before. He hummed before he wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist, bringing their chest to rest against each other. "I'm fine. My hips kind of hurt when I move them but other than that, I'm fine. It wouldn't be bad if we do what we did more often." Yoongi let out a quiet laugh before shaking his head. "Where did my cute innocent fairy go?" Jimin pouted before a blushed appeared on his cheeks.

"Yoongi!" "I'm joking. You know, I don't mind this naughty fairy. I think I like him more." Yoongi said as he moved his face by Jimin's neck, lips kissing and sucking on his already bruised skin. "Y-Yoongi. ." Jimin moaned. He moved his head to the side to give Yoongi more access and immediately opened his legs when Yoongi sat up, lips still against his neck, and went on top of Jimin.

He gasped when he felt Yoongi lift one of his legs so that it laid on top of his shoulder. Jimin felt his body trembling with anticipation for what happened yesterday to happen again but suddenly Yoongi stopped. He took a deep breath before he moved to look into Jimin's eyes. "Sorry. . . you're probably sore and here I am trying to have my way with you again." Jimin shook his head and wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck before he was able to move completely away. "No. . . you can." "It's too soon"  "No I. . . I want to. Please?" Jimin gulped when he saw Yoongi's pupils dilate slightly at his begging.

"Okay" He responded before he moved Jimin's leg a little higher. Yoongi moved towards Jimin's neck, breathing in Jimin's scent before he sucked on his skin, placing light kisses when he was done. Jimin moaned softly at the action. He moved his head to the side and gave Yoongi more access. Jimin raised his right hand over to Yoongi's head, fingers lightly pulling his hair. Jimin  then suddenly gasped, body moving up at Yoongi's sudden thrust. He had entered Jimin without a second thought. Luckily, Jimin was still stretched from the night before. Yoongi panted but stood still as he heard Jimin's whimper. "Sorry. . . I couldn't stop myself.

I guess I still have a little of my demon urgency." Yoongi said with a deep chuckle. "Unlike you, I don't think I have any of my fairy left." Jimin replied with a breathy giggle. "Hmm, how much I wish you did though. I wonder how that would be. Would you lubricate like last time?" As Yoongi spoke, Jimin threw his head back at his slow thrust. "You would get pregnant wouldn't you?" Jimin moaned when Yoongi thrusted deeper, hitting the bundle of nerves inside him. "You would've liked that huh? To get pregnant?"

Jimin gave out a soft whimper before nodding his head eagerly. "I wonder how many times I'd have to fuck you to get you pregnant." Yoongi said before he thrusted faster, making Jimin scream with pleasure. "Yoongi! Yoon-!" Jimin yelled. It felt good, so good. He could feel himself grab Yoongi's hair harshly, the other hand on Yoongi's back, leaving ugly red marks on his skin but he didn't care. All cared about was the immense pleasure he was feeling. It was stronger than the night before, much more intense.

Jimin moaned when he felt one of Yoongi's hands reach up to the back of his head, pulling his hair to raise his head up. Yoongi situated his face by Jimin's adams apple, feeling it bob with every gulp Jimin took. He didn't know what went over him but Yoongi had the urge to mark every single part of Jimin's body. He wanted everyone to know that Jimin was his and only his. Jimin shivered when he felt Yoongi's breath hit his neck. He heard him make a sound similar to a growl before Yoongi's thrusts became faster and deeper, making his body raise with every thrust.

It was too much too fast and Jimin could no longer hold it. "Yoongi. . . Yoongi I can't!" "Let it out Jimin. Let it out." Yoongi responded, hips unwavering. At the sound of Yoongi's deep gruff voice, he moaned loudly as he came. Yoongi made another sound that sounded like a growl before he too came inside of Jimin. The two took some time to catch their breath. They were panting harshly.

After a good while, Yoongi moved to look at Jimin, noticing his closed eyes and chest rising and lowering with every breath. His eyes moved lower onto Jimin's skin. He had ugly red and purple marks all over. For a moment, Yoongi felt proud in the inside. He felt like Jimin was finally his. But then, the reality of the situation came crashing down. "Shit. . . you look like someone beat you up. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I went too far." Jimin chuckled lightly as he shook his head. "I can cover them with make-up. Taehyung has done that before. Besides, I kinda. . .liked it."

"Still. . .I should've controlled myself a little better. Let me go clean you up okay." Jimin gasped as Yoongi pulled out. He immediately clenched his legs when he felt something slowly pour out. Yoongi soon came back and immediately cleaned Jimin's stomach and chest before moving to clean in between Jimin's legs. He frowned when Jimin didn't want to widen his legs. "Babe? Is everything okay?"

He asked when he saw Jimin's pout. "I. . . I don't wanna let it out. I wanna keep it in." Yoongi widened his eyes, gulping lightly. He immediately felt a chill, wanting to fill Jimin again. He quickly shook his head, clearing that idea out of his mind. "Jimin, it's okay. This isn't going to be the last time." Jimin pouted deeper before he allowed Yoongi to clean him up. He hummed at the warm cloth in between his thighs, liking the heat it brought. He close his eyes softly before opening them to look at Yoongi. His words kept repeating in his mind. "Yoongi?" Yoongi hummed as a response. ". . .Do you really think we might still have a little bit of our past selves?"

Yoongi's eyes met his at the question. "What?" "What you said. . . that you might have a little bit of your demon inside you. Do you think. . . I have a little of my fairy side inside me too?" "Why do you ask that?" Yoongi asked once he was finished cleaning Jimin up. "I mean. . . do you think I can get. . . p-pregnant?" Yoongi's eyes widened. "I. ." Yoongi sighed, immediately feeling guilty. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I don't want you to feel bad because I said that." Jimin chuckled sadly "So no then. Don't apologize, I guess I'm just being sensitive."

Yoongi sighed and brought Jimin into a hug. "I'm sorry baby. How about I make you some breakfast and we can watch some whilst we eat." Yoongi helped Jimin sit up and immediately placed very light kisses on Jimin's cheeks, making him giggle. "Maybe then we can take a warm bath with those oils you like using." Jimin smiled before nodding his head. "Okay, that'll be great."

An entire day passed and Taehyung was spending the day with Jimin. Thanks to Hoseok, Jimin had two days off. Not only because Jimin had really bad looking hickies on his skin which looked like he was actually in a fight, but he also had that event with Yoongi the next day and he wanted to be refreshed. When Taehyung first saw Jimin, he smirked at him, raising his eyebrows in a suggestive way. Taehyung wanted to hear every single detail. Jimin although embarrassed, told him everything, excluding the actual act. He also told him about his question to Yoongi, Taehyung gave him a sad smile.

"It's okay Jimin. I mean, I'm not a fairy but I think I would've felt the same if I was in your situation." Taehyung said as he placed his hand on Jimin's shoulder. "I would like a baby with Jungkook too but I guess guys can't in this universe. So I guess I know how you feel." Jimin raised both eyebrows before he immediately wrapped his arms around him. "I'm sorry Tae, I'm so stupid. I didn't realize." Taehyung smiled widely before he shook his head. "It's okay Jimin. I mean, I know that I have a baby with Jungkook in your world but it's okay. I mean, I never got to experience that so I don't feel all that bad. Yeah, I would've loved to be able to have a kid." Jimin smiled sadly before nodding his head. "Yeah. . . I guess that's another thing I can mark down that I don't like."

"Things? There's more?" Jimin chuckled before he sat bag down on the sofa, Taehyung shifted his body to face Jimin. "Well there's the 'I have to work for myself' now. And I also don't like seeing Yoongi work so hard either. Then there's school, which I despise!" Taehyung laughed, agreeing with Jimin completely. "And I guess. . ." Jimin turned his head so that his eyes were locked with Taehyung's. "I guess the fact that you and Jin aren't realted to me here." "What do you mean not related?! Whether it be by blood or by soul, I'm your family. Got it?!"

Jimin threw his head back with laughter as he saw Taehyung's glare. "Yeah, you're right. You and Jin are my family." "Speaking of, when was the last time you've seen Seokjin?" Taehyung asked, changing the subject. Jimin thought for a while, realizing that he hasn't seen him for almost a week now. "Well, I guess I'll see him tomorrow in that event thing." "What is that event for anyways?" Taehyung later asked.

"Yoongi said it was to celebrate them working with a new composer? I'm not entirely sure but I did offer to go, to make sure Yoongi doesn't stresses himself out." Taehyung sighed as he slouched on his seat. "I would like to go. Kookie and I don't seem to go anywhere exciting these days." "How is going to the club once a week not exciting? I mean, I don't like going there but I know for sure that you two love it."

"Yeah but it gets boring after awhile." Jimin hummed before an idea popped into his head. "Why don't you take him to a surprise trip? Tell him to get the week off or something and you two can go on a trip." Taehyung widened his eyes, mouth opening to a wide boxy smile. "Oh my god, you're a genius!" Jimin yelped, surprised, when Taehyung suddenly hugged him tightly. "Where do you think we should go?" "What about take him somewhere he's never gone before?"

Taehyung pouted, a hand under his chin as he thought. "How about. . . the beach? There's a beach on Incheon, it's not too far from here." Taehyung nodded his head, excitement radiated in his eyes. "Yeah, I'll take him to the beach." "I'm glad. Whilst you're be planning your trip, I'll be in the event with Yoongi." Taehyung giggled as he patted Jimin's shoulder "Good luck" "Thanks, I'm gonna need it."

"Are you sure this doesn't look casual?" Jimin asked for the third time. He was looking at himself in the full body mirror, deciding if a black turtleneck and black trousers was fancy enough to wear in an event such as this. It wasn't until an hour earlier that Yoongi had told him that there were going to be reporters and other artists there. "Yeah it's fine. I mean, look at me." Jimin looked at Yoongi and noticed that he was in all black. A black long sleeve button up shirt and black jeans. It was simple but it still looked fancier than Jimin's outfit, at least that's what he thought.

"You're putting too much thought into this. Besides, I'm planning for us to be there for maximum an hour." "But what if people takes pictures of us together. . . I don't wanna make you look bad." Jimin responded with a pout. Yoongi smiled before he walked over to him, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Babe, do you seriously think you would ever make me look bad? I think it's the contrary. People already know about you and they know how great of a dancer you are. If anything, I've received a bunch of comments how you're too good for me." Jimin widened his eyes, surprised at Yoongi's words.

"What?" "Yeah, and that's not even the half of it." Jimin frowned, eyebrows furrowed together. "Why have you never told me?" "Because I knew that you would get angry. They're just comments, it's nothing to be bothered about. Whatever they think will not affect us and our relationship. Or will it?" Jimin quickly shook his head, making Yoongi smile. "See, then there's nothing to worry about. I don't care what the others say about me. I love you no matter what." Jimin smiled and placed a kiss on Yoongi's lips "And I love you." "I know" Yoongi responded before he made the kiss deeper. 

