The Walking Dead The Final Se...

By Playboyclemster

191K 2.7K 2.4K

You've known Clem since the start, you, your mom, dad, and sister were in the convenience store and that's wh... More

Whatcha Doing There Goofball?
We Gonna Do It?
Welcome to Ericson's Boarding School for Troubled Youth
Juris Doctorate of Ass...
New Friends
Hunting with Louis
Hunting with Violet
The Train Station
You Went Outside The Safezone?!
Save the Last Bullet for Myself
I Thought You Were Dead!
James The Whisperer and Alexandria
The Green House
Truth or Dare
I Love You...
Suffer the Children
Minnie and Kate
We Need Your Help
The Battle
Andy's Taking Over
I'm Your Fucking Writer Bitches
School Dance Prt 1
School Dance Pt. 2
Nightmares and Betrayal
The Arrival
An Eye for an Eye
The Hell Hounds
Akuma Ketsueki
Here We Go
Mr. Noir
Fight it!
Apologize and where we've been.
Saving Friends Pt.1

A Fight is Coming

3K 64 76
By Playboyclemster

Note: Every time you see a youtube video, listen to the music and read at the same time, it makes you understand how important the scene is......I'm not being over dramatic you are!😂

Next Morning...

They are almost at the school Clem is having trouble carrying Aj because she didn't sleep last night so she was really tired.

James: "How is he doing?"

Clem: "He has a fever."

They get to the school and see Willy with a bow and arrow.

Willy: "WALKER!" 

Willy mistakes James for a walker because of the mask.

Willy: "Violet It's Clem and Aj they're back!!!"

Clem: "James you should stay with us."

James: "No..not ready yet."

James walks away and Louis and Lucy start to walk to the gate. Clem's legs give up and she falls to her knees. Louis and Lucy open the gate.

Lucy: "Is he..?"

Clem: "No. Gunshot."

Louis: "Where's Y/N?"

Clem: "We were separated."

Lucy: "Shit hurry up get him in here!"

Clementine: "I can't."

Lucy picks up Aj and takes him to Ruby to see if she can patch him up and stop him from bleeding out.

Clem: "Please help him."

Ruby: "Don't worry we got him."

Violet: "Clem can I talk to you for a bit?"

Clem and Violet walk into Marlon's office.

Clem: "What's up?"

Violet: "Everbody is scared Clem..I told them about the raiders, They could show up any minute and he wouldn't be ready and now since you guys are back and AJ has been shot I don't-"

Clem: "Violet Aj is the least of there worries."

Violet: "Yeah, your right..also Clem."

Clem: "Yeah?"

Violet: "Who was that guy you were with?"

Clem: "His name is James, he helped us when we were attacked. Let us stay in his camp for the night."

Violet: "But why would you bring him here? You led him right to us."

Violet: "I mean he's a stranger Clem. Running into those two in the woods, it proved we can't trust anybody."

Clem: "Look he's not with the raiders, he's just some guy that lives in the woods."

Violet: "Willy said he was wearing walker skin."

Clem: "That's how he gets past herds, he can guide them too."

Violet: "Wow. Uh Okay."

Clem: "I wouldn't have brought him if I thought he was a threat."

Violet: "No it's not that but...Where's Y/N?"

Clem: "We were separated from the raiders, they went after him and they shot him multiple times..I don't even know if he's alive...Those people that shot Lucy and Sammi, there arming up to attack the school."

Violet: "Holy shit! For real."

Clem: "Yep and we need to defend ourselves."

Violet: "But how Clem? This place is just a school, we don't even have guns."

Clem: "We don't need guns, and this place isn't just a school. We can make it into a fortress."

Violet suddenly has an idea.

Violet: "Clem we have a greenhouse and it has barbed wire in it, would that help us?"

Clem: "Yeah it would, good one Vi-"

Mitch: "Okay, What the hell is going on?!"

Mitch walks in super aggressive.

Mitch: "Willy told me she was back but I was like no way, Violet wouldn't just go against what we all decided.

Sammi walks in and shuts the door.

Sammi: "Shh, would you be quiet?! The little boy is tryna sleep!"

Sammi: "Ruby told me to tell you that his fever is going down. He's gonna be okay."

Mitch: "Great, now we're just giving them our medicine too?"

Violet: "Mitch, those people that shot Lucy and Sammi, there arming up to attack the school..We need Clem's and Y/N's."

Mitch: "Like hell we do, for all we know they're one of them."

Violet: "They're not! If you saw what they did to Y/N you would understand."

Mitch: "Oh yeah, speaking of Y/N, where is that bastard I got some words to-"

Sammi pulls out her knife and puts it to Mitches neck and whispers to him.

Sammi: "You touch him...I'll slit your you understand me?"

Violet starts to walk up to Mitch and Mitch backs away.

Violet: "Clem's going to the greenhouse to find barbed wire and anything else she thinks we need for the fight and you're going to help her!

Mitch: "Uh no I'm not."

Sammi: "Yes you are. It's too dangerous for her to go by herself and your good in a fight."

Violet: "Hey babe can you go with to you..keep the peace?"

Sammi: "Yeah."

Mitch: "Fuck Vi. Since when are you the one making the calls?"

Violet: "Since nobody else stepped the fuck up."

Violet: "When you're ready, meet them by the gate so then you guys could-"

Suddenly Willy starts to scream.


Everyone looks at each other and they all become super scared.


Clem, Violet, Mitch and Sammi go out of the office and head to the front gate.



