
By Authortjtristan

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anything but mortal. COMPLETED. ****Book 2 in the Grey Saga**** -mature content- After outwitting Lucifer, Jo... More

Before You Begin
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 25

1.8K 92 28
By Authortjtristan

"Is Suriel back from his meeting with Michael and the Archangels yet?" I hummed, crossing my legs as I adjusted myself on the seat at Grey's little breakfast nook table. I held my coffee mug close to my chest to warm myself. It was raining outside, making it feel a bit more like home. However, it was a hell of a lot chillier. Even though I didn't get as cold as I would if I were still human, I was only wearing Grey's T-shirt. So I was ~chilled~

"No. It'll probably be a few days. The Archangels love to draw everything out as long as possible before making a decision," Grey mumbled, pouring his own coffee and making his way over to the table. He walked around me, leaning down and pressing his lips against the top of my head before sitting down next to me.

"Did he show you the tablet?" I asked, taking a sip. Grey shook his head, taking a drink of his own.

"No. He said it was pretty heavy so he wasn't gonna carry it over here. I just think he's weak, but anyways- he showed me a picture," Grey explained.

"What did it look like?" I raised an eyebrow, tucking my hair behind my ear and setting my mug down on the table.

"Probably about 2 feet long. It was tan, like the rest of the bricks in the crypt, and maybe a foot wide. The language written on it- I'd only seen it twice before," he frowned.


"Gates to Heaven. And the Gates to Hell," he sighed. Oh. Good. Gates to Heaven I didn't mind as much, but Gates to Hell too? Why couldn't it have just been Archaic Latin like the rest of all angelology and demonology?

"How do we know the Archangels will be able to read it?" I asked.

"Michael should be able to. Gabriel should as well. But it's a good thing we got to it first, because Lucifer probably could as well," he grumbled in irritation.

"Well, on the bright side, the Angels taking so long gives us a few days to enjoy Paris. And seeing as I've never been here before, I would really like to," I suggested, taking another drink.

"That can probably be arranged," Grey smirked, glancing back over his shoulder out the window. "You sure you wanna go out in that though?"

"It's just rain," I shrugged.

"Freezing cold rain," he raised an eyebrow slightly.

"I'll manage."

He sucked in a deep breath, relenting. "Alright. Finish your coffee and I'll show you around la ville de l'amour," he winked at me playfully. Oh yes. Please speak French to me.

He stood up, walking over to the kitchen and washing his mug, before heading back into his bedroom to get changed. I finished up my coffee and then followed.

Unfortunately, because we hadn't really packed literally anything, I had to figure out what I would wear from what I had. Wearing my battle bodysuit wasn't really an option. I'd stick out like a sore thumb. But, my tight black pants that were a part of my bodysuit might work. They were fine- they looked a bit military-esque, but they were doable. I stole one of Grey's charcoal sweaters from his closet, tucking it in a little bit in the front so I didn't look like I was wearing a trash bag (albeit a very nice one). I didn't have any makeup with me, which was fine, and my hair had begun to curl up because of the humidity. Boom. Instant volume. Merci Paris.

"You ready, Greene?" Grey leaned against the closet door as I zipped up the combat boots that had come with the whole battle bodysuit thing.

"Yep. This okay?" I awkwardly twirled in a circle, eyeing him expectantly.

"Yes, love. You're beautiful," he smirked, outstretching his hand. I smiled and took it, following his lead as we left the apartment.

Instead of flying across Paris as we had been doing, Grey led me through the courtyard and out the massive wooden doors to the alleyway. He locked the doors behind him, pulled out an umbrella, then offered me his arm to lead me down the street. The little alleyways like these were all cobblestone, making it look like we had time traveled back to the Dark Ages. If it weren't for the motorcycles and little cars zooming left and right at the intersection ahead, I might've believed it.

He led me past various cafes and bakeries with little covered patios. People sat outside smoking and drinking their coffees, reading the morning newspaper. I almost asked why and how they were willingly sitting outside, but then noticed that all of these patios had heating lamps. I hoped Grey and I would get to do that.