Jimin was really getting into the kiss when suddenly, Yoongi's phone rang. He sighed when Yoongi moved away and answered it. "Yeah okay, we'll be right down." Yoongi hanged up and turned to look at Jimin. "Our ride is here." With a smile and a nod, Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hand and made their way to the door, grabbing their coats before they exited the apartment.

The event location wasn't very far but they still didn't really want to walk that distance away, especially in this kind of weather. It was getting colder by the day, signaling the early season of winter but Jimin didn't mind, it was Yoongi who did. He hated the cold. As Jimin and Yoongi went outside, they saw their uber, waiting for them by the entrance. They didn't have a car. Not because they couldn't afford it, they just didn't really like how it felt to be inside of a car. Jimin, even though he was used to sudden movements, didn't really like the closed space. And Yoongi, he knew how to drive, he just thought it was terrible to go through so much to get a vehicle and then suffer the traffic and or road rage.

So instead, they would get ubers whenever they needed to go somewhere far. Other than that, they'd just walk or go on public transportation. They didn't mind, they preferred that more than anything. Soon, Yoongi and Jimin made it to the event. As they hopped off the car, they could see that it was in a fancy looking hotel. There were security guards outside, making sure no intruder entered without permission. Jimin was instantly nervous when he saw the amount of reporters outside, who turned to them as soon as they got out of the car. Yoongi noticed Jimin's nervousness and immediately grabbed his hand, fingers interlocking together, before he dragged him to the entrance. One of the security guards saw him and immediately allowed him entry. "Mr. Suga, please go right ahead." Yoongi simply nodded and pulled Jimin inside.

Inside was rather. . . intense. There were people everywhere. A chandelier was hanging from the ceiling, casting a bright glow all around the room. Jimin expected everyone to be fancy rich people but to his surprise, they look normal. No one seemed to be wearing anything fancy. Or at least, that's what Jimin thought. "Hey, there's Joon." Yoongi said, making Jimin turn his head. He smiled when he saw Namjoon and Seokjin out in the distance, talking with another man.

Jimin and Yoongi made their way towards them, greeting the man first before greeting both Namjoon and Jin. "Jimin, this is Kim Jingsu. Also known as his producer name, Lunar." "It's a pleasure to meet you." Jimin said with a bow. "No, it's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard so much about you." "Oh?" Jimin asked nervously. He looked at Jin and Namjoon who just gave him a small smile, reassuring him. "Yes, besides that fellow, Jung Hoseok, I heard you're one of the best dancers."

"Ah, no, there's nothing special about me. I learned from Hoseok and Jungkook. They're the reason why I'm remotely good." "That and because you're the great Suga's partner! Why don't you sign him up? He'd be great if he were an idol. Maybe with Jinyoung or Jaebum! I'm sure he'll-" Yoongi turned his eyes to look at Jingsu, a deep glare on his face. "We already spoke about this, drop it." Namjoon quickly cleared his throat and immediately changed the conversation. "So anyways, I heard you were going overseas soon." "Ah yeah, I know there's a lot of talent out here. Yeah, it'll be hard to find someone who can move to Korea but I'm sure I'll find someone. And hey, a little diversity doesn't hurt anyone right?"

Namjoon nodded his head, agreeing with Jingsu. Seokjin silently sighed as he grabbed onto Jimin's hand. "We'll be back. We're going to fetch some drinks." "Stay close." Yoongi said before Seokjin was able to pull Jimin. After the two were a good ways away from them, Seokjin sighed tiredly. "God, I can't believe I let Namjoon drag me into this." Jimin tilted his head "What do you mean?" "Well, all these people want is business. You won't believe how much people came up to me, asking me if I want to be a model.

That's why I hate coming to these events." "Then why did you come?" Jimin asked with a small smile. "Joon told me that you were coming so I thought you'd want to have someone here you know aside from Yoongi. Trust me, when you're in places like this, they'll be people constantly surrounding both Namjoon and Yoongi. Since they're making it big, everyone wants a piece of their fame. That's the reason why Yoongi had disagreed on coming. But then this guy came in the picture and signed a label with them.

He wanted to see how they will manage in a scene like this. His image will bring more people to look at Namjoon and Yoongi but still. . .there's something about him that just doesn't sit well with me." Jimin frowned, now worried. He looked over at where Yoongi and Namjoon were standing, eyes slowly glancing at the man. 'Was he dangerous?' Jimin thought in his head. "I don't know. . . maybe it's all in my head. Any who, we should try to enjoy ourselves I guess. At least you're lucky enough to only be here for an hour. Namjoon is supposed to stay to say farewell to the guests." Seokjin responded with another tired sigh.

Jimin chuckled as he rubbed Seokjin's back with soothing circles. "It's okay hyung, just tell Namjoon hyung that you don't wanna go to these things anymore. I'm sure he'll understand." "I hope so." Seokjin looked at Namjoon and immediately recognized the fake laugh he did towards the man. "I really hope so."

A good hour passed and Jimin and Yoongi were ready to leave this event. Jimin was tired of the constant stares whilst Yoongi was tired of the fake smiles and the congratulations that were thrown his way. He said his goodbyes to some people as well to Namjoon and Seokjin before grabbed onto Jimin, guiding him to the exit. Before they were able to reach it however, Jingsu stopped them. "Hey, where're you going? The party isn't over yet." "It's already late and Jimin needs to sleep to get to work tomorrow." Yoongi answered in a very believable tone.

"Oh? Then let me drive you then." Yoongi frowned "Oh no, it's okay. We ordered a taxi to take us back. "Nonsense! What kind of business partner would I be if I didn't offer a ride to a colleague? Come now, I'll take you." Yoongi sighed before he looked over at Jimin. He looked worried, Jimin realized. With a huff of defeat, Yoongi looked over at Jingsu "Alright." "Great! Follow me, I'll take you to my car." That's how Jimin and Yoongi found themselves in Jingsu's car. Jimin was sat in the back whilst Yoongi was on the passenger seat. The ride was quiet aside from Jingsu, who was talking nonsense. This was the first time Jimin actually thought he could seriously hurt someone. He didn't stop talking, not even when they were stopped in a red light. But when Jimin saw that they were near their house, he instantly relaxed. That is, until Jungsu decided it would be fun to break some rules.

"Jingsu, what are you doing!?" Yoongi yelled when Jingsu began to speed at a certain street. "What do you mean? No cars usually pass through here so it's all good." "No, it's not all good. Slow down or stop the car." Yoongi said with a warning but Jingsu only laughed, shaking his head. "Hey, what's the best way to get to know your co workers than to add a little danger. Don't you agree Jimin?" Jingsu asked as he looked at him through the rear view mirror.

"Keep your eyes on the road! What the fuck are you doing?!" Yoongi yelled with anger when a car honked at them. "Relax, It's going to be fine!" Jingsu yelled with laughter. Yoongi frowned as he looked into Jingsu's eyes. They were red and slightly diluted. "You're on something aren't you?" He asked with seriousness. "What're you talking about?"Jingsu responded with a wide smile. "Stop the car, I'm driving us the rest of the way back." Yoongi reached for the wheel when suddenly Jingsu pushed him back. "Hey what're you doing? I'm driving you home!" He yelled suddenly. "Jingsu, stop the fucking car or I swear-" "What?! What will you do?

I'm already in a contract with you so what's the fucking point!" Yoongi widened his eyes, heart racing when Jingsu speeded faster. He looked towards Jimin and saw him with wide eyes, tears now coating his eyes. "Jimin get down" Yoongi said before he looked back at Jingsu. "Jingsu, please. . . stop the car. We'll talk it out. Just please stop the car." Jingsu bursted out laughing, eyes now closed. Yoongi felt his heart beat like never before when he saw that they were nearing a red light but Jingsu was not slowing down.

"Jingsu stop the fucking car!!" "Let go!" Jingsu yelled when Yoongi tried to reach for the wheel again. "Yoongi. . ." Jimin said with worry his body was shaking as he saw the two argue. He felt his throat seize up when Yoongi turned back to him, a worried expression on his face. "Jimin get down!" Jimin nodded his head and was about to do what Yoongi asked of him to do when suddenly, there was a loud honk, a bright light covered Jimin's vision. It was followed by a harsh sound of metal colliding against each other. The last thing Jimin heard was Yoongi scream his name.

It was bright. . . and cold. Jimin opened his eyes and was surprised to see that he was in his and Yoongi's apartment. He looked around and saw that it was unusually bright. "Why am I here?" Jimin asked as he looked around. "Yoongi?" He yelled, looking everywhere for him. Jimin suddenly heard a loud yell. It sounded worried, scared. He widened his eyes when the voice got louder. "Jimin!!"  

"Yoongi?!!" Jimin yelled when he recognized the yell. "Yoongi where are you?!" Jimin could feel tears pouring down his cheeks when he tried to get off the bed but found that he couldn't move his body. "Yoongi!!!" Jimin screamed with fear. He didn't know what was going on but he knew Yoongi needed him. He needed to find Yoongi but he couldn't move. "Yoongi!!!!"

Jimin sat up, breath coming out in pants. He placed his hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating wildly. 'It was a dream' Jimin said to himself before he took a deep breath and looked around. His breath was caught in his throat when he noticed the room. It was a light cream and yellow color. The bed was softer than usual and the room was large, nothing like his and Yoongi's apartment. "Where are I?" Jimin asked before he moved his legs. He stood up and noticed that he wasn't wearing any shoes. 'Weird' He thought before he continued walking. He didn't recognize this room, he's never been here before but for some reason, he feels a little nostalgic. Jimin turned his body to look at the room in it's full extent but stopped when his eyes caught a full body mirror. He gasped, hands coming on top of his mouth.

He widened his eyes, heart beating wildly. "W-What?" Jimin had pink hair. His eyes were a bright blue and his skin was lighter than he remembers it being. "No. . . no no no no no." Jimin said before he ran towards a door, throwing it open before running out through a now familiar hallway. He knows where he is now, he knows and he wishes he was dreaming. He ignores the wide eyes and the confused stares he gets as he runs through a room with a throne, pushing the guards who were in front of the grand doors.

Once he's passed them, he stopped. He's outside, he sees houses all gold in color. The sun is shining brightly, casting a bright light towards the castle Jimin exited from. He's in Fayette. . . he's back home. Jimin notices people around the castle look at him with wide eyes, breath catching in their throats before they all face him, immediately going to a kneeling position. Jimin also sees guards and maids get on their knees too, all shocked to see him. "No. . . no don't. Don't kneel, please!" Jimin yelled but no one was moving.