Lucy, Louis, Gypsy, Rosie and Aasim wait at the gate. Willy and Aasim were at the guard post and they had their bows out, while Lucy, Louis, Violet, Clementine, Sammi and Mitch had their weapons out ready for a fight.

Louis: "Listen if we die right now, I'm sorry for what I said yesterday Aj. I'm so sorry."

Clem: "Louis that's not important right now but thanks."

Mitch: "What do you see Will?"

WIlly: "He's in a challenger, and he's driving fast!"

Clem: "..You all ready..?"

Everyone and unison says.

Everyone: "YES!"

The car pulls up to the schools gate slowly, someone gets out the car he looked like he was almost a walker, he reached out and tried to say something. 

(Y/N): C-Cl.."

Clem tries to get a closer look to see who it was, she recognized the jacket and it was you!

Willy: "I'm finna execute this son of a bitch..."

Clem: "Y/N!"

Aasim: "Willy don't-"

Y/N: "C-Clem.. are you and Aj-"

Suddenly an arrow goes through your shoulder and you scream in pain.Your eyes roll back and you fall to the ground passing out from the gunshot wounds and the arrow.

Aasim: "WILLY!"

Willy jumps down and runs away.


Lucy, Louis Violet and Sammi pick you up and try to take you inside.


Mitch and Aasim push the car inside.

Inside the admin building...

Louis and Sammi kick open the door and bring you upstairs into Marlon's office.

Violet: "Dammit! Ruby!!"

Ruby runs into the office.

Ruby: "What's going on?!"

Louis: "Y/N's been shot in his shoulder and stomach!"

Ruby walks up to him and tries to inspect your wound and Aasim, Tenn, Willy and Mitch walk-in shocked.

Ruby: "He's lost a lot of blood in his stomach! The some of the bullets are still in there and I'm going to have to get it out!"

Clem: "Please just hurry!"

Ruby: "Aasim get some tweezers or whatever you can find we have to get this bullet out now!!"

Aasim: "On it!"

Aasim runs off. 

Ruby: "Tenn go get bandages."

Tenn: "You got it!"

Tenn runs off.

Ruby: "Lucy, peroxide!" 

Lucy nods and runs off.

Ruby: "Mitch, needle and thread, stat!!"

Mitch runs off.

Violet: "Clem..he looks like he's a-"


Violet: "You won't Y/N is a fighter and tough as nails he will get through this I know it."

Clem: "Y-You're right."

Aasim: Ruby here!!

Ruby: "Clementine, I need you to take off his jacket and shirt!"

No more music

Clem takes off your shirt and jacket and her jaws drop and she becomes wide-eyed to see some nicely toned and ripped abs and chest. Ruby grabs the tweezers and tries to get the bullet out.

Ruby: "Come on Y/N you know what to do."

Ruby keeps digging with the tweezers to get the bullet out.

Ruby: "Almost there!"

Clem turns around crying a lot.


The bullets are finally out.

Ruby: "I got it!! Tenn, Lucy, Mitch the peroxide and needle and thread and the bandages!"

Tenn,Lucy and Mitch: "Here!"

Tenn, Lucy and Mitch hand the stuff to Ruby.

Ruby: "This is going to hurt and it might wake him up."

Ruby puts peroxide on your shoulder, but you don't wake up.

Sammi: "...WHY DIDNT HE WAKE UP!?!"

Ruby: "I'll try one more time!"

Ruby puts peroxide on your shoulder again, you still don't wake up and Clem, Lucy, Sammi and Violet start to cry even more. Louis suddenly has an idea.

Louis: "You guys I know this only happen in princess movies but-"


Louis: " True loves kis-"

Clem climbs on top of you and makes out with you. Clem gets off of you and everyone waits for a few seconds and you finally wake up and gasp for air.

Ruby: "You're awake!! Hold still okay!!"

Ruby pours a little more peroxide on Y/N.

(Y/N): "What the- AHHH!!"

Ruby: "All you need is stitches hold still!"

(Y/N): "O-Okay."

Ruby starts to stitch your shoulder and stomach.

Clem: "You're okay!"

Y/N: "W-Where is Aj?!"

Sammi: "He's sleeping. Ruby patched him up."

Y/N: "Wait..he's been shot?!"

Clem: "Yes but he is okay now."

You sigh in relief

(Y/N): "My little goofball..."

Ruby: "All done rest for now Y/N."

Y/N: "N-No...Gotta find Abel..and kill him for what he did."

Ruby: "You survived basically 15 hours without need to rest."

Clem puts her hand on your abs and you look down at her hand at back at her.

Clem: "Y/N..can you please rest...for me?"

(Y/N): "O-Ok."

Sammi: "Clem I'm ready to go to the greenhouse to get the supplies."

Clem: "Ok just give me a minute.."

Clem yawns.

(Y/N): "Clem did you sleep last night?"

Clem: "N-No..I kept thinking about youuuuuu"

Clem slowly lays on the ground and drifts off to sleep.

(Y/N): "Sammi, ill go with you to the greenhouse."

Lucy: "Are you sure."

You get up and say.

(Y/N): "I-Ill be fine."

Lucy: "I'll come too."

You walk up to Louis and say.

(Y/N): "Louis I know we're not seeing eye to eye right now, but could you-"

Louis' voice starts to break.

Louis: You have my word..ill keep them safe..."

You put out your hand to shake his hand and he decided to shake your hand too. You put back on your shirt and jacket and leave out with Mitch, Lucy and Sammi.

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