We crossed over a street to walk next to the Seine river, which cut straight through the center of Paris. There were some little ferry boats chugging along the silvery water, casting waves behind them as they went. Merchants were setting up stands alongside the river, eyeing Grey and I as we walked past. There were more people here, bustling by to get to whatever they had to do. Everyone looked like they were running late. I remember when I went to New York City with my mom it had been the same way.

"Later, we'll come back this way. These merchants are selling old classic books and paintings," Grey hummed in my ear. I smiled, resting my head a little against his shoulder. This man knew the way to my heart.

"Where are we headed now?" I asked, casting a stern glare at some dude who was just about to bump into me. He stumbled back a bit, then hurried around me.

"L'Arc de Triomphe. I'll take you to the Eiffel Tower tonight. They have millions of lights on it, and it sparkles every hour at night," Grey explained, turning me to cross a bridge over the river.

"How romantic of you," I smirked at him and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"It's hard not to be," his eyes flashed fluorescent a little and I chuckled.

We crossed another street and kept walking for a bit, weaving in and out of tall, tan buildings and their cobblestone alleys. Eventually, we reached an opening. The massive Arc de Triomphe stood proud at the center of a huge roundabout that spun streets outwards in all directions. There was a main street that came off of it, with huge brand name designer stores and manicured trees and sidewalks. Grey led me down this way. I glanced back over my shoulder to get another look at the grand structure, and I felt a wave of adrenaline course through my veins.

I could've sworn, for a split second, that I saw a flash of auburn hair suck behind a nearby building.

Was Siobhan following us?

No. It couldn't be. This was a huge city, and tons of people had long, glorious auburn hair. Okay, well lots of people had auburn hair. Anyways- it couldn't be her. I was being paranoid. There's no way, that out of everyone in this massive city, she had managed to find us and was following us.

I turned back around, somewhat convinced. My heart still pounded a little erratically and I had an unsettling feeling in my gut, but I knew I had to be overreacting. There was just no way.

"You okay?" Grey asked, furrowing his brows at me a little bit in concern.

"Yep. Just thought I saw something," I huffed, gripping Grey's arm again.

He seemed content. Relaxed, even. I hadn't seen him like this in ages. His lips curled up into a soft smirk, his Caribbean eyes set straight ahead, only ever drifting to glare at random passerby's. I could faintly hear his heartbeat, a slow thump thump in his chest. He was happy. I liked it when he was like this.

I had to admit, I felt a little guilty for having to drag him through all of this with me. Logically speaking, I know that a good portion of this is because of his actions. However, I also know if he hadn't have done everything he had, I would likely be either dead or Pledged to Hell. I just felt bad for all the stress and sleepless nights this has caused him. He was too good to me. Too protective and caring. I don't know how I got so lucky.

"What are you thinking about?" Grey hummed slyly, a little tinge of mischief evident in his voice. He must have been Empathizing or something.

"You," I replied bluntly.

Grey chuckled and pressed a kiss to my temple, sliding his hand down my arm to take my hand in his. He ran his thumb across my knuckles and I squeezed his hand a little.

I never thought I'd ever be in a relationship, to be perfectly honest, let alone one like this. I never thought I would have wanted to hold a man's hand and actually enjoy touching him. It's like my entire perception on life and love and literally everything did a complete u turn because of Grey.

Grey tugged my arm a little, leading me over to one of the designer stores and opening the door for me. Oh geez. I'd never been in a designer store before. My heat rate spiked a little bit and Grey took my hand again, calming me back down.

"Relax. I practically own this store. And half of their stocks," Grey winked at me as a man approached us.

"Ah, monsieur, how good of you to come by!" The stout man that approached us opened his arms in a wide welcome.

"Bonjour, Louis. How have you been, my friend?" Grey outstretched his hand and shook the mans hand.

"Good, good! Have you come for a new suit perhaps? Or perhaps something for- ooh la la, madamoiselle, pardon me, I forgot to introduce myself!" The man looked to me and outstretched his hand. "My name is Louis Graveaux, I am manager here."

"Jordan," I smiled, taking his hand.

"Ah, Jordan," he hummed, the J-sound elongated to sound more like he were saying 'shhh'. "Such a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Are you with my friend here?"

I nodded and Grey pressed his hand to my lower back, I'm sure in an effort to assert his claim or whatever men do.

