Immortal Hearts

By Raenette2000

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"Monsters exist. Heroes died. Hell has taken over the world, put humans into slavery, killed men, women, and... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter One

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By Raenette2000

Monsters exist. Heroes died. Hell has taken over the world, put humans into slavery, killed men, women, and children, but there are still warriors, who are recruited. This is our world, where kids at the age of thirteen begin fighting the dangers that face our world; they train and at the age of eighteen they will be put out into the real world. Schools were built everywhere, and kids were moved up based on their age. My world was a little different, my brother and I were trained ever since we could walk; we were put into battle once we reached seven years old. Today my parents are transferring me and my brother to a new school, before we were homeschooled but since my dad and mom are going to be leaving for quite some time, they thought it was best for us to go to a real school where we will interact with other groups.

"Rose! Come on, we're going to be late!" My brother, Jay, yells from downstairs. I pick up my bags and continue downstairs. I find my brother sitting on the steps playing with his phone. Jay and I look similar, black hair, mine is long and his is buzzed, both dark brown eyes, same jawline.

"Alright, I'm here, big brother." I say kicking him, lightly. 

"Good, we're leaving now. You got everything?" I nod in response and we walk out of the house, but I take one last glance of my old house, it may be dusty, but it was my home. I close the door and see my parents waiting in the big van. My mom is in a black suit, brown eyes, her dark hair, which is partially grey, is tied up. My dad with his black hair, also black suit, and green eyes.

We throw our bags in the back and get in, "Why you dressed up?" I asked buckling up and closing the door.

"We have to look good for your orientation, besides, it is always good to dress to impress." My mom said looking through papers. I look down at my clothes to see that I am wearing jeans with a loose black shirt and I roll my eyes.

The car then takes off and we head to our new school. As we go, houses are all boarded up, fences are up, and the world is now trashed. I wish I knew what the world was like before the demons came, instead of the warriors life. I put my earplugs in and lean my head back against the seat, we ride in silence along the way, but it isn't long before we stop at a gas station. "Alright, fuel up we have just another hour before we reach the school." My dad said as we all get out. 

"Jay, can you get me some stuff? I'm going to go to the bathroom." He nods and we all part ways, I go to the bathroom that is on the side of the building. After using the bathroom, I look out to the field behind the gas station and see a couple running, right behind them is a demon, he has black eyes, dark hair, and wearing sloppy clothing. I instantly charge after him, running past the couple, and I tackle the demon. I pull the knife out and stick it through his heart, but it doesn't faze him; he smiles and kicks me off him, causing me to fly back far.

"Silly girl." He said in a rough voice, getting up. Getting up quickly I swing my body around kicking him backwards, he throws a punch at my face, but I dodged it and grab my other knife in my boot and charge after him, once more, and as I'm on top of him I repeatedly stab him. His eyes go white, which means he was sent back to hell.

"Rose!" Jay yells running up, I get up and grab my knives, he looks down at the body and back at me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just fine. Let's go." I said walking towards him out of breath, but I grab his shoulder due to a slight stinging pain on my side.

Once we reach the car, my mom and dad are sitting in the car waiting for us. We both get in, "Good work, Rose." My dad said and drives off. I rest back down in my seat, ignoring the pain.

We reach a huge school, which almost looks like a castle. Students are walking around the campus getting into groups; friends hugging each other, and teachers greeting the newcomers. Everybody on campus is carrying a knife and a gun by their side. Jay gets out first and he hands me my bag as I get out the van. My parents immediately find one of the teachers and bring them over but everyone walking around stops, staring at my parents. The teacher has black clothes on and I look over at Jay, "Great, everyone knows about our parents. We'll fit in here perfectly."

"Yeah," Jay scoffs. "Come on." He nudges my shoulder and we fall in line behind our parents.

"Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Moore, it is a pleasure to have you and your children here." They said excitedly. "We will be getting them suited into their dorms but there is something I must tell you, that you may not know, our dorms consist of boys and girls being paired together. We have the best people for your children."

Jay and I eye each other and then back at our parents, who look like they could care less. "That is fine with us, but we have a plane to catch. Just inform us on their performance, are they still on the list?" My dad asks. 

List? What list? "Yes, they have been put in. Are you sure you want them on the list even though they are seventeen?"

"Yes, they have already been put in the field and are very good at it, in fact Rose just killed a demon before arriving here." My mom reassures, Jay and I walk up beside them and I look at my mom confused. "It's the list for you to be put with the older students and teachers to go out into the field and fight."