He walked over to the nearest person and tried to help them stand when a voice caught his attention. Jimin turned around and immediately felt his eyes water. "Jimin?" A man with pink hair asked. He couldn't mistake him at all. He knew those features from anywhere. "Jin. . ." Jimin responded before Seokjin took a deep breath, looking from Jimin's face down to his feet, and then back up. "You're back, but. . . how?" He asked before Jimin let the tears fall. He immediately ran towards Jin, hugging him tightly. The minute he wrapped his arms around Jin, he felt a shock in his body. "Jin please. . . help me. I need to go back. . . please!" Jimin pleaded. Seokjin immediately gets knocked out of his surprise and immediately looked at the others around, still bowing.

"On your feet. Mary, please bring something for Jimin to relax." "Yes your highness." The maid said before Seokjin pulled Jimin into his room. Jimin then noticed that it was Seokjin's room from where he woke up from. Seokjin sat him down on the bed before he placed both of his hands on his face, smiling at him. "You're back. . . you're really back. I thought-" Seokjin closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he brought Jimin into another hug. "Jin. . . please, help me."

Seokjin moved back and looked at Jimin with a frown. "Help you? What do you mean?" "It's Yoongi. . . I need to get back." "Yoongi? What's wrong with him? Where is he and how did you get back here?" Seokjin asked with concern. "I don't. . . I don't know. I don't remember." Jimin responded with another sob. "I just know that I have to get back to him. I have to. . ." Seokjin nodded his head before he stood up. "Okay. . . let me contact Namjoon and we'll see what we can do." Just then, the maid entered the room, immediately offering a cup of tea to Jimin.

Seokjin took that time to walk to the other side of the room. He closed his eyes and immediately thought of Namjoon. Once he felt the familiar connection, he spoke in his mind. "Namjoon, I need you to come here quickly. Please bring Hailey with you, it's an emergency." As soon as Seokjin was done, he walked back towards the maid and Jimin. "Mary, let the guards know that Namjoon will be arriving shortly." "Yes your highness." Mary responded before leaving the room.

It was no later than five minutes when a puff of smoke appeared in the room. Before Seokjin could say anything, Namjoon appeared and instantly placed his hands on Seokjin's face, moving his head from side to side. "What're wrong? Is everything okay? Are you hurt? Do you need something? Should I go get someone? Is it the ba-" "Namjoon!" Namjoon instantly closer his mouth when Seokjin grabbed both his hands, looking at him with a frown. "I'm fine. The emergency isn't about me." "Then. . . what is it about?" He asked with confusion.

It was only when Seokjin nudged his head to make Namjoon look at the bed did he realize that Jimin was sitting there, back against the headboard, both legs pulled close to his chest. "What? How is he-?" "I don't know. He just suddenly appeared. Then he started crying, saying that he needed to go back. That Yoongi needs him. But when I ask him, he says he doesn't remember." At the sound of Yoongi's name, Namjoon widened his eyes, nerves beginning to tremble. "Where's Hailey?" Seokjin asked as he looked around the room.

"She's in Neutral land, I couldn't get a hold of her. And since I thought something was wrong with you, I came straight here. I can go get her though." "Please, and try to get Taehyung here too. He needs to know." Namjoon nodded his head before he placed his forehead on Seokjin's. He breath in with his eyes closed before he separated and looked at Seokjin's eyes. Without another word, he placed a kiss on Seokjin's forehead before he was consumed by smoke, disappearing like he came.

Seokjin sighed and looked over at Jimin. He had his head on his knees, both eyes closed. He didn't seem to react to Namjoon's voice, which was strange but Seokjin ignored it and decided it was because Jimin wasn't very close to Namjoon to begin with. Seokjin took a deep breath before he placed his hand on his stomach, rubbing it affectionately. "Please Namjoon. . . hurry."

"Your majesty, you really should drink the tea." One of the maids said to Jimin. He shook his head, refusing to. It's been ten minutes since Namjoon was gone and Jimin was refusing everything, even to speak. Seokjin remained by Jimin's side the entire time. He had Jimin's head on his shoulder, his other hand was rubbing soothing circles on his arm. Only when Seokjin saw the puff of smoke did he get up from the bed. "Sorry, it took a while to find her." Jimin looked over and immediately widened his eyes.

There, next to Namjoon was a woman with black hair and brown eyes. Jimin immediately recognized her by her sharp eyes and prominent features. "Hailey. . ." "Jimin, my canary, look at you." She said as she walked over to him. She hugged him tightly as soon as Jimin sobbed, tears staining her shirt. "Hailey, Yoongi needs me. I need to go back." Hailey nodded her head and immediately swayed him, to calm him down. "Jimin, I'm going to need you to calm down and explain. Do you know how you got here? Where's Yoongi and why isn't he here with you?"

"I don't know. . . I don't remember. I just-" Jimin choked on a sob before he was able to speak once again. "I just remember feeling scared and. . . and then I woke up here. Please Hailey, I need to get back to Yoongi." Hailey sighed before she nodded her head. "Of course little canary, I'll help you." She turned her head and looked at Seokjin, telling him to stay with Jimin. She pulled Namjoon and walked over to the other side of the room to talk out of Jimin's ear.

"What're you thinking?" "I don't know. . . I can try to link up with Yoongi's aura but I can't do much. My power is limited since I'm no longer a full demon. If anything, maybe I can find something about them in that universe. I might need help though." Namjoon nodded his head and placed his hand on Hailey's shoulder, allowing her to use some of his powers. The two closed their eyes and took a deep breath. They closed off any noise around them, vision and minds going blank.

They were suddenly able to hear people talk, cars driving in the busy street of the other universe. "I can feel him but it's very faint." Hailey said to Namjoon. "What if you link to their system? Don't the humans have networks that tell them if something happens?" Hailey nodded her head and immediately tried to find something to link with. In the end, she was able to connect to a channel system. A television, Hailey deducted. "Did you find anything?" Namjoon asked after a while. "No but I'm checking the dates prior, just in case." Just then, Hailey felt a pull towards a certain channel, a news source.

"What is that?" Namjoon asked when he too was able to see what she was watching. There was a woman dressed in a suit, sitting in front of a table. She had papers in her hands as she spoke to the camera in front of her. "People are devastated for the recent events that took place just a few hours ago. As most know, the event that hosted a variety of celebrities took place in Seoul, ended with a heart crushing accident. An accident that took the life of one and left two in a very critical condition. We have Lin Kim in the scene with more information."

The screen was panned out to a different location where a woman with black hair was outside. Behind her was a whole location covered in yellow caution tape. "Yes, Lin Kim here to report and confirm the death of Kim Jingsu. A talented composer that touched the hearts of everyone who listened. In the vehicle with him were two others. Male, at the age of twenty one, Park Jimin, dancer and choreographer, was taken to the nearest hospital. It's been confirmed that he did not suffer that much of an injury but is currently unresponsive, reasons are unknown.

The other is a male at the age of twenty four, Min Yoongi, rapper and song producer, is in critical condition. It is known that he is in intensive care. As far as we know, no one is allowed to see him." "Is there any way to find out what is wrong?" The sound of the other woman asked. "The only thing that was said to us was that Min Yoongi is in a very critical and life threatening state. All we can do now, is pray for his safety and well being." "And pray we will. Now we'll hear words from the composer and colleague, RM, about what will happen now that Min Yoongi, one of the most successful producers in their company, is currently fighting for his life-" Hailey and Namjoon quickly opened their eyes before widening them. They looked at each other before they looked where Seokjin and Jimin were, still on top of the bed. "Oh no. . . Yoongi, my Yoongi is in danger."

"Calm down, don't cry. We need to find out how and why this all happened. How is Jimin here if Yoongi is still over there and fighting for his life? We need to speak with Lydia, maybe she might have a solution for us." Hailey quickly wiped her tears before she looked into Namjoon's eyes. "Namjoon. . . that news report was marked two days ago. What if Yoongi is-" "Don't even think it. We'll get to the bottom of it but for now, we must look for Lydia and find a solution."

"What about Jimin? What will we tell him? Should we tell him that he and Yoongi had an accident and that Yoongi might die?" Namjoon sighed and shook his head. "We can't, he'll be even more nervous and that can be a danger to Fayette. Look at his hair, it's pink. If Jimin were to stay, he'd immediately take Seokjin's place as King. Not only in title, but in strength. He's powerful and most of all, a danger to everyone and anyone. We should keep it to ourselves and find out what to do before we tell Jimin." Hailey agreed and took a deep breath, trying to calm and stop the tears from falling down.

Just at the nick of time, the door to the room opened. The maid, Mary, bowed and immediately looked at Seokjin. "Your highness, the King's of Sanguis are here." "Good, let them in." "Yes your highness." The maid responded before immediately leaving. The next time the door opened, two men, one with red hair and blue eyes and the other with brown hair and red eyes entered the room. The red head gasped when his eyes landed on Jimin. Upon hearing the sound, Jimin looked up and saw Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Tae. . . Kook." He said before he began to cry again. "Jimin, you're actually here. . . how?" Taehyung asked but before he could receive an answer, he had Jimin hugging him tightly. He momentarily jolted when he felt a small spark in his body before he wrapped his arms around Jimin. "What happened?" "We'll let you know later. Right now, we need to help Jimin calm down." Taehyung nodded at Namjoon's words and placed his hands on Jimin's face, lifting it up so their eyes met.

"Hey, don't cry. Everything is okay." "No. . . it's not. I need to get back but no one is helping me. Tae, please, you always help me whenever I have something in my head. I know this isn't the you I spoke to but still, I need you to help me." When all Jimin got was a look of confusion, he turned his head to look at Jungkook. "Kookie, can't you help me?" Jungkook immediately became stiff, surprised that Jimin hugged him. He looked at the others and they were equally as surprised as he was.

Jimin has never hugged Jungkook at all. Well, at least not this Jungkook. "Jimin, don't worry. Namjoon, Jungkook, and I will look for Lydia. She'll be able to help us. In the meantime, you have to calm down and relax. Please, don't cry my canary. We'll find a way, believe in us." Jimin nodded his head as a response. "Tae and I will keep Jimin company and help him calm down, distract him if you will." "Oh! We can go to Neutral land. I haven't been there for a while, maybe it'll help."

Taehyung yelled, flashing a small smile to Jimin. Namjoon's eyebrows furrowed as he looked towards Seokjin. "Uhm, I don't think that's a good idea." "Why not?" Seokjin asked, an eyebrow raised. "Well, you could get hurt or get tired. Besides, I wouldn't like it if no one was watching you. What if you need something or if something goes wrong? Who's going to be with you if there's an emergency and you need someone to help you with-" "Joon, I swear to god I'll be fine.

Walking around will not do any bad. Besides, Tae and Jimin will be there. If anything, Jaebum and Jinyoung will surely be around. Now enough of your worry and go with Hailey. You're needed there most." "But-" "Go, I'll be fine." Namjoon sighed before nodding his head. "Fine, contact me if there's something you need. Please, do not hesitate to let me know for any little thing. I'll be there in a jiffy." "Yeah yeah, I know. Just go." Seokjin said with mild irritation.

