Her House, My Rules

By famousstories

4.2M 76.3K 16.3K

"You broke my first rule," I whispered in her left ear as I pulled down her underwear under the table slowly... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

Chapter 43

19.7K 640 81
By famousstories

Dare or Drink.

A few hours flew by, my entire body was filled with strong alcohol. Jack and Tesha were gone after a few shots, they were probably making love in the other bedroom. Natalie, on the other hand, fell asleep on my lap. How? I had no idea. Her body was out of energy, she was definitely drunk. My head was spinning, my eyes were begging my bed to come closer but I didn't want her to stay in the living room by herself. I felt like she was my responsibility as a young gentleman. I wanted her to sleep in a comfortable bed. She was a guest after all and we were just having fun together.

I carried her on my shoulder and headed straight to the room across the kitchen. As soon as I placed her on the bed, she grabbed me by the arm and begged me to stay with her. She was sleeping a few seconds ago, I was shocked. She was a light sleeper after all. I didn't even have the courage to transport myself to Hazel. I was dizzy. My mind was out of good thoughts. I was wasted and was craving only one thing.


"I hate sleeping alone," Natalie whispered under her breath. "Please, stay tonight." She enveloped herself under the cold covers. "You can leave when I fall asleep." Her proposition was simple but the guilt was hiding behind every single word.

"I can't."I sighed, lazily. "Hazel is waiting for me..." My words detached her reaction from herself and produced selfish seeds under her veins.

"Tesha told me everything..." She pulled down her blue shorts with her underwear under the sheets and threw them in my face. "Why do you still care about her? Why do you still have feelings for a ghost?" Her bra flew in the air and tortured my desire, savagely.

"I love her..." My sentence was loud and clear. "She might be a ghost but I love her."

"Hawk, you're really handsome." She uncovered herself and revealed her naked parts, unexpectedly. "You deserve better. You and I both know that you're in a toxic relationship." She spoke her mind. "Soon or later, she's going to drive you crazy with her childish actions. You need to stay away and it's not too late." Her knees curved on the bed as she opened her legs wide open. "Make love to me." She dug two fingers inside her vagina and tasted her wetness right after. "Please... That way, we can have a good excuse."

"Nat...Nata..."I swallowed my saliva, quickly. Sex wasn't easy to decline. This fire was calling my name. I wanted to fuck Natalie but I just didn't want to hurt Hazel. "Natalie... I... I..." The temptation, the pleasure of sex, Natalie's naked parts were irresistible. I just didn't know what else to do.

I'm a man after all.

"Shh..." She grabbed me by the shirt as she pulled me against her. "Think about it." She bit my ear, letting out a soft moan. "Imagine your hard penis inside my wet vagina. Imagine yourself going in and out," She grabbed my penis. "Inside me... Just imagine." Her words were beautiful. Perfect tone, tempting moans. She surely knew how to drive a man crazy.

But I was in love with someone else. Loyalty comes first.

"I can't have sex with you, Natalie." I refused as I pushed her away, slowly. "I'm in love with Hazel. She's the only girl that I need right now." She sucked her teeth and made a sound with her lips.

"I'm not going to give up, Hawk." She declared, truthfully. "I want you to myself and I'll fight for what's mine."

"But I'm not yours!" I replied, firmly. "I was never yours..."

"You'll be soon." She forced a smile. "Even if I have to kill Hazel with my own hands." My face grew with anger as her laugh destroyed my mood. "I'm playing, Hawk. I'm playing, fix your attitude." I had a feeling that she was being serious. I just didn't know how to prove it yet.

"Sleep tight." I ended the conversation with a rush mind. "Piece of advice, don't mess with Hazel. You don't know what I'm capable of."

"It's your loss." I closed the door after me and splashed myself on the couch in the living room.

Why do girls offer sex first when they want to seduce a man?


"Wake up! Wake up!" Jack poured a bottle of water on my face. "Good morning, Pancake." He automatically teased me by reminding me of Hazel's nickname. Waffle.

"Oh, God." I sat up rapidly as I tried to protect myself. "Jack? Are you out of your mind? I was sleeping." I reproached him for his silly action. "What time is it?"

"It's twelve." He glanced at his watch. "What happened last night? Did you and Natalie..." He chuckled. "You know..." He curved his index and thumb as he created a small hole. "Did you guys did it?" He then placed his middle finger inside it, in and out.

"No, man," I replied, quickly. "Why are you entertaining this conversation? You and I both know that Hazel is the girl I want."

"Yeah, yeah." He sighed, vaguely. "But Hazel doesn't want you. She doesn't even remember your favorite position or your favorite food. She doesn't know anything about you, man." He spoke the truth in an ugly way. "Move on and enjoy your life."

Jack, shut the hell up before I punch you in the face.

"Stop talking." I stood up and pushed him, annoyingly. "Where's Hazel?"

"Oh, Hazel." He caressed his chin with his index, amusingly. "Oh yeah, in her bedroom, of course. Nat paid her a visit this morning and Hazel was quite upset."

"Why?" I asked, worryingly. "For what?"

