Ancient Love

By gypsygirl239

23.8K 350 55

Irissia is the one and only princess of Northern Egypt. Unknown by her father, she has a mystery lover. What... More

Chapter 1: The News
Chapter 2: A New Start
Chapter 3: A Proper Introduction
Chapter 4: The Decision
Chapter 5: The Following Day
Chapter 6: Something Isn't Right
Chapter 7: The Fight
Chapter 8: The Day Before
Chapter 9: Till Death Do Us Part
Chapter 10: Mourning
Part 2 Chapter 1: Mysterious Box
Part 2 Chapter 2: A Lost Love
Chapter 3: Caimbridge
Part 2 Chapter 4: Reunited
Part 2 Chapter 5: The Missing Piece
Part 2 Chapter 6: A Mother's Love
Part 2 Chapter 8: A Reignited Flame
Part 2 Chapter 9: A Happy Family
Part 2 Chapter 10: Past Truths

Part 2 Chapter 7: Rekindling Love

766 10 0
By gypsygirl239

After the sun had set following day, the tablet began to glow and everyone was brought to life like usual. After making his daily rounds, Larry stopped by the medieval exhibit to check up on Lancelot, Elaine and Galahad. "Hey you guys doing okay?" Larry asked them. "Yes. We are fine" Elaine replied as she played with Galahad. Larry then pulled Lancelot aside after he noticed that Elaine talked to him before going to play with Galahad. "Hey Lance, so now that Galahad is back, what are you going to do?" Larry questioned. "Well, Elaine told me that she is feeling generous after last night and she is going to allow me to spend tonight with her and Galahad. After that, I'm not sure Dangly Bells" Lancelot said solemnly. "Well then, I'll let you go catch up with your son. And remember to always listen to your child and if I were you, I'd choose my words and actions carefully around Elaine. If you are behaving then she might let you spend more time with Galahad" Larry advised.

Lancelot nodded and he walked over to Elaine and Galahad. Elaine and Galahad were both seated on the ground watching Atilla as he and some of the other huns were telling stories with sock puppets. Lancelot sat down next to Galahad and he smiled when he heard his son and Elaine's laughter. "What's with the sock puppets?" he asked. "Lawrence's idea" Elaine said after she calmed down from laughing. Lancelot was surprised that she answered him and didn't use any harsh tones when she spoke. After the huns' show, everyone went back to doing what they wanted. "That was a funny show mama" Galahad said to Elaine as he looked up at her. "Yes it was" she agreed as she looked down at Galahad with a smile. Galahad smiled widely and he took Elaine and Lancelot's hands as he walked in the middle of them. "Mama? Papa? Can we go play now?" Galahad asked them as they started to walk away together. "Of course my son" Lancelot said as he looked down at him and smiled. Elaine led Galahad to where Able and Dexter were. Elaine held out an arm and Able perched on her arm. Galahad stared in wonder as Dexter perched on Elaine's other shoulder. "Galahad, this is Dexter and Able" Elaine said as she crouched down to Galahad's height. Galahad shyly raised his arm. "It's okay" Elaine said. Galahad nodded and he reached out to pet Able. Before his small hand could touch her fur, he paused. Able gently took Galahad's hand and put it on her head. Galahad then began to slowly pet her. Elaine smiled as she had an idea.

"Here, hold out your arm" Elaine said gently. Lancelot crouched down behind Galahad and he gently held out Galahad's arm. Elaine then motioned for Able to climb onto her son's arm. Galahad pat his shoulder for Able to climb onto. After Able looked over at Elaine and then at Galahad, Elaine nodded at her and she climbed onto Galahad's shoulder. Dexter took one of Galahad's hands and put it on his back. Elaine then let out a laugh. "It seems like someone's jealous" she commented as Galahad continued to pet Able. Elaine then stroked Dexter's back. "Awh. Is someone jealous?" she cooed. "I am not!" Lancelot retorted. Galahad looked at his father and laughed. "Silly daddy. Mama was talking to the monkey" he laughed. After walking to their exhibit, Trixie came barging in through the doors. "Don't let the monster hurt me mommy!" Galahad pleaded to Elaine as he grabbed onto her skirt tight. Lancelot quickly got in front of them and he pointed a finger at the floor. "Trixie! Sit!" Lancelot ordered. As soon as he gave his command, Trixie sat down in place and hung her head. "Trixie, behave." Lancelot ordered Trixie as he put one hand on his sword that was sheathed. "It's okay Galahad. Trixie won't hurt you. See? You can pet her if you want." Lancelot told Galahad as he put a hand on Trixie's nose. "Really?" Galahad asked in wonder. Lancelot nodded and he gently took Galahad's hand and placed it on her nose.