Hailey gave Namjoon a pat on the back before giving Jimin a smile. "We'll be back." "Let me know if something happens." Jungkook said before placing a kiss on Taehyung's lips. Taehyung smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up before he, Namjoon, and Hailey left the room. "So, wanna let us know why Namjoon is acting like it's the end of the world if you leave the castle?" Taehyung asked as soon as Seokjin let out a tired sigh.

"Uhm. . . it's nothing really. I guess he's just protective." Taehyung frowned "Uh huh, if you say so. Anyways, Jimin, let's go outside yeah? Hailey told us you were in an alternate universe where you and the Demon King were humans, is that true?" Jimin looked up at Taehyung with a sad look before nodding his head. "Yeah. . ." "That's crazy. How is it like?"

"Tae, I don't think it's a good idea to question him about that." Seokjin said with a stern look. "Oops, sorry. I was just curious." "No, don't apologize. It's okay. I'm used to you being like this." Jimin said with a barely there chuckle. He was sad but Taehyung was still able to crack a small smile on his face. It didn't matter if this wasn't the Taehyung he spent most of his time with, Taehyung will always be Taehyung. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"There's other versions of all of you in that universe." Seokjin and Taehyung were both quite surprised at that but decided to ask about it when they were in Neutral land, away from the castle and wandering eyes.

"Lydia, we need your help." "King Jimin is here." Lydia said before they were able to say anything. "How-" "I could feel it. Is Majesty, the Demon King is in danger." She said as she turned her head to look at Hailey and Namjoon. Jungkook stood back since he never really trusted Lydia since he first laid eyes on her during the war. "Jimin is trapped here. . . we need to get him back. And fast" Namjoon and Hailey widened their eyes when she automatically walked over to a cabinet of jars. She pulled out a small one that was filled with a purple liquid.

"What is that?" Hailey asked when she brought it towards a table. "It's a potion, the King knew something like this would happen, so he was prepared." "What're you talking about?" Namjoon asked with confusion. "Yoongi knew, or more like suspected, that Jimin would not want to leave him if he were to take him into his void with him. So he asked me to make this and hold onto it when the time is right." She lifted her hand and showed the potion in front of her.

"This is a vanishing potion." "A vanishing potion? How is that going to help Jimin get back?" "It won't. This potion isn't for Jimin, it's for Yoongi." "What? You're not making any sense." Namjoon said with a shake of his head. "Yoongi, as well as Jimin are in danger at the moment. The reason why Jimin is here, is because Yoongi is losing the battle of life and death. Even though he's human, Yoongi still has a little of his powers still in him. He's clinging so much to keep Jimin alive."

"What?" Jungkook asked this time. "He's keeping Jimin alive? Then why is he here?" "He's here because Yoongi is not strong enough. He's losing this battle. Unfortunately, we didn't think this would happen." Lydia said to herself. "Yoongi wasn't able to come back with Jimin. . . which can only mean one thing." "And what's that?" Namjoon asked, still confused at what Lydia was saying. "Yoongi might be trapped in his own void. If that's the case, the full Demon inside him might be trying to take over his body. If the Demon wins, Yoongi will die. And if he dies, Jimin will too. The Demon will rise and come back, to take his rightful place in Niflehiem."

Hailey gasped, hands on top of her mouth. "But. . . how can we stop it?!" "This potion is meant to help Yoongi stop his inner demon but if it fails, it will kill him and the demon. Making sure that his demon will not destroy everything and everyone in his path." "And what about Jimin?" Jungkook asked when everyone stood silent. "Jimin's body will die in that universe, and he will forever live here, as a fairy. But I don't think he would like that at all. The only way to ensure any good in all this, is to give Yoongi this potion."

"And how will we do that? How do we give it to him?" Hailey said with a serious expression. If there was a sliver of a chance to save Yoongi's life, she will do anything. "We can't. He's stuck in his void. The only person who can give this to him, is Jimin. We need to get him back and insert him into Yoongi's void but in order to do that, we need the King's blood." "His blood? Why do you need Yoongi's blood?" "His blood is where his power resides. That's how we'll be able to send Jimin back."

Everyone stood silent, thinking on what they should do when Hailey stepped forward. "Then I'll give my blood. I am his mother, my blood should be the same as his." "Unfortunately, you're only a third of his blood. Yes, you're his mother but we need pure demon king blood." "And how in gods name are we going to get demon king blood?!" Namjoon yelled with anger. "Don't know but without that, we won't be able to save Yoongi's life. Or any of our lives for that matter."

"It's been so long since I've been in Neutral land. I kind of miss it." Taehyung said as he stretched his arms in the air. "How long have you been away?" Seokjin asked with an amused expression. "Hmm. . . about a few months. Not sure." "Why were you away? I remember you used to always be here?" Jimin asked. Jimin was feeling a little bit better. He would occasionally laugh at some of Taehyung's jokes but the feeling of needing to go back to that ultimate universe was still in the back of his mind and heart. "I guess Minjae took up most of my time. Not to mention Sanguis has to be looked on 24/7. I swear the vampires don't seem to understand that they can't just feed on people how many times they want. There's blood banks for crying out loud!"

"Who's Minjae?" Jimin asked, making Taehyung smile widely. "Minjae is my son." "That's right! You never really met him did you?" Seokjin said with realization. "He's old now. The kid seemed to grow overnight." Taehyung nodded his head proudly. "Yup! He stopped at age twenty two. It took only a few months for him to be full grown." "Really? I heard vampires grew faster than normal but I didn't think that much." "You'd be surprised." Seokjin responded with a chuckle.

"Any who, how did you manage the vampires to have blood banks? Why haven't I heard of it?" "Jinyoung made sure to take care of it before he had to move to Kayah with Jaebum." Jimin frowned "Jinyoung moved to Kayah? Why?" "Oh, well before you and yoo- I mean, before you left, Jinyoung was turned into a human. But then his and Jaebum's mating thing happened and now because of the bite, he had to move to Kayah. Can you believe it? Who knew that a wolf bite can turn humans to wolves."

Jimin widened his eyes "Jinyoung is a wolf now?!" "Yeah but that's old news. Hey, going back to more important news, do you wanna meet Minjae? I'm sure he'll love to meet his uncle." "Uhm. . . I guess?" "Great!" Taehyung yelled enthusiastically. As the three walked over to Sanguis, Jimin began to feel more and more anxious. He leaned over to Seokjin and lightly elbowed him to get his attention. "Has Namjoon said anything to you?" "No, sorry Jimin. But I promise you that I'll tell you as soon as he does."

Jimin gave Seokjin a small smile of thanks before he entered Sanguis's manor. "This is Sanguis's manor, where all the full breeds live in! Come, I'm sure Hobi and Minjae should be in the garden." Taehyung yelled with a happy tone. Jimin looked around, admiring Sanguis's halls. Now that he thinks about it, he's never been inside of Sanguis, only when he was looking through Jungkook's eyes. But that time was also dark, almost everything was hard to see.

Jimin stopped when he saw two large doors. They looked majestic and very expensive looking. "This is the garden." Taehyung said as he opened the doors. "It wasn't here before but I had it built when Minjae was able to walk. This area has special properties, making sure no one is able to cast any harm. This is the safest part of the manor. . . the safest part of Sanguis." Jimin noticed that Taehyung had a certain look in his face, almost as if he was reliving a memory. Only a few seconds later, Taehyung turned to Jimin and told him to follow him to the bench, Seokjin followed behind.

"Hmm, that's weird. They should be around here. Hoseok?" Taehyung asked as he looked around the garden. Out of thin air, a body appeared next to Seokjin, making him yelp. "God damn it Hoseok! Don't do that!" Hoseok laughed before his expression turned into a surprised one. "Wait is that-" He gasped, placing both his hands on top of his mouth. "King Jimin?!" "I'm not a king. . . I never was." Jimin responded with a sigh. Hoseok made a questioning expression but Taehyung just shook his head, silently telling him to ask later.

"Anyways, do you know where Minjae is?" "Uhm, he said he was going to be here. Strange. He might've gone to his room maybe?" "Well, no worries. I'm sure we'll find him eventually. In the meantime, why don't we-" Seokjin instantly stopped talking when he heard a voice in his head. Jimin instantly noticed. "Is it Namjoon?!" "It is, I just told him that we're in Sanguis. They'll arrive shortly."

Jimin nodded and forced himself to keep calm. He couldn't have another break down, he needed to stay calm to figure out a way back to Yoongi. True to his word, Namjoon and the others arrive in no less than a minute. The minute Namjoon saw Seokjin, he instantly walked towards him, placing his hands on Seokjin's cheeks. "Why're you here? I thought you said you were going to be in neutral land. You could've gotten hurt or worse, you could've hurt-"

Seokjin sighed loudly before he pushed Namjoon, making him take a few steps back. "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm fine? Can we please go back to the main issue here?" Namjoon's expression turned into a serious one before it softened when he looked at Jimin. "Do you think we can discuss it beforehand. We still need to talk about a few things before we can determine what to do." Jimin frowned, immediately feeling angry.

"Why? Why can't I know? I'm the one who needs to get to Yoongi, why can't you tell me?!" "Because we want to avoid you feeling like this. We can't have you getting angry or sad. Jimin, you're the fairy king right now, you can potentially cause a lot of harm." Jimin seemed to understand Hailey's words and eventually accepted it. "Okay. . ." "Hey, it's okay my canary. Once we're done discussing, we'll let you know what we can do. Stay here and enjoy the breeze for awhile. We won't be long." Jimin nodded his head and saw everyone leave him in the garden alone.

He couldn't take it anymore. He needed to see Yoongi. He felt like if he didn't, he would lose him and he didn't know why. Jimin slumped on the bench, placing his face on his hands, sighing sadly. "What am I going to do? How will I get back to you?" "It depends, who do you want to get back to?" Jimin widened his eyes before he instantly moved his body backwards. He looked up at the person who spoke and saw a man with bright strikingly blue eyes. His hair was a light brown, long enough to cover the top of his eyes.

"You must be Jimin, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I was wondering when our meeting time would come." Jimin frowned at the man, unsure of what he was talking about. "Who are you?" He asked, making the stranger smile. As soon as he did though, Jimin figured who he was. His smile was boxy, he had two front teeth that peeked out as he did. "You're Minjae. . ." "Yes, I am. And you're my uncle Jimin." Minjae sat down on the grass, legs in a crossed position.

His smile seemed to be unshifting as he looked all around Jimin's face. "What was that you said earlier?" Jimin asked after a few seconds of awkwardness. "What do you mean?" "Uhm. . . you said something about wondering when we'd meet?" "Ah, yes. I knew we were going to meet each other but I just couldn't tell when. It's hard you know, I couldn't tell what universe will be the one where I'd meet you. They're all so similar yet, different."