"She told me that she slept with you last night." Jack sighed, desperately. "The things you hide from your best friend."

"What are you talking about?" I was confused. "We didn't have sex, Jack. Why would she lie on me like that? What's her problem?" Questions were running through my mind. I knew she was like everyone else. "Where's she?"

"Who?" Jack played the victim. "Hazel or Nat?"

"Hazel! Goddamnit!" I yelled at him. "Stop with the games, Jack." He was really acting like a child. I felt like I lost my best friend. He was all about games and was literally playing with my emotions. He was trying to delete Hazel from my history.

I ran up the stairs with a sudden rush. Hazel deserved the truth. Natalie was capable of anything. Her cover was anonymous in my brain but I felt like she was the dangerous type. I only met her yesterday and she was already melting Hazel between her fingers. At first, I thought she was the lovely kind, I thought she was different from the rest. I thought she was a good friend and she really understood where I was coming from but I was wrong. People can deceive you in mysterious ways. I lost Hazel once and I didn't want to lose her again.

As I entered the bedroom, Hazel was already up. A pillow under her armpits, a book in her perfect hands. Her attention inked on the magical words in the novel. My presence was useless and meaningless. She wasn't in the mood to listen to my voice or hear excuses from my lips. She was really trying to ignore me.

Silent treatment.

"Hey..." I sat next to her, gently. Her eyes stayed in the same direction. I was really trying to talk to her about everything and apologize about yesterday. "How's your finger?"

"Hi." She replied, dryly. Ignoring my presence.

"How are you?" She ignored my question. "Did you... Did you eat?"


"How...How... uh... How was your sleep?" Hazel ignored me on purpose. I really wasn't going to sit there and make her destroy me even more so I decided to take action. "Look," I grabbed the book and placed it on the little table behind me. "Can we talk?"


"Hazel..." I grabbed her hand. "Natalie is lying to you." My words shocked her. Her reaction was clueless. I didn't expect that.

"What are you talking about?" Her eyebrows disagreed with me. "Lying about what?"

I'm going to kill you, Jack.

"Last night, Natalie..." I paused as I tried to collect my words. "Well, after the game, Natalie was wasted. She was weak and I carried her to her bedroom." I kissed her hand, slowly, to reduce the anger in her eyes. "Basically, I almost slept with her last night. We didn't kiss, we didn't do anything but my mind was betraying me. She was naked in front of me and It was hard to control myself. I was trying to tell---"

"Did you have sex with her?" She interrupted me.

"No," I spoke the truth. "We didn't."

"Good." She was so relieved. "You can go now." She pulled her hand away from me.

"I'm not done talking," I begged for a little bit of attention. "Hazel, I want you to listen to me carefully." She rolled her eyes. "I'm not perfect and I want you to know that. I don't want to give up on you, on us, on our baby. I want us to fight together to gain a bright future. I want you to stop pushing me away, I want you to learn how to love me just a little bit." I sighed, nervously. "We fight and argue too much. I'm tired. I'm tired of everything. Life is too short to keep playing with each other's feelings. I know you don't remember me but I want you to try to create new memories with me. Good memories. I want to feel the love and affection that I once felt when we were together. Can you do that for me?" My jaw clenched. "Can you?"

"You ignored me yesterday." Her broken voice was full of misery. " I was helping you with the food and you were talking about Natalie the whole time. I was trying to impress you and show you that I was ready to change my ways for you but you didn't care." Tears fell down upon her face, gently. "How do you want me to feel something for you if you don't cherish me?"

"I'm sorry..." I apologized. "I'm sorry, okay?" My words weren't enough. Her face expressed everything. "I was wrong for ignoring you. I was wrong for putting someone else above you but I promise you, Hazel, you're the only girl in my life right now. I care about you and I don't want you to worry."

"I was jealous."

"There's no need to be jealous, Love." I embraced her. "I got you."

"Would you still love me if I tell you something?"My mind questioned her loyalty. "Would you?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused. "Is it bad?" My heart jumped from my chest. A bad feeling destroyed me completely.

"I'm sorry..." Tears aroused my shirt. "I'm sorry about everything."

"No, don't apologize," I exclaimed. "It's totally fine. Just tell me what's going on."

"Please, don't hate me." Her eyes were begging mine to stop judging. She did something terrible. The look on her face was obvious. "It wasn't my fault. He told me to do it."

"Who's he?" I grabbed her face. "Hazel, look at me. What did you do?"

"I...I... I..." Tears fell down her face, rapidly as I begged her mouth to spread the words. "I killed your baby."


"Stop playing!"My fake smile faded after a few seconds. "Stop playing with me! Hazel!" My eyes turned yellow. My Hulion side was strongly growing at that moment.

"He told me... He told me to do that! He told me..." She begged for my attention. "He told me to drink that poison... Hawk. I swear..."


"Who is he?" Her face went pale. "Answer me! What did you do?"

"He told me to drink it. He told me that this baby is a curse." She revealed. "I didn't want to do this to you. I swear."

"Hazel, who is he?"

Her words crashed my own world with dirty betrayals.

"JACK..." She answered with deep regrets. "Jack told me to do it."



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