"We are leaving now, bye Jay." My dad hugs Jay along with my mom and then they face me, and I put my hands on my hips waiting for their speech. "Goodbye Rose, don't fail." They then walk off and get in the car.

I roll my eyes and push my bag farther up on my shoulder and face the teacher that was talking with our parents. "We will show you your dorms first and your roommate will show you around. Classes will start soon, depending on your schedule, which you will get later, but right after all your main classes you will report here for the field training."

"Understood." I say, and two more teachers come up looking at us in amazement. "Yes, we are the Moore kids. Can you please show us our rooms?" I ask tired, trying to avoid the topic of my parents.

Jay and I are separated, I go with one teacher and Jay goes with the other; I'm led to the third story, where the room looks almost like a hotel room with a balcony. There are two beds with white sheets and a small kitchen and the bed closest to the door already has bags on it; I put my bags on the other bed and look around to see a TV against the wall, there are two closets beside each other and a bathroom near the door. The teacher leaves me in the room and I just lay on the bed exhaustedly.

The door then opens, and I sit up quickly to see four guys enter the room and then stop suddenly; shocked. "Um, hi." The guy at the front says, he has black hair with hazel eyes, wearing a blue shirt with jeans.

I get up to face them, "Hey, I'm new here."

The guy then lightens his face, "Oh, right. I'm Kyle Redwood, your roommate. They didn't tell me your name." He holds his hand for me to shake and I accept.

"I'm Rose. Rose Moore."

"Wait, you're the Moore's..." The man beside Kyle, he has dirty blonde hair with green eyes.

"Yes, I am the Moore's kids. I don't want to talk about it." I said once again exhaustedly.

"Sorry," Kyle says, eyeing his friend. "This is James, Lonnie, and Clint." Lonnie has auburn hair with auburn eyes and Clint has dark brown hair with brown eyes. "We were going to hang out in here for a while, unless you want us to leave?"

I frown, "What? No, this is your room too. It's fine. I have to make friends, somehow." I then go back to the bed and put my bag in the closet. A knock then comes to the door and I go to the door, opening it, Jay stands in front of me like he has just been through hell. I let him come in and we sit on the bed, but he keeps staring at the others. "Jay, Kyle is my roommate and they are his friends James, Lonnie, and Clint."

"Oh, got it. So, I guess you are cool with your roommate?"

"Yeah, you're not?" I ask, laughing. 

"No, she is a big flirt. I had to get away from her. Also, I wanted to check on you from the fight earlier."

The guys then come closer to us, "I was in a fight earlier, with a demon." I explain, and I raise my shirt up to see a huge purple bruise.

"You're fighting already?" Lonnie asked.

"Yeah, our whole life. Our parents put is on the list to go out into the field." Jay responds. We then explain the list and how long we have been training and been in the field.

"Whoa, you two must be good to fight early?" Clint asks suspiciously.

"Yeah, well we had no choice but to fight good."

"Rose, don't..." Jay begins but I put my hand up slightly

"I know, don't worry. I'm too tired to argue about that. When is the orientation?" I ask looking around.

"In a few minutes. Want to come with us?" Kyle then asks.

"Sure," I said getting up and then someone knocks on the door again, except this time Kyle answered.

"Oh, my goodness." A shriek sound says. Kyle then stumbles back as a girl wraps their arms around him. The other guys get up and pulls her back and she then walks in. "Oh, hey Jay. What are you doing here?"

"He came to see Kyle's roommate, Donna." Clint responds smiling and raising his eyebrows. The girl, with blonde hair and green eyes, she then eyes me with a hateful look.

"You are?"

"I'm Rose." I responded back.

"She and Jay here are the Moore kids."

Her eyes go wide, "Really? She is my competition. Somebody who is able to go out in the field all because of their parents."

I get up, taller than her and go up to her but she backs up close to Kyle. "What do you mean competition?" I ask, softly.

"Kyle, he's mine." She responds, shaky.

I raise my eyebrows and put my hands on my hips, "If you wanted him yours then you shouldn't be so controlling over everybody else and for starters, maybe, you shouldn't flirt with other guys."

She stares at me for a long time and then rolls her eyes. "Whatever, just back off. Besides, I know some things about you that others don't. Such as a particular guy, named Isaac." My body goes cold and I move closer, but she then bolts out the door. 

I turn around to Jay, "Isaac's here?" I ask sternly. 

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