By the time Minjae finished speaking, Jimin had his eyes wide open, mouth slightly ajar. "What? How did you-?" "I inherited many abilities, including those that did not come from my parents." Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, not fully understanding. Minjae chuckled at Jimin's confusion. "You and I aren't that different. If anything, I think I might be the most similar to you. And maybe even the Demon King too. That is, Yoongi.

Or should I call him how he calls himself now? Min Yoongi." Jimin didn't think it would be possible to widen his eyes any bigger but he did. "Wait. . . how do you know this? How is it even possible?" Minjae smiled "I know alot Jimin. I even know how you got here. and most importantly, I know how you'll get back. It's only a matter of time."

"And how are we going to get some of Yoongi's blood? It's nearly impossible to even do that." Seokjin said after he heard everything of what Lydia had told them. "We need to find a way. If Jimin does not get back to Yoongi, he could die. Jimin would also be stuck here. His body in that world would die as well." Namjoon said with a sigh. "My blood alone is not enough. We need to find a way to get Yoongi's blood. . . but how?" Taehyung looked down to the ground, lip in between his teeth. He fiddled with both of his fingers, a nervous look on his face.

All his fidgeting, he didn't noticed Jungkook paying attention close attention to his every move. "Tae? What's wrong?" Jungkook asked when he saw Taehyung nervously lean from one foot to the other. "Uhm. . . n-nothing." At Taehyung's response, everyone turned up to look at him at his slight stutter. "Uhm, okay. Going back to what we were talking about, Lydia, do you think there's a way to somehow get Yoongi's blood?" Lydia hummed for a bit before she looked at Hoseok. "Is it possible for one of the blood banks to have received his blood?"

"That's very unlikely. The Demon King never went to the blood bank to 'donate' but to see Jinyoung." Hoseok responded with an apologetic look. Namjoon groaned as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, desperate to find a solution. Just when hope was about to be lost, a memory popped into Namjoon's head. "When a vampire feeds, that blood turn into nutrients, doesn't it?" Taehyung hesitated but ended up nodding his head. "If a vampire once drank from someone, that blood would still be there, wouldn't it? Especially if that someone hasn't drank since then." Jungkook frowned, immediately walking towards Taehyung, standing by his side.

"What're you trying to say?" "I'm saying, Taehyung has fed from Yoongi his entire pregnancy. It could be possible that Minjae might have Yoongi's blood. Think about it, Minjae might be able to help us save Yoongi and get Jimin back if that's the case. Minjae can help us." "Lydia, do you think it would work?" Hailey asked, a hopeful look in her eyes. "It might." The entire room was silent as the information processed into their minds. "No" Jungkook said, breaking the silence. "What do you mean no?" Seokjin asked with furrowed eyebrows. "I'm not letting my son get into any danger, look for someone else."

"There is no one else! You can't just say no when this can be the only solution!" "I can and I will. Minjae is not putting his life in danger, period." Namjoon, Seokjin, and Hailey were shocked at Jungkook's words. "How can you say that?" Hailey turned her head and stared at Taehyung, who still had his lip in between his teeth. "Taehyung. . . please. Yoongi could be dying-" "I-"

"Didn't you hear? Minjae will not be doing any of that! I will not take the chance of anything happening to him, end of discussion. Come on Tae" Jungkook turned around and made his way to leave but stopped when he noticed Taehyung wasn't following him. "Tae?" "Let him do it." Jungkook frowned, eyebrows furrowing into low rising anger. "Tae-" "He can help them" "We don't know that! For all we know, they're just going to put him in danger! Minjae can't do any of those things!" "He does!" Jungkook immediately stood silent at Taehyung's yell. The others looked around and saw the vampire guards that were nearby, slowly take a few steps back.

"Minjae can help them, I know that he can. Jungkook, he can do things no one can do. I've seen it. . . he's shown me." "What?" Jungkook questioned. Taehyung took a deep breath before he turned around to look at Hailey and then at Lydia. "I'll ask him but if he refuses, he won't do it." Lydia nodded her head. "Tae, think this through! We can't just let him do this." Taehyung looked over at Jungkook with a certain look that made Jungkook know that there were no room for discussions. "Fine, but if something happens to him, I don't care who I have to slaughter to get him back. Mark my words, if I see even a scratch on him, one of you will have to pay the consequences."

Jungkook said as he looked at the others in the room. At Jungkook's threat, Namjoon instinctively moved in front of Seokjin, chest letting a low growl out. "That won't be necessary. He's be fine, I assure you." "Good" Jungkook responded to Lydia before walking out the door. Everyone seemed to have released a sigh as soon as Jungkook left. "Well, we should get started." "I'll go get Minjae" Taehyung said to the others before he too left the room.

It was mostly silent in the garden. The sun was out, which Jimin barely noticed that there wasn't even sunlight in Sanguis. "My dad made an artificial sun, to keep this place as bright as in Neutral land." Minjae responded when Jimin asked about it. True to his word, Jimin could see the moon in the dark sky out of the window. It was strange to see magic around him again. It felt so long since Jimin was able to feel the magic in his fingers. But if he was being honest, he doesn't really remember how to use it. He sighed as he brought his ligs to his chest.

'A car crash. . . Yoongi and I were in a car crash.' Jimin kept repeating in his head. Minjae had told him everything. How he knew, Jimin didn't know but he believed him. He can slightly remember the bright light and the loud horn. He can slightly remember Yoongi's voice, calling his name. He had to get back to him, he has to. Jimin was knocked out of his thoughts when he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

"Tell me about yourself. I only know what everyone tells me. That you're my uncle and that you fought in the war as Fayette's King. That you were the bad guy." Jimin's eyes widened. He didn't know what to say, Minjae was practically right. "I-" "There's no need to feel guilty. All of that was supposed to happen if it never did, the four nations would've still be separated. In a way, we should all thank you. You united us, you and your little war, made peace."

Jimin didn't know if Minjae was direct or somehow he had a grudge towards him. He couldn't answer since the sound of a door opening made the two turn their heads. "Minjae. . . I was looking for you." "Is it time?" Minjae asked after a while. "Yeah" "How did Father take it?" Taehyung sighed and shook his head "Not too well. Come on, we need to go to the meeting hall. Jimin, you must come with us too." Jimin nodded his head and followed Minjae and Taehyung. He noticed that Minjae immediately curled up next to Taehyung, hand linked in his.

'He must be closer to Taehyung than he is with Jungkook' Jimin thought in his head. The three soon entered the meeting hall, all eyes were on them. "Jimin, it's good to see you." Lydia said with a bow. Jimin smiled at her as a greeting. "So, I assume you found a way to get me back?" "We did but to do that, we need Minjae." Jimin frowned, turning his head to look at Minjae. "Do you think you'll be able to help us?" Minjae stood silent for a bit before he nodded his head.

"Sure but I'm afraid I won't be able to do much." "What do you mean?" Hailey asked with concern. "I can send him to the Demon King's void but only for a short time period. He'll then be sent to his world. If Jimin does not give the Demon King the potion in time, the king will die." Minjae turned to look at Jimin before finishing his sentence "And so will you." "But wait. . . how did you know about the potion?" Seokjin asked this time. "I have the Demon King's blood. I inherited his powers but only, a bit. I can never be able to do what he can."

That seemed to be enough of an explanation for all of them. "So, when can we do this thing?" "Midnight, my spell only works during midnight. Not only that, portals are much more available during that time." Lydia responded. "Okay, midnight it is. Jimin, be prepared." Jimin nodded a determined look in his face. "I'm already prepared. I'm ready to go back home."

The weather was cold in Sanguis. For a human, they'd be freezing but for a vampire, this was nothing. They couldn't feel a thing. Jungkook came to find that out with time. It's been a few years since Jungkook's been a vampire. And ever since he's been this way, he's always felt like there's something missing. He figured that it was the presence of his wolf that was missing but he just wasn't sure. From time to time, he's also figured that he misses Kayah. He misses it so much that he would sometimes visit. Just like he was doing now. As soon as he passed over the gate that separates Kayah and Sanguis, he heard the howl of the wolves.

Jungkook closed his eyes and took a deep breath, enjoying the scent of the woods. With his vampire speed, Jungkook easily made it towards the center of Kayah, to the den. "Jungkook!!" He heard Yugyeom and Jackson yell with a smile. Jungkook returned the smile and immediately hugged them back. "Woah woah, easy on the strength there. Don't want you to accidentally break me like last time." Jackson said with a laugh.

"Sorry" "Stop apologizing already. Anyways, why're you here? Do you need something?" Jungkook gave a small smile and shook his head. "No, I just. . . miss everyone. And Kayah." The two smiled knowingly and nodded their heads. "Come right in then, you can spend as much time here. I'm a hundred percent sure that Jaebum wouldn't mind." "Yeah, I know." Jungkook responded with a chuckle. "Oh Yugyeom, how's Youngjae? I heard that the two of you mated." Yugyeom shyly nodded his head.

"Yeah, he's good. He's actually preparing for his heat. I gotta be on standby twenty four seven." "And what about Lily?" Jackson smiled at that, lightly blushing. "She's good, we're good." Jungkook patted his shoulder "That's great to hear. I'm glad that all of you are finally settled down." "Well, that makes all of us. Except Bambam and Mark but they'll time will come." Jungkook laughed before the smile on his face left. "How is he?" Jackson and Yugyeom looked at each other before frowning. "Not very good. We don't know how long he has." Jungkook nodded before he made his way towards a certain tent. He took a deep breath before entering.

He stopped when he saw an old man laying on the bed. With a gulp, Jungkook walked forward and went on his knees next to him. "Hello, grandfather." The man grunted before he turned his head to look at him. "What're you doing here? Here to look down on me again like that good for nothing Tila? Well guess what? I don't care if I'm dying, I don't wanna see you, you blood sucking monster." Jungkook sighed before he shook his head. "I know the two of us never got along but in the end, I guess you got what you wanted. I'm not pack alpha."

The old man tsked before he moved his face away. "What good did that come out of? My family abandoned me. My only son did the same think my daughter did. They turned their backs to me. Can you believe it? My own son, a wolf, living in the demon world. Not only that, he thought it was a good idea to mess with a demon. What a disgrace. And my grandson did the reverse of what I wanted him to do and better yet, he got himself turned into a blood sucking beast. There's no reason for me to be here. There's no reason for me to continue living.

My blood line, my only heritage was tainted." Jungkook's grandfather took a deep breath, eyes closed before he released it and looked up onto the ceiling. "The original Kayan bloodline is gone. I wonder how she would've felt if she was alive. How would she feel to know that he bloodline, her family lineage has come to an end? You and Tila were the only ones with Kayah's blood. Now, there's no one." Jungkook stood silent, the information processing into his mind. He was right. The original Kayan blood was no more. Tila was with a demon whilst Jungkook was turned into a vampire. As much as he would've liked it, Minjae didn't have the full Kayan blood, making him unable to continue the family line.