"Mommy look at me!" Galahad said excitedly as he looked at Elaine. Lancelot smiled and looked over at Elaine. "Hey Mommy, I think Able and Trixie like each other" Galahad said as he held Able out to Trixie. They were then startled when they heard loud footsteps coming towards them. Lancelot quickly unsheathed his sword and Rex came bursting into the room with Larry in running behind him. "There you are Trixie. We have been looking everywhere for you. Come on, it's time to get your bones polished. There will be a lot of schools coming here tomorrow" Larry said as he threw a rope over Trixie's neck and led her out of the room. Lancelot looked back at Galahad and he let out a sigh of relief. "Are you both alright?" he asked. Galahad started at him in awe. "That was so cool daddy! Mommy did you see how cool that was?! Could you teach me that?! Please" Galahad begged excitedly. "I suppose I could. Now the trick is-" Lancelot began to say before Elaine cleared her throat. "Perhaps we should do something else? How about we go see if the others are playing soccer?" Elaine suggested as she took Galahad's hand.

The three of them then walked out of the exhibit and into the employee lounge area. When they walked in, they saw Sacajawea, Atilla, and Ahkmenrah sitting on the couch with a large bowl of popcorn. Dexter and Able got off of Galahad and Elaine's shoulders and they went over to Atilla who had the large bowl of popcorn. While Atilla was feeding Able and Dexter popcorn, Irissa had finished stirring Ahkmenrah's tea and when she handed it to him, he blew into the cup to cool it down before he started sipping it. "Oh sorry. We did not mean to interrupt anything." Elaine said as she and Galahad started to walk out. Lancelot sat down in between Atilla and Ahkmenrah. "Hey! That's my spot!" Craig said as he burst in through the door holding a box of doughnuts. Craig then nudged himself between Lancelot and Ahkmenrah. "No one sits beside my Ahkie but me!" He said as he unwrapped his mouth and shoved a doughnut in it. "How about this? Looks like it is just about to start" Sacajawea asked as she put on the wrestling channel. "Oh Elaine, Galahad. Please come join us! I am making some fresh tea. Would you care for some?" Irissa said with a smile as she put a pot on the stove. "We would love to" Elaine responded as she and Galahad sat down at the table in the then put down a plate of what looked like Egyptian cookies. "Those are called Kahk. Try it. You may like it." Iris said as she noticed Galahad looking at them. "Hey Mama, why are they fighting?" Galahad asked. "They are play fighting. No one gets hurt for real. It's almost like putting on a show!" Elaine told Galahad as she took a cookie off of the plate and handed it to Galahad. After a few minutes of watching people wrestle, one of the wrestlers set the ring on fire. "These people are in grave danger." Lancelot said as he sat up and leaned on his left knee. "I am a knight of the round table! It is my duty to save them!" He finished saying as he stood up and walked out of the room. "Do you think we should tell him?" Sacajawea asked as she watched Lancelot walk out. "We should. It'd be a lot more fun if we don't" Ahkmenrah said as he put down his cup and scooted away from Craig. "You are so mean darling" Irissa said as she filled up Ahkmenrah's cup. Ahkmenrah then looked at her and gave her a kiss. Before she could walk away, he grabbed her waist and pulled Irissa into his lap. "Am I? Admit it. It would be a lot more fun" Ahkmenrah said before kissing her. "All I do is put out fires!" they heard Lancelot say as he walked back into the room with a fire extinguisher. Ahkmenrah and Iris pulled away from each other when Lancelot pointed the fire extinguisher at the television screen. "Lancelot don't!" Sacagawea yelled as Irissia leaped out of Ahkmenrah's embrace to try to grab the fire extinguisher from Lancelot's hands. She grabbed the nozzle of it as she fell onto the floor. "Silly daddy!" Galahad laughed. "What's going on in here?" Tilly asked as she and Laa walked in. "Here Tilly. Take this please" Irissa asked Tilly as she handed her the fire extinguisher. Tilly took it and put it on the table. "Do I even want to know?" Tilly asked as she motioned to the fire extinguisher on the table and Irissa on the floor. "Depends" Elaine responded casually as she took a sip of her tea. "This tea is absolutely heavenly" she mused. "It's not a god! It's just regular herbal tea. The only thing heavenly about it, is it's taste" Irissa responded as she lay face down on the floor.

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