In Winter's Grasp

By Sammicakes

484 8 6

Orlaith, better known as Lia, is your ordinary average girl. Until she discovers that shes not. When she is... More

The Note(s)
The Mysterious Stranger...Or Just Good Speaker Phone
Where Am I?


252 2 2
By Sammicakes

Chapter One 


"Oh-ehm-gee, you died your hair? Why? You know everybody loves your hair! Dying it will make your hair all frizzy and nasty! Orlaith!"  

"Sorcha! Shut up, you know I hate my name! Besides, all I did was chop it all off in this new rugged boy hair look and died the edges bright red. It wasn't much, but it looks way awesome." 

"Really? Brady's bound to notice you now . . .," she trailed off. "Still, now you'll get split ends from that dye. Even though it will look awesome and such. But, still. Oh, I bet that red compliments both your golden skin tone and your lovely golden locks." 

"Sorcha, please tell me you did not refer to my hair as 'golden locks'. And you said golden twice. It sounds weird. Anyway that is so far beyond cheesy it isn't even funny." Through the phone I could hear her giggling. 

"And it will compliment those big round yellow gems you have for eyes, and your cute little button nose will be complimented with the style of hair you have, and that cute little bow mouth you have will look just as cute as ever, and . . .," she couldn't finish her sentence because she was giggling so hard, and I couldn't help it. I laughed along with her. It was so cheesy and stupid it was funny. 

"You do realize you 'cute' about ten times and that you referred to my eyes as 'big round yellow gems', right?" She snorted and I knew she did it all on purpose, just to make me laugh. 

"Lia, you do know that you are pretty any way you look right? You don't need to cut your hair or anything like that." 

"Sorcha, yes I do know that. However I didn't do it just to get Brady's attention. I did it because I was bored of my old look. I didn't know you would think of me as so shallow that because a boy doesn't notice me I change my whole look for him? Come on Sorcha, get real. I gotta go." 


"Bye Sorcha," I said as I was hanging up the phone. Right after I hung up the phone I felt bad, Sorcha was probably only trying to be nice, and I turned it completely around. 

For some reason, that got me thinking of how we met. 

On the first day of sixth grade I felt lost, and completely alone. It was going to be a complete nightmare. All those new people are going to make fun of my name. Plus, everything here was covered in iron. I needed clean steel, or something.  

Next thing I knew I bumped into a girl.  

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," I said nervously. 

"No problem, I wasn't either. Hi, my names Sorcha, what's yours?" I stared at her in shock. She had lovely blue-black hair that came to waist, and was colored so darkly her skin seemed black, which was only intensified by the all black ensemble that she so proudly wore. She had eyes that seemed almost violet, only a shade or two lighter, with a hint of yellow. It was gorgeous. And she had a marvelous British accent. 

"That's your name? Sorcha? My name is, um, well, Orlaith," I said quietly. Sorcha then beamed at me. "Ah, another person with a crazy parent, huh? Who was it, mum, or dad?" She smiled at me again and this time I smiled back.  

"Mom, you?" 

"Ditto, although dad agreed though so technically it's both of their faults. What classes are you in fair Orlaith?" 

"Um, I prefer to be called Lia, and I don't know." We then took out our schedules and found out we had all the same classes. And, I knew then that we would be friends for a very long time.  

I always found it weird that she wasn't ashamed of her name. She never wanted a nickname, it was so bizarre. I was always hiding from my real name, a pretty nickname in its place. Most people would shy away from her name. Well, at least, I know that I would. 

But then Sorcha wasn't most people. That was what I loved about her. She was independent and strong, and full of youthful vibrancy. She helped me cope with my problems and gave me unique and insightful answers. 

I need lunch, I thought to myself, a nice big lunch while sitting on the porch. The porch is where I go when I need to think things through. It was quiet and peaceful, right next to a forest that hummed with life. 

I sat at my steel out-door table, with the rather uncomfortable metal chair. I couldn't stand to be around iron. I always break into a weird burning rash/hives. It sucks. I'm like a stupid metal detector. 

I plopped down with my sandwich and thought about what I did. Okay, so I hung up on my best friend of five years. What do I do? Plan an apology, that's for sure. A long one, because Sorcha isn't the type of person you just hung up on. So tomorrow at school I will apologize saying I was caught up in the moment. Well, I kinda was, so it's not technically a lie.  

I could never lie. I always chocked on the words, so I could never get them out. So usually I just tell half-truths. Works for me, well, usually. I finished my sandwich and went back inside, flopped on my bed and took a cat nap. 

A man was shoved in my presence. He showed promise, young athletic build, golden hair fine as flax, and warm green eyes. He just wasn't right for me. "Show him away." For a hundred years now my father has been shoving suitors down my throat. I sighed upon my golden throne. "Father, how many more do we have to choose from?" 

"You know something, fair daughter? I am tired of your persistence to reject. You need to choose someone, I want grandchildren. You know how hard it is to conceive. Well, to conceive and have the baby live that is. If you don't choose someone of your own will, then I will be forced to choose one for you. For my own gain too." 

"Father! Why would you do such a blasphemous thing?" 

"You heard me," he barked, "Bring in the next suitor!" 

A peasant boy stumbled in, by the looks of his clothes. Amazing thing to attempt, considering that most suitors depended on money and status, rather than looks alone, and it was clear this boy had neither. He bowed, which caught my attention. The other men hadn't bowed. "Look up, please." I heard myself say. He did. His eyes were pure silver, and his hair was startlingly black against his skin. He smiled at me, and I saw that his smile lit up his already handsome face. This was it. He was it. 

I woke up, and I saw that it was dark out. I looked at my alarm clock and I saw that it was twelve a.m. I groaned because I missed dinner. Oh, well, a midnight snack won't hurt anyone. I meandered down to the kitchen, and grabbed a handful of cereal. While I was a-munching I thought I saw something out in the window. I looked, and I saw nothing.  

A couple of minutes later I saw something again. I walked over to the window peered out and saw a small person, only it wasn't a person. Whatever it was it was short, was dressed in white, and had giant globes for eyes. They were about the size of my fist, with no pupils or irises. It was very disturbing. I shrieked and jumped back, well it actually came out as a garbled squeak. I blinked and it was gone.  

This was normal for me. Ever since I was a little girl, I had seen these strange creatures. They seemed like they were watching me, but I could never be sure. They were all horrifying in unique ways. This one time I saw one with scales, and spider legs coming out of his head. And he had no eyes, but I felt as though he was, like, soul-searching me. Not the cheesy kind of soul-searching either. The kind that made you feel as though someone was rifling through your very being looking at your life, your memories. I started to fan myself, and walked away form the window. 

After I finished my cereal I headed back up to my room, tip-toeing when I passed my parents room. I laid down on the bed and thought about that dream. Hmm, I liked that last suitor, or whatever he was. He was just yummy. She didn't notice but he had a nice bod, too. He was practically edible. 

Ungh! I forgot to do my homework! I leaped out of bed, unwillingly, and sat at my vacant desk. I pulled my backpack up, started rummaging around, and remembered that I completed all my homework in resource. I groaned in frustration, and jumped back into bed. I was still wearing my clothes from earlier, so I rolled over and started to yank on the draws next to my bed. My dresser was right next to my bed so it was simple to just grab a pair of pajamas and slide into them. I huddled into a little ball and I sighed peacefully. 

Soon I fell asleep with no more dreams.

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