Their family line was over. Jungkook moved his head back when he heard his grandfather chuckle. "You're just barely realizing it huh? That's too bad. If only you realized it sooner. Now leave me. I wanna be alone in my final moments." Jungkook stood up and looked at his grandfather one last time before he walked towards the tent entrance. Before he exited, he stopped. "I'm sorry. . . I wish I could've been a better grandson." Jungkook said before he left the tent. Jungkook's grandfather felt his eyes sting when he heard Jungkook say those words.

He swallowed the lump in his throat before he took a deep breath. "No. . . I'm sorry. I should've been a better grandfather."

With heavy footsteps, Jungkook walked over to the main house. He looked up towards his old home, the place he's lived since the day he was born. "Oh, well you look at that. Dog boy is here." Jungkook looked down at the porch and saw Jinyoung, a smirk on his face. He was wearing a loose fitted button down shirt and blue jeans. He was sitting on a little hammack that wasn't there before. "I'm not considered a dog anymore. If anything, you're the dog now." Jinyoung chuckled at Jungkook's response. "True but you'll always be dog boy in my eyes. What's going on? This is the second time you've come here in a month. Is something bothering you?"

Jungkook sighed before he sat on the steps of the porch. "It's Minjae." Jinyoung hummed before he nodded his head. "Oh? What's wrong with mixed boy? Did he make something disappear again? Or perhaps it has to do with the Demon King?" Jungkook widened his eyes before he turned his head to look at Jinyoung. "How did you-?" "His majesty always made sure Lydia and I knew everything. We were the only ones who knew that he was going to take Jimin into his void. He's smart, he made a plan if anything were to ever happen to Jimin."

"But no one said anything about Minjae being the only one to help. How does he even have Yoongi's blood to begin with? Isn't he my son? He's supposed to have Taehyung's and my blood only!" Jinyoung chuckled, making Jungkook frown. "Is that what's bothering you? Just because the kid has the King's blood does not mean he's related to him. He has his blood because he was the first he's ever taken from. Also considering how he didn't drink blood after all this time." Jinyoung walked down from the porch and sat down next to Jungkook, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it much, it's a vampire thing."

"That's not the only thing I'm worried about. What if he gets hurt? I don't want Minjae to put his life in danger." Jinyoung sighed and shook his head "He's not going to get hurt. The kid is strong, he'll know how to handle it. Just trust in him. The best you can do is be there with him and support him. You're his father no? Then do what every father should do. Support him and respect his decision."

Jungkook stood silent for a while, thinking about Jinyoung's advice. Should he really let Minjae go along with this? Jungkook sighed and placed his face on his hands. "I'll think it over." "I will." Jungkook responded. Jungkook and Jinyoung looked up when they heard footsteps in front of them. "Jungkook? What're you doing here?" "For what else? Everyone needs a little advice from me from time to time." Jinyoung said before he stood up and placed his hands around Jaebum's shoulders.

"Sorry for coming unannounced." Jaebum smiled and shook his head. "You don't have to announce yourself to come over. This is your home and it will always be." Jungkook smiled gratefully before he placed his hand on Jaebum's shoulder. "Thank you." "Hey, where're you going?" Jaebum then asked when Jungkook began to walk away. "I'm going back, there's something I need to take care of." Jaebum nodded and watched Jungkook walk away.

"So, everyone needs advice from you huh?" Jaebum asked as he looked at Jinyoung. Jinyoung chuckled and smirked "Yup, everyone always comes back to me. And hey, maybe even Namjoon might want to visit me. Like the old times." Jinyoung smiled when he saw Jaebum frown, anger building up inside him. "He can't touch you anymore, you're mine." "Oh? Guess you'll just have to prove it to me." Jaebum growled and immediately picked Jinyoung up, carrying him inside.

Jungkook swiftly made it back to Sanguis. The first person he saw upon entering the manor was Hoseok. "Oh, there you are. I was looking all over for you." "Where's Taehyung and Minjae?" "They're resting, they're starting the 'ceremony at midnight, in an hour." Jungkook nodded his head and immediately walked towards Taehyung's room. He knocked softly before he opened the door. "Jungkook?" Taehyung asked when his eyes landed on his. Minjae and Taehyung were both sitting on the bed. Taehyung's back was against the headboard whilst Minjae's head was laying on Taehyung's legs.

Taehyung's fingers were moving through his hair, making him feel sleepy. Jungkook walked inside and immediately got on his knees on the bed. "I'm sorry. . . I shouldn't have gotten angry." "No, don't apologize. You were worried about Minjae, it's understandable." Minjae looked up and saw Jungkook's guilty look. He sat up and hugged him, arms around his torso. "Father, I promise you that I won't be harmed. You'll all be there when it happens too." Jungkook sighed and nodded his head.

"I know and I'm sorry. I should've asked you first." Minjae smiled before he pulled Jungkook to lay with him. Taehyung laughed as he saw their interaction. "It'll start soon, let's all rest together."

Jimin walked from one side of the room to the other. He was anxious and worried. He needed to get back to Yoongi but he still had to wait for midnight. He twiddled his fingers, an old habit he had as he continued to walk around. "Jimin please stop, you're getting me dizzy." At Seokjin's words, he stopped. He remembers all of Seokjin's interactions with Namjoon, making him look down at Seokjin's stomach. He had his arms around it, almost as if he was protecting it.

Jimin walked over to him, sitting down on the sofa next to him. "Jin, why is Namjoon acting the way he is?" Seokjin seemed to be alarmed at his question. "What do you mean?" "He seems to be worried if you don't tell him where you go or if you do things suddenly. Jin. . . are you-" Seokjin let out a sigh and nodded his head. He grabbed Jimin's hand and placed it on his stomach. Jimin gasped "Oh my god, you're-!" "Shh! No one knows yet. Well, at least that's what I think. Namjoon makes it seem too obvious."

"Wait, why haven't you told anyone?" Jimin asked with a frown. "Because there's so much going on. The people in Fayette seem to not like that Namjoon and I are a thing. If they found out that I'm going to have a baby, who knows how they'll react." Jimin grabbed both of Seokjin's hands in his, giving him a small smile. "Jin, there's no reason for you to feel obligated to the people in Fayette. I know that you're trying to be the best king but, it's your baby we're talking about.

It's a prince, Fayette's prince and next heir. They're going to be happy." Seokjin let out an airy sigh before he nodded his head. "I know they will be, it's just. . . I'm scared." "Why?" "I. . . this isn't the first one. It's actually the second time I received news of being pregnant. The first was gone after I found out. It was hard but then this little one came along. Namjoon has been acting like this ever since we found out a week ago. I guess he has the same worries we do, that we'll lose him like we lost the first."

Jimin immediately placed his arms around Seokjin, hugging him softly. "Jin, I'm so sorry." Seokjin chuckled lightly before he returned the hug. "Don't be, I'm better now." "Still" Seokjin laughed before he looked at Jimin with a serious expression. "You're really leaving. After all this time that you were gone, you came back only to leave again. We really missed you Jimin, I really missed you." "I missed you too." Jimin said with a smile. The two took a moment to themselves before Hoseok appeared in the room. "Jimin, it's time." Jimin nodded.

They followed Jimin into another room, a very large one. It was empty aside from a few seats next to the walls. In the center, laid a white circle marked with a white substance. "Jimin, you'll have to stand in the center." Lydia said as she gave him a purple bottle. "Give this to Yoongi as soon as you arrive in his void. Give it to him before the time runs out. And whatever you do, stay away from his demon self. Do not engage with him and above else, don't let him distract you from your task. You'll only have a limited time inside the void before you return to your world.

If you don't give him this potion, he'll die and you'll return here. Do you understand." Jimin nodded his head as he grabbed the potion from Lydia. He then turned when he saw Hailey walk over to him. "Jimin, thank you for being with Yoongi til now. And thank you for doing this for him. You've made him so happy." "Don't thank me, I'll always do what I can for Yoongi. I love him." Hailey smiled and immediately hugged Jimin tightly. Just then, the door opened once more and in entered Taehyung, Jungkook, and Minjae.

When Taehyung saw Jimin, he instantly hugged him. "We'll miss you." Jimin smiled and returned the hug. He wanted to hug Jungkook too but he realized how awkward Jungkook felt when he first hugged him so he decided not to. He looked at Minjae and noticed him smiling before he too walked over to Jimin and hugged him. "This'll be the last time we see each other. I'm happy I got to know you." Jimin was shocked at first before he responded to the hug. "Thank you for helping me." Jimin said after they separated.

"Now then, we should prepare. It's about time." Jimin nodded his head before he entered the circle, standing in the middle of it. "Hailey, you stand here and Minjae will stand there. each will pour drops of your blood onto the circle." Lydia instructed. Minjae was on one side of the circle whilst Hailey was in the other. Namjoon handed Hailey a small knife, which she used on her forearm whilst Minjae bit onto his skin, deep enough for a few blood to drip out. The two let their blood fall on the circle, seeing it slowly light up. "Minjae, do your thing." Minjae nodded and closed his eyes. He began to chant things in a foreign language, one that no one but Taehyung understood.

As Minjae spoke, Jimin looked at everyone, eyes setting onto Seokjin. Seokjin smiled at him, mouthing something. 'Take care' Jimin ended up realizing he was saying. He nodded his head before he took one last once over towards everyone. Soon, everything turned to black.

"No. . . stop, STOP!!! Leave me alone. . . leave me alone!!!" A gruff voice laughed maniacally at the man's pleas. "Poor poor Yoongi. Did being a human make you this weak? What happened to you always pushing me back? You did so much to repress me yet now, you can't do anything." "Leave me alone. . . go away!" Yoongi yelled loudly. He was sat on the ground, legs close to his chest. Both of his hands was on his head, covering his ears but the voices never left. It wouldn't leave him alone.

"Are you just going to sit there and let the little fairy die? I thought you said you loved him. Look at you, pathetic. Do you want him to live? Don't you want him to be happy?" Yoongi looked up when he saw the outline of Jimin. He was smiling widely, a light blush on his cheeks. Yoongi turned his head to look at someone dressed in black. To the untrained eye, he looked just like Yoongi, an exact replica. "Go. to. Hell." The voice laughed before Jimin's outline vanished into thin air. "How heartless." "I know that's not him, I know you're going to make his face appear to make me let go, but I'm not going to. I'm not going to let you take over my body!!

I hope I die before you get to take over." The voice smiled sinisterly before he hummed. "I wonder what everyone in the old world would do when they see me, or more like, when they see you. They'll be pleading for you to not destroy anything. They'll be pleading you to stop, but you won't. You'll kill everyone in your path. You'll make sure everyone knows who's their master." "Shut up shut up!!" "However, your precious little fairy will be the first to go. That is, unless he accepts to be my little toy."