"I always knew Grey would get a beauty. Come, come, let me show you what we have!" The man beckoned for us to follow. I smiled up at Grey, taking a quick glance back towards the doors. My heart rate leaped again.

Auburn hair. Ducking behind a pillar.


Once, I could convince myself I was being paranoid. But twice?

"Grey," I breathed, tugging on his arm a little bit. He paused and looked back at me, raising an eyebrow.

"I think we're being followed," I whispered.

Grey's eyes widened and he looked around, taking a protective step towards me and wrapping his arm across my back.

"What makes you say that?" He asked quietly in my ear as we followed Louis up a set of grand stairs.

"I think I've seen Siobhan twice in the last ten or so minutes. She keeps hiding behind stuff whenever I look over my shoulder," I explained, glancing back at the doors again. I didn't see anything this time.

Grey released his arm from my back and shook his head. "She's not following us, Greene. Relax," he chuckled.

Um, what?

"Grey, I really think I saw her, I-"

"Greene. There's no way she's following us. There's no way she knows where we are, and even if she did, why would she follow us? You're being paranoid," he rolled his eyes.

I know what I saw. It might've just been hair or whatever, but I would know that hair anywhere. I spent all night fantasizing about ripping it out of her head. I know what I saw.

Nevertheless, I followed Grey and Louis through the store, continuing to check over my shoulder. Louis was telling Grey about some new clothes that just left the runway or whatever and Grey nodded, seeming to care. Who knew he cared about the fashion world? I sure didn't.

After about an hour, Grey had decided on buying a few different items and had gone to check out. I, feeling out of place in the extravagant store, waited outside. I leaned against one of the massive marble pillars outside the store, my eyes scanning the area for any auburn hair.

I don't know why this was bugging me so much. I suppose I could've been wrong- but I really thought I knew what I saw.

It had been about ten minutes since I left Grey- I didn't know what was taking so long. So, I turned on my heel to head back inside, and my heart plummeted through the floor.

"Interesting outfit," Siobhan raised a coy eyebrow at me. It took every ounce of strength I had not to lunge at her there and then. I couldn't attack her in such a public place. People would see my wings. And I wasn't sure I could keep my soul under wraps if I got a hold of her.

"Do you have a death wish?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I don't have to wish for death honey. He comes running," she smirked, flicking her hair over her shoulder. Whatever the fuck that was supposed to mean.

"Why are you following us?" I demanded, folding my arms and standing up straighter. I was taller than her by a good few inches.

"Staking out the competition," she shrugged nonchalantly.

"There's no competition. I beat the game. Now, I'd suggest you stay away from Grey if you want to keep your life," I replied monotonously.

"You really think he'd choose you over me? Over Irish royalty? Over the one he spent several years with? Over the one he almost spent the rest of his life with?" She chuckled, taking a step towards me.

Take another step, bitch. See what happens.

I could feel my soul crackling underneath the surface of my skin, urging to break through and show her just who she was messing with.

"Almost, is the key word there. I don't need to compete with you, Siobhan. As a matter of fact, I don't want to. I already won. So if you could just step the fuck out of my way," I motioned for her to move with a flick of my wrist.

She stayed put, taking another step closer.

Wrong move.

I couldn't stop myself. I reached out, gripping her arm and twisting it back, effectively dislocating her shoulder as I slammed her against the pillar I'd been leaning on. The stone cracked a little underneath the force.

"Stay. Away. From Grey," I growled out through gritted teeth. Her eyes widened slightly as I felt my soul breach through my eyes, flashing a little. What happened next is what had me wanting to rip her head clean off.

Her lips curled in a creepy grin, curling up higher than a human's could. Her teeth elongated a little into tiny little spikes, and I watched as the entirety of her eye slowly became absorbed by black.

Holy fuck.

My soul beat at my skin to break free, recognizing the dangerous supernatural creature that stood in front of me.

I heard the door open behind me from the store and glanced back over my shoulder.

"Greene? What are you doing?" Grey furrowed his brows at me as he walked up to me.

What does he mean what am I-

Oh God.

I turned back around, and she had vanished. Even though my hands had been holding her tight. She had vanished into thin air.

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