"Don't you fucking dare!!" The voice laughed once more when he saw Yoongi's angry glare. "Oh? And what're you gonna do? You can't do anything but sit there. The minute you let go, I can easily take over." Yoongi shook his head before he placed his hands on his head. "No. . . no, I won't let you. I won't let you hurt them." The voice hummed before he disappeared out of Yoongi's sight. But Yoongi knew, he knew that he wasn't completely gone. "Let's see how long you last."

It was dark and cold. Jimin's body shivered at the sudden temperature. "Is this it? Is this Yoongi's void? Why is it. . . different?" Jimin asked himself as he looked around. The last time he was in Yoongi's void, it was bright and covered in all white. A complete contrast to this. Here, he felt heavy, he felt scared. With a shaky breath, Jimin began to move forward. He looked around but there was nothing that made it seem like he was going anywhere. Jimin felt like he wasn't walking at all but no matter what, he continued. His body was shaking intensely. He couldn't stop his bottom jaw from shuddering, tapping against his top ones. "Y-Yoongi. . ." He lightly said before he yelled louder. "Yoongi!!" He sighed when he got nothing in return. It felt like an eternity until he finally heard something.

Unfortunately, it wasn't what he wanted to hear. "Well you look who it is, it's a little fairy. Are you lost?" A deep gruff voice said. Jimin recognized the voice to be Yoongi's but the voice was little more deeper than Yoongi's usual one. "Where's Yoongi?!" He yelled with anger. The voice laughed loudly, making Jimin shiver with not only by the cold but by fear. "How did you get here little fairy?" "Where's Yoongi?! Tell me where he is!" Jimin yelled, ignoring the voice's question.

Jimin yelped when a puff of black smoke appeared next to him. It was Yoongi but his eyes were all in black. This wasn't Yoongi, Jimin could tell. "Aww, are you scared of me? Poor little fairy. Don't you worry, soon, you'll learn not to fear me. . . much." Jimin frowned and immediately walked the other direction, away from the man. But he didn't stop, the man followed Jimin, talking to him as he kept walking. "You do know you're just walking in circles, right?" Jimin widened his eyes and immediately stopped. He turned back to the man and frowned. "Where's Yoongi?" "Don't know, this place is quite big. Especially to someone as puny as you. But then again, why don't you spend time with me? I'm practically Yoongi." Jimin frowned before he turned around and continued walking. The man chuckled before once again following behind Jimin.

"I didn't know you hated me that much, that's too bad." "I don't hate you, I can never hate you. You're a part of Yoongi." The man frowned, confused for a moment. "Care to explain?" "I love Yoongi, all of Yoongi." Jimin turned his head to look at the man, who was looking at him with an unimpressed expression. "Including you." The man's eyebrows rose up at Jimin's words. "You might be the most evilest being in the entire world, but you're still Yoongi, a part of him. I love him, and I love you." The man stopped in his tracks, making Jimin stop as well. He was confused as to why the man stopped but as soon as he was going to ask, the man tsked.

"What a waste of time" He said before he banished. Jimin frowned but continued walking. He needed to find Yoongi, he needed to give him the potion. "Yoongi!! Where are you?!!" He yelled. He didn't how long he was walking but soon, he heard whimpers and sniffles. He stopped and looked around, eyes immediately widening when he saw someone on the ground, legs close to his chest. "Yoongi!!" Jimin yelled with relief. He ran over to him, immediately moving to hug him but stopped when Yoongi pushed him aside.

"Didn't I already told you?! Go away!! I don't want to see you! Leave. Me. alone!!" Jimin was startled at Yoongi's burst but he figured Yoongi's demon must be the reason why he's like this. "Yoongi, it's me. . . Jimin." Yoongi tsked before he shook his head. "Go away. . . go away. . I need to concentrate. I can't let him win, I can't let him kill him." Jimin frowned but ended up taking out the potion bottle he had placed in his pocket. "Yoongi, I need you to drink this. This'll save you. . . please!"

Jimin yelled but once again, Yoongi pushed him away. Jimin felt saddened when Yoongi kept rejecting him. "Please. . ." Jimin looked at the bottle and decided not to give up. He opened it and chugged it all in his mouth, making sure not to swallow it. Once every drop was inside his mouth, he walked over to Yoongi, placing both his hands on either side of his face, before placing his lips on his. Yoongi's eyes widened, his body immediately stood still when he felt a liquid enter his mouth.

Unconsciously, he drank every drop. When Jimin moved away, he was immediately alarmed when he saw tears on Yoongi's cheeks. "Jimin. . . is that really you?" Jimin smiled and nodded his head. "It is, I'm so glad you're back. Listen, I'm going to disappear soon but when I do, I need you to wake up. You need to live in the real world, you have to fight to wake up okay? Promise me you'll wake up." "You're leaving? No. . . don't leave me, please. Please Jimin, don't leave." Jimin felt his own eyes begin to get teary when he saw the desperation in Yoongi's eyes.

"Don't leave me, please." "I'm sorry Yoongi. . . I can't stay here any longer. I need you to wake up Yoongi. . .please." Jimin gasped when he felt his own body disintegrating into thin air. His body was vanishing. Yoongi noticed and immediately widened his eyes. "No. . . no please don't leave! Jimin!"

There was a beeping sound to his left. His body hurt and no matter how hard he tried, Jimin couldn't open his eyes. His body felt heavy and his head throbbed with pain. Even if it was painful, Jimin forcefully opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a white room, on a bed. A hospital, Jimin deducted. He tried to move his head but his neck instantly hurt. With much strength, Jimin sat up. His head was hazy and his body hurt but he needed to get out of that room. "I need to find Yoongi." Jimin said in his raspy, unused voice. He unplugged all the cables that were going into his body and stood up on shaky legs.

As slow and careful as possible, Jimin walked out of the room, making sure no one was around to stop him. He didn't even bother putting shoes on. He walked and walked, reading every name plate as he passed from room to room. He finally stopped and entered when he saw the name 'Min Yoongi' on one of the doors. As soon as he entered, he gasped, eyes quickly filling with unshed tears. Yoongi was on a hospital bed. Alot of cables were coming out of his body. He had bruises all over his body, a cast on one of his legs. Around his neck was a white cushiony thing, holding Yoongi's neck and head in place.

He also had a white bandage all around his head, a clear tube coming out of his mouth. "Y-Yoongi. . ." Jimin said before he slowly walked towards him. "Yoongi. . . please wake up. I need you to wake up. . . p-please." Jimin said as he sat down on the bed. He reached towards Yoongi, lacing his fingers in his. "Yoongi. . . we don't have much time. Please, wake up. You'll d-die." Jimin bursted into tears. Yoongi's face and body remained still.

"P-Please-" Jimin heard the door opening, followed by a gasp. "Jimin?! You're awake!" "Tae. . . please help me take this off." Taehyung frowned when he saw Jimin trying to take the clear tube out of Yoongi's mouth. "Wait, why? And why're you here? You have to rest. You had the accident a few days ago." Jimin didn't listen though. He insisted Taehyung to help him. At the end, Taehyung agreed. "I hope you know what you're doing." Taehyung said once Jimin told him what's going on.

Taehyung scrunched his face when he pulled the oxygen tube out of Yoongi's mouth and throat, internally gagging when he saw how long and deep in was inside of Yoongi's throat. As soon as the tube was out, Jimin scooted closer to Yoongi, desperately moving his body, trying to get him to wake up. "Yoongi please. . . we don't have much time. Please. . . please-" Taehyung gasped when he saw Jimin fall onto Yoongi's chest. "Jimin! Oh my god, what's happening?!"

"He's not waking up. . . we're running out of time. . . if Yoongi doesn't wake up, we'll die." "Jimin?" Taehyung asked when Jimin slumped down, body going limp. "Jimin? Jimin?!! Oh no. . . no no no, Jimin!!" Taehyung yelled before he got up and went to look for help.

Yoongi slumped down, feeling empty as soon as he was alone once more. The voice returned as Jimin's body was gone. "How sad, what will you do? Will you try to fight me or will you cower like you did all those years ago?" "Yoongi shook his head "No. . . I have to open my eyes. . . I have to. I won't let you take over, I can't." "Oh? You couldn't control me then, what makes you think you can control me now?

Face it, you're nothing without your powers. Nothing." Yoongi shook his head before taking a deep breath. "No. . . it's you who is nothing without me." The man's eyes widened. "You can't do anything without me." Yoongi looked up at him and glared "You're just an entity in my head. I'm the Demon King, not you." "Demon King? Ha, don't make me laugh. You're a human, not a demon." Yoongi chuckled then, making the man frown. "But I'm still a king. I am Yoongi, King of Niflheim. Now known as Min Yoongi, a human. But I am still the King, born from two demons. And nothing nor no one will ever take that from me. Not even you."

The man smiled sinisterly as Yoongi stood up. A light suddenly surrounded him, making his eyes glow. "You may have won this time but I'll still be here. I am a part of you and I will always be a part of you, no matter what you do." "We'll see about that." Yoongi responded before the light got brighter, consuming the entire room. The once black room turned white, the floor turned mirror like. Yoongi widened his eyes when he suddenly heard a light voice. "Yoongi. . . please wake up-" "Jimin?. . I'm sorry. I won't let you down."

There was a beeping sound in the background, slowly getting louder and louder. Yoongi felt like he was falling, his body felt jittery. He couldn't breathe, his body hurt every time he tried to move. He heard an endless sound of crying in the distance. A cry that sound too familiar. "Jimin. . . Jimin!" Yoongi yelled as he tried his hardest to wake up. "Please please. . . open your eyes, open your goddamn eyes!" In an instant, Yoongi gasped, eyes widening.

The beep was clear to his ear, his body hurt tremendously. He tried to move but every shift he made, made him flinch. Right when Yoongi was able to move his hands, he felt a weight on his stomach. "Jimin?!" He yelled when he saw an unconscious Jimin. "Jimin. . . . Jimin?!" Yoongi grunted with pay when he forced himself to sit up. He got on his knees when he shook Jimin and he didn't respond. He placed two of his fingers on Jimin's neck, waiting and hoping for a pulse. "Oh no. . . no no no no no." Yoongi said as he quickly moved Jimin to his back.

"Please, don't do this to me. Please" Yoongi pleaded. He placed his hands over Jimin's chest, immediately pushing down to try to get Jimin to respond. "Please please" Yoongi moved Jimin's head to look upwards. With his hands, he opened Jimin's mouth and immediately attached his lips to his, breathing out to give Jimin air to breath. "Come on, please. Come back, please. . . please Jimin!" Yoongi continued giving Jimin CPR even when he heard the door to the room open. He heard a gasped before he saw Taehyung sit on the bed next to them, a wild expression on his face.

"Tae, he's not breathing. . . he's not breathing!" "I got help, they're on their way!" Taehyung responded. As soon as he did, nurses and doctors entered the room, quickly moving Yoongi so that they can try to get Jimin to respond. "Bring the defibrillator, hurry! And you, get me a sedative for Mr. Min." "On my way sir!" The nurse yelled before she ran out of the room. Yoongi looked back and forth as he saw the nurses and doctors move Jimin around before they brought in a machine. They pour gel over it before they placed it on Jimin's chest.

"Clear" The doctor said before he shocked Jimin's body, making it jump with every pulse. It was no more than three times when a nurse came with a syringe. She walked over to Yoongi, making him immediately move back. "No, you can't put that in me. I need to know what'll happen to Jimin, please! I need to know!" Yoongi yelled as he tried to struggle. Unfortunately, two other male nurses came, pushing him down, allowing the nurse to inject him. "No!! Please. . . save him please!" He yelled before his vision slowly turned hazy. "Please. . . save. . .him." "Get him to the other room" Was the last thing Yoongi heard before he fell into unconsciousness.

The next time Yoongi woke up, he was still feeling dizzy, vision blurry. It took awhile but once his mind was clearer, he tried to sit up. "Whoa whoa, stay down. You're still not okay to sit up." Yoongi turned his head and saw Namjoon, a small smile on his face. "I'm glad you're awake." "Where's Jimin?" Namjoon chuckled lightly. "He's fine, the doctors were able to bring him back." Yoongi sighed and immediately felt his body relax. "Taehyung told me what happened. Man, I swear, nothing can separate you two. Jimin finally woke up only to walk from all the way from his room, that was on the other side of the floor, to yours.

And not only that, you woke up the same time he did. That's insane. He risked his life to get to you. He was lucky that Taehyung was here visiting when he did." Yoongi stood silent before he turned his head to look at Namjoon. "How is he?" "Physically, he's good. Emotionally, I'm pretty sure he's depressed since Seokjin made sure to give him a very earned scolding." Yoongi widened his eyes, body moving to lay on his elbows. "He's awake?"

"He is. The first thing he asked was about you. Even asked to see you but for obvious reasons, he wasn't allowed. That was some strong sedative the gave you to be asleep for three days." "Three days?!" Namjoon nodded his head. "With reason. You got up like nothing after the car crash. I mean seriously, a truck mauled the car across the road. The car flew thirty feet from the impact. You two are so lucky you're alive. Unfortunately, Jingsu didn't make it."

Yoongi frowned at the name. "It was his fault, he was speeding." "He was on narcotics, illegal ones. The truck driver wasn't as harmed, thankfully and he was compensated." "Good." Yoongi said with a sigh. "Well, I won't bore you with any of that. You should rest." "I've been asleep for three days, you said it yourself." "Yeah, and not to mention the days you were in a coma." Yoongi frowned, eyebrows furrowing. "A coma? For how long?" "About two days and a half. Not long but still. I'm surprised you're even awake and moving like that.

Of course you won't be able to walk without some physical therapy." Yoongi was about to question him but he soon got his answer when he tried to move his legs. Not only did it hurt, it somehow stinged. "You have some burns on your legs and you also broke one. Which is strange since the doctor said you were on your knees when they saw you and Jimin here. Guess it was adrenaline." "Yeah, I guess so."

Namjoon stood up and placed his hand on top of Yoongi's shoulder. "Rest, I'll go tell the others you're awake." "Thanks." Yoongi said before Namjoon left the room. Yoongi sighed and leaned back on the bed. He looked up at the ceiling before he raised his hand, looking at the back of his hand. "I'm going to get rid of you, even if it's the last thing I do."

"Please eat Jiminie! You haven't ate well since you woke up. Just cause you barely have a scratch doesn't mean you're not suppose to eat well." "I seriously don't want anything." Jimin said with a whine. Taehyung had a spoon full of vegetables on a spoon, trying to force Jimin into eating. Taehyung, Jungkook, and Seokjin were all in his room, visiting him. Namjoon was here for a while but he then retreated to go visit Yoongi, to see how he was. Hoseok and Jinyoung had visited yesterday.

"Tae, stop. He's probably not even hungry." Taehyung turned his head and glared at Jungkook, making him chuckle. "I'm worried about him. He was dead a few days ago! I just want him to be healthy." Jimin smiled before he grabbed both of Taehyung's hands. "Thank you Tae. . . really. Thank you so much." Taehyung smiled before he tightened his hold. After Jimin woke up, he had told Taehyung about visiting his old world. He told him about Minjae and he told him about Yoongi not being in his void. Taehyung was surprised but he listened attentively to every one of Jimin's words.

Taehyung was the only one who knew about Jimin and Yoongi, he was the only one Jimin was able to talk to, without the lies and the secrets. "You can always count on me." "Count on us" Seokjin corrected, making everyone laugh. Jimin's laugh died down however, when Namjoon walked into the room. He smiled at Jimin, nodding his head. "He's awake. Just like you, you were the first he asked about. Don't worry, he's fine." Jimin sighed with relief. "I really wanna see him." "He wants to see you too." Namjoon said with a chuckle. "You're being released in two days, you can visit Yoongi then." Jimin pouted but nodded his head anyways. "When will Yoongi be released?" "Depends on his tests. If all is good, he'll be released in a few days after you."

Jimin sighed as he looked down at his lap. "Okay. . . I hope he gets better soon." "He will, you'll see." Seokjin said with a smile. Jimin returned the smile before nodding. "Yeah, you're right. He's be fine now. . . everything is fine now."

* One Week Later *

"And ta da!! Welcome home!!" Jimin yelled as he rolled in Yoongi in. Yoongi was in a wheelchair. The doctor had told him that it would take some time but Yoongi will surely walk again with all the needed therapy. Jimin also happily agreed to help Yoongi get from place to place. Yoongi smiled when Jimin immediately rolled him into the living room. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Or do you just want to rest? Do you perhaps want some painkillers?" Jimin asked with worry. Yoongi chuckled and shook his head. "Honestly? I just want to lay next to you." Jimin smiled and giggled at Yoongi's answer. "Okay, I'll get us to the bed then."

Jimin carefully rolled Yoongi into their room. He struggled but with Yoongi's help, he was able to get him on the bed. "There, comfy?" "I'll get comfy once you get your ass over here." Jimin chuckled before he nodded his head, immediately cuddling next to Yoongi's body. He hummed and immediately closed his eyes, basking in the moment they were sharing. It's felt like forever since Jimin was able to feel Yoongi's warmth against his. They were in a pleasant silence until Yoongi opened his eyes to ask a question.

"So, Taehyung knows huh?" Jimin widened his eye and moved his head up to look at Yoongi. He laughed nervously "Oops" Yoongi chuckled and shook his head. "Well, at least he won't say anything. It's not like they'll believe him anyways." Yoongi thought for a while about everything Jimin told him. How he went back to their old world and saw roughly everyone. He then remembered his demon's words 'You'll never get rid of me' The voice kept repeating his head. He sighed, making Jimin frown. "You okay?" Yoongi smiled down at him and nodded his head. "Yeah, just tired I guess."

"Then go to sleep. I have to cook dinner anyways. I'll wake you when it's done." Jimin responded with a bright smile. Yoongi nodded his head and saw Jimin sit up, placing a kiss on his lips before he got off the bed and walked out of the room. Once Yoongi was alone, he closed his eyes and sighed once more. 'How am I going to get rid of him? How can Jimin and I live peacefully?' He thought in his head. He widened his eyes when he heard a voice, a voice he's never heard before. "Who are you?" Yoongi asked before the entire room became white. "Am I in my void again?" Yoongi asked with alarm.

"No, you're not. You're in mine." Yoongi turned around and saw a man with brown hair and blue eyes. He smiled and revealed a boxy smile. "You're Minjae, aren't you?" Minjae nodded his head. "I'm sure my Jimin explained to you about me." "He did" Yoongi responded without a heartbeat. "Well, I'm here to do you a favor. I can get rid of your demon, once and for all." Yoongi frowned, eyebrows furrowing. "How?" "By turning you into a full human.

Once you're a full human, neither Jimin or you can come back. You'll have to suffer the consequences of being human. The accidents, the pain, and more importantly, death. But, you'll live peacefully." "And what do you want in return?" Minjae smiled at Yoongi's question. He let out a slow puff of air before his eyes met Yoongi's. "Take care of my dad." Yoongi tilted his head with confusion, which Minjae noticed.

"You more than anyone can see the other worlds, the other universes. My dad, he needs help, emotionally. Jimin had helped him so much, since the two of you got here. But he'll go through something soon, a depression that'll be challenging for him. Take care of him, and consider your debt paid." Yoongi hummed before examining Minjae for awhile. "You seem to care about him more than Jungkook."

Minjae smiled once more before he looked around the room, causing Yoongi to do the same. "There are so many universes out there, but they're not together in all of them. And in only one, the one where I'm from, do I exist as their son. Father seemed to have better luck in his life. . . but not dad. Take care of him, please." Yoongi nodded his head. He walked over to Minjae and patted his shoulder. "I will." Minjae then smiled his boxy smile before he mimicked Yoongi's pose. "Thank you, consider you and Jimin, full human."

Minjae took a few steps back, Yoongi understood it to him leaving. "Say hi to my mom and give her a hug for me. Do the same for Namjoon, will you?" Minjae chuckled before nodding his head. "I'll do what I can. Oh and Yoongi-" Yoongi looked up into Minjae's eyes in a questioning manner. "Thank you" "No,thank you."

Without Yoongi realizing, he opened his eyes. The first thing his sight caught onto was Jimin, who was smiling down at him. "Dinner is ready." Yoongi smiled before he grabbed onto Jimin's hand and pulled him against him. Jimin yelped at the sudden action. "Yoongi! You scared me. Are you okay?" Jimin asked with worry when he heard Yoongi sniffle. He nodded his head and instantly moved his hand under Jimin's chin, making him moved his head up. He placed kisses onto his lips, slowly moving them with passion. "I love you."

Jimin blushed but giggled. "I love you too. I love you more than anything. I'll do anything for you." Yoongi smiled "I know, so will I. I'm glad you're in my life Jimin, I'm the luckiest person alive." Jimin's blush intensified. He hid his face under Yoongi's chin, making Yoongi laugh loudly. "I. . . I feel like I'm the lucky one. Without you, I would've done terrible things. Thank you Yoongi, for being in my life." "No, thank you. For saving me, for loving me and for being with me when you could've simply walked away." Jimin giggled and looked up at Yoongi. "I would never walk away from you. You're my life. You're stuck with me." Yoongi chuckled. "I guess so." Jimin pouted but laughed when he saw Yoongi's wide gummy smile.

"What?" He then asked when Yoongi stopped to stare at him. "Nothing, it's just that. . . even though we're human, you'll always be my little fairy." Jimin chuckled before he placed a kiss on Yoongi's lips. "And you'll always be mine."

A/N: Welcome to the end. I'm glad you all were here with me for this journey. I want to thank all the comments on War of Penance as well as all the people who gave me suggestions for this one shot. Thank you all so much, and I hope to see you in my future works. Remember to stay health and happy. You all deserver it, thank you.

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